Wiz: written literature is something that will stay for a long time there are so many genres and authors to choose from and in those two categories there are so many more options from characters to stories
Boomstick: but what happens when you make a fictional character its own Author?
Wiz: Featherine Augustus Aurora, the theater going witch
Boomstick: and Murphy law, the guy you call when everything that could go wrong did
Wiz: he's Boomstick and I am Wizard and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and abilities to find out who would win....
Boomstick: A DEATH BATTLE!
SEE MURPHY LAW NEXT TIME IN....DEATH BATTLE! {written by The Void wire}[]
Wiz: the SCP foundation contains and secures many many many anomalies but there is only one Murphy Law
Boomstick: his first appearance was during a typewriter trying to control the entire site it was contained at.... don't ask questions this is SCP so there is some absolutely bonkers stuff here
Wiz: this typewriter aka SCP-3043 could rewrite any story...including the story in your mind and not only did Murphy just ignore the typewriters effects he planted two slugs into it ending the anomaly......or did he?
Boomstick: anyways we are focusing on Murphy right now and boy does he have some cool stuff to go over!
Wiz: such as his .44 magnum which can bust through metal and was deemed beyond Narratives and omnipotent!
Boomstick: .......SCP BS?
Boomstick: well, he not only has his magnum he has SCP-7043, a pair of gloves that allows Murphy to manipulate probability and luck and going off what we saw a Nobody do with the gloves which was breaking into the Pataphysics department which DOES NOT PHYSICALLY EXIST! he brought a fictional place into reality and then broke into it BUT HE HAS ONE MORE STUPIDLY OP THING!
Wiz: the ubiquitous, a weapon made of every other weapon in the SCP universe, such as the gate guardians' sword or the Scythe used by the brother's death! and it even contains an artifact capable of punching through the durability of the scarlet king and injure him!
Boomstick: That means it is hotter than the sun and he is able to control transduality and capable of injuring one of if not the most powerful being in his own fandom!
Wiz: he even has the move Downvote which killed a being above the infinite narrative! and he has a hammer capable of shocking the infinite and incalculable multiverse!
Boomstick: and he can fold reality into a fictional setting, and this has been compared to punching a hole in the conceptual biosphere!
Wiz: he has done a lot over his existence from fighting a typewriter capable of folding reality as well and real-life people!
Boomstick: he is faster than time and strong enough to lift the Ubiquitous which is every weapon in the SCP fandom
Wiz: he can overpower a reality anchor custom built to destroy him and he has fought and overpowered other plot manipulators such as Don Quixote who killed a version of SCP 682!
Boomstick: He's had a great many hardships and now the whole foundation is after him.... but at least he is able to outsmart the dude who outsmarted the whole foundation!
Wiz: he also has made some really great friends such as Fred a fellow fictional construct or the paranoid android from R/SCP
Boomstick: hey marv can you...wait where's that music coming from?
Wiz: what music?
Boomstick: eh, nevermind
Wiz: well despite being this powerful he has been deconstructed, left as the equally fictional Murphy Lawden convinced he was a person who had transformed into Murphy law after writing a Noir fiction, but it is later revealed neither Murphy Lawden nor It always rains exists
Boomstick: however in order to get out he had to get back into character whether that was by writing more stories about himself or actually acting like he was his old self were able to free him, and later he could just overpower similar effects before they finish!
Wiz: and despite being a fictional construct he has had the same problems as us humans, the boredom that seeps in when you take the time to think
Broomstick: he can develop connections and mourn, and is that not what it means to be human? despite all that Murphy is one detective you don't wanna cross
the screen goes black and white as the doors close
"heroes always do what's right. but me? I'm no hero, I'm Murphy Law. I'm the guy you call when everything that can go wrong....did"
Featherine is the Glorified Guiding Light in DEATH BATTLE! {written by Duragoji123}[]
Wiz: we have put all the data through all the possibilities
Prelude{written by both}[]
LOCATION: Murphy's Detective agency
TIME: Unknown
[the view opens on a detective office, and sitting in front of the desk is the hero of our story and our narrator, Murphy Law. Murphy is wearing what he always wears, a gray trench coat and his Trademark trilby hat, hoisted in his pocket is his .44 magnum unseen by any. Murphy was expecting someone, and they opened his door right on time.] the woman who came through the door could only be described as beautiful, her dress was colorful, and she walked a way that was hard for anyone to even mimic [Murphy picked up a cigarette and lit it before taking a long and deep breath then he spoke]
"so, Mrs. Featherine, did you meet Fred on the way up?"
[his voice was rough, like he had smoked two packs of cigs and then followed up with an acid chaser]
the OST for this fight would be....
the track art would be of an open book and inside the book is a black and white city space, on the right is the shadowed figure of Murphy lawden and on the left is the shadowed figure of Featherine. above them both are one of their titles for Murphy it is "SCP-3143" and for Featherine it is "the Witch of drama"
the music would start off with a generic detective theme and would slowly change to become grander in nature (WIP)

Made by Jershy
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