Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Captain America vs Izuku Midoriya, which two heros start without powers that still want to save people that also gain super power will win.


Wiz: People all around the world from the past and present always think and wish to become a hero.

Boomstick: Who don't?! Some can fly, control elements, and do powerful things to protect the people from evil people.

Wiz: But not all people have super powers to fight the powerful evil, but that won't stop them from helping people in need, and they were givin a chance to become a super hero.

Boomstick: Like Captain America, the first avenger!

Wiz: And Izuku Midoriya, the next user of one for all!

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to see who would win a Death Battle!

Captain America[]

Wiz: It’s 1940’s, United States have just join the war after Japan bomb pearl harbor, so they come up with Captain America for the response to the military actions of Nazi Germany.

Boomstick: But before he punch Hitler in the face and froze in the Arctic, he was known as Steven Rogers. He was born on May 20, 1947 in New York to Sarah and Joseph Rogers being the son of Irish immigrants.

Wiz: He tried to enlisted in the army; however, he was denied because of his weak body.

Boomstick: Look how thin he is! He is literally just bone and skins.

Wiz: But still with strong sense of justice and humility, he still want to join the army.

Boomstick: So feeling pity for him, General Chester Phillips of the US Army offered Rogers to be part of top-secret experiment called Operation rebirth.

Wiz: He agreed to it get the Super-Soldier Serum that give him super powers.

Boomstick: After fighting with his sidekick Bucky to sending a plane into the icy waters of the arctic, he was found in the Arctic Ocean in a frozen block of ice where first thought they were Hydra soldiers to eventually learn about S.H.I.E.L.D. to become a member of the Avenger!

Captain America: A lot of people look up to me. Now I'll show you why.

Wiz: He have adept in all fighting styles with him proficient in his shield. During During WW2, Dr. Myron MacLain created a mold for Vibranium alloy into the shape of a tank hatch. Vibranium is a metal that can absorb and released large amounts of genetic energy; unfortunately, he’s never actually finish it. So, the hatch become Captain America Shield that can absorb planet busting attacks.

Boomstick: With the Super-Soldier Serum, he can see faster to dodge gunfires to even lasers.

Wiz: Even though he really meant that he can process information faster than average human, so he can even push a bulldozer that weighs around 54 tons.

Boomstick: His suit made of Ballistic Nylon that can block some gunshots to knife attack but some gunshots still get though.

Wiz: He have defeated Nazi Armies, beat nuke who have the improved version the Super-soldier Serum, and evenly fought Iron Fist who stated to be the greatest Martial Artist.

Boomstick: But he is not bullet proof and that he depends on his shield for main attacks.

Wiz: But as long he stand for truth, justice, and the American way. He will defeat any villains that threatn his ideals!

Captain America: Look into my eyes, tyrant! They’re the eyes of a man who would die for liberty!

Izuku Midoriya[]

Wiz: In the city of Qingqing, a child was born. But it was soon learn that the baby editing light, and with that it the start of people all around the world learn that they have superpowers or better known as Quirks with the start of the new professional called superheroes.

Boomstick: But not all people were so lucky, only 80% of all people have quicks while others don’t, and one of them is Izuku Midoriya. As a child, Izuku wanted to be a hero like his idol, All might. But he was still don’t have super powers while other of the children at his age does, so his mother took him to a doctor where they learn that he have two joints in his pinky toes meaning that he would never have a quirk.

Wiz: But still want to be a hero while others bullied by his childhood friend Bakugo with others because for him dreaming to become a superhero without superpowers.

Boomstick: Good news that I have a super power.

Wiz: Boomstick, you don’t have superpowers.

Boomstick: Then what about my trusty shotgun leg.

Wiz: It still not.. (Suddenly Boomstick lift his shotgun leg to shoot out of his gun that hit a can next to Wiz)

Boomstick: What again Wiz.

Wiz: Anyways, after Bakugo and his notebook get destroy bad, he was attack by a villain. It look bleak for him.

Boomstick: But that where he meet his idol and one of the greatest super hero of all time. All Might!

Wiz:When he grab on to All might while All Might launched himself into the air to ask if he can become a hero even without a quirk. After All might tell him to join the police force because of not having a quirk; but even with that, when he see the same sludge monster attacking Katsuki while feeling guilty when let the villain escape.

Boomstick: So, feeling heroic, he rush at the villain that allow All might to show up to defeat the villain. Seeing the good in Izuku, he offer to make Izuku dreams into reality. He will give him one for all!

Wiz: One for all, a quirk that is passed down through generations that stockpiles power to the next generation while each one get stronger. But there no problem, his body was not made for such strong power. So, to stop his bones breaking, he use fraction of his power to transferring his power throughout his body by 5%.

Boomstick: At five percent, he can send Todoroki flying to leave a scratch on Gran Torino who dodge bullets. Some of his moves are 5% Detroit Smash, Delaware Smash Air Force where he fires compressed air, and the St, Louis Smash where he leaps into the air to a roundhouse kick to the face.

Wiz: At 20% at short bursts that he was able to crush a rock or 30,000 tons of force to moving at hypersonic speeds. He can do Machester Smash where hit the foe with axe kick.

Boomstick: And One For All at 100% where he use his full strength like All Might with the downside damaging the part of body he using. There the Detroit Smash to the 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash that even overpower Muscular’s Quirk that is so powerful that a person called (Destroyed a large formation of metal cubes with a Detroit Smash) TheRustyOne stated that his can punch with the force of 2,2 Kilotons of TNT.

Wiz: But that not the only he have, he got the blackwhip.

Boomstick: What that supposed to be?

Wiz: It a quirk that allows the user to create dark tendrils grab onto items for seconds. Then having a high endurance especially fighting with Muscular to Pixie-Bob for eight hours straight, and having keen skills of observation to come up with plans to fighting with Villains with much more years of combat experienced.

Boomstick: But despite being the holder of One For All, he will break his bones when using 100% and even using 20% make his moves more predictable to it will eventually damage him.

Wiz: But as long as he can stand to fight, even when the enemy certain of their victory, he will take the chance to fight what is right!

Izuku Midoriya: Just trying to meet expectations! A smiling... dependable... cool hero... That's what I wanna be! That's why I'm giving it everything! For everyone! Your experiences... your determination... I can't even begin to imagine what all that's like... but... If you become number one without giving it your all... Then I don't think you're serious... about denying him everything! That's why I have to win! I have to surpass you!

Pre- Death Battle[]

Wiz: All right the combatants are set to let's end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

Death Battle[]

In the Arctics, a secret organization called the Hydra are looking for the Cosmic Cube with building surrounding the huge drill that dig miles into the surface, so Red Skull is walking toward the drill with groups of the scientists following him with papers of data to graphs.

Scientist 1: Everything is going according to plan.

Red Skull: Of course, I’m the one who come up with the plan! When I get the Tesseract, I will rule the world!

Then Red Skull open the main door to reveal a drill that is drilling through the ground so far that they are using a camera to show it on the big screen when it reveals that they finally found the Tesseract.

Red Skull: Send in the Droids!

With that all the droids are released into the hole because of the intense pressure and heat when the droids shape of small birds with helicopter blades to pull on the Tesseract when it make it to the surface.

Red Skull: Now it the start of a new era!

Suddenly, Captain America jump through the windows with his shield taking all the force him falling to the ground.

Captain America: Red Skull, your tyranny ends here!

Red Skull: Captain America! Don’t you just stand there, get him!

So, Captain America throw his shield to duck under a machine while Hydra agents come to shoot at Captain America when the shield keep hitting all Hydra agents in the head when there are no more and Captain America grab his shield.

Red Skull: I will not let you get a better of me this time!

He run toward the Tesseract while Captain America is catching up when Captain America grab Red Skull and Red Skull grab the Tesseract, and when suddenly they have teleport onto a beach.

Red Skull: What the?! Where are we… (Captain America hit Red Skull so hard that it knock him out.)

Captain America: Good question, better call Nick Furry.

What Captain America don’t know that Izuku was running toward to increase his endurance to use more of his power when he encounter Captain America seeming on top of a person on the ground with a blue box.

Izuku Midoriya thoughts: What just happen? It is man with the shield protected himself or did he stole it.

Captain America: (He turns around to see another person.) Hey there. Sorry, but you can’t stay here.

Izuku Midoriya: Wait a minute, who are you.

Captain America: Oh, where my manners. I’m Captain America. I work with SHIELD in New York.

Izuku Midoriya: So you actually from a different country, so why are you here.

Captain America: Actually I supposed to in the arctics, but Red Skull grab the Tesseract that teleport us here. But that enough, you should be going now, I’m going to call SHIELD to pick up it.

Izuku thoughts: Shield? What type of Hero Agency he from, and is kinda sketchy that he just come here. He wouldn’t mind he wait for the police to question him more.

Izuku Midoriya: Can’t, I won’t let you leave with that. You must wait until the police come to make sure you don’t use it for nefarious things.

Captain America: So you don’t believed me.

Izuku Midoriya: It not what what I say, but I just think it sketchy that you a top of a man with a bruise on his head while you have none, and also that the Tesseract teleport seem very powerful and weird.

Captain America: You seem like a good kid, but my mission state that I must return it to the SHIELD Carrier at any cost. So you can walk away from this or we have to do this the hard way.

Izuku Midoriya: Then I must stop you then. (Get into battle position)

Captain America: I never thought it would come to this, but I need to finish this mission one way or other. (Get into battle position)


The battle start with Captain America throwing punch while Midoriya blocking the attacks when he see an opening to attack when Captain America dodge the attack to punch in the face. Then Captain America kick Deku in the stomach to another punch to the face, so he about to attack when Midoriya block the attack to do a grab move and throw him backwards to get his face full of sand. Captain America about to get up when to wipe the sand off his eyes when Midoriya take the advantage by punching him into the air to do two jabs and slam that send Captain America into the ground.

Captain America: (As he get up) You fight good kid, maybe you should join SHIELD.

Izuku Midoriya: You think that is good, I didn’t even started!

Captain America thought: So he does have superpowers, have to make sure to be prepare for it.

Captain America: Then let get started.

Izuku Midoriya thoughts: He still have that shield on his back, maybe one of his quirk that he can turn the shield metal into a melee weapon like a sword. Must keep my eyes on the shield to make I don’t have to know.

Izuku Midoriya: Oaky!

Izuku Midoriya launch into the air to slam his fist when Captain America block the attack with his arms to front flip over Izuku to jump in the air to punch Izuku in the head to a kick sweep to trip him to the ground. He about slam Izuku when Deku hit Captain on the shin to a backflip that hit his head until Captain America grab him to show him to the ocean.

Captain America: Told you don’t make it the hard way.

However, Izuku jumps from the water cover in sparks of green energy.

Captain America thoughts: That must he powers. Know I see sparks coming out of his body. Then it could mean that he is… (When suddenly Izuku punch where Captain America try to block when he the attack destroy the block to do a roundhouse kick to the ground.

Izuku Midoriya thoughts: O.K, Got him in the corner. Time to finish it quickly.

So, he use a 5% Detroit Smash when Captain America pull out shield that block the attack that absorb all the attack.

Captain America: Then let me show you what I got.

Izuku Midoriya thoughts: He didn’t even budge! Maybe if I attack the shield, I would destroy the shield or counter attack when he attack back.

Izuku Midoriya then attack the shield when Captain America roll backward to throw his shield that Izuku dodge.

Izuku Midoriya thoughts: He don’t have his shield anymore, time to… (The shield hit a light post that travel to hit his head.)

Captain America continued the battle by flip over Izuku to grab his shield to do a shield bash, uppercut with his shield three times, kick his shield that hit him the face, two punches that send him flying into the air, and a massive uppercut to slamming his shield into the neck of Midoriya.

Captain America: Sorry to have to do that, but the mission come first.

He was walking away when he hear Izuku getting up.

Captain America: Please stand down. I don’t want to kill you.

Izuku Midoriya: No, I will not let you use it for your evil deeds. I promised myself to become the strongest superhero like All Might, so I will never stop chasing my dreams. (Then he clutch one of his hands) I will fight to the end to be the next symbol of peace!

Captain America: Then I’m sorry what I have to do with you.

Now Izuku Midoriya is using 20% of his power with Captain America also using all his strength with both running toward each other punching with all their strength from Captain America throwing faster punches while Izuku Midoriya hitting harder; however, Midoriya step backward to use the Delaware Smash that send powerful winds that make Captain America lose his grips on the shield. He about to grab it when Izuku use his black whip to grab the shield.

Captain America: What the!

Izuku Midoriya: Now let me what a symbol of justice can really do!

He throw the shield into the sand almost bury it to a punch to a uppercut that send Captain America flying into the air where he to do multiple punches to the ground, so Captain America barley getting up with much of his bones broken when he see the shield couple of feet front of him with Izuku Midoriya coming down with a punch. Captain America reach for the shield when a huge explosion happen when Izuku punch with both on the ground. Then Captain America stand up to fall onto the ground waited from the injuries to Izuku getting up pretty bruise up from the battle.

Izuku Midoriya: Told you I never stop trying to make my dream into reality!


Boomstick: Ouch, I don’t know what worse? Being hang and cut in halve or getting all your bones broken.

Wiz: Yeah, even though Captain America was a worthy foe for him with his experienced to being more agile by dodging lasers and having a shield that can take planet busting attacks. Midoriya takes the others.

Boomstick: It no surprised that Deku take strength for his punch equal to 2.2 kilotons of T.N.T.

Wiz: And that he fought opponents more experienced plus fighting for eight hours.

Boomstick: Look like Captain America is K.O!

Wiz: The winner is Izuku Midoriya!

Next time on Death Battle...[]

???: I'm not your enemy, Diana. I am the only one who truly knows you... and who truly knows them as you now do. They have always been and always will be weak, cruel, selfish, and capable of the greatest horrors.

???: Zeus!! Do you see now what your son can do?! You cast your favor on Athena, but her city lies in ruins before me! And now, even Pandora's Box is mine! Would you have me use it against Olympus itself?!

Captain America Vs Izuku Midoriya Remastered ( Utahraptor77)[]

Captain America Vs Izuku Mioriya


Two people who get the powers change the world for the greater good will go head to head to see who will win in Death Battle.


Phosphorus: As man roam the world, one of the wish man always wanted is to be a great hero.

Pit: Saving children from fires, stopping crimes, and even ending tyranny saving millions of people.

Dark Pit: But most often majority of people can't do it as they don't have any super powers.

Pit: But when they do get the chance to do he right thing, they take the chance to save the millions.

Palutena: Like Captain America, the first Avenger.

Pit: And Deku, the next welder of one for all!

Dark Pit: He pit, she Phosphorus, she Palutena, and I'm Dark Pit.

Phosphorus: And it time to look at the fighters to see who will win in Death battle.

Captain America[]

Pit: As aliens invade the world, super villains trying to taker over the government, and natural disasters struck homeland. We can always can count on the Avengers.

Palutena: From the sharp shooter Hawkeye, the mighty Thor, and the intelligent robot name Vision.

Dark Pit: But leading the ground is a patriot who will put his life on the line for justice, and his name is Captain America.

Pit: The first Avenger!

Captain America: The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.

Phosphorus: Now that’s America’s Ass!

Pit: Phosphorus!

Phosphorus: What, I’m not wrong am I.

Dark Pit: You can talk about this later, so Steve Rogers was born on July 4, 1922, living in New York City during the Great Depression where he would have a strong sense for duty, honor, and humility.

Pit: He would learn that Nazis are destroying cites and Japan taking over huge parts of its neighboring countries. Wanting to do what right, he enlist into the army when…

Phosphorus: When they hundred percent ejected him, I wouldn’t blame them, he is so thin that he make paper look fat!

Palutena: Not wanting to give up to protect the innocence, he would be part of the sect project where they enhance soldiers into battle called operation rebirth.

Dark Pit: When given the Super-Soldiers Serum plus being fitted with vita-rays, he would emerge with a super hero body who would put under training as we would defeat many nazis and even giving Hitler an American punch to the face.

Pit: During the war, he would become a symbol for freedom as Steve would work with Bucky defeating villains from the White Death, the Black Toad, and Jack the Ripper.

Palutena: It was 1945 when both Captain America and Bucky was trying to stop a plane that was going to explode with Bucky kill in the explosion and Steve falling into the arctic waters freezing him for decades until Sub-Mariner found his cool body in the ice.

Pit: Getting him out from the ice, he would join the Avengers as the new leader and would bring peace once more to the world.

Dark Pit: With the Super-Solider Serum, he was faster, stronger, and…

Pit: Can see faster than average human.

Dark Pit: How much times I have to tell you, he can’t make light travel faster to see faster Pit!

Phosphorus: He have master hand-to-hand combat from William Fairbairn to Rex Applegate.

Palutena: During training, his have adept to every hand-to-hand combat known from man, and remember that in the world there are over 170 mortal arts he must learn.

Dark pit: He wears a suit made of kevlar to lightweight titanium making it nearly bulletproof with eletrometic gloves to able to retrieve his shield in battle.

Phosphorus: You think as a solider he would bring more than a metal shield to battle.

Palutena: Thats no ordinary shield, its made up of porto-adamantium and vibranium giving the shield the ability to absorb all kinetic energy even attacks that can destroy a planet.

Dark Pit: He have shown to dodge attacks from electrical to lasers that he have he can notice the microscopic imperfections in battle.

Palutena: With the Super Solider serum, he was able to lift the entire skyscraper or around 222,500 tonnes to even fighting the heavy hitters.

Dark Pit: And his greatest feat is when he was fighting against Thor in Avengers Assemble that he should be nearly comparable to Thor who was able to harm Fin Fang Foom who took an explosion.

Palutena: With the diameter of the Earth and the radius, the explosion equal to 27 Teraton of TNT, enough to destroy entire country.

Pit: And you’re saying that he was taking the same punches, what they put inside of the Serum?!

Dark Pit: But what make make him the leader is his experienced that he can learn they’re weakness during battle that he break out of skull bonds who can adapt to anything the prisoner does.

Phosphorus: But no matter how smart you are, the shield can’t protect the lower parts of his body to still being a human.

Pit: But no matter how much the odds are against him, he will protect the innocent and standing up against tyrants.

Captain America: In the early 1940's, I made a personal pledge to uphold the Dream... And as long as the Dream remains even partially unfulfilled, I cannot abandon it!

Izuku Midoriya[]

Dark Pit: While there many powerful quirks from Decay, Rewind, and All for one. None can match against One for All!

Palutena: Is a transferable Quirk that can passed to its next user to stockpile raw power giving more power to durability, strength, speed, and agility in battle.

Dark Pit: As the quirk pass to another user, its increase its power for every times its transfer. Many have use its power from Yoichi Shigaraki to Nana Shimura.

Pit: And we’re going to talk the current user once not having a quirk was given the chance to risk his lives everyday as a hero, and his name is Izuku Midoriya!

Deku: I have to work harder than anyone else to make it! I'll never catch up otherwise...! I want to be like you...! Like you. The strongest hero.

phosphorus: As a child, he would always dream to becoming a hero like All Might, a hero who would stand up against evil. With many of his friends gettin quirks, he would get…

Pit: One for…

phosphorus: Nothing, Zero, no quirk…

Pit: Wait? Then…

Palutena: Dont worry, we’re going to explain pit.

Dark Pit: When the doctor reveals that he have two joints in his pinky toe, he would mean that he was born without a quirk.

phosphorus: (Sarcastic) Dont worry, he can still be a police officer to clean up the mess!

Palutena: He would be picked on for him still believing that he still can become a super hero that he still consider Bakugo as a Friend.

Dark pit: It was until when he was walking when he was attack by a villain when his idol All Might save him and when Deku ask him that a person without a quirk can become a super hero.

Pit: He would say that its…

Dark Pit: Would not be possible to be a professional hero without a quirk and that he should stick becoming a police officer.

Pit: What the! Can anything go right for him?

Palutena: While thinking about those words, he saw Bakugo was being attack by the same villain who attack him, believing that he accidentally let the villain escape, he would attack the villain knowing that he didn’t have a quirk.

Dark pit: Inspired seeing Deku fight, he would defeat the villain with All Might give him the chance to become a hero by Deku eating the hair from All Might to gain the power.

Pit: With the new quirk, he would apply for U.A. learning new skills and learn how to become a super hero.

Palutena: With the quick as we mention, it give the user the ability to stockpile power to being able to limit how much energy he can dispel. Good thing, he was breaking his bones almost every time he use his powers. What you think if you have that type of power Pit?

Pit I better learn how to use it, epically when the same power to break bones.

Dark Pit: He have use different moves from Detroit Smash to the Delaware Smash where he use his fingers flicking a powerful wind pressure to the united Step of World Smash at max power.

Palutena: He have been shown to use at limes of 45% of his powers without injury himself that he learn from Delaware Smash Air Force with the help from upgraded gloves allowing him to shoot a compress air.

Dark Pit: And he was able to learn to use Shoot style focusing on kicks attacks increasing his striking force learning St.Louis Smash.

Pit: And his greatest move called 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash using all of his strength for the final strike for the winning blow.

phosphorus: You think that all of his powers, but nope, they have to give him access to access he previous quirks  of previous holders of One for All.

Palutena: He gain Fa Jin from the third user allowing him to build up kinetic energy and release it as power to his strikes.

Dark Pit: He got a danger sense that allow him to sense danger all around him.

Palutena: The Blackwhip from Daigoro Banjo who use to be the fifth user allow the user to generate a tendrils made of black energy to improve his mobility or to grab objects.

Dark Pit: Next one is called Smokescreen from the sixth user also allowing him to generate a cloud of smoke.

Palutena: And finally the float ability from Nana Shimura who was the seventh user and the mentor of All Might give Deku the ability to float in the air.

phosphorus: I wonder how he going to explain that in the story.

Palutena: What make him a great hero is from his huge stamina that he was able to fight even with broken bones to working days with sleep or rest will fighting against multiple villains.

Pit: In battle, he have been shown react to bullets to electrical attacks and even radio waves.

Dark Pit: Being part of the electromagnetic wave spectrum, its should travel at the speed of light.

Pit: And his greatest feat during battle is when when Deku and Bakugo being able to rotating the entire storm equaling to 61.35 Teraton of TNT.

Dark Pit: With these powers, he can adapt to any abilities quickly to having great leadership skills facing against different villains.

phosphorus: Just like any other super heroes, using 100% would greatly damage his body to his strategies being little bit reckless.

Pit: But as long he is still standing, he will make sure the day will be save and the innocent protected.

Deku: If I can't save one little girl right in front of me... Then how can I ever hope to be a hero who saves everyone?!"

Pre-Death Battle[]

Palutena: When have seen what the fighters can do.

Pit: From they're abilities and feats.

Dark Pit: And putting them into the arena.

Phosphorus: It's time for a Death Battle!!!

Death Battle[]

Next Death Battle take place in the jungles as multiple missiles explode destroying many trees, Guereza are swinging across the trees avoiding the conflict, and we see a Hydra Soldiers fighting against Basilisk organization. Bullets and bombs are flying everywhere as they fight for a newly discover deposit of vibranium with both side evenly match by raw power. In the conflict, multiple Hydra Soldiers are blating with sub-machine guns.

Solider 1: Nothing better than the smell of gunpowder in the morning, right guys.

Solider 2: Nothing can beat this, just three more days and I’m going to retire. Hope you guys going to the party.

Solider 3: As long there is cake, I be going there.

???: What about justice?

Solider 2: Justice? What that suppose to…

With that, a shield slam into his face knocking him out cold as the rest of the members look in shock as the shield return to Captain America.

Captain America: How I didn’t miss the party!

Solider 1: Crap, its Captain America! Shoot him.

Before they even pull the trigger, Captain America throw his shield knock them out cold as he secure the location.

Captain America: Director Fury, I have secured a location for a counter attack.

Nick Fury: Good job, stand guard of the area as the rest of team secure their location. So you better watch your back.

As Captain America secure the location, he spots more Hydra soldiers coming toward his directions.

Captain America: Time to get back to action.

But as he said that he see a mysterious person jumping to the arena being Deku who is no an international mission with other Pro heroes from other nations trying to figure out what happening in the jungle. He see Deku defeat the soldiers with multiple kicks strikes very quickly, so he approach Deku with his shield up.

Captain America: Kid, what you’re doing here, this is a combat zone.

Deku: (Turns around to be shock.) What you mean by that, I’m on a mission to clear out this zone. Who you suppose to be.

Captain America: Name Captain America, leader of the Avengers.

Deku: (Few seconds of thoughts.) Never heard of that agency before?

Captain America: Never-mind that, seeing that you’re in a war zone, I better take you in for questioning.

Deku: (Thinking) Seeing that he’s alone, I better make it quick. (Get into battle position)

Captain America: Kid, you’re fighting on the wrong side!

Deku: Dont think that would trick me.


The battle start with Captain America throwing his shield as Deku duck below the shield as both fighters clash with Steve throw punches while Midoriya strike with his legs until the shield bounce back on a tree. Then the Shield hit Deku head stunning him as the shield launch into the air as Captain America jump into the air grabbing it when Deku was able to shake it off as he charge a concentrated Delaware Smash. However, Captain America use his shield to block the strike as he perfectly land.

Captain America: Nice move kid, its a shame we must fight, I would accept you in the Avengers.

Deku: Thanks, you got a strong shield. But can you catch up to me?

Captain America: It’s take more than true strength, what matter in battle is experienced. And I’m full of it!

Both quickly dash toward each other as they attacks when Captain America using his shield bashing it across Deku face as he throw Deku into a tree.

Deku: (Thinking) I better turn this around, I’m getting destroy while I don’t even know his quirk. Think, what is his weakness?

Captain America: A word of advise, stay focus on battle!

He throws his shield as its bounce across the trees as he follow its when Deku use the Blackwhip to grab the shield and throwing it into a tree as the shield get stuck on the tree shocking Captain America, and Deku use it again to swing across the trees slamming Captain America with multiple kicks to a Detroit Smash sending Steve right through multiple trees. Seeing how much danger he is in, he reach out as the magnets in his gloves pull the shield from the tree as Deku trying to end the battle with another strike when Captain America block the strike with the shield just in nick of time. Now both fighters take steps back as Deku use 5% of his power.

Captain America: From the ability from control air, shooting out black tentacles, and have power into increase power! How much powers do a person need.

Deku: Just enough to stop you!

Captain Captain: Oh really, good thing I only need to use only need one then.

The battle continue as Deku launch himself to deliver a axe kick when Captain America dodge to the right avoiding it when Steve use the advantage by throwing a punch to the head to a knee jab to Deku’s stomach. Deku use the Blackwhip to quickly get up from a tree as he hold onto his injured stomach.

Captain America: Did you know that you can tell the weakness of the enemy by a few moments in a fight, for an instant, the more power you use. The more strain you body must deal with making you slower.

Deku: Thanks for the advise.

Captain America:You can thanks me in the interrogation room.

To gain an advantage, he grab a tree as he uproot it and throwing it at Captain America as he block the blow.

Captain America: You better do better if you want to hang with the big dogs.

Deku (Sliding across the floor as he is under Captain America) Guess it’s time to show you what an underdog can really do.

Taking the advantage that the shield doesn’t cover his lower parts, Deku deliver a kick to the face as he also kick the shield away as Deku deliver more kicks when Captain America reach out. Deku turn preparing for a shield, but Captain America deliver a punch to the head again tricking him before Deku start to use 30% of his power to using Delaware Smash Air Force launching him into the air as Captain America push by the winds into a tree. In the air, Deku using the float quirk look at the ground preparing for his next attack.

Captain America: ( Calling back Nick Fury) Hey Fury, it’s going to take a few more minutes.

Captain America is ready for an attack when Deku using multiple Delaware Smash Air Force moving in a zig zag direction as he launch from different trees until he was able to grab Captain America legs launching him into the air as Deku close the distance for a strike, and Captain America use the shield to block each strike as they travel through the air. Then Captain America throw his shield with Deku shoran air blast that redirected him away from the attack as the Captain America use the magnet again to grabbing the shield again, so Captain America was able to block another strike when he was able to grab Deku and throw him into the ground in a battlefield. Deku was stun for a few seconds as he barley avoid a stomp from Captain America.

Basilisk 1: Who they suppose to be?

Basilisk 2: Shoot now and ask question later comrade!

Now using 45% of his powers, he only have few seconds if he want to win in battle as Deku grab a truck throwing it as Captain America using his shield blocking the strike as the truck slow down. When the truck stop, Captain America take a breath, but Deku using a St. Louis Smash Air Force shoot a powerful blast of air causing the truck to explode with the arblast so powerful that it launch all the soldiers in the area miles away as Deku get on his knees in pain.

Deku: Look like mission accomplish!

Captain America: Dont count on it just yet!

Before he can react, Captain America was able to throw is shield hard that it completely slice Deku arm completely off as Deku scream from the pain.

Captain America: Sorry Kid, but I can’t let you win.

The shield bounce back into Captain America arms as he launch Deku into the air as he throw the shield hitting Deku again when he land on the ground in more pain. Steve grab his shield as he was ready for the final strike.

Deku: Can I tell you something.

Captain America: You can.

Deku: I was born without a quirk, everybody thought I wouldn’t become a hero, even my mother given up on me. (Captain America stops) But I never give up on my dreams, I was able to prove All Might that anything possible. With that, he give me One for All to help everyone who is in danger. (He gets up charing up for the final attack) I won’t stop, no matter what, not even an experienced fighters. I will bring smiles to everyone in trouble!

He create a thick smoke covering the entire ten meters with Captain America being inside of it as he trying to figure out where is Deku, and he hears a stick snap as he throwing the shield, but Deku was behind Captain America as he use the Blackwhip grabbing the shield and throwing it into the sky. Preparing for the final strike, he using all of his powers for 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash with Captain America instead of running he also running ready to throw his own punch. As both make contact, there was a huge explosion destroying everything in the path, and in the middle of the destruction Deku was the sole survivor as the shield lands on the ground with the battle ended.

Deku: I told you, I will never stop to becoming a pro hero.


Phosphorus: Now I wonder how will Deku explain the reasoning for destroying halve of the Congo Rainforest.

Pit: I don't think he can pay for the damage.

Dark Pit: While yes, Captain America is way more experienced in battle than Deku with a most powerful shield that can take punches that can destroy planets and more smarter. Its show that in many scenarios, Captain America could have won in battle using his experienced and smarts to win in battle. as both dodge attacks that can travel light speed.

Palutena: But we look in a bigger picture, and Deku have a slight edge to win in battle.

Pit: Remember, while Deku isn't as smart as Captain America, he still a smart fighter who can also adapt quickly in battle.

Dark Pit: Including that Deku was way more powerful that he is 2.2 times more powerful than Captain America biggest feats. The same feats with Captain America facing against Hulk infuse with carnage who was able to pull the tectonic plates together. Even at 45% of his powers he should equal to Captain America greatest power feats.

Pit: With his other powers, he would be able to match against the shield from using the Blackwhip to disarm Captain America quickly to the shield only being able to cover him leaving some areas weak for a strike, especially with the danger sense giving Deku the slight advantage in agility.

Palutena: Include that Deku can survive his own attacks making him more durable, meaning that he would most likely win in the end.

Pit: Look like Captain America chance was blown up... I'm not really into puns you know.

Palutena: The winner is Izuku Midoriya!
