Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Pinkie Pie (PowerfulEevee)[]

Q (Star Trek) (Cheesypickles564)[]

(Cue:Star Trek Original Series Main Title)

Cheesypickles564: I AM THE GREAT CHEESYPICKLES564 AND I SHALL BE ANALYZING Q. My servant- I mean scientists are sick, so I’ll give you this helpful pamphlet about Q.

King (Seven Deadly Sins) (Flowerguy1)[]

Fredbear (BigShark81913)[]

(Cue: Bonnie’s Lullaby)

Hey, it’s me again, the somewhat great BigShark81913! Now, I’m here with another character: A Yellow Robot Bear… thing? Well, you may be thinking, “Oh, this fat bear robot thing is gonna get beaten up by these other dudes”, but we are gonna be using FNAF World Feats for Fredbear. Well, there isn’t really much of a FNAF World backstory for him, so we’re gonna be using his normal backstory. A long, long, longish time ago, there were two guys named Henry Emile and William Afton. So then, these two guys built a restaurant called “Fredbear’s Family Diner”, and they went on from there. But, Afton (Purple grape guy go brrr) was a serial killer and secretly made the animatronics to kill children. One day, Michael Afton, his son, held his little brother near the mouth of the Fredbear animatronic. But it was just a prank until the animatronic’s weird marshmellow shaped teeth pressed down on the child’s head and killed him, causing the bite of ‘83 (It is not 87, Markiplier). There’s a whole bunch of junk left, but as most of the memes say, FNAF lore is too confusing. Now, let’s move on to the truckload of abilities. He’s got the Mega Bite, which is pretty self explanatory. He has the Regen Song, regenerating some of him. Fredbear also has the Mimic Ball that lets him mimic an opponents abilities for some time. Now, there are chips. He has the Endless Defense, giving him, well, Endless Defense. He also has Endless Strength and Endless Speed, which is the exact same but with the attributes in the chip’s name. Now there is Evercomet Strong, which makes stats fall from the sky for a short time, damaging his opponents. Run: Lucky lets him escape from opponents in an easier way (doubt that’ll be useful in a Death Battle). QuickStart Party allows Fredbear to get the first hit in any battle. The Auto Regen periodically heals Fredbear while he can attack. The Curse: Status lowers the opponents strength, speed, and defense in a battle. Now, my personal favorite, the Freddle Fury, summons Freddles (Small Nightmare Freddy Creature Thingies) to join his side and help him defeat even the strongest of foes. The Auto Shield creates a shield that protects Fredbear. The Counter: Bite is kinda like a Super Smash Bros Ultimate counter attack. When you attack Fredbear, Fredbear attack YOU. Now finally is the Pizza Flurry. This summons Giant Pizza Wheels and has them fight in the battle for Fredbear. Now, it is time for the Bytes. The Neon Wasp shoots stingers at enemies. The Mega-Med can heal Fredbear in battle. The X-Reaper has a 20/80 chance to oneshot an opponent. The X-FO shoots lasers at the enemy. The Block50 blocks any bass attack the opponent shoots at Fredbear. The KABOOM! is a bomb that detonates once per battle. The BossDrain-X drains the life of the opponent. The Fan randomly shoots during a battle. And finally, the Pearl can restore his health. Now, onto feats. He could physically harm Animdude, the overall god of the FNAF verse. He crushed a child’s skull (which I guess counts). He could tank hits from Auto Chipper, who is about twice his size. He compares to Freddy, who could toss arcade machines around like silverware. Now, time for his faults. His physical attacks are slow and he can only use 4 chips and 4 bytes at one time. Well, let’s see how he does.

Fredbear - There’s more fantasy and fun where I come from.

Green Knight (Me, Hatty with a hat)[]

Anos Voldigoad (TRAE-is-arceus)[]

Luz Noceda (FartsyParsty111)[]

Scott Pilgrim (GoCommitDi)[]

SpongeBob SquarePants (D2thag23)[]

Courage (Cardlamp)[]

Omega (Doctor Who) (Notsussybaka900)[]

Notsussy: what do you mean “Doctor Who EU is confusing and you aren’t doing Omega’s bio”? Well now I have to do it without Wiz and Boomstick!

A long time ago and into the future at the same time in a galaxy far far away, two random aliens discovered the Eye of Harmony. Basically, it was a time black hole. One was named Rassilon, and the other Omega. Rassilon was kinda feeling like he wanted to murder Omega in cold blood, but without the cold blood, because he was a bastard, and so he purposefully didn’t tell Omega that the Black Hole was dangerous and Omega died in the black hole. Or, he deliberately engineered the black hole to kill Omega. It’s inconsistent as an order of fries at McDonalds, but usually it’s the second one. Omega’s spirit haunts the Antimatter dimension, and Rassilon credited himself for everything Omega made because he was an Egotistical bastard. Omega then decided there was only one way to go - destroy time lord society.

did I get ahead of myself there? Rassilon settled down on a planet called Gallifrey and got himself some infinite lives from a third alien, The Other, who is about as mysterious as Mr. Afton himself. Ol’ Rassy then lead the entire species to Gallifrey and gave them 12 lives because he was an egotistical bastard who wanted everything for himself. HE WILL NOT DIE, DO YOU HEAR HIM? He made himself the largest ham of the bunch and they lived happily ever aft-

O M E G A.

Oh yeah, I forgot something. Omega wasn’t all so happy with Rassingtoss’ fame. He was stuck in the antimatter dimension with no face under the mask, a living consciousness. So he dragged all the Doctors into his dimension and got his ass kicked. But he swore revenge. A revenge he would one day get.

now, onto abilities!

Snoopy (HeyIt’sHoi)[]

Combatants Set![]



King vs Anos Voldigoad[]

Pinkie Pie vs Spongebob[]

Luz vs Scott Pilgrim[]

Q vs Omega[]

Snoopy vs Courage[]

Green Knight vs Fredbear[]


