Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Carmine is a character in the video game; Under Night IN-BIRTH.

Fanon Wiki Ideas so Far[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 1
  • Losses: 0
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Death Battle Info[]


  • Name: Carmine
  • Alias: Carmine Prime
    • Red of Origin
  • Birthday: May 8th
  • Height: 5'9" (175cm)
  • Weight: 134.4 lbs. (61kg)
  • Allegiances: None
  • Fights for fun


  • Health: 10000
  • Play-style: Offensive, Rushdown, Pressure, Okizeme (Wakeup Offense)
  • Dash Type: Run
  • Specialty: Dissolve
  • Skills:
    • EXS of Lifeblood "Blood Spike": This allows Carmine to control his blood. He can shoot blood out of his hand, slice people with a wave of blood, crystallize his blood, and he can even drain people of their blood.
  • Roll Up!: Moves Carmine's blood pool around.
  • Spin Around!: A spinning circle of blood that leaves a pool of blood afterward. Carmine hurts himself in order to use this. Spin Around has an unnamed follow-up that uses an already placed pool of blood immediately, this causes the blood pool to lash at whatever is above it.
  • Mash Them!: Carmine swings his arms and solid blood in the shape of an X appears in-front of him. Deals damage to Carmine and leaves a pool of blood. The move has a follow-up if a pool of blood is already placed. The placed blood solidifies and turns into a sharp arc.
    • Rip Apart!: Carmine throws a shard of blood onto the ground and it transforms into multiple blood spikes. This move deals damage to Carmine and leaves a pool of blood that can only be used for this follow-up. The pool of blood rises into the air and turns into a blood spike ball.
    • Rise Up!: A large blood spike comes out of the ground leaving a blood pool. Deals damage to Carmine. This move has a follow-up if a blood pool is there. A much larger blood spike comes out of the pool of blood.
    • Hand That Over!: Carmine choke lifts his opponent and shoves blood crystals down their throat. (Ouch...)
    • Hyahahahaha! Devour Them Up!: Blood balls rise into the air and flies at the opponent, if one hits the opponent the blood inside them will shred them up from the inside.
    • Piece of Shit! This is Your End!: The opponent is impaled from spikes from above and below, they are then impaled from all sides with many MANY sharper, longer, and more linear blood spikes. The spikes the explode breaking apart inside and outside the foe.

Hemokinesis (Blood Manipulation)[]

  • EXS of Lifeblood: Grants him the ability to control blood.
    • Can shoot blood
    • Slash with waves of it.
    • Crystallize blood
    • Drain the blood of others
    • And much more....


  • Defeated Hilda, the leader of Amnesia.


  • Short-Tempered
  • Prone to perform maniacal laughter