Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Bud Knight vs

Image by Hoi


Image by PowerfulEevee

Bud Knight vs. Burger King. Battle of the BKs! This mascot fight is sure to be entertaining! The connections between these two is that they are mascots who's names can be shortened to BK, have relations to football (BK and BL have a lot of super bowl ads).

Bud Knight[]

Wreck: The Bud Knight

Tiger: He's the demigod medieval mascot promoting Bud Light

Wreck: Though he's a mascot, he's no joke

Tiger: He's appeared almost every year at the super bowl, with football-related commercials

Wreck: He can chop footballs in half midair

Tiger: He spiked a football so hard it exploded and broke solid brick by throwing one

Wreck: Punted a football so fast and far it gained a flaming trail and reached escape velocity

Tiger: His armor pierced a football

Wreck: Ok we've had enough with the football feats

Tiger: Fine...

Wreck: He died and woke up with stiff fingers

Tiger: Bodied a dragon

Wreck: His armor tanked dragon fire with no charring

Tiger: Can run 40 yards in 2.95 seconds

Wreck: Can lift a full truck of Bud Light

Tiger: He has infinite stamina, seeing as he stated he could party forever

Wreck: The Bud Knight even curls 380 pounds daily

Tiger: He's a multi universal being seeing as he traveled to the Game Of Thrones universe

Wreck: Speaking of Game of Thrones, that's where he "died"

Tiger: He can spin a cloth fast enough to fly

Wreck: He's fearsome enough to scatter an army with a sword flare

Tiger: Don't forget he ragdolled a dragon out of the sky with that same flare

Wreck: He kills anyone who knocks on his door... Except for girl scouts. He likes cookies

Tiger: He has great leadership skills, he led a successful siege

Wreck: He's pretty buoyant... apparently

Tiger: He has fighting in his blood, being the distant cousin of Boba Fett

Wreck: Cools drinks with a "local" glacier

Tiger: His sword can shoot up a beam of light over a hundred feet tall, sending out a shockwave with it

Wreck: He can emit electricity from his sword

Tiger: He killed a witch

Wreck: He slayed every last dragon, which according to him, is at least 20

Tiger: He had a pet ram in his childhood

Wreck: He graduated from the prestigious Ye Olde University

Tiger: What the hell is the Ye Olde University...

Wreck: Seriously? The Ye Olde University? You don't know?

Tiger: Why do I put up with you...

Tiger: Let's move on to the Burger King so he can stop talking

Wreck: Wait! Before I forget, what happened to your old typeface?

Tiger: Author got lazy

Burger King[]

Tiger: The Burger King

Wreck: First appearing in the 1950s in print ads, they put him into animated commercials in the 1960s, and finally, he made it to live action in the 1970s, with a brand new move set of whimsical whopper fueled wizardry!

Tiger: In the 1980's he vanished, faster than an anime father

Wreck: He returned in 2004 with a new look and a new series of ads and promotions

Tiger: In 2011 he retired. But... of course he reappeared in 2015.

Wreck: We're done with his history, let's move onto his abilities

Tiger: He can levitate and teleport

Wreck: He can manifest out of any depiction of himself

Tiger: By twisting his ring, he can teleport to BK

Wreck: He knows when someone will wake up, and appears just in time to deliver them a hot bedside whopper

Tiger: He can make anything out of thin air, including living things

Wreck: He can shrink and grow, and make doorways to a BK out of nowhere.

Tiger: He can generate milkshakes in an empty cup, make milkshakes grow on trees, and can sarcastically turn people into milkshakes when asked to make them a shake

Wreck: He peeled a potato with words and turned it into french fries with a wave

Tiger: He can bring his shadow to life

Wreck: he can break into houses, McDonald's, there's even a game about how sneaky he is

Tiger: He also has a racing game and a bumper car game.

Wreck: He can pole dance... for some reason

Tiger: He can break through glass with his body

Wreck: The king has animal magnetism

Tiger: He even has a Cybertronian form, show in the Transform Your Way promo

Wreck: Dilly Dilly!

Tiger: Wreck that's the Bud Knight's phrase

Wreck: Why didn't you tell me this eARLIER

Tiger: Did you even do any research?

Wreck: We were supposed to research? I just read the script?

Tiger: Where is THAT on the script?

Wreck: I dunno

Tiger: Then WHY did you say it?

Wreck: I dunno


Wreck: I dunn-

Tiger: SHUT UP!

technical difficulties


Tiger: Now that that's settled, let's get into this Death Battle!


Burger King cannot bring in allies

Bud Knight cannot summon Bud Legends

Pre Death-Battle[]

Death Battle[]

It was a cold day. Even in the desert, a chill was in the air, like some rift, or crack had been opened.

The Bud Knight was awakening from his slumber. He was in his armor, which he did not fall asleep in. He wondered what had gone on with him, as he saw a shadow. He stood up slowly, and stared into the distance. Sand fell off of his back.

Bud Knight: I thought the whole point of Bud Light was not to do that...

The Burger King was on the other side. He had attempted to deliver a Whopper, but ended up in this somehow cold desert. The chill suddenly stopped. The smoke cleared. The Burger King saw a silouhette. He rushed towards it...

A wall arose between them right before they met, and a message was carved into it.





The Bud Knight punched through the wall

The Burger King was nowhere to be seen. He had snuck behind him.

Burger King: This is why they call me the Sneak King!

Burger King chopped Bud Knight in the back, and he turned around. He drew his sword. The King slowly levitated up and put a hand over his mouth, Bud Knight jumped up in an attempt to reach the Burger King and dragged him down by his leg. He slammed him down, then again, but on his other side, then again, and again... Burger King broke free and tossed Bud Knight away. He made himself a sword, to combat the Knight's.and they clashed.

Clang! Their swords collided


Clang! This time, the sword had reached the Bud Knight's armor

Clink! The King's crown

Scratch! Another shot to the armor

Clonk! The swords crashed again

Clatter! The King's crown had fallen off, the chill returned. The King and the Knight rusehd towards it. A line was in the sky. The King pried it open and dived in. The Knight followed

Commercial Break[]

An ad for a Peloton came on. the mouse headed towards the skip ad button. Our combatants burst through, and bounced off the mouse. They fell through the bookmark's folder, and hit the words, DEATH BATTLE FANON WIKI

C̶o̶m̶m̶e̶r̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ Reality Break[]

Reality started warping around them. The Peloton bike raced towards them, all the videos disappeared, and the mouse faded away. They fell until they bounced onto a thumbnail. They ended up in Pure Heart Valley

Puss in Boots Vs Mao Mao by @PowerfulEevee[]

They saw a Black Cat and an Orange Cat. They ran towards the figures. Burger King realized his opponent was next to him and swung his sword. He popped milkshake into the Knight's mask and ran behind him. The Bud Knight ducked under the King and pushed him to the ground. He was about to strike his head with the sword when the Black Cat ran over and separated them. Puss found the opportunity and ran for Mao Mao's back. He turned around and kicked him away. Puss looked at Mao Mao with his cute eyes, and stunned him slightly. The Bud Knight stabbed his neck. The Hero of Pure Heart Valley barely survived. The King and the Knight continued their brawl. The King made an axe and started hacking away at the Knight's armor. The Knight grabbed the axe, and Puss jumped up from above the Bud Knight, attempting to take him out. The Knight threw the axe upwards and left a large cut in Puss' stomach. The world turned red and...

Gargamel vs Merasmus by @Cipher013[]

The four have been transported to some kind of amusement park... an EVIL amusement park.

They see 2 more figures. Puss stays behind and holds his chest, but Mao Mao, Bud Knight, and Burger King run towards them. A blue blast of magic shoots. They see them more clearly. The King sneaks towards them and Bud Knight and Mao Mao do battle. Bud Knight attempts to stab Mao Mao, but the hero jumps over him and disarms him. It becomes a fist duel, and Bud Knight knocks Mao Mao back. He steps onto his stomach, and prepares to swing his sword, when Puss In Boots attacks from behind. The Bud Knight punches him in his wounded stomach...

Meanwhile the king makes his way over to the battle. he creates a beam of Whoppers and shoots at Merasmus. Gargamel piles on his magic on Merasmus. Mao Mao, who snuck away from the Bud Knight, suplexes the Burger King and engages in battle with him. Gargamel keeps blasting at Merasmus. Mao Mao attacks with his katana, and the king makes himself a katana for a fair fight. Mao Mao hits the King in the stomach, and his pants fall down, revealing heart boxers. Burger King gets knocked down, as Gargamel intervenes and saves the king. Gargamel sends Azareal after Mao Mao. Mao Mao runs away and is met with the Bud Knight. He punches him so hard his head implodes on itself. Azareal goes after the burger king, so he summons a tiger to take him on. Azareal is dead. Now, the king sends the tiger after Merasmus, and it mauls him.

Empty Child VS Beast Boy by Notsussybaka900[]

As Beast Boy calls the Titans on the payphone, the survivors teleport behind the payphone. An ominous chill wipes over them as they see the Empty Child floating towards a building. They freeze. The Empty Child notices them. Beast Boy does too. So does the doctor. Everyone is staring. Beast Boy goes for Empty Child, Empty Child goes for Bud Knight. Bud Knight goes for Puss In Boots, Puss goes for Gargamel, who goes for Burger King.

Empty Child attacks Bud Knight, and he's knocked down into a crater, and Puss starts running. Bud Knight wakes up... He then lunges for Gargamel and he and the Burger King team up on the Sinister Smurf-Hater. Beast Boy pushes Gargamel out of the way inadvertently, and the Burger King goes after him. He turns into a roadrunner and runs off to a T shaped building.

Everyone runs after BB as the frame goes after them all, then BB gets ahead. He comes back into frame with the Titans, and the world goes black. The computer had been shut.

Finale: Void Fight[]

The Titans had split up to each attack a person. Robin faced Gargamel, Cyborg faced Burger King, Starfire on Puss, BB on Bud Knight, and Raven on... Merasmus? He'd taken taken the "kill me and come back stronger" pill... The Empty Child was off frame at the time, so he's stuck there, apparently.

Robin hit Gargamel with his staff a few times, and jumped behind him, and threw birdarangs. Gargamel blasted blue magic, and robin whistled back. The whistle beat the magic. Gargamel was blasted back. One side of Robin's staff became sharp as a knife, and he cut off Gargamel's head.

Cyborg blasted meatballs, Burger King blasted Whoppers. They eventually both stopped and started laughing.

Cyborg: I like your style! Come on! Let's go home away from this mess!

Starfire sees a cute little cat in Puss. She tries her hardest to blast Puss, but could never. Puss leans into that strategy and uses his "cute eyes". He leaps up and chops the Tameranian in two.

Beast Boy transforms into a dragon, but to no avail. He tries to escape as a fly, nothing, Rhino, not even a dent. Beast Boy tries 30 more transformations as the fights rage on. He then gets tired and sits down, and Bud Knight lines him up for a punt. He kicks him in the stomach, and sends him flying. mid-air, his limbs and head shoot off.

Merasmus and Raven exchanged spells, and Raven summons a few demons. Merasmus gets circled around, but right before his sweet release, he hears a familiar voice... A torturing voice...


A grenade is thrown into the battlefield. It explodes, destroying Raven and Merasmus

Survivors are gravitated towards the center of the void.



Burger King

Bud Knight

Puss In Boots


Cyborg blast Puss into dust

Scout and Robin engage in battle

Scout uses his shotgun and kills Robin

Cyborg charges Scout with his Giga-Blaster 3000

Scout throws a grenade into it and ducks for cover

Cyborg is blown up

Burger king teleports behind Scout and snaps his neck

Burger King and Bud Knight remain...

Bud knight attempts to cut the king in half, but the king jumps over him. He takes off the Bud Knight's helmet, and reveals a face

Burger King activates his Cybertronian form, and charges. bud Knight can't do anything but run and dodge. Burger King summons a boomerang with knives attatched and throws it.

Bud Knight: You missed!

The boomerang comes back and is lodged in bud Knight's face. He survives barely and keeps running. he tires out and falls over. The boomerang goes deeper into his skull. He loses eyesight, then passes away. Burger King creates a portal to the nearest BK and gets out



The computer opens again, and Burger King pops up in an ad. He goes back to normal life...

Why Who Won?[]

Burger King:[]

Better mobility

Has levitation and teleportation feats that give him a more extensive mobility arsenal

Cybertronian form

Shown in the transform your way promotion, it's simple to assume he takes on all of the abilities of a cybertronian

More feats

More material with feats, due to being a long running mascot and the sole company mascot

More versatility in feats

Instead of raw pure strength or speed, Burger King takes a lot of categories in


There are whole ads and games devoted to his sneakiness

More experience

Been around since the 1960s


Been shown in several sources to have magical abilities

Bud Knight[]

Raw strength

Raw power over the king


His whole gimmick is being in a suit of armor, a luxury the King lacks

Not very stealthy

Armor clinks and stomps around, very logical assumption

Almost all feats are strength, not much to show anywhere else

All of his feats and victories involve brute strength or his armor miraculously saving him

Bulky, and a lot less ability to gain a lot of speed

Has bulky armor and physique, making it harder for him to run faster


Tiger: Whoa!

Wreck: Burger king had better feats, as well as mobility and versatility in ability

Tiger: The cameos just fueled him instead of wearing him down

Wreck: Finally, your winner is Burger King!

Tiger: This battle was a whopper!
