A Hard Thorns druid which allows the Druid to pop 2 layers of balloons and frozen objects.
A Heart of Thunder Druid that can fire forks of lightning.
A Druid of the Storm, which can fire large whirlwinds that knock back very far.
A Ball Lightning Druid, which can fire a large ball of lightning that continuously excretes electricity.
Superstorm is the strongest variant of the first path, and can fire large tornadoes, and does all the previous abilities at an extremely faster rate, and are incredibly stronger. It’s tornado is each of the previous abilities, and has all of their effects combined into such..
Path 2[]
The Thorn Swarm upgrade gives the Druid many more throwable thorns, 8! That’s 2 more than his previous amount, being 5.
The Heart of Oak upgrade allows the Druid’s weapons to remove regeneration entirely.
The Druid of the Jungle is another upgrade that allows the Druid to passively bring vines into the ground, which grab and crush opponents until they die, immobilizing them.
Jungle’s Bounty allows the Druid to produce more bananas which is sold and becomes cash. Further supported as it generates more per nearby Banana Farm.
Spirit of the Forest technically turns it into a living tree, which creates thorns along the path and around it, which constantly do damage, and don’t stop it from using other attacks or abilities.
Path 3[]
The Druidic Reach ability amplifies the range of the Druid’s attacks and abilities.
Heart of Vengeance is an ability that gives the Druid a speed boost of 10%, and amplifies it on how much damage is currently taken after it is activated.
The Druid of Wrath gets a great amplification on it’s damage done, and expires only two seconds after being idled, and can stack up to 100%.
Poplust passively amplifies the speed that any nearby Druid.
The Avatar if Wrath is amplified by any opponents it is currently fighting, whilst also boosting it’s speed and range. It fires black, red, orange, and gold blasts, all of which based on how many opponents there are, with black being the base and gold being at best.
> Only one form of each Tier 5 can exist under each path, limiting only one maxxed Druid, although this is likely a game mechanic.