Death Battle Fanon Wiki


DOOM vs. Bloodborne. When two killers of nightmarish creatures clash, blood will stain everything.


Wiz: The art of monster hunting is one that requires a great deal of skill and determination, for only the very best can combat the demonic odds of the inhuman.

Boomstick: And only the very best can completely tear them apart.

Wiz: Doomguy, the space marine turned bane of Hell.

Boomstick: And the Hunter, who cuts through the beasts of Yharnam. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Wiz: In the shadow of the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.

Boomstick: Yeah! Rip and tear! Sorry, just really exited to be covering this guy. But before he was the Doom Slayer, he was known better as Doomguy, a marine assigned to an interstellar outpost on Mars.

  • Background
    • Age: Eons old
    • Height: 6'2
    • AKA The Doom Slayer
    • Former Marine and Night Sentinel
    • Likes: His pet rabbit Daisy
    • Descendent of Captain Keen

Wiz: Well for accurately one of its orbiting moons Phobos, and he was specifically sent there for disobeying an order from his commanding officer.

Boomstick: You might say he had anger management issues, but when you're commanded to open fire on unarmed citizens, you're patience may be greatly tested.

Wiz: As it turns out however, it was ultimately Doomguy's rage that arguably served him greatest when an unprecedented disaster struck the Mars colony; an invasion from Hell itself.

Boomstick: Imagine that; you go around spouting the phrase Hell on Earth, when in fact it's on Mars. With a portal to the Bad Place opened on the Red Planet, the colony quickly became a killing ground.

Wiz: Casualties ran high, amongst them Doomguy's own pet rabbit, Daisy.

Boomstick: If the loss of human life isn't going to rile someone up, then the loss of a beloved pet will. Any good pet owner will agree with me.

Wiz: And so began Doomguy's one-man crusade against the forces of Hell, which eventually culminated with him sealing himself within Hell itself to continue the battle. Not too surprisingly, it left him a bit of a psychological mess. That was went he was found by an ancient inter-dimensional order of warriors; the Night Sentinels.

Boomstick: Who turned out to hate Hell just as much as Guy, so they adopted him into their ranks. But soon enough, the angelic assholes they called their bosses revealed their deal with Hell for their Argent Energy, and their realm soon fell, till only Doomguy was left. Man, he just can't catch a break.

Wiz: And an angel who realized the rest of his kin had to be stopped. To this end, he gifted Doomguy power from a strange device, which would give him the strength to continue his siege upon Hell. Specifically, he would now be able to consume the souls of the wicked to empower himself with each battle.

Boomstick: No wonder he was able to rampage through Hell for eons. Not even getting trapped in a sarcophagus stopped him forever. And he has the weapons to help him on that path. Those gorgeous, wonderful weapons.

  • Arsenal
    • Praetor Suit
      • Doomblade
      • Cannon
    • Shotgun
    • Super Shotgun
    • Chainsaw
    • Pistol
    • Chain Gun
    • Heavy Assault Rifle
    • Plasma Rifle
    • Gauss Cannon
    • Rocket Launcher
    • BFG
    • The Crucible

Wiz: His tried and true-

Boomstick: Ap-a-bap-a-dap! You think we brought Doomguy on so that you could explain his weapons? No chance mister!

Wiz:...okay then. If you think you're up to it.

Boomstick: Oh, I'm very up to it. Doomguy's most iconic weapon is his various Shotguns. The most impressive amongst them is the Super Shotgun, which is outfitted with a meat hook he can use to reel himself towards demons to reduce them to vapor. The pistol he wields fires energy for low damage, the Heavy Assault Rifle lets him pelt demons with bullets and the plasma rifles fires out electrified orbs at a rapid pace, or tag demons with a stream of energy. The Gauss Cannon fires charged shots and the Rocket Launcher shots out missiles that are capable of locking onto and tracking targets. But the greatest gun at his disposal is the perfect weapon is tear Hell a new hole. In fact, it's so awesome that a swear word is used in it; it's the BFG. A fully charged shot not only explodes in a massive radius, but it also emits strands of energy that fry any nearby demon in the process. It's awesome, it's incredible, it''s...!

Wiz: Boomstick, are you okay? You're face is turning purple.

Popup: The Unmaker only works on demons, so isn't applicable in scenarios disregarding them.

Boomstick: Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm good. Anyways, it's not just long ranged Doomguy has in his weapons stock. One is his chainsaw, perfect for splitting open devils for those wonderful Glory Kills, and the other is the weapon he wielded during his time as a Night Sentinel. A blade of pure Argent Energy, the Crucible can slice any demon in half with a single stroke, and works well in putting down literally unkillable monsters.

Wiz: Permission to contribute to the analysis.

Boomstick: I'll allow it. I've covered all the good stuff.

Wiz: In that case, you must have forgotten about the Praetor Suit.

Boomstick: Ah dammit!

Wiz: Created by a being known only as the Wretch in the depths of Hell, the armor covers the entirety of Doomguy's body, providing extra defense. It's even a small armory itself, possessing a short blade in the wrist and a shoulder mounted cannon that can spew fire or shoot ice bombs.

Boomstick: He's like a Predator is a Predator only hunted demons for trophies. Not that Doomguy can get a lot of trophies, considering how little he leaves behind of his hellish prey.

Wiz: With his sheer determination, eons of experience and vast arsenal, it was no wonder than Hell came to consider him their ultimate foe.

  • Feats
    • Reacts to the Khan Maykr's lightning
    • Channeled energy from a core meltdown
    • Killed the Titan
    • Battled Hell numerous times all by himself
    • Repelled Hell's invasion of Earth
    • Defeated the Cyberdemon, Icon of Sin, Spider Mastermind, Khan Maykr, Seraphim

Boomstick: That's an understatement. Those lot are scared to death of Doomguy. That's right; the entirety of Hell is scared of just one guy. One Doomguy, that is.

Wiz: Their fears are well founded indeed, especially as Doomguy once took down a demon so massive, its body litters an entire region of Hell itself, and would then go on to wipe out an entire species of demon specifically bred to kill him.

Boomstick: The Marauders? Cause those guys are tough.

Wiz: Doom Hunter actually, but that's a good assessment. It's a good thing that Doomguy is as tough as them, if not tougher. His Praetor Suit alone was able to channel the energy of an entire core meltdown of Argent energy, which was worth 4 billion megawatts.

Boomstick: Doomguy's entire strategy in battle is to rush his foes and overwhelm them with either his fists or weapons, and he's fast enough to do so, being able to react to the Khan Makyr's lighting. By the way, she's one of the angelic assholes to have caused the downfall of the Night Sentinels, and trust us, Doomguy made her pay, before going on to do battle with the Icon of Sin, which, aside from the Dark Lord of Hell himself, is the most powerful demon around. All in a day's work for Doomguy.

Wiz: Maybe so, but he is not without his shortcomings. His armor can only take so many hits before it leaves him open to direct damage, and each of his weapons requires ammunition. Even his Chainsaw and Crucible need their own sources of fuel for each use. But when all Hell breaks loose, you can count of this legendary marine turned holy warrior to break it back in return.


Wiz: In the city of Yharnam, there is nothing more important than Blood. In particular, the healing blood of the church.

Boomstick: This miracle plasma came from one heck of a Blood Donor; a Great One, belonging to a race of extra-dimensional monster beings who wanted something from humanity; for them to serve as donors themselves. Only instead of bloods, they wanted kids of their own.

Wiz: You see, Great Olds where incapable of producing offspring themselves, which is why they needed humanity's help with this. Unfortunately, complications arose.

Boomstick: Don't ask us to try and explain it all in detail. It's Souls lore for Pete's sake. But basically what happened is that the healing blood ended up unleashing a plague that transformed people into mindless beasts, and there were now a bunch of nightmare worlds springing up.

Wiz: In order to counter this scourge, numerous hunters were recruited and trained to do battle with the beasts that the plague produced, but sooner, they too fell to the mind-alerting infection.

Boomstick: Except for one late comer. That's our Hunter, who awoke like me after the office Christmas party; strapped to a hospital gurney and having some weird substance pumped into me.

  • Background
    • Age: 20s to 50s
    • Height: 6'3
    • Connected to the Hunter's Dream
    • Seeks the Paleblood
    • Hunts creatures in Yharnam
    • Customizable character

Wiz: Upon awakening in Yharnam, the Hunter was near instantly killed by one of its many beasts, which transported him to the Hunter's Dream, a sanctuary run by the First Hunter Gehrman.

Boomstick: There, he got himself some actual gear that allowed him to fight...well, not evenly with the monsters considering many can kill him in two or three hits, but hey, at least he could now fight back. And hey, if he ever dies, he'll just be transported back to the Hunter's Dream where his Waifu the Doll awaits him, ready to empower him with whatever Blood Echoes he's able to bring back. Unless he dies a second time in a row.

Wiz: Fortunately, he has means of preventing that from happening. If he ever gets hurt in combat, if he's fast enough before it's too late, he can restore any health he's lost by attacking a target.

Boomstick: It takes more than his fists to do this however, as his run-in with the first werewolf monster proved, which is why he stocks up on a whole lot of weapons that are actually two weapons in one. Like the Saw Cleaver, a serrated blade with two modes for close-range slashes, and the Hunter's Axe, with a long handle for cutting foes a good couple of feet away.

  • Arsenal
    • Saw Cleaver
    • Beast Cutter
    • Blade of Mercy
    • Hunter Axe
    • Burial Blade
    • Chikage
    • Holy Moonlight Sword
    • Kirkhammer
    • Logarius' Wheel
    • Hunter Pistol
    • Hunter Blunderbus
    • Wooden Shield
    • Molotov Cocktails
    • Fire Paper
    • Bolt Paper

Wiz: The Beast Cutter switches between a cleaver and a bladed whip and the Logarius' Wheel is, well, a weaponized wheel. But the Hunter also has plenty of room in his heart for the oldest kind of weapon, swords.

Boomstick: Which are also capable of switching between different modes; the Kirkhammer is a sword and a hammer, the Burial Blade is a sword and scythe, and the Blade of Mercy is one sword then two swords, and the Holy Moonlight Sword is...just a sword.

Wiz: Actually it can fire blasts of energy.

Boomstick: Nice. Oh, and there's also Chickage, a katana that, in exchange for a little bit of the Hunter's health, can coat itself in a liquid that poisons those who get cut. A bit like a toned down version of Akame's Murasame.

Wiz: Guns are also something that the Hunter has, which he can use to fire Quicksilver Bullets. By doing so at just the right time, he can stun his opponents and leave them wide open for him to rip...something out.

Boomstick: He can even use gatling guns, a flamethrower and freaking cannons. The Hunter has a lot of weapons alright, including a massive chunk of iron he uses as a punching enhancer and several Molotov Cocktails, and if we went through them all, we'd be here all day. But trust us when we say we're covering the good ones.

Wiz: The Hunter can enhance his weapons using Bolt or Fire Paper, which give the exact elemental effects they say.

Popup: A Call Beyond, a usable item, is said to detonate a star as an attack. This is a bit dubious as it doesn't line up with other feats of power in the game.

Boomstick: So not only can the Hunter slice you in half, he can cook and electrocute you at the same time.

Wiz: Exactly.

  • Feats
    • Tanked meteors summoned by the Living Failures
    • Ended the Nightmare and the Hunter's Nightmare
    • Became an infant Great One
    • Battled the Moon Presence who flew down from the Moon
    • Removed Rom's illusion
    • Defeated Father Gascoigne, Ludwig, Gehrman, Mergo's Wet Nurse The Moon Presence

Boomstick: Well no wonder this guy could cut his way through most of Yharnam's monster population and beyond.

Wiz: That's right. The Hunter's path would soon take it to the Great Ones themselves, and would end up having to do battle with them, or at the very least, beings that were created in an attempt to become Great Ones.

Boomstick: Like the Living Failures, who are able to summon meteors that hit with a force of 14 kilotons of TNT (Poiesis Element). The Hunter's even fought against other hunters who are downright legendary in their skills, like Lady Maria and Ludwig, both of whom are way better at using their weapons that you are. It's the harsh truth I'm afraid.

Wiz: The Hunter however was able to do something not even they could really; breaking the veil hidden around reality and coming to understand the truth of Yharnam as a stomping ground for the Great Ones.

Boomstick: He did that by defeating Rom, one hell of a big ass spider, before going on to end the Nightmare produced by the baby Great One Mergo. Too bad he had to die a lot to get to do any of that. Sure he has the Hunter's Dream, but dying is no worthwhile experience.

Popup: Rom is said to be capable of planetary level power, as her death caused the moon to move back into place. However, there is no evidence she was using the same power to keep the moon back in order to fight.

Wiz: In spite of each death the Hunter pushed on and would eventually either escape the Nightmare on his own terms, take up the role of mentor to new hunters or even transcend to the form of a Great One. Truly, the night and the hunt were long.


Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

The Battle[]

Setting: Inside of a cathedral

A wolf-like monster, a Large Huntsman prowled around, sniffing and growling angrily. A shadow suddenly fell over it, and it looked up just in time to see Doomguy drop down from the ceiling and collided with the monster foot first, knocking it the ground. The Large Huntsman made to snarl upwards, but Doomguy's shotgun blew off its head before it could. Doomguy hopped off the body just in time for the cathedral doors behind him to creek open, prompting the marine to turn around and see the Hunter step inside. The Hunter eyed Doomguy, seeing nothing but another potential threat, and drew his Saw Cleaver and Hunter Pistol out. Calmly, Doomguy lifted his shotgun and reloaded, finishing the process with a pump.


Doomguy whipped around and fired at the same time the Hunter did, both their respective shots knocking each others gun from their hand. Doomguy recovered quickly and drew out his pistol, firing it at the Hunter, who used the face of the Saw Cleaver as a shield as he ran forward. Coming in range, the Hunter slashed out with the weapon, forcing Doomguy to cease firing in order to move his arm out of the way to avoid it getting cut. He then had to avoid the second slash the Hunter came at him with before darting his head to the side to avoid another similar attack. He attempted to bring his gun up, but the Hunter swung the Cleaver to knock the gun out of the slayer's hand, spinning around as he did for yet another slash, which was especially powerful. Doomguy extended his Doomblade and used it to intercept the attack, before lashing out with a punch that connected with the Hunter's chest that knocked him backwards. This allowed Doomguy to pull out his Heavy Assault Rifle, firing it as he swept it out before behind himself. The Hunter ducked and dodged beneath the bullets as they left a line of holes in the ground, extending the Cleaver into its longer form and swinging it out. The blade racked across the armored midriff of Doomguy, so he moved forward and swung the barrel of the rifle out to hit the Hunter, knocking him back before firing another volley at him. The Hunter brought his arm up to cover his head with the Cleaver, but still got hit in the arm and side. Blood flew from the wounds before the Hunter charged forward and swung the Cleaver down, the blade getting caught by the gauntleted hand of Doomguy. The Hunter was able to free the weapon by having it snap back into its previous compact mode, before slashing it upwards to cut up the armored breastplate. Doomguy staggered back from the attack before the Hunter winded up a powerful attack that slammed into the ground to knock Doomguy further backwards.

Doomguy's back hit the ground and he rolled backwards into a crouching, looking to the side to see his combat shotgun. He lunged towards it, scooping it up, aiming and firing an explosive round. The Hunter brought up the Cleaver as a shield again, but the weapon was blown apart by the powerful round. In spite of his burned hand, the Hunter brought out his Hunter Axe and swung it out, using it's long length to strike Doomguy from afar numerous times, healing the damage done to him in the process. Doomguy was able to jump up into the air over the attack and pulled out the Gauss Cannon, aimed and fired a charged shot. The Hunter dodged backwards from the shot, but couldn't dodge back in time before the shot exploded, launching him backwards. Doomguy landed, pulled out his Super Shotgun and fired out the Meathook, which grabbed the Hunter's foot to reel him in, so that Doomguy could grab his neck and slam him into the ground. Doomguy brought his shotgun around to aim it at the Hunter's face, but before he could pull the trigger, his foe slid the Blade of Mercy of out his sleeve and slashed it out to knock the gun aside, it's blast going into the ground instead of his skull. The Hunter pulled his legs up and kicked Doomguy in the chest, forcing him off him, before leaping back to his feet and splitting the Blade of Mercy into two. Doomguy extended the Doomblade, matching the slashes that the Hunter came at him with, using both the Doomblade and the Super Shotgun, which the Hunter made sure his opponent couldn't bring around to aim at him. The Hunter eventually switched the Blade of Mercy to its single sword form and slashed it down at Doomguy, who used the Doomblade to intercept the attack before bringing the Super Shotgun to bring and aim it at Hunter, whose hand shot out to grab the weapon's barrel, keeping it at bay. The two remained like this for a moment before Doomguy had the Doomblade suddenly draw back. This caused the Hunter to stumble forward as the force equaling his downwards slashing force vanished, and Doomguy swung his fist up to drive it into the Hunter's gut, throwing him upwards to crash against one of the cathedral's pillars.

Doomguy pulled out his Plasma Rifle, and fired a series of electric orbs at the slumped Hunter, who dove behind the pillar as a cover, poking out the other side to hurl a Molotov Cocktail out at the Slayer. Doomguy darted backwards to avoid the projectile as it smashed on the ground and spread out a puddle of fire. Doomguy covered his visor with a hand to block out the glare of the fire, and this gave the Hunter the chance to charge forward through the flames with the Burial Blade in the scythe mode. The point of the scythe's blade connected with Doomguy's helmet as the Hunter swung it, making the former stumbled to the side whilst the latter flew by him and slid nimbly on his feet, turning around to charge back towards the Slayer, taking the sword off the scythe to slash at him as he turned around. Doomguy turned around faster however and slammed the barrel of his plasma rifle into his chest before firing out its beam, launching the Hunter back to slam into the altar. As the Hunter staggered forward from the impact, Doomguy pulled out his Rocket Launcher and locked it on the Hunter, unleashing a salvo of missiles. The Hunter got back up and put the Burial Blade into its scythe form, spinning about to slice the missiles in half, sending their pieces flying about so that they exploded against the walls of the cathedral, damaging the structure. The Hunter then drew out Chikage and imbued it with his own blood before charging forwards. Doomguy pulled out his minigun and fired it straight at the charging opponent, the bullets scoring hits on his arms, legs and sides but the Hunter persisted against the barrage. Keeping the minigun firing, the Slayer fired from his shoulder mounted cannon several bombs, which the Hunter deflected with swings from his katana. This was before the Hunter was able to finally able to close the gap between himself and drive Chikage through his shoulder. Doomguy grunted as the blade subtly poisoned him but was himself able to drive his Doomblade into the Hunter's side. But they both had another shared problem aside from their impalements, and that was Doomguy's bombs that had been deflected; they now exploded, the combined blast bringing the entire cathedral down.

The cathedral was reduced to rubble which remained motionless before Doomguy busted up through the rubble. Climbing back to his feet, the Hunter also climbed out of the rubble, pushing himself up with the Great Moonlight Sword. Doomguy turned around, noting his chainsaw was out of ammo, so he tossed it to the side and drew out his chainsaw. He revved it up before darting forward at the same time the Hunter slashed the weapon, sending out a slash of energy that Doomguy dodged before darting forward; their respective weapons clashed together, producing sparks. The two swung the weapons back and forth, producing clashes so loud their aftereffects could be seen in the air. Two more powerful clashes ensued before the two weapons clashed together. Doomguy and the Hunter struggled to overpower each other, until the latter broke the stalemate; he drew out a Bolt Paper and ran it over the sword. The electric current surged through into Doomguy's chainsaw and thus into him, electrocuting the Slayer. The marine grunted as his strength was affected and the Hunter swung the sword out to break the lock before stabbing the blade forward, unleashing a small blast that knocked him backwards onto his knees. His foe now vulnerable, the Hunter smashed his hand through the armor and into Doomguy's gut before wrenching it out, making blood fly. Doomguy didn't fall back, however, in spite of the massive wound, and he lifted his head to look into the Hunter's eyes through his visor. He drew his hand out from his belt, revealing the Crucible, which he activated to unleash the red blade. The Hunter's eyes widened and he swung the sword and Doomguy swung the Crucible to meet it; the latter weapon cut through the other, sending the point spinning through the air to embed in the ground. The Hunter had only time to look at the smoking stump of the sword before Doomguy stabbed it forward, impaling him straight through the chest. Doomguy drove the blade into the ground, pinning his foe in place with it in the process and splattering a massive pile of blood as the Hunter's life ended.

Doomguy observed the body for a moment, before snapping the energy blade and stalking off, leaving the Argent sword sticking out of the Hunter's body.



Boomstick: Holy crap that was intense.

Wiz: First off, Doomguy's more advanced arsenal gave him plenty of ways to control the pace of the battle thanks to his much more veritable long-ranged weapons. Even if the fight came down to close-range, Doomguy could still keep pace with the Hunter thanks to the Chainsaw and Crucible.

Boomstick: Or his bare fists. But honestly, with a weapon that can cut demons, that can usually take missiles and plasma bolts, like butter, it was definitely going to be useful.

Wiz: So long as Doomguy could hit the Slayer with it.

Popup: Even if the battle didn't operate on one-death-eliminations, the Crucible is capable of killing immortal monsters, so could do the same thing for the Hunter.

Boomstick: Which he certainly could thanks to being the faster of the two. Doomguy can avoid the lightning from the Khan Maykr at Mach 8000+, whilst the Moon Presence (Firestorm808), which the Hunter battled, flew from the, well, moon at Mach 3000+ (Poiesis Element), so Doomguy held the speed lead. More than enough time to stick that Argent blade where it really hurt.

Popup: Even if A Call Beyond had as much power as it's star-destroy description says, Doomguy's speed meant he could avoid the usage in vital situations.

Wiz: Doomguy also had what it took to withstand any damage that the Hunter could inflict. The Hunter can take meteors of 14 kilotons of TNT, but remember, Doomguy's armor could withstand, or at least absorb, the energy of a core reactor breaking down. The resulting energy was 4 billion megawatts.

Boomstick: Translated to tons of TNT, that comes out to a whopping 3 gigatons of TNT, more than 214 thousand times more tougher than anything the Hunter had taken. And in a battle between the likes of these two aggressive fighters, durability was indeed the most important factor.

Wiz: The Hunter may have been a deadly slayer of monsters, but Doomguy exceeded his expertise with superior arsenal and greater defenses.

Boomstick: He was...doomed.

Wiz: The winner is Doomguy.

Next Time[]

Bald though they are

They are not to be underestimated

Saitama vs. Krillin


  • The connection between Doomguy and the Hunter is that they are both the enemies of monsters from alternate dimensions (Demons from Hell and Beasts/Great Ones from the Nightmare, respectively) armed with guns and blades which they use in a high-paced and vicious manner of fighting. There is also a theme of anonymity and immersion with them; Doomguy's face is never clearly seen to originally give the player the impression they are him whilst the Hunter is customizable. Coincidentally, both their games' DLCs title their additional foes with epithets referring to their longevity; the Old Hunters and Ancient Gods, respectively. Both also attain a form of godhood (Doomguy is augmented by the Seraph Machine and the Hunter becomes an infant Great One) and fight against their former allies (Samur Maykr and Gherman, respectively) Both are also helped by artificial beings (VEGA and the Doll, respectively) and have ties to a powerful godlike entity (Doomguy is an echo of Davoth, the ruler of hell, and the Hunter appears to be employed indirectly by the Moon Presence.)
  • This battle would have been in 3D
  • The original music for this battle would have been called 'Doomed Prey', referring to Doomguy's series and the phrase Prey Slaughtered from Bloodborne