Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Revenge is the prime ingredient in the fountain of youth. I've kept myself alive for hundreds of years with a steady diet of jealousy and hate, awaiting the day when I would finally eclipse your family's thieving Reputation.
~ Clockwerk revealing the truth about his presence over the Cooper family to Sly Cooper.

Enough, Sly Cooper, it ends here. I'll finish you like I finished your father. Then the Cooper line will be erased and the only Master Thief will be... Clockwerk!
~ Clockwerk before fighting Sly Cooper

Clockwerk. He was consumed with jealousy for the Cooper Clan's thieving reputation. Is it inappropriate to refer to him as a monster? No, not at all. What kind of person stays alive for hundreds of years with the express intention of wiping out a rival's family line? Imagine the hatred fueling that first decision to replace his mortal body with soulless machinery. Ultimately, it did the trick. Clockwerk lived on.
~ Sly Cooper describing Clockwerk.

Clockwerk is one of the main antagonists of the Sly Cooper franchises. He was a robotic Eurasian Eagle Owl who was originally the leader of the Fiendish Five and nemesis of the Cooper Clan, consumed by hatred and jealousy for the clan's thieving reputation all to the point where he'd replace his own mortal body with soulless machinery in order to keep haunting them. Ultimately he was destroyed by Sly Cooper, though his legacy continued to haunt him and his gang to this very day.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Potential Opponents[]



While it's unknown about his very origins, it's theorized that Clockwerk has lived for thousands, if not longer, of years, having replaced his own mortal body with mechanical parts, including a chip, known as The Hate Chip, which was fuelled by his very hatred and jealousy of the Cooper Clan.

Throughout his entire existence, Clockwerk had been hunting down the Coopers, despite always being one step ahead of him, though it's discovered that very few Coopers knew about Clockwerk's existence aside from Sly Cooper and his father, Connor Cooper. In fact, despite appearing in the eras belonging to Rioichi Cooper, Tennessee Kid Cooper, Slytunkhamun Cooper and even Otto Van Cooper, Henriette One Eye Cooper was the only Cooper that ever interacted with the metallic bird, even leading to them writing about how his parts worked in the Thievius Raccoonus.

By the time Sly Cooper was born, Clockwerk founded a band of thieves known as the Fiendish Five, where he later led them to attack the Coopers' current residence. He was ultimately responsible for both the death of Sly's parents and the theft of the Thevius Raccoonus, the very book containing all the family's thieving secrets and such. After this, Clockwerk left with his section of the book in his possession.

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus[]

Sly 2: Band of Thieves[]


Death Battle Info[]

  • Name: Clockwerk
  • Species: Robotic Eurasian Eagle Owl
  • Age: Immortal
  • Been haunting the Coopers for centuries

Powers, Abilities and Weaponry[]

Weapons and Miscellaneous abilities[]

Physical Attributes[]

Feats and Strengths[]

Flaws and Weaknesses[]


