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Delsin Rowe VS The Boss
Delsin Rowe VS The Boss
Season 2, Episode 2
Vital statistics
Air date April 29, 2018
Written by Cletus16
Directed by Cletus16
Episode guide
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Delsin Rowe VS The Boss is a What-If? Death Battle. It features the conduit Delsin Rowe against The Boss, the leader of the Third Street Saints and the President of the United States.


Sucker Punch VS Volition! Two video game protagonists with various superpowers fight it out and only one will walk away alive.


(*Cue Death Battle Theme - Invader)

Boomstick: Hey Wiz, do you know what today's combatants have in common?

Wiz: Video game protagonists with a variety of superhuman powers.

Boomstick: You guessed it! Throughout fiction, there are varieties of characters with different powers. These two are some of the most incredible protagonists with powers.

Wiz: Delsin Rowe, the delinquent Conduit of Seattle.

Boomstick: And The Boss, the leader of the Third Street Saints and the President of the United States.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Delsin Rowe[]

(*Cue Infamous: Second Son - Main Theme)

Wiz: Delsin Rowe was once an average Akomish delinquent who constantly tagged billboards to get attention. His older brother and police officer Reggie Rowe constantly arrested him, much to his embarrassment.

Boomstick: Shortly after, an armored truck showed up and discharged 3 conduits in front of him. After he attempted to help Hank Daughtry, he unknowingly gained Smoke powers and learned he was a conduit himself and had the ability to gain powers from other people. Subsequently, the D.U.P. leader Brooke Augustine showed up and attacked everyone in the village by filling the people's bones with concrete.

Wiz: Delsin later set out on a quest with his brother to Seattle with the goal of gaining Augustine's powers in order to heal the Akomish tribe.

Boomstick: For Delsin's powers, we will only be looking at his Good powers since Evil Karma is non-canon.

Wiz: Being a conduit, Delsin is able to heal faster than a normal human, as shown when he was shot in the chest twice and was fine in seconds with no visible or significant damage. He is strong enough to dive into the ground from a great height to create a shockwave. Delsin also has strength which is greater than that of a normal human such as being able to break free of a person's grasp with enough strength to cause them pain.

Boomstick: Let's move on to Delsin's Smoke powers. Delsin is able to shoot projectiles that are a combination of smoke and fire. His most basic attack, the Smoke Shot is a small condensed ball of smoke. He can shoot a more powerful and longer ranged version called the Cinder Blast. The Heavy Ammo power is the Cinder Missile which is a spiraling, condensed projectile of smoke capable of destroying vehicles. He can also use Sulfur Bombs to restrain opponents which are his special abilities for Smoke.

Wiz: Delsin can use the Smoke Dash to transform into a cloud of smoke to move past and over solid objects and can do it up to 2 times while in the air. Additionally, he can leap off of vehicles to give himself a boost of momentum and launch himself into the air. Another ability Delsin has is the Smoke Thrusters in which he propels himself in the air and is able to glide.

Boomstick: And let's not forget that he can dash through vents to appear on rooftops and even somehow heal himself afterwards. Finally, Delsin has the Orbital Drop in which he launches himself sky-high and dives into the ground to create a tremendous shockwave.

Wiz: Delsin's second power gained is Neon which is the very same gas used to light up signs and is obtained by draining from Neon sources. His basic ability of this element is the Neon Beam which is a basic, concentrated projectile of Neon that is powerful. With his Laser Insight, he can slow down his perception of time as well as time itself to see the weak spots of his enemies. An accurate shot to the legs will result in the target being subdued, trapping them in a net of neon.

Boomstick: Even more powerful is the Phosphor Beam which is a supercharged beam of Neon that deals great damage. That's not all, the delinquent Conduit can also throw a ball of Neon which is called the Stasis Bubble. Anything caught in its blast range will be trapped and frozen in time. He can even subdue enemies while they are trapped in the bubble.

Wiz: The Neon Thrusters provide a small boost in the air for Delsin, but he can easily gain mobility by using Light Speed in which he transforms into a streak of neon light, allowing him to run up walls and over obstacles as well as move with blazing speed. He can also leap high in to the air using the Photon Jump which gives him a great boost while airborne. Lastly, the Radiant Sweep is the Karma Bomb for Neon in which Delsin bursts in a shockwave while floating in the air and causes his targets to levitate followed by shooting a barrage of Neon Bolts which shortly explode afterwards and subdue the target.

Boomstick: Dang! Let's move on now. The Hero of Seattle's third element of powers gained is Video which he can switch to by draining from televisions and satellite dishes. The basic attack for this element is the Video Torrent which enables him to continuously shoot pixelated projectiles. Delsin has the ability to create digital swords to home in on the target using the Bloodthirsty Blades.

Wiz: With the Shroud of Invisibility, Delsin can turn into pixels to become invisible and create a hard-light projection of himself to confuse an enemy. For mobility, Delsin has the Video Surge in which he creates a pair of digital wings, allowing him to soar in the air up to two times as well as fly up walls and over obstacles. With the Signal Boost, Delsin leaps into the air while using the Video Surge. In addition, with the Summon Wingman, Delsin can summon digital angels while invisible.

Boomstick: Let's not forget that the power sponge can fly into satellite dishes to launch himself high in to the air. Finally, the Video Karma Bomb is Hellfire Swarm in which Delsin summons several angels who fly in the air and then come crashing down which deals massive damage.

Wiz: The last power gained by Delsin is Concrete which is a form of Earth manipulation. With this element, he can telekinetically control concrete he makes as well as make projectiles using it. Concrete powers can be obtained when Delsin drains the concrete from a fallen D.U.P. soldier. His basic attack is the Concrete Shrapnel which rapidly shoots small pieces of concrete. He also has the Concrete Barrage which shoots powerful slabs of concrete.

Boomstick: Delsin takes less damage when using Concrete thanks to the Strength of Stone which lessens damage by 10% and the Strength of Granite which lessens damage by 20%. For mobility, when Delsin uses the Boulder Dash he encases himself in concrete armor which can easily send vehicles flying as well as cause targets to fall down. Delsin has the Concrete Thrusters which surround him in swirling concrete. With the Concrete Thrusters, Delsin can lift himself in the air up to 3 times. When using the Boulder Dash, Delsin can also roll forward, becoming a devastating ball of concrete.

Wiz: Some of Delsin's feats include sinking an island with his Comet Drop and managing to defeat Hank Daughtry when he just discovered his Smoke abilities. He also managed to battle and defeat the powerful conduits Abigail Walker, Eugene Sims, and even Brooke Augustine.

Boomstick: Delsin has also fought off specially trained Conduit soldiers who normally take down powerful Conduits. The delinquent even managed to stealthily take down a D.U.P. base and vandalize the equipment.

Wiz: Other feats Delsin has accomplished include shrugging off Augustine's concrete daggers in just a week which were said to be incurable by medical professionals. He also managed to expose Augustine's plan to everyone in the world and even with minimal knowledge he managed to figure out her plan.

Boomstick: Even with all those impressive accomplishments, Rowe is not without his flaws. Apart from his impressive durability, he has no actual defensive capabilities. It's important to remember that his regeneration has its limits and can only use one power at a time.

Wiz: It's also important to keep in mind that Delsin must use outside sources to refill his energy and must switch to another source to switch powers. He is also arrogant and often underestimates his opponents.

Boomstick: Still, even with his flaws, Delsin is the conduit sponge who is not afraid to take risks.

Delsin Rowe: Oh yeah, definitely new and improved.

The Boss[]

(*Cue Saints Row IV - Main Theme)

Boomstick: America is known for having a lot of patriots and The Boss of the Third Street Saints is no exception. Talk about having a gang leader become the Head of State.

Wiz: While The Saints were on a mission to stop a terrorist attack, The Boss managed to execute all the terrorists and Cyrus Temple, thus stopping the attack and saw an incoming missile. The Boss was able to climb on top of the nuke and disarm it before it could explode. He later crash landed into the White House. Five years later, he was elected as The President of the United States and his gang members became his cabinet members.

Boomstick: Everything was going fairly well until an alien overlord named Zinyak and his people invaded the White House and abducted every member of the Saints. The Leader of the Zin also abducted every human he believed to be useful. The Boss swore revenge on Zinyak and was later placed into a simulation alongside the other Saints. Zinyak later destroyed the Earth which also wiped out every human, except for the ones he abducted and the Saints.

Wiz: While in the simulation, The Boss hacked into a computer system which gave him superhuman powers. The Boss used his newfound powers to defeat alien forces as well as other enemies. The Boss has super sprint allows him to run really fast to the point where he can send vehicles flying in the air. The super sprint is described as allowing The Boss to break the sound barrier on foot which means he can run faster than 768 miles per hour. He can also run on water and up walls. With super jump, he is capable of leaping at a great height as well as gliding in the sky.

Boomstick: Other awesome abilities The Boss has are ice blasts which instantly freeze anything on contact as well as shatter enemies attacked while frozen; the fire blast will scorch anything caught in its range, and telekinesis allows The Boss to move objects with his mind at will. Imagine being icy hot and having the ability to move objects simply by using your mind.

Wiz: The Boss can also dive into the ground with enough force to cause a massive explosion which can cover an entire city-block. With the Stomp power, the President can shake the ground and cause enemies to stumble backwards. The Boss additionally has the Buff power which enhances him with whatever element is being used.

Boomstick: While The Boss is generally only able to use his powers in the simulation, he later gained Power Armor which allows him to use his abilities in the real world or anywhere else outside of the simulation while maintaining the strength he has in the virtual world. Moving onto feats now, The Boss has pulled off amazing accomplishments such as the time when he used his bare hands to tear off Zinyak's head and as mentioned earlier climbed on top of a missile and disarmed it before it could reach the White House. That's right, The Boss almost risked his life to disarm a nuke and save his friends.

Wiz: The Boss also managed to survive falling into the Oval Office unscathed after disarming the nuke without a parachute. He has also survived getting blasted backwards by the large robot controlled by Zinyak in their final battle. He defeated a group of Zin aliens on his own when he was being ambushed and temporarily lost his powers. The Leader of the Saints also managed to defeat a big energy drink can and freed all of his members from their personal simulations.

Boomstick: As incredible as The Boss is, he is not without his faults. He is unfamiliar with technology, can easily be angered, and he needs his Power Armor in order to use his abilities in the real world.

Wiz: It's also worth noting that without his Power Armor, he is still human and is just as susceptible to fatal wounds as any other human is and his powers need time to cool down. But still, The Boss is a force to be reckoned with.

The Boss: I figured you had a flair for the dramatic.


Delsin and The Boss are ready

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

Death Battle[]

(*Cue Super Mario Sunshine - Delfino Plaza)

In Seattle, it was a normal day as pedestrians were going about their day. The police were patrolling the city and looking for any crime scenes and illegal activities. A man wearing a purple suit was walking in the street and heard the sound of an aerosol can. The only person who could fit the description of a purple suit was The Boss of the Third Street Saints. The Boss walked over to see a man sporting a red beanie, a denim vest, a flannel shirt, and a chain around his arm.

Delsin: This graffiti design is looking good.

As The President walked over, he saw a design which consisted of two birds, one with a blue background, and the other with a red background. The Leader of the Saints was surprised to see such a work of art. He walked over to the Conduit to confront him. Delsin turned around to face the man.

The Boss: Just what do you think you're doing?

Rowe turned around to face the President and gave a smirk while crossing his arms. He was about to give an answer to The Boss, who had a serious look on his face. Delsin was unaware of what was coming and kept his facial expression while talking.

Delsin: I was just having fun, spraying graffiti on walls.

The Boss: If you think you can get away from me with spraying graffiti, you are sorely mistaken.

The Boss held a case in his arm which contained armor. He pulled his Power Armor out of the case and tossed it on. Delsin was in a state of surprise since he had never seen a man wearing armor like that before. The Hero of Seattle, preparing for the unfortunate event, unraveled his chain from his arm and held it in his hand. The two super-powered men stared at each other. Only one of them would leave alive and live to see another day.


(*Cue Splinter Cell - USA Fight)

The Boss used his Super Sprint and glowed with blue energy while also leaving a trail behind him. Delsin quickly dashed forward in an orange cloud of smoke and quickly re-materialized. The Boss proved to be the faster of the two as he ran toward the Banner Man and punched him in the side of the face with his fist. As Delsin grabbed his face in pain, the President took his chance to kick Delsin in the midsection, causing him to stagger back. The Conduit was surprised by how powerful a person could hit while wearing armor.

Delsin: I didn't think a person could hit that hard with armor.

The Boss: That's Power Armor for you.

Delsin grabbed his chain which emitted smoke and ashes as he extended it. He whacked The Boss in the face followed by the chest. The Boss felt the heat from the chain and stumbled back. He quickly shook himself off to recover. As the President regained his consciousness, Delsin launched Smoke Shots toward The Boss at bullet speeds which caused him to stumble back and feel heat on himself. Before The Boss could react any further, The Hero of Seattle discharged a Cinder Blast which hit him in the face, causing him to cough a bit.

The Boss: You're really getting annoying with your Smoke attacks.

The Boss once again used his speed to charge at Rowe and kick him in the chest, sending him flinging backwards, but Delsin landed on his feet before he could fall on his back. The President then ran until he reached the peak of his speed and leaped in the air, gliding to a building and bolting up the wall in an act that defied gravity and physics. The Boss reached the top of the building and jumped off the roof while sticking out one foot and speeding toward the ground. The Leader of the Saints hit the concrete surface with his foot which resulted in a small explosion, catching Delsin in his range. Delsin was dazed and shook his head to recover.

Delsin: Oh, man! You're quite strong.

Delsin saw a vent and thrust himself in the air with Smoke below his hands before landing on the ground. He ran as fast as he could on his feet and dashed, transforming into a cloud of smoke and moving through the vent until he reached the top and re-materialized and also healed the damage he took. The Conduit looked down at his adversary who was confused as to how he traveled through a vent. The moment after The Boss was confused, he saw Rowe leap off the building and charge downwards.

Delsin: Look out!

The Boss: Wait, what?

Delsin smashed into the ground with his fist, creating a small shock wave which created a small cloud of smoke and caused The Boss to lose his breath for a brief time. Delsin rushed to a nearby car and leaped off of it, gaining a boost of air and causing it to explode. While still in the air, the Conduit sponge fired several Cinder Missiles which flew in a spiraling wave and hit The Boss directly. Delsin once again hit The Boss with his chain followed by several Smoke Shots and Cinder Blasts. Rowe finished by throwing a Sulfur Bomb, dazing the President. Delsin hit The Boss with his chain. The Boss growled in pain and frustration as he charged himself and started glowing with blue energy.

(*Cue Dragon Ball Z - Fierce Fighting Extended)

The Boss: Alright, that's enough!

The President charged upwards into the air and extended his fist while locking onto Delsin. As The Boss moved further down, he built up momentum until he hit his limit. Delsin suddenly felt a small explosion which launched him backwards a great distance. He fell on his back, but quickly stood up and shook off the pain. The Leader of the Saints shot an ice blast from his palm at Delsin's feet. The Akomish hero felt he was unable to move and tried to break free. Delsin grabbed his chain and hit it at the ice along with shooting a Smoke Shot. The Conduit broke free and felt he could move again.

Delsin: You must be a Conduit too.

The Boss: I have no idea what you're talking about, but that doesn't matter.

Delsin decided it was time to switch up powers and change strategies. He sneaked up on a D.U.P. Soldier and subdued him followed by draining the Concrete from the armor. Shards were absorbed into his hand and he pounded the ground which caused a shock wave while briefly glowing. Delsin encased his entire body in Concrete armor and charged forward, moving toward The Boss who emitted fire from his hand, but it barely made Delsin flinch as he continued running and socked the Leader of the Saints in the face, flinging him into a wall and causing the President to feel a great impact.

Delsin: You didn't expect that, did you?

The Boss: This is not over.

The Boss stood up and ran, but Delsin lifted himself while surrounding his arms with spinning shards. The President leaped and glided, catching up with Delsin, and managing to kick him in the face, causing Delsin to lose his balance and fall. Rowe took less damage thanks to the Concrete. He then lifted himself into the air again, targeting The Boss and shooting him with bursts of Concrete Shrapnels before finishing the attack with a Concrete Barrage. The Akomish man then slammed his fist into the ground which caused another shock wave.

The Boss: You've really done it this time, jerk!

The President stomped his foot onto the ground which created a shock wave, causing the Conduit to fly in the air and lose his balance. The Boss sprinted forward and used his telekinesis to toss Rowe further backwards. Delsin was temporarily dazed but regained his consciousness and he ran towards a neon sign. He extended his arm and the light traveled into his hand as his arms were glowing with light of different colors. The Boss was confused by how Rowe could switch powers.

Delsin: (to himself) It's time to break out Neon.

The Leader of the Saints sprinted towards Rowe who transformed into a streak of neon light and moved with blinding speed, leaving behind a cloud of neon and afterimages which quickly vanished and Delsin unraveled his chain which was coated in light, looking like a laser sword. The Conduit slashed at The Boss who felt the slash from the chain and had a line of neon on his armor. Delsin didn't stop and continued to swing his chain, leaving behind bright lights every time. The Hero of Seattle finished slashing when he struck The Boss in the neck.

Delsin: You're not the only one who can run fast, pal.

Delsin once again made use of his speed and ran towards The Boss and shot out light from his hands which scattered around The Boss and stunned him. Before The Boss could regain his consciousness, the Akomish hero shot a Phosphor Beam from his hand which hit The Boss and caused him to stumble back. The President ran towards Rowe and tossed him over his shoulder followed by kicking him in the chest. The Boss glided in the air and landed on the ground in front of the Hero of Seattle. The President punched Delsin in the face before he could get up.

The Boss: Is that all you've got?

After the Leader of the Saints finished talking, Delsin stood up and saw The Boss zoom away. Delsin wouldn't let his opponent escape, and as such followed him by moving as a streak of neon light. Rowe caught up to The President and stood in front of him, causing The Boss to stop. From Delsin's point of view, time was slowed down as he used his Laser Insight, locking onto The Boss and shot him with several Neon Beams before finishing the attack with a Phosphor Beam. Rowe made one more attack by running and then leaping in to the air before slamming his fist into the ground, striking The Boss and frustrating him.

The Boss: Alright, what other tricks do you have?

As The Boss was about to land a kick, Delsin slowed down his perspective of time and tossed a Stasis Bubble which exploded and trapped The Boss, freezing him in time. Rowe swung his chain, causing The Boss to break out of the bubble and fall down. The Conduit rushed to a television screen and extended his arm. Delsin absorbed the pixels and his arms were coated in hard light. The Boss glided over to Rowe and looked at him with a stern expression.

Delsin: This is my last power.

(*Cue Survivor - Eye of the Tiger)

Delsin grew a pair of digital wings on his back and soared up a building with his Video Surge. He saw a satellite dish and dashed into it, causing pixels and radio waves to form. Delsin targeted his opponent and blasted The Boss with pixels which briefly left him coated in more pixels. Delsin landed on his feet and vanished into pixels and left behind a hard-light figure of himself. Delsin shot Bloodthirsty Blades out of his hands which targeted The Boss and charged towards him. The Boss managed to dodge one, but was hit by the other two. Delsin soared towards The President and formed a hard-light sword with his hands. He swung it and The Boss was launched backwards into a wall.

The Boss: It's about time you used your last power.

The Conduit turned invisible again and summoned an angel which The Boss froze and then burned with fire, disintegrating it into pixels. Delsin turned invisible once more and summoned another angel which shot a laser at The Boss, dealing damage to the President. Rowe took the opportunity to soar before landing on the ground to stand alongside the Angel. The Angel finished its attack and disappeared and Rowe swung his hard-light sword at The Boss who grabbed his arm and kicked him, sending him backwards.

Delsin: I have to end this.

Delsin shot more pixels at The Boss before using his hard-light sword a final time to send The Boss flying into a wall. Delsin fired one more round of Bloodthirsty Blades which targeted The Boss and hit him.

The Boss: This is not possible!

The Hero of Seattle shot even more pixels, some of which The Boss dodged but was hit by the rest. Delsin used his hard-light sword and swung it at the President who screamed in pain. Rowe used his sword once more and slashed The Boss who was on the ground. Delsin summoned a swarm of angels which flew down onto The Boss, creating an explosion. In a final move, Delsin shot Bloodthirsty Blades and slashed his sword at The Boss's chest. Delsin stood up, looking at The Boss's armor which had the mask broken.

Delsin: I'm happy that's over.

Delsin drained pixels from a television screen and victoriously smiled.



(*Cue Infamous: Second Son - Serial Tagger)

Boomstick: Well, the Saints have now lost their leader.

Wiz: This was a well-matched fight. Delsin Rowe and The Boss both have a variety of powers. With The Boss having his super sprint and Delsin having his dash moves, both fighters had ways to move around quickly. While The Boss was faster than Delsin with his Smoke and Concrete powers, things changed when Neon and Video came into play. Delsin also held the advantage in range.

Boomstick: The Boss is fast enough to break the sound barrier and run faster than bullets, making him faster when compared to Delsin with his Smoke Dash and Boulder Dash. But when Delsin switched to Neon, the tables quickly turned in terms of speed. We're talking about a man who can literally turn into a streak of light. Delsin could also slow down his view of time which made The Boss appear to be even slower.

Wiz: Exactly. While The Boss managed to hold up to and defeat the Zin and their technology, that was because of his powers which he gained through the computer system and can only use them in the real world with his Power Armor. Meanwhile, Delsin doesn't need anything special to use his powers. The same can be said for The Boss defeating other powerful beings in the virtual world thanks to his powers granted through the computer system.

Boomstick: Delsin, however, has his powers thanks to being a Conduit and managed to use the Hellfire Swarm Karma Bomb he gained to sink Augustine's island and later defeat her without needing any other enhancements. In the end, Delsin held the edge in durability, strength, and speed with Neon and Video. Looks like Delsin was the True Hero of this fight.

Wiz: The winner is Delsin Rowe.

Delsin Rowe wins

Advantages and Disadvantages[]

  • Delsin Rowe - Winner
    • +Could use his chain for melee combat
    • +Considerably faster with Neon and Video
    • +Laser Insight allows him to slow down his perspective of time
    • +The Boss wouldn't expect him to be able to switch powers
    • +Stronger
    • +More durable
    • +Better range
    • +Can travel through the air to keep up with The Boss's gliding power.
    • -Slower with Smoke or Concrete
    • -Can only use one element at a time
    • -Has limited energy for his powers
    • -Has to recharge by absorbing from sources
  • The Boss - Loser
    • +Faster than Delsin with Smoke or Concrete
    • +He is not limited to using one element at a time
    • +Telekinesis and Stomp could catch Delsin off guard
    • +Does not need to recharge by absorbing from sources
    • +No energy limit for his powers
    • +Could glide across the air for mobility
    • -Much slower than Delsin when he has Neon or Video
    • -Appears to be moving slow if Delsin slows his perspective of time
    • -Not as strong
    • -Not as durable
    • -Not as good range
    • -Needs Power Armor to use his powers in the real world

<poll> What do you think about the outcome? The result and verdict were not accurate The result and verdict were accurate The verdict was accurate but the result was not The result was accurate but the verdict was not
