Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Doctor Fate Vs Bill Cipher is a What-If? Death Battle between Doctor Fate from DC Comics, against Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls.


Two godly beings who can do whatever they want come face to face (Or helmet to triangle) to settle which one truly controls chaos. Will Fate be able to withhold the God of Chaos, or shall Bill Decipher the equation to his victory? Find out in this Death Battle!


Skunk: Chaos, order, power, many attempt to control it, only a few can truly master it.

Skel: Chaos is what these two are all about! Well, one wants to get rid of chaos, the other IS chaos.

Skunk: Doctor Fate, DC's God of Order.

Skel: And Bill Cipher, God of Chaos. He's Skunk and I'm Skel!

Skunk: And it's our job to research their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win, a Death Battle!

Doctor Fate Decides Your Fate In Death Battle![]

Skunk: DC is a universe full of many powerful characters, Green Lanterns, Black Adam, Darkseid.

Skel: All of them are pretty badass, but we can't forget the gods, especially Doctor Fate.

Fate is shown in multiple comic books, in Injustice, and the cartoons.

Skunk: In the beginning, there was nothing, before the universe had even been made, there still did exist beings, one of them was Nabu.

Skel: Nabu is some kind of Egyptian god guy with endless power and what-not, like, he can-

Skunk: We need to talk more about his story first, we have a word quota!

Skel: Fine, you're no fun...

Skunk: Nabu wasn't just any god, he was a god who held order, but to hold order, Nabu couldn't just go around without a physical body, and for some reason he couldn't make one for himself.

Skel: So, he picked a human to give his power to, and hand em a nifty helmet to connect them to him, creating Doctor Fate.

Skunk: The human's name is Kent Nelson, for your information.

Skel: It sounds weird when you say it like that, just say "FYI" instead.

Skunk: Ugh, moving on, Kent's connection to the helmet allowed Nabu to keep order and chaos balanced.

Skel: How does he keep order we hear you asking, well let's tell you!

Doctor Fate's Powers[]

  • Magic
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Telekinesis
  • Mind Manipulation
  • Teleportation
  • Flight
  • Immortality
  • Regeneration
  • Reality Warping
  • Illusions
  • Time Manipulation
  • Lots more we can't be bothered to list

Skunk: Fate can use his power to create blasts of energy, force fields, clones, flame pillars, light blasts, destructive beams, and more.

Skel: He can mess with time in multiple ways, such as stopping it, rewinding it, and even traveling through it.

Skunk: He can control the elements, become intangible, fly, create things out of thin air, deconstruct things into thin air, make portals, change the size of himself and others, even change who he is.

Skel: Honestly, there is so much we could list, but to put it to a little bit of a shorter bit, because I'm pretty sure we've already met the word requirement for this section, or we are going to shortly.

Skunk: He holds control of space, time, laws, concepts, dimensions, and even more.

Skel: Fate has just about every power you need, and then even more.

Skunk: We could even assume he holds powers he hasn't even shown, he can likely melt bones, turn blood into sand, force every star in the omniverse to all implode at the same time.

Skel: Are you going a bit too far with that?

Skunk: No, let's go onto the feats.

Doctor Fate's Feats[]

  • Helmet can move at the velocity of god
  • Superior to Superman
  • Was ok after being thrown through infinite dimensions
  • Helmet reached the edge of the observable universe
  • Can fly 28 decillion times faster than light
  • Banished Mr. Myxzptlk
  • Can increase his power to be above other gods of the DC universe
  • Came back from a dimension where nothing exists
  • Held back the destruction of the universe
  • Survived the multiverse collapsing

Skel: Not only can he cast magic, he boasts plenty of feats to further solidify his position as Doctor Fate.

Skunk: He can hold back a universe destroying blast, come back from a place where nothing exists, his helmet can even fly at the velocity of god.

Skel: Fate has also faced off against Superman, you know, the Man of Steel, the man who can pull whole solar systems like he is walking dogs and sneeze so hard he blows planets away.

Skunk: Fate is able to put himself above other gods, survive being thrown through an infinite number of dimensions, and move beyond fast.

Skel: How fast? Oh just a little over 28 decillion times faster than light!

Skunk: Fate has a little problem however, the helmet.

Doctor Fate's Flaws[]

  • If his helmet is removed or destroyed, Kent loses most of his power
  • Still been beaten before by others
  • Sometimes commits evil acts, to "maintain balance"
  • Still a man under the helmet

Skel: Yep, that helmet may be his power source, but that also means it is his biggest weakness too.

Skunk: If the helmet is removed, Kent doesn't retain all of the power, and Kent is still a mortal man under that helmet.

Skel: He also isn't undefeated, and his goal of keeping balance can lead him to do some evil himself, but most of the time, he keeps evil away.

Skunk: Just remember, so long as Fate watches over you, all shall be kept in order, so long as you aren't in his way.

Fate: You have no future.

Bill Cipher Unleashes Weirdmageddon In Death Battle![]

Skunk: Gravity Falls, a place full of mystery, sightings of unusual creatures, and unclear certainty.

Skel: With the Mystery Shack run by some old car salesman!

Skunk: Yeah... This whole location has an interesting history, items within it are cursed, creatures like gnomes exist, and there is a special group of journals which talk of many more unusual things.

Skel: Vampires, undead, werewolves, possessed arcade machines, dinosaurs, you name it, Gravity Falls probably has it.

Skunk: Though there is a single being which you may have never guessed what it is like, a being of power beyond anything in the universe.

Bill: Bill Cipher, the ultimate god of chaos and maker of deals you cannot refuse, at your service!

Skel: What the hell?! Who let him in?

Bill: I let myself in, nice to meet ya

Bill shook Skunk and Skel's hands.

Skunk: Nice to meet you... anyway, this floating triangle of impossible power may not look too dangerous, but trust us, he can cause Armageddon.

Bill: More like "Weirdmageddon" actually.

Skunk: We are gonna get to that later, for now let's talk about power.

Bill's Cipher's Powers[]

  • Matter Manipulation
  • Reality Warping
  • Creation & Destruction
  • Elemental Manipulation
  • Energy Creation
  • Regeneration
  • Time Manipulation
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Conceptual Manipulation
  • Immortality
  • A whole lot more we just cannot list

Skel: Bill's powers are more than being a triangle, he-

Bill: I can regrow my body from nothing, manipulate matter however I want, make and destroy everything, control time itself to a whim!

Skunk: It's us doing the breakdown of your powers and stuff, quit it!

Bill: I could erase your stinky tail with a blink of my eye, watch it!

Skel: This immortal dorito isn't very nice.

Bill: I could just as easily turn you into grass, blow you up to nothing, drown you for eternity, anything I want!

Skunk: Let's calm down now...

Skel: His control over dimensions and quantum laws makes him really mean, his Weirdmageddon can cause time, space, and everything to flip upside down and just make no sense anymore.

Bill: Nothing makes sense when I'm around, freedom is an illusion, my power dwarfs everything.

Bill Cipher's Feats[]

  • His passive being around causes distortion and disturbances in the surrounding area
  • Is a threat to the multiverse, which has infinite timelines
  • Claims to know "Lots of things"
    • It is possible he knows everything
  • Destroyed Time Baby
    • This gave Bill more easy and free control over time
  • Destroyed the whole 2nd Dimension
  • Crossed a galaxy in mere seconds
  • Created and sustained a dimensional rift that affected the multiverse
    • It was said if the rift wasn't stopped, it could destroy the fabric of existence
  • One of, if not the most feared being in the multiverse

Skunk: That's true, Bill has been shown to be fast enough to cross through galaxies in a few seconds, and many times has been stated to and shown to be able to cause events on a universal, or even multiversal scale, such as his dimensional rift.

Skel: He killed the being known as "Time Baby" which is a really stupid name really, I mean, who would trust the concept of time being watched over by a baby?

Bill: I blasted him to nothing in a snap!

Skunk: Bill just being around can cause shifts in reality, his power is big enough to threaten realities he isn't even in at the moment.

Skel: He also knows "Lots of things" which isn't very specific really.

Bill: You want me to be specific?! I'll be specific! I know I can decimate this whole show if I wanted to!

Skunk: Bill's power is indeed great, but he still is able to be bested, he has been, by humans no less.

Bill Cipher's Flaws[]

  • His eye is a weak spot, which takes more time to regenerate than the rest of his body
  • Was easily tricked by Stan and his brother swapping clothes
  • Knowing lots of things implies he doesn't know everything
  • Easily angered when things do not go his way
  • Overconfident

Skel: Yeah, his eye is pretty big and easy to hit, and takes the most time to regenerate, watch.

Bill: What?

Skel takes a sword out and jams it into Bill's eyes. Bill screams in pain, floating in the background as he tries to pull it out.

Skunk: Nice! Anyway, Bill's confidence can prove to be a big downfall, when he doesn't realize he is actually in danger of losing or being defeated.

Skel: He knows a lot, but not all things, and he still can be tricked by simple clothing changes, albeit it wasn't too obvious, still with all that power, he really should have seen it coming.

Skunk: He didn't see that sword coming. But let it be known, Gravity Falls has a dark power within it, waiting to be unleashed, so if a floating triangle wants to make a deal with you, DO NOT accept it.

Bill pulls the sword out of his eye, and flies at Skel, who casually throws another sword behind himself, sticking it into Bill's eye again.


Skunk: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Skel: It's time for a Death Battle!


Location: Gravity Falls

Birds chirp, an empty opening in the forest is shown, as some electrical sparks appear from thin air. Shortly after, a portal opens in the shape of a triangle, and an eye opens in the middle. Bill Cipher floats out the portal, looking around.

Bill: Ah, great to be back here, I wonder what pointless chaos I can cause today.

???: You'll be causing no more chaos any time soon.

Bill looks up, Doctor Fate floats down with divine light shining over him.

Bill: What are you, a roman god?

Fate: I am Doctor Fate, I know who you are, Bill, I do not like what I see in your past.

Bill rolls his eye.

Bill: Oh really? You think I'm gonna change my ways because some golden helmet wearing guy wants me to?

Fate's hands glow blue.

Fate: I don't want you to change your ways, I want you gone...

Bill laughs, then spins his cane.

Bill: Have it your way!


Fate fires energy blasts at Bill, who casually dodges to the sides, before using a mirror to reflect one of the blasts, but Fate catches it and absorbs it back. Bill throws the mirror behind himself, as it suddenly hits Fate's head from behind, making Fate turn for a second, and as he looks back to Bill, he gets a barrage of boulders launched at him.

Bill: Time to get a strike!

Fate's fists glow, as he punches each boulder to bits. A large shadow comes up behind Fate, he looks and sees all the broken boulders were reformed into a huge single boulder. Fate lifts it up, and throws it at Bill, who looks shocked, and gets flattened to the ground, before popping back up and floating.

Bill: Nice one!

Fate makes trees grow to massive sizes, then branches rapidly grow, attempting to direct them at Bill to impale him. Bill makes portals all around himself, making the branches redirect to Fate, but before they make contact, Bill shifts their structure to turn them into diamond, which go through Fate's body, causing him to yell out. Fate makes a wave of energy come out of himself, evaporating the diamond branches, and dissolving all trees within a large area of himself.

Fate: I'll bring you to an end!

Bill duplicates himself several times over, and each one of him spin their canes, then shoot varying elements, ice, fire, air, rocks, and more, covering Fate, until they stop, and a stone statue of Fate is shown. Bill yawns as he floats over, then flicks the statue's head, crumbling it.

Bill: Oh, my bad, hah!

A red glow emits behind Bill, he turns, and suddenly gets stabbed in his eye by a bolt of red energy, leaving a huge hole where his eye was, making him yell out.


Fate continues his assault, making energy spikes impale Bill all around. Bill grows himself larger than a mountain. Fate floats up to eye level, as Bill's eye regrows.

Fate: Give up and your demise will be swift.

Bill grows extra arms, and tries to grab Fate from the air, but he teleports around, evading every attempt. Bill yells out, as his arms all slam down on the Earth, causing cracks to form in the ground. Fate makes quick hand gestures, and makes glowing chains go around Bill, restraining him. Bill breaks the chains, and grows even bigger, prompting Fate to also grow in size to match Bill, both eventually grow to the size of Earth itself. Fate forms an orb filled with stars inside it.

Fate: Feel my wrath!

Fate puts his hands out, sending a storm of stars at Bill, making holes in his body, knocking his hat off, and sticking in his eye. Bill swats some stars away, before making a barrier to block the rest. Fate stops, his eyes glow.

Bill: You have no idea who you are dealing with!

Bill makes two planets suddenly fly from the sides, and slam into Fate's head, crumbling the planets, and disorienting Fate. Bill punches Fate with glowing energy from his fists, then fires a beam of cold from his eye, freezing Fate solid. Bill throws Fate into the sun, as the sun implodes. Bill watches on, as suddenly, Fate emerges, growing in size, and holding black holes in each hand.

Fate: Face my cosmic power.

Fate combines the black holes, then sends a beam of dark energy at Bill, who sends his own beam of cosmic energy, clashing the beams. Both float closer, eventually, the center of the beam struggle creates an explosion the size of the big bang, sending the two of them flying back, and a bright flash of white covers the screen.

The screen fades in, showing Bill adjusting his hat and bow tie.

Bill: Where is he...

Fate: I am right here...

Bill turns, Fate has grown 10x his size, as his hands close over Bill. The inside of Fate's hands glow, as Bill screams, a crushing noise is heard. Fate opens his hands, Bill's eye is shown floating. The eye shifts to a black color, as space and time warp around it. Bill's body reforms, though now he has started Weirdmageddon.

Bill: Your power is below me now, time is meaningless, nothing makes sense, all things are upside down, you will feel my rage!

Fate looks on, his eyes glow red as his fists are engulfed in red energy. Fate opens his hands out, and forms the symbols for male and female, forming Nabu's helmet in the middle, before combining all 3, entering True Fate. Stars, planets, and all space around both of them start to collapse, Bill creates a beam of pure madness, sending it at Fate, who puts both hands out, and begins to absorb the power.

Bill: You can't stop this, you will never win!

Bill unleashes more power, trying to overwhelm Fate.

Fate: Your defeat... Is closer than it appears...

Fate's whole body glows blue, as the beam of madness is turned white, and Bill's body is inverted in color.

Bill: What is happening?!

Fate beings to absorb all the madness, and Bill as well. Bill tries to get away, but Fate has used his own magic to maintain Bill in place. Bill's eye starts to get sucked through his madness beam, as does the rest of his body as he screams out. Bill reaches 3 of his arms out, but soon after, his whole body is absorbed.

Fate: Order has been restored...



Skel: My god, how did we survive?

Skunk: Honestly, I don't know, but what I do know is there will likely be people who disagree, and we will do our best to explain the outcome.

Skel: Both of these guys held unbelievable power, able to control universes, even multiverses, hold stars in their hands like they were grains of sand, decimate other godly beings, their power sets were pretty even, it'd be hard to say either had a power the other did not, so really it came down to more than just their power sets.

Skunk: As far as we've been shown, Bill has easily decimated beings like Time Baby, he has likely faced some other powerful beings too, but there is no doubt Fate has faced way more cosmic beings in his time of living, some that are possibly on Bill's level, like Mister Mxyzptlk, who shares a lot of similarities with Bill.

Skel: If Fate can match he who's name I not dare try to pronounce, it is easy to say he can match Bill too.

Skunk: Given Fate's more clear history of fights, and dealing with beings who can erase him and whole realities, there was really nothing Bill had that could reliably for good defeat Fate, and Fate's helmet lets him resist magic attacks from other beings.

Skel: Bill can cross galaxies in seconds, sure, but that is like billions of times faster than light. Fate's helmet reaching the velocity of god isn't really exact, but it reaching the edge of the universe puts him at a much higher number.

Skunk: To be a bit more specific, Fate can move decillions times faster than light, compared to Bill's billions. To make it even more insane, Fate had a much more powerful grip on time control, he could actually go through time in hundreds of years, Bill hasn't been shown to do much but stop time.

Skel: We could go back and forth and back and forth, but one last big factor is the fact Fate had a power that Bill was shown he could not resist, erasure.

Skunk: Being erased in the mind was fairly specific, but in the end, erasing Bill outside of a mind would have the same effect, Even if Bill could erase Fate, Fate has survived in a place where nothing exists. Overall, this match up would probably go on for a while, but Fate's superior speed, time control, magic resistance, and survivability let him win this fight.

Skel: I guess it was just fated to happen, looking at it from the right angle.

Skunk: The winner is Doctor Fate!
