
Fire Emblem vs Star Wars. Leaders of Empires, great conquerors, natural warriors, and enemies to the corrupt current leader. The Adrestian Empress and Supreme Leader face off, to determine who's will is stronger.
Mega: Often to do what one believes in right, conflict must be instigated. Change doesn't come without sacrifice, and even those who insight these bloody conflicts may not be the heartless villains we sometimes believe they are.
Soul: But they're usually badass as fuck, that's for sure.
Mega: Such as with Edelgard Von Hresvelg, Fire Emblem's Empress of Flames.
Soul: And Kylo Ren, The Supreme Leader from Star Wars.
Soul: He's Mega and I'm Soul!
Mega: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Edelgard during the Academy Phase of FE3H
Mega: Long ago, the continent of Fodlan, under the careful rule of the Church of Serios, existed in peace between it's three nations: The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, The Leicester Alliance, and The Adrestian Empire. The Empire specifically goes back the longest, as it's first ruler Wilhelm helped the Demi-God Dragon Seiros fight against the forces Nemesis and his Ten Elites.
Soul: Thing's didn't stay great for the Empire for long however, as both Farghus and Leicester actually spawned from and broke away from the Empire, and the Church broke away from it as well and ended up favoring Faerghus. And then things got really bad when Prime Minister Duke Ludwig von Aegir and a bunch of corrupt politicians who worshiped Nemesis stripped the current Emperor of his power.
Mega: Emperor Ionius was left to watch as Those Who Slither In the Dark took complete control of the Empire and began experimenting on his elven children to create the perfect ruler. Sadly, Ionius would only ever see one of those children again: Edelgard Von Hresvelg.
Edelgard: Background[]
- Full Name: Edelgard Von Hresvelg
- Age 23
- Height: 5' 2"
- Emperor of The Adrestian Empire
- Title: Flame Emperor
- Bears two Crests
- Wife of Byleth Eisner
- Hair was once brown, now white
Soul: Edelgard was almost spared from it all. When El's dad lost his political power, El and her mother were taken to Faerghus and Edelgard made friends with a young Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, who is actually her step-brother btw. She taught him how to dance, he gave her a dagger, it was nice. And then...she went home.
Mega: Edelgard's own uncle was the one to subjugate her to these experiments, and they caused her to develop a second Crest. See. Crest's are a magical mark inherited through bloodline, which grants one who bares it enhanced physical and magical power, and many nobles will allow lesser nobles and commoners marry into their families just so they can get the crest running in their family line. It's impossible to be born with two Crests, Edelgard only having two because of these experiments.
Soul: But knowing that people where willing to go so far as to torture and experiment on humans, Edelgard came to realize that crests dedicated too much of society, and that the broken system of the Church of Seiros only served to make life unfair and slanted against those without Crests.
Mega: As Edelgard grew, she uncovered more truths hidden by the Church, such as calling Nemesis a corrupted fallen hero when he was really just a power mad bandit, and that the current Archbishop, Rhea, was actually Seiros herself. Edelgard eventually enrolled as the Officers Academy of Garreg Mach Monastery, was appointed the leader of the Black Eagles House, and secretly formed an alliance with TWSITD, as they shared a common enemy in the Church.
Soul: And it was here Edelgard met the mysterious mercenary capable of wielding the legendary Sword of the Creator, Byleth Esiner, who just so happened to be the reincarnation of the god Sothis, Rhea's Mother. Byleth would be appointed as her house's teacher, and Edelgard would soon become Byleth's star pupil.

Edelgard five years later during the war phase
Mega: And a very close friend. When Edelgard finally declared war against the Church, Byleth and the rest of the Black Eagles sided with her, believing in her goals ideals. But even if they didn't, Edelgard still has a most impressive arsenal that she's ready to use when it comes to battle.
Edelgard: Powers and Arsenal[]
- Heroes Relics
- Aymr
- Sword of Seiros
- Magic
- Fire
- Bolganone
- Luna Λ
- Hades Ω
- Nosferatu
- Seraphim
- Combat Arts
- Smash/Wrath Strike
- Helm Splitter
- Monster Breaker
- Lightning Axe
- Flickering Flower
- Grounder
- Haze Slice
- Hexblade
- Raging Storm
- Crests
- Minor Crest of Seiros
- Major Crest of Flames
- Hegemon Form
- Dimitri's Dagger
Mega: In close range combat, Edelgard is adept and very skilled in swordplay combat, and wields the Sword of Seiros she apprehended of Rhea. As a Heroes Relic, it is super effective against Dragons, magically charged, and heals her over time. But Edelgard's preferred method of combat is her personal axe, Aymr.
Soul: Like the Seiros Sword, Aymr is a Heroes Relic, but this one was made specifically to Edelgard's specifications. It's not technically a Heroes Relic, but it carries the same power and most of the same properties as one, so it's still in the ballpark. Aymr also grants Edelgard access to the Raging Storm Combat Art, which can nearly obliterate anything in it's path, and then restores Edelgard's stamina to let her keep fighting.
Mega: Combat Arts are unique weapon type based attacks which can have a variety of effects, from dealing additional damage to armored units and monsters to charging the weapon in use with magic. Raging Storm however, is definitely Edelgard's strongest Combat Art.
Soul: And speaking of magic, Edelgard knows magic too. She can burn you to ashes with fire spells like the fireball and level an entire town with Bolganone, blast you apart with dark magic like Luna and Hades, and even suck away at others lifeforce to heal herself with Nosferatu. And El's magic is further enhanced by her two Crests.
Mega: Edelgard's Minor Crest of Seiros raises the power of Edelgard's Combat Arts, while the Crest of Flames can heal part of the damage performed to an enemy by Edelgard. They can also be used by her to transform into a monstrous husk form to call on the full power of her Crests, but it's not something she actively choses to do and only does it in one of the four possible routes.
Soul: Besides, it's not like she needs it. She's fucking powerful!
Edelgard: Feats and Faults[]
- +Successfully led the Empire for five years
- Later, all of Fodlan in her route ending
- +Bolganone hits with over 500 tons of TNT
- Magic Feats scale across different games, so this is nowhere near her limit
- +Aymr & Sword of Seiros can kill Rhea
- Rhea, while weakened, could destroy a Javelin of Light (6.65 Gigatons)
- +Fast enough to dodge Lightning
- +Matched Byleth's combat skills
- +Defeated Claude, Seteth, Dimitri, Catharine, Rhea
- -Magic power is limited
- -Relic weapons had limits
- Combat Arts deplete them faster
- -Magic Resistance is poor
- -Using Heroes Relics without Crest Stone/Proper Crest turns you into a monster
- -Weapon Triangle
- Lance beats Sword, Sword beats Axe
- -Does technically lose 3 of 4 routes
Mega: Edelgard's power in regard to her Magic and Legendary Weapons are immense. She was able to overcome Rhea's power, who could block a nuke of magical energy worth Six Gigatons of TNT. That's enough power to destroy an entire island. She's fast enough to dodge lightning, and tough enough to survive attacks on the same level as her own.
Soul: But Edelgard does still have below average in magic resistance, at least compared to her allies and enemies. Her magical pool is limited, and her weapons have durability limits. They're strong, just not unbreakable. Also, while Edelgard does win when Byleth sides with her, she loses basically every other route.
Mega: Additionally, using either Aymr or the Sword of Seiros without the proper Crest Stone or a matching Crest will cause the user to be forcibly turned into a Monster. Still, Edelgard does lead the entirety of the Adrestian Empire once she becomes emperor, and later all of Fodlan in her route. She was able to battle and defeat equally skilled fighters like Claude, Seteth, Dimitri-
Soul: We'll touch on that rivalry another time.
Mega: -And Catherine. And finally, Edelgard ultimately battled and killed Rhea herself, though she did have help from Byleth. With peace secured, Edelgard united Fodlan under a new rule where people where free to decide their own fate, without having a crest as a deciding factor, and turning her attention to wiping out the TWSID who'd experimented on her long ago, with her now husband Byleth by her side for the rest of her life.
MASSIVE SPOILERS Edelgard Route Final Boss Duo Cheese and Ending Fire Emblem Three Houses 4K
Edelgard Segment Close (6:26 - 6:37)
Kylo Ren[]

Mega: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, peace had been achieved. With the Sith Emperor Palpatine defeated at long last, betrayed by his apprentice Darth Vader after his return to the light. Vader, or rather Anakin, watched over as his children carried on his legacy as a Jedi. His son Luke would go on to start a new Jedi Academy, while his daughter Leia would become a senator in the new republic.
Soul: And eventually, Leia and her husband, the ever dashing smuggler turned rebel Han Solo, had a son whom they named Ben. If I had to guess, I assume they named him after the master of the High Ground-
Mega: And soon enough, young Ben began exhibiting the same limitless Force Potential that runs in the Skaywalker family. Ben Solo was ready to begin his life training as a Jedi.
Kylo Ren: Background[]
- Full Name: Ben Solo
- Age: 30
- Alias: Kylo Ren
- Height: 6'2
- Weight: 196 lbs
- Leader of the Knights of Ren & Supreme Leader of the First Order
- Force Dyad Partner of Rey
Mega: Being trained by Luke Skywalker, Ben initially developed a strong devotion to the Jedi way, but things were not meant to last. During his training, a being known as Snoke began reaching out to Ben through the force, and sowed the seeds of doubt in the Jedi within young Ben's mind.
Soul: This only grew overtime, especially when Luke took Ben to an old Jedi outpost where they ran into Ren and his crew, the Knights of Ren. While Ren and his Knights were beaten by Luke, Ren himself could sense Ben's darkness and offered the young lad a spot in his ranks.
Mega: As conversations with Snoke continued, Ben's path towards the dark side only grew and grew, before a single mistake by Luke finally cemented it. Ben, in a rage, brought down the Jedi temple with a storm brought by the dark side killing most of the other students before making his way to meet with Ren as supported by Snoke.
Soul: Ben killed the last of Luke's students, and then Ren himself, taking his place as leader of the Knights of Ren. That day, Ben Solo had died, and Kylo Ren was born.
Kylo Ren: Powers and Arsenal[]
- Crossguard Lightsaber
- One blade out the top, two small ones out the side
- Blade Color: Red (Formerly Blue)
- Wields in a Djem So and Juyo hybrid
- All style, little substance
- Anakin's Lightsaber
- The Lightsaber used by Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars
- Blade Color: Blue
- The Force
- Force Push
- Force Pull
- Force Jump
- Force Healing
- Force Stasis
- Focused rage
- Tutaminis
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Force Bond Connection
- Fold Space
Mega: Craving to be as powerful as his late grandfather, Kylo pledged himself to Snoke, and under his teachings, grew to be incredibly powerful in both Force and Lightsaber combat. Due to his Kyber Kyrstal, the power source to all Lightsabers, becoming cracked and unstable while he turned it red, Kylo altered the blade into the Crossguard-Saber to better vent the increased power. Basically, a Lightsaber with two mini blades sticking out the side.
Soul: It does all the standard Lightsaber stuff, deflecting lasers and cutting through nearly anything, so it's still cool in my book. Plus, he's also wielded his grandfather's blue lightsaber in battle. You know, the one he fought Obi-Wan with on Mustafar.
Mega: Kylo is a decent battle strategist and exceptionally skilled pilot, but where he truly shines is his nearly unrivaled skill in the Force. With it, Kylo can send foes flying through the air or drag them to him, like large objects with telekinesis, and leap large distances. He can freeze projectiles like fire and blaster bolts in their tracks, or even deflect them.
Soul: He can read minds, communicate with others telepathically, physically enhance his body's durability, and even force them into unconsciousness. Kylo would go on to become a key figure in Snoke's First Order, conquering planets with ease. That was, until he met some nobody girl from Jakku named Rey.
Mega: Long story short, Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine, and the two of them were bonded together in a Force Dyad, allowing them to communicate and physically interact from anywhere in the galaxy. This even goes as far as sending objects to each other through Fold Space. Rey proved to be somewhat of an anomaly to Kylo's view of the world, as she remained adamant on being able to turn him back to the light.
Kylo Ren: Feats and Faults[]
- +Killed a Zillo Beast
- +Survived a hit from Chewbacca's bowcaster
- +Led the First Order for a full year
- +Incredible pilot
- +Bested Snoke's Praetorian Guards alongside Rey
- +Casually reacts to blaster fire (Mach 40)
- +Defeated Ren, Snoke, Knights of Ren, Rey
- -Still lost his first fight with Rey
- Granted, he was just shot with a Bowcaster, and still dominated most of the fight beforehand
- -Very short tempered
- -Exhaustion can impact his ability to use the Force
- -Never technically finished his training
- -Suffers a constant pull between the Light and Dark
Mega: Hell, Kylo eventually killed Snoke and took over the First Order in an attempt to prove Rey wrong, conquering planets and subjugating them to the First Order. He's beaten several incredibly trained fighters like Snoke's guards. He can move fast enough to dodge Blaster fire, took down a giant Zillo Beast capable of ripping entire towns apart, and even killed his own dad.
Soul: Thing is, Kylo has a very, very short temper. He's prone to violent bursts of rage which can impact his combat ability, part of the reason he lost to Rey on Starkiller Base. That, and a combination of him was shot in the gut five minutes ago and a constant pull between the light and darkness.
Mega: Not to mention, Kylo's ability to draw on the Force for combat becomes harder and harder as his stamina depletes over the course of a battle, plus he technically never finished his training. Still, Kylo was skilled enough to find his way to Exogul and find the revived Palplatine, who'd been manipulating him using Snoke as a puppet all his life. He battled Rey one more time, but through her actions and feeling his mother pass away, Ben Solo was able to resurface one last time.
Soul: Ben hurried back to Exogul, battled and defeated the Knights of Ren before he helped Rey defeat Palpatine once and for all. And in his last moments, he was able to use the last of his Force energy to save Rey, at the cost of his own life.
Mega: Trapped between Light and Dark, Ben Solo found peace in his final moments, just as his Grandfather had years prior.
Mega: Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Soul: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!
(Fodlan - 5 Miles East of Garreg Mach Monastery)
Cue Therewolf Media - Forces of Warfare
Stand in 1: Therewolf Media - Force and Lightning
Two Stormtroopers stand before a First Order Transport shuttle, watching as Supreme Leader Kylo Ren walks down and past them, approaching the one they'd been told was the Emperor of this land.
Stormtrooper 1: Hey, you know why we're bothering with this? Didn't we bombard one of their cities?
Stormtrooper 2: I think that was like, a warning shot?
Edelgard stands tall as she and Kylo meet in a clearing, briefly looking back at Byleth and giving him a nod before she turns back to her enemy, tightening her grip on Aymr.
Edelgard: Leave this land invader! Fodlan does not welcome you!
Kylo Ren: When this battle ends, you will submit to the First Order.
With a violent hiss, Kylo's Crossguard Lightsaber ignites as he steps forwards, making the first attack as he swings his saber forwards. Edelgard reacts quickly, swinging Aymr forwards to parry the blow before she goes on the offensive with a few powerful but strong strikes against the Lightsaber to force Kylo backwards. Running forwards, Edelgard raises Aymr overhead and swings it down, Kylo blocking it with his Lightsaber before blasting Edelgard back with a Push of Force Energy.
Edelgard slammed into the ground and Kylo sprints forwards, swinging his Lightsaber downwards as Edelgard rolls out of the way of the attack. With a pull of his hand, Kylo pulls Aymr from Edelgard and tosses the weapon off to the side before he charges at her, slashing at her as the Adrestrian Emperor moves out of the way. Leaping back to make distance, Edelgard forms a ball of fire in her hand before blasting it forwards, Kylo holding his hand out and dispersing it with Tutaminis.
Kylo Ren: You are strong. Submit to me, and you could reach true power.
Edelgard: I'm not submitting to anyone!
Running forwards, Edelgard blasts Kylo with a blast of dark Magic to knock him backwards before she grabs Amyr off the ground, swinging it around to strike at him and send the Dark Apprentice flying backwards. Kylo grips his Lightsaber as he raises his hand, the ground trembling as he raises several chunks of rock from the ground and hurls them forwards at Edelgard.
Edelgard quickly moves out of the way, letting the rocks hit the ground behind her as she runs forwards and swings her axe down, Kylo clashing it against his Lightsaber. The two lock weapons for a moment before Kylo headbutts Edelgard, stunning her as he lifs her into the air with the force, then tightens his grip to start crushing her, causing Edelgard to drop Aymr as she screams in pain.
Kylo Ren: You are no match for the dark side. This fight is over.
Edelgard: Nggg-ah! Watch this!
A fire suddenly ignites under Kylo's feets as Bolganone goes off under him, sending him flying backwards and causing him to drop Edelgard to the ground. Regaining her balance, Edelgard draws the Sword of Seiros so the weapon can heal her injuries before she runs forwards and begins properly dueling Kylo, blades clashing as they do.
Stepping back after a moment, Kylo dodges a slash from Edelgard before the Crossgard Saber and Sword of Seiros clash again, Edelgard overpowering him and throwing Kylo back before throwing the Luna Magic attack that Kylo reflects into the ground with his Lightsaber. Spinning his Saber, Kylo lunges forwards and begins swinging his Lightsaber wildly to try and break Edelgard's defense and eventually knocking the Sword of Seiros from her hand.
Edelgard quickly moves out the way on Kylo's next attack, grabbing Amyr before Kylo uses the Force to grab Edelgard and then harshly pull her back towards him. Spinning around, Edelgard yells out and swings Aymr into Kylo's head, sending him flying backwards as a good part of his helmet shatters.
Stand in 2 Fire Emblem Three Houses - Roar of Dominion (Thunder)
Raising his hand, Kylo rips off the remains of his mask before letting out a loud roar of absolute rage, the ground beginning to shake and crack as a storm forms overhead, lightning striking down on the ground.
Kylo Ren: I'LL KILL YOU!
Charging forwards, Kylo pulls Edelgard forwards towards him with the force and shoves his Lightsaber through her stomach before flinging her backwards, Edelgard only barely gripping onto life as she grabs the Sword of Seiros off the ground so it can begin healing her. She stands back up, staggering slightly, but manages to grab Kylo with Nosferatu and drain part of his own life energy to get her back in fighting shape.
Kylo violently charging forwards, his attacks against Edelgard are becoming much more sporadic and unpredictable, and the Emperor finds herself more and more on the backfoot as she parries Kylo's Lightsaber strikes before he just up and punches her in the face with his left hand, causing her to stagger as he tries to behead her, but Edelgard is fast enough to sidestep it and land a slash on the side of his stomach.
However, this doesn't deter Kylo Ren in the slightest as the storm created by his rage begins striking bolts of thunder aimed at Edelgard which he guides with the force. Edelgard dodges and moves swiftly to avoid them before running Kylo head on and tackling him to the ground, sending both their weapons flying.
Kylo grabs Edelgard with the Force and slams her into the ground, Edelgard grunting as she casts Fire, throwing a fireball at Kylo to disrupt him. Edelgard stands up, clutching her shoulder with one hand as she picks Amyr up with her free hand, looking at the battlefield that is now scattered with debris and small craters.
Edelgard: I have seen madness like yours before. It will not give you the victory you think it will.
The ground begins shaking as Kylo begins lifting more and more of the debris off the ground with the Force, still looking bloodthirsty and rage filled. Edelgard winces slightly as she prepares a new spell in her left hand, preparing a second Bolgaone as Kylo roars in rage.
Thrusting his hand forwards, Kylo throws the rocks and debris forwards as Edelgard casts Bolgaone, which creates a massive explosion of fire and rock that sends both fighters flying backwards.
(Pause Music)
Kylo is the first to get up, breathing heavily as he clutches his side where Edelgard had hit him earlier, finally calming down from his frenzy. He holds his hand out and pulls his Lightsaber towards him-
Stand in 3 - Star Wars: Episode 3 - Battle of the Heroes
-Only for Edelgard to slice the Saber hilt in half with the Sword of Seiros before she swings it at Kylo, who steps back to dodge it before using Tutaminis to block the next attack. However, it becomes clear to Kylo very quickly that he can't hold Edelgard back for very long. So instead, he reaches out through the Force.
Kylo Ren: Rey...I need your help...
Holding his left hand behind his back, Kylo staggers backward, hardly able to hold the Sword of Seiros back before he suddenly wings his left hand forwards, igniting Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber to force Edelgard backward. He spins it in hand before running forwards, the two clashing blades repeatedly before Kylo gets shoved backwards. Stumbling back, he changes his attack plan, holding his hand out as he launches a mental attack on Edelgard's mind.
Kylo Ren: I will...make you...submit!
Peering into Edelgard's mind, Kylo began understanding more. Her past, her powers, her struggles. That was, until he came to understand something. Something he could not stand for.
That her power surpassed his own.
Edelgard: I...will cut...MY OWN PATH!
Stand in 4 - Fire Emblem Three Houses - Edge of Dawn: Seasons of Warfare (SSBU Mix)
As she proclaims this, Edelgard powers through Kylo's mental attack and swings the Sword of Seiros down, cleaving Kylo's left hand off. Kylo yells in pain and shoves Edelgard back, stumbling back as he did. Edelgard reached over and took the Sword of Seiros in her left hand and holding Amyr in her right, she ran forwards and swung the sword to clash against the Skywalker Saber, Kylo attempting to use the Force to hold her back as she did.
Edelgard: This battle is your last!
As she proclaims that, Edelgard activated the Raging Storm Combat Art, swinging Aymr forwards as the Crest of Seiros activates, breaking through Kylo's Force Wall as Edelgard shoves the axe forwards and straight into the Spreme Leader's stomach and out the other end. Kylo spits blood as he drops his Lightsaber, Edelgard letting her sword go as she grips Aymr's handle with both hands and lifts upwards...
Completely tearing Kylo's torso up, obliterating his internal organs in the process. With one last heave, she pulls the Relic out of Kylo upwards, causing his head to go flying off and land somewhere on the ruined battlefield. Ben Solo's corpse falls to the ground, blood spilling from it as the storm begins dissipating. Edelgard drops down to one kneel, exhausted, but smiling as Byleth runs over to support her. Leaning on Byleth's shoulder, Edelgard looks back at Kylo's body, and leaves him with one final line to remember in the afterlife.
Edelgard: That...was my resolve.
Cue Fire Emblem Three Houses - Edge of Dawn: Seasons of Warfare
Soul: Oh god (bleep)! Bull-(bleep), (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) god-damn (bleep) son of a (bleep) (bleep) weasel! No f(bleep)ing way did that just happen!
Mega: Now, hold on, I promise there's a good explanation for this.
Soul: There better be, or your ass his grass!
Mega: Kylo's power is monstrous, he truly is frighteningly powerful, and proved to be a worthy challenger on Death Battle. He simply lacked what it took to put Edelgard down.
Soul: Kylo's biggest advantages in this fight were his longer training and greater experience, however, given he's only seven years older then Edelgard, these weren't huge advantages, especially considering the intensity of both their training under Snoke and Byleth respectively.
Mega: Edelgard's skill in both close and long range combat where enough to match Kylo's blow for blow, but Edelgard's minimum five years leading the Adrestrian Empire over Kylo's one gives her a level of tactial thinking that Kylo couldn't match.
Soul: But let's get into the fun part, stats and arsenal. Kylo's Force Abilities were powerful and well suited for combat, but many of them were nullified by Edelgard's spells, and vice versa. They counted each other well at range, as did they at close range. Sure, going by the FE Weapon Triangle, Kylo would probably do better against Amyr, but that's why Edelgard carries the Sword of Seiros. Plus, in general, Edelgard seemed to be slightly more versatile in how she could apply herself mid-fight.
Mega: One would think Kylo to have a solid speed edge, but to our surprise, that wasn't the case. Kylo may be able to react to mach 40 blaster fire, but Edelgard could react to and dodge lighting, which moves 200 times the speed of sound, making Edelgard roughly five times faster than Kylo.
Soul: Now I know what you're thinking, "But Kylo's Force Powers have to be stronger than Edelgard's magic and Relic's". And you SHOULD be right!
Mega: But to our surprise, that wasn't the case. Kylo may have brought down a Zillo Beast, something not even mountain busting Jedi can do, and created a storm with his raw force energy, but even scaling him to Jedi capable of moving Asteroids, that's still only in the ballpark of 271.492 Kilotons to 21 Megatons of TNT, nowhere close to the 6.6 Gigatons of power Edelgard's relics and magic needed to be to kill Rhea.
Soul: But surely Kylo's stronger then that! He's a goddamn Sith Lord, he has to be! After all, Kylo is stronger than Rey, and Palpatine used their power to destroy a bunch of big star cruisers.
Mega: Well, it was more like he added their strength to his own, but sure. Assuming Kylo is powerful enough to destroy even ONE of those ships with The Force, that would bring his power output up to about 3 Gigatons. Closer, but he's still inferior. And the thing is, this is nowhere near Edelgard's limit.
Soul: Wha- now?
Mega: In Fire Emblem Echoes, a dark mage is able to create an Earthquake spanning the entire map with his magic, and is defeatable by other mages in this game. Now, while often channeled through different means, Fire Emblem spells are fairly consistent across all games and can scale to each other. Scaling Edelgard's magic to this, her maximum output comes out to over 20.81 Gigatons of TNT, more than enough to obliterate Kylo in one clear shot.
Soul: Well damn. And that's not even getting into how Edelgard had multiple methods of healing herself and restoring her stamina, meaning she could also beat Kylo in the war of attrition by wearing down his stamina and Force powers.
Mega: Numbers aside, this was a very well balanced match. Kylo's experience, training, and arsneal matched Edelgard well, and he proved to be a challenging opponent for her. But in the end, Edelgard's superior tactics, skill, versatility, speed, and raw magic power proved too much for him.
Soul: And those are the Aymriad of reasons why Kylo Ren out of time in this Raging Storm of a battle.
Mega: The winner is Edelgard von Hresvelg.
Next Time[]
"I am who I am, an adventure loving hedgehog."
"As long as there's hope, we can change the future."
Sonic vs Mega Man X
The New Standard | |
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Season | TBA |
Overall Episode | TBA |
Season Episode | TBA |
Air date | TBA |
Written by | BigShark81913 |
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Edelgard vs Kylo Ren is a What-If Death Battle set to be written by BigShark81913, featuring Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem pitted against Kylo Ren from Star Wars in a battle between traitorous villains who became leaders of an empire.
Fire Emblem vs Star Wars!