They are both two teenagers who join are group of outcast heroes to take down an evil force and realize they are more powerful then they look like, for they both possess psychic like powers. This is the Second episode of the Fifth season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.
Wiz: Even the greatest teachers in the world, or even the galaxy, needs a student to pass on their knowledge.
Boomstick: And these two heroes in training are the prime explain of a teacher’s pet
Wiz: Like Ezra Bridger, the lonely street rat orphan turned heroic Jedi!
Boomstick: And April O’Neil, the teenage human ally of the Ninja turtles. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Ezra Bridger is ready for the Death Battle rebellion[]
o Wiz: Youngster Ezra Bridger was born on the planet Lothal to the loving couple Ephraim and Mira Bridger, and on the very same day that the Galactic Empire came to power to conquer the galaxy.
o Boomstick: So not the best birthday to remember. Ezra's parents were known to be secret Rebel freedom fighters, broadcasting and speaking out publicly against the Empire’s tyranny, because they fought for those in need and for the freedom of their son. Too bad this is a hero story, so don’t get too attached to his parents.
o Wiz: By the time he was seven, his parents were captured and taken away by the Empire, leaving Ezra to fend for himself. Over the next eight years, he moved into an old communications tower which he dubbed "Ezra Tower", and took up the hobby of stealing in order to survive.
o Boomstick: He would steal from anyone, including the Empire, and sell his stolen goods on the black market to make some money. He also took up collecting Storm Trooper helmets as a hobby, he’s like the Star Wars version of Aladdin.
o Wiz: But despite Ezra successful survival story, he still felt a sense of loneliness and wished more than anything to know what happened to his parents. Then one day while at the Capital City on Lothal, Ezra witnessed three Rebels attack a group of Imperials to steal several speeders carrying crates of army supplies.
o Boomstick: Thinking those crates were worth some good money, Ezra hijacked one of the speeders, and fled with some of their stolen goods. But he got in over his head when the Empire started chasing after him, thinking that he was with them. Not the smarted heist to pull off, stealing something already stolen.
o Wiz: After being rescued by the Rebels and taken into outer space for the first time in his life, Ezra met the Crew of the Ghost ship and first mate Kanan Jarrus, who just so happened to be one of the last remaining Jedi in the Galaxy.
o Boomstick: So did you mean “Ghost” as in undead spirits who scare people and possesses bodies.
o Wiz: What!! No, I mean the ships name is called the Ghost since it was known to effortlessly slip throw Imperial sight. Duh!!
o Boomstick: Well, you could have fooled me. After seeing these Rebels in action, Ezra was impressed not only by their skills and teamwork, but how they inspired others to fight back against the Empire’s tyranny. Viva la Revolution.
o Wiz: It was during their first encounter where Kanan discovered that Ezra was a Force-sensitive being like himself and had the potential to be both a future Jedi and Rebel. So Kanan offered Ezra a chance to master these knew skills and become a Jedi like himself.
o Boomstick: Not seeing any better option and wanting to be a part of a family again, Ezra joined this merry band of Rebels as their newest recruit, Spector Six. And no they did not turn him into a ghost, unfortunately.
o Wiz: With a particular connection to nature and other living beings thanks to the Force, Ezra’s abilities grew quickly, and he would later build up the courage to send a message of hope through the Lothal sector that inspired a number of rebel cells to begin working together to fight the Empire.
o Boomstick: Though he did discover the painful truth about his parents, he knew deep down that he had finally become a Rebel his parents would be proud of.
o Wiz: Ezra possesses a strong connection to the Force, an energy that exists almost everywhere, which was greatly enhanced thanks to Kanan’s training.
o Boomstick: Luck kid, why can’t I get Jedi Powers.
o Wiz: He was able to perform Force-enhanced jumps and could sense things through the Force, such as when he sensed Kanan’s presence for the first time, or when he was drawn to the former Jedi's lightsaber and holocron. Not buy curiosity of course, but because the Force called to him.
o Boomstick: It’s basically like the Jedi version of the Spider Sense, but much cooler. He also could use it for telekinesis, like as when he instinctively pushed Agent Kallus several feet away to save his former nemesis turned best furry buddy Zeb.
o Wiz: Ezra and his master soon developed a tactic of combining his use of the Force, with that of Kanan’s. Like the time they sent Darth Vader himself flying into the path of a collapsing walker with their combined Force powers. Though the Sith Lord was not going all out nor was he using his full power against either of them.
o Boomstick: Yeah he was going easy on them when they first met, because, he wanted to get serious, those amateurs would have been long dead by now.
o Wiz: Under Kanan’s training, Ezra’s Force abilities became more advanced, particularly becoming aware of his natural ability to connect with nature and other life-forms despite it being hard to practice that ability.
o Boomstick: Ezra could control the minds of other sentient beings, except for individuals with indomitable wills, like Wiz unfortunately.
o Wiz: Like an intergalactic Dog Whisperer, Ezra can control the minds of animals. This allowed him to utilize Fyrnocks as a weapon against the Grand Inquisitor, and understand the motives of the Purrgil, allowing him to help them.
o Boomstick: He can see visions of the past, present, and future. However, like all Force-users, his visions are not always clear or sometimes they happen without warning. This has sometime led him and fellow rebels in some hot water.
o Wiz: After his mission within the Lothal Jedi Temple where he received a Kyber crystal, Ezra assembled his very first lightsaber. This lightsaber had a blue colored blade, representing his noble heart and soul, and Ezra had unique it as a hybrid that featured a fully functional blaster pistol built into the handle.
o Boomstick: Too bad Darth Vader later destroyed this lightsaber on Malachor. But don’t worry, Ezra constructed a new green-bladed lightsaber, representing him as a warrior, and also acquired a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol 6 month later. Personally, I liked the first one better, it’s was both a sword and a gun. A gun-sword. A "g'word"!
o Wiz: As Ezra's Jedi training continued under Kanan, his lightsaber skills improved over time. Due to his role in the rebellion, Ezra had several opportunities to put his lightsaber skills into action.
o Boomstick: During an escape from an Imperial Interdictor, Ezra used his lightsaber to deflect blaster bolts and clear a hallway for escape. By the following year, Ezra had begun to study Form IV through a recording of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, which he never knew was Vader.
o Wiz: He also briefly engaged the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister in a duel alongside Kanan, and was able to escape their wrath on multiple occasions.
o Boomstick: Those are some scary siblings right there.
o Wiz: Form IV or Ataru was an acrobatic combat style which could be used to defend against incoming projectiles but was best suited for open spaces and attacking.
o Boomstick: This allowed him to go toe to toe with some of the Empire’s deadliest enforcers, from slave master to bounty hunters, Ezra could definitely hold his own long enough to make a quick exist.
o Wiz: By the time the rebellion had discovered their new homebase, Atollon, Ezra was able to fight his master Kanan in a full out dule training exercise. But despite his skills with a lightsaber, he can be overpower by stronger Force wielders like Vader and the Grand Inquisitor.
o Boomstick: No surprise there, those guys have been using the force and lightsabers long before Ezra was even born.
o Wiz: After multiple training exercises with Hera, Ezra became a skilled piolet and military commander. He’s helped construct numerous successful missions against the empire, like when he lured Governor Pryce into a trap use the Loth Wolves to take out her forces.
o Boomstick: Those are some good doggies right there. Ezra also knows how to delegate tasks and plan for contingencies, basically back up plans for his back up plans. Like the time he tasked Mattin, Wolffe, and Vizago with summoning a pod of Space Whales to attack Thrawn's fleet during the battle of Lothal
o Wiz: Purrgil, Boomstick, they are called Purrgils.
o Boomstick: Meh, Tomato, Potato. But one thing is certain about Ezra, he is a true Rebel to the very end.
o Wiz: While that is true Boomstick, Ezra does have major flaws. Remember that he is at the end of the day, still a Padawan with still a lot to learn. He never truly did beat an inquisitor and normally required other people with him to fight them, and while he has stalemated Kanan in duels, Kanan wasn’t going all out in them.
o Boomstick: Though that didn’t mean much, as for Ezra his final villain wasn’t an evil inquisitor or Darth Vader, but the super genius Grand Admiral that he momentarily outsmarted through the use of space whales.
o Wiz: Yeah, that ending was weird. Though Ezra has suffered many losses during journey to be a Jedi, he will always do whatever it takes to protect his home Lothal and his friends.
o Boomstick: And who know, maybe we will finally know of Ezra’s fate in the upcoming Ahsoka series. We’re coming for ya Bridger.
Ezra Bridger: “It's up to all of you now. And remember, the Force will be with you, always.”
April O'Neil is finally old enough to fight in Death Battle[]
Wiz: When most people see high school student April, they see a regular, shy 16-year-old girl. Her hobbies include hanging out with her friends, play video games, after school sport activities, and eat Pizza after school.
Boomstick: Yep, totally normal teenage kid if you think of it that way. Except.... her friends are walking talking mutant ninja turtles who live in the sewers and the closest thing she has to a father figure is a gigantic rat who was once a human. So yeah, totally normal human teenager, NOT.
Wiz: Born to renowned genetic psychologist Kirby O'Neil, April and her father lived a quiet normal life in New York City. She went to the best school, made lots of friends, and was always looking new things to try.
Boomstick: Sure, she lost her mom when she was young, but hey, what fictional kid doesn’t lose one of their parents at a young age.
Wiz: But that all began to change over the next few months when they had a strange feeling that someone was watching them all the time whenever they left their house.
Boomstick: Then one night, their suspicions were correct. Some strange guys in suits, which were really aliens in disguise, showed up and kidnapped April and her dad before taking them to some secret base at the TCRI building. Those stinking Feds, you never know when they are going to pop up.
Wiz: Fortunately for them, they were rescued by four adolescent, genetically altered shinobi terrapins named after renaissance painters. One of which, named Donatello, took an immediate likely to her.
Boomstick: And we do mean “Immediately”, like love at first sight kind of Immediately.
Wiz: Although their first interaction got off at a rocky start, April soon realized that these turtles were here to protect her and city, and soon became their closest friend and guide to the world of humans.
Boomstick: Teaching them about cool human stuff like the Internet, Baseball, and most importantly, PIZZA.
Wiz: However, the more April started to hang out with her new mutant friends, the more she encountered their enemies, like the Kraang and the Foot Clan. Worried that her exposure to them had put a massive target on her back, the turtle’s sensei, Master Splinter, offered to train April in the art of Ninjitsu.
Boomstick: Which she excepted without question. First and for most, April needed to find a weapon to defend herself with, not only for protection in combat but a weapon that represent her determined and fearless nature. Just like how this big-ass gun represents me Cool and Hansom. (Boomstick hold a big new gun).
Wiz: More Like Reckless and Stupid.
Boomstick: HEY!!!
Wiz: Anyway, after trying out several different weapons which ended in horrible failures, Splinter settled on giving her a Tessen (Or Iron Fan) that he had hoped to give to his long-lost daughter.
Boomstick: It may look like an ordinary fan, but it is in fact made of metal and has a razor-sharp edge that can slice through human skin.
Wiz: In Ancient Japan and China, Samurai could take these weapons to places where swords or other overt weapons were not allowed, and some swordsmanship schools included training in the use of the tessen as a weapon.
Boomstick: The tessen was also used for fending off arrows and darts, as a throwing weapon, and as an aid in swimming. I’m becoming a real “fan” of this particular fan.
Wiz: With her new weapon in hand (literally) and training underway, April began to accompany and assist the turtles on many missions to defend New York from the Foot Clan and The Kraang.
Boomstick: On her wacky and chaotic adventures with the turtle bros, April started to realize that something was off about her. For starters, unlike most unfortunately victims who are mutated by the Kraang’s Mutagen, April discovered that she was immune to the stuff, which sucks in my opinion. I always wanted to see her as sexy mutant cat-lady like her 1990’s version
Wiz: You need help, like now. She also began to realize that possessed some form of telepathy, being able to sense incoming threats and understand the hidden language of the Kraang. Later on, it was revealed that she was actually half human and half Kraang.
Boomstick: Mind Blown!!!
Wiz: April also possesses an empathic ability to sense emotions in certain areas, and she can seemingly "see" into the person, or mutant's 'soul' to determine their true motivations or if they are lying or not.
Boomstick: Like the time when she recognized a mutant monkey as actually a missing scientist named Doctor Rockwell, all by reading his thought with her own mind. She’s like a human lie detector, with her own two feet.
Wiz: When the turtles adventures took them into outer space to fight against the invading Triceratons, April was trained by Professor Honeycutt AKA the Fugitoid to control her psychic abilities on her own and in battle.
Boomstick: She even received a nifty crystal from some creepy aliens called the Aeon that increased her tenfold.
Wiz: She could now unleash psychic waves to blast back her opponents as well as telekinesis to lift things as heavy as a 4-ton semi-truck filled with gasoline.
Boomstick: Seems cool as first at first but all these powers were too good to be true and came at a cost, but we’ll get to that in a minute.
Wiz: After the turtles and their allies returned to earth to saved it from the Triceratons and prevent their Splinter from being killed by Shredder, April continued training with them and eventually completed her ninja training
Boomstick: She was no longer a simple wannabe student, but a full-fledged Kunoichi warrior of the Hamato Clan.
Wiz: April was now able to keep up with Turtles on all their missions and even mastered the legendary Dragon's Tail technique.
Boomstick: Damn! If April can pull that off then so can I! All right, watch out Wiz here it comes! (Boomstick attempts to do the move but ends up falling and hurting himself) Ah shit! Fell on my keys!
Wiz: Glad I was streaming all this. Anyway, April was now able to hold her own against Shinigami in hand-to-hand combat and keep up with Tiger Claw for short period before getting captured.
Boomstick: She even got some cool new weapon as well. As a Kunoichi warrior, she was granted a Dragon Tantō sword as her secondary weapon and has access to a number of shuriken and can throw them with almost pinpoint accuracy.
Wiz: And let’s not forget the best one, while she was on her space adventures, her new jumpsuit came with a handheld blaster capable of stunning or harming even the deadliest aliens or robots.
Boomstick: Not to mention, she looks hot in that space suit. With all these trusty weapons and ninja training at her disposal, April became a more valued member of the Team TMNT. But remember when we mentioned that her powers came at a cost?
Wiz: After a while, her turtle boyfriend Donatello noticed that April was starting to develop an obsession over her Aeon crystal and the more times she used her psychic powers, the more it caused her to suffer memory blackouts and amnesia as a result.
Boomstick: At that was just the tip of iceberg. April soon finds herself being possessed by the spirit of an ancient Aeon elder by the name of Za-Naron, forced to do her bidding on her quest to purge New York City of evil, enhancing her powers enough to easily overpower Tiger Claw, Rahzar, and Fishface all at once. This is why I never wear any jewelry.
Wiz: After witnessing Donnie getting vaporized in front of her, April mustered all of her strength to destroy the crystal, bring Donatello back to life, and slay the demon Za-Naron once and for all.
Boomstick: All though her crystal was gone, she still had her psychic powers, this time with a better understanding and control over them. Phew, I was afraid she going to go back to being a loser for a second.
Wiz: Sure, April has come a long way from her time in the first season a damsel in distress to a full time badass, she anything but invisible.
Boomstick: She has been taken down by stronger and more skilled opponents, like Rocksteady and Dogpound, before he got mutated into Rahzar. Not to mention when she had her crystal, she was constantly fighting to control herself from being consumed by its power.
Wiz: But the point remains the same, April O’Neil will always remain a key character to the TMNT Franchise for future generations.
Boomstick: I wonder if she ever put her ninja training on her resume when she started college.
April: You wanna do this Karai; fine! but I'm warning you, I've been training with splinter big time and I'm ready to kick your butt.
Wiz: all right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the planet and city of Lothal, Ezra Bridger is sitting atop his communication tower as looks out at his planet.
Ezra: Ah Lothal, you never cease to amaze me.
Suddenly off in the distance, Ezra notices a ship falling from the sky and crash landing to the surface of the planet.
Ezra: Oh boy, better hope that’s not another Empire scout droid.
Ezra then takes the elevator down from the top of the tower and down to the bottom where his speeder is. He jumps onto it and uses it to drive away towards the direction of the crashed object.
At the crash site, it is revealed to be an escape pod, and the driver is none other than April O’Niel in her space uniform. She crawls out and starts to assess the damage to her craft while trying to use her communication device in her suit to call for help.
April: Hello, Professor Honeycutt, Donnie anybody
She gets nothing but static coming from her helmet as she pulls it off to get rid of the annoying sound.
April: Well looks like I can breathe on this planet and it looks like I'm on my own for now. Let’s see if I can remember what Donnie taught me about fixing these things.
As April starts using a hammer to repair the craft, she soon hears the sound of a speeder coming her way and turns around to see Ezra jump off it and walk towards her.
Ezra: Uh hello miss, are you okay.
Not knowing who this stranger is, April but her hammer behind her and smiles
April: No, I'm good just fixing my space shuttle, don’t mind me.
Seeing the nervous look on her face, Ezra starts to expect that she might be hiding something.
Ezra: Yeah. Hey why don’t you just come with me back to my tower, maybe I can help you fix your craft.
April: Oh no, I’ve got everything under control see.
April starts banging on her shuttle, but the hammer slips out of her hand. She goes to reach for it, and Ezra notices this.
Ezra: Oh let me get that for you.
Just as Ezra reaches for the hammer, he grabs April's hands and his body is stunned as he starts having a vision. In a flashback, he sees all of April's memories, including her battles with the turtle and the incidents with the mutagen. When he comes to his senses, Ezra is shocked as he looks at the teen ninja while still hold on to her hand.
Ezra: Who or what are you
April tries to pull back, but Ezra refuses to let go.
April: Hey let go of my arm.
Ezra: Not until you tell me who you are.
April: I said…LET ME GO!!!
With her free hand, April unleashes a psychic blast that knocks Ezra back to his speeder. Realizing this girl may be a threat, he picks through his speeder and pulls out his lightsaber and his DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol.
At the same time, April gets out of her space uniform, revealing her kunoichi outfit and arms herself with her Laser Gun and Tanto blade.
Ezra: Do you really want to do this?
April: From the look of things, you are not giving me much of a choice
Ezra draws out his blaster and begins shooting at April, who evades the blast and runs for cover behind her escape pod. She then pulls out her laser gun and starts shooting back at Ezra, who takes cover behind his speeder. Ezra fires a couple of shots at April, but thanks to her psychic powers, she anticipates the attack and dodges out of the way. This gives her enough time to pull out her laser gun again and fire some shots at Ezra's speeder's fuel tank. Luckily Ezra force jumps into the air before is speeder explodes and hides behind a boulder, before going back to firing at April.
April: Is that the best you can do?
Ezra: Not even close.
The two young warriors immediately start firing their weapons at one another. After a brief gunfight, Ezra uses his training from Rex to aim precisely at April's hand and shoot with his blaster to knock her laser gun out of her hand, disarming her. Ezra immediately starts running towards April, shooting at her while she dodges his attacks. When he gets closers, he puts away his blaster and ignited his lightsaber. But April draws out her Dragon Tantō sword just in time to clashing with Ezra's lightsaber. While holding Ezra's lightsaber back, April then proceeds to kick Ezra away with the The Dragon's Tail move. He then staggers back to catch his breath.
Ezra: (coughing) What was that?
April: It's called "The Dragon's Tail", classic ninja I'd like to point out.
Ezra: Yeah, how's this for classic.
As April goes in for another attack, Ezra responds by force pushing April back into her escape pod. April gets back up and grabs her laser gun to start firing at Ezra again, able to graze his should with it. Ezra use his lightsaber to block most of the blast, but April aims one shot his shoot, causing him to jump and slam into a nearby rock behind him. Ezra then begins to telekinetically lift up multiple fallen pieces from his speeder and hurl them towards her. But April responds by using her own telekinetic powers to slow down the objects and place them on the ground before they hit her.
Ezra: You're a force wielder to. That explains a lot.
April: A force what? Never mind, let's just get back to fighting.
April then begins to sprint towards her opponent with her sword drawn and do a quick slash at Ezra, which he barely blocks. After blocking the sword strike with his lightsaber, Ezra used a Force push to shove April away from him to get himself ready to counter. The young jedi, not wasting anytime, ran forward and swung for April's head. April's Dragon Tantō sword intercepted the blow with a clash of the blades making contact, causing sparks to ignite. Locked in a lightsaber/sword struggle, April pushed as hard as she could, but Ezra didn't look like he was budging. Determined to win, Ezra cried out in anger and shoved April backwards as hard as he could, knocking her her off balance.
April: Man, this guy is good.
After catching his breath for a moment, Ezra rushed forward and strike's April's sword a few times with his lightsaber, before landing a punch to her face. Before he could attack again, April ducked under the lightsaber and delivered a leg to trip Ezra. Though he is able to still stand on one of his legs, he stumbled backward and allowing April to sneak up behind him for a powerful side kick. Ezra is thrown back, but caught himself on both feet after a moment of skidding. April rushed forward to deliver a combo of sword strikes, but Ezra was able to block most of them, though he did get a cut on his arm, but not enough to bring him down.
Both young warriors clash with one another as they show great skills in their respective combat skills, blocking their opponents strikes with their weapons and hitting each other with different slashes. April then tries to strike Ezra with her blade, but Ezra uses the force to knocked her sword out of her hand. But April counters with another kick, this time in the chest, causing him to stumble back and groan in pain, as April used her powers to bring her sword back to her. She then used her psychic powers to hurl a pile of rubble at the young jedi, but Ezra uses a Force Jump to leap over the rubble and landed in front of April with a loud thud. Ezra attempts to force push April away, but gets met with April using a psychic wave to push him back at the same time, causing both of them to fly backwards across the grass.
April: Not bad, I’m impressed.
Ezra: I learned from the best, well semi-best at least.
April: Well then, think fast!!!
April places her hand on her head and unleashes a powerful psychic blast that shoves Ezra away from her, landing in a pile of rubble and causing him to loose his lightsaber. As April starts firing her laser gun at Ezra, the young Jedi used the force to lift up several rocks and place them in front of him as cover and forcing April to leap and crawl over them to get to Ezra. As the female ninja got closer, Ezra used the force to bring his lightsaber back just in time to block a strike from April. He then uses his elbow to jab at April in the face to stun her long enough for Ezra to perform a force powered kick on April, sending him back. But as she slams into a large rock, she realizes that she can use this to her advantage and uses her psychic power to fling the rock at Ezra like a club to send him flying. He lands lands on a pile of dirt, but when he gets to his feet and sniffs himself he soon realizes that it wasn't dirt he landed in, and April is laughing hysterically at him from a distance.
Ezra: You're not funny!
April: Hmm, I don't know. (laughs). Here, why don't I help you get cleaned off.
April looks to a pool of water and lifts up her hands straight at. Suddenly, a stream of water swirled out of the pool and she shoots it straight at Ezra, knocking him into a large rock. Although he had been cleaned off, he was now soaking wet and April was still laughing.
Ezra: Well then miss ninja get a load of this.
Ezra shakes himself off and sits down on the ground and lifts up his arms. Suddenly, the sounds of various wild animals can be heard from all round the grass, and dozens of Lothal Cats come rushing out of the grass and attempt to attack April.
April: Oh boy.
The Kunoichi warrior fights off each one, but the soon start to swarm and scratch her repeatedly.
April: ENOUGH!!!
Angered, April retaliates by unleashing a powerful psychic attack that scatters the Lothal cats. Seeing his opponent tired, Ezra gets back up and rushes at her with his lightsaber, slashing her in the back. April counters by flipping over him and pulling out her tessen to get a quick cut on Ezra’s shoulder.
Ezra: Did you just hurt me with a Fan?
April: It's called a Tessen, and yes. yes I did.
Ezra then uses the force to push April away from him and slams her on a boulder. He then lifts her up in the air and drops her on to the ground several times feet, leaving her dazed. As she struggles to her feet, The rebel Jedi takes this opportunity to rush at her with his lightsaber, but April uses her telekinesis to hold back the lightsaber. She then notices a pool of water near by. April shoves Ezra away and then uses her powers to lift up a stream of water and hurl it at Ezra. The water splashes into him and sends him hurtling across the field.
April: Hoped you liked that glass of water I gave you (laugh)
Ezra: Are you always this silly.
April: Nah, I've just been hanging out with my friend Mikey too much. But he did teach me this.
April immediately pulls out three shurikens and throws them at Ezra. Two of them successfully slice at his right arm and left leg, but he catches the last one aimed at his head with the force. Ezra takes the shurikens out of his body, before drawing out his lightsaber to continue the fight. April draws her her sword and tessen and rushes at her opponent. The two continue to clash with their weapons, swinging and dodging as their blades clash with themselves. At the same time, they both pull back their hands to use telekinesis attack from their hands. They struggle with each other until they are both forced backwards. Though she dropped her Tessen, April then get up and rushes at her opponent again wit her sword in one hand and some shurikens in the other..
Ezra: This Again? Haven't we done this dance before, I know all your Moves!
April: Oh, do you?
Ezra pulls out his blaster and fires at April, but the female ninja is too fast and dodges all of his blast. He then puts his blaster away and braces himself by ignites his lightsaber. But just as she is getting closer, April winks at him and leaps into the air over his head, but not before throwing her shurikens and cutting Ezra on part of his leg. April then lands gracefully down behind him as Ezra falls to his knees as he turn to face her in shock.
April: Apparently you don't know all my moves.
As April draws out her sword again, Ezra blocks April's continuous strikes, but with difficulty to due to his injury. Ezra attempts to again force push her away, but this time April maneuvers away from his hand just in time and gets by his side to push him back with her own psychic attack. She then double jumps over Ezra, grabs her tessen off the ground, and throws it towards Ezra. However, Ezra does a backflips over the iron fan just as April pulls it back with Ezra barely dodging getting another cut on his arm. Ezra lands on his feet and successfully force pushes April away.
April: Do you always do that when you are fighting.
Ezra: Pretty much.
April gets back to her feet and pulls out her space gun just as Ezra draws out his blaster. The two teens stare at each other, waiting for one to make the first attack. They both fire their weapons at the same time, and Ezra hits April in her leg, causing her to drop her weapon. However, April's shoot hit's Ezra in the hand, making him drop his blaster as well and drop to his knees.
Ezra: Nice...shot.
April: Ugh...Likewise.
Ezra regaining his footing and closes his eyes before lifting up his arm.
Ezra: Trust in the force…
Ezra focuses with all his might, and suddenly a large rock formation nearby starts to shake as it is lifted into the air and cracks into several large boulders. Using the force, Ezra causes the boulders to fall down from the sky attempting to crush April with them. However, April fights back her own psychic telekinesis and catches the boulders before they hit her. She then attempts to hurl them at Ezra, but Ezra catches them too and the two begin to fight over who has more control over the boulders. As the Kunoichi warrior and Jedi Padawan struggle over control over the boulder, they both start to sweat intensely and April's nose starts to bleed. It ends with them in both falling down due to fatigue, and the boulders fall down, scattering across the field. As April and Ezra slowly get up, Ezra picks up his blaster and attempts to shoot April, but she barely dodges the blast, and weakly uses her telekinesis to hurl some water out from the pond and washes his blaster out of his hand.
In an act of desperation, Ezra attempts to force choke the female ninja, causing her to drop her sword. April struggles desperately to free herself as Ezra continues to choker her. She then notices her tessen on the ground and uses her psychic powers to pull it towards her, but instead of coming to her, it goes towards the Jedi padawan and cuts Ezra in the face. This causes him to loose focus and release April, allowing her to kick him in the stomach, and goes to retrieve her weapons.
Ezra: Oh no you don't
With his remaining strength, Ezra forces pushed Arpil's sword and space gun away from her as she falls to the ground. As Ezra limbs over to check on her, April turns around and reveals that she still was able to grab her Tessen fan.
April: Gotcha!
April rushes at Ezra, unleashing a psychic blast to knock his lightsaber out of his hand and away from him. Before he can use the force to bring it back, April then slices his hand with the Tessen, causing it to bleed badly. She then begins to strike Ezra repeatedly all over his body with her Tessen, making cuts small and deep all over. Shen rushes in for a quick cut, slicing at his chest and causing him to fall to the ground. April turns to see her opponent seemingly defeated, and starts to walk away triumphantly.
April: Looks like we now know who the real winner...
Before she can finish her sentence, a lightsaber ignited right through her stomach, showing a gravely wounded Ezra kneeling behind her.
April: B-but… how…
As April turns her head, she sees that Ezra had used the force with his wounded hand to recall his lightsaber back to him at the last minute. Ezra then recalls his lightsaber as April falls to the ground and he falls to his knees.
Ezra: Guess… Kanan was right. No such thing as a tie.
Ezra then picks himself up and starts limping his way back to his tower in the distance, carrying his wounded arm.
Boomstick: Ninja vs Jedi. Jedi wins by a landslide.
Wiz: Both these teenage warriors in training both had some serious skills despite none of them completing their training, but only had enough skills to be a master over the other.
Boomstick: To April's credit, she could match Ezra in a lot of ways. Both were experts in sword fighting, and both could totally use psychic powers!
Wiz: But Ezra held the edge with his superior use of the force. Though April had enough psychic strength to lift and through a semi-truck weighing about 17 tons, Ezra could knock down small imperial walker weighing 40 tons, over 23 tons heavier than anything April could lift.
Boomstick: Boys rule, Girls drool. Just don't tell Jocelyn I said that.
Wiz: Though April had received some helpful training from the likes of Master Splinter and Professor Honeycutt, Ezra got his training from Kanan and Captain Rex, both of which have been in more fights for survival then April's teachers and had more to offer Ezra. Though they may not have given training in hand to hand combat like April, they did help him uses more powerful weapons.
Boomstick: Plus, Ezra had been surviving on his own for years, and adding his time working with the rebels, he's had way more experience on the front line their April has fighting to protect her city.
Wiz: This version of April O'Niel was as heroic and skilled as they come, but Ezra's superior training, arsenal, and powerful use of the force gave him the win.
Boomstick: April got "Psy"-kicked in the back, and lost her "puberty" to a "Fatality".
Wiz: The Winner is Ezra Bridger
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The cover name would be "Teenage Psychic Rebel Warriors".