Cuphead vs. Skylanders. One chef will be left standing after a Death Cook-Off, with a delicious dish in the aftermath.
Wiz: Being a chef is a position to be admired and respected, especially when their skill includes delivering five-star food. Although turning to an evil route kind of muddies that reputation.
Boomstick: No it doesn't, it makes them freaking awesome, cause they serve up evil!
Wiz: Like Chef Saltbaker, the greatest chef in the Inkwell Isles and attempted baker of the Wondertart.
Boomstick: And Chef Pepper Jack, the greatest chef in Skylands and member of the Doom Raiders. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!
Chef Saltbaker[]
Wiz: Following their triumph over the Devil, or perhaps beforehand depending on the time of DLC purchased, which could still be before the endgame considering just how hard it is, Cuphead and Mugman were invited to another sector of the Inkwell Isles. There, one of the brothers was given a cookie by the ghost of the Legendary Chalice.
Boomstick: It made for a pretty weird trip, although not because it was laced with anything. It was because it swapped one person's mortality for another, meaning that whoever ate it took Chalice's place in the afterlife, enabling her to enter the world as Ms Chalice.
Wiz: And who was the one responsible for baking this cookie? The greatest chef in all the land, Chef Saltbaker.
Boomstick: As per the rules of cartoons, you're species determines your role, because what else would a massive living salt-shaker be?
Wiz: Well, there's also a fish which fishes, so what do you say about that?
Boomstick: Simple; she's an evil cannibal. Now, whilst the Astral Cookie lets Chalice come back to life, it would mean someone else had to give up their own life, and she was too nice to let that happen. Kinda the opposite of the TV show version.
- Background
- Height: Est. 6.4
- Greatest chef in the Inkwell Isles
- Comes with a delicious last course
- Also knows engineering and construction
- Quoted Gill from Street Fighter
Wiz: What would really allow Chalice to return to the land of the living, no strings attached, would be the legendary Wondertart. One bite would give the eater the ability to completely control the Astral Plane, the realm of the dead, and hopefully enable Chalice to be reborn. So Saltbaker sent the Cups, and their new ally Ms Chalice, to claim the ingredients.
Boomstick: I'd say they were slightly easier to obtain than the soul contracts of the Devil's victims on account of Ms Chalice, considering she can double-jump, dash attack and has her own unique abilities. And after fighting a giant and his gnome colony, a literal outlaw cowgirl, a squadron of literal dogfighters, the leader of a cold, cold cult and a gang of booze-peddling bugs, the living drink containers got all five of the ingredients.
Wiz: But as it turns out, there was in fact a sixth ingredient. And naturally, it was a very costly one. Whether it was his goal the whole time, or he became enticed by what it offered, but Saltbaker was obsessed with the power the Wondertart offered. So much so that, when it was revealed he would need a disembodied soul to complete its production, he moved ahead without any hesitation.
Boomstick: And Chalice could either remain a ghost to let the brothers help her out or one of them could take her place, they were ripe enough for the plucking. And pluck Saltbaker did, capturing the one without a body and preparing to serve him up like a soul souffle.
Wiz: Naturally pretty unwilling to see one of their own cooked, the other two drink-based gunners jumped into action against Saltbaker. Unfortunately, by collecting the ingredients for him, they had given Saltbaker the means to be a bullet-hell nightmare.
Boomstick: By using his chopping knife, rolling pin, a hammer and pick or even his bare hands, he can turn any of the ingredients into a unique attack.
- Arsenal
- Cooking utensils
- Salty body
- Growth mushroom
- Pepper Shaker Minions
- Jumping Fireball
- Cutters
- Gnome Berries
- Icy Sugar Cubes
- Distillery Dough
- Desert Limes
- Pineapple Mint
Wiz: When weaponizing the desert limes, he cuts them up into essentially which trace through the air. The distillery dough is flattened to become prancing cookie animals. The Gnome Berries, after being squeezed out of their container, rain down like missiles. The icy sugar cubes get cracked to become boulders that weave up and down in the air. And the pineapple mint floats down like damaging confetti.
Boomstick: Like a certain plumber, he can use a red mushroom to increase his size to a ridiculous scale. He can also summon minions of sorts for the battle, like a jumping flame, a cookie cutter of sorts in the ground and giant Pepper Shakers which spit projectiles, although if he isn't careful, they can be sent flying into him when they are deal enough damage.
Wiz: And when Saltbaker is inflicted enough harm, that's when the cracks start to form.
Boomstick: When his whole glass body breaks away, the really salty inside of himself is revealed, and it is absolutely terrifying! He can create dancing statues of salt, twin pillars of the stuff to slowly close in and crush his foes, and even a giant salty construct. During which, his pink heart will bounce around conducting the carnage. And I mean! Look at all that salt! There's probably enough to turn the whole world's oceans into a single Dead Sea.
Wiz: It's got to be naturally useful for cooking as well, since Saltbaker claims what he works best with is, whatever else, salt.
Boomstick: Wait...but he's a saltshaker.
Wiz: So?
Boomstick: So?! Then where do you think his cooking salt comes from? He's literally it! It's like a chef purposefully not using a hairnet to let hair fall into a customer's food as a seasoning! Or worse, just spitting on it!
Wiz: Well, when you put it like that...and on the topic of dish preparation, I think there's a understandable, although not excusable, reason for wanting the Wondertart. Afterall, it was said that whoever ate it gained command over the Astral Realm, which is the land of the dead, and thus could even be a universe-sized location! Saltbaker's plan wasn't just to prove he could cook anything; it was to obtain godhood as well!
- Feats
- Smashed through his own bakery
- Capable of baking the Astral Cookie and the Wondertart
- Battled against the Cups and Ms Chalice
- Captures either Cuphead, Mugman or Ms Chalice
- Tricked the Cups and Ms Chalice into getting him the Wondertart Ingredients
- Completed his Community Service and rebuilt his bakery
- Forcibly weaponized the Desert Limes, Distillery Dough, Icy Sugar Cubes and Gnome Berries
Boomstick: Saltbaker may be a chef, but he's pretty much on par with the Devil in terms of sheer threat and intensity, if not more so from a gameplay standpoint. And the Brothers and Ms Chalice have fought some already pretty powerful peeps even before the formers came to the fourth Inkwell Island.
Wiz: When in their biplanes, which are pretty comparable to themselves normally, they can become A-bombs for a special attack and battle against those who can summon stylized stars. Such as Hilde Burg, who creates small-scale constellations in order to summon allies in combat.
Boomstick: And then there's Wally Warble's son, who fires a proton beam which are theoretical light-speed projectiles. And if the Brothers or Chalice aren't careful, they'll find what little hit boxes they have whittled away to nothing but Saltbaker, who takes a hell of a lot of punishment during their fight, including their varying shots, some of which weather like tornados or lightning by the way, his own pepper shakers being sent smashing into his face, his whole body cracking apart and even his heart taking direct damage.
Wiz: Even after all that, Saltbaker appeared to perfectly recover from the damage, although the price for his greed was steep, with his bakery collapsing from the battle and him hauled off in court.
Boomstick: In front of an adorable owl dressed as a judge, Saltbaker was given the ultimate penalty of community service, working to rebuild what he'd had his unwitting pawns destroy. He got his hands dirty fixing aircraft engines, hauling barrels of what I want to say isn't bootleg booze and cleaning the teeth of a whale. And as he did, he appeared to start feeling pretty good doing, well, good.
Wiz: Like any good chef should, and a good chef is what Saltbaker returned to the world of cooking as, rebuilding his bakery and dedicating himself to good food for the sake of hungry customers. Whether they be amazing appetizers or a delicious last course.
Chef Pepper Jack[]
Wiz: Each Skylander addition has had their fair share of battles, with foes both personal and professional, and that rings especially true for the Trap Masters, for their single-greatest adversaries are the Doom Raiders, essentially serving as a Legion of Doom of sorts.
Boomstick: They were made of some of the nastiest villains around. There was a sea beast with an endless appetite, a rock-and-roll werewolf, their leader, a queen made of and lusting after solid gold and even Kaos himself has a shaky membership within.
Wiz: As per the rules of Skylands, each Doom Raider reflected one of the eight Elements, and the one which reflected the element of Fire was an individual adept with working in a hot location. In his case, a kitchen.
Boomstick: Yep, this guy, who filled in a role of the most ruthless villains around was a chef.
- Background
- Height: Est. 8'
- Element: Fire
- Greatest chef in Skylands
- Member of the Doom Raiders
- References Master Chef
Wiz: Chef Pepper Jack wasn't any ordinary chef, but in the fact the best chef in all the infinite floating islands of Skylands, renown for his culinary skill. All until he discovered the recipes for evil foods.
Boomstick: Wait, so does that mean they're food with an askew moral compass, contain evil within them, or are used for evil?
Wiz: Probably the third one, because it was after discovering them that Pepper Jack got the idea to threaten entire towns into giving up their valuables with the threat of blowing them to kitchen come.
Boomstick: Boom! And so Pepper Jack turned his thriving restaurant into a thriving criminal empire, broadcasting his threats and sending out his edible bombs from his Chef Zeppelin.
Wiz: Soon, he had attracted the attention of the Golden Queen and invited to the Doom Raiders, putting his resources to wider use for the cause of evil, especially when he was liberated from Cloudcracker Prison.
Boomstick: Soon afterwards, especially after stealing from the Phoenix Psanctuary to create a spicy bomb out of a Phoenix Egg, the Trap Masters went after him, and he was all too happy to remind them that in spite of being a chef, he was still a Doom Raider and a foe not to be trifled with. Now THAT'S how you make a cooking joke, Wiz!
- Arsenal
- Explosive Peppers
- Colander
- Cauldron
- Giant Egg Beaters
- Fire Breath
- Atomic Omelettes of Doom
- Toaster Bomber
- Pepper Missile
- After Burners
Wiz: As befitting a food-themed fighter, Pepper Jack's entire arsenal is culinary based. For his main method of attack, he can throw out explosive peppers. For his secondary, he can charge forwards with his massive egg beaters, to grind up any foe in his path. And for his third, thanks to his incredibly spicy diet of mainly his own aforementioned explosive peppers, he can breath fire.
Boomstick: And according to Battlecast, the more heat there is, the more powerful his attacks get, like when he flings out his explosive peppers from a colander or cooks up a fire spell in a massive cauldron.
Wiz: His backstory has also stated that the dish he wanted to make with a Phoenix Egg, an Atomic Omelette of Doom, has been made by him before, implying he has been able to use these rare eggs for the creation of these unique bombs, which are said to be powerful enough to destroy entire towns.
Boomstick: And when it's not him bombing something, it's his own personal aircraft. Not the Chef Zeppelin, I'm talking about the Toaster Bomber, which is kind of a parallel to the SuperCharger vehicles. You know, the ones which carry a universe-busting Rift Engine? Taking to the skies, he can shoot out pepper missiles or burn any chasers with his After Burners.
Wiz: Whilst it can only be used for racing events in the game, it's still capable of delivering an offensive effort because of these means of attack.
Boomstick: Obviously, considering it, like 80% of Jack's other arsenal, is fire and spice themed. Reminds me of my grandma's cooking. One drop of her Ghost Pepper Stew and your tongue will evaporate on the spot. I always take mine with a little bit of hot sauce. You know, for the kick.
Wiz: Dude, your bowels must be a wreck.
Boomstick: Yep. It all comes out as hot as it goes in! Pepper Jack could learn a thing or two from Grandmama Boomstick.
- Feats
- Eats his own peppers without any ill effects
- Creates atomic bomb omelettes to blow up towns
- Stands on top of giant oven panels
- Survived the explosion of Cloudcracker Prison
- Battled the Trap Masters and other Skylanders
- Navigated through a maze searching for cheese
- Stole from several towns, the Chicken Phoenix and an Evil Stone Head
Wiz: Pepper Jack has been able to survive the destruction of Cloudcracker Prison itself, which is made entirely of the hardest Skylands substance Traptanium, when it was blown up with an Infinite Tuning Force, which was the same explosion to send the Trap Masters to Earth in the form of toys.
Boomstick: Whilst the Doom Raiders didn't share the same fate as those Skylanders, they all do end up getting something similar, Pepper Jack included. When his plan to create a new Atomic Omelette was foiled and him defeated, he got sucked up into a Fire Trap, enabling the heroic new Portal Master to use him as an additional tool in their missions.
Wiz: Whilst Pepper Jack can only stay out for so long like this, he's capable of picking up the slack for whatever Skylander he's swapped out for. The Trap Master Thunderbolt alone is able to wield a weather-changing sword and even Core Skylanders like Camo can attack with small suns or generate black holes, like Blackout or Deja Vu.
Boomstick: And because he has his own vehicle, he can scale to SuperCharger speed, cause by comparing running speed to a race car's speed, they should be clocking in at 14 times the speed of light, since they can attack with light-based means.
Wiz: And like any trappable villain, Chef Pepper Jack has his own Villain Quest to complete, which gives him an alternate costume and boost in power. In his case, he had to put his ingredient pilfering skills to good use by navigating a maze, whilst being chased by a hostile Stone Head, to collect cheese for a distressed citizen.
Boomstick: A chef's skills are better put to use protecting ways of culinary culture rather than perverting them after all. Too bad it doesn't seem to fully stick in the comics but when you're literally defined by sheer spiciness, then there's not a lot you can do to keep yourself under control.
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all!
Boomstick: It's time for a Death Cook-Off!
The Battle[]
Setting: Cooking Competiton Kitchen
Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen, audiences here or elsewhere, welcome to what is surely to become a staple of the Versus Community; a Death Cook-Off! On one side, we have the serious spicy sous-superior, all the way from Skylands: Chef Pepper Jack! And in the other, we have the dehydrating demigod, the furious flavourer, visiting from Inkwell Isles: Chef Saltbaker!
At their respective cooking stations, the two chefs waved at the audience as they cheered, in the process shooting each other a dirty look.
Ringmaster: Both our contestants have the option to make whatever dish they want for our judges, and the option to try sabotaging the other. Sportsmanlike? Not really. Entertaining? Hell yes! Cooks, take your marks...get set...COOK!
The two chefs immediately got busy, Pepper Jack getting a big pot of water to start boiling and Saltbaker getting out a massive frying pan, and then they both got out chopping boards to start slicing up ingredients. As he started, Saltbaker looked out the corner of his eye at Pepper Jack and smirked, bringing out the Gnome Berries and sending them shooting towards Pepper Jack as projectiles with a squeeze on their crate. The rival chef turned in time to see them coming at him and he braced himself as they bombarded him. He snarled after the assault had subsided, before flinging out several explosive peppers, which landed around Saltbaker and exploded, sending him stumbling backwards. Upon regaining his balance, Saltbaker threw up Desert Limes in front of himself, slicing them up midair to send them as curving projectiles towards Pepper Jack, who ducked and weaved around them. He grabbed a wok to knock aside several of them before using it to scoop up a bunch of peppers and toss them at Saltbaker. They clouded the space right in front of Saltbaker, and he covered his face before they all exploded, obscuring him with a fireball. Out of the resulting smoke cloud charged animal-shaped cookies made from the Distillery Dough, which trampled over the surprised Pepper Jack before he could react. The last one even jumped strongly off his belly, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to turn over in pain, holding his gut. With a manic smirk, Saltbaker advanced on him, his knife at the ready.
However, when he grabbed Pepper Jack's head and brought the knife to his neck, his opponent's eyes snapped open and he unleashed a wave of fire from his mouth, forcing Saltbaker backwards with a blackened face.
Pepper Jack: Sorry bud, but the only chops I like are lamb!
He rose back to his feet and belched out another wave of fire, which washed over Saltbaker and forced him backwards. He was able to reach out however and turn a dial on his own shove, causing a flame to spring up around his saucepan. From the flame emerged a sentient, walking one, which jumped towards Pepper Jack and struck him in the chest, cutting off his fire breath and setting his shirt on fire. The Doom Raider hooted in alarm but was able to, with his fire elementalism, yank it off himself and shove a pepper into it, tossing both into the air to explode. The cooked pepper pieces that rained down were caught in Pepper Jack's massive pan of steadily boiling water, whilst Saltbaker got to tenderizing the meat he would be cooking. In the process, he smashed up the Icy Sugar Cube into composite pieces and sent them at Pepper Jack, who caramelized them with his fire breath and caught them in a bowl.
Pepper Jack: These will make do for dessert!
Saltbaker: I may need something else to blow the judges away.
Ringmaster: In that case, don't be afraid to take what you need from the stocking area!
A light came on to illuminate a table on which sat baskets of different ingredients. The rival chefs immediately bolted for it, throwing explosive peppers and Gnome Berries at each other. The latter projectiles slowed Pepper Jack down as they hit him, but he powered through and closed the distance with his Egg Whisk Charge. Saltbaker, who was just reaching out for a basket of cheeses, was forced backwards, Pepper Jack taking it for himself as he laughed.  He stopped however when a Pepper Shaker appeared in front of him and sneezed out a projectile, forcing him to make a hard left to avoid it. Saltbaker laughed and snapped his fingers a second time, summoning a quartet of Pepper Shakers which hovered in the air at irregular intervals and spat shots at Pepper Jack, who was still carrying forwards with his Egg Whisk charge. In order to avoid the projectiles, Pepper Jack had to wind his around both their workstations, including past their stoves, but was eventually nailed in the back by all four of them at once and sprawled forwards.
Saltbaker laughed.
Saltbaker: You're finding yourself laid out for chopping quite a bit pal, for someone who says they hate chops.
Pepper Jack: Well, that's only because I prefer to cook rather than chop. Speaking of...
Flames suddenly ignited out of the stoves he had passed during his run, as he had turned them on whilst doing so. Saltbaker shielded his eyes as the heat fuelled into Pepper Jack and he smirked. He pulled out a massive cauldron practically out of nowhere, which was boiled to extreme heat, and he spun around to slash the brew all around himself. They splashed onto the Pepper Shakers and Saltbaker, completely breaking the former and causing cracks to spread along the latter from the damage. Saltbaker smashed back against the workstation's front and he slammed his fist down on it in frustration, before pulling out a mushroom. He popped it into himself and he soon immediately grew to a massive size. Pepper Jack's mouth fell open in shock as his enlarged foe loomed over him, before he was smacked to the side by his massive hand, letting Saltbaker scoop up the entire table of additional ingredients. He worked his fingers on it, mixing and combining it all for his dish as Pepper Jack pulled himself from the crater.
Pepper Jack: If you're going to get greedy, I'm just going to have to pop to the shops!
He leapt behind his counter and a minute later flew out from behind it with his Toaster Bomber. Saltbaker noticed and he snarled as he reached out a hand to grab him but what he grabbed was not Pepper Jack's vehicle but instead an Atomic Omelette, which promptly exploded and shattered his hand. Salt poured out from the stub as cracks spready across his entire body and he collapsed into salt as Pepper Jack smashed out of the studio where the cooking show was taking place, heading to the nearby town. But as he laughed, Pepper Jack was surprised when a storm of salt burst out of the studio, bearing the head and face of Saltbaker before it flowed towards him. The Toaster Bomber maneuvered and rolled to avoid limbs of salt as they shot at it and dived downwards to avoid being caught between two giant hands. As he dove, he made a beeline for several shops before sharply turning forwards to smash through them one-by-one, collecting ingredients as he went until the back of his vehicle was full to bursting. He still had to worry about Saltbaker's antics however, especially when a dancing statue of salt, made of two figures, started bouncing after him. Pepper Jack would have been crushed had he not darted to the side each time and on the statue's third attempted stomp, drew behind it to bombard it with peppers from his cannons. It was quickly reduced to nothingness and immediately afterwards, Pepper Jack used the Afterburners to get ahead of and turn the salt tendrils reaching towards his back. Next, he shot straight into the sky before dive bombing back down
Pepper Jack: Open wide!
Using both forwards and backwards means of attack to burn his way through the salt-storm of Saltbaker and back into the studio. He crashed into the ground and leapt from the Toaster Bomber to get back to work putting the ingredients he had just procured in his massive pan. Around him, pillars of salt bearing Saltbaker's face closed in towards him, cutting off any chance of escape. The faces smiled evilly as small salty hands worked at his station to get his own entre completed.
Saltbaker: Since my own dish is nearly complete, I'll just need one thing from you...
However, Pepper Jack was instead calm as he used a spoon to sample his brothy dish.
Pepper Jack: Hmm...looks like it needs just a little pinch...
He whipped out his Egg Beater-
Pepper Jack: Of SALT!
-and started to work it at tremendous speeds before sticking it into one of the salt pillars. With the intensity of its movements, all the hostile salt soon found itself draw into a singular point contained by the spinning whisks. Soon, the tremendous entirety of the salt had been contained, with the last to go coming from the pink floating heart of Saltbaker, which screamed and attempted to escape as its salt was taken, leaving it to go lifeless and smash to the ground. With all the salt stored in his still-whirring beaters, Pepper Jack slammed it into his boiling pot, the screams of Saltbaker going silent slowly as his salty-self dissolved in the hot liquid, until he had bubbled away to nothingness.
With his competitor slain and his dish finished, Pepper Jack served it up in a big bowl for Ringmaster.
Pepper Jack: Bon Appetit!
Ringmaster took a big spoonful of it, and promptly tipped backwards and screamed at its sheer spiciness.
Ringmaster: Outstanding!
Behind the victoriously standing Pepper Jack, Saltbaker's dish caught fire as it was left cooking on the stove.
Boomstick: Let's hope Gordon Ramsay doesn't feel the need to chew either one of them out.
Wiz: Surprisingly, this battle had the ingredients (yes that was a pun Boomstick so don't both trying to stop me) to actually be a very even matchup, since both combatants could scale to, or sometimes outright demonstrates, feats of similar level.
Boomstick: For example, we could scale Saltbaker to the Airplane Super attack Cuphead uses, where he turns into an atomic bomb, whilst Chef Pepper Jack outright creates Atomic Omelettes.
Wiz: Which are clear stand-ins for nuclear bombs. And taking it further, Saltbaker can be scaled to Hilda Berg, who generate small stars for a constellation, presuming it's not simply for show or is otherwise incomparable. Even then, Pepper Jack fights Skylanders like Smolderdash, Camo or Ember, who can weaponize small exploding suns in combat. And when it comes to speed, both the Cups and Skylanders can react to theoretical light-speed attack methods.
Boomstick: Basically, it appeared that for one level of possible power one possessed, the other had it to in another, making this pretty close.
Wiz: Which means the Devil's in the Details for this battle's outcome, and fortunately, we found them. Let's take a look at the respective battles between the two of them. In Saltbaker's, he is demonstrated to be acquiring cracks which eventually cause him to fall apart completely, leaving him to rely on fragile salt statues for combat and exposing his weak point, which is of course his heart. In comparison, when the Skylanders fought Pepper Jack, whilst he did take a large amount of damage, his performance was not hampered in any way. The only reason the fighting evolved was because he decided to use different tactics.
Boomstick: In other words, Saltbaker takes mounting damage during his fight against individuals who are at least his equal if not slightly below him to reflect the difficulty of the game, whilst Pepper Jack fights foes who are his equal, if not have an extra advantage by being anti-villain Trap Masters, and he doesn't slow down at all until the last bit of health is gone.
Wiz: And yes, the cracking started before Saltbaker went giant. Even though the Pepper Shakers at that point where needed to directly harm him, there's no reason it could be universally applicable, and even then, it's not like Pepper Jack wouldn't attack them at some point, realize they could be turned on their master and stick to that strategy, especially since he has an eye for certain things and again, will switch up strategies when the time is needed.
Boomstick: That reminds me, that Pepper Jack is almost certainly more versed in the field. Sure, Saltbaker initiated a fight to get the last Wondertart ingredient, but for the other five he had his unwitting prawns, I mean pawns, do the dirty work for him. Sorry, kind of hungry. Whilst Pepper Jack commands a whole ship full of minions, he's also capable of doing missions by his lonesome, like his Villain Quest or as extra muscle for a Skylander.
Wiz: And without any real water-based elemental attacks to work against Pepper Jack's fire affinity, Saltbaker couldn't pass the gap in power as reliably as Pepper Jack could. But let's discuss what everyone wants to know; if the Wondertart would be viable as an option for the offensive.  As it turns out, not likely. You see, in his fight proper, whilst Saltbaker does use the ingredients of the Tart to attack, he doesn't appear to be preparing it at the same time, even with a Soul trapped in a jar and ready. This implies he cannot fight and cook at the same time.
Boomstick: Plus, the soul he captured was one that was pre-disembodied, so whilst he may have tools to catch one, he couldn't have just yanked out Pepper Jack's soul for an instant win. Whilst he might be able to find one, considering the worlds he and Pepper Jack live in have ghostly citizens, that would be rather specific and scenario-based. And this is even if the Wondertart did give him power over a whole alternate universe. And guess what, Pepper Jack's Toaster Bomber can scale to SuperCharger vehicles due to racing against and damaging them, which themselves contain universe-busting engines.
Wiz: This was one of the most unique battles we've ever done and certainly capable of being one of the closest, but the key factor of Pepper Jack's experience was the subtle vital edge he needed to win.
Boomstick: As subtle as a pinch of Salt for Baking, although we both know Jack about Pepper.
Wiz: The winner is Chef Pepper Jack.
Next Time[]
Animator VS Animation
- Connections: Both are renown master chefs from fantasy lands who turned to villainy due to the discovery of certain fantastical recipes; the Wondertart ingrediants and the recipes for "evil" dishes respectively. Both themselves have certain foods for heads, which serve as the basis for their names, and both use kitchen utensils and food for combat. Both have sought out fantastical ingredients for their own means (Wondertart ingrediants and Phoenix eggs respectively) and have been involved in the creations of power-granting items (the Wondertart and Ultimate Weapon respectively). Both have later redeem themselves in some way (Saltbaker performed community service for the people he had Cuphead, Mugman and Ms Chalice attack, whilst Pepper Jack is captured by the Trap Masters and made to help them in combat). Ironically, parts of their names are complimenting seasonings ("salt" and "pepper").
- Animation Style: Hand-drawn.
- OST Idea: "Recipe for Salted Peppers", based on their occupations as chefs whilst combining their food themes.