Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Edelgard vs Tokichiro
Season 1, Episode 2
Vital statistics
Air date April 7th, 2020
Written by LakuitaBro01.2
Directed by LakuitaBro01.2
Episode guide
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Edelgard vs Tokichiro is a What-If?Death Battle by LakuitaBro01.2 


Fire Emblem vs Nioh! The person closest to you can turn on you at any moment, and even raise an army at that! Will Edelgard claim Japan for the Adrestian Empire? Or will Japan united under Tokichiro push off the invaders?


Wiz: War. One of the oldest proclamations known to man. Armies have been built up from nothing just to stand a chance against a rival power.

Boomstick: More often than not it's used to assert dominance over other people. Does it work on animals?

Wiz: Possibly, why do you ask?

Boomstick: I need to stop my dog from pooping on the rug.

Wiz: Have you tried training it properly?

Boomstick: Of course I have! But whenever I reward him with chocolate he just craps it out again.

Wiz: Boomstick, dogs can't eat chocolate. It's poisonous to them.

Boomstick: God damnit!

Wiz: Edelgard von Hresvelg, the Emperor of the Adrestrian Empire.

Boomstick: And Tokichiro, the Spirit Stone-fueled Emperor of Japan. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win a Death Battle.


Wiz: The Adrestian Empire had remained the nation with the strongest military in Fodlan for centuries. In the Year 1163, the Emperor Ionis IX had his ninth child: Edelgard von Hresvelg. When Edelgard was 11, she was subjected to horrendous experiments that would haunt her for her whole life.

Boomstick: Her uncle and a bunch of nobles kidnapped and tortured her and her siblings. What was hte goal? To embed the Crest of Flames within one of the children of the Emperor. Edelgard was the sole survivor of the atrocities, and the only success.

Wiz: She would come to hate the Crest system that ruled Fodlan since its founding, and it would fuel her to become the leader of the Adrestian Empire and go to war with the church.

Boomstick: I wouldn't blame her. One time my dad strapped bottle rockets to my hamsters to see who would go the furthest.

Wiz: Uhh... that's terrible, Boomstick.

Boomstick: Don't worry Wiz, Mr. Hairy is still flying to this day.

Wiz: Edelgard is a master tactician. At only the age of 17 she was able to take control of the entire Adrestian Empire and overrun the Church in just a couple of weeks after taking the throne.

Boomstick: She also continued to wage a winning war against the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance for five years. Granted after those five years is when the story changes drastically depending on which path you chose.

Wiz: Edelgard is extremely proficient in the use of axes. She can use any kind of axe, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. Tomahawks for throwing, iron and steel for melee, and she has one more axe up her sleeve that makes her particularly terrifying.

Boomstick: The Hero's Relic Aymr! Made from the blood, bones, and hearts of the long lost Children of the Goddess! No wonder why she uses this thing as her weapon of choice, it's basically what she went through as a kid!

Wiz: That also makes Aymr weird in the fact that it was made "specifically for Edelgard's needs". Meaning she had the weapon made from another being's body.

Boomstick: Creepy. Edelgard has two special moves with this axe. One is the Raging Storm, an attack that deals way more damage than a typical swing, and allows for Edelgard to move again. The other is Flickering Flower, an attack that leaves her opponent stuck in place.

Wiz: Coupled with her strength, this makes Aymr a dangerous weapon to be around. What's more is that Edelgard is also proficient in the use of swords.

Boomstick: The sword she prefers to use most is the Sword of Seiros; a sword used by the saint herself! There's a chance for the wielder to heal too, and having the Crest of Seiros increases the healing potential.

Wiz: However, Edelgard's true power lies within herself: The two Crests that she possesses.

Boomstick: Her first Crest is the Minor Crest of Seiros. Upon activation, it will cause her Combat Arts, like Raging Storm and Flickering Flower, to deal more damage than normal. But her other Crest is the fabled Crest of Flames.

Wiz: While the Crest of Seiros is passed down through the Hresvelg line, the Crest of Flames comes from the Goddess herself. This Crest, upon activation, has a chance to heal the user and increase their strength.

Boomstick: Crests also normally amplify a person's attributes as well. However, if a person's body uses a Crest Stone, or try to wield a weapon that requires a specific Crest to use, they will become a monster.

Wiz: In Edelgard's case, if she uses the full power of her Crest Stones she will transform into an entity known as Hegemon Edelgard. This massive version of Edelgard is also extremely powerful. Specializing in long distance attacks, she is absolutely dangerous.

Boomstick: Her Crest of Flames Power launches an orb of flame over long distances, and her Twin Crest Power, while shorter in range, is still more powerful. Her defenses go up too as a wall goes up around her.

Wiz: Edelgard's most powerful attack, however, is her Staggering Blow: Wilted Flower. It's a long ranged attack that ignores all defenses and leaves the opponent stuck in place.

Boomstick: Edelgard is capable of dodging lightning based magic and keeping up with Byleth, who has the power of Sothis with them at all times!

Wiz: As Edelgard wields two Crests, she is also somewhat on par with Byleth. She's able to trade blows with them and Dimitri, as well as being able to take down Demonic beasts by herself with no help before the time skip.

Boomstick: Hell, the Hero's Relics alone are at minimum half as strong as the Sword of the Creator. As all Relics have a single crest stone, the Sword of the Creator has two.

Wiz: And, as all Aymr and the Sword of the Creator can handle taking down the Immaculate one who face tanked Javelins of Light while weakened. For reference, a single Javelin of Light was able to create the Valley of Torment.

Boomstick: And she has enough power to wield it effortlessly at that! What's more is that her Hegemon transformation is even more powerful than her Hero's Relic and required the combined effort of Dimitri and Byleth to take her down.

Her Army:[]

Wiz: The Adrestian Empire's army is one of the most dominant military forces on Fodlan's map. Employing the use of mages, soldiers, cavalry, bowmen, and even Demonic Beasts.

Boomstick: The knights of the Adrestian Empire are all armed with swords and make up the basic units. The archers typically make use of being across the battle field from the opposition, usually being on the ballista or sniper perches.

Wiz: The mages of the Adrestian Empire make up a huge portion of their military might as they're some of the most skilled in the land. Wielding powerful magic like Hades Omega, or Luna Delta, they typically stay at medium range while casting their spells.

Boomstick: The cavalry are the most versatile troop in the army as well, since they can fight at any range and excel in hit and run strategies on horseback and on wyverns or pegasi. Of course, there are other troops like brawlers who are skilled in hand to hand combat and great knights who act as walls impervious to most damage.

Wiz: The true nature of the Adrestian Army lies in the experiments some soldiers have under gone. Many soldiers are given Crest Stones and become corrupted by them, turning them into Demonic Beasts.

Boomstick: Demonic Beasts are highly impervious to damage as they have a sort of barrier around them. The best way to shatter this barrier is a battalion, which is something that Edelgard has.

Wiz: Following close to Edelgard is her Battalion: The Supreme Armored Corps. Their special attack is launching a massive cart of explosives, engulfing everything in flames.

Boomstick: But the elite members of Edelgard's Army is the Black Eagle Strike Force. This group is made of the students from her house at the Officers Academy. As follows is her vassal Hubert von Vestra, Bernadetta von Varley, Caspar von Bergliez, Dorothea Arnault, Ferdinand von Aegir, Lindhardt von Hevring, and Petra Macneary.

Wiz: Hubert von Vestra is a Dark Bishop, meaning he far excels in the use of magic. He has the ability to use Death, Miasma, and Luna spells. Typically he leads his own small army to ward off invaders.

Boomstick: Bernadetta von Varley is the resident "losers love her" character and is an expert bow user. As a Sniper, Bernadetta is able to make shots on the enemy from across the battlefield with little difficulty.

Wiz: Caspar von Bergliez is a master of hand to hand combat as a War Master, and Dorothea Arnault, a Warlock who uses lightning based spells and Excalibur.

Boomstick: Ferdinand von Aegir is a Paladin who rides on horseback, so he too can do hit and run tactics with his lance. He also was in love with a lot of chicks, couldn't stop running into them.

Wiz: Lindhardt von Hevring acts as the group's healer as Bishop, although he is lazy, and is able to heal himself with Nosferatu. Finally, Petra Macneary is a skilled Assassin and the stealthiest member of the group. She is armed with the Sword of Zoltan.

Boomstick: Not to mention she's hot! The Adrestian Army is surely a capable force, as they were able to overrun three armies at the same time, but can the opposing army match up to the challenge?


Wiz: Feudal Japan has seen some rough days, but perhaps the roughest of all was the rise and fall of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Boomstick: Or in Nioh's retelling of history, the rise and fall of one simple Spirit Stone peddler named Tokichiro. With the ability to soothe evil yokai, Tokichiro was key in helping Hide control his yokai nature, and in turn Hide helped Tokichiro in his quest for power.

Wiz: Using his sharp wit and Hide's combat skill, the two would rise in Oda Nobunaga's ranks to his retainers. They were a fearsome duo who shared a single name: Hideyoshi. However everything took a turn for the worst around the fall of Nobunaga.

Boomstick: Corrupted by his love for Spirit Stones and the sorcerer Kashin Koji, Tokichiro abandoned his friends and declared war on Japan. Using his massive stash of stones, Tokichiro turned his troops into Yokai and formed an army impossible to topple.

Wiz: Impossible to topple is a good way to look at it. After being killed a second time, Hide went on to fight Kashin Koji and later Otakemaru but that's a whole different story.

Boomstick: That's right Wiz, we're here to talk about how a street merchant turned rags to riches by leeching off his supernaturally powered buddy.

Wiz: While that may be true to an extent, Tokichiro was able to become a commanding force feared throughout Japan in just a short amount of time. He was also able to stand up to Hide in both of their matches.

Boomstick: He does this with his trusty dual swords: Ogo and Nagamei Masamune. He's also equipped with some light armor so he doesn't get restricted when he's slicing stuff.

Wiz: Aside from his swords, Tokichiro has more to his arsenal than meets the eye. Thanks to the possession of Kashin Koji, Tokichiro harbors two Guardian Spirits.

Boomstick: Ah, Guardian Spirits. It's like a ghost on your shoulder if the ghost got up and started beating you to death.

Wiz: That's one way to put it. Yokai are born out of the suffering of others, where as Guardian Spirits are born out of one's faith. One example of this is when William prayed to be saved from drowning as a child and Saoirse was born because of it.

Boomstick: They're also super powered and strong. And Tokichiro has two of them! The first one is Tokichiro's first spirit: Masaru. It's a fiery little fucker that he's used to send out at his foes and rip them apart with its strength.

Wiz: The other one is one he inherited after becoming possessed; the boar spirit Yumehami. Where Masaru uses fire to attack, Yumehami use lightning to attack too.

Boomstick: Both of these ghost bastards also come with a special ability. Tokichiro can combine them with his swords, one fire and one lightning. Not only do his weapons become stronger, but he can then access more attacks.

Wiz: And in the event he feels it necessary, Kashin Koji granted him the power to turn into a Shiftling. What that means is he can now take on a more demonic form while sprouting horns. He becomes faster, he becomes stronger, and he has a lot more attacks to choose from.

Boomstick: He can still call upon his guardian spirits to attack, and he now has a long ranged flurry of lightning and fire blasts. He can even teleport around if he wished to! Tokichiro's true power lies in his ability to call forth the Yokai Realm.

Wiz: While in the Yokai Realm, anyone who is not a Yokai will gain their stamina back slower, where as anyone who is a Yokai or in a Yokai form will not be hampered, but rather will benefit from the realm.

Boomstick: And calling forth the Yokai Realm is a feat in of itself! It's essentially the Yokai's version of Earth, and Tokichiro can just merge those worlds together like it's nothing!

Wiz: Tokichiro can handle facing off against Hide not once but twice, both times giving them a tough match to handle, and for reference, Hide was able to beat his fair share of tough foes like Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji, Lady Osakabe, and even William Adams himself.

Boomstick: Tokichiro also attacks using lightning, and can keep up with Hide who could dodge it too. And it's not just some magical lightning Guardian Spirits use, they use real lightning to attack.

His Army:[]

Wiz: Tokichiro's Army differs greatly from Edelgard's in that there's a heavier emphasis on using Yokai rather than Humans. While humans do make up their ranks of archers and warriors, the emphasis on yokai us much greater.

Boomstick: The standard Yokai are Skeletons armed with swords and lances, some have bows, and the ones that have axes are just massive! Others include massive red demons called Yoki armed with huge swords, axes, kusaragamas, and whatever they can get their hands on. Both Yoki and Skeletons are capable of using handcannons as well.

Wiz: As the army has a heavy emphasis on using gunpowder, most infantry units possess guns and handcannons, while weapons like mortars are manned usually by a human and a yokai.

Boomstick: Then there's the tougher Yokai that make up Tokichiro's Army, like the Ubume. Ubume are Yokai who are the spirits of women who died during childbirth. Creepy as she is, her wailing is what really offsets the mood. And the Rokurikabe, who look just like humans but their necks can stretch at whim, and they can fire poison and, well, fire.

Wiz: There are also soldiers who didn't make it through the Yokai transformation, turning them into Aberrants. These Aberrant soldiers are have massive arms capable of launching chunks of Spirit Stone, or turning into a spear to poach the enemy.

Boomstick: Magatsu Warriors are some of the more deadly Yokai as they have six arms and are not afraid to use them. While the two arms on their back can be broken, they are quick to fight and can be rather hard to put down.

Wiz: While Tokichiro doesn't have a "elite squadron" of sorts, he does have several powerful Yokai at his disposal. Such as the Enenra, a massive golem made of smoke. Using its abilities it can move across rooms almost instantaneously, launch tornadoes, or set off arcs of explosions. In the Yokai Realm it loses its armor and becomes much faster.

Boomstick: The demonic duo Mezuki and Gozuki are versy similar. Gozuki has a massive blunt mace to smash its enemies while Mezuki has a massive saw blade to slice people in half. Both of them charge around a bunch, and Mezuki can tap into the Yokai Realm, gaining more speed and power to its attacks.

Wiz: The snaked god Yatsu-No-Kami plays a range game with its blades, massive body, and snake arms which dig into the ground and attack. In its Yokai Realm, the snake arms pop off and become their own entities while Yatsu-No-Kami gains more speed.

Boomstick: The Kamaitachi is big ol' lovable weasel when it's not evil. Using its blinding speed, Kamaitachi uses the blades on its body to slice and dice anything that steps into its territory. Legend says it moves so fast that people don't even feel their body parts getting sliced off.

Wiz: Tokichiro's second in command is a Shiftling by the name of Hachisuka Koroku. Armed with a kusaragama, Koroku is able to play the range game while calling upon the spirit of a Kamaitachi to attack his enemy. Typically, attacks to his back do little to no damage as a turtle's shell is strapped to it.

Boomstick: And finally the Daidara Bocchi. It takes the shape of a mountain giant, and in legend is to have said shaped Japan by moving mountains and creating lakes with its foot steps. Its primary method of attack is using laser beams, but its massive arms pack a huge punch as well.

Wiz: And with that the combatants are set.

Boomstick: Let's get ready for a Death Battle!

Death Battle:[]

Mount Fuji, Japan

The nation was united under one man who ruled with an iron fist and commanded a legion of soldiers and demons. He had betrayed everyone in his pursuit of power and powerful objects called Spirit Stones. Oda Nobunaga? Dead. Shibata Katsuie? Dead. His best friend Hide? Turned against him.

He could care less, however, as he had all the power a man could have wished for and more. No force could hope to stand against the might of Hideyoshi. Granted, his true name was Tokichiro, but he was meant to be feared regardless.

Tokichiro meant to expand his domain further west of his capitol, so from a vantage point on Mount Fuji, his eyes laid upon land, and he smiled to himself. It was all his for the taking. With the control he's gained over the yokai, there was no military power in the world that could take him on.

Suruga Bay

Just roughly 20 miles away from Mount Fuji, off the coast of the main land, was a massive fleet of war ships. They were a foreign power, and a strong one at that. 50 ships full of soldiers docked at the shoreline, catching the eyes of Tokichiro, who thought nothing of the invaders.

But down below it was a different story. Thousands of troops rallied in front of a woman in red.

"This land shall become our land! The rule of the Adrestian Empire shall be known across the world!"

The troops cheered as their leader delivered her speech. Their eyes were set upon Mount Fuji as a base of operations. Should they take the high ground, they would face little difficulty in crushing the nation.

From atop Mount Fuji, Tokichiro stared down upon the massive army in disbelief. A military power foolish enough to challenge him? Unbelievable. His own military was with him luckily. His normal soldiers stood behind him at the ready, and all Yokai under his command stood at the ready. Mortars were prepared, archers, both human and yokai, stood with bows drawn pointed below.

Down below, a scout had reported back to the leader.

"Emperor Edelgard! There's an army waiting around halfway up the mountain! There's beasts we've never seen before with them."

Edelgard looked uninterested. Instead, she turned to three of the Strike Force members behind her.

"Bernadetta, Caspar, Petra. Take half of our forces and go up the mountain from behind. We'll catch them in a pincer attack. Go now, we'll cover you."

The three elite members took off with a couple thousand troops in tow through the forest. Little did they know, a slippery and quick weasel yokai was watching from the treeline, and it took off up the mountain.

It landed right next to its friend, Hachisuka Koroku, and spoke in Yokai tongue to him about what it discovered.

"Tokichiro", Koroku began, "Half of their forces are going around the back of the mountain."

"Then follow them."

Koroku nodded and took a portion of their troops to follow the enemy from above. Both armies prepared for war, and it was not gonna be pretty.

Tokichiro 2 - Nioh 2

Tokichiro and Edelgard locked eyes despite being thousands of feet apart, and almost simultaneously both leaders called for a charge. Foot soldiers both ran up and ran down the mountain while the artillery took a step back to fight.

Then the mortars began to fire.


Edelgard's Army began the uphill battle nonetheless, as the mortars picked off just a couple soldiers at a time. The infantry of Tokichiro's army stood with rifles and handcannons at the front line, firing shot after shot at the massive army approaching them. Already the side of Mount Fuji was painted red with blood, but the Adrestian Empire did not give up.

The riflemen set their guns down and charged with odachis, dual swords, axes, and swords at the ready. The roar of the Japanese matched the roar of the Adrestians, and the clashing of blades was loud enough to match that of a volcanic eruption.

From below, Hubert gathered the mages of the empire in a line across the forest's edge, preparing to begin a magical assault. From above, the legions of Yokai gathered to race down the mountain.

But the bloodshed in between the two wasn't ceasing. Both leaders didn't see either of their armies winning. An odachi wielding samurai sliced off the head of an Adrestian Great Knight, while a Brawler used his spiked gauntlets to beat a swordsman to death. The cavalry charged up the mountain, swiping the Tokichiro Army's infantry on the way up.

With the cavalry making a push, and the size of the Adrestian Army beginning to wrap around Tokichiro's forces, Hubert and his mages began to shake the very Earth between the armies with their magic. Tokichiro watched as a mass of dark energy was slammed upon a portion of his troops. When the smoke cleared nothing remained but ash and scorched weaponry.

The second wave of Tokichiro's infantry were able to clear the cavalry as they pushed boulders over the mountain, crushing man and horse alike. As they began to run down the side of the mountain, hundreds of troops run up. Mortars were focused down upon the Adrestians. The roars of the cannons echoed off the mountain as the blood of both armies flew in every direction.

Magic rained down on Tokichiro's army as the mages began to rush forward, leaving Hubert, Edelgard, and the rest of the Black Eagle Strike Force behind to plan their own attack. Things began to look grim for the daimyo. With one last push from the infantry, and with mortars firing down upon the mages, Tokichiro's forces were able to keep the invaders at bay.

On the other side of Mount Fuji

The part of Tokichiro's forces that went with Koroku lay hidden and waiting for Caspar, Bernadetta, and Petra's forces to go up the mountain. Among the group was some infantry men, but there were also many Yokai, most of which were Yoki and Aberrants, and Koroku's Kamaitachi.

"Troops, keep it moving! The rest of our men have the enemy pinned down already!" Caspar yelled as he marched on. The troops in tow hoorah'd as they broke into a jog up the rest of the mountain. As they neared the top, a boulder was pushed down at them. Caspar was able to hold it in place, and with some help, was able to roll it off the path. They were now faced off against Koroku and his group.

Both groups screamed and charged. One Adrestian soldier sliced the face of a dual wielding warrior, but instead of dying, his neck sprung forth and wrapped around the soldier before tossing him off the mountain. Several more Rokurikabe revealed themselves, off putting the Adrestians.

Bernadetta and her battalion of snipers began to pick off Tokichiro's forces, but the Aberrant Soldiers and Skeletons answered back with their own volley of arrows and firepower.

So while Bernadetta distracted the archers and Caspar led the front line, Petra and a squadron of assassins and thieves snuck around to catch Koroku from the side.

This was where the first major casualty of the battle would take place.

As Petra got closer to the Shiftling commander, a blur of speed rushed past her troops. She turned to see them all standing there, but slowly they all fell apart, lifeless. Standing behind them all was the weasel Yokai: Kamaitachi. Petra readied her sword as the weasel snarled at her. One of the two armies would lose a key fighter in the next few minutes.

Fodlan Winds - FE:3H

Petra yelled out a battle cry and raced towards the big Yokai. Likewise it snarled back at her and rushed her. Petra parried its blades and sliced at its nose, but it was quick enough to dodge the swipe. The Kamaitachi clung to a nearby tree and launched sharp waves of energy at Petra, who rolled out of the way of each one.

The Kamaitachi then leapt off the tree and spun rapidly midair as it curved towards Petra. Petra blocked the blow and threw the big weasel off track, sending it crashing into the cliff side. It shook off the hit and turned to the princess. Petra was already at its side, thrusting the sword of Zoltan into its side. The Yokai hissed and scooped Petra up with the blade on its tail, throwing her away from it.

Petra clutched the small hole in her chest and took out a dagger as the Kamaitachi charged her. The princess dodged out of the way, but the elbow blade of the Yokai caught her thigh, slicing it open. Petra couldn't stick the landing and landed on her side, crying with pain as blood sprayed across the rock face of the mountain.

The screams alerted her allies, who saw the beast circling around her as she writhed in pain. Caspar's eyes widened, he wasn't about to let his friend get brutally murdered by a weasel.

"PETRA!" he cried as he broke into a sprint towards her, but Koroku himself lasso'd the blue haired brawler and dragged him away towards him. Caspar was able to hold back incoming blade as he laid with his back on the floor, helpless to help his teammate.

Petra looked up, woozy from the blood loss, as the Kamaitachi raced past her, slicing her head clean off her neck. The Kamaitachi roared and dove head first into the surging crowd of soldiers fighting off the Yokai.

Bernadetta stood there in terror at what she had witnessed.

"Fire on that weasel!" she finally uttered. A volley of arrows rained down upon the Kamaitachi, but all that did was make it angry. As it turned focus to the snipers, Bernadetta pointed forward at the rapidly approaching Yokai.

"Now!" she commanded, and from the forest's edge a single ballista shot forth, severing the tail of the beast. It howled in pain and rolled around before it got control of itself in time to dodge another ballista shot.

As Bernadetta dealt with the Kamaitachi, Caspar had gotten free from Koroku's Kusaragama and was going blow to blow with him. The War Master punched the Shiftling away towards the rock wall of the mountain, but he rebounded off and smacked him with his shell.

"They taught you to fight well!" Koroku began, "But we are something beyond that you can imagine!"

The kusaragama was thrown at Caspar, who caught it and pulled Koroku closer, but seemingly the Kamaitachi leapt out of him. Caspar reacted in time for his gauntlets to get slashed, but no bodily harm was done to him.

"How did you do that?" Caspar questioned fearfully. Koroku laughed heartily and replied "I'm no typical human, boy!"

A Kamaitachi leapt out of Koroku again, this time creating a massive tornado that blew away several people and Yokai. Tokichiro, who was now easily dispatching soldiers, took notice of the gust of wind and nodded.

"It appears Koroku and his Yokai have engaged the enemy. My turn..."

Hordes of Yokai poured down from the peak of the mountain towards the battle below. Edelgard looked shocked to see this, she thought that maybe that this army too had demonic beasts in their possession. Tokichiro's army cut a clear path down the mountain with the Yoki at the front line.

The Adrestian Empire went on the defensive, the mages provided all the covering fire they could as volleys of magic blasted the Yokai into pieces. The Aberrant Soldiers shot blast after blast down the mountain to combat the mages as the Yoki began to be matched by the sheer numbers of the Empire's army.

From the forests then came dozens of demonic beasts. Their sheer size overwhelmed the Yokai, and many were crushed under the weight of the beasts. Where one Ubume was able to gouge out the stomach of one, another had eaten the torso off a Yoki. The one advantage that Tokichiro had, mortars on the high ground, were running out of ammo fast.

Then, from behind him, the smoke from his bonfire whirled about and flew down the mountain before it formed on top of a demonic beast. The power of this new Yokai became apparent when it ripped one in half. Edelgard took note of the Enenra. It had the power to travel almost instantaneously AND had the strength to beat a demonic beast.

"Ferdinand. I require your assistance." Edelgard stated. The Paladin nodded and rode out to face off against the giant. His horse leaped up in the air to meet it, and his lance went through the beast's face. It roared in pain and swatted him off to the side. His horse rolled, but was okay. Ferdinand tucked and rolled and stood upright. The focus of the giant was on him.

Azai Nagamasa - Nioh 2

While the Enenra was busy taking on Ferdinand, the majority of the Adrestian Army shifted its attention back towards Tokichiro's forces. Tokichiro deduced that Ferdinand was one of their own elite soldiers and got angry. He needed another Yokai to help his quickly dwindling forces, and from the side of the mountain burst the snake god Yatsu-No-Kami.

The snake went to work skewering those who stood in its path, taking down several mages in its path as its arms leapt out and bit at certain soldiers. From Edelgard's side Lindhardt was healing from afar, and as such Dorothea was sent to deal with the slithering menace. A bolt of lightning struck the snake, causing it to freeze in place. Unblinkingly it looked at Dorothea as one of its snake arms bit out the throat of a demonic beast.

It slithered towards her at a fast pace with its mouth open as the warlock cast another spell right down its throat. It hissed in anger and dug the arms into the ground. Dorothea barely dodged the first one, but the second bit her calve. No poison was injected, but it still hurt like hell.

Meanwhile, the Enenra was having trouble keeping up with Ferdinand's horse. He rode around the giant, whittling down its stamina with constant spear prods. As several demonic beasts raced towards the smokey beast, it called upon the Yokai Realm. Everything around it went dark, and before Ferdinand could tell what happened, the beast punched his horse to bits, and he was sent flying through the titan. A couple of Yoki and Skeletons were able to steal the bloody bits of the horse and smuggle it back up the mountain.

It was like he touched the surface of the sun. Ferdinand screamed in pain upon landing on the ground, the smoke of the giant demon was super heated, and it didn't help his armor was steel. The orange haired Paladin struggled to get up as the smoke Yokai shifted behind him and delivered a punch, sending him sprawling across the grassy terrain.

Yatsu-no-Kami was affected by the Yokai Realm too. Its snake arms fell off of it and began to attack anything that approached the snake god, while the big snake itself charged the Warlock. Both fights were heating up quickly, so quickly in fact that the area surrounding Ferdinand and the Enenra was lit ablaze.

Ferdinand held his lance up defensively as the Yokai eyed him menacingly. The Paladin charged it as it roared a deafening roar, the flames surrounding them flickering brightly as a result. The beast's foot expanded as it stepped forward to kick at the Paladin, who parried the blow and stabbed its foot with his weapon. The beast bellowed as its smokey body disappeared behind the wall of flames, and Ferdinand stayed on his guard.

Dorothea blasted the Yatsu-No-Kami with another Excalibur spell, and while it reeled, one of its arms snuck up and wrapped her legs together. Dorothea gasped as it bit her arm, and then proceeded to blow its head off with a thunder spell.

When she got up, she noticed the giant serpent circling her before it wrapped her up in its coils. She looked up in horror as the serpent unhinged its jaw and swallowed the ex-songstress whole. Ferdinand screamed in defeat, and Edelgard began to tear up, but there was still a war to be fought. The Yokai Realm dissipated and the giant serpent burrowed into the ground, leaving the enemy behind.

As he was distracted, the Enenra rushed the Paladin who was on his knees. Ferdinand turned to see certain doom rushing him down, but before he, or the Yokai, could do anything, a flying demonic beast swooped in and knocked it over. Ferdinand immediately seized his lance and jumped after the Yokai, landing his blow right in its head. It bellowed another roar and its surroundings exploded into flame along with it. He had felled the beast.

Tokichiro felt mixed feelings about the win and loss, but he had three more Yokai at his disposal, so with a snap of his fingers the distorted screech of a bull and the neigh of a horse came running up behind him. Gozuki and Mezuki raced down the mountain, decapitating and smashing the Adrestian Empire's troops.

Before Edelgard could say anything, Hubert stepped forward and launched a spell at the bull demon. It staggered, allowing for a flying demonic beast to place its talons in its jugular. The Gozuki promptly had its neck ripped out, but the Mezuki quickly avenged it by slicing the beast in half messily. Ferdinand charged the horse demon, throwing a javelin that caught the beast in the eye.

It reeled in pain, buying Ferdinand time to get a couple of slices in on the beast's ankles. It crumpled before him, and Ferdinand buried the spear in its chest. The man and demon made ye contact before Ferdinand realized something. It was wearing its horses armor on parts of its body, which made him realize the terrifying truth.

He looked towards where the body of his steed was SUPPOSED to be, but instead it was nothing. The opposing army had turned his horse into a god damn demon. The Mezuki, however, did not think too hard. Rather, it pulled itself off the blade and bucked, catching Ferdinand in the chin and sending him flying into a tree, splintering it. With that distraction out of the way the beast rushed towards Edelgard.

Anything that got in its way was met with the wide swing of a blade, severing any body, whether it be human or monster, clean in half. Hubert attempted to blast it with spells, but it still charged through. Ferdinand stood up, his world still shaken from the blow, and rushed the beast's legs and tripping it with a swipe of his lance. The beast shot back up and roared at him.

The still dazed Ferdinand stood there as his former horse grabbed him and raised him up in the air. He struggled, but it was futile. The iron grip of the horse demon tightened as its saw blade cut sharply into his side and began to move back and forth slowly. Ferdinand screamed, echoing off the mountainside, reaching the ears of Caspar and Bernadetta.

The lower half of Ferdinand dropped to the ground, guts and blood pooling below him. Mezuki dropped the body and turned towards Edelgard, who stood prepared with Aymr. She was unshaken by the violent death of her friend. The Yokai charged at her, but with no effort she dug Aymr into its head. It stopped in its tracks and toppled over, dead.

Tokichiro watched this all go down. He had one last Yokai to turn to while the Yatsu-No-Kami slithered about, but he was still waiting for Koroku to report in what happened to the other army. The last of his Yokai reserves traveled down the mountain, and at this point the Adrestian army began to look a little bare too. What was once a beautiful green landscape had become caked in blood.

While this side of the mountain continued to fight a stalemate, the other side of the mountain had another story.

The Shackled Wolves - FE:3H

The other side of the mountain.

Most of the ballistas lay destroyed. A tired Bernadetta sat behind a scorched tree, a couple meters to her right lay the corpse of the Kamaitachi. After it regained its composure, it took to the treeline and picked off each soldier one by one. Luckily, a mage had the idea to set the forest on fire, which was spreading towards Edelgard.

The Kamaitachi was forced from the trees and the remaining ballistas all fired on the weasel. Its bones were broken and several parts of its body had logs sticking out of it. Bernadetta had survived, and her troops had gone further up the mountain to keep the pressure on Koroku.

She just needed a little bit of rest.

Koroku's forces were pushed further along the pathway leading to Tokichiro, but they did not give up. In the middle of it all, Caspar and Koroku were still going head to head. In fact, both armies back off to watch the two commanders fight to the death. Caspar was bruised and bloody, and likewise was Koroku, but they both kept going blow for blow, determined to fell the other.

Caspar parried Koroku's punch and landed an elbow in his side, a fist in his stomach, and landed an uppercut to his chin. The Shiftling slid back and swung his kusaragama around in a wide arc, the blade slashing Caspar's chest. He grimaced at the pain but ran forward and kicked Koroku in the face.

Koroku grabbed his leg, lifted him up, and slammed him down on top of a rock. Caspar got up and reassumed his fighting stance. He wasn't gonna go down so easily to this guy. He swapped to his steel gauntlets and dug the spikes into Koroku's stomach. He yelled in pain and pushed the blue haired man off him.

Koroku began to breath heavily and roared like a feral beast. The Yokai Realm came forth and the spirit of Kamaitachi came to the side of Koroku. Caspar put up his arms to guard any blow, but the Kamaitachi came spinning in from the side, hitting him down. Caspar got up and yelled out in pain as the kusaragama's blade dug into his hand. Koroku pulled him closer and slammed his fist into his temple.

Dazed, Caspar slumped with the hook in his hand still. Koroku stood him up and pushed him towards and odachi wielding warrior who speared the War Master through the shoulder with the massive blade. Koroku walked up to him, scoffed, and yanked the blade out of his hand. The Yokai army laughed as Caspar weakly looked up at him.

Koroku placed a hand on his shoulder as the Yokai Realm dissipated.

"You fought well." Koroku smiled as he pulled the blade back, ready to strike. But with a burst of strength, Caspar smirked and landed a heavy punch to the Shiftling's head. A hole was made right in the center of his forehead. He yelled out in pain and stumbled away from Caspar, who through sheer will pulled himself off the odachi and drop kicked the commander into the Adrestian Army.

Edelgard's forces repeatedly stabbed Koroku to death. The Yokai army stared on as their commander was killed, and as Bernadetta and her ballistas rolled up the mountain, they scrambled to fight off the invaders to no avail. The overwhelming number of soldiers defeated the Yokis, the Rokurikabes, the Ubumes, and the Aberrants as they tore a path towards Tokichiro.

Tokichiro's scouts reported back that Koroku had died and the rest of his army was being overrun. Angry to hear this, Tokichiro turned towards the mountain and believed he knew what he had to do.

"Men!" he shouted from atop the mountain, "Fall back!"

The Army retreated back up the mountain to defend Tokichiro from two fronts. He walked into a nearby cave full of Spirit Stones and walked up to a wall with roots growing all over it. The Spirit Stone began to glow as the wall shook.

Outside, Caspar ripped the head off a Rokurikabe, Bernadetta shot a Ubume in the throat, and Edelgard had made her advance up the mountain accompanied by Hubert and a couple mages. Tokichiro's army was backed up towards the mouth of the cave. Edelgard reached the mouth of the cave with Hubert.

"Hubert, keep our troops alive." she stated calmly before walking inside. Hubert bowed and began to destroy those who moved closer and closer to Edelgard's location.

Tokichiro and Edelgard finally came face to face after several hours of fighting.

"Ah. my dear lady. I beseech you, what is your name?" Tokichiro politely asked with his swords drawn.

Edelgard, who also had Aymr drawn, responded "Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg. And who might you be?"

"You may call me Hideyoshi. I am the great unifier of this nation, and you will be sent to Hell for your transgressions!"

The two leaders clashed inside the mountain as it began to rumble. Outside, just off the face of the cliff emerged the giant Daidara Bocchi. Its massive arms crushed both armies as it supported its massive body, and its eyes began to glow as energy surged to them.

As the finale drew near on this bloody battle, Hubert, Caspar, and Bernadetta gathered together with the last of their army to face off what little remained of the Yokai and this mountain sized creature.

Daidara Bocchi - Nioh 2

Daidara Bocchi's eyes shined brightly as yellow lasers zipped out and scorched the earth below it. The three Strike Force members dodged out of the way as it shot past them. It incinerated several troops from both armies as it slammed its fist towards Bernadetta. Caspar ran in and picked her up out of the way before the giant could harm her.

Hubert panicked, it was a monster beyond comprehension! The mages of the Empire lay siege to the beasts head, and although it showed some signs of slowing down, it powered through and continued to slaughter troops on both sides as the very rocks that made up its body became red with blood.

In light of the carnage, the Tokichiro's army had dwindled to next to nothing while the Adrestian Empire had a couple hundred soldiers left, with hundreds more still in the forest.

"Troops! Charge!" Hubert ordered as the Empire rushed the cave's entrance, but the Daidara Bocchi's arms came crashing down, causing the cave entrance to crumble into itself, crushing some soldiers. Even thought it was a massive brute who clearly didn't care who it attacked, it definitely knew where it's allegiances were.

The massive claws of the beast shined in the now setting sun as soldiers were swept off the mountain by its giant strikes. Bernadetta and the ballistas took to going further down the mountain to get enough range on the behemoth while Caspar and Hubert remained upfront to attack it.

"Nothing's working!" Caspar yelled out as he punched at one of the nails of the mountain monster. It shattered upon contact.

"The claws, Caspar!" Hubert yelled while dodging a bolt of energy. Caspar nodded and began to trim the nails of Daidara Bocchi. The rest of the troops helped in the effort while Hubert kept it distracted with his magic. Once the final claw broke, the beast roared in pain and went limp. The War Master took the opportunity to run up its arm and punch it in the eye.

The beast roared in pain and shook off the warrior as its claws grew back. Almost instantly the troops standing to the left of the cave entrance were crushed to bits. Caspar bounced off the rock face and rolled to his feet ready to face the beast again.

Daidara Bocchi's eyes glowed once again as it charged a shot, but before it could fire, a volley of ballistas hit it in the face. It barely flinched, but its attention turned towards the now approaching reserves of the Adrestian Army. Caspar cheered but the giant ripped out two giant chunks of mountain and chucked both of them at the army below.

The Army scrambled for cover as the two boulders flattened their fellow infantry. Several ballistas were destroyed as a result of the destruction. Bernadetta was barely able to dodge out of the way before she looked back up at the beast towering above her. Its eyes fired lasers, blowing up the rest of the ballistas. Bernadetta watched as everything went up in flames around her.

She retreated towards the forest and witnessed some soldiers of the Adrestian Army turning into Rokurikabes and attacking other soldiers. She shot at several from a distance, killing them, but it proved to be fruitless. The Adrestians were caught between fire and the Yokai, plus the Yatsu-no-Kami resurfaced. It coiled around the frozen sniper as she stared up at it, not even able to scream.

It hissed loudly and went for the kill, stabbing her right in the chest and chucked her right into the burning ballistas. The snake god roared and buried itself in the Earth again.

Caspar and Hubert locked eyes for just a moment before Hubert's cool demeanor broke.

"Help me unblock the cave entrance, we must get Edelgard out of here immediately!" he ordered.

The two went to work in breaking down the cave entrance as the infantry below distracted the Yokai. Caspar tosses stones and boulders out of the way and Hubert cast every spell in his arsenal in an attempt to destroy the blockade. Thankfully, there wasn't much to remove and in no time the cave entrance was reopened.

Caspar squinted through the darkness as a figure ran towards them. The duo prepared themselves to fight, not knowing who the assailant was.

Saika Magoichi - Nioh 2

Inside the mountain during Daidara Bocchi's rampage.

Tokichiro and Edelgard clashed blades with the light of the Spirit Stones behind them illuminating even the darkest corners of the cave. Aymr was swung wildly, clashing with Tokichiro's swords. As Edelgard went for an over head swing of her Relic, Tokichiro was able to parry the blow and slice Edelgard's leg.

Edelgard stepped back, hardly fazed, and looked at her wound.

"Not bad, but also not good enough."

Edelgard rushed forward and swung Aymr down on top of Tokichiro, who caught the blow in between his blades. Edelgard raised her leg and kicked him in the stomach. The daimyo wheezed and dodged back as the emperor ran forward with a vertical slice. Tokichiro deflected the blow and sliced at Edelgard, just barely cutting a small bit of hair.

The two reset their stances and began to circle one another. Tokichiro stopped in place, closed his eyes, and focused. Edelgard smirked and dove in for a swing, but his swords lit up in fire and lightning. As he swung, lightning surged forth towards Edelgard, and she was forced to dodge.

The Emperor stared on at her adversary as the entrance behind them collapsed. Both smirked as blades clashed over and over, sparks flying and illuminating the surrounding area with neither being able to get the upper hand over the other.

Tokichiro then summoned forth Yumehami, which promptly summoned lightning to rain down upon Edelgard. She got hit by a stray bolt, but she powered through the shock and kept going. She pulled out a tomahawk and chucked it across the cave at Tokichiro. It grazed past his arm, but it was just a scratch.

Joined at his his side was Masaru, the monkey spirit. Both Guardian Spirits rushed the Emperor, who dodges their advances by sprinting around them and towards Tokichiro. Tokichiro clashed blades with her once more, and was even able to disarm her, sending Aymr flying towards the mouth of the cave.

"Surrender now, Edelgard, or you death will be a slow and painful one."

"Not yet!" she stated firmly. From her side she unsheathed the Sword of Seiros, and rushed Tokichiro. Tokichiro easily sliced her stomach, causing blood to spray across the cave, but Edelgard landed her own blow on Tokichiro's chest.

Tokichiro chuckled to himself. "Was that reckless charge worth it?" he asked, clutching his chest.

But a strange glyph seemed to form over Edelgard's head, and her wounds began to reseal themselves. Tokichiro's jaw dropped, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Masaru and Yumehami appeared at his side as the Emperor rushed forward with the sword drawn. The Guadrian Spirits tried to protect Tokichiro from harm, but not only did Edelgard dodge their attacks, she made it to the daimyo.

"You... BITCH!" he growled. She stood over him, unblinking, and brought the sword down upon him. His neck sprayed blood all over her, and the two Guardian Spirits disappeared.

This was the second tyrant the Sword of Seiros had cut down.

The entire cave shook as the battle outside got heated, and Edelgard turned towards the cave entrance while sheathing her sword and picking up Aymr on the way out. The entrance opened as she stepped into the light.

"Edelgard!" Hubert exclaimed. "My lord, we must hurry out of here at once!"

Edelgard took in the situation, looking at the beast above them and down towards her troops below. She nodded in approval and the two commanders, then joined by Lindhardt, escorted the Emperor back to safety.

It was when they were finally about to reach the forest that the fire started by the mage trying to smoke out Kamaitachi had caught up to the army's main posts. Everything was set ablaze and there was barely anywhere to run. Caught between a rock and a burning forest, Edelgard considered the options she had left.

"Hubert, I must harness the full power of the Crests."

Hubert nodded and rallied the troops away from Edelgard. The Emperor groaned out in pain as she transformed. She became a giant version of what she was, but covered in a black dress with red eye looking decorations and wings. Her arms grew long and her hands sharp. She had become Hegemon Edelgard.

But back in the cave, a different story was unfolding. Kashin Koji himself appeared before the corpse of Tokichiro.

"There is much more use for you, Hideyoshi..."

With a wave of his hand, Tokichiro came back to life. The demonic energies encompassed him and transformed him. Dark purple and glowing horns sprouted through his head as he himself was turned into a Shiftling.

Outside, the monstrous Edelgard had launched orb after orb of power at Daidara Bocchi, stunning the great beast and buying time for her troops to escape. The beast roared and called for the Yokai Realm, but Edelgard amassed a large ball of energy and launched it at the beast, blowing its head into pieces.

The battle was won for the Adrestian Empire, but when she turned to what was rest of her army, she saw nothing. Tokichiro appeared from nowhere and assumed a battle stance, wielding both of his swords up in the air.

"Worry not about your army, Edelgard! They're in good care!"

Yatsu-No-Kami - Nioh 2

The rest of Edelgard's army was almost through the forest, making good time getting past the approaching flames. Caspar's wounds were healed as Lindhardt focused his energy into healing the wounded soldiers. As the shoreline was in sight, the group issued a hoorah as they broke into a sprint for the ships.

Lindhardt, exhausted beyond belief, was overly cheerful, his shouts of joy echoed around the army. When he was suddenly silenced, the two commanders in front both realized something was terribly wrong. As their soldiers booked it towards the beach, they turned to see Lindhardt moving at a snail's pace.

"Lindhardt, what's wrong?" the Dark Bishop inquired to his companion. When he looked up, a massive chunk of his jugular had been torn out. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed. The commanders stood, frozen, and ran after their soldiers. As they approached, they heard their screams of pain.

Once they broke past the tree line, they saw the Yatsu-No-Kami battling their infantry. A couple of demonic beasts circled the beast too, but the Yokai remained uninterested in them. Caspar and Hubert charged the demon, in which the serpent whipped them with its tail, sending them sprawling across the beach.

The two demonic beasts the army had left leapt at the serpent, one was slapped to the side by the tale of it as it paid a lot of attention to the other. The demonic beast roared and swiped at Yatsu-no-Kami, which pieced its chest with its horn with no effort.

Then the other beast attacked it as well, pinning the snake's head to the sandy floor. It prepared to bite down on its head, but the arms of the snake rapidly bit the attacker, causing it to back off quickly. The serpent buried itself in the ground once more. The infantry stood on guard, and their last beast looked around, puzzled.

It then burst out of the burning forest behind them, its bladed horn digging into the demonic beast and dragging it deep under the Earth's surface. On guard, the infantry stared at the hole as the Yokai resurfaced, munching on the head of its felled prey.

Several soldiers charged, but between the blades being summoned and the snake arms lashing out at them, there was no way for the Adrestians to get in. Hubert stood from afar and blasted the demon with any spell he had, and all that did was agitate it. It hissed loudly and took off towards Hubert, mouth agape and blades glistening in the wind.

Hubert froze, there was no way this thing as as tough as it was! Caspar snapped his fingers at him, but he was in a trance almost, so Caspar leapt in front of him and somehow held the snake back. The thousands of blades on its head dug into his hands, but he gritted through the pain as the infantry surrounded the snake, stabbing it repeatedly.

Hubert snapped out of it and launched a Thunder spell down its throat. This greatly hurt the beast, and ended up killing Caspar as the muscle spasm made it raise the War Master into the air, causing gravity to impale him on its horn.

It came down to Hubert and just a couple of soldiers standing their ground before a serpent. The infantry charged it and sliced its belly several times, enraging the Yokai, its arms lurching forward to bite at its attackers. Hubert started hitting it with his strongest spells and finally began to draw blood.

But the snake had one more trick up its sleeve, it rolled backwards and spat acid at the infantry. They screamed as the poison seeped into their bodies, leaving Hubert as the sole warrior left to attack the beast.

"So this is how it ends?" he asked himself under his breath. The serpent hissed loudly and lurched towards him, and he just stood there until it got close enough. As its body came down on top of him, he jumped into the mouth of the demon and cast the strongest spell he could. The power of it blew the Yatsu-No-Kami's gut wide open.

Hubert laid in the beach covered in blood and guts, but he laughed. He had survived the attack by that bastard beast, and all he could think about was how his liege was going to win the battle.

Unluckily though, the beast's body spasmed, and one of the snake arms meakly slithered towards him. Hubert laid there, unshaken, as it lurched forward and sunk its fangs into his head, killing him instantly. Then, for good, the Yatsu-No-Kami had perished.

Back on the mountainside, everything as aflame, but the standoff between the two lords was about to begin, and Tokichiro made the first move by rushing towards the hegemon monster.

Apex of the World - FE:3H

Edelgard's long arms swiped at the daimyo as he weaved through each attack as though it were nothing at all. Tokichiro sliced at Edelgard repeatedly, cutting up her dress and drawing blood as he danced around her massive body twirling his blades. The Emperor caught him by surprise and chucked him away from her.

Tokichiro landed on his feet and dodged volley after volley of flames. It was relentless, but with his new abilities he deemed it worthless as he dodged each one. He closed the distance quickly, but the long reach of Edelgard meant he couldn't get in, and as such was pushed further away.

Realizing he was just tiring himself out, Tokichiro attempted one more time to get up close to the towering Emperor. He weaved in and out of the attacks, and as she swiped at him, Tokichiro teleported behind her and sliced her back. She growled and spun around to face him, but that came with a surprise.

Tokichiro disappeared from sight once more and appeared behind Edelgard, stabbing her right in the back again. She yelled out in pain as she turned around once more just for Tokichiro to slide under her and slice at her ankles.

Getting full of himself, Tokichiro was caught in Edelgard's grasp and was tossed straight up in the air. As he fell down, he readied to slice off Edelgard's head, however Edelgard's claws shot up towards his shoulder blade.


Tokichiro's arm was sliced off cleanly, but before he could yell Edelgard had already punched him clear across the mountainside. At her feet laid his severed arm and blade, which remained on fire. Tokichiro struggled to get up as he was bleeding heavily from his shoulder.

"It's over Hideyoshi!" Edelgard cried out as she launched her Wilted Flower attack, which shot out at Tokichiro at lightning fast speeds.

But the daimyo did not give up. With his electrically charged sword he swung it wildly, waves of electricity shot off, hitting the ball of energy.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he yelled out as he swung like a mad man, trying his hardest to keep the attack from getting closer. While Edelgard had her own wounds distracting her, she focused on overpowering her now one armed foe. Tokichiro was giving out, he felt his energy straining to its last reserve. As a last ditch effort, he called forth the Yokai Realm, getting a small boost in power as he began to push back the attack.

But Edelgard found it in her own resolve to push harder, and the stalemate continued. Tokichiro gritted his teeth hard.

"M-MASARU!" he yelled out for his Guardian Spirit. The sword at Edelgard's feet began to shake violently as the monkey spirit sprung forth and slashed at Edelgard's eyes, temporarily blinding her. Tokichiro's voice swelled to a roar as he rushed the blinded Emperor, tossing the ball of energy right to the side.

Edelgard came to her senses and shot another Twin-Crest power at him, but Tokichiro teleported out of the way and into the air above, ready to bring down his sword upon his foe. She knew the trick and thrusted forth her arm, but was met with resistance. Masaru was using all of its strength to withhold her arm.

She looked back at the rapidly approaching daimyo and used her other arm to attack. Before she could even get it up past her head, Yumehami charged right into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. As she began to crumple, she realized that the entirety of her mission she's planned for years had come to an end.

But Tokichiro's mission was not yet over.

As Edelgard was froced the bend forward from the blow, Tokichiro's sword buried itself right in the back of her head and right through her mouth, and while using the momentum of gravity pushing him down, yanked the sword, causing her neck to snap at a 90 degree angle.

The daimyo landed on his butt as the body of Edelgard laid lifeless at his feet. he looked towards the rising moon to the east and thrust his arm up in the air, letting out one last battlecry as a victory for the Hideyoshi Army.


Tokichiro collapses from exhaustion. Kashin Koji appears and reattaches his arm while simultaneously raising the dead as Yokai. There would be no reason to waste such precious resources, especially with beings as powerful as the Adrestians.


Boomstick: Now THAT'S the type of stuff I like to see! Good old fashioned medieval bloodshed!

Wiz: This was an insanely close match. The sheer size of the Adrestian Empire, in combination with their usage of demonic beasts, could match the Hideyoshi army despite its technological advantage and Yokai soldiers.

Boomstick: The stronger Yokai like Yatsu-no-Kami, Enenra, and Mezuki could match the Blake Eagle Strike Squad, however. Hideyoshi's army had a huge trump card in Daidara Bocchi as it was nigh invulnerable to everyone but Edelgard herself.

Wiz: The true match was between Tokichiro and Edelgard themselves. In base forms, Edelgard wins with no questions asked. Tokichiro is a formidable fighter who can attack from three angles at once due to his two Guardian Spirits, but Edelgard is a far superior combatant.

Boomstick: A deadly axe, a sword that heals her, and a crest that ALSO heals her. At the very least she would've been able to outlast him.

Wiz: The advantages end once both are transformed as Edelgard loses her ability to heal and Tokichiro gains the ability to teleport and gets long ranged attacks. Versatility alone is not enough to win, however.

Boomstick: Or perhaps it does. Edelgard's Hegemon form scales to Rhea's Immaculate One form, which once took a Javelin of Light. What's so important about a Javelin of Light? Well two of them created a giant dish in the Earth which obliterated a massive chunk of land.

Wiz: Assuming the size of the Valley of Torment, this feat of melting all the rock would equal roughly 13.3 gigatons of TNT. Since it was likely that the Valley of Torment was caused by two Javelins, lets say Hegemon Edelgard is around 6.65 gigatons of TNT.

Boomstick: Shiftling Tokichiro is stronger than Daidara Bocchi itself, who created the entire country of Japan in the first place. Edelgard can react to lightning based attacks and scales to Byleth dodging Hoarfrost, a light based attack.

Wiz: Tokichiro can do the exact same thing, in fact he attacks with lightning in the first place. So maybe they're about equal in the fields that really matter.

Boomstick: Well, Tokichiro can merge the Yokai realm and the Human world with ease. Once anything that isn't a Yokai steps into the realm, they'll begin to feel weaker and weaker. So really, it just comes down to if Edelgard can handle the Yokai realm and Tokichiro's surprise attacks.

Wiz: It was a close fight through and through, but the versatility of Hideyoshi was what scored him the victory.

Boomstick: I still can't get over that death, it had my jaw drop to the floor like daim-yo.

Wiz: The winner is Tokichiro.
