Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

This is a What-If? Death Battle featuring Reika Aoki from Smile Precure! and Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

(This is based on the official Blake VS Mikasa Battle)


The smartest girls of their magical girl group head on down to a death battle to use their intelligence and brains. Who will outsmart the other? The ice princess or the dark goth girl?


Reika Aoki is also known as Cure Beauty, a Pretty Cure from Smile Precure. While Homura Akemi is a skilled magical girl from Puella Magi Madoka Magica series.

What these two girls have in common is that they are the smartest members of their team. They both study hard and are very intelligent and beautiful, especially when studying or reading books. They have a great strategist role for their teams and think before they act.

Both of their shows contain some dark scenes. Homura suffered a lot when trying to go back in time and save Madoka but it goes non-stop. Reika's on the other hand is mostly filled with joy but has some sad/dark scenes in some episodes but at least her show isn't as dark as Homura's

What would happen if these two fought? Well let's analyze their features first.

Reika Aoki[]

Reika transforming

(Reika's song:


Cure Beauty's powers mostly include ice in them. Other than that, she is very handy and smart when using weapons against her enemies.

She is an intelligent girl with her elegant demeanor, she is also an awe-inspiring. yet kind girl. As vice-head of the Student Council, she is very reliable. Though she does not get angry at others' carelessness, she can be the most frightening one of all when she does get angry. She is part of the archery team in school. She is also the strategist of the Smile Cures.

Powers and Abilities[]

She has enhanced speed and jumping according to what we see from her anime TV show. She also knows how to use one or two swords during battle despite being 14-years old. She knows how to punch and kick away the attacks of Wolfrun's Akanbe in episode 12.

Her powers are Beauty Blizzard in which she can cast an ice blast at her opponents. Her upgraded attack is Beauty Blizzard Arrow in which she forms an archery bow with two of her ice swords and adding with an arrow. She also brings along her Smile Pact so that she can transform into Cure Beauty.

  • Attack Potency: Town level (physically), Mountain level (with weapons), Large Mountain level (with powers)
  • Speed: Really Fast
  • Durability: Town Level
  • Intelligence: Really High


If she doesn't have her Smile Pact, she is unable to transform into Cure Beauty and will be unable to defend herself. She is also weak against negative speeches given to her, for example: Joker's words that were said to her during episode 43 when he tries to manipulates her to leave her team and move to London. Another example is when Wolfrun taunted her of being unable to think of a promise to become president during the fight in episode 37.

Sometimes during her fights, the Akanbes can be too tough for her to handle (especially when they are upgraded) and outsmart her and the other cures.

Even despite being in her Princess form when fighting Emperor Pierrot during the last episode of her show, Emperor Pierrot somehow manage to overpower her and her team with a powerful energy that sends them back to Earth that has not only made a huge space of damage on the planet, but in which ends up with Reika and her teammates transforming back into their civilian forms.

Homura Akemi[]

Homura transforming

(Homura's song:


Homura is a very skilled veteran magical girl. She was shown to survive in most of her life and never died even once in her franchise!

She is a mysterious magical girl who tries her best to prevent Madoka from making a contract with Kyubey. Homura is also a time traveler and she had seen Madoka die countless times whenever she makes a contract with Kyubey. That causes her to become overprotective of Madoka and became willing to save Madoka from any harm.

Back then, she was once a regular shy human girl who attended school as a new student until she met two magical girls named by Madoka Kaname and Mami Tomoe. When they both died, she made a wish to become one too to fix time, especially for Madoka

Powers and Abilities[]

Homura has the ability to teleport from one place to another to ambush her enemies. She is an expert veteran magical girl fighter and has fought a lot of enemies in which she mostly won and killed many witches from her battles. Homura has skilled and excellent enhanced human abilities such as speed, dodging and jumping compared to any other magical girl in her series.

Her shield is her most prized and important weapon. It carries most of Homura's extra weapons in which she needs for battles. Homura can activate her sand shield to manipulate, stop or go back in time for important purposes for example: trying to stop Kyubey to make a contract with Madoka, to go back in time to fight hard enemies so that she can defeat them easily

  • Attack Potency: Small Town level (physically), Mountain level (with weapons)
  • Speed: Massively Hypersonic
  • Durability: Town level, Higher (for her Soul Gem)
  • Intelligence: Very High


She always thinks about Madoka instead of herself in which could distract her a bit from battles. She also has a limited supply of weapons to carry. Homura's source of living comes from her purple soul gem. If it is damaged or destroyed, Homura will die. She will also get more nasty results when she tries to go back in time to fix things, but only make them worse every time she does so. Her Timestop power is also limited and she has to use it wisely to not waste it. She also does things for Madoka instead of herself which sacrifices her own destiny for others. She was unable to defeat a witch at the near end of her anime TV Series.


With both of these lovely smart magical girls to show off, things will become dramatically wild!!

Its time, for a DEATH BATTLE!

Death Battle[]

Homura jumped back right on her feet after defeating a witch. She took a deep breath. The witch was hard to beat because it was strong, but Homura was stronger. Homura hasn't been defeated once, and probably no one would beat Homura. But what she is going to face later on, might change it.

Homura: Finally.. I beat that stupid witch. Now I've got to head back to protect Madoka and make sure she doesn't make a contract with Kyubey

Before she was going to head back home, she suddenly saw a blue haired girl sitting on top on a destroyed building's roof. The girl was reading a book in peace and quiet but Homura didn't want her to be here. Homura walked to that destination and called to the girl from a far distance.

Homura: Hey! What are you doing over there? This place isn't safe. There are many witches here and you aren't supposed to be here. Get out of here or they will spot you!

Reika knows about the warning but ignores it and continues reading her book, which makes Homura really annoyed. In response, Homura took out her shotgun and aims it at her. Then she shot out a bullet from her gun.

Homura: Are you deaf? I said get out of he-

When the bullet was about to hit the blue-haired girl, there was a glowing light coming out from the direction the bullet headed to. The girl got out an ice sword and reflects the bullet back to Homura's direction but Homura dodged it. Homura lands on a nearby roof and looks up to see the girl reveal her face and putting away her book. She had transformed into Cure Beauty. Thanks to bringing her Smile Pact with her, Reika can defend herself.

Cure Beauty: Leave me alone!!

Cure Beauty took out two of her ice swords them jumped over to Homura. Homura teleports out of the way and uses her shield to help her in advantage. Beauty looks closely at the shield and realizes it's abilities. Homura teleported right at Beauty's face and attempted to shoot her face but Beauty blows a blast of ice at Homura knocking her backwards.

Homura uses her shield to make a protection to hold the rest of the attack. Then Homura disappeared but Beauty knows the Homura is planning to ambush her. Beauty thinks of the places if she were in a hiding spot, Homura would be there. Then, she heard a gunshot from the east direction and quickly dodged the bullets. Homura appeared behind her and kicked her from the behind which caused Beauty to fall flat to the ground but Cure Beauty got back up a few seconds later. They both settled their battle on the ground. Homura was aiming her guns as she uses her shield to teleport anywhere to get a perfect aim. Cure Beauty calculates about the strategy.

Cure Beauty: She likes to disappear and attacking me from behind by teleporting.

Cure Beauty knew what Homura was going to do and she has to listen to where Homura was going to teleport. She heard a gunshot from behind her as she saw Homura jump out from her hiding spot so she uses her ice swords to reflect the bullets away. The bullets end up blasting at a building which tipped down and gets destroyed. Both girls jumped out of the way. Both pant to take a short break of fighting

Homura: Being here is illegal, only magical girls can deal with these monsters!

Cure Beauty: Don't be silly! I am a magical girl!

Homura: I am too. We're both magical girls and we're a lot alike. But I'm more expert with a main goal of my purpose and life. Protect Madoka Kaname.

Cure Beauty: Yes.. we are both magical girls but.. I am not just a magical girl. I am a Pretty Cure!

Beauty ran towards Homura and placed her sword underneath Homura's chin and also between the neck, forcing to slice her head off. Homura then does the same by pointing her gun at Cure Beauty's left side of her head. They try to intimidate each other by forcing their weapons.

Homura: I see that you are not the only one who knows how to intimidate, ice queen.

Cure Beauty: Nobody messes with me. Especially when I've got important things that are waiting for me in my path!

Homura: Just shut up or I'll shoot you in the head!

Cure Beauty: Would magical girls even kill each other?


Cure Beauty: To hold you off and defend myself!

Homura: I'm tired of this!

Homura teleports away from Beauty's grasp. Cure Beauty looked around to see where Homura went. Then she heard sprinting from behind her. She knew Homura is not going easy on her so she has to run and hatch a plan without getting killed.

Beauty then jumped onto the roofs. Homura followed and kept trying to shoot her. Beauty then makes an ice shield to prevent the bullets while running on the roofs. They ran through the abandoned and destroyed city and they fought. From round the corner, Homura shot her bullets at Cure Beauty but Beauty flipped jumped over them and jumped to the next roof from the other side.

To catch up with her, Homura uses her own shield and teleported to Beauty's back which then they would fall from the roofs. Homura would kick Beauty down. As the Blue haired girl fell, Homura dashed towards the Cure, loaded her gun and shot at her right eye. Homura's shot right at the eye caused Beauty to scream in pain and then rolled on the ground.

Beauty felt weak and her body was trembling with bruises. The blood leaked from her right eye. Beauty looked up and saw Homura standing on top of the building on top of her. Homura looked at her with a cold stare.

Homura: Hmph. So much for an elegant girl like you. Your intelligent is not like mine. The world needed a girl who knows everything to achieve your desired dreams. And that, is me. I've got you this time.

Cure Beauty: You.. are wrong! Magical girls need each other! You just have to give them chances! Even Madoka! Why do you want to protect her so much, yet she can actually take care of herself!

Homura: I've watched her suffer so much too many times! When I finish you, I will finally save her from the horrible things that will happen if you continue to prevent me to go back to her!

As Homura dashed towards her, Cure Beauty looked down then puts her two ice swords together in which they combined to form an archery bow made out of ice. Thinking she will win the battle as she thought it would be great that she'll be more skillful to protect Madoka, Homura quickly grabbed a piece of lit dynamite from a wooden structure that she passed and threw it at Beauty but Beauty catches it with her hand in a quick thinking since she heard the dynamite's lighting sound sizzling.

Cure Beauty: I am more than just my intelligence and beauty. We are a lot alike but I'm not that cold-hearted like you are. My heart feels that you are not always like this and that you were trying to do something for your precious friend... I have dreams that are not just for me.. it's for all of those I love... and if I ever done a mistake, I wouldn't go back in time to fix it, I'd find a different solution to find my way!

A light string appears and an ice arrow appears on the archery bow. Beauty inserted the dynamite and taped it onto the arrow that she is ready to launch. Homura was about to shoot Beauty but Beauty blew an ice blast ad Homura's hand which prevents her gun at shooting. She had another shot at Homura's leg which stops her from dashing. Homura looked at Cure Beauty, thinking it was impossible.

Cure Beauty: Pretty Cure, Beauty Blizzard Arrow!!!

As she says this, she launches the arrow towards Homura. The black-haired girl manages to steady herself, but it's too late- the blizzrd arrow strikes her dead on in the chest. Beauty then steps back a little before the dynamite goes off. Homura is only able to scream in pain and horror as the explosive energy rays out of her mouth and eyes in her final moments before the dynamite explodes, obliterating her and launching Cure Beauty into a nearby wall.

Cure Beauty gets to her feet as the last thing remaining of her opponent - Homura's soul gem falls to the ground and cracks. Cure Beauty picks it up and her eyes looked at it's state. Homura's soul gem was damaged and cracked. Cure Beauty held it tight in her hand and sighed. Then, large dark shadows soon loomed over her - the witches Homura warned her about had arrived.

Cure Beauty looked up at the witches but gave a brave smile as she held up her ice swords.

Cure Beauty: Incoming!

Cure Beauty then dashes towards the witches to fight them.



Welp, that was surprise! Despite Homura's excellent magical girl skills, Reika had studied enough to learn about the strategies Homura was going to do.

Homura's teleportation almost seemed to work against Cure Beauty as like she had disappeared. But all Cure Beauty had to do is listen from where she is going to come out from. Beauty's ice swords and shield can also reflect the damage from Homura's bullets and send them flying to another direction.

During the fight on the rooftops, Homura, with the help of her teleportation power of the sand shield, has managed to catch up with Cure Beauty, who only used enhanced jumping and running when trying to flee from the scene.

Between Reika and Homura, Homura has the mind to fight her opponent with ambush or manipulating time but she only does it when fights are very hard for her, in which she thinks Cure Beauty is weaker than her, while Reika has the mind to analyze her enemy's stats and skills before thinking to attack them or come up with a plan.

In difference of their weapons, Homura's shield can only hold up for a limited space of weapons such as her guns in which they are very useful but is unknown if they have limited bullets. For Reika's, her ice swords seem to be unable to be destroyed from even many shots from Homura's bullets. Her ice bow and arrow do not even seem to melt when she taped on the lit dynamite on the arrow.

Since Reika is a a strategist, she knows any ambush attacks in which Homura always hides and plans to ambush her enemies. Reika has an intelligence to combine a lit dynamite and her ice arrow to take down Homura. Homura always thought that when she defeated Reika, she would continue overprotecting Madoka but that was her downfall when having her mind distracted during battle.

Homura's teleportation and gunshots were good enough to get damage to Cure Beauty. But Reika had focused her mind by thinking on the enemy's strategy and is smart enough to outsmart Homura despite losing one of her eyes. Despite Homura should be using her sand shield to stop time and kill Reika in one shot, she thought it would be really easy to defeat her since Beauty came from another world but doesn't see her as a person who has a main goal in her life.

Reika has put her mind enough to keep her mind focused on battle instead on having your mind focused on your goals during the fight. Let that be a lesson to Homura not to get distracted to your goal in your mind while fighting someone who has similar tactics as you.

The winner is Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty

Winner Cure Beauty