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Deviljho vs. Indominus Rex
Deviljho vs Indominus new
Season 1, Episode 1
Vital statistics
Air date Original Air Date:

December 25, 2015

Re-Air/Adopted Date December 24, 2015

Written by Ceoxal
Directed by Ceoxal
Episode guide
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None Sans vs. Jotaro

Deviljho vs. Indominus Rex is a What-If? Death Battle, and Ceoxal's series premiere for his Death Battles.


It's Monster Hunter vs. Jurassic Park!

Which beast will win this hectic battle?


Wiz: Dinosaurs, some of the most majestic creatures on the planet.

Boomstick: And some of the most badass! Like the gluttonous menace Deviljho!

Wiz: And the genetic menace, Indominus Rex.

Boomstick: He's Wiz, and i'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!


MH4-Deviljho Render 001

Wiz: The world of Monster Hunter has one true predator, known as The Voracious Devil. And that monster is the Deviljho.

Boomstick: Besides looking like the horrifying hybrid between a cucumber and a T. Rex, it is possibly one of the deadliest monsters to exist.

Wiz: The nomadic beast eats everything it sees, and is both bigger and longer than a Tyrannosaurus.


Boomstick: Deviljhos have been known to eat entire species to extinction, and that's only the start!

Wiz: Deviljhos, besides the Rajang, are the only non-elder dragon 6-star monsters, and are just as strong as them.

Boomstick: For comparison, elder dragons are essentially THE GODS of the Monster Hunter universe, known for being living disasters.

Wiz: Being masters of all terrains, a single Deviljho is practically made for killing, being made with dozens of teeth made to tear flesh.

Boomstick: Along with that, Deviljhos have the ability to breath balls of energy, and inflict ailments upon their foes.

Wiz: There's no denying, the Deviljho is an almost perfect killing machine. Almost. Deviljhos lose stamina quickly, and are weak to types of thunder, but otherwise...

Boomstick: It IS the ravanger of destruction!

Indominus Rex[]


Wiz: In the year 2011, the tourist attraction called Jurassic World was losing focus due to how people started caring less about the dinosaurs.

Boomstick: So they decided to add something extra to the menu. Long story short, it killed everything

Wiz: And that something is the Indominus Rex. It has the power to take hits from missiles with little damage, destroy buildings with ease, and is immune to bullets.

Boomstick: But that's not all! The Indominus also is a highly capable schemer, being able to pull her enemies into traps. Along with that, she has the power to camoflague herself for extra ideal power.

The Battle[]

In a jungle, multiple Velociraptors roam, at least until something sees and attacks them.

A single Deviljho attacks the pack, wiping out all of them in only a few bites, with no injuries. This, however, catches the attention of another predator.

The Indominus Rex emerges from the trees, seeking to kill the other beast.

Both of them roar at each other.


( begins playing)

The Indominus tries biting onto the Deviljho, but to no avail. The Deviljho bites back, at two times the force, hurting Indominus.

The Indominus roars in pain, then camouflages itself to hide. It strikes at the Deviljho from behind knocking it down. The Indominus then picks up the Deviljho, throwing it into two trees.

The Deviljho senses The Indominus, then attacks where she is, releasing her camouflage. The both of them spar with their heads, knocking them both into trees.

The Deviljho uses Dragon Breath on the Indominus, inflicting them with Fireblight. The Indominus charges towards the Deviljho, before turning invisible to it's eyes. It then sneds the Deviljho down again, before being hurt by the Fireblight.

The Deviljho gets up, then proceeds to knock down Indominus with it's tail, then bites on it's neck, hurting the Indominus majorly.

The Indominus begins to bleed, then throws the Deviljho into a wall. It proceeds to get up, then rips off the Indominus' tail. The tail is then eaten by the Deviljho.

The Deviljho then proceeds to stare at the Indominus, which is highly weakened. It then bites onto her head, tearing at it. The head is then ripped off.

The Deviljho roars in victory, having made another meal.



Wiz: While the Indominus was strong, it was not strong enough to fight off a Deviljho, which wipes out entire species.

Boomstick: There's also the fact that Deviljhos are about as strong as Elder Dragons, which, as mentioned before, are GODS.

Wiz: The winner is the Deviljho.

Deviljho Wins

Advantages and Disadvantages[]


+ Stronger

+ Far more durable

+ Is not afraid of eating anything

+ Has status ailments

- Dumber

- Loses stamina quickly

Indominus Rex[]

- Weaker

- Less durable

- Can't really do lasting effects to the Deviljho

+ Smarter

+ Had more stamina

+ Could camouflage


Two figures stare at each other in the night. One wearing a cap, one having a blue eye, which illuminates the area.

Mystery Figure: Listen up. You wouldn't want to take another step closer. Unless you want to have a bad time.

The mystery figure is revealed to be sans, the other Jotaro.

