Eiji Hino (火野 映司) is the main protagonist of the Kamen Rider series, Kamen Rider OOO. He was Nomad who suffered a regretful past of failure who met Ankh, a Greeed, who assisted him in fighting the Greeed as a rider.
Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]
Potential Opponents[]
- Ben Tennyson (Ben 10)
- Beast Boy (DC Comics)
- Nimona (...)
- Scott Pilgrim (...)
Early Life[]
Eiji was originally the son of a politician who used to travel around the world with his grandfather. While in Africa at one point, Eiji helped third-world communities and even befriended a girl called Ruu, whom was, unfortunately, collateral damage during a civil war between villages. Eiji was held captive by enemy forces after they found him in the village and held for ransom. His family paid for the release and his tragedy was used for public support for his father's political platform. This moment would be known to Eiji as his greatest regret, ultimately causing him to cast out any selfish desires and became willing to help others in need, even risking his life for strangers he just met.
Becoming Kamen Rider OOO[]
Eventually, Eiji returns to Japan to fund for more travels. However, his latest part-time job, as a security guard for the Kougami Art Museum, ends thanks to the destruction of the museum itself as well as being drugged to sleep by some robber wannabees. While off duty, Eiji takes a strange red coin he found, believing it to be his pay. This resulted in a disembodied arm to follow him around constantly until it introduces himself as Ankh, one of five ancient beings known as the Greeed, and requires Eiji's help to become King. While attacked by a monster called a Yummy, Eiji risks his life to help Ankh, who in return saves him and gives him two more strange coins, calling them Medals, and the seal of the Greeed, which becomes a belt, ultimately allowing Eiji to transform into Kamen Rider OOO.
Once the Yummy was destroyed by him, as well as other encounters with the Greeed themselves, the Kougami Foundation begin to approach Eiji, even to the point where they offer their assistance, despite their motives not being clear, in fighting the Greeed and Yummy. Along the way, Eiji also gets a job and housing at Cous Coussier upon the owner, Chiyoko Shiraishi, discovers he's a nomad. While also joined by Akira Date, Eiji learns a lot more about the Greeed's desire to become whole, and the reason why Ankh is unable to regain his complete form. Everything, however, changes when Eiji, due to the lack of selfish desires, becomes host to half of the Dinosaur Core Medals, assumedly the same reason why he can use the OOO driver without going berserk like his predecessor, but with dangerous consequences.
Movie War Megamax[]
Kamen Rider OOO 10th: Core Medal of Resurrection[]
Death Battle Info[]
Powers, Abilities and Weaponry[]
- As Kamen Rider OOO:
- Tatoba Combo: Also known as the Multi Combo, the Tatoba Combo is the main/default Combo of Eiji when he transforms into Kamen Rider OOO when he uses the Taka, Tora and Batta Core Medals. In this form, also one of the most balanced ones in terms of speed and power, Eiji's senses and accuracy are greatly improved, he's armed with the Toraclaw gauntlets and is even capable of transforming his legs into Batta Legs in order to reach enemies in high places. The Combo's Scanning Charge finisher is the Tatoba Kick, allowing Eiji to jump up high with the Batta Legs and then decends with a drop kick through three formed rings of the core medal colours.
- Super Tatoba Combo: Also known as the evolved form of Tatoba, Super Tatoba is the more powerful forms that Eiji can access via the Super Taka, Super Tora and Super Batta Core Medals. In this form, Eiji's punching power is lower than both the Tajador and Putotyra combos, but his kicking power and jumping height are exceeded out of all the other combos, and he's also slightly faster than the Putotyra combo too. Eiji is capable of flying thanks to the Taka Head Brave giving him wings, longer and sharper versions of the Toraclaw Gauntlets and spiked Batta Goras Legs. As a bonus, given the combo's future properties, Eiji can bypass time to gain the upperhand if he needs to. The Combo's Scanning Charge Finisher is the Super Tatoba Kick, a much stronger version of the original Tatoba Kick itself.
- Takagaruba Combo:
- Takapanba Combo:
- Takatoragaru Combo:
- Takayadoba Combo:
- Gatakiriba Combo: Also called the Strongest Combo, is the green combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Insect Core Medals, and by extension the Kuwagata, Kamakiri and Batta Core Medals. In this form, Eiji is capable of shooting lightning from the Kuwagata Horns on his helmet, use the Kamakiriswords and even jump slightly higher than the Tatoba Combo, the only downside to this is that his punching power and maximum running speed is decreased. The Combo's main ability is the Branch Shade, allowing Eiji to create massive amounts of duplicates of himself, though it's difficult to revert back to himself just being his single self in order to cancel the transformation. The Combo's Scanning Charge finisher is the Gatakiriba Kick, where Eiji splits into several clones of himself and jumps into the air to perform a series of flying kicks on the foe.
- Latoratah Combo: Also called the Scorching Combo, is the yellow combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Feline Core Medals, and by extension the Lion, Tora and Cheetah Core Medals. In this form, Eiji is capable of emitting infrared light known as the Lio Diaz, which is intense enough to incinerate anything, use the Toraclaw gauntlets and, despite kicking and jumping power decreased to less than what Tatoba gives, run at very high speeds with the Cheetah legs, even allowing him to perform the Revol Spin Kick too. The Combo's Scanning Charge finisher is the Gouache Cross, allowing Eiji to charge through three yellow rings with the speed of the Cheetah legs before delivering a cross slash on his foe with the Toraclaw gauntlets infused with the power of the Lion Medal's energy.
- Sagozo Combo: Also called the Gravity Combo, is the grey combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Large Animal Core Medals, and by extension the Sai, Gorilla and Zou Core Medals. In this form, Eiji is able to perform strong headbutts through the use of the Sai Head, his strength is massively increased with the Goribagoon gauntlets, which he can perform the Bagoon Pressure attack on any foe with and even create powerful shockwaves by banging on his chest armor with said gauntlets, and with the Zou Legs, can cause minor earthquakes and powerful drop attacks with his attack known as the Zuo Stomp. The Combo's Scanning Charge Finisher is the Sagohzo Impact, allowing Eiji to manipulate gravity and lift him into the air and weighs himself down to hit the ground with a powerful stomp, trapping a foe in the ground around him n the process before moving them towards Eiji where he delievers a powerful double handed punch and headbutt to them.
- Tajador Combo: Also called the Blazing Combo, is the red combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Avian Core Medals, and by extension the Taka, Kujaku and Condor Core Medals. In this form, Eiji is able to see far distances and keep sight of his opponents with the Taka Head Brave, fly with wings and use the Tajaspiner, to perform the Giga Scan attack along with enhanced punching, and use talon-like attachments on the Condor Legs to enhance his kicking damage. Eiji is also able to create peacock feather shaped energy blasts he can use to direct at opponents. The Combo's Scanning Charge Finisher is the Prominence Drop, where after flying into the air by use of the Kujaku Wings, Eiji can perform a flying dropkick with the Condor Leg Talons.
- Shauta Combo: Also called the Marine Combo, is the blue combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Aquatic Animal Core Medals, and by extension the Shachi, Unagi and Tako Core Medals. In this form, Eiji's is weak, given how all of his stats are decreased. However, the form is strong in terms of it's special abilities, such as underwater combat, capable of liquifying his own body, Emit and/or receive sonic waves, as well as shoot out streams of water and end up underwater for hours, use the Unagi/Voltarm Whips on his foes and with the Tako Legs, can stick to any surface and split his legs into eight octopus-like legs which can trap, hit a foe with a barrage of kicks or even become a drill if needed. The Combo's Scanning Charge Finisher is the Oct Vanish, allowing Eiji to propel himself upwards via his liquified body, use the Unagi Whips to drag his foe towards him before he performs a corckscrew-like drill kick wit the Tako Legs.
- Putotyra Combo: Also called the Invincible Combo, is the purple combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Dinosaur Core Medals, and by extension the Ptera, Torikera and Tyranno Core Medals. In this form Eiji becomes powerful like in the Tajador Combo, but he also becomes a mindless berserk beast sometimes as a result if he uses the combo for too long. His punching and kicking powers, jumping height and running speed are all higher than that of the Tajador Combo. Eiji is able to fly at high speeds and even freeze foes with an icy blast of air via the Ptera Head, use the Wind Stinger horns that stretch to various lengths and use the Taildivider armor to form a tail that can result in a devastating blow. The Combo's Scanning Charge Finisher is the Blasting Freezer. When used, Eiji uses the Wind Stingers to stab foes and hold them while using the Ptera Head to freeze them immediately and lastly use the Tyranno Legs' Taildivider to finish them off.
- Burakawani Combo: A mysterious combo, the Burakawani Combo is the orange combination of Eiji when he uses all three of the Reptile Core Medals, and by extension the Cobra, Kame and Wani Core Medals. In this form, compared to the Tatoba Combo, Eiji has higher punching and kicking power, but has lower jumping height and running speed. His eyesight is doubled, gains infra-red vision and with the Buranghi, can summon a cobra from the back of Snaker Bangs, known as the Capello Brush, all with the Cobra Head, he can also create energy shields called the Gora Shielduo with the turtle shell-like Goura Guardners on his forearms and is able to use the Saw Deadscythers slash enemies with every kick he makes. The combo's form is also covered in a bio-enchancing substance called Soma Venom, strengthening his own muscles and repairing his armor in the process. The Combo's Scanning Charge Finisher is the Warning Ride, where Eiji projects three rings in front of him before dashing through them, firstly in a foot-first slide before unleashing a powerful kick with the Saw Deathscythers which generate a huge energy-like crocodile that eats the foe.
- Saramiuo Combo:
- Bikaso Combo:
- Shigazeshi Combo:
- Mukachiri Combo:
- Seishirogin Combo:
- Mismatched Combos:
- Tatoba Combo: Also known as the Multi Combo, the Tatoba Combo is the main/default Combo of Eiji when he transforms into Kamen Rider OOO when he uses the Taka, Tora and Batta Core Medals. In this form, also one of the most balanced ones in terms of speed and power, Eiji's senses and accuracy are greatly improved, he's armed with the Toraclaw gauntlets and is even capable of transforming his legs into Batta Legs in order to reach enemies in high places. The Combo's Scanning Charge finisher is the Tatoba Kick, allowing Eiji to jump up high with the Batta Legs and then decends with a drop kick through three formed rings of the core medal colours.
- Greeed Physiology:
- Greeed Transformation:
- Danger Protection:
- Yummy Creation:
- Aerokinesis:
- Symbosis ESP:
- Core Sarcophagus:
Physical Attributes[]
- Martial Arts: Originally having little to no combat experience, Eiji's fighting instincts became highly stimulated with his battles against the Greeed, thus allowing him to fight against them on equal footing with both them, other Greeed, Kamen Rider Poseidon and many more foes as a Kamen Rider. Even if he can't transform, Eiji has shown he's capable of fighting several Yummies at once with ease.
- Acrobatics:
Weapons and Miscellaneous abilities[]
- OOO Driver: Once the seal which kept the Greeed at bay for 800 years, the OOO Driver is the primary transformation belt which allows Eiji to transform into Kamen Rider OOO. It will, however, only work for him and nobody else.
- OOO Scanner: The OOO Scanner is the device which comes with the OOO Driver and the primary transformation device capable of reading the energy found within any Core Medals while transforming into Kamen Rider OOO.
- Medajaribur: Created by the Kougami Foundation as part of their Medal System, the Medajaribur is one of the main weapons used by Eiji, capble of being used as a sword and alsofiring waves of energy when three cell medals are inserted into it, allowing him to do the Triple Scanning Charge finisher. It's capable of slicing through both a Yummy and even the fabric of reality itself, though it can restore everything except said Yummy afterwards. Eiji was given this sword as a 'birthday president' from said foundation.
- Tajaspiner: The Tajaspiner is a buckler-like shield/weapon used by Eiji while as the Tajador Combo or any mismatched combo that includes the Kujaku Medal. It's capable of shooting fireballs, streams of fire and even medal-like projectiles at foes, and can also be used as a guard against any foes. In terms of physical attacks, it also adds fire to Eiji's punches. By placing seven O medals inside it's O Crown, or otherwise any and using the OOO Scanner, Eiji is able to perform the Giga Scan, with the slight difference being that the Cell Medals Giga Scan isn't as powerful. When using the Avian Core Medals in the Tajaspiner, Eiji is able to perform the Magna Blaze Giga Scan, able to generate a Phoenix-like aura around him before striking his foes, in fact using the Avian Core Medals is said to enhance the fireball shots from the weapon. When using all seven Dinosaur Medals, within his body, in the Tajaspiner, Eiji is able to perform the Lost Blaze Giga Scan, capable of launching them at a foe, but at the cost of creating a black hole upon impact.
- Tajanityspinner: An upgraded version of the Tajaspiner and the primary weapon of the Tajador Eternity Combo, the Tajanityspinner is capable of anything the original can do and better. Using the Eternity Core Medals within it, Eiji can perform the Eternity Magna Blaze, allowing him to charge the weapon with multi-coloured energy and fires a phoenix, which flies thrugh red rings of energy, at the foe.
- Medagabryu: The Medagabryu, also known as the Medal Biting Dragon, is the primary weapon, capable of interchanging between an Axe and Bazooka, that Eiji uses while in the Putotyra Combo, allowing him to unleash the full potential of the Core Medals themselves, as well as being able to be used for other Combos Eiji uses. It is capable of delivering ice-powered slashes towards any foes, but is only the Putotyra combo is control the Bazooka mode. In Axe Mode, Eiji is able to perform the Grand of Rage slash, capable of damaging or even destroying Core Medals, in any combo he uses aside from Putotyra, the power of which varies. In Bazooka mode, Eiji is capable of performing the Strain Doom blast, allowing him to deliver a powerful spiral beam of violet energy to destroy a foe.
- Ridevendor: A Honda VT 750 c2b Shadow Black Spirit motorcycle capable of transforming from Vendor to Bike. Originally created by the Kougami Foundation, as part of their Medal System for it's squad motorcycle brigade, it serves as the main vehicle for Eiji if and when he needs it. In it's initial mode, it acts as a simple vending machine that holds Candroids, hidden from sight until needed.
- ToRidevendor: By combining it with the Toracandroid in bike mode, the Ridevender becomes the ToRidevendor. In this form, while only compatible with the Latoratah Combo, the bike's speed and power is increased, capable of using it's claw-like components to fire medal shaped blasts at foes. However, with any other combo, the bike becomes like a wild animal.
- Candroids: Special animal-themed support robots which transform from can mode to animal mode.
- Taka: The Takacandroid is capable of flying, even gathering medals or otherwise transmitting images.
- Tako: The Takocandroid is the flexible flyer that can join up with more of it's kind to form things like roads, bungee cords, trampolines etc. On it's own, it's capable of defending itself by spraying ink at any foe.
- Batta: The Battacandroid is an experimental Candroid used for two-way transmitters.
- Tora: The Toracandroid was given to Eiji personally to allow him to combine it with the Ridevendor to become the Toridevenor.
- Denkiunagi: The Denkiunagicandroid is designed to gather cell medals more effectively than Takacandroids and even release electric shocks too.
- Gorilla: The Gorillacandroid, build wit ha Yummy detection system, despite not being able to detect Greeed, and has superhuman strength, allowing it to throw heavy objects.
- Kujaku: The Kujyakucandroid is capable of gathering Cell medals more smoothly, and otherwise capable of projecting a screen and even using its peacock-like tail to propel itself into the air, create small tornadoes and otherwise act as a buzzsaw blade.
- Ptera: A next-generation of Candroid, the Pteracandroid is capable of using Cell Medal energy more efficiently, allowing it to move faster than any candroid built and even transfer info thanks to ultrasound.
- Torikera: Another next-generation of Candroid, the Torikeracan is capable of ramming through any obstacles and even use its horns to flick medals at it's foes.
Feats and Strengths[]
- Willing to help out anyone in need, even if they're complete strangers.
- Has a lack of desire, allowing him to use the OOO Driver.
- Against any full combos which proved to be taxing on his body, he managed to resist the strain of power over time.
- Overcame the berserk nature of the Dinosaur Core Medals.
- Gone toe-to-toe with many foes, the following of which are stated:
- The Greeed
- Uva
- Kazari
- Gamel
- Mezool
- Kyoryu
- Gara
- Kamen Rider Poesidon
- Lem Kannagi
- The Greeed
- Teamed up with Kamen Rider Double & Kamen Rider Fourze
Flaws and Weaknesses[]
- If Eiji uses any full combos, the embodied full power of the corresponding Greeed can be a heavy toll on him in the aftermath of a fight, especially in the case of prolonged use.
- Because of the nature of the Dinosaur Core Medals, Eiji is Unable to handle said effects of them and can cause him to go berserk, let alone mutate into a Greeed himself.
- Creates a black hole if using the Lost Blaze Giga Scan.