Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Mickey and Lou vs Captain Cold and Heatwave 3


They are both duos of criminals, one the brains and one the muscle, who are part of a ragtag group of trouble makers, they both had rough childhoods and cruel fathers who shaped them into the villains they are, and eventually joined of group that operated outside of the law (Legends and Highway Men) and one for them eventually turned over a new leaf and the other one died. This is the Fifteenth episode of the Fifth season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.


Boomstick: Remember the old saying, "One is good, but two is better?" These criminal duos are well known for their despicable deeds and hardly ever go down without a fight.

Wiz: Though their rough upbringings may have shaped them into the criminals we all know and love, you can't help but fear them and take pity on them at the same time.

Boomstick: Like Captain Cold and Heatwave, the Legendary criminal duo of Central City turned time traveling Outcast.

Captain Cold and Heatwave analysis

Wiz: And Mickey and Lou, the leaders of the Highway Men and terrors of the New Settlement.

Lou & Mickey analysis

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Captain Cold freezes you solid while Heatwave brings the heat to Death Battle[]

Commission captain cold and heatwave upgraded by amenoosa dfa77yb-fullview

Captain Cold and Heatwave

o  Wiz: Most kids who are born into a family of police officers often dream of one day becoming just like their parents. Though that wouldn’t be the case with Leonard Snart, who father was as corrupt as they come, frequently abused him and his sister Lisa.

o  Boomstick: After his latest scheme got his dad sent to prison, he and Lisa were taken in by their grandfather to work at his diner called Motorcar, hoping to give them a better life than their dad. Sometime the best parents are the grandparent, they always give the best presents, I would defiantly know.

Leonard Snart Arrowverse

Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold

o  Wiz: But his father’s criminal genes had already been inherited by Snart, and after he exhibited some violent behavior, mainly stealing and getting into fights, eventually dropped out of high school and started sticking up banks with his own crew. His trick was that every six months, Snart would case a place worth robbing in Central City and then leave after robbing his target to throw off the sent of the cops. He eventually landed on a list called Central City's Most Wanted.

o  Boomstick: I feel for you kid, luckily he wouldn’t be doing this alone. While locked in a juvenile facility, he was jumped on by some guys with a shiv, but was defended by fellow arsonist prisoner Mick Rory, who befriended the scrawny teenager. Why do these guys look so familiar.

o  Wiz: Maybe because they used to play criminal brothers in another show, but that is a story for another time.

o  Boomstick: Rory found his love for fire at an early age. During one of his arsenic experiments, he accidentally burned down his parent's house, killing both of them trapped inside. Don’t feel too bad for them, his dad was just as abusive as Snart’s was, maybe even more.

Mick Rory Arrowverse

Mick Rory AKA Heatwave

o  Wiz: After getting out, both men started performing robberies and other illegal activities. But after returning to Central City to plan his next heist, Snart got word that Central City had a new hero protect its streets from evil: Barry Allen, The Scarlet Speeder

o  Boomstick: AKA The Flash. Ahhh~! After The Flash started endangering his heists with his heroics, Snart was determined to not let this goody toe shoes speedster stop him from maintaining his title of Central City's Most Wanted.

o  Wiz: But in order to combat a city normal crawling with Metahumans, he would need a weapon to help him combat the speed of the Flash. At the scientific facility, S.T.A.R. Labs, fellow scientist Cisco Ramon had developed the “cold gun” a freezing weapon that was designed to stop Barry Allen in case he used his powers with malicious intent.

o  Boomstick: After using the gun to kill the guy who stole it for him, Snart continued to use it as his weapon of choice, taking up the name Captain Cold and using to rob several stores across Central City. Managing not only shoot Barry in his tracks, but also kill any security guards sent to stop him.

o  Wiz: But his partner Mick felt jealous of Snart’s new weapon and want one of his own, but one that suited his fiery style. So he stole the prototype “Heat gun” a handheld flamethrower-like weapon created in S.T.A.R. Labs, which Mick would improve to his own design and used in his partnership with Snart

Heatwave and Captain Cold Posters

Heatwave and Captain Cold

o  Boomstick: These Star guys make the coolest, yest most dangerous toys ever. Where can I get one of those. Together, Mick and Snart took to the streets as the new criminal duo, Captain Cold and Heatwave. I’m gonna say this while its in my mind Wiz, I freaking love the nicknames Cisco comes up with for these guys, he's they “Naming” Man.

o  Wiz: Yeah (sarcastically). Even before requiring their weapons, both Mick and Snart were master thieves and criminal, pulling off multiple heist together along side Lisa as the greatest criminal team ever.

o  Boomstick: Snart’s most noticeable and dangerous trait was his intelligence, making him a very skilled planner and schemer as he repeatedly developed plans that he pulled off with usual success. Leonard's tactics are based on timing, precision, and preparation as he would often spend his time studying every detail of his heist from studying the security detail to police response times.

The Rogues of Central City

The Rogues of Central City

o  Wiz: While not as proficient as Cisco Ramon or Ray Palmer, Snart is highly trained in electrical engineering due to his father forcing him to come with him on heists when he was a child. Once he obtained his Cold gun, he had taken the gun apart and put it back together so many times that memorized how to repair it by hand.

o  Boomstick: He’s also a skilled marksman and master escape artist, having avoided capture by the authorities and escaped a few prisons together with Mick on numerous occasions. He’s a combination of Harry Houdini and Al Capone.

o  Wiz: Despite his composed demeanor, Leonard was a capable unarmed fighter. When taken captive by the mafia, Snart and Mick quickly broke free from their confinements and killed most of the mobsters with their bare hands

o  Boomstick: Snart is definitely the brains of the operation, like you Wiz. But let’s talk about my criminal counterpart, Mick Rory. Stemming from his violent nature, Mick is in top physical condition, and is shown to be very muscular. He always ready to bash some heads in, courtesy of whatever sap crossed his path.

o  Wiz: Mick's strength goes beyond impress and into absurd, allowing him casually crush a man's skull with a single stomp of his boot or break a guy’s nose with a single punch and leave him unconscious.

Cold and Heat Gun

Cold and Heat Guns

o  Boomstick: Eww, he stepped in nerd. But now to talk about my favorite traits of these two, her beautiful freeze and heat guns. With those babies, I could cook my own food and make as many snow cone as I want.

o  Wiz: Generating a beam of absolute zero temperature, the Cold Gun freezes whatever it touches and creating solid ice. He can use it to create structures of ice for him to slide on or fire shards of ice to puncture his foes with

o  Boomstick: It can also slow down the motion of fast-moving molecules, specifically those of the Flash, retarding his accelerated healing and vastly reducing his speed. It also gives off bright white and blue flashes that the user protects their eyes from with goggles.

o  Wiz: On the other hand, the heat gun can generate a beam of absolute hot temperature that will set any target ablaze.

o  Boomstick: When fired, the heat gun increases the temperature of the air dramatically, like some sort of "extreme heat wave".

o  Wiz: This heat wave is capable of achieving "absolute hot", or Planck temperature. When activated, certain lights on it turn red, in contrast to the Cold gun's blue. The weapon's flame blast projects to any location and burns anything in its path.

o  Boomstick: With these two beauties at hand, Snart and Rory proved more than a match for any criminal, meta or normal, that stood in their way.

The Flash vs Captain Cold and Heatwave

Hero vs Villains

o  Wiz: At one point, Snart and Barry reached a truce where Barry would let Snart continue his heists, as long as he didn't kill anyone in the process and didn't expose the speedster's secret identity to anyone, which he found out after kidnapping Cisco and his brother.

o  Boomstick: He is one sly and foxy criminal. But he always did have a soft spot for his sister, he cared about more than anything.

o  Wiz: When Snart’s dad kidnapped Lisa and threatened to kill her if he didn’t help him pull of a super big bank job, Barry put aside their differences and aided Snart in saving his sister.

o  Boomstick: After this, Snart became an occasional ally of Team Flash. Looks like this cheetah finally was able to change his stripes.

o  Wiz: It’s Leopard and spots, but Snart’s heroics didn’t stop there. Snart and Mick were eventually recruited by Rip Hunter into the Legends of Tomorroe, a time-traveling team of super powered misfits dedicated to hunting down time traveling villains and fixing changes to the timeline.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow

o  Boomstick: Being considered "supervillains", he and Mick were seen as outcasts, and didn’t want to join the team in the first place. Though both initially joined to exploit the potentials of time travel, Snart came to be genuine about the cause, and genuinely befriended the Legends.

o  Wiz: He even tried to change his past by making sure his dad didn’t go to prison and nor become an abusive parent. But some changes the timeline could not be change, but this did help him become a better man in the future.

o  Boomstick: Even hot-tempered Mick found peace with his new Legend family, despite his occasional betrayals every now and then. He got to travel to the Vietnam War, were he met the past version of his dad and found out that he wasn’t the evil monster he always thought he was, and even talked him down from making the biggest mistake of his life.

o  Wiz: Alongside the Legends, the duo have battled aliens, zombie, Nazi Solider, mystical creatures, evil speeders, the time Warlord Vandal Savage, and the villainous Legion of Doom.

o  Boomstick: Then their was the time they fought a giant stuffed toy Beebo rampaging across Central City. That episode was freaking weird, just don’t ask.

Captain Cold and Heatwave Fanart

Fire and Ice

o  Wiz: But even with their skills and weaponry, they are both still only human, and have suffered mind control and serious injuries that would have killed them if not for futuristic technology in the Wave Rider.

o  Boomstick: It’s the Legends super awesome time machine, I know what my next science project is going to be. Hey, don’t look at me like that Wiz, you know it would be cool to have our own time machine

o  Wiz: Even with their criminal history, both these men were able to gain the happy ending worthy of a hero. Though they prefer to be called Legends.

o  Boomstick: Snart willing sacrificed himself to save his teammate and all of time and space, while Mick eventually left the team to become an author and raise the daughter he never knew he had.

o  Wiz: It just goes to show that even the worst of Central City’s criminals deserve a chance at redemption and with the right people guiding them, they can find it.

Partners in Crime Arrowverse

Partners in Crime

o  Boomstick: But true fans will always remember them as the hot and cold duo of crime, Captain Cold and Heatwave.

o   Mick Rory: A minivan? Really, Snart?

o   Captain Cold: Cops'll never hassle a dad buying diapers in the middle of the night.

Mickey and Lou are on the highway to Death Battle[]

Farcrynewdawn Twins

o  Wiz: Seventeen years after the nuclear explosions that devastated the peacefully community Hope County, life and well "hope" had finally started to return to the small Montana town. Endless black rain and wind had given way to clear blue skies and blooming flora and fauna. The humans that survived the bombs finally came out of hiding and began working to rebuild their former home , forming new communities across the county.

o  Boomstick: But nothing good ever last forever in the world of Far Cry. The Peace was soon ruined by the arrive of three deadly terrorist groups, the most dangerous being the Highwaymen.

o  Wiz: The Highwaymen are a gang of marauders that came to prominence after the nuclear holocaust and pillage, enslave, or kill anyone and anything in their path. The Highwaymen are ruthless, callous opportunists who care nothing for civilians and see them as target practice or resources. They are an extremely violent group who play loud music that can be heard in the distance, and entertain themselves with death races and gladiatorial fights.

FC New Dawn Highyway Men and their leaders

The Highway Men

o  Boomstick: They were founded and led by a man named Vince, until he was killed by his twin daughters after he became a "problem", usurping his position. Each twin took up a role, Mickey as the brains and Lou as the muscle. The Twins have proven to be successful leaders, despite their differences, and have since terrorized the people of Hope County with an iron fist.

o  Wiz: Michelle "Mickey" and Louise "Lou" were born around 2009 to 2015 to Vince and an unnamed mother in the United States and managed to survive the nuclear holocaust in 2018. When the dust settled, Mickey and Lou were trained by Vince to see those that didn't support their vision as enemies, and to put people into two categories: problem solvers or problem makers.

o  Boomstick: So not the best parental figure out there. As a result, Mickey and Lou adopted his mentality at a young age despite being discouraged so by their mother, who knew that Vince's plans only ended in violence.

o  Wiz: When Vince decided to take his daughters from his wife, Mickey spoke with her mother, who made her promise to watch over Lou and not become like her father. From that day forward, not matter psychological trauma the sisters endured, they always looked out for one another.

Mickey and Lou taking charge

The Twins take charge

o  Boomstick: Mickey and Lou watched their father "solve" problems usually by killing anyone who didn't support his vision, which only caused more problems than solutions. Now who’s the real Problem maker buddy.

o  Wiz: As he grew older, the Highway members became to think that Vince was growing "soft" in the head, indicating that he was losing his sanity or was mentally declining, which resulted in his death by the twins. Although it was never confirmed, it's theorized that Mickey and Lou killed him to become the leaders of the Highwaymen. However it's possible that the twins killed him due to Vince becoming a "problem maker".

o  Boomstick: Well, at least they learned from his teachings in the end, I guess.

o  Wiz: After Vince was killed, Mickey and Lou became the co-leaders of the Highwaymen, and started to become a dominant gang in the wasteland of America. The twins started to gain dominance in Hope County, as they took and pillage land despite survivors living there and fought against New Eden under the leadership of Joseph Seed.

o  Boomstick: That crazy lunatic?! Oh, there's no way those survivors are sane with him ruling the place!

o  Wiz: By 2035, Mickey and Lou's tactics have garnered them great control over Hope County, with them having control over the populace and destroying anyone that opposed them.

FC New Dawn The Twins

Ready to Fight

o  Boomstick: But soon the girls got word of a man named Thomas Rush and his task force were heading to Hope County via train to provide aid to the local Scavengers. By Scavengers I mean a group resisting their control, not like Vultures and stuff.

o  Wiz: Mickey and Lou led a charter of their subordinates to kill them, and though they managed to eliminate almost of the task force, but Rush allowed his Security Captain to escape their clutches.

o  Boomstick: Since that day, this Security Captain would the bane their existence, killing several members of their gang and inspiring others to revolt against their unjust rule. Pissed beyond belif, the girls made a vow that they would hunt down this rascally “rabbit” and hang his head up on their wall.

o  Wiz: Mickey is described as calculated and "the brains" of the pair. Like her sister, Mickey believes that the new currency is power.

o  Boomstick: Unlike Lou, Mickey is fairly even-keeled and calm. She is regularly shown to be exasperated by her sister's bloodthirsty ways. While she rarely interferes with her sister's brutality and torture, she never participates in it.

o  Wiz: Lou, on the other hand, is described as impulsive and unpredictable. She seems to have no concept of long-term planning and usually prefers to act before she thinks, violently.

FC New Dawn Mickey and Lou

Having a Good Time

o  Boomstick: Sounds like my kind of woman. But there was the time she pulled a pin out of a grenade and suggests killing a group of Prosperity children, disregarding the fact that everyone would have been killed, herself included.

o  Wiz: Later in the game, Lou tries to extract information from a group of convicts by cutting their tongues out. When Mickey exasperatingly points out that the "rabbits" can't talk without tongues, Lou just laughs it off.

o  Boomstick: I’m officially deleting my Tinder Account.

o  Wiz: Lou is also depicted as being far more violent than her sister, oftentimes for no reason. During a live action trailer for the upcoming game, Lou is seen smiling before she brutalizes a bar patron with her motorcycle helmet simply for speaking to her.

o  Boomstick: As a result, the Twins kill every person in the bar, without getting a single scratch on them. The three words that best describe those two women are as follows, and I quote,  "Evil, merciless, and cunning"!

o  Wiz: These women can handle any form of weapon imaginable, and neither one of them will hesitate to use them to kill innocent just to prove a point.

Mickey and Lou Live Action

Real Live Villains

o  Boomstick: Mickey’s typical arsenal consist of a Sniper rifle, M133 shotgun, and a good old Molotov Cocktail. It’s both a drink and bomb all rolled into one.

o  Wiz: Mickey tends to fight from a distance and use her long range weaponry to wear down her opponents and have her sister mow them down with bigger firepower. And I mean that literally.

o  Boomstick: Just like her muscle-bound attitude, Lou carries around her handy dandy Flamethrower, RPG-7 rocket launcher, and a few sticks of Dynamite. Both girl have also been seen using different forms of Pistols and Machine Guns in the past. Unlike her long-range sister, Lou likes to get up close and personal with her enemies to show just how big of a threat she is.

o  Wiz: Well neither one of them needs weapons to prove that. They’ve taken children as hostages and threaten to blow them all up with a grenade. After that, the twins ordered their charters to commit a full-scale assault on Prosperity, which causes causalities for the Scavengers

o  Boomstick: Do not worry, that’s only one of the many terrible deeds these little devils have committed. Next on their sinister checklist, The twins decided to kidnap Rush and several innocent people and hold them hostage at an abandoned factory plant. If that does not smell like a trap, then I need to go see a doctor, because my noise definitely isn’t working.

The Twins at the Table

Having Fun Yet.

o  Wiz: Mickey and Lou would then handcuff the Security Captain forcefully before killing Rush in front of them in retaliation. Though the captain would try to escape, Mickey would shoots them with a shotgun, out a window and into a raging river left for dead..

o  Boomstick: I’m certain gangster Al Capon would be impressed by these girls “killer” motives and displays of dominance.

o  Wiz: Mickey and Lou are more than capable of taking down and/or killing full grown men with easy. They are the living embodiment of both “Black” and “Female” empowerment.

o  Boomstick: You can say that again. After seeing no use for having captive, the girls proceed to cut out the prisoners' tongues and stab their fellow gang members in the head with a cooking knife.

o  Wiz: I’m not sure if their dad would be proud or disgusted at how evil his daughters have grown to be.

o  Boomstick: No reason he can’t be both, even if they don’t possess that much hands on training and rely mainly on firearms to get the job done.

Death of Mickey and Lou


o  Wiz: Eventually Mickey and Lou would commence an assault on New Eden, killing cultists as if they were nothing but flies on the wall. The twins would soon confront the Security Captain, who managed to survive their injuries. After along drawn out final boss battle, the twins would be left seriously wounded from their fight against them.

o  Boomstick: While bleeding on the ground, Mickey feels remorse for failing to keep their mother's promise on not becoming like their father, but Lou instead relishes on the fun they had together. These girls are seriously messed up.

o  Wiz: Just goes to show that despite their brutality, they are still only huma, capable of feeling pain and cracking from the influences of their parental figures. After the passing of her sister, Mickey then speaks with the captain, telling them they have the choice of sparing her, and that she will leave Hope County for good.

o  Boomstick: If you’re a hardcore player like me, you’ll put that mad dog down and strike a major blow to the hearts of the Highwaymen

o  Wiz: But if the player decides to spare Mickey, she will leave behind a note telling the Security Captain that she will keep her deal, and that she's heading out east to find her mother. Showing that just a littler mercy can go a long way.

Mickey and Lou Fanart

Fear the Power

o  Boomstick: Though these girls may not be the most popular Far Cry villains around, they certain know how to get their point across that they should never be underestimated or trivalued with.

o   Mickey: Listen here, rabbits! You need to understand somethin': the only currency left in this world is power! We're gonna take everything from you, starting with your home! And if we can't take it...

o   Lou: We’ll break it.


Captain Cold and Heatwave vs Micky and Lou Setup

Wiz: All right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Far Cry Explosives lab29

In the abandoned warehouse somewhere in the post-apocalyptic Hope County, Montana, USA, Criminals and Legends Captain Cold and Heatwave are enjoying themselves sitting in the empty office room with some beers and sandwiches, both laughing hard as they open a briefcase filled with cash.

Snart: Ah it’s alway good to revisit the good old days of crime, right Mick

Micky: You said it Snart, I’m getting tired of all this time hoping and time line shit. It’s good to just live In the now.

As Mick engulfs his entire mouth with beer, they suddenly hear the sound of motorcycles approaching and they go to hide. The building is soon crawling with Highwaymen aiming their guns everywhere, and they are soon followed by their leaders Mickey and Lou, as they pull off their helmets and reveal themselves to be carrying all their weapons with them in large duffle bags. Up in the office room, Captain Cold and Heatwave observe from the window as the two women walk through the building.

Snart: Hey Mick, aren’t those the girls Rip told use that were causing a blip in the time stream.

Mick: Yep that’s them alright

Snart: (grinning) Hey, I got an idea, since Boss Rip and Sara told us that the Highwaymen were causing a ripple in time, why not we go have some fun with those two eh?”

Mick: Yeah, Yeah…After all, we’ll still keep completing the mission right.

Both criminals nod at each other before they bring out their weapon and slowly make their way towards the door that leads downstairs to the warehouse. As the Highwaymen continue searching the area, the twins are also searching with them before another Highwayman approaches them.

Highwayman: Sires, we’ve searched the entire building, and though there is evidence that they were here, they are both long gone by now.

Mickey: Oh no, they are still here, I can feel it in my bones.

Highwayman: Do you want us to continue searching the building?

Mickey: Nah, you boys head back outside and search the surrounding place, Lou and I will stay behind and look. After all, we could use the exercise. Right Sis.

Lou then starts to stretch her legs and crack her knuckles.

Lou: You said it sis.

As the Highwaymen excite the building, get on their bikes and drive away, the sisters bring out their weapons and start looking for the thieves.

Mickey: Alright boys, it's just us helpless little girls here. You can come out now.

Lou: Give us back our money and we promise to hurt you only a little bit

Suddenly, Snart and Mick appear from behind some large barrels, holding their Cold and Fire guns. Snart is holding the suitcase of money and drops it on the ground.

Snart: Greeting ladies, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Leonard Snart, but folk sometimes call me Captain Cold. This is my partner Mick Rory, but folks sometimes address him as Heatwave

Mick: Sup.

Micky: Well then Captian Heat and Coldwave, I'm Mickey and this is my sister Lou. I’m going to take a guess that you are the ones who stole our money.

Snart: Guilty as Charged.

Mickey: Well now that’s out of the way, We’re going to give you boys two opinions: One, you hand over our money and let you Rabbits run back to wherever you came from. Or two: we bring it from your cold dead bodies.

Snart: If that’s the guess then we’ll take option one.

Snart kicks the suitcase over to the girls, but as the start to walk towards it, Mick fires his flame gun at the suitcase, setting it and the money inside a blaze.

Mick: Oops, fingers slipped.

Lou: That’s it boys, you are chop liver.

Mickey pulls out her M133 shotgun while Lou gets out her RPG-7 rocket launcher and loads it up as they aim their weapons at the criminals. Snart and Rory then pull out their weapons as well.

Mick: Finally, Let's get this party started!

Snart: Here's our invitation!


Micky starts firing shots from her shotgun at Captain Cold, but Snart uses his Cold Gun to create a large block of ice that blocks the shots while running towards the Highway sister. Mickey changes tactics, puts away her gun and takes out a Molotov Cocktail, before lighting it on fire and throwing it at Snart. While Snart dodge the bottle as it lands on the ground, engulfing the floor in flames, it was a ploy to get him in position for Micky to shoot at him. Snart and Micky start shooting at each other while jumping and dodging each other's shots as she chases after him.

Snart: If you want to kill me, you are going to have to do better than that.

Micky: Oh, I plan to.

Meanwhile, Lou aims her Rocket launcher up at Mick who is distracted by the burning fire. Lou launches a rocket at Mick, but Heatwave jumps to the side to dodge it, resulting in an explosion that leaves an hole on the wall of the building. Mick pulls out his flame gun and unleashes a fire that sets several objects on fire as Lou flees behind a canister to reload her weapon. Heatwave then find where she is hiding and sets the entire structure on fire, causing it to collapse.

Mick: Ha Ha, burn baby burn.

Lou (From Behind him): You First.

Heatwave turns around and sees that Lou had moved out of the way before the canister fell over and snuck up behind him, with her rocket launcher loaded.

Mick: Oh Crap.

Lou winks before she fires the rocket, just as Mick uses his flame gun to create a wall of fire between himself and the weapon. The fire causes the rocket to explode on contact before it hits him, making the two enemies go flying backwards. Both Mick and Lou are flung into pieces of furniture and temporarily loose consciousness.

In a different area of the building, Snart is searching around the place looking to where Mickey could be. He then hears the sound of a run reloading and turns to see Mickey slide out from a canister with her shotgun reloaded. Mickey opens fire, and Snart uses his cold gun create a sheet of ice across the floor and slides out of the way, as the bullets crack into the ice sheet. Snart slides behind a large support beam to use for cover, and draws out activates his cold gun. As Mickey circles the building, Captain Cold jumps out from around the beam and both start shooting at each other, while they continue running for the nearest cover. Snart ducks under a wooden table and grips it with one hand, before standing up and throwing it across the hall. Mickey sees the the table’s shadow as it flies towards him, but she throws another flaming Molotov Cocktail at it, reducing the table to ash, only to met face to face with the rogue and his cold gun.

Mickey: I don’t know where you came from pal, but you mess with my gang, my wealth, then you become a problem. A problem me and my sister have to deal with, and we don’t like trouble makers.

Snart: You talk a big game, little missy, but you don't scare me. I've taken out the Flash, and I’ve spent last…actually I have no idea how long it’s been, traveling with a bunch of goody two shoes through time to stop a mad man, so I’m not afraid to take down a girl with a gun.

Mickey: Well then, let me show you what this little girl with a gun can do.

The two villains began circling each other, sizing each other up. Mickey clocks the handle on her gun with her hand in the trigger, while Captain Cold's cold gun crackled with energy. Making the first move, Mickey starts firing her weapon as she lunges forward, unleashing a barrage of bullets at the cold villain. Captain Cold tries to make an ice shield with his cold gun, but the ice starts to crack due to the damage of the guns. Eventually the wall of ice shatters, and the falling blocks of ice cause Snart to duck out of the way for cover. Suddenly, Snart sees the blunt end of Mickey's gun heading straight at his face. Snart holds up his cold gun to block the Highway Men leader’s incoming attack.

Mickey: Darn it.

Snart: Gotcha

The two press against each other, struggling to push the other back, before Mickey shoves Snart off of her. She cracks open a bottle proceeds to swing wildly with fractured top while the rogue villain ducks around each of her attacks, sometimes using his own cold gun to deflect her away. Finally, Snart sees an opening, and spins away from Mickey’s attack to get in close and punches her in the face. To his surprise, Mickey smiles and wipes the blood from her nose as she shrugs off the blow and punches Snart in the face, sending him staggering away. Cold recovers and ducks under Mickey's next attack, hooks his foot around his opponent’s foot, and trips Mickey to the ground. Now standing over the Highway Men leader, Snart stomps his foot down onto her chest, and aims his cold gun for the kill.

Snart: Say cheese, pretty lady.

Not ready to die, Mickey grips Snart by the leg and twist him to the side with all her strength, where he smacks into a pillar. Captain Cold quickly regained his footing, only to see Mickey coming at him with another Molotov Cocktail ready to throw at him. Thinking fast, Captain Cold fires a blast of cold energy from his gun at the floor, cover it in ice. This causes Mickey to loose her balance and making her to be sent sliding across the ice-covered ground. She slides across the floor, until she is hit in the face by Snart and falls to the floor.

Mickey: Ugh, what hit me?

Snart: That would be me, and this is about hit you next.

Captain Cold prepares to fire his cold gun at Mickey, but she uses the bottle of the cocktail to knock the gun aside and makes it hit a the metal leg of a large shelf holding barrels. The metal starts to break and the collapses, making the barrels go in different directions. Snart and Mickey are forced to leap out of the way, separating them again.

Meanwhile, Mick has recovered from the explosion and gets to his feet, and pulls out his heat gun ready to fight. He then spots Lou, only this time, she has replaced her rocket launcher with a Flamethrower, and has it all powered up.

Lou: Wakey Wakey, sleepy head, say hello to my little friend.

Mick: Not going to lie, that is kind of hot.

The two pyros fire their flamethrowers and flame guns at each other. The fires cross each other, missing and setting the surrounding area on fire. When Lou changes the direction of her flamethrower, Heatwave ducks under the flame, before charging up his flame gun to fire a fireball in the twin's direction. Lou looks at the massive fireball and attempted to counter it with a blast from her Flamethrower, but it cuts right through the stream of fire and explodes, causing her to fall back. Lou then spots a wagon filled with barrels and kicks it towards Mick, but not before setting it on fire as it heads his way. The flaming chariot of fire catches Mick by surprise and he leaps out of the way, but not before firing another fireball from his heat gun. As for Lou, she dodged the big fireball.

Heatwave: Not bad, little match stick. But me and my buddy have seen far worse stuff then you.

Lou: Well then, let me show you just how worse I can be!

Lou fires another flame, but uses it as a distraction to come running in close and punches Mick several times in the gut and face. However, Heatwave tanks the punches before he punches Lou back in the face, knocking her back and aiming his gun to try to burn Lou first. Lou grabs a nearby table and uses it as a shield to protect herself from the flames. After tossing the burning table aside, she uses the flame thrower to light a stick of dynamite to throw at Mick before she takes cover. Heatwave catches the dynamite and throws it out the window, resulting in another explosion that shakes the building, as he eyes the beautiful explosion.

Mickey: Aw, what a beauty.

Lou looses the flamethrower and quickly jumps to her feet, and takes advantages of the distracted Mick buy punching him in the stomach, almost knocking the winds out of him. Lou then grabs the villain by the shirt and lifts his entire body over he head and slams him into another table. Lou smirks as Mick pulls himself back up and wipes the dust off him.

Mick: Alright, now I'm mad.

Mick charges in for a punch, and his next fist barely misses a dodging Lou, hitting the wooden pillar and breaking it in half. Expecting Mick to now be behind him, Lou spin kicks backwards, hitting Mick in the stomach and sending him back a few feet. The first gun she is able to get her hands on is her duel pistols, and she fires several shots at Mick as the fire villain runs towards her. Mick slides to the side and dodges all the bullets as he closes the gap and knocks one of Lou's’ gun arm to the ground with his heat gun. Heatwave stomps on Lou's foot to distract her, before he gets in close and uppercuts Lou in the face, making her drop her other pistol, before gripping her other arm and flipping his opponent over his shoulder. As soon as Lou hits the ground, she grabs a fallen chair next to her and smashes it across Mick's face from the ground, making him fall over. She then reaches for her pistols and aims them at Mick, only for him to fire his heat gun directly at her. It hits Lou dead in the chest and sends her flying back into a wall, winding her long enough for Mick to get up.

Lou: Man, I haven't felt a punch like that since I skinned that pesky rabbit a few months back.

Mick: If you think that's hard, I got a whole lot more in store for you.

Meanwhile, Snart is searching the hallway of the building, looking for where Mickey ran off to. Unnoticed to him, Mickey has climbed on top of a supply shelf, and is crouched down monitoring Captain Cold walking across the floor, with a Sniper rifle aimed at him. But before she can take a good shot, Mickey accidently, knocks over a wrench that falls to the ground, alerting the Rogue to her location. When Snart looks up, he sees Mickey with her sniper rifle aimed at him and giving him the middle finger, and makes a run for it, just as Mickey begins to open fire on him. Snart is able to keep ahead of Mickey’s shoots, so he uses his cold gun to create another wall of ice to protect himself. Mickey continues to fire at the ice wall until it shatters, only to see that Snart is no longer standing behind it. Mickey then here's a whistle from behind her and turns to see Snart aiming his cold gun at her.

Snart: You look cold sugar, let's put you on ice.

Snart fires his cold gun in retaliation, forcing Mickey to jump off the tall shelve and land on a crate that breaks her fall before ducking behind a pillar and discard the empty rife, drawing her sub-machine gun. Mickey rounds the pillar, but before she can open fire, Snart has already run up next to her. With a icicle in hand, he bashes Mickey three times across the face, and follows it with an uppercut to the jaw. But the the uppercut proves useless, as Mickey catch Snart's hand and pulls on his arm, flipping him onto his back.

Mickey: If you know what's best for you, you'll stay down.

Snart: Now...if me one good reason why I should do that.

Mickey: I'll give you three reasons why you should stay down.

Before Snart can reach for his cold gun, Mickey grabs him by his coat, and pins him against a wall.

Mickey: ONE!

Mickey punches Snart hard enough to make his mouth bleed.

Mickey: TWO!!

Mickey launches a second punch with her other hand.

Mickey: AND THREE!!!

Mickey swings a third punch, but Snart catches her fist with his free hand and counters it with an uppercut of his own that knocks Mickey back and across the floor.

Snart: Three Strikes, and you are out.

Mickey uses her hands to spring back onto her feet as Snart picks up his gun and walks towards her. Mickey swings more punches, but Snart ducks around each of them, punching Mickey in the chest and face whenever he has a chance. As Mickey swings a strong right hook, Snart raises an arm and strikes back, overpowering the woman's attack and knocks it back as he brings his other arm up. He punches it into Mickey’s face and withdraws it, before he draws out his cold gun. Aiming it at the ground, he activates it, and freezes her right leg in a block of ice, stunning her as she yells in pain. With his opponent unable to move or fight back, Snart cracks his knuckles before punching Mickey as fast and as hard as he can, before his cold gun to create to ice icicles on the ground, before grabbing and breaking both them and swinging them simultaneously to bash both sides of Mickey’s head. Snart then throws her over his shoulder, sending him sliding along the floor and shatter her frozen leg in the process. Mickey picks herself up and runs at the rogue villain, only for Snart to Sparta-kick her in the face and send him stumbling backwards. She then pulls out her pistols and starts firing them at Snart, forcing him to retreat for cover as she slowly limbs after him.

Back with the other two, Mickey has Lou pinned to the ground and is punching her repeatedly. Lou then grabs nearby plank of wood and smashes it over Mick's head, dazing him and allowing her to get her legs under his chest and kick him off her. As Heatwave picks himself up, he sees Lou lighting another stick of dynamite.

Lou: Eat this!

Lou tosses it behind him towards Mick as she runs for cover. She gets behind a crate and covers her ears as she hear it explode. But out of the fireball, Mick comes charging out and Lou only barely looks up from her hiding spot before Mick tackles here with a shoulder charge and runs her over to the wall of the building. The two crack through the wall of the building, and briefly enter the sun-lit outdoors before he pulls Lou back and throws her across the floor into the crate she was hiding behind.

Lou rolls to the side to avoid Mick’s next boot stomp before she uses he leg to trip him. Both stand up and face each other, aiming their weapons at each other, Mick with his flame gun and Lou with her M249 light machine gun. Bullets are bet with flames as both fire point-blank into the other’s gun. The shots and flames collide and the force knocks the guns out of their hands. Lou braces herself and goes on the defensive as Mick approaches him, retreating out of punching range every time Mi ck appears to take a swing. Lou then decides to make an offensive stand and goes for a kick, but Mick ducks under it and catches her foot in his arm. Pushing her leg upwards, Mick throws Lou off balance, and runs at her with the end of his flame gun. It bashes Lou’ jaw and knocks her to the ground, whereupon she rolls to get back to her feet. With Mick approaching her, he aims a punch downwards. But to his shock, Lou catches the attack, and also blocks the reflex strike from Mick’s other fist. Now holding onto both of Mick’s hands, Lou slowly overpowers the rogue villain, pushing him backwards while her opponent struggles to no avail.

Lou: TIMBER!!!

Lou then starts lifting her opponents hands up in an attempt to push him over. Seeing nothing to be gained from his current position, Mick brings his leg up and kicks Lou away, and pulls out a stick of dynamite he had swiped from Lou's belt. Lou curls up into fetal position before the explosion hits, and she gets sent flying across the room. Mick brushes his hands off and looks at his fallen opponent.

Mick: Easy Pickin’

As Lou struggles to her feet, Heatwave walks over to aim his heat gun at her, ready to set her on fire. However, he is suddenly shot at by Mickey, who saw the explosion and went to aid her sister, and Mick is forced to retreat for cover. Mickey picks up her sister and gives her the Machine Gun she dropped and the two dart off after Heatwave. Heatwave runs around a pillar, only to be pulled aside by a hiding Snart.

Snart: How you doin', partner.

Mick: Fine. You look terrrible.

Snart: You're one to talk.

The two rogues hear a whistling sound and they turn to see Mickey and Lou aiming their weapons at their hidings spots.

Mickey: No More hiding punks, come out and face us like a man.

Lou: Well, women against, but you know what we mean. GET OUT HERE!!!

Snart looks around for a minute and he see a Tool Chest next to them.

Snart: Well if they want us to come out, why don't we do it in style.

Mick: Oh I hear you (Wink).

Micy uses his flame gun to set the chest on fire and Snart kicks it out from the burning chest straights at the Highway Men leaders. The girls unleash a barrage of bullets at the chest, and slowly start to dismember it to pieces. As they reload their guns, Mick and Snart jump out with their own weapons. In what was a split-second decision for all of them, both the Rogue Villains and the Highway Men Leaders turn their weapons on each other.

Heatwave and Captain Cold manage to win the quick draw, rapidly firing their guns. During this, Mickey and Lou duck behind some pillars and fire off their machine gun and pistols, intending to mow down the thugs where they stood. Seeing the tactic in mid-fire, Mick and Snart run and hide behind a storage shelf, still firing, and as Mickey and Lou rolled and continued firing towards them, they run once more for cover, getting closer to them. Despite their firepower, both sides miss their shots. Frustrated, Mick and Lou pull out a Molotov Cocktail and two sticks of dynamite, then throwing them both towards the Rogues. By the time Mick and Snart had heard the sound, they could only back away a few steps before an explosion pierced through the wall of the building. They both are sent flying out the building and land outside of it. The two men quickly get to their feet as the sisters walk through the hole they had created. Thinking fast, Snart creates a thick wall of ice and Mick melts it with his gun, creating a mist around them to hide where they are.

Mickey: You know, these hide and seek games are starting to bore me.

Snart (From somewhere else): That’s the fun part, the surprise.

Suddenly, Mickey and Lou are both grabbed by their shoulders from behind and tossed away in separate directions. Due to the mist, they are unable to see clearly, and fire their weapons wildly.

Lou: Die you fools, Die.

When their ammo runs out, the silhouette of the rogues appears behind each girl and the launch their separate attacks. Captain Cold shoots a cold blast at Mickey, freezing her in place. Captain Cold then creates an icy trail loop and slides up it while riddling Mickey with ice blasts. After reaching the top, Captain Cold jumps and forms a large icicle and uses it to crush the girl underneath. When the mist clears, Mickey is seen cover in shards of glass and unable to move.

Lou: Mickey!!!!

Lou runs over to check on her sister, only to see Mick driving toward her on her motorcycle he liberated. He then runs into Lou with the bike, sending her flying into air he then shoots her with his flame gun, setting her on fire. The burning Lou lands in front of one of the exhaust pipes. Mick runs the engines and torches Lou’s face with the exhausts pipes before giving her the middle finger (which is censored) before laughing and driving off. Lou, even though she is still alive, is not seriously burned and smoke is coming off her burnt body. As Mick meets up with Snart, they both grabs a sister by the leg and drag them back into the building. They throw them against some barrels and Snart freezes them solid with his freeze gun, leaving only their heads unfrozen.

Snart: Well, it's been fun, but I think we have waisted enough time in this well "timeline" and it's about time we head out.

Mick: Don't worry, we'll put your money to some good use.

As the pick up the briefcase, Snart and Mick walk towards the entrance as Lou and Mickey struggle to free themselves.

Mick: You wouldn't get far, we've got Highway Men patrolling this entire countryside, you hear me

Lou: When we get out of this ice, we are going to hunt you both down like a dog.

Mick: Oh yeah, silly me, I almost forgot.

Mick fire his flame gun at the barrels, setting them on fire. The girl look in horror to see that the barrels are labeled as flammable fuel barrels.

As Captain Cold and Heatwave jump on the sisters bikes and drive off down the dirt road, the building explodes, setting off a chain reaction that destroys the entire building.



Boomstick: Well at least they went out in a Blaze of Glory.

Wiz: Both these pairs of criminals had an equal pairing of brains and brawns, and had the fearsome reputation to back it up. But only one was more of a threat then the other.

Boomstick: Mick and Lou may have had the wider verity of weapons at their disposal, that were more than capable of killing any mortal man. But those weapons were nothing compared to ones that could take down The Flash.

Wiz: And Let's not forget, Captain Cold and Heatwave have both face threats worse than just a man with a gun, but aliens, Nazi's, and other metahumans.

Boomstick: Not mention, Snart and Mick were way tougher than the Sisters, being more than strong enough to kill a full grown man with little effort.

Wiz: And let's be honest, are fierce as these girls were, they mainly relied on their men and their weapons to back them up. Without them and with only their fist, they were easy pickings

Boomstick: It's no wonder they are labeled as Far Cry's Worst Villains.

Wiz: Micky and Lou may have been the scourges of Hope County, but Snart and Mick's stronger array of weaponry and tougher physical feats meant they could rise to the challenge.

Boomstick: Bad Boys got zooms, Bad Girls got Doomed

Wiz: The winners are Captain Cold and Heatwave

The winners are Captian Cold and Heatwave

Next Fight[]

Wednesday Addams vs M3GAN

Previous Fight[]

Nari vs Virizion


The cover name would be "Double Trouble, Toil and Criminal Trouble".

Next Time on Death Battle[]

