Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Charmcaster vs Maleficent 2


They are both two villainesses of black and purple-clad outfits, members of an organization bent on conquer and darkness, and masters of the magical arts. In their old design they were evil and heartless, but in the newer design, they had a different perspective and were not as evil as they used too. This is the Tenth episode of the Eighth season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.


·Wiz: Witches are known throughout history as some of the most vile and spiteful creatures of all.

·Boomstick: But regardless of whether they hail from medieval times or the 21st century, they magic wielding ladies are rotten to their very core.

Maleficent analysis

·Wiz: Like Maleficent, Disney's Mistress of all things Evil.

Charmcaster analysis

·Boomstick: and Charmcaster, Ben 10’s powerful yet spoiled sorceress adversary. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

·Wiz: and it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill, to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE.

Charmcaster places a curse Death Battle[]

Charmcaster Render


o   Wiz: The art of magic is a perplexing thing. Only those with the right knowledge, talent, and willpower can truly claim to be the most powerful magic users of all. Just imagine if all that power were to fall into the wrong hands. Imagine if it fell into the hands of a single mortal woman, who intended to use said power for evil. Imagine the danger we're all in if you piss her off.

o   Boomstick: We don't have to, because her name is the wicked and egotistical mistress of magic herself, Charmcaster.

Charmcaster AI Art

Behold Charmcaster

o   Wiz: But before she was one of the greatest enemies of Ben 10, she was a resident of the magical dimension of Legerdomain under the name Hope. Too bad, the young sorceress to be was forced to flee from her home alongside her uncle Hex when her father Spellbinder declared war with the evil demon lord Addwaitya, the corrupted ruler of Legerdomain.

o   Boomstick: I find it kinda ironic that an egotistical brattish witch had a name as cute as Hope. Growing up, all Charmy ever wanted was to become a great and powerful sorceress just like her dad. What better to prove your the best at what you do than gaining all the power and stick it to the man?! The man being a big scary fire turtle over there. Too bad he was kinda dead at the time.

o   Wiz: Unwilling to give up on desired destiny, Charmcaster busted Hex out of prison and assisted with evil schemes of world domination, hoping to learn the art magic from him and strengthen her own magical abilities

o   Boomstick: But the family reunion didn’t last long, because during their first family heist to steal the Lost Keystone of Bezel, it’s a magic name don’t question it, she decided to backstab her dear old uncle and take the power for herself. Luckily they were both stopped by the Tennyson Family, and Hex kicked Charmcaster to the crib, no longer willing to look after her since she clearly could not be trusted.

Hex and Charmcaster 2

Uncle and Niece

o   Wiz: But not even this betrayal from her only family would stop her, for Charmcaster now had two ultimate goals she sought to complete: become the most powerful sorcerer in the world and seek revenge on Ben Tennyson and his family for ruining her schemes.

o   Boomstick: And to think her parents named her Hope, thinking it would inspire her to have faith and do good deeds with her magic. But she shown that she is anything but hopeful, preferring to take hope away from other than give it to them.

o   Wiz: As the years went by, Charmcaster’s magical abilities and deviousness grew to the size of her overinflated ego. She even became more powerful than that of her uncle Hex himself, who decided to retire from the supervillain lifestyle and become a college professor.

o   Boomstick: At least Hex learned that being a supervillain was Sooo 1987 and chose a better line of work as college professor in the mystic arts. Too Bad Charmcaster didn’t learn that lesson, and became an even bigger threat to the Tennysons than Hex ever did.

Rojo and Charmcaster

Rojo and Charmcaster

o   Wiz: Just like her uncle, Charmcaster is highly skilled in various magical and mystical spells and became a fully fledge sorceress when she was in her 20s.

o   Boomstick: She doesn’t need no stinkin’ black hat or broom to prove she is the most wicked witch around. She’s got plenty of nifty spells and artifacts to give all the Witches of Oz, good and bad, a run for their money.

o   Wiz: She accomplishes this by manipulating Mana, the mystical life energy found in all living beings, to project beams of energy from her hands in the form of a wave of light or single charge beam. She can also harden her mana to create physical constructs like bubbles, cages, shields, and chains that are almost impossible to break.

o   Boomstick: And after her uncle got turned into a baby, don’t worry he didn’t stay that way forever, Charmcaster gained access to Hex’s library filled with numerous different spell books to help her harness her magical abilities to their fullest potential.

o   Wiz: She’s learned so many charms, jinxes, enchantments, conjurations, hexes, and incantations that it would be impossible to list them all now, but she certainly has her favorites.

Charmcaster soul taking

Soul Taking

Charmcaster Magic Blast

Mana Blast

o   Boomstick: Her most iconic incantation is conjuring and controlling armies of sentient Rock Monsters brought to life from the many totems she carries around in her bag.

o   Wiz: And should they evidently be defeated and crumble into rubles, she can always use her magic to bring that back together or surround herself with their remains to form a Rock Monster armor to protect herself with.

o   Boomstick: Even from beyond their baggy grave, those little buggers are still serving their mistress with their undying loyalty. Why can’t I have a magic bag with a portable army?

o   Wiz: Speaking of which that magical bag of hers acts as a portal pocket dimension, allowing her to carry and summon a wide variety of items within it that logically should not fit.

o   Boomstick: This bag’s got everything a wicked witch could ever want or need. It's got magical mana explosives ranging from a firecracker to ticking time bomb, metal rings to ensnare her foes, a variety of clay animals which she can enlarge and animate to do her bidding, her own magic staff, and even flowers. Honestly I don’t see the purpose of those for someone as cruel as Charmcaster.

Charmcaster's Staff


Charmcaster's Rock Minion

Rock Minion

o   Wiz: It helps that she knows a spell to make them turn into saw blades. And that’s just the tip of her magical iceberg. Charmcaster can also levitate, use telekinesis, teleport wherever she wants, open portals to spy on others, manipulate the elements, summon blast for fire, and transform herself into a freaking dragon.

o   Boomstick: She can alter her own appearance to make her appear as anyone she wants. This trick came in handy when she disguised herself as a smoking hot blonde to seduce a lonely Kevin. The minute those two locked lips, she brainwashed him with her hypnosis powerts, making him her personal boy toy similar to Poison Ivy. Note to self: never trust a blonde.

o   Wiz: This use of hypnosis goes to show just how cunning and ruthless of a villain Charmcaster really is. But honestly, that sounds more like a problem for anyone's who's stupid enough to get in her way.

o   Boomstick: But if she doesn’t feel like turning you into her personal slave, she can always just zap your ass and turn you into one of her totems to add to her ever growing collection.

o   Wiz: Though paralyzed and rendered immobile, her totem victims have the ability to telepathically communicate with her from her bag, even if she sounds a little weird talking to her magic bag at random times.

Gwen vs Charmcaster

Gwen vs Charmcaster

o   Boomstick: Yikes. Well, creepy talking out loud habits aside, it's clear that Charmcaster has plenty of spells and artifacts to help her take over the world. Too bad he was always stopped by Team Tennyson.

o   Wiz: And their resident magic expert Gwen Tennyson, also known as Lucky Girl.

o   Boomstick: To put it lightly, Charmy ABSO-frickin' hates her! Can’t blame her though. After all, Gwen did steal her spell book and mastered the art of magic way faster than she ever did.

o   Wiz: It’s no wonder that she was oftentimes referred to as Gwen’s arch-enemy, just like Kevin used to be Ben’s arch-enemy.

o   Boomstick: “Used to be”, as in past tense. Ben and Kevin have had plenty of time and reasons to put their differences aside and become the friends they were always meant to be.

Charmcaster's Dragon Form

Dragon Form

o   Wiz: But unlike her cousin, with Gwen’s sense of justice, maturity, and compassion, compared with Charmcaster’s brattiness, power hungry obsession, and self-centered ego, it’s highly unlikely that these two will ever be friends.

o   Boomstick: Regardless, Charmcaster has pulled off a lot of insane feats that even her uncle Hex would be both impressed and jealous of.

o   Wiz: She’s swapped bodies with Gwen when they were just kids, took over the world alongside Hex when Gwen altered the timeline, tricked Kevin into stealing Gwen’s spell book, took over the magical dimension of Legerdomain after overthrowing Addwaitya, battled Gwen to a stand still in several magic duels, and even helped form a group known as the Negative 10, consisting of some of Ben’s greatest enemies.

o   Boomstick: She’s even absorbed the magic of others and used it for her own either to empower her own magic or shoot it right back at them with deadly force. She sure knows how to put the vi in violence.

o   Wiz: But despite her past misdeeds and hatred towards Gwen, it was later revealed that the real reason Charmcaster wanted to be the greatest sorceress in the world was only so that she could return to Legerdomain and defeat Addwaitya for killing her father, Spellbinder.

Charmcaster's Bag

Magic Talking Bag

Charmcaster Rock Armor

Rock Armor

o   Boomstick: And most of that hatred for Gwen was mainly out of jealousy, since she studied magic her whole life but found it difficult to master, while Gwen just learned it out of nowhere and was able to out class her in every way.

o   Wiz: After hearing her side of the story for once, Ben, Kevin, and especially Gwen were willing to put their rivalry aside for one day to help Charmcaster defeat Addwaitya.

o   Boomstick: She did the first selfless good deed in her entire life by putting her life in jeopardy to hold off Addwaitya forces and buy the gang enough time to escape the magical dimension before it was too late, leaving herself behind in Legerdomain.

o   Wiz: Just goes to show everyone that despite their neverending rivalry, Gwen and Charmcaster have been willing to put their differences aside to save themselves and the universe from total destruction.

o   Boomstick: Even with all the evil deeds she has done and her self-centered personality, Gwen still believed that maybe in another time or maybe even another universe, there could have been the possibility that she and Charmcaster could have been friends.

Gwen and Charmcaster Teaming up

Combining Magic

o   Wiz: But right now, the likelihood of Charmcaster burying the hatchet between them seems slim to none, and maybe it's for the best.

o   Boomstick: It’s definitely for the best, because the moment she defeated that flame headed turtle monster, Charmcaster took over the magical dimension and became completely corrupted with power, going right back to her evil ways like nothing had ever happened.

o   Wiz: She even created a device capable of draining the souls out of living things, planning to drain the life force of her entire world in order to perform a ritual to fulfil her deepest desire. And no it wasn’t world domination, ultimate power, or revenge against Gwen if you might guest. In reality, Charmcaster created this device to fulfill her lifelong dream of bringing her father back to life.

o   Boomstick: For the first time in ages, Charmcaster’s face was filled with Joy to finally be reunited with Spellbinder. I’d feel the same if my dad ever came back. Unfortunately, Spellbinder’s face was filled with horror after he found out the depths his own daughter had gone to in order to bring him back from the dead. Definitely the worst father’s day present ever.

Charmcaster's bitter reunion with her dad

Finally Goodbye

o   Wiz: Needing to undo the damage his daughter had caused, he sacrificed himself in order to reverse the ritual and bring back all the souls he had taken to power the machine, but not before telling Charmcaster that he loved her before fading away.

o   Boomstick: Man that’s gotta hurt, both physically and emotionally, and believe me I would know.

o   Wiz: With nothing else to live for and blaming Gwen and her friends for ruining everything, Charmcaster went right back to her evil ways, stronger and more determined than ever.

o   Boomstick: With so much magic at her disposal, it's a wonder Charmcaster ever loses. Though, for all his achievements, Charmcaster does have one insurmountable weakness: her arrogance.

o   Wiz: Classic villain weakness, she is always claiming her victories before she has actually won due to her bratty nature, allowing any hero, whether it be Ben or Gwen, to get the jump on her, making her realize too late that she’s in trouble. And like all magic, she needs to say the spell for it to work most of the time and her magic can always be reversed or countered by another being's magic.

Darkstar and Charmcaster Together

Potential Boyfriend?

o   Boomstick: And it's that same cocky attitude that let her get duped by the energy stealing pretty boy and Gwen’s ex-lover, Michael Morningstar. That was kinda sad though, because for once Charmcaster felt like she actually found someone just like her and she really did have feelings for him.

o   Wiz: Even when Gwen tried to tell Charmcaster that Michael wasn't actually in love with her and only wanted to steal her magic energy from her, Charmcaster refused to listen. Thankfully she figured it out in the end, after he inadvertently mentioned that he wanted Gwen as his trophy wife once he ruled the world.

o   Boomstick: If that didn’t piss her off enough, he even forgot her name. Boy, this guy's in trouble now.

AI Charmcaster on her Throne

Throne Fit for a Queen

o   Wiz: Though she may get her ass handed to her multiple times, her desire to become the greatest and determination to get back at Gwen are the driving forces that have helped Charmcaster keep up the fight.

o   Boomstick: Hey, she was able to take over an entire magical dimension on her own, and believe me when I say, you do not wanna be on this sorceress’s bad side.

o   Charmcaster: Well, well, my pets, Gwen Tennyson has a boyfriend. But he's not happy. Hmm. Perhaps sending you to destroy was too simple a revenge. After all she stole my spell book, the least I can do is steal something important to her...

Maleficent is too evil for even Death Battle to handle[]

Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty


o   Wiz: Throughout Disney history, there have been numerous villains that have ravaged villages, killed innocents, and plagued the lives of their rival heroes. No childhood tale is complete with one.

o   Boomstick: What kinda villain are you referring to Wiz, because there are a lot of them. We’ve the egotistical brute Gaston, the treacherous sorcerer Jafar, the four-legged uprising king Scar, and the laugh out loud god of death Hades.

o   Wiz: That would be the villain, or should I say villainess, that is considered one of the most wicked and deadliest evil doers in all of Disney cinema. The Mistress of Evil herself, Maleficent.

Maleficent Wallpaper

Mistress of Evil

o   Boomstick: Ever since she appeared in a puff of green flames in 1959, this dastardly sorceress has been sending shivers down the spines of millions of Disney fans young and old. But before she became the she-devil of Disney, she was an innocent little fairy who lived a peaceful life in an enchanted valley known as the Moors, filled with walking trees and Frog people. So this is where Disney poured all its imaginary creatures from.

o   Wiz: Over the years a neighboring human  kingdom was built next to the Moors, and the two species came in contact with each other more and more. While some Good fairies welcomed their new neighbors warmly, Maleficent always had a disliking towards mankind due to the way they treated each other and mother nature.

o   Boomstick: But her perspectives on humans changed when she met a village boy named Stefan, and as the two grew up, they began to fall in love with each other. Ahh true love, it always does the trick.

o   Wiz: But like all childhood crushes, they soon drifted apart as they became adults. For Stefan, he got a job working in the kingdom as a palace servant, hoping to work his way up a higher standard than the farmer boy pay role.

Young Stefan and Maleficent

Young Stefan and Maleficent.

o   Boomstick: While Maleficent got a job as the protector of the Moors. I wonder how the interview went for her? Since she was the strongest and fiercest of the fairies, and with the king’s army attempting to take over her land, it’s no wonder she got hired on the spot to become the defender of the Moors. Not matter what the king’s army threw at her, Maleficent could always beat them back with a flap of her wings and wave of her hands.

o   Wiz: With his time running out, his armies wasted, and no heir to take his throne when he was gone, the king offered a reward to all the men of the kingdom: should anyone slay Maleficent, they would be allowed to marry his daughter and become king.

o   Boomstick: So hundreds of men, from the wealthy to the poor, charged towards to confront Maleficent and take her life in order to become the next king. Too bad for them, they either came back on crutches, in caskets, or stricken with fear from just the mere sight of her. And I don’t blame’em.

o   Wiz: But Stefan was smarter, and he knew he had to use his brains instead of brawn to get close to Maleficent. So he used his past romance with her to allow Maleficent to lower her defenses and let him into the Moors. But that’s when he came at a crossroad. Though he wanted to gain all the power of the kingdom, he could not bring himself to harm the only friend he had, for he still loved Maleficent too much to take her life.

Maleficent Dragon Transformation

Dragon Transformation

Philip vs Maleficent

Philip vs Maleficent

o   Boomstick: But that love soon turned to betrayal when Stefan, unable to resist the temptation of power, like with me when I'm tempted to have another beer, stole her wings and presented them to the old king, claiming to have killed her and took over the kingdom. Wow, and I thought Han’s betraying Anna in Frozen was hurtful, this was way worse. Unfortunately for Stefan, it wasn’t a helpless little girl he had pissed off, it was a goddam she-devil.

o   Wiz: With the painful loss of her wings and the hurtful betrayal of the person she loved fueling her mind and heart, Maleficent became filled with rage and vengeance. So she and her pet raven Diablo swore to make all of humanity pay for their crimes by becoming the evilest magical being in the land. And her first stop was on her old lover Stefan’s daughter Aurora’s birthday. Sure the Princess would indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. But before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and go into a sleep like death. Only to awake by awaken by true loves kiss.

o   Boomstick: This one small act of cruelly would shake the Moors and the kingdom to its core. And it didn’t stop at THAT kingdome either. Since her first introduction in 1959’s Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent's evil deeds began to spread through the Disney Multiverse. From Mal’s wicked mother in the world of Descendants to Xehanort's right hand woman in Kingdom Hearts.

o   Wiz: In the Once Upon a Time universe, she, alongside fellow villainesses Cruella De Vil and Ursula, teamed up with each other to become the Queens of Darkness, a team consisting of the most powerful Disney villains with one goal in mind: obtain a Happy Ending just like their hero rivals.

The Queens of Darkness

Queens of Darkness

o   Boomstick: Maleficent and her band of devilish divas had been living in the shadows and watching the heroes receive the happiness they never got, and to tell you the truth they were sick of it. And they didn’t care how many lives they had to take or kingdoms they needed to conquer in order to get it.

o   Wiz: Sure there have been other villains just as cold hearted and devious as herself, but Maleficent has forever remained undefeated as Disney’s Top villain. As a matter of fact, in a survey done in 2004, when a group of internet randos got together to launch a vote to determine Disney’s greatest villain just in time for Halloween, Maleficent overthrew all 30 of the chosen villains.

o   Boomstick: Maleficent is the closest thing to the Goddess of Hell in the entire Disney Universe. Oh shut up Hela from MCU. Everyone knows it and they're scared shitless of her! I mean, just look at the girl!

o   Wiz: Maleficent is one of the most powerful villains in Disney history, and has amassed a veritable knowledge of spells, potions, and abilities. For she is literally evil incarnate. Unlike the regular fairies of the Moors, Maleficent is known as a Dark Feys, a powerful species of dark fairies that wasn't to near extinction by humans. In her own words, her powers are described as that of “all the power of hell”.

Maleficent arrival

Making an entrance

o   Boomstick: It’s no wonder Hades had the hots for her, and boy did they make one good looking kid.

o   Wiz: What'd you say?

o   Boomstick: Ugh, never mind, let's move on. Most of Maleficent's magic is pretty basic overall, but nothing about Maleficent is basic or ordinary for that matter.

o   Wiz: With her iconic Staff, she can teleport herself from one place to another, shoot bolts of electricity or green balls of fire, summon thunder and ice storms out of thin air, and can see into the future using the orb in her staff.

o   Boomstick: Her staff can also summon energy barriers to block enemy attacks or absorb any magical attacks, then toss it back to sender. Is there anything this thing can’t do?

o   Wiz: Make an omelet and blend a smoothie, maybe? But who needs any of that when you can annihilate an entire army with a small of her fingers.

KH Maleficent and Pete

Maleficent and Pete

o   Boomstick: But she doesn’t rely on her staff all the time, she is just as deadly without it as she is with it. She is strong enough to knock down entire armies of soldiers like they were dominos, move objects with her mind with Telekinesis, and summon a wall of thorn bushes from the ground up that can surround anything from a castle to the entire Moors itself. Note to self: remember to weed garden.

o   Wiz: She also has the power to transform herself and anything into whatever form she desires, whether they are inanimate objects or living beings. From shrink herself to mincroscopic size to turning her foes into plants or animals.

o   Boomstick: Allowing her to civilly deal with anything that's even a minor inconvenience. Hell, sometimes she skips straight to turning her threats into a fly just to squash them later.

o   Wiz: And once she got her wings back, it enabled her to fly at high heights and speeds, generate powerful gusts of wind to send her foes flying, effortlessly carry two people into the air no problem, and snap a metal chain like it was a toothpick.

Maleficent Wings


Maleficent is Back

Back in action

o   Boomstick: And let’s not forget that she had been alive and doing evil deeds for hundreds of years without gaining a single wrinkle. All thanks to her greatest magical attributes: immortality and a near unbeatable healing factor, allowing her to heal from all matter of injuries, reattach body parts, and resurrect herself from any form of physical or magical damage. Even if she looks like she’s a 40 year old woman, she’s been alive and evil doing for decades, maybe even centuries. No wonder everyone who has tried to kill her rally successes. Nobody can kill this devil lady!

o   Wiz: Oh you think that’s when she is at her most powerful. How about the time she turned herself into a fire breathing dragon or giant phoenix-like creature. And if all else fails, the orb on her staff contains some of her essence that will bring her back to life should it be shatter. But one the most terrifying aspect of Maleficent that would send even the bravest of heroes running for the hills is her signature ability: placing curses.

o   Boomstick: Because you can’t call her a witch if she couldn’t place curses on her victims. Here most iconic curse was the Sleeping Curse, which she placed on Princess Aurora as both an early birthday gift and payback on Stefan for stealing her wings, effect not just the princess but the entire kingdom. Though their solution was to burn evey spinning wheel in the entire kingdom to prevent this from happen, but not even that could stop Maleficent’s magic from conjuring up one up from the ashes to complete the curse. They are so powerful that not even she can undo their curse.

Maleficent Wallpaper Full

Movie Poster

o   Wiz: Being a cunning manipulator, it's no surprise Maleficent's accomplishments match the expectations. She's equaled Ursula in magic combat, fought on par with Sora and Prince Phillip, kidnapped Snow White’s baby, took out numerous invading armies and taken over kingdoms on her own, and defeated the Evil Queen Regina Mills in a single stroke.

o   Boomstick: You can't blame her. I don't think anyone could handle more than a single stroke with Regina Mills...

o   Wiz: ...However, Maleficent is not solely dependent on her magic, but also her cunning mind. She has recruited numerous monstrous minions and Disney Villains to fight for or alongside her throughout the Kingdom Hearts franchise in her ultimate journey to capture the seven princesses of light and unleash darkness upon their worlds, claiming them as her own.

o   Boomstick: She is not just “A” Disney Villain, she is “THE” Disney Villain, and for good reason. She’s the OG Dsieny Sorceress, the vilest villain there ever was, the hardest to beat final boss in any video game.

o   Wiz: For nearly four decades, Maleficent has been the symbol for all this evil in Disney culture. From books to video games, to movies to tv shows, it seemed like nothing could topple this witch's reign of terror.

o   Boomstick: And then Disney axed all that when they decided to give Maleficent a whole new persona and life story. Showing the world that she wasn’t really evil, just pretty and misunderstood.  

Aurora, Maleficent and Diaval

Aurora, Maleficent and Diaval

o   Wiz: Sure the hatred of humanity and the cursing of the princess was all the same, but in this story, Maleficent only did this to get back at King Stefan for betraying her and stealing her wings. Overtime, Maleficent even grew to care about Aurora, despite her disliking of her, and began to take care of her from afar alongside her crow minion Diaval. Yeah they changed his name and personality in the live action remake.

o   Boomstick: Because it turns out the three good fairies tasked with raising her, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, didn’t know squat about taking care of kids. By the time Aurora was 16 years old, Maleficent had warmed up to her so much that she even tried to undo the curse she placed on her so many years ago, but she was unable to she since herself made it that way and the only way to break it was the kiss of true love. Next time lady, read the fine print of your curses.

o   Wiz: No matter how hard she tried, not even allowing her lover Prince Phillp to save her, it was all in vain as Aurora eventually succumbed to the inevitable Sleeping curse. Now finally what her hatred has brought upon the girl she had grown to love, the so-called “Mistress of Evil”, gave Aurora a farewell kiss on the forehead before parting ways with her.

o   Boomstick: But then Don Da Dad Duh, Aurora miraculously wakes up. Turns out that that kiss of friendship was the true meaning of “true love” all along. And Aurora returned the favor by saving Maleficent from her deadbeat dad Stefan. Don’t feel too bad, that guy had gone bonkers years ago, and Aurora already knew where her loyalty lied.



Maleficent's Curse

Curse Powers

o   Wiz: After that Aurora and Maleficent returned to the Moors, where they lived out the rest of their days together in peace. But that peace once again hit a brick wall when Prince Phillip asked for Aurora’s hand in marriage.

o   Boomstick: While Aurora said yes, Maleficent said No with a capital N-O. Being the protective Mam Bear she was, Maleficent wasn’t about to let Aurora go through the same trauma she went through with Stefan. Though she tried to give it a shot for Aurora’s sake, it all went aria due to the meddling of Phillips' evil mother Queen Ingrith, who sought to destroy all the beings of the Moors after they refused to aid her kingdom in a time of need. Man, and I though Cinderella’s Stepmother was a cruel mistress.

o   Wiz: Though it began in bloodshed in all out war, with Maleficent's kind the Dark Feye coming out of hiding and  attacking Ingrith’s army, it ended in joy with Aurora and Phillip ending the violence and the princess accepting Maleficent as her true mother.

o   Boomstick: And as a bonus, Phillips deadbeat mom got turned into a goat. Now those two have more in common with each other than they did before, having cruel parents. Though Aurora would stay at the castle with her hubby and Maleficent would return to the Moors with her Dark Faye brethren, she promised to return in time for their  child's christening. WINK.

Maleficent and Aurora Relationship

Mother and Daughter

o   Wiz: This goes to show that even the greatest Disney Villain of all times could be redeemed with the right amount of love and affection. Even the Once upon a Time version of Maleficent wasn’t all bad. All the death and destruction she had caused was all for her own true goal: revive her deceased daughter.

o   Boomstick: And once got what she wanted, she turned over a new leaf and left Stroybrooke to start a new life with her daughter. How noble, and ironic, considering she is still considered “Female Satan” and one of the most feared villains in Disney.

o   Wiz: Despite being the physical embodiment of evil and being everything a true Disney stand for, Maleficent has been defeated in the past like all Disney villains, prior to her redemption in 2019. She has been slayed my enchanted weapons blessed by good magic, like Phillips sword and Sora’s Keyblade. Then there is a Solar Eclipse, which can canel her powers and prevent any fairy from using their powers. And lets not forget her number one weakness: iron.

o   Boomstick: Like all fairy folk, iron basically their version of Kryptonite. The slightest touch of the stuff can burn her skin, and prolonged exposure can render her powerless. Like trapping her in an iron net could burn her skin intensely, or being hot by iron like dust and reduce her to ash.


A villain and her pet

o   Wiz: However, if she is determined or pissed off enough, Maleficent can free herself from any iron binding her or resurrect herself with her Phoenix powers, showing that not even iron itself can stop her when she is at her most dangerous.

o   Boomstick: But regardless if she is good, bad, or neutral, Maleficent's victories definitely outweigh her failures. There's a good reason they call her the "Mistress of Evil".

o   Maleficent: Well, well. [She laughs softly]


Charmcaster vs Maleficent setup

Wiz: All right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Death Battle[]

Maleficent the Moors

The Moors

Overlooking the lush landscape of the enchanted forest kingdom the Moors, the magical creatures are happily playing alongside princess Aurora when a portal opens out of nowhere. The creatures stare at it for a moment, until a being steps out of the portal followed by two giant rock golems. The being turns out to be Charmaster, and she looks around the place with an evil smirk on her face.

Charmcaster: Oh yes, this place will do just nicely for my new base of operation. But first, I need to do some remodeling.

Charmcaster snaps her fingers and her rock golems start ripping trees out of the ground and smashing everything. The Moor creatures begin to flee and Aurora helps a few of them escape, until she trips over a root. As she struggles to her feet, one of the rock golems prepares to crush her, only for it to be destroyed by a blast of green energy. The other one is destroyed as well, and Charmcaster looks up to see a figure flying down from the cloud, which reveals to be the Mistress of Evil: Maleficent.

Maleficent: Enough, you wretched witch!

Maleficent then flies to the ground and summons her staff to her side, standing in front of Aurora.

Maleficent: Go, or I'll cut you down. Are you all right?

Aurora: I think so.

Charmcaster: So, you're the protector of this realm, and her fairy godmother I presume .

Maleficent: You should be ashamed of yourself, attack innocent inhabitants of a world that is clearly not yours..

Charmcaster: And you should watch who you threaten, old hag.

Maleficent: You're an even bigger fool than I thought. This is your last chance: Leave, or there will be bloodshed.

Charmcaster: If that’s the case, then I choose bloodshed.

Fight Magu vs Jav












Wiz: The winner is ....

The winner is Charmcaster

Option 1

The winner is Maleficent

option 2

Next Fight[]

Atlas Destroyer vs Godzilla Junior

Previous Fight[]

Endeavor vs The Immortal


The cover name would be "Whose the most wicked of them all"

Next Time on Death Battle[]

