Death Battle Fanon Wiki
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Lucario will get mega evolution, but no TMs or Z moves. He also will not have Pokken or "Lucario and the mystery of Mew", because that puts him over the island level cap.

Chief will not have his shadow army. (Except RXQ, General Shadow Freddy, and the mech, but only if he is piloting the mech when it comes into play)


Lucario (Me)[]

Laser: Heck yeah, we're doing one of my favorites!

Genesis: The world of Pokemon. It's full of... well, Pokemon. Big ones, Small ones, awesome ones, and weak ones.

Laser: But let's just talk about who we're analyzing: Lucario.

Weapons, or moves in his case[]

Laser: Lucario has a lot of moves, so we're only using moves that he can learn by leveling up.

Genesis: There is his signature move, Aura Sphere, which is a sphere of aura that can be charged to increase it's power and never misses.

Laser: He has two moves that heal him, which are heal pulse and life dew, and multiple moves that give him buffs, like work up, nasty plot, laser focus, calm mind, iron defense, bulk up, and swords dance.

Genesis: There are also moves that hurt enemies AND give him buffs, and the three he can use are metal claw, power up punch, and meteor mash.

Laser: Not only that, but there are also moves that hinder the opponent, or make them weaker, and the moves he has that can do that are screech and metal sound, but there is also copycat, which lets Lucario copy a move, or power someone used and use it against them, bite, which can make foes flinch and be unable to move, crunch, which does more damage than bite and can make people take more damage from physical attacks, and force palm, which has a 30% chance of paralyzing the foe.

Genesis: Quick attack, Bullet punch, Mach punch, and Extreme speed allow him to move at very fast speeds and allow him to almost always attack first. Not only that, but detect allows him to avoid any move, but has a chance of failing with repeated use. However, Quick guard can block moves and not have a decreased success rate, but it will increase the chances of detect failing instead.

Laser: Let's not forget about feint, which breaks through shields, making it impossible to block it, bone rush summons a bone for him to use like a staff, and dragon pulse is a powerful beam, but has no side effect.

Genesis: Now, there are moves he has with certain effects, which is counter, which does a lot of damage but requires someone to hit him first, reversal, which is normally weak but does more damage when he is in very bad condition, and close combat, which is his most powerful attack, but lowers his defense and special defense, which means people can hit him harder, but this is mitigated by iron defense and bulk up.

Laser: And finally, he can Mega Evolve, which increases almost all of his stats and looks VERY COOL. Now that that's over with, let's move on-

Genesis: Wait!

Laser: What?

Genesis: You forgot about his abilities!

Laser: Right. He has three different abilities, but we are only using one, and I'll make a vote for that. However, when he mega evolves, his ability changes to Adaptability, which increases the power of STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves.

Genesis: Now we can move on to his feats.



Lucario: The aura is with me!

Chief (Flowerguy1)[]

(Cues [FNAF Song] Goodbye Instrumental Remix)

Boomstick: In The World Of The TheHottestDog, Golden Freddy Was Once In A Group Of Freddy And Gangs, Which Is Full Of Wacky And Goofy Robot, But Right After An Argument, He's Began To See A Laptop Opening Up, Showing A Withered Golden Freddy Jumpscared, Knocking Golden Freddy Out.

Wiz: As He's Right Met Glitchtrap In His Dream, Showing His Goal To Destroy Many Universes Or Maybe All Universes, As They Team Up To Destroyed The Universes, Causing Golden Freddy To Start Being In His Villainy, As He's Kidnapped Springtrap And Distract Foxy With... Something... As Golden Freddy Explain His Goal To Springtrap As They Team Up To Destroy Universes.

Boomstick: But Expect Springtrap Doesn't Want To But Was Force To Anyway, As He's Kidnapped Fredbear And Take Away His Suited, Using It As A Disguise, As He's Walk Through Many Places Before Coming To His Place, Where He's Build Up Portal Gun Trying To Make It Work With Springtrap... Only To Be Break Apart... One By One...

Wiz: As Golden Freddy Managed To Open Up A Portal And Seeing Through A World Of Baldi Basic, He's And Springtrap Decided To Build Up The Shadow Drones, Golden Freddy Build Shadow Bonnie And Shadow Freddy, Calling Them RXQ And The General, As He's Order Them To Captures Circus Baby, But Right As They Build A Shadow Mecha, This Caused Springtrap To Leave Them.

Boomstick: As He's Began To Order His Shadow Army To Go Inside And Captures Every Universe, As This Include Freddy And His Entire Friends, Meanwhile With That Happened, Chief Began To Go Inside Of A Thingy I Forgot Again... As He's Met With A Nightmare Gloves With A Gems... Before Putting It On, As He's Now The One And Only... The Chief.

Death Battle Info[]

  • Name: Golden Freddy
  • Age: Unknown
  • Goal: Destroy And Capture Universes (Failed)
  • Like: Destruction, Springtrap (Formly), Freddy (Formly), Glitchtrap
  • Dislike: Freddy And Gangs Messing With His Plans.
  • Members: Glitchtrap And Glitchtrap's Gang
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 300 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Animatronic bear
  • Occupation: Leader of the Shadow Army

(Cues The Birth Of Ultra Shadow Mecha)

Wiz: As The Chief Is Not A Forces To Be Wreck With, He's Can Uses The Portal Gun, Unlike The Other Portal Gun, It's Can Actually Shoot Out Real Blast To Almost Killing The Peoples With It, It's Can Generate Portal To Other Universes Too.

Boomstick: Don't Be Fooled With His Shadow Gauntlet! As He's Can Punch Someone In The Air, Overpowered Freddy, Springtrap And Even General Shadow Freddy, As He's Can Broke A Masked Wide Open As He's Killed QXR With His Nightmare Gloves, And Can Likely Create Some Crazy Spike To Stab Stab Peoples.

Wiz: With Such Great Powers, The Shadow Gauntlet Can Likely Powered Up The Shadow Mech, A Large Giant Mech Which Could Fight Godzilla For 2 Hours Long, Which Normally Godzilla Fought His Foes Around At 15 Minutes Long, Even Could Killed Almost Many Peoples.

Boomstick: As He's Can Fought Very Well While Fighting Freddy, Could Punch Peoples Like It Was Nothing! Even Could Punch Very Small Peoples Very Far Away... Ahh... That Funny As F*ck... Seeing Little Peoples Being Send Flying In The Air...

Wiz: Even His Intelligence Keep Him Up, As He's Build Up The A Portal Gun While It's Hard To Do, Could Construct A Entire Shadow Army With The Help Of Springtrap With His Sides, Even Build The Gauntlet That Got The Gems To Harnesses The Powers Of It.

Equipment & Abilities[]

  • Portal Gun
    • Could Open Portal To An Other Universes
    • Can Fire Out Like A Normal Gun
  • Shadow Gauntlet
    • Could Powered Up The Shadow Mech
    • Could Create Spike From The Ground
    • If Somehow Die, Could Come Back Alive If All Shadow Gauntlet Finger Are Put Back
  • Hand To Hand Combat
  • Great Intelligence

Boomstick: But As He's Got A Form Called The Crazy Chief! Wa-Wait I Meant Berserk Chief, As He's Got The Powers To Fly Around In The Skies, Can Move Around Huge Parts With Telekinesis, And Can Create Some Fricking Fire!

Wiz: Even Could Create Darkness Powers And Make A Dark Purple Storm Which Is Around At The City Size, But Not Only That, He's Could Create Some Lighting Bolt Out Of Its, As Well Create Some Portal Without The Portal Gun, Can Create Purple Spike Out Of The Ground To Stab The Foes Chest.

Boomstick: But Unlike The Normal Chief, This Giant Bear Fella Got Some The Strongest Strength He's Have! He's Able To Overpowered The Mighty Jimmy Himself! Who... Scraptrap But With Jimmy Head For Some Reason... But Nevermind That, As He's Able To Survived The Mighty Jimmy Blast From His Hand!

Wiz: With His Great Telekinesis, He's Is Able To Recreate The Shadow Mecha Easily Just By Putting It's Part Back Where It Was, Showing How Much His Telekinesis Is!

Berserk Chief Powers[]

  • Flight
  • Super Strength
  • Super Durability
  • Telekinesis
  • Fire Manipulation
  • Resurrection
  • Portal Manipulation
  • Darkness Manipulation
  • Weather Manipulation
    • Can Drop Lightning Bolts On Command

Boomstick: But Let's Not Forget His Two Creation He's Created, Which Is RXQ And General Shadow Freddy! The Two Living Peoples He's Managed To Created Before Creating His Shadow Army! But... Pretty Much We're Not Including Shadow Army...

Wiz: General Shadow Freddy Is One Of The Few Creation That Chief Have Made, Include RXQ Too, As General Shadow Freddy Got An More Designed Portal Gun With The Only Different That They Can Fire Out A Red Portal, As Well Could Scales To The Chief Himself Too.

Boomstick: Chief Gotten An Shadow Toy Bunny Named RXQ, Who Can Fire His Floating Body Parts Like Projectiles, As He's Can Bring It's Back In, But An Another Form Incase If He's Die, He's Gotten An More Powerful And Larger Form As QXR, A Pretty Much Like RQX, But More Powerful...

RXQ And General Shadow Freddy[]

  • RXQ
    • Background
      • Name: RXQ
      • Age: Unknown
      • Like: Destroying Universes, The Chief, General Shadow Freddy (Formly)
      • Dislike: The Chief Plans Being Stopped, Freddy And His Gangs
      • Goal: Help Chief To Destroyed And Captured Other Universes
      • Sometime Argue With General Shadow Freddy
      • Never Listen To Anyone Expect Chief
    • Powers And Weapons
      • Super Strength
      • Limb Detachment
        • Can Make His Own Limbs Float And Heads To Bite The Head Down, Even Arms To Launch Peoples Away.
      • Flight
      • Portal Creation (QXR Only)
      • Great Driving Skilled
      • Portal Gun
      • His Giant Jaw
      • Upon Being Destroyed, Could Transform Into QXR
      • Hand To Hand Combat
    • Forms
      • QXR: Upon Being Destroy Apart, Could Turned Into This One, Which Is A More Powerful Form Which Is Stronger And Larger
    • Feats
      • RXQ
        • Was Able To One-Shot Bonzi Bonnie With His Arm Coming Toward Him
        • Was Able To (Almost) Defeated Jenny/XJ-9, But Only For Her To Scream Making RXQ To Rip His Ears Off
        • Could Scales To General Shadow Freddy, Who Was Able To Dodged An Spike
      • QXR
        • Is Able To Defeat RAT And CAT, Chester, Different Foxy, A Giant Baby Head (Only On WaldstonSFM Universes) And Etc.
        • Could Crush An Robots Heads.
        • Created An Portal Without A Portal Gun.
        • Bring Back All Chief Shadow Gauntlet Fingers.
        • Fought And Overpowered Against A DK Lookalike Chester.
        • Able To Reacted Death Horse Creation Giant Arms And Banjo Flying At Him At High Speed.
        • Could Scales To Berserk Chief, Who Can Taken Building Falling On Him And Mighty Jimmy Blast.
    • Weakness
      • RXQ
        • His Ears Can't Handled Very Loud Sounds, This Make Him Ripped It Off
        • Can't Really Defeat Powerful Peoples
      • QXR
        • Could Underestimates His Enemy
        • Can Be Tricked Upon Being Listen To His Master (Chief Can Only Do That To Him)
  • General Shadow Freddy
    • Background
      • Name: Shadow Freddy
      • Age: Unknown
      • Like: Killing, Helping Chief, Peoples Stuffer (Formly), His Shadow Freddys
      • Dislike: Chief Plans Being Stopped, Freddy And Gangs (Formly), QXR, Chief
      • Goal: Help Chief To Destroyed And Captured Other Universes (Formly), Stop QXR To Getting The Finger (Failed)
    • Powers And Weapons
      • Portal Gun
      • If Somehow Die, His Hat Is Keeping Him Alive If Put On The Prototype
      • Super Strength
      • Super Durability
      • Hand To Hand Combat
    • Feats
      • Could Dodged Spikes Coming Out Of The Ground.
      • His Own Hat Surviving The Explosion.
      • Can Scales To Chief Who Can Punch Someone In The Air And Overpowered Freddy.
      • Can Scales To Springtrap, Who Can Dodged An Building Falling Over Him.
    • Weakness
      • His Own Hat Is The One Keeping Him Alive
      • Can Be Overpowered By Many Stronger Foes

Wiz: But Let's Talk About His Greatest Robots, The Shadow Mech. As It's Got Some Super Strength To Ripped Off A Head Easily, Can Fight In Two Hours Long, Making This Robot Can't Really Get Tired Dues To Well... Being A Mech.

Boomstick: And He's Got That Little Gun In His Left Arm, As He's Can Fire It Toward His Small Enemy To Killed Them In One Blast! Well... Expect For Very Big One Like Godzilla... Who Wasn't Harm By The Blast...

Wiz: And If Something Fire Or Punch Through Into The Shadow Mech Chest, This Will Likely Caused An Very Huge Explosion Which Can Almost Killed Anyone If Someone Was Actually Closed To It

Shadow Mecha Background And Powers[]

  • Background
    • Name: Shadow Mech
    • Pilot: Chief
    • Height: 113 Feet Tall
    • Weight: 157 Thousand Tons
    • Enemy: Godzilla, Freddy And Gangs
    • Chief Greatest Creation
  • Powers
    • Super Strength.
    • Super Durability.
    • Can't Really Get Tired.
    • Arm Cannon.
    • Upon Being Punch Or Shoot Through The Chest, Can Create A City Block Explosions.

Wiz: The Chief Feats Is Nothing To Mess With, As He's Can Build An Army With The Help Of Springtrap, Could Punch Peridot In The Air, Killed QXR With His Shadow Gauntlet. Even Overpowered Freddy And Others.

Boomstick: As He's Can Travel Through Universes And Likely Captures Other Peoples In Other Universes, As Well Scales To Freddy, Who Can Survived Being A Head Once Being Killed By Jenny.

Wiz: Even Chief Could Break An Robot Heads Open By Punching Very Hard Enough With The Shadow Gauntlet, As Well Even Could Send Out Spike Very Fast That No One Could Never See It Coming Toward Them.

Boomstick: And His Berserk Chief Form Could Overpowered The Mighty Jimmy Itself, As Well Could Taken Some Blast From Jimmy, Even Could Fricking Destroyed An Building Even Can Stuck Under It.

Wiz: As Well Could Toppled A Building With An Lighting Bolt And Can Survived An Building Falling Over Him, Can Create An Large Storm Which Is Around The Whole City, Even Could Just Flicked Off An Animatronic Head.


  • Normal Chief
    • Build An Portal Gun And The Shadow Drones With The Help Of Springtrap.
    • Punch Peridot Into The Air.
    • Killed QXR With The Power Of The Shadow Gauntlet.
    • Could Travel Around The Other Universes.
    • Overpowered Freddy, Springtrap And General Shadow Freddy.
    • Came Back Alive Despite How Many Damaged There Is.
    • Can Break Open A Robots Head.
    • Scales To Freddy, Who Can Survived Being Just A Head.
  • Berserk Chief
    • Overpowered the Mighty Jimmy.
    • Taken Blast From The Mighty Jimmy.
    • Toppled a building with a lightning bolt.
    • Survived a building collapsing on him.
    • Created a city-wide storm.
    • Casually flicked off an animatronic's head.

Boomstick: But Don't Forget His Own Shadow Mech, As It's Can Easily Ripped Off Stay Puff Head, Can Fought Godzilla In Under 2 Hours, Generates An 40 Tons Of TNT Just By Walking Dues To His Massively Big.

Wiz: As Well His Death Explosion Caused An Very Huge Explosion Around At City Block Which Almost Killed Everyone Around It, As This Killed Many Peoples, Such As Kirby, Marx, Baldi, Waluigi, Bendy And Others Peoples Who Also Die In It.

Boomstick: As Such, This Shadow Mech Fought Godzilla, Who Fricking Big And Powerful With His Blast And Strength! Man... Who Wouldn't Know This Fricking Giant Mech Robot Are That Powerful! Man... I Would Want One...

Shadow Mecha Feats[]

  • Fought Godzilla for two hours, whereas Godzilla's fights normally last about 15 minutes.
  • Ripped off Stay Puft's head.
  • Its death explosion leveled a city block & killed almost everyone around it.
  • Generates over 40 Tons of TNT just by walking due to its sheer size & mass.

Wiz: But Chief Is Likely Not Invincible, As He's Own Shadow Gauntlet Is Powerless If Someone Managed To Grabbed It To Destroyed It Or Other Stronger Foes Managed To Grab Him To Breakit, Making Him Losing Berserk Chief Form, As Well His Weapons Could Be Taken Away From Him.

Boomstick: But What About Berserk Chief? Well... He's Can Likely Be Distracted If Someone Fire At Something, As Well Can Never Reacted To Someone If One Of Them Could Behind Him, Making An Surprising Attack.

Wiz: But After The Shadow Mech Explosion, He's Didn't Actually Survived, He's Die In It As He's Was Inside Of It, But Despite His Own Creation, Chief Actually Have A Ego, Believes No One Can't Stop Him From Taking Over Universes.


  • Normal Chief
    • Could Be Overpowered by Powerful Peoples.
    • His Weapons Could Be Taken Away.
    • Chief Have A Ego Which Make Him.
    • The Shadow Gauntlet Is Powerless If Broken.
  • Berserk Chief
    • Could Get Distracted.
    • Can't React Attack from Peoples Behind Him If Fighting Someone Else.
    • Berserk Chief Can Be Disable Once If Gauntlet Is Broken.

Boomstick: But Despite His Old and New Weakness in the Special Strike and in Special Strike: Rebellion, He's May Losses The Goal Of The Universes, But This Will Never Stop Him from Doing It!

They will be grateful about our discovery. Everything will change for the better.

Tracer Brings The Calvery To Death Battle! (PowerfulEevee)[]

(Cue: I haven't picked yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Edward Elric ain’t too short for DEATH BATTLE![]

[(Now Playing: Main Theme - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)]


Izuru Kamukara (LwyqydUuz)[]

Sylvain (Cheesypickles564)[]

(Cue: Fódlan Winds)

Nox takes DEATH BATTLES Wakfu (Captain Akumya)[]

(CUE: Machinations)

Wiz: Imagine a world where magic is real and humans a split into different races, like the battle hungry and headstrong Iop, the bow wielding Cra, the plant manipulating Sadida, the greedy kama hunting Enutrof and the Time Manipulating Xelor.

Boomstick: But today we'll be looking at the Xelor, but not just any Xelor. One of the most powerful Xelors of all time: NOX!

Wiz: Real name being Noximilien Colxen, Noximilien lived a happy life as a clock maker with his Wife Galanthe, three kids Quartz, Aiguille and Pulsar and his Bow-Wow; Igole.

Boomstick: Man, this show has some really weird names, like thats legit a dog why would it be called a Bow-wow. Just call it a dog for Pete's sake.

Wiz: Despite the happiness that his family brought him, Noximilien was depressed that he could not provide for his family financially; and often had to negotiate with the Landlord over his accumulating debt.

Boomstick: But everything would change on day at the beach, Noxy here was showing his family, his new invention; a clock that can fly however the clock started to malfunction and fly away, causing Igole to chase after it. Not wanting to lose his new device and beloved dog No....

Wiz: It's called a Bow-Wow.

(Boomstick then puts his finger on Wiz's mouth)

Boomstick: Be quiet Wiz, if it looks like a dog then it's a dog. Now where was I? Oh yeah, after running for what felt like miles, Noximilien finally caught up to Igole, who was inside a cave and staring at a glowing Cube. Noximilien was amazed by the cube after seeing it fix his invention.

Wiz: Little did Noximilien know this Cube would slowly destroy his life, against his wife's wishes Noximilien took the cube home and started experimenting on it. But overtime Nox and Igole slowly became obsessed with the Cube and refused to eat, sleep or even see their family. Over time Noximilien body started to become malnourish and decay.

Boomstick: So, Galanthe left him and took the kids as well, only leaving him a note, saying that she and the kids are staying at her sisters, and he can rejoin them once he stops his obsession with the Cube. Noximilien then read the note and was about to join them, but little did he know that the island his family was staying on was destroyed in a flood. Man, if he wasn't already insane then that would defiantly cause him to snap!!

Wiz: Filled with anger and grief, Noximilien started yelling to his god, saying that he will surpass Xelor, bring his family back and nothing can stop him. Noximiliens children called him papa and his wife called him Milien. But from this moment the world will know him as NOX!


  • Aliases: Nox, Milien, Noxy.
  • Age: +200.
  • Species: Xelor.
  • Occupation: Clock Maker, Engineer.
  • Can manipulate time far stronger than his God: Xelor.

Wiz: Granted immortality by the Eliacube, yes that's what it's called Nox has lived for 200 years, via absorbing Wakfu from any creature he can find.

Boomstick: For those of that don't know, Wakfu is like the life energy of the Wakfuverse kinda like Ki, Chakra, Nen and Raishi, Wakfu allows you to preform crazy stuff!


Wiz: Like all Xelor's, Nox can manipulate time in multiple ways like speeding up time to teleport around, slowing down time to move faster and by far the most popular form of time manipulation: Time stopping.

(We cut to Wiz and Boomstick)

Boomstick: Nox can perform all these moves via doing special hand signs....

(Wiz then preforms Nox's time stopping technique, causing everything to freeze)

Wiz: Just like me, Nox can even levitate in the air and shoot beams of pure Wakfu. But his most useful ability is to absorb Wakfu by touch, making him stronger and accelerate the person's age.

(Wiz then unfreezes time allowing Boomstick to move)

Boomstick: Please do not do that again, with Wakfu, Nox can create shields, crescent blasts of Wakfu that explode and even create this awesome sword that can shoot large beams of Wakfu!

(Wiz then summons his own version of Nox's sword)

Wiz: Known as the Pendulum Sword, this Nox's most used weapon capable of cutting through nearly anything.

Boomstick: This guy seems really strong, but he can take his powers to an even greater level.

Wiz: Thats right Boomstick, you see Nox is capable of tapping into the power of the Eliacube, granting him new abilities.

Boomstick: Like enhancing his time stop, enhancing his physical abilities and even giving him these giant sledgehammers.

Wiz: but whenever Nox fights, he doesn't go in alone, as he has multiple minions and inventions he can use in battle.


Wiz: Before Noximilien became Nox, he was a genius inventor building multiple devices. But after becoming Nox and with the help of the Eliacube he built his greatest invention, his clock tower mech.

Boomstick: This giant ball of metal is what you get if cross a spider and a clock, it may look ridiculous, but dam is it cool!

Wiz: Powered by the Eliacube, this mech is walking fortress with each numeral symbol being a hatch to send out his minions, as well as two large mechanical arms that can be used to drain Wakfu from larger sources and send it directly to the Eliacube and even a surveillance system that allows Nox to see far distances.

Boomstick: Next up we got the noxins, which are small flying robots that act like mosquitos ONLY WAY WORST, imagine instead of your blood, mosquitos drink your life force. I hate these things already, sure one noxin might not be so bad but Nox unleashes these things in swarms LIKE MASSIVE FUCKING SWARMS!

Wiz: The noxins can not only drain Wakfu from other people, but they can also give Wakfu. Nox can use noxins to heal himself if he ever takes too much damage and noxins can even explode themselves by detonating the Wakfu inside them.

Boomstick: Explode?! Oh of course they explode WHATS NEXT, THEY CAN CREATE PORTALS TOO?!

(The screen then shows a group of noxins creating portals)


(Boomstick then grabbed a random briefcase and fedora and started to leave)

Wiz: WAIT, Boomstick don't open that door, that's my...!

(Boomstick then opened the door revealing multiple giant fire-breathing mosquitos with blenders for legs)

Wiz: Mosquito experiment room.

(Boomstick then walked back into his spot, visibly traumatized)

Boomstick: I'm never going recover from that.

Wiz: You want to talk about Razetime?

Boomstick: You know what sure, Nox's most powerful weapon is known as XII Razetime. A large robot that is overwhelmingly strong, extremely durable and is capable of shooting deadly "Stasis Charges", that destroy anything they touch. Also, Stasis Charges are the most destructive elements in the Wakfuverse.

Wiz: Thats all for his inventions, now for his feats!


Boomstick: Nox is a feat machine, like survive a punch from Grouga....WHAT HELL IS THIS NAME, Groguralorgran, Groogalorgrin HOW DO YOU SAY THAT

Wiz: It's Grougaloragran, but to make it easier for you and the audience we'll just call him grougal.

Boomstick: Ok, well Noxy here survived a flaming punch from grougal. One of the strongest dragons of all time.

Wiz: Nox has survived some crazy things, Grougal hit Nox with enough force to split the clouds and Nox just shrugged it off and was not affected by Grougals roar, which trigger two volcanic eruptions!

Boomstick: Survived this SHIT to the face!!!! (Go to 11:51)

Wiz: he even survived Grougals suicide attack, which could be seen from all over the world.

Boomstick: Nox is fast enough to react to light, keep and out speed Yugo and Adamai, who can fly out of the stratosphere in seconds.

Wiz: Nox's blasts of Wakfu can create explosions as big as atomic bombs and can ignore speed by stopping time.

Boomstick: Let's not forget about his minions, Marama shield can block Grougals flames, Tartufo can beat Grougal into the ground and Razetime destroyed half of the Sadida kingdom.

Wiz: But Nox's strongest feat by far is turning back 20 minutes of time. When Nox got the Eliacube to full power, Nox temporarily became strong then that of the God of Time: Xelor!

Boomstick: But thats where everything started going downhill.


Wiz: You see, Nox needs to constantly absorb Wakfu to survive, as if he runs out of Wakfu he will die and is prefers to use moves that use the least amount of Wakfu.

Boomstick: And characters with enough will power are capable of breaking his time stop and nearly all of his tech is powered by the Eliacube, so if that thing stops working or its not in its spot, all of Noxy's inventions will fall apart!

Wiz: Despite these weakness's, Nox manage to succeed in his plan and go back in time, except only twenty minutes into the past.

Boomstick: Oh my thats sad, like he caused multiple crimes, deaths and destruction thinking everything will be ok, but no. I geuss thats karma.

(A tear's then appears in Wiz's eyes)

Boomstick: Wiz? you ok?

Wiz: Sorry I'm sweating from my eyes. Despite all the setbacks and failures Nox is still one of Yugo's greatest foes.

Nox: The Polters are devastating. The old oak really didn't enjoy my noxin's visit. But... That Kid! He's emitting incredible energy. That's impossible, no human possesses so much Wakfu! And this tofu! Since when do those stupid avian's concentrate it in such amounts? Oh, oh! I may quite possibly have picked up the dragon's trail again!


Green Knight (Hatty With A Hat,)[]

(Sorry Verybigman2, if I used same series characters then the scaling would be wonky)



Battle of more favorites! FIGHT![]



The soundtrack would be called???
