Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Dexter Grif vs Jaune Arc is a What-If? Death Battle by AksisTheArchonPriest.

Previous Death Battle: Tatsumaki vs Spacegodzilla

Vote who you think will win/want to win here.


RvB vs RWBY! These two may not look like much compared to the rest of their teams, but when push comes to shove, they'll shove right back and then some! Will the laziest red take the victory despite his... well, laziness, or will the leader of team JNPR's training pay off?


Wiz: It's a lesson that every team must learn and accept at some point. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In many teams, you may find that one person who just can't pull their own weight.

Boomstick: But if you're thinking of these two fighters, then you couldn't be more wrong, ‘cause no matter what's hurdled at them, they don't give up. Even if they really, really want to. Dexter Grif, Red team's laziest team member...

Wiz: And Jaune Arc, the less than fearless leader of team JNPR.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick...

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Dexter Grif[]

Wiz: Project Freelancer. The antithesis to a space age war. With an alien covenant knocking at their doorstep, their solution was to create the greatest warriors anyone had ever seen.

Boomstick: Spartans?

Wiz: No. Freelancers. Through vigorous training and suits that enhanced their performance, they were the answer to anything that posed as a threat. That was until they began to pose a threat to themselves. They began to turn on each other, doubting their trust in each other and giving in to the power the powerful armor and A.I. granted them, nearly tearing each other apart. The project at first seemed to have failed at making the greatest team of fighters ever known, but in spite of that, they succeeded. Their project produced the universe's greatest heroes to ever exist, but not through their own efforts. They weren't their specially trained freelancers, nor were they enhanced super soldiers.

Boomstick: Nope! Well, mostly at least. Instead, it was just a group of goobers stuck in a canyon in the middle of nowhere. You know 'em, you love 'em, they're the Reds and Blues... and Doc. They were part of a number of simulation troopers thrown in one of many random places for the Freelancers to practice on, nothing more than target practice. Put on the other ends of Bloodgulch, they were part of teams meant to fight each other, labeled... what else, the Red and Blue teams.

Wiz: On the Red team was the questionable but admirable leader Sarge, the intelligent cyborg Simmons, the joyous and innuendo prone Donut, the mechanical Spanish speaking Lopez, and last, but not least... or maybe least, the lazy Dexter Grif.

Boomstick: Sarge's favorite punching bag and my personal favorite out of the Reds.

Wiz: I would have thought that Sarge would be your favorite.

Boomstick: Nah, he's more like an inspirational figure to look up to, like someone I seem strangely familiar with... hmm. Grif seems like the kind of guy you can hang out with without actually hanging out.

Wiz: Well, while his general image may give off that feeling, you'd be surprised to find that Grif's backstory is actually quite harrowing. Born to a literal circus family, bearded mom and all, Grif didn't feel like he had enough structure in his life than what that and school could give him, and thus, ran off to enlist into the military, covering up his departure by saying he was drafted at random. After he left, a fire had started in his home, burning it to the ground and leaving his family to live in a trailer park. Word had gotten out and managed to reach Grif, filling him with guilt ever since and making his decision to run off final.

Boomstick: ...Wow. That was... um... not what I was expecting from someone as lazy and stubborn as him.

Wiz: Actually, his laziness has a story to it as well. When he enlisted, he was put under the watch of the abusive Coach Prestwood, who forced him to complete multiple obstacle courses which are more akin to cruel and unusual punishments. Afterwards, Grif didn't just despise his abusive coach, he made it his mission to resent anything and everything that involved genuine effort altogether. Unless it was eating, of course.

Boomstick: What the hell? Even his lazy attitude has a sad backstory? Why is it always the funny characters that have sad pasts? Well anyway, after that he got thrown into basic training at Danger Canyon under drill sergeant Hammer. Badass name. That's where he met his best bud, Simmons, who was a total wuss and spent no time at all taking advantage of him to get out of any situation involving effort. After Lieutenant Lieu and Butch Flowers saw how much they sucked at being soldiers by getting Hammer killed, they thought they were the perfect candidates for Bloodgulch's Red team.

Wiz: After being introduced to the new team he'd be spending the rest of his time with, their so called "enemies", and a dark armored Freelancer, he got wrapped up in a lot of their adventures, much to his distraught, and he was luckily equipped with just the right gear that would get him through it.

Boomstick: Grif's got your standard arsenal of weapons to use, like a combat knife, M66 Magnum, and a BR55 Battle Rifle. It fires in bursts or single shots and has a ridiculous range of over 3000 feet. That's longer than the height of two Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other. He's also got an MA5C Assault Rifle with a firing rate of 900 rounds per minute, and a M7 Submachine Gun with an effective range of 150 feet, perfect for keeping the pressure on an opponent and close range combat, but his personal favorite is one of the most beautiful creations I have ever laid my eyes on. A grenade launcher armed with a bayonet formerly wielded by the scariest fucking mute in the galaxy, the Brute Shot, or the Grif Shot, as he likes to call it, which he got by stealing it right out of the Meta's hands!

H2A Render CampaignBruteShot

Wiz: This alien weapon is stated by Agent Washington to be one of the most advanced pieces of equipment ever seen. The blade attached to this launcher is sharp enough to slice straight through military grade weaponry, metal arms, and of course anyone unfortunate enough to be on its receiving end, and is tough enough to defend against oncoming attacks and enemy gunfire. Meanwhile, the explosives it fires detonate on impact and are extremely powerful, capable of sending almost anyone and anything flying, such as easily knocking around the 3 ton Warthog vehicle like it's made of paper. This makes it an all round impressive offensive and defensive tool to use. He also carries a multitude of grenades on his person to throw, like frag grenades, incendiary grenades which detonate on impact and set fire to whatever it hits, and plasma grenades which stick to any surface when activated and detonate with enough power to vaporize its targets. However, by far the most unique 'grenade' type that he carries are the teleportation grenades.

Boomstick: I think you mean the future cubes, Wiz. The cubes of the future. When it's thrown, it sucks in anything nearby and traps it inside. Anything from weapons, to boxes, to people, to even giant killer robots. When you throw another one, it releases it from inside pretty much the exact same as before. They're kinda like Pokeballs, except, you know, they're actually cool, and a quick and easy way to clean up any mess you may or may not have made at a bar. They can even be used to teleport around from place to place. But that's not all he carries around. If he needs to get around quick, then he has the appropriately named MethMeth shrooms, which, as described by Simmons, are like "crystal meth on crystal meth". When he eats them, his speed and reactions become WAY faster than before, fast enough that whole groups of people have a hard time keeping track of him and can ram into people hard enough that they die on impact. They're kinda like those mushroom items from the Mario Kart games.

Wiz: But of course, there's his staple equipment, the most advanced state of the art super soldier armor in the entire galaxy. The Mk. 6 Mjolnir armor. This powerful suit was for some reason gifted to just about everyone that enlisted in the military, and Grif was no exception. It comes equipped with titanium plating and regenerative energy shielding, making this armor incredibly tough, and comes equipped with a healing unit to repair damage should the wearer become injured, and for added maneuverability, it comes with jet thrusters on the back of it to dart around the area at great speeds. This armor is so tough, that it can survive the likes of Master Chief and Caboose falling from orbit and entering reentry speeds. It certainly lives up to its title as one of the greatest suits of armor in history. However, he has one last piece of gear that trumps everything else.

Boomstick: Yep! The Grif Shot is his favorite weapon... at least it was! But that was until he met the all powerful A.I. Atlas and wished for an even better weapon, a Lazer Sword! Yeah, and you thought Tucker was the only one with a sword on him. Heh, bow chicka-

Tucker: (From out of nowhere) Bow chicka bow wow!

Boomstick: Oh come on! Where'd he even come from!? I thought only Deadpool could do this?

Tucker: Dude, I'm like Superman. I know when I'm needed. Later! *Leaves*

Boomstick: *grunt* Screw you. Stealing my thunder like that.

Wiz: Grif had this incredibly deadly weapon... for about five seconds until Tucker wished it away.

Grif, Tucker, and Sister could be seen on a beach confronting Atlas and his allies.

Tucker: I wish for him to not have a sword!

Grif's energy sword vanishes.

Grif: You bastard.

Wiz: But then he wished for it back.

Grif: I wish for my sword back! That's three dickhead.

Grif's energy sword reappears in his hand.

Boomstick: Ah, never gets old.

Wiz: As per his own request, Grif received an energy sword exactly like the one Tucker wields with the only difference being its color and length, meaning it should be capable of everything Tucker's is capable of doing as well. Tucker's sword can quickly melt through massive layers of ice, burns hot enough that it can vaporize bullets on contact and can slice through almost anything. It effortlessly one-shot a heavily armored Warthog jeep, is capable of piercing through Mjolnir armor, and easily sliced an entire crate directly in half in one strike, and since Grif asked for a sword exactly like Tucker's, that means it likely has the same life-lock failsafe attached to it as well, meaning that nobody other than Grif is able to wield it. Should a user other than Grif hold it, it will deactivate until returned to the original owner.

Boomstick: So you won't have any luck trying to use it against him. Good luck trying to find another way to hurt him though, because the dude is a tank. He's easily one of the toughest members out of both teams, only being outshined by, who else, Caboose. His durability is through the roof, especially with his armor. Like his other teammates, he survived having a 50 megaton bomb detonating in his face, but Grif himself has survived some pretty intense stuff. He's been shot countless times by enemies and teammates alike, tanked multiple rounds from his own grenade launcher, been ran over by a 66 ton tank, shot by a tank, had his neck snapped, survived a blast at the top of Red base at Valhalla and the fall down, withstood a beatdown from Agent Texas, and even survived multiple direct hits from the freaking Spartan Lazer! He should be as tough as, if not tougher than Donut, who survived a plasma grenade detonating on his head in an earlier version of the Mjolnir armor and survived a Pelican crashing down on top of him in free fall... twice, and I'm not talking about the bird. I'm talking about the giant 138 metric ton ship! Yeah, he survived that thing crashing on him unscathed. He also compares to Washington and Carolina, who both survived being near the blast of an orbital strike which downed a 110 story skyscraper in one go.

Wiz: But he isn't just tough, he's also surprisingly strong. He once kicked Church's monitor body hard enough to land it way out in a minefield with practically no effort. While it doesn't have a confirmed weight, comparing its size and likely material makeup, my conservative estimate would put this monitor body weighing at right around 100 pounds.

Boomstick: Now, I know that doesn't sound that impressive, but have you ever kicked something weighing 100 pounds that hard before? 'Cause if you did, you probably broke your goddamn foot.

Wiz: At another point while the Reds and Tucker were battling the Meta, Grif and Simmons managed to shove a Warthog off of an icy cliff. Now, while it could be argued that both Grif and Simmons were pushing an even amount of weight, given that Grif was more centered while pushing it means that he was likely pushing around even more weight. Potentially over 2 tons.

Boomstick: That's the same as pushing around four Nieuport 28 aircrafts at the same time. The average person with good upper body strength can only push around 100 pounds for a short period of time. Holy crap. How the hell does he get so strong off a diet of Pizza and Oreos?

Wiz: Not to mention, despite what his... um, physique might suggest, he's also surprisingly fast as well. He can pilot ships fast enough to avoid multiple heat-seeking missiles, build four snowmen around himself and his teammates in less than a second before someone could round a corner, avoid burst fire at point-blank range, and while in the Labyrinth confronting his abusive coach, managed to avoid a shot from a sniper rifle after it fired at him. Specifically, an SRS 99-S5 Anti-Material rifle, which has a muzzle velocity of 5000 feet per second, past Mach 4! He also scales to the likes of both Simmons and Sarge.

Boomstick: Simmons once swapped between Mjolnir armor in just four seconds, making him over ninety times faster than most super soldiers, and Sarge once avoided a shot from a Railgun from just a few feet away from him after it was fired at him, which fires shots at speeds seven times faster than sound.

Wiz: And as incompetent a fighter he might seem, he isn't that bad of a fighter.

Boomstick: Look at him go!

Grif could be seen trying to slice at Agent Texas with the bayonet end of the Grif Shot in the Death Battle 'Red vs Blue'... only to get his weapon tossed to the side, punched in the nuts hard enough to send him airborne, and thrown over Tex's shoulder in pain.

Boomstick: *wince* Owww... look at him go...

Wiz: Of course, his level of skill can't be compared to the likes of Freelancers like Agent Texas, but he can still hold his own. He does have genuine military training to the point that even Sarge admits as much. He can effectively operate military grade weaponry, pilot military vehicles better than just about anyone, and can efficiently snap a person's neck.

Simmons: Hey Grif, how do you feel about large cash prizes?

Grif quickly goes behind Simmons, grabs his arm, bends his back over his leg and snaps his neck.

Grif: It's every man for himself!

Simmons: Agh! Son of a bitch!

Wiz: Plus, Grif has a habit of disarming highly trained, incredibly skilled and very deadly Freelancers such as the Meta and Carolina... somehow... against all logic. However, Grif's most noteworthy and impressive trait isn't his strength, speed, durability or skill. Rather, despite his laziness, poor shape, and seemingly low stamina, it is ironically his endurance that is most prominent.

Boomstick: Well, I mean duh. One man can only take so many nut shots, especially from someone as strong as Agent Texas. But seriously, that isn't a joke. Grif can take a ton of punishment and bounce right back up in just a few seconds. He's tanked a beatdown from Agent Texas and recovered in just a few minutes, gave the Meta a hard time when he tackled his back, and went through what can only be described as the Wipeout course from H-E-

Doc/O’Malley: (From out of nowhere) H-E-double hockey sticks!

Boomstick: Oh come on! Again!? Let me make the jokes dammit!

Wiz: He's survived a more than likely lethal dosage of the crudely named MethMeth shrooms with the only side effects being nausea and exhaustion and recovered in record time, and fell with enough force to pulverize the bones in his legs, but despite that could still stand and walk. Let me repeat that. Grif fell so hard that the bones in his legs were pulverized, as in they were reduced to nothing but dust, and he could still walk. That. Is. Ludicrous. But most impressively was when he managed to make a trip on foot from Italy all the way to England, including having to cross the bottom of the English Channel. That's a trip of over 1200 miles, and assuming he had an average walking speed of 3 miles per hour would mean this trip would have taken him at minimum 17 days to cross the entire thing, all without any reliable source of food or water.

Boomstick: And he was completely fine by the end of it. But that isn't even the most surprising part. He did all of that just so he could meet up with his sister and his friend Tucker. They were lost in time.

Wiz: But of course, Grif does have his faults as well. While his suit's healing unit can repair fatal wounds, massive amounts of damage does take time for it to heal, and while he may have a nigh endless ammo supply on hand, the same cannot be said for his more miscellaneous items such as his teleportation grenades and MethMeth shrooms, meaning he must use them wisely lest he runs his supplies dry. On top of that, while Grif is certainly level headed and can even form plans on the fly, such as when he asked a question only Simmons would know to find out who was Simmons and who was Gene, he isn't really the most intelligent fighter.

Boomstick: We're talkin' about the same guy who tried to plant and grow friggin' candy corn like some sort of plant, and will easily let himself get distracted by food even when his life is on the line. Except when he doesn't, like when he was confronting Genkins.

Wiz: Plus, he isn't very athletic on his own either. He doesn't even know how to swim.

Boomstick: Hey, give him a break on that one. He's wearing armor that weighs half a ton.

Wiz: Eh, fair point. But despite how much he said he wanted to leave the military, how much he made it look like he hated everyone he knew, Grif did genuinely care about his teammates. Even Sarge despite how much he despised him. Even after he made the decision to finally go and actually abandon his teammates, the selfless side of him just couldn't stay away. His bravery has pushed him through thick and thin, going so far as to go toe to toe with Agent Texas, tackle the Meta, team up with his former enemy Locus, and stand at gunpoint unwavering, all because deep down, he really does care about his teammates. As cheesy as it may sound.

Boomstick: Not many people can safely say that they've saved the entire universe, especially not ones as lazy as Grif, but he managed to pull it off with his team. The Reds and Blues just wouldn't be the same without him.

Wiz: Despite his stubborn attitude and refusal to take orders from just about anyone, Grif has surprisingly proven himself to represent just what it means to be a true soldier... as much as he would rather deny it.

The Reds, Blues and Doc could be seen trapped in the Chairman's office while enemy soldiers were cutting the door open.

Sarge: Well boys, you know what they say.

Sarge pulls his shotgun off of his back.

Sarge: Today is a good day to die.

Grif: Permission to speak freely, sir?

Sarge looked over to Grif, who took the Grif Shot off of one of the pedestals in the room and armed himself.

Grif: Fuck that.

Jaune Arc[]

Wiz: The world of Remnant. Through its long history, you can find many unique people, places and events, such as the Faunus, the Schnee Dust Company, and The Great War, a worldwide conflict pitting the four kingdoms against each other. Many fought in this war, but several truly showed their capabilities, such as the Arcs. They were said to be incredibly skilled fighters to the point that they were considered heroes, passing down their weapon to each generation. But when it comes to the latest generation of the Arc lineage, he... well...

Boomstick: He sucked. Don't try to beat around the bush. This kid had no clue how to fight.

Wiz: Well... yeah. Meet Jaune Arc, a student of Beacon Academy. Raised alongside his seven sisters, yes, seven, Jaune wanted nothing more than to become just like his relatives, heroic warriors, so he set out to become a huntsman. Unfortunately, he lacked the proper devotion and training to actually fulfill his dream. He did poor academically and his skills in combat and with a weapon were practically nonexistent.

Boomstick: So, what do you do when your dreams are about to be hopelessly crushed in front of you? That's right, lie shamelessly. He got his hands on some fake transcripts in school and that shot him up to qualify to the best school for teaching kids how to murder monsters, Beacon Academy. Too bad he had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself into.

Wiz: Luckily, he wouldn't have to go about it alone. After getting thrown off a cliff of all things during initiation, he would meet his partner Pyrrha Nikos, one of the most gifted fighters out of any school, along with his new teammates Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, who would help him off his feet and fight alongside him. Surprisingly, though, Jaune appeared to be a natural at leading people in a fight, quickly guiding his teammates on what to do in a fight with a Deathstalker. Once their initiation was done, Headmaster Ozpin would declare him the leader of his new team, to his surprise, and would begin the start of his training to become a huntsman.

Boomstick: Man, how lucky do you have to be? This kid cheated his way into school and the headmaster didn't even question it when he saw him failing to even land right, then he got paired up with one of the most skilled students in Beacon, and he was made the leader of his very own team. There's no way he was so lucky that all of that happened by chance.

Wiz: Well, maybe Ozpin saw some potential in him during the initiation, but regardless, Jaune would need a weapon to keep up with his team and combat against the many forces that could come their way.

Boomstick: The weapon that was passed down generations by his great-great-grandfather, the Croeca Mors. It's survived through decades of battle and was used to fight in the Great War. In its sheath is a simple broadsword sharp enough to decapitate a Grimm Ursa, while the sheath can extend into a super tough shield that can survive some pretty heavy damage. But that isn't all, 'cause guess what? It's also a gun.

Crocea Mors

Wiz: Actually, it isn't also a gun. It's just a sword and shield.

Boomstick: What!? But that's like the highlight of the show. How could any weapon not double as a gun?

Wiz: This weapon, as simple as it may be, is quite useful. Without any real ranged options, his shield can be used to defend against projectiles until he gets close, where his sword becomes more useful for close range combat. His shield can withstand attacks from Grimm like Deathstalkers and can survive powerful blasts of magic without breaking, and his sword can clash with other weapons without dulling.

Boomstick: It's not a very versatile weapon, but that would change eventually. Pyrrha eventually found out that Jaune cheated his way into Beacon, so she decided to help him become a better fighter, and she definitely helped him improve in fights. He became a good enough fighter that he didn't get completely bodied by other fighters during the Vytal Festival Tournament. Too bad he's as dense as an anime protagonist, because he didn't get a single goddamn hint that Pyrrha was even remotely into him. Come on kid, make your move! Do it before-

Pyrrha was seen on her knees in front of Cinder Fall at the top of Beacon's tower, before Cinder fires an arrow into her chest and is turned into ash.

Boomstick: Before something like that happens. Bitch.

Wiz: After the fall of Beacon, Jaune didn't stop fighting. Rather, he and his remaining team would join Ruby to continue fighting the good fight, now as team RNJR. He would use the remains of Pyrrha's armor to reinforce and upgrade his weapon, and after reuniting team RWBY and meeting Oscar, they would venture to Atlas with Qrow and Maria where he and the rest of his teammates would receive several enhancements to their weapons.

Boomstick: Say goodbye to that boring old sword and shield. Now when he sheathes his sword, it can extend into a bigger and deadlier greatsword for more damage, though he does have to give up his shield for it. Speaking of, those Atlas enhancements implemented gravity and hard light dust into it. Now the symbol on his shield can blast a wave of force from it to push enemies back, slow himself down if he falls, or propel himself in the opposite direction, and the shield can extend to cover a wider area with the hard light dust. He can even use it to glide around like a parasail.

Wiz: What's more, he possesses a portable device he can throw out to create a large wall of hard light dust which he can easily call back with his shield's gravity dust functions. Good for securing and defending a wider area and giving him more range for protection, though it can only defend against so much damage before eventually faltering. But then there's his most useful tool to keep him in the fight, something that is essential for every huntsman and huntress to have, his aura. Aura acts as a shield as a manifestation of his very soul, which can protect him from incredibly deadly and lethal attacks, such as gunfire, hits from a Grimm Ursa, and the nightmarish Nuckelavee.

Boomstick: Even crazier was when his aura let him survive being backhanded by Cordivin's building sized mech, though this attack still completely shattered his aura in one hit, the fact that he still survived is pretty impressive. But that's not all his aura can do, 'cause it also gives him superpowers!

Wiz: These powers, called semblances, are abilities brought about through a person's traits, such as past life experiences, their attitude, or even the way that they fight, and Jaune's desire to want to protect others manifested as his semblance known as aura amp. With it, he can amplify his own or other people's auras, using it to heal others or even strengthen their aura as well. He can even reinforce his own aura to defend against attacks, though doing any of these things means he has to sacrifice a good chunk of his own aura.

Boomstick: Good thing he's got a bunch of it, enough to go around, too. But he doesn't just spend his time as the support class healing his teammates. Vomit Boy's not afraid to get up close and personal. His time training with Pyrrha and at Atlas let him get a lot more involved in fights. He's got the grit to go up against a Grimm Ursa, defeated the Atlas student Flynt Coal in a one on one, and will even go against Cinder Fall, even if he knows he's way out of his league trying to challenge her. But greatest of all was when he finally went and got his very own landing strategy! *sniff* I'm so proud.

Wiz: But his most valuable asset in a fight is by far, well, his brain. His tactical mind and natural born leadership has led him to formulate plans to take down incredibly skilled and deadly threats.

Boomstick: Oh yeah, it's big brain time.

Wiz: With his team and friends at his side, they've gone up against the likes of team BRNZ in the Vytal Festival Tournament, General Ironwood, Neopolitan, a massive Geist golem, a Deathstalker, Cordovin's mech, the Nuckelavee, and the Hound, one of the first intelligent Grimm. He's dodged multiple boulders being launched at him, spotted a sniper from a distance, guarded against a magic blast from Salem, blocked a fireball from Cinder Fall, and could fight off multiple Grimm even while speeding around on a hover bike. While he is implied to generally be much slower than his fellow Beacon students, he could potentially scale to the likes of Sun Wukong, who could react fast enough to block an electrical attack from the Sea Feilong.

Boomstick: His aura can also probably compare to other characters, like Weiss, who barely survived getting hit by a geyser of freaking lava, Pyrrha, who survived getting slammed by a huge gear, though she was guarding against it with her shield, and Yang, who can withstand getting slammed through concrete pillars by an Atlesian Paladin!

Wiz: Lava can reach temperatures of up to 1200 degrees Celsius, or 2192 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning his aura can likely withstand temperatures hot enough to melt through cast iron, albeit barely, and adding the force required to smash through four concrete pillars together would mean that Yang’s aura withstood a combined impact of nearly 236 tons of force, and Jaune's aura is likely comparable.

Boomstick: But as tough as their auras might be, Jaune and Ruby's teams weren't always as strong and were kinda falling apart.

Wiz: Understandably stressed, what with General Ironwood turning bad, discovering Salem, realizing that her forces were already inside Atlas, Oscar getting kidnapped, and having one of the relics getting stolen from them, their functionality as a team was faltering. Not too good considering what was at stake. But Jaune wasn't going to let it stop him, and would press on with his team against all odds. Even with the weight of Pyrrha's death and his heritage on his shoulders, he wouldn't let it weigh him down, and it's that same determination which would encourage his other teammates to press onwards. If you think about it, despite his rough upbringings, RWBY and JNPR probably wouldn't have gone as far as they did without him.

Boomstick: Oh, you mean how they beat a building sized mech, rescued Oscar from a giant Grimm whale, transferred the Winter Maiden's powers to... Winter, started a rebellion against Ironwood and saved lives by having some magic guy in a staff make magic doors that magically led them to a safer place? With magic!?

Wiz: Ummmm... yes, that.

Boomstick: Thought so. Well, considering he started off as someone who was in way over his head, he's done a good job. But he still isn't flawless.

Wiz: Right. Everybody has flaws, including Jaune. While he may have received mild training from Pyrrha and at Atlas, his level of skill isn't on par with his other teammates, and while his shield may be able to guard against attacks, Jaune isn't always strong enough to defend against them. He's had a hard time defending himself from attacks with exuberant amounts of force, leading him to being left open or even knocking his weapons away. Plus, even if he manages to block an attack, it's not a guarantee that he will go unharmed.

Boomstick: Speaking of defenses, Jaune's aura might be tough, but the aura doesn't last forever. Enough damage and constant pressure can tear through his aura pretty quickly, and if he isn't careful, then his own semblance can drain his aura as well. After a certain point, the aura will eventually stop protecting against attacks, and once his aura is broken, he's completely defenseless and he can't use his semblance anymore.

Wiz: Not to mention, Jaune doesn't do very well stamina wise. Prolonged one on one fights can leave him drained and can cause him to struggle, and as an aura user's aura lowers, so does their performance in battle. Plus, his skills in strength and speed are generally outshined by more prominent team members.

Boomstick: But even with all of that, he doesn't let it slow him down. He's come a long way from being the same kid that was launched off a cliff. He's become the fearless leader that he's always wanted to be, a perfect example of what his relatives were.

Wiz: Ozpin certainly made the right decision making Jaune the leader of team JNPR. His courage and determination will only further his teammates efforts for a brighter tomorrow.

Jaune was seen with a bruised face as he helped Cardin off the ground after killing a Grimm Ursa.

Cardin: Holy crap, Jaune.

Jaune: Don't ever mess with my team, my friends, ever again… Got it?


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Death Battle[]

In the icy tundra on the outskirts of Atlas, a barren wasteland of snow was all that could be seen. The only sounds that were heard was the wind blowing around the frozen landscape. But that was before another sound occurred. It got progressively louder, until a vehicle suddenly drove by. Not just any vehicle though. It was a Warthog being driven around by none other than one Dexter Grif. He was looking at the controls annoyed as he was apparently following a waypoint to where the rest of his team was.

Grif: Jesus, man. Of all the places they make me drive through to get to them, it's the middle of fucking nowhere. Freezing my ass off over here.

As he drove, far ahead was another figure investigating the area clouded by the snowy winds, one with blonde hair and a shield. They walked further revealing themselves to be Jaune Arc. He looked around further, trying to see any signs of Grimm activity that may be in the area. After coming to the conclusion that there was nothing there, he put a finger to the side of his head and contacted someone on the radio.

Jaune: Fiona, I don't see anything out here. There aren't any Grimm or tracks that I can see.

Fiona: (over the radio) Alright. I guess you should head back now. That's enough for toda- *static*

Jaune: Fiona? Fiona, hello? You're breaking up.

Jaune takes the radio out of his ear and looks at it, then at where he was and how far away he was from the refuge.

Jaune: *sigh* Guess I'm too far away for the radio to work.

Jaune begins to head back right as Grif was driving in, still looking at the waypoint next to the controls. The waypoint suddenly started moving around on the screen, directing him to multiple different places at once, and Grif knew exactly why.

Grif: Oh for fuck sake! Sarge, stop fucking with the damn waypoint! I know it's you doing that!... Hm?

Jaune walked right in the path of where Grif was driving, and he was slowly getting closer without either of them knowing. Grif looks up for a split second before looking back at the screen, until he realized that he was about to hit someone and shot his head back up.


Jaune: Huh? OH SHOOT!

Jaune quickly dives out of the way of the car while Grif pulls a hard left turn right into a large rock, causing him to crash into it. The vehicle was undamaged but Grif was still dazed by the crash. He backs the jeep away from the rock as Jaune got up off the ground. Once Grif got his car back into position, he got out and began to yell at Jaune in a fit of road rage.

Grif: You dumbass! What the hell were you doing!?! Can you not see I'm driving here!

Jaune: Wha-what are you talking about? Nobody else is even supposed to be out here. What are you doing, and what's with the armor? Are you a huntsman?

Grif: Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever, I'm that.

Jaune: Really? Can I see your license?

Grif: ...License?

Jaune: Yeah, every huntsman and huntress has one. You do too, right?

Grif: ...Yeah, sure. Just hold that thought.

Jaune lets Grif walk to his jeep, not buying a word he was saying. Grif gets in his jeep and pretends to look for something in it while Jaune patiently waits for him to not find anything. Suddenly, Jaune hears the car starting and sees Grif frantically trying to turn the car on. He successfully starts the car, but Jaune rushes over to the drivers seat where Grif was sitting.

Jaune: Hey! What are you doing?

Grif: Umm, getting out of here. If that wasn't obvious.

Jaune: *sigh* Look, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me. Please, just don't make it difficult for either of us.

Grif: Yeeaaaaah... I really don't care, so could you... just... H-hang on. You sound weirdly familiar...

Jaune: Uhh... I do?

Grif stares suspiciously at Jaune for a few more seconds, both confusing him and making him slightly nervous. He continued to look on at the huntsman, before panicking and coming to a shocking conclusion.

Grif: ...HOLY SHIT, FELIX!!!

Jaune: Wha-HEY!

Grif floors the gas and the tires of the jeep skid along the ground as the car began to accelerate. Before he was too far away from the car, Jaune quickly grabbed on to the back of the jeep, shocked at the sudden panic. Grif looks back at where he came from and saw Jaune climb up onto the jeep from the back.


Grif began swerving left and right, trying to knock Jaune off balance and get him to fall off the car. Jaune stumbles around before gripping the side of the vehicle for balance.

Jaune: Hey! Slow down! I'm gonna fall off!

Grif: Don't pull that 'goody two shoes' bullshit with me. I know it's you!

Grif continues to drive around recklessly, trying to shake Jaune off, who was holding on for dear life. Grif then slams the right side of the jeep into a rock, causing Jaune to lose his grip and hurl him to the side, but grabs the side of the car just in time as he dangled over the side. Grif sees this and goes to slam the side of the car into another rock, but Jaune climbs back onto the car right before he could be crushed. He starts moving to the front of the car and finds himself in the passenger seat next to Grif, who looks at him surprised as he proceeds to grab onto the wheel, trying to get Grif to stop.

Grif: Hey! Hands off the wheel!

They both tried to take control of the vehicle as it swerved around randomly, narrowly avoiding several rocks sticking out of the ground. Grif took one hand off the wheel and used it to punch Jaune in the face, causing him to release his grip on the wheel and giving Grif control again. He makes a sharp left turn, causing the dazed Jaune to almost fly out the side of the Warthog, but he managed to grab the side of the car as it turned, before it continued driving straight and letting Jaune climb back in. Grif sees him climb back in and roughly tries to shove him back out as he drove.

Grif: How the hell are you still alive!?! I saw you fall off a giant alien tower!

Jaune: Ack! Look, I really have no idea who you're talking about, but I'm not who you think I am!

Grif: Yeah, nice try, but I'm not letting you trick me again!

Grif continued to try to shove Jaune out of the car as he drove while Jaune was resisting. Grif reeled his fist back once again to try and punch him, but Jaune was ready this time. As Grif went to punch him, Jaune brought his sheathe up and extended it into his shield, blocking the punch before letting out a burst of force and pushing Grif back. Grif almost falls out of the car from the burst, but he grabs onto the wheel before he fell out, turning the wheel left and forcing the car to make a hard right turn as he dangled from the side. The sudden turn also launched Jaune out of the driver's side, forcing him to grab onto Grif's leg as the car drove in circles. Grif hoisted himself back into the car while Jaune was still holding on to him, straightening the car out, before attempting to kick Jaune off of him. Jaune eventually lets go from Grif kicking him in the face and is sent tumbling across the ground, but he pulls up his shield as he tumbles, facing away from the car and unleashes a blast of force from it, launching him back to the jeep. He manages to grab hold of the back and climbs up once again. He gets up and stands behind Grif, who checks the rear view mirror and sees him. He makes a sharp right turn causing Jaune to lose balance and almost fall off again, but he grabs the side of the car as it drove before pulling himself towards the driver's seat and kicking Grif in the face, sending him into the passenger's seat and leaving Jaune in the driver's seat.

Jaune hopelessly looked at the six different pedals with no clue as to which one does what, leaving him to only steering the wheel as the Warthog sped around.

Jaune: What the? Why would a car need this many pedals???

Jaune attempts to turn right, but instead the car turns in the opposite direction. Confused, Jaune turns left out of the way of a rock, but this makes the car go right. Jaune quickly put two and two together and realized that the controls were for some reason inverted, before narrowly avoided several rocks that they were about to drive into as Grif recovered. He shook his head and looked over to Jaune who was steering the car around and obviously had no clue how to stop. Grif pulled up his magnum and aimed it towards Jaune, who looked over and saw that he was about to get shot. He panics and randomly slams his feet on every possible pedal while bracing himself, which luckily forced the car to a sudden stop, launching the unprepared Grif forward and out of the car before he could shoot. Before he could fly off, he grabbed onto the edge of the windshield, halting his momentum and leaving him face planted on the hood of the car. He looks up and sees Jaune in front of him behind the windshield, pulling out his magnum once again and causing Jaune to floor a random pedal, making the car accelerate and making Grif focus on holding on to the hood of the car. Now with the tables turned, Jaune attempted to knock Grif off of the car, making sudden turns as Grif had an iron grip on the front of the car. Grif eventually balances himself as the car turned roughly and aimed his magnum at Jaune through the windshield, forcing Jaune to pull up his shield as he lets off several shots, putting several holes in the glass between them as Jaune blocks the shots.

With his shield between him and the wheel, Jaune was unable to turn the car out of the way of anything the car might crash into, but with Grif continuously shooting at him, he couldn't put it away. As Grif was shooting at Jaune's shield, the Warthog was quickly approaching a large rock sticking out of the ground. Grif turns around realizing they were driving in a straight path and sees the rock approaching quickly, turning to see Jaune behind his shield unable to grab the wheel and turn out of the way.

Grif: Oh you have got to be kidding me.

Jaune hears this and peeks to see what Grif was talking about, seeing the large rock in their path approaching too fast for Jaune to put his shield away.

Jaune: Oh no.

Jaune hides behind his shield, extending it with hard light dust and bracing himself for the impact. The car struck the large rock, slamming into it and forcing it to stop, launching Grif forward and causing Jaune to smash shield first through the windshield, shattering the glass as he flew forward. They both hit the ground a ways away from where they crashed, skidding across the snow before coming to a stop next to each other. They both slowly get up, recovering from the crash and looking next to them, realizing they were right by each other.

They both quickly get up as Grif starts shooting his magnum at Jaune, who pulls his shield up and blocks the shots. Jaune moves towards Grif as he shot and pulls his sword from his shield, swiping at Grif when he got close enough. Grif steps to the side, avoiding the strike as he began reloading his magnum, but as he did, Jaune followed up and swiped up at Grif's hand with his sword, knocking his magnum away before bashing him with his shield and knocking him to the floor. Jaune slices down on Grif, but he rolls out of the way and gets back up, pulling out his submachine gun and firing at Jaune while backing away. Jaune crouches down and guards against the attack with his shield as Grif moves back, leaving him unscathed before Grif stops firing. Jaune gets up and rushes towards Grif as he was reloading, getting close to him before he aimed his gun at him again, prompting Jaune to pull up his shield as he ran at him. This time, Grif got out of the way of Jaune as he ran by, tackling him with his shoulder and causing Jaune to fall forward. He recovers with a roll and guards just in time to block the many bullets from Grif's gun. He lets out a blast from his shield, staggering Grif and giving Jaune an opening to attack, leaping forward and landing a hit on Grif's head with his sword. He slices up at Grif, knocking his head up and tries to stab him, which Grif narrowly avoids and jumps back from a wide strike, before Jaune spins around and lands a hit on Grif, knocking him back.

Grif recovers and tries shooting at Jaune once again, but Jaune rushed forward with his shield out blocking the shots and attempting to ram into him. As he got close, Grif jumped out of the way again, but Jaune turned to face away from him before letting out a burst from his shield, propelling him towards Grif and striking him with the edge of his shield, knocking Grif to the floor. Jaune went to strike at him while he was down, but Grif kicked at Jaune's leg causing him to stagger and miss while Grif got up. Grif tackles Jaune from the side and knocks him to the floor, followed up by Jaune kicking him in the face while he was down and knocking him away. They both get up with Jaune rushing at Grif with his shield, slamming into him with it while Grif pushes back against it, forcing Jaune to a halt. Jaune lets a blast from his shield, causing Grif to stagger backwards while Jaune began his assault, rushing in to slash at Grif. Grif fired his submachine gun aimlessly at Jaune who blocked the shots until he got close, slashing at Grif's head and stunning him. He swiped at his chest several times, creating sparks as his sword scraped off Grif's armor, before jumping up and slamming his sword down on his head, forcing him to look down and slicing up at him while he was looking down, sending him reeling.

Grif regains himself and goes to bash Jaune's head with the butt of his SMG, with Jaune ducking beneath it and going behind him, slashing at the back of his legs and tripping him, knocking him on his back. Grif looks up from his resting position and fires his gun at Jaune's legs while he was on the ground, causing Jaune to reel in pain and hide behind his shield while Grif got back up. He went towards Jaune as he got up from behind his shield, swiping up at Jaune's shield with his gun while he wasn't prepared, knocking his arm away and leaving him open, letting Grif bash him with his shoulder and knocking him down. While Jaune was down, Grif sprayed him down with his gun, landing dozens of shots on him before Jaune held his shield in front of him for defense. Grif jumped and went to stomp on Jaune, landing the hit on his shield while he was still down, prompting Jaune to angle his shield while Grif was on it and letting out a powerful blast of force from it, launching Grif through the air several meters away from him. Jaune gets back up and runs at Grif once again as he got up, seeing Jaune rush at him and frantically firing his gun at him, the shots being blocked by his shield. As he hid his head behind his shield, Grif reached behind his back and threw out a frag grenade, pulling the pin on it and throwing it at Jaune. It landed a few feet ahead of Jaune who was charging in, running past it and seeing it as he ran by right before it detonated. Jaune quickly turned his shield to face the grenade and activating the hard light dust extensions, before it exploded a split second later, launching Jaune backwards past Grif and slamming against a large rock.

Jaune recovers, but right as he moved his shield to the side, he is met with Grif ramming into him with his shoulder, slamming him against the rock. Grif goes to swipe at Jaune's head with his gun, but he ducks underneath the attack and slashes at Grif, staggering him. He shoots at Jaune who brings his shield up and walks forward before lunging at him with his sword once he got close enough. Grif jumps out of the way causing Jaune to miss as he goes to shoot him again. Jaune brings his shield up just in time to block the shots before letting another blast from his shield, stunning Grif and knocking his arm back, forcing him to shoot up in the air. Jaune rushes in and swipes up at Grif, who barely manages to hold his gun out with both hands to try and block it, resulting in Jaune slicing his SMG directly in half before he bashes Grif with his shield. Grif stumbles backwards and looks at the two halves of the gun he held, throwing them to the ground in frustration. Before he could say anything, Jaune slams into him with his shield again, this time letting out a blast which sends Grif tumbling across the snowy ground. As he gets up, Jaune runs in while dragging his sword across the ground, slicing up at the downed Grif and sending him rolling into a rock. Grif was quicker to get up this time and saw Jaune lunging in to stab into him.

Right before Jaune can stab him, Grif turns to the side and lunges forward as blue flames erupted from the thrusters on the back of his armor, propelling him out of the way of Jaune's attack and causing Jaune to embed his sword into the large rock while Grif skidded to a stop a few feet away from Jaune. Right as he stopped, he pulls a blue pulsing grenade from his back and arms it while Jaune tries pulling his sword out of the boulder. He throws as Jaune gets his sword free and barely manages to pull his shield up in time to block it, but nothing happened for a moment. Jaune looks at the front of his shield and sees the grenade stuck to it, pulsing progressively faster. He attempts to launch it at Grif with his shield's gravity dust, but it wasn't budging. He panics and tries again, but it was too late as it detonates in an extremely powerful blast, sending Jaune flying backwards as his shield is launched from his hand. Grif follows through the cloud of smoke the grenade created and sees Jaune getting back up with his sword in hand, but not his shield. He gets up and looks for his shield, which was several meters behind him resonating smoke, but ultimately looks at his sword and then back to Grif, deciding to fight without his shield for the time.

Jaune runs at Grif, who does a painfully obvious fakeout shuffling from right to left. Jaune goes to stab as Grif dodges to the right, but this was easily telegraphed by Jaune, who swipes his sword to the side as he stabs past Grif, swiping his head and causing him to do a spin. As he does a full 360 facing back towards Jaune, he is hit by a barrage of sword swings by him, finishing it with a stab, sending him back. Jaune stabs at Grif as he recovers, but he quickly avoids it and grabs his wrist as it moves past his head. He twists Jaune's arm, loosening his grip on the sword and letting Grif yank it away from him and throw it to the side. He then grabs Jaune's shoulder and spins him around, shoving him forward to the floor with Jaune recovering with a roll. Jaune was quick to get back up with his fists clenched and rushes at Grif, who does the same. Grif throws a straight punch which Jaune easily ducks beneath, landing a punch to his side and another to his gut. Jaune kicks the back of Grif's leg, forcing him to stagger before Jaune grabs his head and slams him into the ground. Grif kicks him away and gets back up, running at Jaune and grabbing his arms, leaving them pushing against each other in a struggle. Jaune and Grif push with all their might, but Grif was surprisingly winning out, made evident by Jaune slowly sliding backwards. He was struggling to fight back, but then Jaune did just about the only thing he could do in the situation. He reels his knee back, and hits Grif right in his nuts.

Immediately after, Grif lets go and keels over in pain, clutching his groin, letting Jaune grab him and throw him over his shoulder several feet away from him. Grif lands with a thud while still holding his crotch, as Jaune ran to pick up his sword while he recovered. He reaches his sword and grabs it, quickly turning back and going after his opponent. Grif staggeringly gets back to his feet, seeing Jaune rush at him. He decides to put some distance between the two and grabs some incendiary grenades, throwing them ahead of him before Jaune could reach him. As soon as they hit the ground, a massive wall of flames erupted from them, forcing Jaune to a screeching halt as it melted the snow around the area. Grif turns tail and uses his suit's thrusters to boost his way back to the Warthog while Jaune took the opportunity to go grab his shield. Grif makes it back to the jeep panting from having to run all the way back, even with the thrusters. He rummages around looking for another weapon to use. Jaune gets to his shield and picks it up, noticing the massive scorch mark from the plasma grenade. He rushes back to the wall of fire and lets out a blast from his shield, parting the flames for a moment and letting Jaune jump to the other side. He spots Grif at the Warthog from a distance and starts closing the gap between them. Once he got close enough, Grif turned around revealing that he had a BR55 Battle Rifle in his hands, an MA5C Assault Rifle on his back, and a strange looking device on his hip. Grif takes aim at Jaune from a sniper's distance away and prepared to fire at Jaune. Jaune stops and brings his shield in front of him prepared to block the oncoming shots.

Grif: Hah! Can't fight me from this far away, can you Felix!?

Grif pulls the trigger on his rifle, but all that came from it was a 'click' sound. Confused, he tries firing a few more times with the same results. Jaune slightly peeks from his shield wondering why he wasn't being fired at yet and sees Grif messing with his gun. Grif turns the gun around and looks down the barrel like an idiot, but ultimately finds the problem. He shoved junk down the barrel of his most used rifle to avoid doing any work, effectively jamming his gun and making it useless. Jaune notices that he is having trouble with his gun and makes his move, continuing to close the gap between them.

Grif notices Jaune getting progressively closer and tosses his rifle to the side, grabbing the assault rifle from his back and praying that it still worked. Luckily, it was not loaded with garbage as Grif was just too lazy to clog more than one gun, letting out a stream of bullets at Jaune, who throws out a circular device which creates a large barrier of hard light dust. The shots ping off this shield as Grif continued firing until his magazine ran empty, forcing him to reload. Jaune took this chance to run up to the barrier and fall forward, hitting the ground with his shield and letting out a blast which launches him clean over his hard light barrier, extending his shield and letting him glide towards Grif midair. Right as he finishes reloading, Jaune falls down onto him and slashes down on his head as he lands, followed up by bashing him with his shield. Grif fired at Jaune to no avail as his attempts were blocked before Jaune lunges at him. Grif jumps out of the way, but it was a fakeout as Jaune stops in his tracks and aims his shield at Grif as he leapt to the side, letting out another blast which nearly knocks him to the floor, giving Jaune the chance to slash up at Grif's hand and knocking his gun away from him. He goes to slash at him again, but Grif grabs the blade with one hand and goes to punch Jaune, who blocks it with his shield, but Grif grabs the side of his shield immediately after and shoves both Jaune's arms to the side, letting Grif headbutt him before shoving him back as he rushed to his gun on the ground. He dives at it, sliding across the snowy ground and grabs it, turning onto his back to fire at Jaune as he made his way towards him. Jaune defends against the shots until he was close enough and goes to slam his sword down at Grif, who rolls out of the way. As Grif gets up, he swings his gun up at Jaune who swings his sword up at Grif, deflecting each other's attacks, followed up by Jaune bashing him with his shield.

Grif pulls out another frag grenade and pulls the pin, cooking it while Jaune keeps up the pressure on Grif constantly swinging at him. Grif dodges to the best of his ability, ducking beneath a swing and hopping backwards, activating his suit's thrusters and putting a few feet between them. He throws his grenade past Jaune, landing it behind him and causing it to detonate as soon as it hit the ground, leaving Jaune no time to defend and doing heavy damage to his aura as he is blasted forward. As he gets back up, he is hit with a barrage of bullets before bring his shield up and defending against the shots. Jaune gets up and runs forward at Grif as he continued shooting, but instead of lunging at him with his sword, he sheathes it in his shield as it retracts, transforming into an entirely different weapon. Grif's ammo runs out as this happens, leaving him to only watch as Jaune's sword and shield transforms into a greatsword, grabbing the handle and swinging it over his head to bring down on Grif. He holds his gun out in front of him to block it, but the massive blade slices right through it and onto his head, before reeling his sword back and slashing up at him, landing a large slash across his chest and launching him back, leaving a noticeable cut on his armor. Jaune moves in and brings his sword down on Grif again as he got up, missing as he avoids the attack and grabs at the blade of the sword and pushes against it, leaving them in another struggle.

Jaune: Look, I really, really don't want to have to do this, so can you please just back down and we can talk this out?!

Grif: I get you think I'm stupid Felix, but I'm not falling for it!

Jaune: For the last time, I'm not whoever this Felix guy is!

As they pushed against each other, Grif reaches behind him, pulls out another plasma grenade and arms it. Jaune sees this right as he goes to stick it to his head and takes one hand off of his sword, grabbing Grif's arm and stopping him from sticking the grenade onto him. Instead, Jaune takes his arm and shoves it back to Grif, causing the grenade to get stuck to his head instead as Jaune shoves Grif back and dives away from him, transforming his greatsword back into a sword and shield and bracing himself with his shield in front of him. Grif sees the grenade on his head, but just as he notices it, it detonates in a powerful explosion, creating a massive cloud of smoke and launching Grif all the way back to the Warthog, crashing into it. Jaune blocks the explosion from a distance, sliding back slightly from the force of the blast.

Jaune proceeds to move forward and into the smoke, running through it to get to Grif. When he exits the smoke cloud, he sees the Warthog ahead of him, but not Grif. He runs over to the jeep and looks around and inside of it, but he couldn't find his opponent. He begins searching around the large rock that they had crashed into and was making his way to the back of it. He rushes around the corner with his shield out, ready for an ambush, but Grif wasn't there either. Jaune drops his shield in confusion, but right as he did, Grif leaps down from the top of the snowy boulder, slashing across Jaune's back with his newly acquired Grif Shot and causing Jaune to shout in pain. Jaune turns around, slashing behind him as he did and clashing his sword with the bayonet of Grif's grenade launcher. Grif rushes forward and slashes at Jaune in a flurry of attacks, which Jaune counters with his own slashes from his sword. Grif spins around and attempts to land a wide slash on Jaune, but he blocks it with his shield and blasts Grif backwards. Grif almost falls on his back but catches himself with his suit's thrusters, quickly aiming at Jaune and firing a grenade at him. Jaune defends, but his guard is easily broken from the resulting explosion, causing him to fall back. Grif fires several grenades at him while he's down, but Jaune faces his shield to the side and lets out a blast, launching him to the side and out of the way of the bombs, which explode and leave a large scorch mark on the ground.

Jaune: A grenade launcher... knife??? Great...

Jaune gets back up off the ground and readies himself as Grif begins firing at him again. Jaune rolled forward and avoided a grenade, repeating this as he got progressively closer to Grif. Once he got close enough, Grif goes in to slash at Jaune who rolls beneath the attack and gets behind Grif. Grif quickly turns around and blocks an oncoming sword swing with his weapon, pushing back before getting blasted away by Jaune's shield. Grif activates his suit's thrusters and speeds toward Jaune, going in for a high speed slash. Jaune ducks beneath the slice as Grif shoots past him before stopping himself and taking aim at Jaune. Grif fires at Jaune who slices at the grenades as they came at him, knocking them to the sides and detonating away from Jaune. Jaune gets close enough once again and starts to slash at Grif, who also begins slashing at Jaune, clashing each other's weapons and creating multiple sparks in the air. Jaune gets the upper hand and deflects a strike, knocking Grif's arm to the side before landing multiple slashes on him, finishing by blasting him away from the shield. Immediately after getting blasted, Grif activated his thrusters, boosting back in at high speeds and ramming into Jaune's shield, the force of him slamming into him breaking his guard. Now with Jaune open, Grif lands a barrage of slashes on Jaune, slashing him across the chest before stabbing into him with his weapon's bayonet, knocking Jaune back and letting Grif fire multiple rounds at Jaune before he could recover, blasting him back a fair distance. Grif reloads as Jaune hit the ground ahead of him, running in to attack him while he was down.

Jaune looks up from the ground and sees Grif charging at him, so he holds his shield up as it glowed. Grif prepared his thrusters to counter Jaune's shield blast, but instead of being pushed back, a small device shot by his head and straight to Jaune's shield. After it attaches to Jaune's shield, he grabs it and activates it, throwing it at Grif. It lands right in front of Grif as he ran in, who came to a skidding halt as he now stood right over it, before it suddenly transformed into another large wall of hard light dust, which promptly hits Grif in the nuts as he could now be seen at the top of the wall with the barrier between his legs, holding his crotch in pain once again.

Grif: (strained) ...Why?

Jaune got back up right as Grif began slowly sliding down the edge of the barrier and rushed in, transforming his weapon back into its greatsword form and preparing to strike. Right as Grif was about to reach the bottom of the barrier, Jaune swung his weapon up at him, slamming into his body and launching him through the air. Grif hits the ground in pain, getting up and noticing another large slash across his armor, forming an X on the front of his suit. Grif grabs his grenade launcher and fires several rounds at Jaune, who transformed his weapon back to its sword and shield form and began dodging around the grenades as they blew up around him. Grif was exhausted and couldn't react fast enough to fight back against Jaune's onslaught, resulting in him getting hopelessly battered around before Jaune trips him up and makes him fall flat on his back. Jaune goes to slash down on Grif, but his attack is just barely blocked by Grif holding his launcher in front of him before pushing back slightly. Grif took aim while he was on the ground and point blanked Jaune as he held out his shield, causing both of them to be launched away from each other. Grif pants in exhaustion and sees Jaune get right back up, injured but generally in better condition than him. Grif then gets an idea and reaches around his back, pulling out a strange blue mushroom.

Jaune moves back in towards Grif, but the wind suddenly picks up, creating a thick wall of snow which clouds Jaune's vision for a few seconds. He moves forward as the wind dies down, but sees that Grif was nowhere to be seen. He looks around, searching for his opponent while being on guard for an ambush. Jaune hears something rush behind him and swipes at the sound, but hits nothing. Jaune quickly turns back around, expecting Grif to attack from behind while he was distracted, but as he did, all he saw was an orange blur which bolts past him before he could react. Jaune immediately loses sight of the blur and looks around cautiously, but is suddenly struck from the side by Grif's weapon. Jaune attacks, but misses his strike as Grif quickly backs away, leaving Jaune to rush in and lunge at him. As soon as he did this, Grif was several meters away in an instant, greatly confusing Jaune. Now that he got a good look, he saw that Grif was darting around the area at extremely high speeds while surrounded by a light-blue glow. Grif rushes in and slashes at Jaune's shield, knocking his arm back and leaving him open as Grif lands multiple slashes across Jaune in quick succession. Grif finishes by rushing back and getting a running start, speeding in and slicing Jaune with a heavy swing from his grenade launcher, launching Jaune back several meters away.

Grif continued zooming around as Jaune got back up, having to block another high speed attack right as he got up, causing him to slide backwards. He found it very hard to keep up with Grif's new speed boost and was quickly becoming overwhelmed. Jaune holds his shield up as it glowed again, attracting his circular device right to him and avoiding another attack from Grif. He sees Grif lining up for a running start and activates the device throwing it out right as Grif began running at him. Before he could reach him, another large wall of hard light dust formed in Grif's path, causing him to smash right into it and fall back, extremely dazed. Jaune rushed in and deactivated the device, dropping the barrier and letting Jaune get to Grif, stabbing at him as he got up. Right as he recovered, he barely avoided Jaune's sword stabbing by his head, the blade scraping the side of the helmet as he moved his head out of the way. Jaune's arm moved past Grif, who grabbed it and began spinning him around at very high speeds. He was spinning him around so fast in fact, that Jaune's legs left the ground as he went airborne. A small vortex began forming around the two from how fast Jaune was being spun around while Jaune was getting progressively dizzier.

Jaune: Aaaaaaahhhhh! I think I'm gonna be siiiiiiiick!

Finally, Grif released his grip on Jaune, launching him uncontrollably through the air at high speeds. He quickly rockets into a rock protruding from the ground, which he promptly smashes straight through, before crashing into another rock which sends him violently tumbling through the air, forcing him to release his sword and shield before hitting one more rock as his momentum dies down and he skids across the ground in pain. Grif proceeds to bolt right to where Jaune landed as he stopped sliding across the ground, slowly recovering as Grif made his way to him. Jaune shakily got up from the heavy impacts and looks back at where he came from, seeing Grif quickly closing in on him. Before he could react, Jaune was shoulder bashed by Grif at high speeds, sending him skidding back and almost knocking him off balance, before getting up and searching around for the orange sim-trooper. He hears something firing behind him and immediately rolls out of the way as a grenade flies past him and explodes a few meters ahead of him, but he is instantly slashed across the back by the Grif Shot as he stops rolling and tries to backhand Grif. Grif easily avoids the attack and slashes at his side before he could react and runs out of Jaune's sight. As soon as Jaune recovered from the hits, Grif rushes in and slashes the back of his leg, forcing him to a knee as he rushes back in and hits him from behind, knocking Jaune to the floor. Jaune looks up and sees Croeca Mors ahead of him, rushing to grab his sword and shield as Grif kept up his onslaught, hitting and slicing at him while he ran. Jaune jumped over a slash and narrowly avoided Grif ramming into him before hearing another grenade being fired off, once again rolling forwards and avoiding the grenade as it exploded right behind him, preparing to avoid another charge attack as he stopped rolling, but instead, he saw Grif come to a skidding halt right in front of him while aiming his weapon at him. Grif fires at Jaune, hitting him dead center and launching him back several feet, but then everything slowed down as Jaune's falling seemingly stopped. Now from Grif's perspective, everything seems slowed down courtesy of the MethMeth shroom, he runs to the side of Jaune as he fell back, moves around the explosion, and rams into him before he could even hit the floor. Time resumes as Jaune gets sideswiped midair and gets sent tumbling into a rock.

Jaune hits the rock and lands on the ground, barely picking himself up off the ground and looking up until a foot connected with his jaw at high speeds, causing him to do a backflip in the air and land flat on his back a few meters away from Grif. Jaune quickly got back up this time and saw Grif speed towards him with his weapon raised and barely giving him any time to react. Jaune held his arms up in a desperate attempt to defend himself as Grif's weapon swung down on him. The blade was mere inches away from Jaune as it slowly connected with his arms, but the second it did, a blinding light shone from them and a shockwave resonated through the air. Grif's attack gets completely deflected as his weapon is launched from his hands and he is sent tumbling backwards, extremely dazed. Jaune looked at himself as he was unharmed thanks to his semblance, noticing the glow of his aura on his arms as it slowly went away. Jaune was relieved and saw Grif on the ground slowly recovering ahead of him, before looking back and seeing his sword and shield, taking the chance to rush over and grab them. Grif began to get up slowly as Jaune got his sword and shield before he used his shield to propel back towards Grif, sheathing his sword and transforming it back into a greatsword. Grif finally got back up while clutching his head, confused as to what just happened, but before he could question it, Jaune sped in and slams his sword right into his head, sending him spiraling through the air. After Grif hit the ground, his light-blue glow disappeared and Grif had significantly less energy, making it evident that the MethMeth shroom's effects had worn off, but luckily, Grif was no longer exhausted like when he was before eating the mushroom. Grif got back up and barely avoided an overhead swing from Jaune's sword before he swipes at Grif again and knocks him back. Grif turned around and sees his grenade launcher embedded in the ground, activating his thrusters and speeding off to grab it. Before he got too far, Jaune attracted his circular device back to him with his sword and throws it ahead of Grif, transforming into another wall of hard light dust which Grif slams face first into. Grif backed away from it slightly stunned as Jaune ran in, landing a wide swing on Grif's back and slamming him against it again.

Grif turns around and is met with another swing from Jaune which he barely ducks under before Jaune slashes up at Grif, sending him slightly airborne before Jaune spins around and lands a heavy swing on Grif before he could touch the ground, smashing him through the hard light barrier several feet back. Grif quickly got back up and made a mad dash to his weapon while Jaune picked up his circular device and throws it ahead of Grif once again. Grif reaches his weapon as the device landed ahead of him, creating another barrier as Grif pulled his weapon out of the ground. He aims at Jaune ready to fire at him, launching a grenade his way as Jaune transformed his weapon back into a sword and shield, falls forward and uses his shield to launch himself into the air, avoiding the grenade as it blew up below him. From there, Jaune extends his shield with hard light dust and uses it to glide around midair towards Grif, who tried firing more grenades at him, but continuously missed his shots as he shot up at Jaune who was gliding from left to right avoiding his shots. Grif began backing up as he fired, but his back hits Jaune's barrier of hard light dust, giving him no room to back up while Jaune came down at him. Grif's magazine ran empty and had no time to reload as Jaune raised his sword up as he fell towards Grif, but Grif boosts forward and goes underneath Jaune as he landed, causing him to miss his attack. Jaune turns around as Grif skidded to a stop, who also turned to face Jaune as he transforms his weapon back into a greatsword before charging at Grif. Grif boosted towards Jaune, meeting in the middle and clashing into each other with their weapons, causing them both to deflect off each other. They both recovered with Grif going in to slash at Jaune, swiping at him multiple times while making ridiculous sounds such as 'wacha!' and 'zow!', all the while Jaune was continuously avoiding the onslaught. Jaune eventually saw an opening and parried one of his swings, staggering him and letting Jaune get a slash in. The hit spins Grif around which he tries to follow up with by stabbing at Jaune as he turned, but this was avoided and Jaune leads in by shoulder bashing him, sending him back slightly and letting Jaune get a big swing on Grif, sending him back a few feet. Grif lands and reloads his weapon, launching several grenades at Jaune from a distance which he tries guarding with his sword. They hit the sword and explode on contact, launching Jaune back all the way to his hard light wall which he slams into. Jaune gets back up right as Grif fires more grenades at him, causing him to roll forward as they fly over him, exploding on the barrier behind him and launching him forwards. Jaune lands and runs at Grif, keeping his momentum as he leaps in the air and slams his sword down on him, which he sidesteps out of the way of.

Jaune drags his sword across the ground and swings up at Grif, clipping his helmet and sending him reeling back. Jaune brings his sword down on Grif, which he guards against with the blade of his launcher, letting the sword scrape past it and into the ground by Grif's side. Grif slashes at Jaune several times before spinning around and landing a wide slash on Jaune, sending him back, followed up by Grif boosting in to stab into him. Jaune dodges as Grif boosts past him and stops behind him as Jaune rushes in and tries to land a wide swing on Grif, which he ducks beneath and boosts to the side. Grif turns around and fires more grenades at Jaune as he ran back in, slashing at the grenades and knocking them to the side before bringing his sword over his head and slamming down on Grif, who boosts past Jaune, causing him to miss. The two turn to face each other, swinging their weapons behind them to strike each other. Their weapons clash, creating sparks in the snowy air as they continue to strike at each other. Grif increased the pressure, moving forward while swinging his weapon faster, forcing Jaune to move back until Grif boosted into him, pushing against Jaune with his launcher's blade. Jaune pushed back with his sword, fighting against Grif's thrusters pushing him back, but in one big push, Jaune shoved Grif backward, putting some distance between them as Jaune stabbed at Grif, who dodged and raised his weapon to slash down on him. Once again, Jaune's aura began to glow, deflecting Grif's attack as he slashed down on him. Grif was slightly stunned, which gave Jaune the chance to swipe at his legs, tripping him up as Jaune slashed up at Grif while he was still in the air, sending him flying back while doing several barrel rolls. Grif hit the ground, getting back up and immediately boosting back into the fight. Grif went for a big slash on Jaune, which he guards against with his sword, but Grif scrapes past Jaune, ending up behind him and giving him the chance to slash at Jaune's back. Jaune turned to attack Grif, but he boosted past him again, slashing at Jaune's side before he could react. This repeated several times with Grif using his thrusters to boost around Jaune and landing several slashes on him. Jaune decided to go back on the defensive, bringing his sword and shield back out again to guard. Jaune blocked several attacks before predicting Grif's next move, stepping to the side and slicing behind him, avoiding a slash from Grif while also hitting his side. Grif staggered, but went back on the offensive, boosting straight at Jaune. Jaune held his shield out as Grif raised his weapon, but Grif stopped dead in his tracks, boosting behind Jaune and slashing at his back, staggering him forward, but he turned around and slashed at Grif, hitting the blade of his launcher. Grif angled his weapon downwards, causing Jaune to scrape his sword into the floor as Grif spammed the trigger on his gun, launching several grenades in quick succession. In that split second, Jaune angled his shield up with the charred emblem glowing purple, before letting out a blast of force, launching the grenades high up in the air before bashing Grif with his shield, giving them both some breathing room. Grif was about to go in to slash at Jaune, but he stopped and looked up at the grenades in the air, noticing Jaune looking up at them too. Their gazes return to each other, and then to Jaune's shield, then back to the grenades.

Grif: ...No.

Jaune: ...

Grif: No no no, don't you dare!

Jaune: ...(Awkwardly angles shield).

Grif: (Runs away) Nononononono-

Grif runs away, activating his thrusters as he knew what Jaune was planning. As the grenades fell closer to the ground, Jaune prepared a blast from his shield as the symbol glowed purple. Grif was a good distance away from Jaune and kept on running, until eventually the grenades were close enough to the ground. Right as they were about to hit the ground, Jaune lets out a blast from his shield, sending the grenades flying right towards Grif. Grif turned his head around to check behind him, only to see a barrage of his own grenades being launched right towards him.

Grif: Oh son of a-

The grenades hit Grif dead center, creating a massive blast that launches Grif screaming through the air while he leaves a trail of smoke behind him.


Grif hits the ground, tumbling around uncontrollably while creating a path along the snowy ground. He finally comes to a stop as he is left groveling on the ground in pain. Jaune follows, moving in towards Grif after he hit the ground. He nears Grif's landing point, but Grif was nowhere to be seen. There was, however, a convenient trail of footprints that rounded the corner of another rock. Jaune follows the trail while his guard was up, not letting anything get the jump on him again. Jaune follows the trail around the rock and leapt around prepared to attack, but all he was met with was the dopey face of a poorly made snowman. Jaune was... confused to say the least, but he kept his guard up just in case. After a few moments of nothing, Jaune decided to 'interrogate' the snowman.

Jaune: Hello sir. You wouldn't happen to have seen a guy in orange armor run through here, would you?

"Snowman": No, not at all.

Jaune: !?!

Jaune hears the voice of Grif come from the snowman, surprising him for half a second. Jaune realizes he was hiding in the snowman and gets ready to strike it with his sword, but suddenly the snowman starts to emit steam and its chest glowed green. Jaune was confused for the third time in a row, but is suddenly forced to jump out of the way of an attack from Grif, who burst from the snowman wielding a green-blue energy sword. Grif stabs forward, narrowly missing Jaune who just barely reacted in time to avoid it. Jaune is forced to avoid several wild swings from Grif's energy sword, narrowly avoiding each of them, before Grif launches forward with his thrusters and slashes at Jaune, who jumped backward away from Grif, causing the sword to barely graze Jaune's chest plate. Jaune stumbles back and gets ready to fight, but then his chest plate splits in half and falls to the floor, shocking Jaune. Grif is about to press onward, but stops at the sight of the jacket Jaune was wearing.

Grif: Pfft. Really? A bunny.

Jaune: Oh come on! You too? There's nothing wrong with it!

Grif: (Snort!) Hahahaha!

Jaune takes Grif's momentary chuckling as an opportunity to attack, rushing in, bashing Grif with his shield and letting out a blast, launching Grif back a few meters. Now out of his state of hilarity, Grif takes his sword and runs back in while Jaune does the same. The two lunge at each other with their swords prepared to swipe at each other, but Jaune quickly ducks beneath Grif's swipe and ends up behind him. Jaune slashes at the back of Grif's knee, forcing him to take a knee while Jaune takes a swing at his neck. Grif turns his head to see Jaune ready to swing and ducks his head, avoiding the attack before activating his thrusters, launching him back first into Jaune, staggering him slightly. Grif spins around and slashes at Jaune, who ducks the attack which is followed up by Grif stabbing up at Jaune which he narrowly avoids. Jaune swipes at the hand Grif's sword was in, knocking his arm back and letting Jaune bash Grif away again. Jaune jumps up and lets a blast from his shield, launching him back away from Grif while he shook off the shield bash. Grif sees Jaune a distance away from him and activates his thrusters, boosting towards Jaune at a quick pace. Jaune attracts his portable barrier back to him with his shield and arms it once again, throwing it out at Grif as he boosted in. As it flew towards him, the barrier is formed once again, but Grif raised his sword and sliced the entire barrier straight in two, including the device, effectively destroying it. Grif continued running in with his thrusters while Jaune just gawked at what he just witnessed.

Jaune: *Thinking* Okay, note to self. Don't get hit by that.

Jaune takes a stance, preparing for when Grif gets close enough, but Grif starts to dart around in a zig-zag motion, making Jaune anxious as he neared closer. Jaune backed away slowly while Grif got closer, until Grif sped straight in at high speeds ready to slice. Jaune backs into a rock, looking at it before jumping on the side of it and leaping off of it clear over Grif as he zoomed in, slicing the entire rock in half. Grif turns back around after stopping, only for Jaune's sword to connect with his helmet, staggering him back. Jaune lands a few more slices across Grif before he catches Jaune's sword with his hand, letting Grif attempt to stab Jaune's head, which he moves his head out of the way of. Grif tilts the blade on its side, slashing at Jaune's neck which he promptly ducks beneath before breaking out of Grif's grip. The two grab each others arms, stopping them from attacking each other before they both headbutt each other, sending them both reeling back while clutching their heads. Jaune recovers and runs at Grif, ducking underneath a swipe from Grif and slashing up at Grif's head. Grif attempts another slash, but his arm is blocked by Jaune's shield, letting him grab Grif's arm and spinning him around, forcing his arm behind him before kicking the back of Grif's leg, forcing him to a knee again. Jaune then grabs Grif's energy sword and yanks it away from him before kicking him in the back, sending him face first into the floor. While Grif was down, Jaune looked at the energy sword, before it deactivated in his hand. Jaune looked confused as he didn't do anything and began waving it around while Grif rolled over and witnessed Jaune's struggle.

Grif: Tucker would be very disappointed in you.

Jaune: Who's-

Grif kicked Jaune's leg while he was still on his back, staggering Jaune before he got up and kneed Jaune in the jaw, taking his energy sword back while Jaune was dazed. Grif reactivates his sword and raises it, ready to slash down on Jaune. Jaune immediately held his shield up, letting a blast from it and pushing Grif's arm back, causing him to miss and leave a burning gash in the ground. Jaune rams Grif with his shield, blasting him backwards and putting some distance between the two. Grif got back up and deactivates his sword, putting it at his side before arming himself with the Grif Shot. He launches several grenades towards Jaune, who bounces them back at Grif. Grif ran in, avoiding the grenades with his thrusters as several explosions landed near him, before he jumps in and slashes at Jaune with the blade of his weapon. Jaune blocks it with his shield and forces it to go over his head, causing Grif to skid past him as Jaune began running, which Grif, to his dismay, followed by running after him. The two were running beside each other with a few meters between them. Grif fired a few grenades at Jaune, who bounced them back at Grif, forcing him to boost forward to avoid them. Jaune ran over to Grif, slashing at Grif's head and sending him staggering to the side as he ran, almost making him lose his footing. He balanced himself before catching back up to Jaune and slashing at him, which Jaune jumped over and placing them on the other sides of each other. Grif fired another grenade at Jaune that gets bounced back at him, which he ducks beneath before firing another grenade at him. Jaune jumps forward, avoiding it as it blew up behind them as they kept running. Jaune charged another blast from his shield as Grif readied his suits thrusters, before they both launched at each other, slamming into each other as they both pushed against each other while they ran.

As they both ran, they were unknowingly coming up to the edge of a massive cliff. It quickly approached as the two were busy trying to shove each other back, until Jaune looked ahead and saw they were about to run over the edge. Panicking, he stops shoving Grif back, making a sudden stop while Grif stumbled forward from Jaune unexpectedly stopping. Grif caught himself just in time as he was now looking over the edge of the cliff, mere centimeters away from falling and nearly having a heart attack. Grif backpedalled away from the edge as fast as he could, getting several feet away from it before turning around and narrowly avoiding Jaune stabbing him. He hops out of the way and slices up at Jaune with his grenade launcher as Jaune swings his sword at Grif, clashing weapons and deflecting attacks off of each other, causing them both to stumble backwards and giving each other some breathing room. Grif fires a grenade at the floor in front of Jaune, creating an explosion which Jaune guards against before looking into the smoke it created. Grif's launcher suddenly flies through the smoke, forcing Jaune to block it, but he barely managed to pull his shield up in time, causing it to get knocked out of his hand as Grif's weapon lands behind him. Grif then boosts through the smoke with his energy sword out, ready to slice Jaune while he was staggered. Jaune jumps out of the way of the attack, barely avoiding the swing before avoiding another rush of attacks. He blocks Grif's arm from swinging before attempting to stab Grif, who catches the blade in his hand, but Jaune yanks his sword back, cutting the palm of Grif's hand and drawing blood. Grif reels back in pain, looking at his bloodied hand as his armor's healing unit was slowly healing the wound, while Jaune took the chance to land a flurry of swings on Grif with his sword, creating multiple sparks off of his armor and knocking Grif around.

Jaune finishes by stabbing into Grif's shoulder, causing Grif to yell in pain as more blood was drawn, but Grif then grabbed the blade in his shoulder before bringing out his energy sword again and slicing at the blade. Jaune yanks the sword out of his shoulder, but not fast enough as Grif cuts the end of the sword clean off, leaving Jaune with a slightly shorter sword with no stabbing point. Grif goes to stab Jaune, but he steps out of the way, grabbing Grif's arm and spinning him around, throwing him past him as he stumbled forward. He looks back at Jaune, but then boosts ahead to get to his grenade launcher. Jaune grabs his shield from the ground, sheathes his damaged blade and returns it to its greatsword form, running after Grif. Grif reached it as he yanked it from the ground, before Jaune brought the massive blade over his head and swung down on Grif, who guarded with the blade of his launcher. Jaune broke through the guard, slamming the blade down on Grif's head and slicing him across the chest, sending him back slightly. Grif goes back in, slicing at Jaune who was guarding with his sword before he parries one of Grif's attacks and goes to stab him. Grif uses his thrusters to get out of the way before spinning around and landing a big swing on Jaune, causing him to slide back slightly. Grif boosts in and slams the blade of his launcher into Jaune's sword, trying to break through, but then he angles his launcher at Jaune's feet, firing at the ground in front of Jaune and sending him airborne slightly. While he was midair, Grif fired multiple rounds at Jaune, who guarded against the explosions with his sword, getting sent flying back from the blasts. Jaune hits the ground as Grif was reloading, getting up and rushing towards Grif as he finished reloading, firing off several grenades as he ran in. Jaune sliced at them as they flew at him, knocking them away as he got closer before dragging his sword across the ground and slicing up, creating a cloud of dust and snow that Grif couldn't see through. Jaune then ran through, slicing horizontally at Grif's legs and tripping him up and causing him to land flat on his back. Jaune brought his sword up and slammed down on Grif, landing the blow on his stomach and knocking the wind out of him, following it up by swinging at Grif's side, causing him to tumble across the snow.

Grif gets back up and boosts back in, readying his grenade launcher to slice at Jaune while Jaune did the same. The two meet and clash blades with each other, pushing back in a struggle before Jaune moves out of the way, causing Grif to stumble forward while Jaune went in to attack. Jaune swung his sword as Grif turned, swinging his launcher, deflecting their attacks and creating sparks in the air. Grif rushes forward, swinging at Jaune multiple times with his bayonet, which Jaune guards against with his sword. Jaune moves out of the way of an overhead swing before swinging his sword at Grif's head, which he ducks beneath and follows up by bashing Jaune with his shoulder and letting Grif land a few hits on Jaune. Jaune uses his semblance as the last hit connected, deflecting the attack and staggering Grif, using the opening to land a swing on Grif's head, spinning him around. Jaune swings his sword down on Grif, who blocks the attack with his launcher and leads it into the ground, where Jaune follows up by swinging up at Grif, who boosts back to avoid the attack. The two ran at each other, swinging their blades at each other multiple times in quick succession. Grif spins around and slashes at Jaune's sword, almost knocking it out of his hands, but Jaune held tight and brought his sword back in and slashing at Grif's launcher, similarly almost knocking it out of Grif's hands. Jaune reels his sword back for a powerful swing, before swinging it around, slamming into Grif's weapon as he tried guarding against it, but his guard was broken as Jaune's attack sends him skidding back. Grif was once again at the edge of the cliff, nearly falling over the edge as Jaune ran in to attack. Grif closed the gap between them and boosted into Jaune, clashing weapons with each other while Grif tried to keep away from the edge. The two were in a struggle, until Jaune kneed Grif in the gut multiple times before Grif relented, stumbling back slightly from the hits. Jaune lunged forward, ready to knock Grif over the edge, but Grif blocked the attack as he skidded very near the edge, before moving out of the way and shoving Jaune over the edge instead.

Before Grif could celebrate and before Jaune fell too far from the edge, Jaune transformed his weapon to equip his shield, quickly letting out a blast beneath him and launching him back up to the top of the cliff. As he rose over the edge, he saw Grif looking shocked at Jaune bouncing back up, before he charged another blast from his shield and launching himself at Grif. He turns around and slams shield first right into Grif's head, knocking him back several feet as he was extremely dazed from the blow to the head. Jaune sheathed his sword, once again bringing out his greatsword, before going in to attack the dazed Grif. Grif's blurred vision could barely make out Jaune rushing in to attack him, leaving him no time to react as Jaune began landing multiple heavy swings on him. Jaune bats Grif around with several big hits, leaving several more cuts on his armor before spinning around and slamming the blade into Grif's head, denting his helmet and cracking its visor. Grif weakly tried to swing the Grif Shot at Jaune, but it was easily evaded, putting Grif facing the edge of the cliff they were on. Grif looked back to see Jaune rush in, swinging his sword at him, leaving Grif barely enough time to guard with his launcher. Jaune's weapon slams into Grif's, pushing Grif back slightly as Jaune began to shove Grif to the edge of the cliff. Jaune was overpowering Grif, pushing back as Grif was sliding across the snowy ground, slowly nearing the edge as Grif and Jaune were both pushing with all their might. Grif looked back, noticing how close they were to the edge, before activating his thrusters as he was mere inches from falling. Jaune and Grif both halted as they were stuck in a power struggle, with Grif's thrusters slowly winning out and pushing Jaune back at a barely noticeable rate. Jaune was now slowly being overpowered instead, struggling to push back against the force of Grif's thrusters. Grif then started to angle his launcher to face Jaune, attempting to aim at him to blast him away with a grenade. Eventually, Grif managed to aim right at Jaune's head, and Jaune noticed, but before Grif could fire, Jaune suddenly unsheathed his sword, transforming his weapon back into a shield, pushing Grif's launcher to face to the side, completely missing his shot as he fired a grenade at him. Grif's slip up was just what Jaune needed, as he took this opening to slash Grif's arms away, leaving him wide open as Jaune bashed Grif with his shield for the final time, letting out one last blast which launched Grif clear over the edge of the cliff to his demise. Jaune looked over the edge and saw Grif as he fell, screaming on the way down, before he began walking away with a slight limp, exhausted and injured from the battle.

Jaune: (pant) Well... that was...(pant) something.

Jaune continued to walk away, making his way back to the refuge. Now with Grif, he could be seen falling to the ground uncontrollably. He looked down and saw the ground approaching quickly, with several jagged spikes waiting to impale him to boot. He panicked, thinking of something, anything he could do to save his skin, and for a moment, his mind went blank. But then, suddenly it struck him, not the ground, but an idea. He reaches around his back and pulls out a strange, orange glowing cube, which he loads into his grenade launcher. He aims his launcher up at the cliff, before firing the strange cube from it, launching it up to the cliff as it soared high over it. Grif pulls another one from behind him, looking at it for a moment, and then at the ground again before thinking to himself.

Grif: *thinking* Please work, please work, please work, please work, please-

Right before he could hit the ground and get skewered, Grif activated the cube, causing a wave of energy to engulf him for a split second before both he and the cube disappeared. Back with Jaune, he was still walking away from the cliff, unaware of the strange cube that was falling towards him. He turned around one last time just in case, but as he did, he saw the strange cube about to hit the ground a few feet behind him. He was confused, but as soon as the cube bounced off the ground, a blinding orange light shone from it, forcing Jaune to cover his eyes as a wave of energy came from it. It stopped as soon as it began, and in its place was Grif, who was face first on the floor, looking up and seeing he was alive. Grif got back up as Jaune looked back, shocked to see Grif standing in front of him as Grif looked over to see that he appeared near Jaune. Grif was surprised too, but took no time in taking advantage of Jaune's state of shock, taking out another cube and throwing it at Jaune, who backed away as it hit the ground in front of him, holding his shield out to defend. Jaune was just barely out of reach as an orange wave of energy engulfed his sword and shield. Once it finished, Jaune looked to see that his sword and shield had vanished right out of his hands.

Jaune: W-wha?! How did-

Before Jaune could question what happened, Grif rushed forward with his grenade launcher, firing a barrage of bombs straight into Jaune, destroying what was left of his aura and sending him flying back through the air. Jaune crashed into a rock, cracking it slightly from the force of him hitting it as he staggeringly landed on his feet, dripping with blood and heavily injured. Grif boosted in and saw Jaune against a rock, using his thrusters to spin around at high speeds before throwing his grenade launcher straight at Jaune. Jaune barely looked up in time to see Grif's grenade launcher flying right at him, before the blade pierced through his stomach and impaled him, pinning him to the rock behind him, causing him to yell out in pain. Grif then took out his energy sword and used his thrusters to boost in as fast as he could, reeling his arm back as he neared Jaune. As Jaune was trying to pull the blade out of his stomach, he looked up just in time to see Grif speeding towards him with his energy sword, before Grif sliced straight through Jaune's torso and the rock he was impaled on. Grif skidded to a stop behind the rock as nothing happened for a moment, before Jaune's torso slid off of his lower half, severed completely while his lower half was still impaled by Grif's grenade launcher spewing blood. Soon after, the rock also split in two horizontally, with the top half sliding off and hitting the ground, both halves burning and emitting smoke.

Grif looks back, seeing both Jaune and the rock cut clean in half and realizing he had won the battle, before he began to stumble in exhaustion.

Grif: (panting) Holy... shit. I beat... Felix... (falls over).

Grif falls to the floor, unmoving, perhaps succumbing to the injuries he sustained during the battle.

Grif: *Snnnnnooooooore!!!*

Or just falling asleep from exhaustion. He laid there passed out as the fight was finally over, the snowy weather stopping as the sun shone down on the landscape.



Boomstick: *sigh* Yeah, thought so. Rest In Peace, Grif. You will be missed.

Wiz: Umm... you do realize that he won, right?

Boomstick: Wait, what?... Holy shit he won?! How the- I mean, hell yeah, he won! Um, didn't doubt him for a second. Just- just one quick question. How???

Wiz: Well, as surprising as it sounds, Grif did actually have the means to win more often than not, even if Jaune seemed to have some obvious advantages at first glance. Going over Jaune's advantages, he did have a few things going for him. Comparing his general strength to some of his teammates means we can make a generous but safe assumption that Jaune was physically superior to Grif, and with his Croeca Mors' extremely durable shield and hard light barrier device, Jaune had greater defenses as well. Not to mention that Jaune's training under Pyrrha and at Atlas definitely gave him an edge in combat skill as well as having a better tactical mind.

Boomstick: Jaune's reactions were also probably quicker than Grif's as well. Scaling to Sun, who could intercept an electrical blast from the Sea Feilong Grimm, means that Jaune could potentially react at speeds around Mach 11, which is technically faster than what Grif and a few of his teammates could react to. So, Jaune was stronger, had better defenses, was more skilled in combat, was better at tactics, and had higher reaction speeds than Grif. So, uh, what gives?

Wiz: Well, simply put, those advantages weren't anywhere near enough to reliably combat against Grif's own advantages, especially with Grif's own talents in those same categories. Sure, while Jaune did receive more intensive training, it's important to remember that Grif did in fact receive actual military training, and his time spent with the Reds and Blues meant he possessed far more experience than Jaune did, and even if Jaune had the tactical advantage, it was only really reliable when he had a team to back him up. Even alone, Jaune was smarter, but Grif was no stranger to forming plans mid fight, meaning he could keep pace with Jaune in those regards.

Boomstick: Those categories are kinda minor though, at least compared to Jaune's other stats. While Jaune may have been physically superior to an unknown degree, meaning he could overpower Grif in a physical struggle, it wasn't enough to get any reliable damage in on Grif. His durability paired with his better armor meant that Jaune really didn't have many options to do any lasting damage. Getting shot by his own grenade launcher, a round from a tank, taking a beatdown from Agent Texas, multiple shots from the Spartan Lazer and scaling to Donut, who survived a Pelican ship crashing on him, Jaune just didn't have the 'oomf' he needed to get much damage in, and any damage he could deal would get fixed by the Mjolnir armor's healing unit. Grif was definitely tougher than Jaune, too. Jaune's aura was pretty tough, but it didn't last forever. Hell, hits comparable to the kinds of damage Grif has taken have completely shattered Jaune's and other character's auras in the past, like when he was hit by Cordovin's mech.

Popup: Jaune was in the vicinity of the Monstra Grimm detonation, an explosion so big that Ironwood mistook it for the nuke that was meant to kill it, but the context of which is dubious and ill defined. Both Hazel and Salem, characters that are generally considered to be much tougher than the main RWBY cast were said to have died/needed strenuous amounts of time to regenerate after the ensuing explosion, and Vine even died from the detonation of Ironwood's nuke, meaning the magic blast Oscar unleashed was likely made to not harm anyone on the main cast. Even if this feat was used for Jaune's durability, the same would have to be done for Grif, who survived a 10-50 megaton bomb detonation and was left in a similar condition.

Wiz: Plus, even with Jaune having higher reactions, Grif wouldn't be that far behind either. While Sun intercepting an electrical blast is faster than what Grif could react to, he compares to Sarge, who avoided a Railgun shot at Mach 7, not that much slower than Jaune's Mach 11 reactions, and surprisingly, this would be made up for with the fact that Grif had much faster movement speeds than Jaune did. Jaune himself didn't have many good feats of speed, while Grif has shown his capabilities in this category multiple times, such as when he built four snowmen around himself and his teammates in a split second right before someone walked around a corner.

Popup: Technically, scaling Grif to Simmons would yield higher reaction speeds than Jaune. Going off the lowballed assumption that the average soldier wearing Mjolnir armor could react at around 1/3 the speed of sound and comparing Grif to Simmons accordingly, this would mean that Grif could have reaction speeds around Mach 30. Even using debatable feats of dodging lightning, which would put Jaune nearing Mach 80, making the more reasonable assumption that a soldier wearing Mjolnir armor could react at the speed of sound and scaling to Simmons accordingly would put Grif's potential reaction speeds at around Mach 90.

Boomstick: Pair that speed with things like the MethMeth shrooms and the Mjolnir suit's thrusters, and you'd have a recipe for Jaune not landing many good hits. Speaking of, Grif had the obvious edge when it came to versatility. He had way more weapons and items to throw at Jaune than Jaune could throw at Grif, and since a majority of his weapons were ranged weapons, that meant he could keep the pressure on Jaune from a distance. Any time Jaune could get close, Grif could easily put some space between them and attack Jaune from a distance, something that Jaune can't really do. Jaune's best bet for getting any damage in was his weapon's greatsword form, but not only was it still not a guarantee that he would do damage, he'd be getting rid of his only reliable defensive option, putting him at an even bigger disadvantage than before. He'd basically have to go on the defensive for the entire fight if he wanted to last.

Wiz: And unfortunately for Jaune, last he could not. Grif's far deadlier and destructive weaponry meant that Jaune's defenses wouldn't be able to hold up. The barrier device could only withstand so much damage before falling, and Grif's arsenal could more than meet that threshold, and while Jaune's shield was definitely tough enough to survive most of Grif's arsenal, Jaune wasn't exactly fit to withstand those attacks. Powerful blows have left Jaune struggling to defend in the past, such as attacks with exuberant amounts of force, heavy objects slamming into him, or even, say, very powerful explosives, which Grif held in spades with the many grenades he had on his person. With the plasma grenades and the Grif Shot in particular, which can destroy tanks and knock around vehicles weighing several tons, Grif could no doubt overpower Jaune's defenses and leave him open.

Boomstick: Not to mention Grif's energy sword. Jaune really did not have a good way to defend against that weapon. Not even his shield or aura could help him survive hits from that thing.

Wiz: Jaune's shield can be reasonably compared to Pyrrha's shield. In Pyrrha's fight with Cinder, her blade, which should be comparable to her shield, was melted by Cinder's abilities, meaning there is a limit before Jaune's shield begins to melt. Now, there is no confirmed temperature when it comes to the flames Cinder can produce, but let's be generous in using the highest yield possible. The hottest fire ever produced reached temperatures of nearly 5000 degrees Celsius, however this is still being very generous. Given the lack of color change, Cinder's fire likely isn't nearly this hot, even if it is magic fire, but for the sake of argument, we'll use it. This still isn't nearly as hot as Grif's energy sword. Again, there is no confirmed temperature of the plasma this sword uses, but we can compare it to real world plasma cutters. Even the average heat of a standard plasma cutter can reach temperatures of around 25,000 degrees Celsius!

Boomstick: That's over 5 times hotter than the hottest fire on Earth, and more than hot enough to cut through Jaune's shield like butter. Even Jaune's aura wasn't safe from it, which we know can only survive temperatures around 1200 degrees Celsius. Nowhere near enough to survive a hit from the energy sword. Overall, Grif's arsenal pretty much ensured he could overwhelm and outpace Jaune at any given point. He could knock him around with the numerous explosives he had, dart around the area with the MethMeth shrooms and thrusters, trap Jaune's weapons or even Jaune himself in a future cube, teleport around with the future cubes, and fight Jaune from a distance.

Wiz: But even all of that doesn't stack up to the biggest advantage Grif had over Jaune, and that was, ironically, his endurance. Grif's survivability and stamina meant that he'd have no problem outlasting Jaune. Yes, we know, the main gag of Grif is that he has pathetically low stamina, however when he's at his best, he can go on for days on end even with what most would consider life threatening wounds, made evident by the times the bones in Grif's legs were pulverized and when he crossed Italy to England on foot. While it could be argued that Grif took a number of breaks while he was still on land, the same could not be said for his trip across the English Channel, which he would have needed to cross before the recycled oxygen in his suit ran out, a three day trip of nonstop walking. Jaune's own stamina wasn't nearly as impressive, and with Grif's far deadlier arsenal, Jaune's semblance wouldn't be of much use as overusing it can drain his aura quickly.

Boomstick: Yeah, Jaune's semblance can reinforce his aura, but with a constant onslaught of explosives and bullets, Jaune couldn't exactly use it very carefully, 'cause if he did, chances are his aura would break from the attacks he doesn’t use his semblance to block, and if he didn't, then he'd tear through his aura himself from overuse.

Wiz: Jaune may have had the edge in strength and defenses, and he may have had slight advantages when it came to skill, tactics and reactions, but Grif's greater durability, deadlier and more varied arsenal, superior movement speed and ironic endurance were just too much for the young huntsman to handle.

Boomstick: For once in his life, Grif was 'Jaune' his game.

Wiz: The winner is Dexter Grif.

Next Time[]

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle!

In a volcanic environment, a strange lava monster was walking around, looking for something to eat, before coming across a strange green substance. It got close to it as it began to turn red, before it violently detonated in the monster's face, killing it instantly. Suddenly, an obsidian foot stomped next to the monster.

???: *Cheeeeuuuuuhhh!!*

Another area was seen, this time in the thicket of a forest. Several large green lizards were sniffing around the area, until a shadow flew over them. They started looking around, trying to see what flew over them, until multiple small egg shape objects emitting steam fell next to them. The objects soon began glowing orange, before they all detonated, lighting up the area with explosions.

???2: *Groooooaaaaahhh!!*

Brachydios vs Bazelgeuse
