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Disgaea VS Kid Icarus!.

Flonne VS Pit is a what-if Death Battle by Unbacked0. It features Flonne from the Disgaea series and Pit from the Kid Icarus series in a battle.


Disgaea VS Kid Icarus!


Wiz: Flonne, the fallen angel of love from Celestia...

Boomstick: And Pit, the angelic captain of Palutena's army.

Wiz: These two angels may look like small-time rookies-

Boomstick: But if you ask them to, they'll kick some serious demon ass. He's Wiz, and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: In a land above both the Netherworld and Earth, a long time ago-

Boomstick: How long ago?

Wiz: About twenty-one years ago.

Boomstick: Oh God, the PS2 is over twenty years old...

Wiz: The worlds inhabited by the angels of Celestia and the demons of the Netherworld were on the brink of war due to their mutual hatred of each other.

Boomstick: Good ol' interdimensional racism.

Wiz: To potentially end this war before it could even begin, Seraph Lamington sent one of his finest assassins to the Netherworld in order to kill the Overlord, King Krichevskoy.

Boomstick: A five foot two anime fangirl named Flonne.


  • Name: Flonne
  • Species: Angel Fallen Angel Angel
  • Age: 1522
  • Likes: Love, Justice, Giant Robots

Wiz: Flonne is an angel trainee, who, despite her young age, managed to gain the favour of Seraph Lamington.

Boomstick: Well, as young as someone over a thousand years old can be. Also being taught from birth about the supposedly evil ways, Flonne didn't think they were as bad as everyone said they were and didn't want to kill them. So you know, ideal assassin material.

Wiz: Despite that, Flonne travelled to the Overlord's Castle, successfully snuck inside and found the Overlord...

Boomstick: Who wasn't King Krichevskoy because he died two years earlier by choking to death on a pretzel.

Wiz: Mission accomplished?

Boomstick: Well, Flonne stuck around because she wanted to see if demons were total pieces of shit or not, hanging out with the old Overlord's son, Laharl.

Angel Biology:

  • Longevity
  • Flight
  • Pure Blood
  • Summoning
  • Magic

Wiz: While the Netherworld is hazardous to most people, Flonne being an angel had enough supernatural abilities that make her powerful enough to survive in the Netherworld against the hordes of demons she'd be forced to face.

Boomstick: She can fly through the with her big ol' angel wings, is able to breathe in space, shoot out fire and summon zombies and fire-breathing dragons.

Wiz: And being an angel means that Flonne's blood is so pure that she can't be inflicted with poisons or diseases, even diseases that can affect intangible ghosts.

Boomstick: She's a powerful white mage who can heal people around her, sometimes by summoning a Goddess, and buff herself. Also, she can make powerful magic punches and rain down death with death lasers.

Wiz: How angelic?

Equipment & Skills:

  • Staffs
  • Bow & Arrows
  • Flonnezilla Suit
  • Pure Flonne

Wiz: Besides her magic, Flonne is an expert archer, aside from being able to shoot heart-shaped projectiles without her bow, she can also shoot real arrows with her having a seemingly endless amount. And thanks to her magic, she can imbue any of her arrows

Boomstick: Arrows made of darkness, arrows made of light, arrows made of other arrows, Flonne has an arrow for any day of the week. She can rapid-fire them like a machine gun to make a magical circle or even just stop time before filling the area with arrows before letting them all hit at the same time.

Wiz: Even without magic, Flonne is an accurate enough shot to land precise arrows anywhere from tens of metres to entire planets away.

Boomstick: Also, she can just turn into a Kaiju.

Wiz: With a mixture of magic and prop suit, Flonne is able to turn into a Kaiju-sized monster, not only granting her fire breath and laser eyes but also the ability to warp reality around her to turn a centralised location into the set of a movie, complete with fake buildings and model planes held up by strings.

Boomstick: But since being a Kaiju wasn't enough for her, Flonne learned how to turn into a magical girl.

Wiz: After gaining the powers of an Arcangel from the Seraph, Flonne gained access to the Pure Flonne form which not only makes Flonne stronger but allows her to let off pure beams of love that are powerful enough to carve the Moon.

Boomstick: But who needs magical girls and arrows when you have a giant robot in your own image?

Great Flonzor X:

  • Giant Robot
  • Flight
  • Rocket Fist & Missiles
  • Runs on Awe Energy

Wiz: Great Flonzor X was a specially designed mecha developed in Celestia under Flonne's orders as one of their last defences against any major threats.

Boomstick: Aside from being giant, Great Flonzor X can fly through space, has missiles out the ass and rocket fists that create massive explosions.

Wiz: It comes in many varieties such as a stationary form for singular attacks or even a submarine mode or modes specifically made to launch harmful fireworks.

Boomstick: Some may say it's a waste of angelic taxpayer dollars, but I say it's fucking awesome.

Wiz: And useful, Great Flonzor X was useful when Judge Nemo tried to destroy the Earth by crashing the Moon into it...



  • Stopped a war between the Netherworld and Celestia
  • Fought against Laharl and Etna
  • Caught the Moon with Great Flonzor X
  • Became an Arcangel

Wiz: Needless to say, Flonne's heart and good nature aren't the only impressive things about her.

Boomstick: Most importantly, keeping our runt of a demon lord in check.

Wiz: Flonne has been able to keep pace with Laharl who is able to casually destroy the planets and even roast the Earth into ash.

'Boomstick: And that's just the same stuff, in a short amount of time, Laharl managed to destroy every star in the night sky. Using Earth as an example, that would mean Laharl would have to be destroying stars as far away as V762 Cas which is sixteen thousand light years away.

Wiz: Flonne herself was even able to battle against Seraph Lamington who fought against Void Dark who created an explosion that shook the entire universe.

Boomstick: Or Etna's weird emo brother Xenolith who absorbed all of the demonic energy in the Netherworld.

Wiz: But Flonne's most impressive feat was almost single-handedly bringing an end to the war between the demons and angels.

Boomstick: And it wasn't through assassination.

Wiz: You see, Seraph Lamington didn't send Flonne to the Netherworld for a successful assassination, instead he sent her there so she could befriend the late Overlord's son, Laharl, so they could work together and end the discrimination between their races.

Boomstick: And sure, there was almost an all-out war, but it was mostly avoided.

Wiz: The only downside was that Flonne was turned into a Fallen Angel since she openly attacked other angels.

Boomstick: But hey, that let her spend more time with her new demon friends.

Wiz: And after a lot of hard work and determination, Flonne would eventually be turned back into an angel again but also ascending to the rank of Arcangel.

Boomstick: Which let her exploit the heavens for more giant robots, my hero.


  • Is airheaded
  • Needs MP for skills
  • Great Flonzor X needs Awe Energy

Wiz: While Flonne has saved multiple worlds multiple times, she isn't perfect, even without her spending habits.

Boomstick: She's a turbo airhead, the entire reason she was sent on an assassination mission was because she was the only angel who'd be dumb enough to go to the Netherworld before questioning their morales at all.

Wiz: Also most of Flonne's best skills and magic rely on her having MP, if she runs out then she's left without most of her combat options.

Boomstick: But what about the giant robot?

Wiz: That relies on Awe Energy, the energy that humans let off when they believe in angels and God, if it runs out then it becomes as still as a statue.

Boomstick: Bummer.

Wiz: While Flonne may have her downsides, she's risen up time and time again to fight for what's right in whatever nerdy fashion she wants.

Boomstick: Because the power of love, justice and being a weird weeb is infinite.


Wiz: In a land above both the Underworld and Earth, a long time ago-

Boomstick: How long ago?

Wiz: About twenty-five years ago, give or take thirteen years.

Boomstick: Oh God, the NES is nearly forty years old... I'm turning into dust

Wiz: Right... Anyways, the Goddess of Light, Palutena, and the Goddess of Darkness, Medusa, ruled over humanity from the land of Skyland.

Boomstick: That was until Medusa pulled a string of dick moves by trying to kill humanity and Palutena wasn't having any of it, so she imprisoned her in the Underworld for the rest of time, also she made her really ugly.

Wiz: Taking umbrage with Palutena's punishment, Medusa sets her new forces of the Underworld to kidnap Palutena and reclaim Skyworld for herself.

Boomstick: Who could possibly save the Goddess from her prison? A five foot three angel boy who doesn't know how to read named Pit.


  • Name: Pit
  • Species: Flightless Angel
  • Age: 13+25
  • Likes: Palutena, Flying, Floor Ice Cream

Wiz: Pit was born your average angel who vowed to protect and save Palutena, battling against various demons and the soldiers of the other Gods, even if she wasn't always the most grateful.

Boomstick: They have more of a "big sis messing with little brother" relationship.

Wiz: Despite his stature, Pit isn't some lowly grunt or mere aid, he's the captain of Palutena's army of Centurions.

Boomstick: An army of small angel men who are mostly worthless.

Wiz: So not much of an accomplishment but it still shows Pit's dedication to his Goddess, especially since his life and wings are often in her hands.

Boomstick: Since he can't fly on his own, despite being an angel with wings.

Wiz: It's a bit of a sore spot for Pit but he's still a competent combatant.


  • Bows
  • Blades
  • Staffs
  • Claws
  • Palms
  • Clubs
  • Arms
  • Orbitars
  • Cannons

Boomstick: He's skilled with a bow that shoots arrows of light, and as a bonus, Pit can split it in two and use both halves as small swords. He has a laser gun that can turn into a light sabre with the flick of the wrist.

Wiz: With a staff, Pit becomes an expert sniper with energy blasts that increase in damage based on the distance between Pit and his opponent.

'Boomstick: Flaming claws, clubs that launch tornados, tattoos that shoot poisonous waves, large arm-mounted cannons and more.

Wiz: Pit can use a burst of magic to boost the power of his weapons to the point that he can fill the area around him with projectiles as a screen wipe.

Boomstick: All of these are good but Pit's real firepower comes from his Three Sacred Treasures.

Three Sacred Treasures:

  • Arrow of Light
  • Pit's strongest weapons
  • Wings of Pegasus
  • Grants flight
  • Mirror Shield
  • Negates and deflects projectiles

Wiz: The Arrow of Light, the Wings of Pegasus and the Mirror Shield. These three pieces of equipment were forged by the God of the Forge, Dyntos, specifically for Pit to use.

Boomstick: The Arrow of Light is Pit's strongest arrow. Despite how it sounds, it's multiple arrows that shoot out and home in on their target along with one big arrow that pierces pretty much anything.

Wiz: The Wings of Pegasus allows Pit to achieve his lifelong dream and fly through the air for an indefinite amount of time and the Mirror Shield serves as the perfect defence against any projectiles by reflecting them back to sender.

Boomstick: These three OP items were all that Pit needed to take down Medusa and her army...

Wiz: But not against Hades who destroyed all of them with a sneeze.

Boomstick: Good thing Dyntos' commissions were open and Pit could get an upgrade.

Great Sacred Treasure:

  • Large Mech Suit
  • Fires energy blasts
  • High-speed flight
  • Final Strike

Wiz: So he made the Great Sacred Treasure, a large mecha that Pit piloted in his final battle against Hades.

Boomstick: It flies even faster than Palutena can ragdoll Pit around, has an ass load of energy cannons, some of which shoot tornados somehow, and has tons of different modes to suit the occasion.

Wiz: From its normal Full Form mode to the hyper-fast Pursuit Mode, each form has its dedicated purpose with most of them keeping the Great Sacred Treasure functioning even if it sustains major damage such as Mech Armour Mode which formed after being cut clean in half and gave the Treasure a large laser sword that could cut a giant in half.

Boomstick: Even after the whole thing was destroyed, Pit just picked up the main cannon and charged it up to blow ol' Hades into space dust, saving the world for like the eighth time.


  • Flew to another constellation
  • Stopped the forces of the Underworld
  • Defeated Hades with the Great Sacred Treasure
  • Became the captain of Palutena's guards

Wiz: Even without a large robot, Pit has proven himself to be a powerful warrior, from battling the forces of the Underworld, his own Centurion army and even weird freaky hive-mind aliens.

Boomstick: The leader of the aliens, Pyrrhon, managed to push the giant enemy ship out of Earth's orbit with nothing more than literal firepower.

Wiz: In order to do so, Pyrrhon had to exert three hundred teratons of TNT, more even to incinerate an entire country.

Boomstick: Pit's fast enough to dodge lightning, lasers and attacks from his mind-controlled Goddess, Palutena.

Wiz: With her powers, Palutena guided Pit's body to a constellation in just sixty-nine seconds.

Boomstick: Hehehe, nice.

Wiz: Shut up. The closest constellation to Earth is Centaurus. In order to cover that distance in just over a minute, Pit would have to be moving at 1.9 million times the speed of light.

Boomstick: And Pit was fighting the entire trip, so he's a fairly good shot.


  • Can't on his own fly
  • Most weapons can be broken
  • Doesn't know how to read

Wiz: Despite everything, Pit still has his fair share of flaws. While he himself can take quite a bit of punishment, his armour and weapons can only take so much damage before they shatter, especially the Three Sacred Treasures and Great Sacred Treasure.

Boomstick: And that becomes a big issue because he can't fly without them so he'd be a literal sitting duck.

Wiz: And while Pit's not an idiot, reading comprehension notwithstanding, Pit mostly relies on Palutena to do the thinking while he handles the brute force approach.

Boomstick: Hey, whatever works, he's taken down entire armies on his own, so I think the little angel boy can handle anything that anyone can throw at him.


Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLEEEEE!!!


The scene opens with Pit flying through the Netherworld, his bow is ready as he shoots multiple flying Disgaea demons that try and attack him.

Pit: "Lady Palutena, are you sure the information about this Underworld preparing an attack is right?"

Pit asked as he dodged around various demons trying to either bite him or shoot blasts of magic at him.

Palutena: "Of course, Pit. Underworlds and their rulers are almost after humanity."

Palutena telepathically answered Pit's question.

Pit: "Yeah, I see what you mean."

Pit said as he focused on the demons surrounding chasing after him.

Palutena: "Anyways, this is a really dangerous place for an angel, you've got to keep your guard u-"

Just as Palutena was warning Pit, a large metal fist shot past him, knocking him out of the sky.


Pit began to panic as he spiralled out of the sky, crashing through a castle wall and into one of the rooms.

Pit: "Ouuughhh, Lady Palutena?"

Pit called out to Palutena but didn't get a response.

Pit: "Oh man, I lost signal..."

Pit spoke to himself as he picked himself up and started to shake off the dust and debris on his body.

Pit: "Wait, I can lose signal?"

Pit asked himself.

As he thought to himself out loud, he looked out the nearest window to the castle's garden and saw two things that massively confused him. One was a female angel and the other was a giant robot that was standing next to her which, based on the lack of one of its large metal fists, had just shot Pit down.

Pit: "Hey!"

Pit called out to the angel as he lept out of the window and managed to land on his feet, the impact shook his legs but he still kept standing.

Flonne: "Oh, hey there. Nice to meet you."

Flonne greeted the new angel she had just seen.

Pit: "Oh, nice to meet you too- Hey, wait a minute!"

Pit instinctively greeted her back before catching himself

Pit: "You just shot me out of the sky with that thing!"

Pit said as he pointed at Flonne and Great Flonzor X. Flonne looked back at Great Flonzor X and the fist she had just fired off before looking back at Pit.

Flonne: "I'm sorry, I was only trying out Great Flonzor X's rocket fist."

Flonne said with a smile as she pointed up at Great Flonzor X.

Pit: "Well, that's fine"

Pit decided to let it go, especially since there was a more important mission at hand.

Flonne: "Why are you here anyways? Most angels don't come to the Netherworld."

Flonne asked.

Pit: "I'm here to beat the Overlord and save Skyworld."

Pit said as he leapt into an exaggerated heroic pose.

Flonne gasped and put her hands to her face.

Flonne: "You can't do that! It's not right for an angel to try to kill the Overlord."

Flonne talked back as she summoned a bow out of nowhere and aimed it at Pit. She let go of the arrow and fired it at Pit who dodged his head out of the way.

Pit: "Why are things never easy for me?"

Pit said as he readied his own bow and aimed it at her.


Pit fired the arrow made of light at Flonne. She quickly turned her bow into a staff and cast a spell that formed a barrier around her that shattered the arrow on contact.

Pit: "No fair!"

Pit growled in frustration as he saw his arrow break. Pit made his bow disappear and in its place, a laser pistol appeared in his right hand.

He fired a powerful energy blast that broke through the barrier. Pit continued to shoot energy pellets in Flonne's direction, a lot of them hitting her body.

Flonne brought her arms and staff up to block the lasers. She leapt into the air and fired a bunch of magical arrows at Pit.

Pit charged up his blaster and fired it into the air, the shots rained down and broke all of the magical arrows.

Flonne reached into her pocket and pulled out a red sentai mask that she put on.

Flonne: "Justice Flonne! Love Punch!"

Flonne charged her fist with magical power and darted straight towards Pit, dodging each raining energy blast by moving so fast that she looked like she was teleporting.

When Flonne reached Pit, she went in and punched. Pit formed a laser blade from his blaster and swung it at her.

Flonne: "Punch!"

Flonne thrust her fist forward into Pit's chest, hitting him before he could slash her. The force of the punch launched Pit back through the air with him barely managing to land on his feet before he clutched the area on his chest where he was punched.

Pit: "Okay... This is getting really weird..."

Pit complained as he switched out his blaster for a pair of flaming claws.

Flonne charged up another punch.

Flonne: "Justice Flonne... Punch!"

Flonne launched herself at Pit again but he managed to slash her with his claws, cutting her sentai mask in half with the slash.

Not wanting to waste the opening he made, Pit started to slash at Flonne's body with his claws, battering her around with a volley of slashes.

Flonne eventually kicked off of Pit's claws, using them as a platform to leap into the air. She then used her angel wings to fly in the air, hovering just above Pit's melee range.

Flonne: "You might be good on the ground, but can you fight in the air?"

With the challenge given, Flonne flew higher and higher into the air as Pit looked on and groaned before looking at Great Flonzor X.

Flonne was kilometres over the castle and looked down, waiting to see Pit fly up after her, however, minutes passed and he still wasn't appearing. Flonne flew back down, only to see that Pit was climbing Great Flonzor X. By this time, he had reached its forearm but was clearly struggling to even stay hanging on.

She flew down beside him, in range to have a conversation with him.

Flonne: "Ummm, excuse me. Are you not able to fly?"

Flonne awkwardly asked.

Pit: "No..."

Pit sighed. The combination of having to admit that he couldn't fly to his opponent in the middle of their fight and the exhaustion of climbing a large robot with few nooks to hook his fingers into weighed on his spirit.

Flonne: "Then, I'll stick to the ground, okay?"

Flonne politely said.

Pit: "Thank you..."

Pit said as he let go, sliding down the mecha's forearm before dropping back down to the ground. Flonne gently drifted down to the floor, landing on her feet.

Now back on their feet, Flonne pulled out her bow and launched a volley of arrows at Pit who responded by swapping his two claws for a large club made of rocks with an eye in it. Pit swung the club, creating a small tornado that blew all the arrows away. Flonne braced for the tornado heading her way but the wind was too powerful and it lifted her into the air before launching her out of the top of the tornado.

As Flonne was spinning through the air, Pit swapped out his club for a staff with a metal sight and a spiked tip. He aimed it up towards Flonne and pulled the trigger, causing a beam to shoot out of the tip of the staff. The beam flew directly at Flonne, hitting her straight in her stomach and launching

Flonne: "AHHH!"

Flonne screamed as the beam sent her spiralling even faster. She crashed into the ground and landed on her stomach with a flop. When she bounced off the ground, Flonne managed to quickly orient herself up right in time to land on her feet. She charged her bow with magic, forming arrows made of pure light that shot from her bow to Pit.

Pit swung his club again, creating another tornado to blast away the light arrows, however, the arrows changed their trajectory and flew around the tornado. Pit brought his club up to block the arrows, battering against the club until the arrows knocked it out of his hands.

Seeing that Pit had been disarmed, Flonne channelled her magic into the palm of her hand and thrust it upwards, casting a spell.

Flonne: "Time! Please stop!"

Flonne commanded with an exaggerated voice, causing a sphere of space to freeze completely. Pit was stuck in time as Flonne dashed around him, filling the entire area around him with arrows.

Flonne: "Time! Start up!"

Time resumed as Pit saw tons of arrows fly towards him. Pit instantly summoned a pair of floating shields that created forcefields around Pit, shielding him from all of the arrows.

Pit: "You can stop time?! How is that fair?"

Pit said as he dispelled the forcefields.

Flonne: "How did you know I can stop time?"

Flonne asked in a confused tone of voice.

Pit: "Well, you did just yell "Time stop" out loud."

Pit awkwardly replied, having heard Flonne earlier.

Flonne: "Oh..."

Flonne was caught off guard by the simple idea that yelling your attacks out loud could have a downside.

While Flonne was distracted, Pit swapped his floating shields for a large gauntlet with a wheel at the end of it. Pit charged at Flonne and delivered an uppercut, sending her flying through the air. Flonne landed on her head with a loud thud before rolling over. Flonne then leapt to her feet.

Flonne: "Time to get serious, I'm going all out!"

Flonne after making the exclamation with a pose, Pit pulled out his bow and aimed it steadily at Flonne, ready for her next move.

Instead of attacking, Flonne leapt behind the leg of Great Flonzor X. Pit was caught off guard when he heard a zipper sound before Flonne emerged from the mecha's leg, wearing a kaiju costume.

Flonne: "Tadah, Flonnezilla, on the scene."

Flonne said as she thrust her arm into the air.

Pit: "I don't know how this will help yo-"

As Pit was speaking, Flonne's body let out an absurdly bright light, blinding Pit and making it impossible for him to see anything around him. When Pit regained his vision, he realised that the area around him had changed into a modern city instead of the outside of a castle.

Pit looked around him, both out of a sense of confusion as to where he ended up and where Flonne was. Seconds later, Pit started to feel brief but violent shakes, like earthquakes that only lasted two seconds and grew in intensity with each quake. Pit soon saw a figure emerge from behind one of the skyscrapers, it was a giant version of Flonne wearing her kaiju suit.

Pit: "This is getting far too absurd!"

Pit yelled before turning around and running down the road away from Flonne. Flonne started to give chase. Her legs moved slower than Pit's but each step made the distance between the two shrink. As the two ran, Flonne spewed out a stream of flames which trailed behind Pit, if he stopped for even a second, the fire would catch up to him.

Pit: "Whoawhoawhoawhoa!"

Pit panicked and began to run even faster. As Flonne was breathing fire, an explosion happened at the back of her head. The explosion came from a missile that was launched from a fighter jet that was being held up by a string.

Now that Flonne was distracted, Pit dashed into the closest alley to get out of sight. Pit took a moment to catch his breath and peeked around the corner to see what Flonne was doing. Currently, she was breathing fire in the air and swiping at the planes with her claws, the sight of which made Pit retreat behind the corner again.

Pit: "Okay, time for the big guns."

Pit said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a large vertically standing treasure chest that was clearly too big to fit anywhere on his person. He stood up and kicked the lid off causing light to beam out of it and a set of armour, boots, a shield and a bow to levitate out of it. The equipment all flew to Pit and attached itself to his body. Now with his best armour, and a bow in his left hand and a shield in his right, Pit flew up out of the alley and into the air.

Flonne looked up at a new bright light and saw Pit flying in the sky with his new armour.

Flonne: "Hey, you said you couldn't fly, that's not fair."

Flonne complained as she breathed fire at Pit.

Pit: "And I can't turn into a giant, so it's completely fair."

Pit responded as he flew around the flames.

Just then, Flonne's eyes started to glow, the brightness growing until a giant laser shot out of them, right in Pit's direction.

Pit: "Oh shoot!"

Pit said before he placed the Mirror Shield in front of him, the laser getting redirected back at Flonne causing the lasers to stop., however, Pit started to see that the backside of the Mirror Shield was beginning to crack.

Pit: "Don't fall apart on me now."

Pit muttered to himself. He then flew high into the air and pulled back on the string of his bow. He released the bowstring, launching a large Arrow of Light along with multiple smaller energy arrows at Flonne. The smaller arrow broke on Flonne's suit, however, the main arrow hit her eye when it was open between blinks.

Flonne: "Eeeeeeekkkk, I think there's an eyelash in my eye!"

Flonne stopped focusing on Pit and reached up to her face to rub her eye, however, the kaiju suit's arms were too small for her to touch her face.

Pit used the opening to shoot the strings holding up the jet fighters, causing them to fall into Flonne's body. All of them crashed into her head and stomach, Flonne swung her stubby arms around to try and hit the projectiles that were being sent at her. After they hit her, Pit flew at high speeds toward Flonne's massive body and delivered a dropkick to her stomach, knocking her down and onto her back.

After falling over, a bright flash of light brought both Pit and Flonne, the latter of which had returned to her normal size, back to the castle garden.

Pit, still equipped with all of the Three Sacred Treasures, was floating over Flonne with his bow aimed at her.

Pit: "Please tell me you're out of tricks."

Pit asked Flonne.

From her laying position, Flonne was looking directly up at Great Flonzor X. She instantly tried to fly up and pilot it, however, Pit fired an arrow in front of Flonne to cut her off.

Pit: "Oh no you don't."

Pit said as he continued to aim his bow at Flonne, he fired more arrows, causing Flonne to fly around the mecha to use it as a shield. Now with a bit of spare time, Flonne summoned her staff and performed a magic chant.

Flonne: "Prima Pretty Prippanica! Mighty warriors, protect me!"

After Flonne finished her chant, a small group of zombies started to sprout out of the ground. They leapt up and some of them managed to latch onto Pit. The undead started to scratch at Pit, causing him to lose focus on Flonne, giving her time to fly up to the cockpit of her mecha.

Pit shook the zombies off and shot at them with his Arrow of Light which broke scattered to hit all of them, reducing the zombies to dust.

When Pit turned around, he saw that Great Flonzor X was moving towards him. In an instant, the giant robot had delivered an uppercut that launched Pit high into the sky and shattering the Three Sacred Treasures. Pit kept flying higher and higher until he was above the clouds, at which point, he heard a voice in his head.

Palutena: "Pit, what's wrong?!"

Palutena called out.

Pit: "Lady Palutena, I need the Great Sacred Treasure, now!"

Pit demanded in a state of panic as he began to fall. Within seconds, a large robot was beamed down from the sky in a beam of light. As Pit fell, he tilted his body to drift over to the mecha until he reached it with his hands. Pit pulled himself onto the Great Sacred Treasure and climbed up to its head before opening the cockpit and jumping into it.

The robot activated with bright lights shining from various spots on the mecha's body before jet thrusters turned on and launched it towards Great Flonzor X. When it arrived near Flonne's robot, it hovered on its eye level, making it clear the size difference between the two mechas with the Great Sacred Treasure being as big as Great Flonzor X's head.

Flonne: "Wow, cool robot!"

Flonne spoke over the intercom.

Pit: "Uhh, thanks, I guess?"

Pit responded.

Flonne: "Let me have a look."

Flonne said as she controlled Great Flonzor X to reach its arm out and grab the Great Sacred Treasure, however, Pit piloted it away from the arm.

Pit: "Hey, keep your hands to yourself."

Pit spoke back as he used the mech's cannons to shoot at Great Flonzor X's arm with a big explosion happening on its hand, knocking it away.

Flonne: "Hey!"

Flonne yelled.

Great Flonzor X had shutters open on its wrists and chest, revealing missile silos that fired homing rockets. Once Pit saw the missiles heading his way, he transformed the Great Sacred Treasure.

Pit: "Engaging Pursuit Mode!"

Pit ordered. The Great Sacred Treasure dropped its main cannon before changing to more resemble a spaceship. Now it was much faster, Pit flew away from the missiles, managing to dodge all of them before flying into the air.

Flonne: "No way, that's so cool!"

Flonne enthusiastically said before having Great Flonzor X fly after Pit with its jetpack. As the Great Sacred Treasure flew away, Pit noticed that Great Flonzor X was flying after him.

Pit: "That thing flies?!"

Pit said in shock, seeing the much larger robot chase after him and it was closing the distance.

Flonne: "Rocket Punch!"

Flonne said as she hit a large button in her cockpit. Great Flonzor X lifted its arm up, pointed it towards Pit and launched its fist off as a projectile.

Pit: "Whoa!"

Pit managed to narrowly dodge the attack by making the Great Sacred Treasure spin while moving to the left, however, just as the fist flew past him, it exploded into a massive firework, catching Pit in the explosion and sending him spiralling towards Great Flonzor X. Though Pit already had an idea.

Pit: "Engaging Ultra Light Mode!"

Pit shifted the Great Sacred Treasure into another form. The top half of its body detached from its lower half before two rocket boosters from the lower half attached themselves to the main segment of the robot.

Pit flew directly toards Flonne's robot, and when he was close enough, he changed the Great Sacred Treasure's arm into a laser sword and cut it in half diagonally, cutting off both its right arm and the lower half of its body.

Flonne: "AHHH! I just had it modified!"

Flonne, more concered about the massive damage dealt to her precious mecha, screamed out.

Despite the major amount of damage dealt to it, Great Flonzor X was still operating. With it remaining arm, it reached out and grabbed Pit, almost crushing the Great Sacred Treasure with its large metallic fist. Though just as Flonne was about to do her next attack, Great Flonzor's jetpack had just cut off and red warning lights were blarring inside the cockpit. Flonne looked down at the fuel gauge and saw that it was empty.

Flonne: "Darn, out of Awe Energy."

Both mechs started to fall from the sky all the way down to the ground. Both angels were messing around with their contols, Pit so he could break free before he plummited to the ground and Flonne so she could do one more move before she hit the ground.

Flonne & Pit: "Come on, come one!"

The two murmured to themselves.

Eventully, Flonne's own faith gave Great Flonzor X the slightest amount of charge and she launched her remaining fist, sending Pit far into the distance before the fist exploded.

Despite the large explosion, Pit was still alive, the Great Sacred Treasure asorbed most of the impact of the blast, however, Pit was in a free fall. Meanwhile, Great Flonzor X had slammed down outside of the castle and was completely unusable.

As Pit was falling, he saw the main cannon of the Great Sacred Treasure and it had enough charge for one shot. He drifted over to it before jamming his arm into an exposed section to wield it and pointed it straight at the Overlord's castle.

Pit: "Lady Palutena, give me strength. Final Strike!"

Pit called out before firing a massive laser from the cannon.

Flonne climbed out of the broken head of Great Flonzor X in time to see the laser barreling straight towards her and the castle.

Flonne: "Oh no, this is terrible."

Flonne said as she leapt up and flew to the be between the castle and beam. She formed a magical circle in front of her, and with all of her angelic powers, fired her own laser back at Pit's attack.

The two lasers clashed as the two kept forcing out more and more energy. The Great Sacred Treasure's cannon pushed out enough force that it began to overpower Flonne's Divine Ray.

Flonne: "Transform!"

A bright light envolped Flonne's entire body, changing her outfit to a short pink skirt, a pink lace top, pink boots and gloves, all of which were adorned with hearts, and her hair was put up into twintails.

Now with the added power of her Pure Flonne form, Flonne flew towards the beam struggle, physically pushing it back against Pit. Pit's Final Strike was being completely overpowered. Soon Flonne had completely closed the distance between the two of them, and with a swing of one of her arms, she broke Pit's beam, leaving him defenceless with his Final Strike completely used up.

Flonne: "Go!"

Flonne pushed with her Divine Ray once more, straight into Pit's body, launching him higher and higher into the sky as the magical beam hit the Moon.

Pit: "I'm finished!"

Pit cried out as his body was wiped out.

Flonne: "All right!"

Flonne posed by making a heart-shape with both of her hands in front of the Moon which now had a heart and the word "love" carved into it with her beam.



Pit is seen being revived in Skyland while the Prinnies are rebuilding both the wrecked castle as well as attaching the parts of the Great Sacred Treasure to Great Flonzor X.

Boomstick: Oh man, a boy with wings dying after getting cocky and challenging something they shouldn't have, they should write a myth about that.

Wiz: This was a might with a lot of things to consider, between both character's move sets, weapons and abilities, however, when examined closely, the winner was fairly clear cut.

Boomstick: Pit isn't dumb, he's really skilled at using most weapons and probably has more experience than Flonne. Sure he can be a bit of an airhead, but so is Flonne so that wasn't an issue.

Wiz: Though those weapons could only help Pit so much. While Pit was able to fly to a constellation at nearly 2 million times the speed of light, Flonne could do something similar.

Boomstick: Remember how Laharl blew up every star in the sky, well that would include the exact same constellation that Pit flew to.

Wiz: And not just that one, comparing the Netherworld sky to our own, the further star that is visible to the naked eye is V762 Cas which is sixteen thousand light years away. Even if it took Laharl an hour, no, an entire day, that would still make Laharl over three times as fast.

Boomstick: And if you think their strength difference is going to be fairer, then you're in for a rude surprise. While Pit's stronger than a guy who could move an island into space, and Flonne beats people who destroy stars for fun, as previously said.

Wiz: And while Pit's arsenal was fairly impressive, most of their limited abilities, such as their status effects would never work on Flonne because of her pure angel blood that automatically heals her of such effects. And even if it didn't do that automatically, Flonne could always heal herself back to full without any issue.

Boomstick: Meanwhile Flonne had the ability to turn into a kaiju or stomp time, things Pit couldn't really stop from happening.

Wiz: And Pit was very reliant on both the Three Sacred Treasures and Great Sacre Treasure in order to fly, an issue Flonne did not have, and something she could take advantage of by simply destroying them, which has happened in the past by someone far weaker than Flonne.

Boomstick: Speaking of, in the battle of the mecha, Great Flonzor X shits all over the Great Sacre Treasure, sure it had multiple forms and a light sabre, but Great Flonzor X was able to move the freakin' Moon. And sure it could run out of fuel but that's not an issue when it only needs to hit Pit once.

Wiz: Ultimately, while Pit is far from someone who should be underestimated, Flonne's extraordinary abilities and raw power sealed her victory from the start.

Boomstick: Well, ain't that the Pits.

Wiz: The winner is Flonne.

DB Winner Flonne

Winner: Flonne:

  • + Far stronger
  • + Far faster
  • + More abilities
  • + Great Flonzor X > Great Sacred Treasure
  • = Dimwit

Loser: Pit:

  • + More weapons
  • + More combat experience
  • = Dimwit
  • - Weaker
  • - Faster
  • - Can't fly on own

Next Time on Death Battle...[]

Jonathan Joestar: "It's disgraceful as a gentleman, but to be honest, right now, Jonathan Joestar... will kill you, Dio, for the sake of revenge!"

Robin Mask: "It's hard protecting justice, but it is a man's job. I'm truly proud of choosing the path of a Chojin."

Jonathan Joestar VS Robin Mask!

Jonathan Joestar VS Robin Mask



  • Both are heroic angels from comedic fourth-wall-breaking video games.
  • Both are high-ranking angels in their respective armies (Flonne is an Archangel and Pit is a Captain).
  • Both often battle against demons.
  • Both are mostly known for wielding a bow and arrow as their primary weapons.
  • Both have robots that they use to save the day in crucial moments.


  • This battle was made for the 34th anniversary of the original Kid Icarus.

Original Track[]

The track for this fight would be called "Of Mechs and Monsters". This name being based on the Kid Icarus game "Of Myths and Monsters" and Flonne's love for giant robots.


Unbacked0's Completed Death Battle Episodes
Genji VS Steamax-0 Akuma Shogun VS Raoh Etna VS Morrigan Aensland Kaname Date VS Takayuki Yagami Adam Taurus VS Kinnikuman Super Phoenix Dan Hibiki VS Shingo Yabuki Frieza VS Void Dark
Ashuraman VS Goro Polnareff VS Rei Kazuma Kiryu VS Kaoru Hanayama Asagi VS Monika Kinnikuman VS Tiger Mask Destroyman VS Homelander Mukai VS Wamuu
Lucina VS Petta Ataru Kinniku VS Jagi Black General VS Magia Baiser Big Boss VS Heidern Gemini Saga VS Sosuke Aizen Flonne VS Pit Jonathan Joestar VS Robin Mask
Gill VS Igniz