Eevee VS Michiru | |
Season | 4 |
Season Episode | 6 |
Air date | 07-12-2022 |
Written by | Cider621 |
Episode guide | |
Previous Kevin vs Gregory |
Next Zavok VS Jiren |
- Fluffy animal-like people that aren't actually animals
- Pokémon
- Beastman
- Both have something interesting with their DNA
- Eevee is known for unstable DNA
- Michiru got a spiked blood transplant that made her not human, and also unstable DNA
- Both are females in a largely male dominated species
- Most Eevee's are male despite the Mascot Eevee being female
- A theme of BNA is that Women Beastmen are heavily discriminated against
- Both have a wide array of abilities
- Eevee has many different evolutions and powers of her own
- Michiru can transform her body to different species
- Eevee
- Gets G-max
- Has the ability I deemed best suited for combat
- Can only use the moves I list in her Bio
Wiz: The concept of multiple animal abilities has been around for years
Boomstick: And these 2 take it to the extreme, by adding a spin to it
Ability variety is something these 2 are no stranger to
Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon
And Michiru, the Human turned Beastman
He's Wiz and i'm Boomstick
And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Vaporeon, Jolteon and, the Savior "Dome is our Home"
Espeon and Leafeon
Glaceon and Leafeon
Finally, Sylveon. All these diverse Pokemon spawn from one adaptable fox, Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon
Eevee itself is boring why not one of the cool ones
Oh, Boomstick, Eevee is really versatile itself
I mean besides their Dinna-
Don't tell me what I know
Well, I assume you were saying their DNA is adaptive meaning they can adapt to many different environments, usually leading to an evolution but likely can survive without...except in the case of Vaporeon
Hey Wiz, did you know that in t-
Shut up, right now
Well, Eevee is able to survive in cold temperatures, including places that could reportedly freeze a human solid
I remember you blabbing about this before, that's -879.4°F?
I- yes actually
Pop-up: Given that an Eevee can still be given frozen status, it's likely that Ice attacks are even colder
They can also survive in hot areas
In order to become Flareon's some Eevee's must live and survive around areas with fire stones, one place is the fiery path
Why is it called fiery if it's filled with geysers?
I...don't know but area's around geysers can be at least 199°F, enough to cook a human
Like a briskit
Those temperatures are pretty extreme, and they can just chill there?
Yes, and it's ability, Adaptibility; allows it's STAB to be a 2x boost
Comparing it to it's superior mascot, Pikachu it could likely hit with at least 14.8 tons of TNT (as determined in Rescue Team Pikachu VS Captain Toad)
However, it's slow than Pikachu, but it's speed would still be a respectable 165,000 mph
Is it move time?
It's move time
It has Quick Attack for blitzing
And Swift which makes homing stars that never miss unless destroyed
Iron Tail is where it's tail turns into steel, and used like a bat
Dig allows it to dig down and attack once it comes back up
Shadow Ball is a...shadowy ball that explodes on contact
It's likely just spectral energy
And Double Team creates abunch of clones that can only be destroyed by either hitting Eevee or destroying every clone
And, when all other moves are used, it has a devastating move called last resort
And if Dyna energy is around it can become giant!
G-max Eevee is 59" feet tall
That's bigger than a Brachiosaurus
And it's weight was probably 35 tons
Pop-up: There's no official weight for g-max Eevee this is a rough estimate
And it gets a cool new attack, G-max...cuddle?
G-max Cuddle is a devastating attack stronger than last resort and infatuates anyone of the opposite gender
Man, Eevee really is cool
That it is Boomstick
“ | Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this special Pokémon conceals many different possible evolutions. | „ |
~ Pokédex |
One day best friends Michiru and Nazuna were in a car accident
Happens to the best, right Wiz?
Well, their crash wasn't because the drunk one grabbed the wheel from the sober one and turned towards a cliff
Man, you just can't get over that can you?
Well after a blood transfusion, Nazuna transformed into a beastman and was taken into a black van by men in suits and never seen again
Bummer, well, Michiru turned into a tanuki beastman during basketball practice and hid at home, like it was 2020 all over again
Eventually, she found the Anima City website, she wrote a letter to her parents letting them know she planned to live in Anima City and left home
Heh, she'd learn that being a Beastman wasn't very fun when compared to her prejudicless life as a human
Despite being safe from humans; beastmen, like humans, also love to kill each other
This isn't anything like Zootopia is it?
No it is not, more like furry Detroit
So Detroit?
...AS a strange human-beastman...hybrid? fusion?
I mean- ok, as a strange human-beastman abomination Michiru has alot more versatility than a normal beastman
Pop-up: While Michiru is 100% beastman her versatility is likely from being a human formerly
She can make her arms stretch to at least 33 feet or even up to 328 feet
She can also mix that ability with gorilla arms which are extremely strong like ripping apart a metal casing or making a tornado by throwing a ball
As a guy who was locked up with Wiz for "Crimes against the Geneva Con-"
Oh right, well I know how strong metal casing is, she'd be able to lift like 1000 tons
When fighting a Nirvasyl Yaba with Shirou they destroyed an entire warehouse, based on the average size of a that could be worth up to 20 tons of TNT
She can outrun a Baseball in cheetah form meaning she can run at least 92.3 mph, the average pitch speed (As determined in Little Grin VS Casper)
Pop-up: Given it was thrown by a Beastman we are unsure how fast it was actually going, likely faster
When she uses her wings she can catch a falcon beastman mid-dive
Falcon's are awesome and normal one's can dive up to 240 mph
She can also react and dodge machine gun fire
Machine gun bullets can fire up to 1,800 mph
She can also use her tail to defend herself from huge falls or blunt impacts
With bunny ears ears she hear conversations from far away or listen through walls
She can turn her arms into wings and legs into talons
She can also turn her fur into a chameleon's skin and change colors, these are some powers no woman should have
If you got nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about
With a wolf nose she can take in scents from miles away and with hawk eyes she can see at least 100 ft away as well as sharpen her focus
Nobody is going to get away with cheating if she their partner
Normal people don't cheat
Doesn't mean my ex-wives co-worker wasn't 3 inches deep
I didn't need to know that
Deadpool: I'd make her feel more complete~
Well, a bonus when she tranforms is that she glows, blinding anyone near
Wait, didn't she find her friend Nazuna?
That she did, as well as discover herself and as well she ended a large part of terrorism in Anima City, Human or Beastman people should be thankful for Michiru Kagemori
“ | Whether I’m a woman or a beastman or a human, who cares about that crap anymore? I’ll decide what’s normal! I’ll decide how I’ll live my life and what’s pretty! If there are beastmen who want to be human, then let them be! But stealing their right to choose, like what you wanted to do, is seriously creepy as hell! | „ |
Alright, with the combatants all set and the data run through all possibilities, let's end this debate once and for all
It's time for a Death battle!
(Ok, listen I realized after I made the image that i had made the wrong scene, so let’s just call me an idiot and move on our way)
On the beach outside Anima City, Eevee trots up towards Michiru
Michiru: She notices the small feral fox oh, are you lost?
They don’t actually start fighting i’m just stupid and decided to make THIS part
Michiru gets up to get the Eevee, only for her paw to get bit
Michiru: OnO!? She flings her arm up AH! LET GO! She kicks her off her paw
Eevee: Voi! She bonks her in the sand and pops her head up and waggles her head sorta miffed
Eevee’s tail glows as swift stars fire out
Michiru: Her ears perk up as she’s shocked at what the heck those are, no time to think as they home in, she tries to dodge one flies by her but it loops around and they all hit her Agh!? Well that wasn’t very nice! Her arm grows buff and she yells as she slams her arm down WAS IT?!
Eevee stares abit as she certainly wasn’t expecting that before the tanuki’s gorilla arm slams down as sand flies everywhere, she lifts her arm only to see the Eevee is gone
Michiru: Huh?! Her ears turn to rabbit ears as she listens out hearing the digging under her Oh crud!
She jumps backwards as Eevee erupts from the ground, and as if we were viewing in slow-motion, Michiru spins around her tail growing the flash of light temporarily blinding Eevee as she’s knocked away by the huge tail, as we view things in normal motion, Eevee lands on her face and slides in the sand before she flips over and gets up
Eevee: Eevoi!! She gains a white outline as she dashes forward using quick-attack
Michiru realizing she can’t dodge this attempt to hide in her tail but before she can defend she’s hit full on by the small fox
She’s hit backward and lands on her back, before a glow blinds Eevee again by the time she can see again Michiru is gone
Eevee attempts to search but long arms suddenly grab her from behind, she yelps in surprise as Michiru drops the chameleon skin, she then starts slamming Eevee in the ground flinging her every which way before throwing her into the air forming wings and grabbing the fox in her talons, flying upward quickly and changing her wings to gorilla arms dropping the Eevee and punching her back towards the ground
Eevee hits the ground hard as Michiru drops to land she punches again knocking the Eevee into the ground over and over before she hits something hard and sharp
Michiru: OnO!? She hits the ground and grabs her wrist What was that?!
Eevee turns her tail from steel back to normal, she had used the point in her tail to her advantage
Michiru: You little-
Eevee fires a shadow ball, it blows up in Michiru’s face knocking her into the water
Eevee: She giggles thinking she did it
Michiru then blasts up from the water with her wings the water splashed in the air making a rainbow she then dives down and grabs the fox in her talon squeezing tight, Eevee starts to struggle but with her little light body Michiru could easily contain her
While she flies in the air she slams the fox into the concrete on building the Vee yelping in pain as her head is hit over and away before she dives downward and flinging back to launch the fox into the clouds
As she hits the peak of the throw, her fur get’s ice crystals on it but she’s largely unbothered, mostly worried about how she’s like a 1,000 ft in the air
Michiru with a wolf snout is sniffing out Eevee as she flies upward to intercept her, as she sees Eevee she swing her talon at her, but the Vee poofs away as dozen of Eevee’s rain
Michiru: What the-!?
She swings at the Eevee’s each dissipating before she notices, they don’t have a scent she catches the Real Eevee’s scent but it was too late as she’s BONKED on the head with Eevee’s Iron Tail
She drops the wings as she’s being flung down forming Gorilla Arms as she throws a punch at the Eevee attempting Iron Tail again
They start clashing and trading blows in air as they near the ground Eevee who managed to be on top is enveloped in a golden aura, orbs of energy being absorbed into her body, the aura forming into a giant star and it's fired at Michiru, Last Resort
Michiru: Oh…crud- The star hit’s her exploding and she hits the ground the ground cracking as dust and debris fly into the air
Eevee lands using Iron Tail to hit her once again once she lands she flip backwards off of the Tanuki
Michiru after laying for good bit, flashes before blending in, she sneaks away to get a bit of a break from the fight as the Eevee searches for her, she waits to ambush the Vee and when that opportunity arises
She quickly changes to her gorilla arms taking the Eevee by surprise and slamming her fist down the force of her arms makes the fox rebound and fling into the air only to get slammed and bound even higher cracking the ground more and more before she’s about to use both of her fists to crush the vee
But before she can she notices red energy pouring up from the cracks in the ground
Michiru: What on Earth is this stuff??
The energy enters Eevee as she starts growing to her monstrous nearly 60 feet tall Gigantamax form
Michiru: She looks up at her Nirvasyl?!
The Eevee roars out the force of the dyna-energy wave nearly knocks the Tanuki down
The giant fox slams a paw down, but Michiru jumps backwards her legs turning to that a cheetahs as she runs around to avoid the Fox trying to squish her, giant stars forming from the Eevee as they home in on her
Michiru jumps around the stars trying to bait them into either accidentally the ground or hitting each other, every time they explode around her she stumbles abit, in the midst of the final explosion she flies up the wind her wings make blows any smoke or dust away as she clings onto the foxes fluff “voi?” she exclaims before she realizes what’s about to happen as Michiru’s wings grow large as the Eevee is suplexed by a tanuki bird
The Eevee now on her back looks perplexed as the Tanuki bird flies quickly into the air and dives down, the Vee squints her eyes and just when Michiru is close enough and going to fast to pull up she’s swatted and slams into a building the first real hit by the G-max Vee put a number on her as she falls to the ground
The ground below Michiru starts to crack as energy pours from it, she quickly attempts to get away from it before G-max Cuddles massive laser shoots upward enveloping her
Michiru: No! I’ll keep fighting until the end!
The Vee quickly starts shrinking as Michiru’s gorilla arms shoots out singed badly but about to squish the vee between them
The Vee winces in anticipation of her death before the arms flop to the ground after g-max cuddle concludes, Michiru’s arms being the only thing left of her body
Eevee: Making a poker face before she quickly gets away from the murder she just committed
Damn, why are cute creatures so brutal?
Well, Eevee’s are technically feral, and beastmen have “beast” in the title
Why didn’t Michiru win? She had massive gorilla arms, could fly, could hide and, could easily find Eevee if she tried to hide
That’s true Michiru has a versatility advantage and has better battlefield control, unfortunately for her, Eevee held a speed advantage
Speed isn’t everything, what about her better Attack Potency?
Well Eevee also may hold that, keep in mind that other Pokemon we’ve gone over we’ve placed them in the mid-point of their frankly wide range of possible strength. Eevee having an AP of 14.8 tons of TNT is the lowest of that range
And 14.8 tons of TNT is already close to Michiru’s 20 tons of TNT
So it could easily be argued that Eevee also has the Attack Potency advantage, that mixed with Eevee’s greater speed means she could have two extremely important advantages
And G-max Eevee being a juiced up Eevee means she would take AP without any doubt then a killing blow is certain
That’s right Boomstick
Looks like the Eevee evolved a way to Eevend Michiru
The winner is Eevee
Next Time[]
Next Time on Deathbattle!

Battle Track[]