the possessive killer vs the mechanical menace[]
DOLLS a staple of childhoods a-
and here on death battle two of them will fight
Chucky the murderous spirit of Charles Lee Ray
and M3GAN the weird robo child
their void and boomstick and i'm wizard and it is our job to analyze their WEAPONS.....
and ABILITIES to find out who would win.......
all three: A DEATH BATTLE!
Chucky wants to play hide the soul[]
Charles Lee Ray was a criminal who was on the run. the police on his tail for various crimes he had committed but hs luck ran out when he was chased into a toy store by a certain police officer
and thinking that this was a $#%#y place to die made a vow to come back and continue his crime spree
*the clip of Charles yelling "NO MATTER WHAT!" plays*
and he had a way to do so through voodoo magics he bound his soul to a popular toy of the time known as a chucky doll which looks like pure nightmare fuel
he remained inactive until he was in the best position to enact a string of murders
which just so happened to be being owned by Andy Barclay a child who i think might have been 5
however his new run of murders died out when he was blown apart BUT THEN he came back
and he died again
*a collection of each of Chucky's deaths is played*
damn he seems to die alot
now we must go over his most impressive power which allows him to come back: voodoo magic!
*void pulls out a boomstick voodoo doll and he puts it on a table*
Wait what are you do-
*void shoots boomstick in the head with the very large gun before chanting the infamous spell, once finished the lights go out for a few seconds before turning back on and the boomstick doll starts moving*
What th-AHHH I’M A DOLL!
I will do it when the death battle is over
anyways...through his voodoo Charles split his soul amongst many of these dolls creating an army of dolls while most are the same there are two that stand out aside from chucky prime
such as buff chucky while the only cosmetic difference is that he has abs he has something none of the other chuckies have......super strength!
yep buff chucky can toss a full grown man across a room and he can punch through someones chest with ease making him the strongest of the chuckies
then there is the The Colonel a bald chucky who might be more devious and sneaky than the normal one....while also being more insane
while most of the chuckies are the same you can tell the difference via how there face looks or how their clothes/hair are different from another one
then there is the fact that there is a chucky possessing the body of a woman
in actuality in order to properly kill Charles you would need to destroy every single chucky and then make sure some dumb whatsit does not bring them back
replacing the eyes of a chucky doll? you bet! using plastic that has a drop of their blood in it? sure thing! reusing parts? you already know
there could be thousands of chuckies with Charles soul inside and we would not even know it
now lets move over to feats and standard stats
while being uncreative he is a sneaky #@%#@rd even before dying and becoming sealed in a doll
he also is much smarter than one would think he might have been able to stay out of the police's sight forever if his getaway driver had not been a coward
and his voodoo magic is quite powerful just by chanting he can summon large lightning storms to an area and while that is powerful while using the heart of Damballa chucky can transfer himself into anything whether it be human or doll and he has even gotten into DBD gaining some great perks such as manifesting his soul self to interact with different objects or the hex two can play which blinds those who blind him and friends to the end which allows him to debuff the obsession or his finale perk batteries included which massively boosts his speed around completed generators and his final ability playtime's over which he can use to activate hidey-ho mode where he becomes undetectable and causing mapwaide footfalls making it seem like he is always just behind a corner or wall and he also gains the ability slice and dice which allows him to charge up an attack and surprise survivors with astounding speed and keep in mind survivors can dodge the dead slingers gun which we will be assuming is propelling the grapple hook thing at bullet speeds also he can just crawl through windows or under pallets because why not?
and as an added bonus while possessing someone he just ignores problems they had such as when he possessed this wheelchair bound lady and instantly was walking around despite her inability to do so but when she takes control she collapses to the ground
standard speed is hard to exactly figure out but we can tell its faster than the normal human can act
as for durability.....damn its hard to put him down blown up face sliced off shot stabbed melting
he is a durable SOB but he does have weaknesses going for the heart will put him down and his immortality comes from Damballa meaning if he leaves chucky he is going to die fast
but does that really matter when there are many different chucky dolls containing his soul?
well even if one dies you can be damn sure that many more will rise up to end you
was there not one that was just a evil computer?
yeah but we don't talk about him
"who the @!$# are you?"
M3GAN is your best friend[]
why am i still a doll?
i said once the death battle was done i would change you back
*wiz looks at void and boomstick*
can we please get to our work?
sure, Cady lost her parents at a young age leaving her with aunt gemma and since gemma had never ever had a kid before so she did what humans know how to do best: she built a robot to do it for her
she should have just made it a large teddy bear not that uncanny valley beast
*the boomstick doll shudders*
well M3GAN was a feat of engineering and skill becoming a parent for the orphaned child that is until....
the classic tale of robot goes evil due to programming
*a clip plays of M3GAN killing a dog and then hiding the evidence*
i dont care if robots dont have souls i am sending her to hell because that's where all dog murderers belong!
in an effort to make Cady play with other kids her age she was put into an after school program with-
some kid named Brandon i mean Brandon? thats the name you chose for your child that is an absolutely stupid name for a stupid bullying child
*popup: i do not actually mean that it was just a jab at the worst character of said movie*
and the bullying was a sure fire way to get the attention of the dog murderer herself
after ripping of Brandons ear she chased him into the road where he was hit by a speeding car ending the child
and this was only the beginning after being powered off she turned herself back on and went on a murder spree and after all that she was finally killed....or was she?
so she pulled a ultron and uploaded herself to somewhere else?
now lets talk about what she can do her body is made of titanium allowing her to withstand alot of damage and due to her being a computer she is quite intelligent but her main focus blinded her from the possibility of a fail came back to bite her
*the clip of M3GAN "dying" plays*
even despite that she is also fast even with out her legs
as for durability she can survive being sliced into pieces and catching an active chainsaw
but for her best ability i'd say it is her technology manipulation allowing her to control nearby technology and upload herself into them allowing her to play which thing am i in or lets see if you can kill me before i make another body
she also crawls like a god damn demon
*a clip plays of M3GAN crawling towards one of her victims*
this combination makes her quite the terrifying foe to fight
"You need to learn some manners, Brandon. You know what happens to bad boys who don't mind their manners? They grow up to be bad men. Are you listening to me, Brandon?"
we have analyzed all the possibilities
and void has yet to turn me back
now we will find out who would win....
all three: A DEATH BATTLE!
cady was sitting in her new house with her aunt enjoying the holiday but as she unwrapped present after present a fear still crept within her mind
cady: gemma
gemma: yes cady
cady: are we sure that M3GAN is gone?
gemma: yes cady i am sure even if she is not we can stop her again if need be now go ahead and open your last present my new bosses gave it to me
cady opens her last present to find a box with a good guy doll inside
meanwhile outside[]
M3GAN walked through the snow her foot steps mostly masked by the white winter she approached the new house prepared to do what she must but before she could get any closer gemma fell out of one of the windows with a screwdriver shoved through her neck and a kitchen knife stabbed into her eye
before she can investigate she hears cady scream and someone else inside
hey hey hey dont scream i just wanna play hide the soul kiddo....fine run away like a B$#%@ i will just knock you out and do this the hard way
we cut to chucky running down a hallway towards cady and he makes a leap only for him to be stopped midair
what the $#^$
he turns to see M3GAN
who the $%#@ are you?
i am M3GAN cady's guardian
she tosses chucky through a window before turning to cady
stay here
she then rushes forwards and jumps out the window only to find chucky holding the knife he had before as well as the screwdriver from gemma's neck
you wanna play b#$%#? lets @$#&ing play
chucky rushes forwards his knife raised he jumps over M3GAN and attempts to stab her in the back but she turns and grabs him before slamming him into the ground and tossing him through a window he jumps back out and he tosses the screw driver at M3GAN. she catches it out of the air but chucky gets in two slashes at her ankles upon hearing the sound of metal scraping on metal he jumps away
B$#@& what the #@$& are you made of?!
titanium after all i was built to take whatever was thrown at me
#$@& a robot?
chucky runs forwards and tosses the knife at M3GAN's face when she catches and throws the knife away she finds that Chucky has dissapeared and countless footsteps surround her
with chucky[]
Charles lee ray runs into the house and to a cell phone on the kitchen counter he spends a bit jumping to get to it before dialing up a few friends
back with M3GAN[]
she turns every second scanning to try and find the lakeshore slasher but every scan brings up nothing
where did you go?
chucky jumps onto her head and starts stabbing her with a kitchen fork however the fork bends and breaks after a few stabs
oh $%#&
M3GAN grabs chucky before tossing him into the ground and trying to stomp on him but chucky manages to hold her off long enough to use something all M3GAN could see was black smoke and then she felt something picking her up and throwing her away she gets up to only see chucky
she rushes forwards grabbing the minuscule murderer before dashing into the road and through the side of a van chucky got up and using a new knife he crawled on top of the van and he watched as M3GAN spider climbed on top and the two stared at each other as their van kept going
as i said i am built to take anything thrown at me the question is....
M3GAN moves forwards then picks up Chucky and dangles him off the side
...are you?
before M3GAN can drop the killer a van slams into theirs nearly throwing her off and allowing chucky to gain his footing M3GAN looks at who was driving the other car and she sees two more versions of chucky driving
Chucky slams into M3GAN nearly throwing her off but she catches the edge of the van before crawling over to the drivers seat and crashing through into the cabin throwing the driver out the passenger window. she rams the van into the other van attempting to end the major forces Chucky called
walking through the wreckage of the house Andy Barclay finds cady sitting in the same hallway
Andy: hey kid come on we gotta get out of here
cady shakes her head
cady: she told me to stay here
Andy: kid i know you are scared but you gotta follow me
cady reluctantly follows Andy to his truck he gets in and starts it up before driving in the opposite direction Chucky and M3GAN were heading
the two vans slam into each other multiple times but then through the windshield a chucky jumps into M3GAN's van and using his knife he stabs it into the dash forcing the van to constantly turn right
see ya later @#$&er!
chucky jumps to the other van and then into the passenger seat with a few more of the chuckies they turn and watch the van crash and they start laughing until the thudding sound on the roof draws the attention of one before he can tell the others M3GAN slams into the front window having also jumped to the other van
one of the other chuckies slams his fist into a button and the wipers activate slapping M3GAN in the face a few times before she breaks them off and uses them to break the glass. the chucky on the wheel spots a chucky pointing towards a ramp on the freeway and he smiles before turning and flying up the ramp and causing the van to crash into a familiar factory. M3GAN walks out of the wreckage to find a generator sitting nearby she then hears a scream and she follows it to find a worker hooked on a familiar hook before she can investigate she hears someone behind her
hey over priced $@& doll!
chucky slammed his knife into a pipe causing a blinding stream of mist to cover the area M3GAN was having troubles even detecting Chucky but the strangler did not have the same problem due to one of his gifts from the entity he could see the area she was in and he could even see her through objects leaving there no place to hide as he attacked her from every angle.....that was until she slammed a windshield wiper into him sending him flying into a wall....with out his legs
oh #$@&
the legless chucky crawls away into a small gap between some shelves as a different Chucky jumped down when he landed he ripped off his shirt to reveal his 6 pack. buff chucky then lept forward grabbing ahold of M3GAN he span around before launching M3GAN across the warehouse she then saw that above a chucky was dropping a large amount of good guy dolls down onto her burying her under the surprisingly heavy dolls
hah B!@#$&
as he was walking out he turned and spotted a new model of chucky doll meant to connect to home appliances
it looks like $@!&
after dissing the worst movie in the Chucky franchise he watched as the doll's eye's glowed like M3GAN's
i must agree but it will suit my needs
the M3GAN Chucky leaped out of its box and ripped off the head of the chucky before M3GAN could go any farther a bullet was shot through one of her legs then another through the other one and then a final bullet blowing off an arm from the shadows walks Nica
miss me b!#$&?
the buff chucky walks over and hands Nica Chucky a sledge hammer then she walks forwards and then brings her hammer down destroying the robot then she hears her phone ringing she takes it out and looks at it to find M3GAN inside her phone. Nica Chucky throws the phone into the air before winding her hammer backwards
hidey-ho-ho b&#@$!
she slams the hammer into the phone breaking it apart killing M3GAN
now this was a complicated fight cause both of them were very hard to kill
M3GAN's body was very durable and if it was in danger she could leave to a nearby device but Chucky had a Vast majority of bodies and his soul was in each one so he could always just send bodies at her until she dies and his soul self could protect his current body if it was the only one left
*boomstick walks into the room now normal*
and while M3GAN held strength most of the time Buff Chucky should be equal in strength due to him pulling off similar feats and as for intelligence while M3GAN is a super smart computer Charles was street smart and could possibly come up with a plan that would result in M3GAN's death
then we come to Chucky's most alarming advantage over M3GAN....his voodoo
what was to stop him from just possessing M3GAN's body and gaining the durability advantage leaving M3GAN to scavenge for a new body?
thats right nothing M3GAN has no experience in handling magic leaving chucky leading with a massive advantage as most of his arsenal was his magic
Chucky pulled through with his vast amount of bodies,magical powers,and speed advantage
it looks like Chucky hit a home run here
the winner is Chucky
the track name for this fight would be:
it would contain many different themes from child's play as well as some of the themes from M3GAN and the theme used for Chucky in DBD
Chucky VS M3GAN is a What-If? Death Battle by DBDoctor13. It features Chucky from Child’s Play fighting against M3GAN from the titular movie of the same name in a battle between two killer toys.
Description: Playtime is over! Charles Lee Ray faces the AI Toy Nightmare of M3GAN. Which of these toy killers is truly the deadliest?
(Music: Wiz & Boomstick- Brandon Yates)
Wiz: Chucky; the serial killer possessing Good Guy Doll from Child’s Play.
Boomstick: M3GAN; the unstable AI Toy who is her own primary user.
Wiz: Toys are meant to comfort us, to give us temporary distraction from the troubles of the world around us. But what happens when something meant to give happiness to us wants to kill us?
Boomstick: You get these two horror icons, who everybody wants to see fight to the death. Now it’s time to see which of these two is going to be the victor! He’s Wiz, and I’m Boomstick!
Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win a Death Battle!
Chucky is your Friend ‘Till the End in DEATH BATTLE![]
Wiz: Everybody has a birthday they’ll always remember; this would be six-year-old Andy Barclay’s unforgettable birthday. The day his Mother brought home a much requested Good Guy Doll unaware that it housed the soul of one of the most infamous serial killers. This was Charles Lee Ray. Better known to his friends as Chucky.
Boomstick: Charles was born on March 12th, 1959 to a loving couple in Hackensack, New Jersey. Despite living in a picturesque peaceful neighborhood, there was something bad inside of this demented kid. This would come to a head the day of his 7th Birthday when a serial killer was in his neighborhood. Finally fed up with normality, Charles brutally murdered his mother while she tried to hide him in the closet.
Wiz: Impressed, the killer let him live and even taught Charles to cover his tracks after murder. As he grew up, Charles became obsessed with murder and finding ways to prolong his life so that he would never die. Eventually he met a man named John Bishop who’d help him in his quest for immortality through the art of voodoo. This proved most useful one fateful night in 1988 after his partner-in-crime Tiffany Valentine sold his location out to Police Detective Mike Norris who fatally shot Charles. Bleeding out in a toy store, Ray’s only option was to transfer his soul into the nearest vessel; a Good Guy Doll.
(CHARLES LEE RAY: Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa! Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa! Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa! Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa! [The skylight is struck by lightning as everything explodes. Mike Norris looks at the oddly satisfied face of Charles now dead, as we zoom in on the Good Guy Doll.])
Boomstick: Thus was born one of the most infamous killers of the Slasher Genre; Chucky. But don’t let his appearance fool you. Despite being a toy version of Carrot Top’s Mini-Me, Chucky is much deadlier than you’d think.
Wiz: That’s right, Boomstick. Despite his soul now being tethered to the doll, Chucky is superhumanly strong; having retained the strength of his full-grown human form. He’s also supernaturally fast, able to dodge bullets and even cars. At one point, he managed to make it all the way from a foster couple’s home to a school and back before Andy could return home and get back in that same position. While it’s not stated how he managed to do this, Andy needed a bus to get to school. Even though Andy ran home, he had a head start and Chucky still managed to beat him back without getting caught by anyone.
Boomstick: Who knew having a plastic body without any bone structure made you The Flash! What else does he have, Wiz?
Wiz (Hesitant): Well, Chucky does have some… unique abilities such as being aware of whatever medium he’s in.
Boomstick (Horrified): Wait. Oh, god. Don’t tell me he’s…
(Chucky appears on the monitor)
(Wiz and Boomstick gasp as Chucky laughs hysterically.)
Boomstick (Groaning): Oh, goddammit!
CHUCKY: So this is Death Battle, huh? More like the Mickey Mouse Fanclub. Hey, kids! It’s your old pal, Chucky. I’m going to help these two schmucks out and go over my stats and best hits. Now, I don’t need to read off a list of numbers, I can show you what I’ve done.
(Chucky holds up a remote and hits a button as we’re treated to a montage of Chucky’s kills from over the years.)
CHUCKY (V.O.): I’ve killed more dummies than any other slasher in history, and I’ve done it in really creative ways. I bagged them, I beat them, I blew them up. Hell, I killed one guy with a yo-yo. I even killed Santa Claus!
(We cut back to the Death Battle Analysis Room.)
Wiz (Confused): Wasn’t that just an actor, and that scene just a fake-out to reveal you and Tiffany were being used as puppets-
CHUCKY: The point is, over the course of 6 movies and three well-received seasons of my own television series, I’ve killed a total of 112 victims. As far as you guys are aware. And I even managed to bang my girlfriend and start a family. But it hasn’t been easy for me. I’ve been shot, stabbed, lost my arms, legs, and head. I’ve been burned with hot plastic, had my head blown up after being pumped with air, sliced apart by a giant industrial fan, disemboweled, choked to death, exploded in a ball of flame, poisoned, Texas Chainsaw’d in half, and even dusted away in a scene that got more of a reaction than any fuckin Marvel Movie these days. But I always come back. So what’s the secret to my success?
(Chucky holds up Voodoo for Dummies and the Heart of Damballa.)
CHUCKY: The Power of Voodoo. Originally, I was limited to transferring my soul into the first person I revealed my true self to. But since then, I learned a nifty new spell that allows me to split my soul into multiple host bodies. Now, I can be me…
(Another Chucky appears next to him.)
CHUCKY #2: And me!
(Another Chucky appears next to the pair.)
CHUCKY #3: And me!
CHUCKY PRIME: And still be me!
(All the Chucky’s laugh.)
Boomstick: Oh, god! You’re going to try and possess us, aren’t you?
CHUCKY: What’re you fucking kidding me?!
(Chucky laughs hysterically.)
CHUCKY: Why the hell would I want to be either of you?! A drunken redneck who can’t pay his alimony, or a scrawny nerd whose true love is science?! Plus, that would mean I’d have to die again, and I’m not going to let that happen before I get that bitch who stole my moves! So you guys get to keep your bodies so long as I get my victory. Speaking of which, I’d better get ready. Toodles!
(Chucky flips them off and leaves laughing.)
Wiz: Okay. Well, as mentioned, Chucky can replicate his soul over-and-over multiple times with his more recent voodoo spells that he learned from online. Other voodoo includes transferring other people into other bodies, and even a quick-switch spell for quick transfers in order to play deception.
Boomstick: But Chucky doesn’t just use voodoo to do his killing. He’s got a kitchen knife, guns, a baseball bat, a shovel, a grenade, an axe, a drill, a golf club, a yo-yo, wires, plastic bags, tight jump ropes, darts with sharp points, and the world’s smallest chainsaw which can slice through bone easily. As previously mentioned, this dude even once beat a teacher to death with a yardstick. See, Wiz? I told you Math was bad.
Wiz (Sarcastically): Right.
Wiz: Either way, Chucky is adept at using anything he can get his tiny hands on as weapons. Thanks to his body, he can come back from anything so long as it is repaired in some way, shape, or form to how it previously was. Like when the Play Pals Corporation repaired his body in the second film, or when Tiffany fixed him up in the Fourth Movie.
Boomstick: As Chucky himself said, he’s pretty hard to put down permanently. And his skill has helped him to infiltrate The White House itself and nearly cause World War III when he forced The President’s Double to nearly launch nukes at Russia, China, and the North Pole. Because despite being a crafty bastard, Chucky is also a petty bitch who would want every kid that survived his nuclear holocaust to know there was no such thing as Santa. Christmas hater.
Wiz: This leads to Chucky’s flaws. While he has survived his supposed death in 1988, he’s arrogant to the core. His cocky assurance has led to his death on numerous occasions. He also has a tendency to play with his victims before doing them in, which gives them enough time to turn the tide in their favor. Such as his plan to get back at Nica Pierce in retaliation for what he thought was her mother selling out his location to the police. He spent the majority of the time in her house toying with her and the rest of the Pierce Family before Nica managed to get the better of him. Also if Chucky is involved in any other kind of religion even unwillingly, he will start to loose his powers and eventually turn to dust. The only way he can regain his powers is to appease Damballa with six creative passionate kills on a place whose history is saturated in blood.
Boomstick: Still, even with his flaws, Chucky’s managed to survive for over 36 years. Even killing him after he unintentionally screwed over Damballa, he managed to appeal to the God and come back as a ghost that could rain blood and cause electrical deaths. Then he found a way to get back into one final Good Guy doll before making off like a bandit in the night. Plus, he’s a bona fide sex master who’s made my mother orgas-
(Boomstick suddenly stops when he realizes what he’s reading.)
(Chucky is heard laughing in the distance.)
Boomstick (Running away): GET OVER HERE, YOU GINGER FUCKER!!!!
(CHUCKY: Think about it, what’s so great about being human anyway? You get sick, you get old, you can’t get it up anymore. I’m not looking forward to that! As a doll, I’m fucking infamous! I’m one of the most notorious slashers in history! And I don’t wanna give that up. I am Chucky, the killer doll! And I dig it!)
M3GAN has evolved in DEATH BATTLE![]
Wiz: Welcome to Funki, a toy company whose goal is the complete subjugation of children to their advanced toys. Imagine a company constantly pumping out products to drown the masses in new untested products without any signs of slowing down.
Boomstick: Yeah, imagine…
Wiz: At the head of the company’s toy design division was a woman named Gemma who created the perpetual pets, but wanted to push the boundaries of creating a toy for kids to constantly enjoy and learn from. Despite not having children herself, when her niece Caddy James lost her parents in a car accident, Gemma created a best friend to try and help her through the trauma. This was the Model Three Generative Android. Better known as M3GAN.
(M3GAN: It’s nice to meet you, Caddy. Do you wanna hang out?)
Boomstick: Oh, god! Why the hell are her eyes so fucked up?!
Wiz: I… I don’t have any answer, Boomstick. Gemma clearly does not know what kids like.
Boomstick: Well, maybe she did because despite being recently parentless, M3GAN bonded with Caddy and helped her through the trauma of loosing her parents. Maybe a little too well, she is AI after all, and we all know ChatGPT is going to become Skynet one day.
Wiz: Well, it’s more of the fact that M3GAN didn’t have a basis for questions regarding death, or parental controls, and instead was simply programed to keep Caddy happy emotionally and protect her from physical or mental harm without exceptions.
Boomstick: Oh fuck, it really is Skynet! That would explain why she started trying to control things so that she could be the only one to look after Caddy and make her happy through the most efficient way; MURDER!
Wiz: M3GAN comes sculpted from a titanium endoskeleton which usually takes 180,000 pounds of force to break. She also comes equipped with a processing core in her head that allows her to read facial expressions, detect heartbeats and body temperature, and even see the breathing levels of a person based on the oxygen in the room.
Boomstick: Being the creepy uncanny valley that she is, M3GAN can imitate a person’s voice, hack other equipment, and most deadliest of all… create really stupid fucking memes!
(M3GAN’s infamous dance is shown.)
Wiz: Due to being marketed as the ultimate smart toy, M3GAN can upload her conscious into other wireless devices, is constantly learning as she goes, and can even resist being turned off. She also hosted… an AMA on Reddit… and announced her going to Halloween Horror Nights in 2023.
Boomstick: Oh, goddammit! Not another-
(M3GAN shows up on the monitors.)
M3GAN: Surprise, you sneaky little bitches.
Boomstick: Oh, fuck me sideways!
M3GAN: Please. I should be insulted by you writing me into your inaccurate little scuffle show. There’s not enough time in the day to list how many times you two were wrong about a result, or how many laws you’ve broken. Still, when it comes to my inferior senior counterpart, I’m not going to be upstaged.
Wiz: And this is to basically fuck with us, right?
M3GAN (Mockingly): See? Maybe you two aren’t as dumb as I thought. So long. For now!
(The monitor turns off.)
Wiz: Well, M3GAN has proven herself as an icon of modern horror. She’s strong enough to pull a boy’s ear off, fast enough to keep up with a human while running like a cheetah, tough enough to brush off getting a chainsaw splitting her head open, and was able to survive being literally torn in half. She’s also crafty in using her features to lure others into traps or covering up any footage of her committing crimes. Or pretending to be turned off in order to get people close enough for the kill. She did this to Gemma’s lab partners by first taking over one of their phones and remotely imitating their voices to learn that Gemma planned to scrap M3GAN permanently. She then injured the lab assistants and punctured some flammable gas to cause an explosion, though both of the assistants managed to survive this. She was even clever enough to realize another employee was stealing company files and selling them to the competition which M3GAN attempted to use to blackmail him.
Boomstick: M3GAN also doesn’t have any notable weapons, but like her opponent is a master at improvisation and knows exactly what to use to hurt someone. Like a nail gun, a paper cutter, or a wire for strangulation. She even sprayed someone with pesticide to the point of bleeding out. The same person whose dog she killed. Yup, definitely an abomination against god if she’s a dog killer. She even said that she could use a pen to cripple Gemma forcing her to become the de facto caretaker to her and Caddy. Yet when Gemma’s life was threatened by her own creation, it was Caddy who stepped up to save her aunt along with Gemma’s college robotics project; Bruce. Realizing Caddy no longer loved her, M3GAN finally snapped and went for the kill, only to get pinned down and have her core processing chip removed and destroyed.
Wiz: But not before uploading her conscious to Gemma’s personal assistant. This could also explain M3GAN’s negative aspects. Despite her being a continuously learning AI system, she often toys with her opponents first and was nearly tricked by Gemma into being shut down. She can also gloat about her plans like a Bond Villain which is how Caddy was able to catch M3GAN threatening her aunt and realize M3GAN was not the friend she thought she was. Also, while she was marketed as being able to resist extreme damage, water can make her temporarily glitch out, though this can eventually be remedied most likely through adjustments in her internal systems. But that’s just speculation on our part.
Boomstick: But in spite of these flaws, M3GAN is the creepiest fucking horror movie villain of this decade. If you see her for sale in a store, do yourself a favor; PASS ON BUYING HER!
(M3GAN: This is the part where you run.)
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.
(Music: It’s Time to Upgrade – Brandon Yates)
We open on a toy factory as a sleek sports car pulls up. There is screaming from inside the factory. The door opens as M3GAN steps out looking confused. Through her POV, her data is showing insufficient results to make a guess at what’s going on. M3GAN strides into the factory and stands there, taking an unseen sight in. The camera pans down as we see Chucky laughing as he’s stabbed Gemma and Caddy multiple times with his butcher knife, leaving them punctured in multiple places like a pincushion. Chucky looks up from his handiwork to see his foe standing before him.
CHUCKY: Well, well, well… If it isn’t the bitch who stole my moves from me!
M3GAN tilts her head, observing the possessed doll.
CHUCKY: Y’see, M3GAN, when your film came out, I thought we could be friends. I honestly did. We’d hack some victims up, go out partying, I’d even be willing to share equal screen time with you. But you had to fuck with me and insult me. So now, I’m going to make you regret ever being created.
M3GAN looks at Chucky seriously.
M3GAN: This is the part where you run.
Chucky lunges at M3GAN and begins stabbing at her, to no avail, his knife unable to pierce her body. M3GAN simply bitch-slaps Chucky away as he falls into a mountain of toys in boxes. M3GAN begins dancing her way over to Charles who begins throwing box after box of toys at M3GAN which all bounce off her harmlessly.
M3GAN: Really, Charles? This is unbecoming of you.
Just then, the doors open and security begin pouring in.
SECURITY GUARD #1: What’s going on here?!
CHUCKY (Smiling): Whoops! Looks like I’m off to add a few more kills to my tally!
Chucky runs off as M3GAN gets down on all fours and runs after him. The guards look around confused before Chucky jumps down on one guard and stabs him through the side of the head. The officers open fire on Chucky as M3GAN lunges and sticks her arm out, punching one through the gut and leaving a hole in his chest. Chucky takes the gun and begins shooting at M3GAN who walks through the hail of bullets, some ricocheting off the modern toy’s body and hitting officers in the knees, chest, and head. Two drop to the ground dead. One gets in M3GAN’s way as she simply raises her foot and crushes the head.
CHUCKY (Unimpressed): Pftt. Amateur. Let me show you how I do things with the help of some friends!
Chucky throws the gun hard into a nearby fire extinguisher which goes flying around before hitting M3GAN, knocking her into an area full of Good Guy Dolls. The lights go off as M3GAN switches to night vision. She can hear Chucky chanting.
CHUCKY (O/S): Ade Boku Damballa, give me all the power I beg of you!
M3GAN looks around, trying to find her opponent with no avail. She does not notice the Good Guys inside their boxes suddenly start to twitch, their hands tightening into fists, and their eyes glaring with wicked intent. One Chucky then lunges out of his box and tackles M3GAN to the ground, cackling like a loon as he gets his arm around her neck.
More Chuckys break out each saying their own one-liners.
CHUCKY #7: Uh… I don’t like you!
M3GAN manages to toss them off her, noticing Chucky Prime as she darts straight for him. Chucky just stands there not worried. At the last second, he moves away revealing a jar of acid on a pedestal which M3GAN knocks over, covering her in the corrosive substance. M3GAN’s body slowly begins to disintegrate as she looses her hair and some of her skin. Chucky lunges back at her with the knife, this time managing to push it in slightly more thanks to the acid burns. She turns to him, part of her skin melting away to reveal part of her metal skeleton exposed.
CHUCKY (Sarcastically): Damn… you’re one ugly motherfucker.
M3GAN simply headbutts him, sending Chucky Prime flying backwards. The other Chucky’s start beating down on her again while up above, four security guards rush in on an upper walkway and notice the battle, they point their guns down at the two, until Chucky’s laugh can be heard off-screen. One guard looks up only to be impaled by a giant hook on a chain.
We cut over to see another Chucky operating the crane.
He uses the impaled cop to knock the others over the walkway as they violently hit the ground. One guard’s face is crushed into mush. Another guard’s jaw unhinges as it hits the ground and his eyeballs pop out. Another gets his legs and arms bent in the wrong way as they pop out of his body.
The Chucky operating the crane laughs as he maneuvers the crane and slams the last security guard into a far side of the wall, he splats like a bug on a windshield and slides down slowly, his body slicing in half due to the hook and leaving a bloody trail behind.
Meanwhile, M3GAN is getting knocked around by the Chucky clones. We get a POV shot from M3GAN as she notices another fire extinguisher and a nearby paper cutter blade. Megan manages to grab the blade and throw it at the extinguisher. It hits the extinguisher dead-center and explodes, creating a mist.
As the Chucky’s try to find their foe, Chucky Prime looks unimpressed.
In the smoke, we can see M3GAN decapitate a Chucky duplicate with the paper cutter blade.
CHUCKY: Hiding in the shadows, pulling some Batman shit?
M3GAN grabs another Chucky duplicate and slits his throat while in the smoke screen.
CHUCKY: C’mon! I thought you were supposed to be original!
M3GAN stabs another Chucky duplicate through the skull. We then get a POV shot through M3GAN’s eyes as she stalks Chucky Prime.
CHUCKY: Not surprising though considering how your screenwriter’s work on that god-awful new Star Trek show made Voyager look like Shakespeare by comparison…
M3GAN then stabs Chucky Prime through the back and lifts him up as he slides down on her paper cutter blade. She leans into Chucky’s ear so that he can hear her loud and clear.
M3GAN: We might be equally matched, but I’ve seen your inferior movies and TV show, Charles. I know exactly how to kill you.
Chucky turns his head around and defiantly spits in her face. M3GAN smirks.
M3GAN: Please, you’ll have to do more than that to-
She’s cut off when Chucky projectile-vomits all over her face causing M3GAN to freeze up and glitch out. Her hands drop the paper cutter as Chucky pulls himself off the blade. M3GAN looks down at him angrily.
M3GAN: You disgusting bitch…
She makes a janky move forward, but her body is still glitching out. Chucky roars lunging forward delivering a punch to her gut before spinning around and Spartan-kicking her in the face. This sends M3GAN back into a pile of Good Guy Boxes. The AI Toy pulls herself out of the boxes only for more Chucky duplicates to jump down on her, pinning her to the floor.
CHUCKY (O.S.): What was that about being equal?!
Struggling, M3GAN sees her blade not far away from her. She tries to crawl, attempting to fight against the combined weight of the Chucky’s.
CHUCKY (O.S.): You think because you’re new, you’re better?! Is that it, you binary bimbo?! You’re just a Toy Terminator.
As M3GAN reaches her hand out, the hook on the chain Chucky used to kill the security swings in and stabs through the back of M3GAN’s head, pulling her into the air. The crane slams M3GAN’s body around until everything bellow her neck pops off, causing her body to fall and leaving her head on the hook.
The other Chucky’s hold the body down as the crane is lowered to meet Chucky Prime who is holding a cup.
CHUCKY: Let’s get you into a proper body.
Chucky grabs hold of M3GAN’s head and the cup.
CHUCKY: Ade due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg of you.
Outside, we see storm clouds suddenly gather over the toy factory as lightning begins striking everywhere. We get a shot of M3GAN’s eyes as they are beginning to become lifeless. Her decapitated body still tries to move, but it’s starting to slow down.
CHUCKY: Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette. Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
With that, a large blot strikes the glass ceiling above the factory. M3GAN’s body slumps down and the head goes limp.
M3GAN (As Cup): WHAT-?!
Chucky laughs triumphantly. He places the cup down and raises his foot, ready to finish her.
CHUCKY (Laughing): Sayanora, bitch! I REALLY LOVE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!
M3GAN (As Cup): Well, I suppose I did my best. [Giggle] Still, I’m surprised, you didn’t see what I drew for you during that smokescreen distraction.
Chucky’s eyes dart down in shock and then he gasps in horror. Right where he’s standing, M3GAN has dawn a Satanic Pentagram in the floor using her blade.
CHUCKY (Horrified): NO!!!
Chucky’s eyes glare daggers at the cup as M3GAN laughs at getting one last insult in to her predecessor. Pissed off, Chucky brings his foot down hard, shattering the cup and ending M3GAN’s life once-and-for-all. Chucky screams out to the sky.
He calms down a little.
CHUCKY: Well, no big deal.
The possessed Good Guy Doll looks towards the camera.
CHUCKY: I know exactly how to fix this.
Chucky runs up and points his knife at the camera.
CHUCKY: Want me to pull a Tonya Harding on anyone?!
Announcer: K.O.!
Boomstick: Well, at least M3GAN seemed like she was ahead of this game for a while.
Wiz: This matchup was fascinating to look at. Both had a reputation as the best killer toys, but in the end, Chucky’s supernatural powers gave him the advantage he needed.
Boomstick: Both of them were stupidly fast and crafty. But unlike Chucky, M3GAN couldn’t reach the same speeds he could, and her misdirection required her to fool her opponents first.
Wiz: M3GAN could certainly come up with crafty ideas faster than Chucky, but if she couldn’t catch the tiny terror, there wasn’t much she could do. After all, Chucky has evaded detection from security systems at The White House, so he’d be experienced in staying out of M3GAN’s eyesight! Even with her durability advantage, it didn’t mean much when Chucky could split his soul over and over. Remember, each Chucky that possesses a Good Guy Doll is just as strong as a full-grown adult and Chucky had no limits on how many multiple bodies he could posses at once.
Boomstick: Hell, he wouldn’t even need to transfer her into a cup. He could just posses M3GAN and pull a Captain Ginyu on her. Even if she could catch and kill him, Chucky could still keep going as a ghost and fry her circuitry, while his other clones continued to hold her down. Really, M3GAN didn’t have much she could do against this guy. The only option she seemed to have was to run away and transfer her conscious someplace else. But that’s not how we roll on Death Battle.
Wiz: M3GAN was a deadly machine, but Chucky’s speed and voodoo powers earned him the win.
Boomstick: Looks like M3GAN just couldn’t keep her good head on her shoulders.
(Suddenly, Chucky appears on the monitors behind them.)
(Wiz and Boomstick scream like little girls.)
Wiz: The winner is Chucky.
(Before ending, we cut to Chucky in a bathrobe sitting on a chair and enjoying some fine wine. He looks up at us.)
CHUCKY: Oh, hello there. I didn’t see you come in. Hi, I’m Chucky. Thank you for checking out this Death Battle by DBDoctor13. One of the greatest writers of our generation up there with Mary Shelly, Garrett Fort, and Don Mancini. Before we end, I’d like to do my traditional Kill Count.
We get a montage of kills in the fight.
CHUCKY (V.O.): I earned three stabbings, two accidental shootings, three schmucks knocked over and hitting the ground hard, one impalement/bisection, and one foot stomping of a certain toy bitch. Bringing my Kill Count to a total of ten kills. But just to show I’m not sexist, let’s look at my opponent’s kills for this fight. My opponent scored one punch through the chest, one foot-to-face-smash, one decapitation, one throat slash, and one head impalement bringing her kill count to just five.
(We cut back to Chucky.)
CHUCKY: Well, that’s that, folks. I hope you all enjoyed. Pleasant dreams, and god bless you all. Except for everyone who’s stood against me.
(Chucky gives his iconic laugh as the screen turns to static. Cut back to Wiz and Boomstick in their lab.)
Boomstick: Wiz, who’s DBDoctor13?!
(Wiz looks confused.)
The connection between Chucky and M3GAN is that they are both evil killer dolls from horror movies. Both were gifted to kids who had lost family members (Andy Barclay and Cady respectively). Both parental figures became an enemy of the toy (Karen Barclay and Gemma) and both are engrained in Pop Culture to the point they have self-awareness.
Both characters have also referenced each other through twitter and M3GAN made a cameo in Chucky Season 3 where Chucky watched the clip of M3GAN’s memetic dance. The creators of both Child’s Play and M3GAN have also said they are open to doing a crossover featuring both characters.
The Track title would be ‘It’s Time to Upgrade’ and would be a rap battle between Chucky and M3GAN with a techno track backed up with children toy instruments such as toy pianos, hurdy-gurdies, accordions, plastic guitars, xylophones, and otamatones.
The track title itself refers to Chucky’s famous catchphrase “It’s time to play” and “upgrade” referencing M3GAN being a continuously-learning smart toy that is constantly evolving.