Death Battle Fanon Wiki

The things I do for love.
~ Courage

Courage is the main protagonist of the Cartoon Network animated series, Courage the Cowardly Dog. He previously fought Scooby-Doo in the 184th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Scooby-Doo VS Courage the Cowardly Dog.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Battle Royales[]

With the Cartoon Network-verse[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 5
  • Losses: 2
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Courage is a pink puppy who was born to two identical pink dogs in a large, gated property. His parents had an aristocratic fascination in canine objects, his well being was always of the utmost concern. While successfully learning to catch a ball, he accidentally got his head stuck in between the bars of the fence and he was taken to the Pets of Tomorrow veterinarian office.

Here, he was freed by a seemingly kind doctor, who gave him a lollipop and ushered him out of the room so he could "speak" to his parents alone. His tongue got stuck to the surface of the sucker, and then tore off, so the baby dog rushed back to be nurtured by his parents. When he returned, the three were gone and screams pleading for assistance could be heard from the hallway. He abandoned his candy and rushed in to find the veterinarian carrying his parents away in a net. They begged the doctor to not separate them from their son. He rushed after them for help.

While he runs down a long hallway, Courage comes upon 3 doors, which he opens, revealing a lady showering, a bizarre giraffe, and a giant Ostrich on the other sides. Courage runs off to find his parents and rushes into a room of caged dogs, and then into another room where he discovered his parents being forced into a rocket ship. He tried to help them before its launch but failed, as his fear drove him to flee into a garbage chute which led to a back alley.

From there he watched as his family was sent away into space forever, as the rocket engines ignite and lifted off the ground from the building, while waving a tearful goodbye to them. Crying alone, he was found by Muriel. Muriel took pity on him and took him home with her. She named him Courage. He's been living under her care ever since that day.

Death Battle Info (Official)[]


  • Name: Courage
  • Species: Beagle
  • Height: Beagle-sized
  • Owners: Muriel & Eustace Bagge
  • Nicknames: Stupid Dog, Dear Boy, Leone
  • Not named 'Stinky Lou Lou,' (thank goodness)
  • Can lay 14-karat golden eggs
  • Friends with Scooby-Doo


  • Ray Gun
  • Mallet
  • Magic Tree of Nowhere
  • Computer
  • Banishment spell
  • God Bone
  • Flamethrower
  • Giant Chainsaw
  • Mind Control Helmet & Remote
  • Instant Quicksand
  • Gas Mask
  • Dark Matter Meteor


  • Toon Force
  • Squash-and-Stretch Body
    • Elasticity
    • Shapeshifting
    • Duplication
  • Flight/Levitation
  • Hammer Space
  • 4th Wall Awareness
  • Imagination Creation
  • Plot Manipulation
  • Size Manipulation
  • Time Manipulation
  • Painting Hopping
... the same as Scooby

The Things He's Done For Love[]

  • Performed an exorcism
  • Tanked a nuclear explosion
  • Physically created a tidal wave
  • Survived being pulverized to dust
  • Pummeled by Valkyries in Valhalla
  • Ran the Sun's radius in 8 seconds
  • Defeated Evil Empress, Dr. Zalost, Rumplestiltskin, Mecha-Courage

Death Battle Info (Fanon)[]


  • Name: Courage
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Pink Beagle (though he does appear purple at night/in dim areas)
  • Residence: Nowhere, Kansas
  • Was separated from his parents by an insane veterinarian as an infant
  • Highly protective of Muriel and will do whatever it takes to save her when she's in danger
  • Likes dumplings, playing with toys (especially yo-yos and chew toys), Muriel's cooking, reading, bones, digging, resting in Muriel's lap, making shadow puppets, and warm blankets


  • Regeneration
    • Has been exploded into nothingness, poofed to a dust cloud, burnt to ashes, melted to a puddle, torn in half, ripped to shreds, blown up, turned inside out, deflated, reduced to his skeleton, decapitated, flattened, dismembered, and mutilated, only to appear fine in an instant
  • Extreme Pain Tolerance
    • Has laughed off pain from the most grievous of injuries, such as Mecha-Courage's pummeling (which he showed no signs of giving up from; so much so, that Mecha-Courage ended up breaking down)
    • Relaxed himself while getting devoured alive by a tiger
    • When he was a baby, he shrugged off his tongue being ripped off
  • Incredible Stamina
    • Once sat still for an entire night without leaving his chair and until the next morning, where he didn't seem tired at all
    • During his fight with Mecha-Courage, he still had enough energy to wear Mecha out and stand up fine
    • Has tanked other curbstomp fights that have also had him beaten with every inch of his life, like the dodgeball game against his enemies
    • Dug through 1,000 years of dirt and wasn't the least bit winded
    • Ran from country-to-country without exhaustion
  • Hammer Space
  • Powerful Lungs
    • Can breathe in the vacuum of outer space
    • His screams can injure ears and stun people to where they can't move
  • Super Scream
    • A stronger version of his sun-shattering scream
    • Sends opponents underground (assuming they're durable enough to even survive this) and can destroy his house
    • When used, Courage puts all his power into his lungs and screams bloody murder for almost an entire minute
  • Self-Body Control
    • Not only does Courage have elastic limbs and ears, but he can use his tongue like a third hand, such as slingshotting himself or using it to divert a train before it could run him over
    • Shapeshifting
      • Able to take on the forms of weapons, characters, animals, clouds, vehicles, and even inanimate objects
      • Can make his body two-dimensional
      • Can perfectly replicate someone's voice when impersonating them
      • Very useful in combat, since he can use his shapeshifting to confuse opponents and as previously stated, turn into weapons
  • Invisibility
  • Can remove souls by performing an exorcism dance
  • Attack Reflection
  • Enhanced sense of smell and hearing
    • Can sniff the air to track down opponents and objects
    • Heard a faraway man snoring at the top of his castle
  • Size Manipulation
    • Can shrink himself by going inside laundry machines
  • Karate skills
    • Fought evenly against the Evil Empress of China in fisticuffs
    • Beat the living crap out of two bodyguards
  • Non-Physical Interaction; can touch spirits, clouds, smoke, gas and even sounds
  • Immersion
    • Can go inside picture frames and travel through them
    • Able to enter phone lines and pop out of telephones
    • Can also enter computers
  • Astral Projection
    • Requires Courage to calm himself, and then meditate
    • Turns into a spirit, and can enter the minds of other people in this state
    • Whatever Courage can do in the real world, he can do in the astral plane as well
  • Summoning
    • Able to call his friends (who are also dogs) for help. They will rush into the battlefield area in groups and loyally fight by Courage's side no matter what
    • Can get Mr. Mouse for assistance as well, in exchange for $5 and cheese
  • Acrobatics
    • Can do 16 backflips in one go without breaking a sweat
    • Dodged Dr. Zalost's cannonballs with swift parkour moves
  • Resistances
    • Mind Manipulation:
      • Resisted the temptation to eat flan despite being hypnotized into doing so, alongside the entire town of Nowhere, and potentially the planet
      • Controlled his urge to lick the God Bone, which forces dogs to lick it until they die
    • Heat:
      • Wasn't affected by the heat of the sun and its core at all
      • Went through Earth's core unharmed
      • Ate a dragon's fire and blew it back
    • Ice:
      • Was frozen solid after falling into a frozen lake, only to free himself
      • His mind is still conscious when frozen; he can make a light bulb appear above his head to thaw himself out
      • His tongue can melt ice
    • Aging Hax:
      • He, Muriel and Eustace were the only ones unaffected after Earth was sent 1,000 years into the future, where everything drastically aged


  • Melee Weapons
    • Baseball bat
    • Nail bat
    • Sword
    • Axe
    • Jackhammer
    • Mallet
    • Chainsaw
    • Frying Pan
    • Pies
    • Crossbow
    • Drill
    • Blowtorch
  • Flashlight
  • Slingshot
  • Marbles
  • Spring-Loaded Boxing Glove
  • Ray Gun
    • Originally belonged to the Evil Chicken
    • Shoots out energy beams
    • Once hit at an opponent, it will turn them into a lifeless object
    • Turned an airplane into a toy one
    • Turned a mountain into an Easter Island Head
    • Turned the Chicken into a roast turkey
  • Yo-yo and pocket watch
    • Both work exactly the same
    • When swung around, whoever looks into either will become hypnotized
    • Can turn people into small, weak animals
    • Can make people believe they're a different thing or revisit their past lives
    • Hypnotized all of Nowhere to stop eating flan
  • Giant Vacuum
    • Powerful enough to suck the Statue of Liberty all the way to Kansas
  • Explosives (TNT sticks, dynamite boxes, TNT barrels, and detonators)
    • Can disguise them as something else, such as beef jerky
  • Plunger Gun
    • Works just like a grappling hook
    • Used for support, either to let him go up far distances, or grab objects (even if they're far away)
    • Strong enough to support Muriel's weight
  • Paintings
    • Can drop these or throw them at opponents to trap them inside
  • God Bone
  • Computer
    • An old-fashioned desktop computer Courage logs into whenever he needs answers to a question or how to deal with an opponent
    • Has a mind of its own, often acting sarcastic towards Courage and calling him names (most notably a "twit")
    • Gives him a lot of useful information on his foe and lists their weaknesses
    • Able to scan photos and identify them
    • Able to possess others by forcing its wires into the back of someone's head and uploading its personality into their bodies
    • If need be, Courage can enter the computer to go into cyberspace, or even potentially toss his opponent in there
    • With that being said, it must be plugged in to work, and much like an ordinary computer, it is vulnerable to viruses
  • Instant Quicksand
  • Instant Eels
  • Happy Plums
    • Upon consumption, will turn his opponent happy and pacified, completely devoid of anger
  • Kangaroo Monster Bone Fragment
    • Turns Courage into the skyscraper-sized Kangaroo Monster, thus massively boosting his strength
    • Grows a pouch that he can pull items out of (a slingshot, and croissants that are so delicious that anybody who eats them will want more), but can also store stuff in there
  • Magic Tree of Nowhere
    • A purple tree who grants any wish/desire
    • When Muriel wished for a new oven, it instantly appeared
    • When Courage wished for a real construction vehicle, it popped out of nowhere (lame pun, I know)
    • When Muriel wanted her and Courage to see a movie, it suddenly caused a projector to form out of the tree's branches
  • Scuba Gear
  • Spacesuit
    • Obviously used for space travel
    • Built in with an anchor that functions like a grappling hook, which can pull Courage to safety
    • May be redundant, considering Courage can breathe in the vacuum of space without it perfectly fine



  • Screamed loud enough to shatter the sun to pieces
  • Held a star above his head with his bare hands (This was made by a Starmaker, a species of squid aliens who can create multiple stars at once. Even the babies can make stellar constellations. Muriel stated they are responsible for "the stars in the heavens above")
  • Can physically injure Eustace Bagge, who was only irritated after getting caught in a firework explosion that turned him into a constellation, as well as a bite from The Shadow, who turned into a starry sky
    • The latter is a Large Star level feat, which is very consistent with the other feats on this list
  • Destroyed a spaceship that withstood the force of moving Saturn's asteroid ring by crashing into it
  • Also destroyed his house with a scream, which was undamaged after the Earth was hit by an asteroid hard enough to make it spin around the sun
  • On par with Robot Randy, who stomped a robot that should be comparable to one who destroyed an entire mountain with a single blast
  • Repaired the ozone layer with a needle
  • Can walk around with a blue whale stashed in his non-existent pockets and casually lift it above him. Mature blue whales can weigh anywhere between 110,000 to 330,000 pounds
  • Despite being chained to it, he uprooted a massive tree and casually walked around with it on his back
  • Lifted several weights, became muscular in no time flat, and ripped metal doors off of a wall
  • Carried Eustace's truck.
    • Pickup trucks typically weigh 1,000 kg
  • Held the God Bone above him, swung it around, and sliced it through a metal ceiling
  • Has dug through caves, and can chew through doors, walls, floors and steel
  • Pumped a water well so hard he created a tidal wave
  • Bit through a leash that wasn't damaged by a flamethrower, chainsaw and a chemical explosion
  • Cracked parts of the Great Wall of China
  • With a pickaxe, he split a frozen lake into tiny chunks
  • His strength matches his durability, as he can injure himself, and those who can hurt him


  • No-sold getting shot into outer space, crashing through the moon hard enough to leave a large hole, and getting slammed back down to Earth by a giant alien
    • This alien is strong enough to smack a meteor with a tennis racket and make it hit Earth hard enough to spin around the sun repeatedly (This appears to be a Dwarf Star level feat)
  • Was jammed into a rocket launcher and shot across the planet, only to immediately get back up unscathed upon landing
  • Was completely unfazed from the scorching heat of the sun, as well as its core
    • The sun's surface has an average temperature of 5,778 Kelvin, whereas the core is 15,700,000 K
  • Tanked getting bashed through several planets
  • Took massive beatings from Mecha-Courage, a robot designed to be superior to him in every way possible, and also survived its destruction, which was an explosion that engulfed the colosseum they were in
  • Came out of an airplane crash, with only his fur slightly messed up
  • Was in an explosion that destroyed a bank
  • Survived a nuclear explosion that vaporized a henhouse he was in
  • Survived a curbstomp battle against his enemies in Ball of Revenge
  • Withstood an RPG shot
  • Took a beating from Valkyries & Valhalla, followed by getting launched out of a tower
  • Regularly handles getting strangled by Eustace


  • Ran from the surface of the sun to its core in 8 seconds
    • The 8 seconds come from the timer of Courage's spaceship in the episode (Mission to the Sun). Our distance here is the radius of the Sun, which is 695,510 kilometers. 695510/8 equals 86938.75 km/s, or 29% the speed of light, meaning Courage can run that fast!
    • This is both a strength and durability feat as well. Assuming Courage weighs 50 pounds - which is the official average weight for medium-sized dogs - this is 22.6796 kilograms, and since he had to move 86938750 m/s, this would give us 9.15251986E+16 joules, or 21.9 megatons. This is as powerful as most of the United States' nuclear weapons!
  • Pedaled a spaceship that flew from Earth to Saturn in a matter of seconds, even zooming past the sun (This is a Massively FTL+ feat)
  • Dodged a laser from the Evil Chicken, as well as from its offspring
  • Kept up with The Shadow, who flew into deep space within a second
  • With his telescope, he kept track of a spaceship that was moving through the solar system at rapid speeds
  • Reacted to a speeding meteor quickly enough to accurately launch a hook to it
  • Dodged lightning even though he had his back turned.
    • The typical lightning bolt moves at 224,000 mph.
  • In the span of seconds, he ran all the way from Kansas to Tibet, to India, to Paris, and then back to Kansas
    • It's faulty to assume this was done over the course of days or through transportation, as he was in a rush to save Muriel
  • Faster than Eustace, who walked around the world in less than an hour
  • Moved a family of deer out of the way before Eustace could shoot them with Big Bob (his high-tech laser gun)
  • Dodged a blast from King Ghidorah
  • Capable of dodging close-range cannonballs even when tied up (not just once, not just twice, but THRICE!)
  • Caught darts with his teeth
  • Outran Eustace's truck


  • Courage can speak English on a coherent level despite being a dog, and he has solved almost every problem in the series, which normally requires outwitting clever villains, whether it be cunning con men or even scientists
  • Highly proficient tactician; he is an on-the-fly thinker, being capable of coming up with complex plans in seconds. He has quickly built life-saving devices, snuck into heavily guarded areas with little to no planning (e.g. banks and military bases), reprogrammed an advanced spaceship, wired Le Quack's train into blowing up, obtained oxygen while stranded underwater without gear (burping out bubbles), and escaped from dangerous predicaments through unusual ways (such as melting himself or unscrewing his head)
  • It is notoriously difficult to trick him or catch him off-guard, since he is always alert and has an undying promise to never trust strangers
  • Talented cook, survivalist, tracker, repairman, puzzle & maze solver, painter (created a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa in seconds), hypnotist, dancer, and instrument player (piano, tuba, violin, guitar, etc)
  • Will do anything it takes to save his own life in a fight, such as inventing gadgets out of anything he can find, creating barricades, setting up traps, building a fort, and researching with his computer
  • Is a licensed therapist, and has used this to his advantage on a few occasions by talking villains out of their harmful deeds (such as the Shadow)
  • Has numerous objects stashed around his house in case of emergencies (such as everything necessary to kill a vampire)
  • Very good at reading people; knows when something is bad, and can also tell when a bad event is about to occur
  • Modified his body into a fully functional helicopter
  • Built a massive, serviceable vacuum out of random junk he found
  • Got his revenge on the Mean Old Veterinarian by sending HIM into space, where he was mauled by all the dogs he sent to space, including his parents, Henry and Teresa.


  • Cowardly, and very easy to scare (to the point of being scared of his own shadow on one occasion)
    • Despite this, he is always willing to directly face his fears when problems arise
  • Prone to panicking, causing him to scream and run instead of confronting his issues
  • Usually willing to save Muriel's life with little to no care for his own well-being
  • Performing his Super Scream leaves him exhausted afterwards



  • Courage is one of seven characters (the others being Muriel, Eustace, Shirley, Dr. Vindaloo, the Computer and Katz) to appear in every season.
    • He is also one of three characters (the others being Muriel and Eustace) to appear in nearly every episode.
    • He and Muriel are the only characters to be seen in every episode as Eustace was not seen or heard in Cajun Granny Stew.
  • Despite the show's title, Courage is actually the bravest character on the show.
  • Courage spoke English quite often in the first season, but from the second season onward, his dialogue became increasingly limited to gibberish, mumbling, and screams, only speaking occasionally or when he really had something to say. According to his voice actor, this was a deliberate decision.
  • Courage has many sounds that he's known for, such as his strange laugh at the end of some episodes.
  • Courage's breed has often been the subject of debate. Most sources say that he is a beagle (just like Snoopy from Peanuts), but others claim that he is just a mutt or some sort of terrier.
  • Courage is the only character (aside from Katz and Le Quack) who ever speaks directly to the audience. The frequency with which he does so (nearly every episode) makes this one of his trademark characteristics.
  • During Courage's first flashback in Remembrance of Courage Past, his mother reveals his father's name when she calls him as he was playing with Courage.
  • Courage's favorite food is apparently chicken dumplings.
  • Courage is good at making shadow puppets as shown in The Hunchback of Nowhere.
  • Courage can (somehow) lay 14-Karat golden eggs as shown in Muted Muriel.
  • Courage made a cameo in the "OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes" crossover episode, "Crossover Nexus", as one of the heroes defeated by Strike. He also makes a cameo as a stone statue too.
  • According to Grabstein himself, there was difficulty casting the character; associate producer Risa Neuwirth stated 350 actors auditioned for the role before Grabstein was cast. Courage will return as one of the two titular main protagonists in the upcoming crossover direct-to-video film "Scooby-Doo! and Courage the Cowardly Dog" where he and Scooby will team up face up against his enemies: Katz, Le Quack, Black Puddle Queen, Weremole, Big Toe and Cajun Fox once again who have all survived the fall in the episode the Ball of Revenge.