Brachydios vs Bazelgeuse is a What-If? Death Battle by AksisTheArchonPriest.
Previous Death Battle: Dexter Grif vs Jaune Arc
Vote who you think will win/want to win here.
Monster Hunter! ...No that's it. Just Monster Hunter. These two are some of the most feared monsters in the series among hunters, so it's time to see which brutal behemoth is the best at blasting people to bloody bits. Will the obsidian tyrant punch out the competition, or will the mad bomber ruin its opponent's day like it has to so many others?
Wiz: The circle of life. The food chain. The ecosystem hierarchy. These delicate systems in nature are absolute among all creatures, but it is apparent that some creatures stand above all else, especially in the world of Monster Hunter.
Boomstick: And it's no surprise that some of the deadliest are the ones that use f*cking explosions to hunt! Like Brachydios, the brazen obsidian boxer of Brute Wyverns.
Wiz: And Bazelgeuse, nature's living B-52 bomber. For this battle, it needs to be made known that we will only be using the standard versions of these monsters, so no Raging Brachydios and no Seething Bazelgeuse.
Boomstick: Bummer. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick...
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Boomstick: Ah, Monster Hunter. What other place lets you fight off creatures that make elephants look like mice while using weapons bigger than you? Not many obviously. What I wouldn't give to end up in a place like that.
Wiz: Are you sure? Only the most elite of fighters can even hope to stand a chance against the nightmares that lie in this roided out ecosystem.
Boomstick: What? You don't think I have what it takes?
Wiz: Well, I'd say you could at least hold your own against something like, say, a Great Jagras or maybe an Arzuros. But I don't think someone like you is prepared to take on monsters of the higher tiers, especially when it comes to the monsters that specialize in the art of raw, brute strength so much so that it's literally part if their classifications, the Brute Wyverns. From ones that will charge you down without mercy like Barroth, to ones that can thrash around monsters twice its size like Anjanath, to the walking extinction Deviljho. But of all these creatures, one takes the term of a "brute" in a very... different direction.
Boomstick: Aw yeah! The obsidian annihilator, the boxing behemoth, the T-rex that will knock your lights out so hard, you literally explode, the Brachydios!
A Brachydios could be seen backing several hunters into a corner, flowing lava behind them. It roars before raising its pounder to strike them.
Brachydios: *Cheeeeuuuuuhhh!!!!!*
Wiz: Yes, one of the deadliest species of Brute Wyverns the Guild has discovered thus far. Commonly residing in the depths of volcanic regions near volcanoes, Brachydios are extremely dangerous for even experienced hunters to go up against, though they do not start that way. When one is born, they are forced to fend for themselves, not completely left behind by their parents, but they are mostly independent and cannot rely on them. Before they can truly leave to go off on their own after they've matured, they need a vital piece of their physiology to allow them to become as deadly as possible.
Boomstick: Slime! ...No really, they need to rub themselves in some weird, green, slimy stuff before they can go off on their own. That's just weird.
Wiz: Once they've matured and fully bonded with this substance, they have successfully become one of the most dangerous monsters to never hope to run into.
Boomstick: All because of some slime? What's so special about it anyway? Doesn't really seem like much.
Wiz: Well that's its secret. This 'slime' isn't actually a slime at all. It is in fact a type of mold which bonds itself to a Brachydios' body, most prominently on its arms and head, where its main offensive options reside. Now, Brachydios don't have fists, rather every Brachydios possesses three pounders on both of its arms and head. The pounders on its arms are a thick and blunt shell which allow for powerful punches, and the one on its head can be used to ram into opponents or hammer them into the ground. Strangest of all is their tail, which somehow develops to take the shape of a spiked mace.

Brachydios pounders
Boomstick: After their pounders hit either you or the ground, it leaves its slime mold on whatever it hits. Oh, I see. So it carries it around so it spreads out more and helps it grow in new places.
Wiz: Uh, yeah that's part of it. I'm surprised you know that.
Boomstick: Yeah, all those times Animal Planet was on and I was too lazy to change the channel really paid off. But what exactly does it do for the Brachydios?
Wiz: This is where the bond between the Brachydios and the mold comes into play. See, the Brachydios and the mold possess a symbiotic relationship, meaning they both benefit each other in some way. By bonding to a Brachydios, the creature gives it more range to spread and grow, and in exchange, it gives the monster one of the deadliest and most potent biological weapons in nature. This is because in order for the mold to truly spread and multiply, it scatters its spores across the area by combusting! You heard that right, this slime has explosive properties.
Boomstick: Holy Hell! So covering itself in the slime means it literally has a thin layer of dynamite covering nearly its entire body!?! That's awesome!
Wiz: Yes, awesome and extremely dangerous. Truly unfortunate for a young Brachydios, whose outer shell isn't developed enough to withstand the blasts this mold creates, commonly resulting in the deaths of many young Brachydios.
Boomstick: Man, that's dark. Speaking of dark, so is its armor. In order to survive the constant explosions its slimy friends let off, it has a super hard outer shell which protects it from the blasts once it gets old enough. It also protects them from extreme heat, which not only helps defend against the explosions, but also comes in pretty handy when you live near a goddamn volcano.
Wiz: Well, it doesn't just act as protection against extreme heat. It also allows them to survive extremely cold temperatures as well. This shell also acts as an insulator, which protects it from most sudden temperature changes, letting it venture the world in almost any environment. Not only that, but the shell actually prevents the mold on its body from detonating, and in order to speed up the maturing process of the mold if it is not primed and ready, it will commonly use its saliva which possesses properties that put the mold into a frenzy.
Boomstick: So of course, it's always lickin' its arms if it feels like its punches aren't doing enough exploding. That's... kinda gross. Pluses for the exploding, but minuses for the whole arm licking thing.
Wiz: Grossness is the least of a Brachydios' concerns. Its explosive weapon is only half the reason for Brachydios as a species being such a threat to the Guild. Brachydios are literally made to fight, and with their pounders, ability to survive in most environments and brute aggression, they come into contact with dozens of different monsters throughout their life.
Boomstick: Brachydios are on the high end of the apex monster class, which features monsters near the very top of the food chain. That technically puts it on par with a ton of different monsters, like Rathalos, the poster boy of Monster Hunter with enough power to wipe out entire villages, and Tigrex, who's so strong that it can stop a Radobaan rolling at it at top speed with just its bare hands... er, claws. Oh, and I said it's on the "high end" of apex monsters for a reason, cause even other monsters on the same tier as Brachydios are just fodder to it.
Wiz: And the Brachydios has showcased this firsthand, trouncing monsters like the Uragaan, whose chin slam is powerful enough to create tremors, Lavasioth, a lava fish which literally weaponizes red hot lava, and Agnaktor, monsters tough enough to drill through multiple layers of solid rock with ease and fire high powered lasers of intense flames. This is likely largely due to the fact that Brachydios is actually relatively small for a Brute Wyvern, giving it a level of speed and agility that most large monsters don't have.
Boomstick: Brachydios is absolutely one of the fastest Brute Wyverns out there, keeping pace with the super agile Odogaron and giving lightning timing hunters a run for their money. Yes, even hunters quick enough to dodge Kirin's lightning bolts have to be kept on their toes around these things if they don't want to be turned into a smoldering red puddle, and that only gets tougher when it's pissed off. Once it gets angry, the slime mold on its body goes nuts and heats up to a point where it doesn't even wait to blow up. As soon as it hits something, that something goes boom, making everything way, way explodier, and it makes use of it with a ton of moves that definitely aren't legal in boxing matches. It'll punch the ground over and over in a straight line, crushing anyone in its way, run in, hit the ground and make a sick juke to get behind an opponent, jump several feet into the air and slam down with the pounder on its head, knock you back with its clubbed tail, rush you down with its horn, and every attack just gets deadlier with its slime.
Wiz: The mold doesn't just blow up, however. It also has adhesive properties, allowing the Brachydios to cling to walls and climb up them or lay a massive puddle of slime to trap and hinder smaller targets, and when its enraged, it can stick the pounder on its head into the ground and manipulate the mold to spread across the entire zone it's in, blowing up everything within radius. It certainly shows just why it is one of the deadliest monsters out there. It's tough enough to casually survive a dip in lava, withstand a turf war with a Tigrex, effortlessly tank its own explosions which often instantly kills other monsters on the same level as it, and scales to the Anjanath, which can survive being gored by a Diablos and survive a fall from the top of zone 16 in the Ancient Forest. That's a nearly 460 foot drop! However, for all its killing potential, it has its faults as well.
Boomstick: You might be asking yourself, “what are the downsides to a T-rex that boxes with explosions?!”, and to that I say... nothing. There is nothing wrong with an explosion punching T-rex.
Wiz: Nothing, except for the fact that its smaller size heavily limits its abilities as a Brute Wyvern. It may be faster, but it is far less physically capable in raw strength than other Brutes like Anjanath and Glavenus, so a straightforward brawl isn't its style, preferring to overpower opponents with its speed and explosions. Not only that, but its greatest weakness is in fact the very weapons it uses. If its pounders are broken, the slime on them becomes far less potent, giving them very limited use in a fight and taking away a huge part of their fighting style and arsenal. It is heavily reliant on the slime so any negative impact on them is devastating to a Brachydios, and despite having resistances to colder temperature, it is particularly weak to ice attacks.
Boomstick: So yeah, the Brachydios isn't perfect, but its still one of the coolest, deadliest, and most terrifying monsters out there. Say what you will about it, but you gotta respect the origin of blast in Monster Hunter.
An Uragaan lay dead in front of a hunter in the Elder's Recess, covered in smoke, but from the smoke appeared the silhouette of the Brachydios, peering at the hunter through the smoke. It stepped through the smoke, licking its pounders before raising its head and letting out a terrifying roar.
Brachydios: *Cheeeeuuuuuhhh!!!!!*
Wiz: Let's take a step forward, to a time where the world of Monster Hunter we're all so familiar with became known as the Old World. To a time where a mysterious phenomena known as the Elder's Crossing lead hunters across the sea, through treacherous waters and dangerous storms to find where they were headed. To a brand new continent featuring an environmental wonder where multiple different ecosystems exist right next to each other. Welcome to the New World.
Boomstick: Here you can find a variety of different vacation spots to try and not die in. The Ancient Forest which has the biggest freaking tree in the world, the Wildspire Waste complete with termite mounds on steroids, the Coral Highlands which is a monster sized coral reef above water, the Rotten Vale, an actual monster graveyard, and the Elder's Recess where you can find Elder Dragons having their own little vacations.
Wiz: Obviously with the discovery of this new continent came an abundance of new monsters, such as the thieving Kulu-Ya-ku, the graceful Legiana, and the vicious Odogaron. But of all those newly discovered creatures, none strike fear and dread into the hearts of hunters more than one invading tyrant.
Boomstick: Picture yourself just getting into high rank, going to do some quests, hunting something like a Barroth. But all of a sudden, dreaded violins play and you hear a roar that sounds like an air raid siren. You're not just being introduced to a new monster. You're getting a nice, warm, explosive welcome to high rank.
Wiz: Bazelgeuse.
In the Wildspire Waste, a Bazelgeuse descends onto a hunter and a Barroth, landing on the ground. It rears its head back before letting out a roar to the sky.
Bazelgeuse: *Grrrrooooooaaaahhh!!!!!!*
Wiz: Bazelgeuse is by far one of the biggest and deadliest Flying Wyverns to be discovered. While there were a few sightings of it in the Old World before the New World was found, its presence became known on this continent. A terror among hunters and monsters alike, it stands at one of the highest parts of the food chain.
Boomstick: Yeah, that's because they're invading monsters, monsters that go into any environment without consequences. There are a bunch of other monsters like this, like Ebony Odogaron, Fulgur Anjanath, and Stev- er, I mean Seregios. But Bazelgeuse is definitely the one you really wanna look out for.
Wiz: Interesting that you bring up the Seregios as it actually shares a striking resemblance to the Bazelgeuse, and that would be its primary means of attack. Its scales. Under its head and tail are a cluster of small scales which it can shake off of its body and will quickly grow back, similar to how the Seregios uses its incredibly sharp scales as projectiles. However, the scales of a Bazelgeuse take a much more... destructive approach.
Boomstick: Because they f*cking explode! They're not just some egg shaped scales stuck in the ground, they're all tiny little bombs ready to one-shot unprepared hunters!

Bazelgeuse scales
Wiz: This is due to a nitrate producing bacteria that resides in the water that it drinks, getting absorbed into its body and secreted into these scales from Glandflux in its body which secretes explosive fluids. They are extremely volatile so any disturbance no matter how small will cause an explosive reaction. Due to its naturally nomadic nature, they scour the lands in search of prey and drop these explosive scales from above, and in order for such a massive creature to actually take flight, it has a pair of equally massive wings it uses to glide around.
Boomstick: You can bet your ass that got them a bunch of nicknames, too. Such examples include Basilgoose, Beetlejuice, party crasher, B-52, and my personal favorite, flying asshole. Heheh. It’s always on the lookout for hunters and monsters to royally screw over, which it seeks out for with its super sensitive hearing that lets it hear roars from a ridiculous distance. So it’s always getting into fights with other monsters.
Wiz: Now, while you might expect Bazelgeuse to just bombard opponents from above, it is not afraid to get up close and personal in the most direct way possible. By literally dive bombing head first into the ground! With its impressive bulk, it will throw its weight around and use it to completely overpower almost any monster, and it almost always comes out completely fine thanks to... *sigh* go ahead.
Boomstick: They thicc as f*ck! We've had fighters that are thicc with up to four Cs, but the Bazelgeuse is thicc with all of the Cs! That's not even a joke either. Its bulkiness lets it take the heaviest hits without even flinching, like constantly using its face to detonate its explosive scales. The plated scales on the top of its body also help absorb heavy attacks. Its face is its shield!!! Ah, I love Warhammer.
Wiz: Ugh, yes, their... 'thiccness' is an extremely prominent offensive and defensive tool Bazelgeuse will utilize, however its deadliest asset is the flame sac in its throat. When it is angered, this organ will activate and make these creatures even deadlier. While it can use it to let out a small blast of fire, what it's actually for is superheating the Bazelgeuse's entire body, preheating its scales and priming them for detonation, detonating mere moments after they detach.
Boomstick: So it really shows off why hunters consider this thing to be so deadly. It's a devastating tank that can hit you like a freight train full of gunpowder, and that puts it at one of the highest threat levels in the guild. It's on a tier above the apexes and up with the top tier monsters in the series, including some of the Elder Dragons!
Wiz: And it demonstrates this power firsthand. It's one of the only monsters to draw in a turf war with the strongest Brute Wyvern out there, the Deviljho, which can lift a Diablos into the air with ease, completely overpower the physical prowess of a Tigrex with just one dive bomb, and is tough enough to withstand a full speed dive bomb from Ruiner Nergigante, a variant Elder Dragon even stronger than its normal version, which can tussle with Elder Dragons like Teostra and Kushala Daora!
Boomstick: That would also put it on par with Rajang, which is fast enough to routinely keep up with and dodge the lightning attacks of the Elder Dragon Kirin and wrestle with Teostra, and even with its size, its flight speed is fast enough to keep up with other Flying Wyverns like Rathalos and Legiana. Its super toughness and super speed lets it ram into monsters with enough force to down them in one go while sustaining no injuries itself. Even after getting wailed on for nearly an hour by professional hunters, the only visible damage to its body are a few of the plated scales on its head being broken off. It's one tough mother hubber. Diving head first into the ground or straight into lava, constantly shrugging off its own explosions, withstanding attacks from enemy monsters, Bazelgeuse are ridiculously tough.
Wiz: The explosive properties of their scales can also inflict fireblight to whatever they hit and can even afflict blastblight to enemy monsters, their invasive nomad lifestyle means they can survive the extreme heat and the extreme cold, their massive wingspan means they can glide through the air for miles without flapping even once, and they have an ear piercing roar that can even deafen enemy monsters. However, the Bazelgeuse is far from perfect and has quite a few of its fair share of issues. As rapid fire as its scales may be, it can have points of exhaustion where it needs to take time for all of them to fully grow back, leaving them vulnerable for a time, and their jaw strength and fire blasts are less than useless in an actual fight. Plus, it has a very high weakness to thunder and electric based attacks.
Boomstick: No, I'm pretty sure the only real problem is that they're f*ckin' annoying as hell. C'mon! I'm just trying to finish a quest! Why do you have to barge in and delete 90% of my health!?! And stop roaring, I can't f*cking move!!!
Wiz: ...Well, uh, as rage inducing as these creatures may be, that might be-
Boomstick: Are you serious!?! Why didn't anyone bring dung pods!?!?!?!?!
Wiz: ...Uh, that might be one more thing to add to why they are one of the deadliest Flying Wyverns out there. Now, I think it's time to get off that Boomstick. I'll get you a beer.
Boomstick: Gragh!... *sigh* Ok.
A Tigrex could be seen looking around in multiple small clouds of smoke from multiple detonations. It turns right in time to see a Bazelgeuse dive bomb right into it with an explosion, too late to react. It tries to fight back but is easily overpowered and gets shoved backward as the Bazelgeuse gets back up. It shakes its head, detaching several scales as it glowed a burning orange before roaring at the Tigrex.
Bazelgeuse: *Cheeuuh!!!* *Grooooaah!!!*
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!
Death Battle[]
In the depths of a volcanic region, ashes fall to the ground, lava erupts from the scorched earth, and several distant explosions could be heard. Pained roars could be heard shortly after before another more ominous roar rang out. Following a trail of burned and cracked land leads to the opening of a cavern area, where a large figure proceeds to stumble out. It is revealed to be an Uragaan, heavily injured with the crystals on its back broken and large amounts of its massive jaw chipped away. It dragged itself into a more open area, until a smaller figure rushed up to it and punched it in the side, sending it to the floor. The Uragaan stageringly got back up, looking to what had been attacking it, only to get socked in the jaw and stunned.
Several more blows to its face were delivered, dizzying the massive Brute Wyvern before the violent assault was finished by a brutal uppercut to its jaw, sending it reeling backwards and to the ground once again. It weakly gets back up, finally getting a good look at the creature that was slowly killing it and seeing none other than a Brachydios, staring right at it with steaming pounders covered in green slime before it roars at the Uragaan.
Brachydios: *Cheeeuuuuuhhhh!!!!*
The injured Uragaan, now covered in slime then becomes enraged, roaring in response before preparing to bulldoze the smaller Brute. It shakes off several explosive rocks from its body before rearing its head back and rolling straight for the Brachydios. The rocks detonate as it does this, igniting the Uragaan and turning it into a flaming wheel of death, but instead of fleeing, the Brachydios opts to rush in head on, reeling back one of its pounders ready to strike. As they were just about to collide though, the Brachydios steps out of the way, causing the Uragaan to roll right past it. As it did, the Brachydios took its pounder and quickly smashed it into the Uragaan's side, knocking it off balance and sending it uncontrollably careening into a wall, slamming into it head first.
Now on the brink of death, the Uragaan tried to get up and run away once again, but before it could, the fire that encased its body while it rolled heated up the slime on its body, turning it to a volatile red color. Before it could even begin to flee, the slime on its body detonated in a massive explosion, killing the Uragaan as it let out one last roar of pain. The Brachydios walked up to its handy work, stepping on it and roaring triumphantly into the air.
Brachydios: *Cheeeuuuuuhhhh!!!!*
The Brachydios went to feast on the dead monster, sustaining zero injuries from the battle and ready to eat, but before it could, another distant roar was heard. The Brachydios stops, averting its attention from the carcass and looking around to where the roar came from. It stared confused and on edge, prepared to fight another monster should it attempt an ambush, before a shadow flew over it. It looked to the grey clouds overhead, trying to spot the monster flying around, until-
???: *Grooaahh!!!*
Another roar was heard approaching quickly from behind the Brachydios, forcing it to jump out of the way with almost no time to react as a large figure barreled into the gound, creating a large cloud of dust and smoke as it skidded to a halt past the Brute and into the corpse. The body of the Uragaan gets knocked into the wall as rubble fell onto it. The Brachydios watched as the silhouetted figure in the smoke got up and turned to face it, its bulky figure showing itself and stepping through the cloud. It stomped towards the Brachydios, revealing it to be a Bazelgeuse.
The two Wyverns stared at each other menacingly, getting ready to attack as they both let out a roar at each other.
Brachydios: *Cheeeuuuuuhhhh!!!!*
Bazelgeuse: *Groooooaaahhhh!!!!*
The Bazelgeuse reels its head back before slamming it on the ground and dragging its body towards the Brachydios trying to hit it, to which it responded by sidestepping out of the way and avoiding the attack. As the Bazelgeuse picked its head off the ground and turned to face the Brachydios, it rushed in and punched it in the face two times before uppercutting its head, forcing it to look up to the sky. However, the Brachydios is forced to step back to avoid the Bazelgeuse slamming its head down onto it and into the ground. From there, the Bazelgeuse once again drags its body against the ground and charges into the Brachydios, hitting it and pushing it backwards before stopping and shoving it back, sending it reeling and almost knocking the Brute Wyvern to the floor. The Bazelgeuse rushes in and swings its head at the Brachydios, trying to hit it with its immense bulk, but the more agile Brachydios continuously avoided the swings while landing multiple hits with its pounders and leaving slime on the large Flying Wyvern.
The Bazelgeuse lunges forward and tries to hit the Brachydios, but it avoids the attack and slams its horn down on its head. The Bazelgeuse barely reacts to the hit, however, and shoves the Brachydios back before swinging its head at it and knocking it back slightly. The Bazelgeuse charges into the Brachydios and knocks it into the floor immediately after. It flies up while the Brachydios was on the ground and attempts to slam down onto it. Before it could, the Brachydios quickly gets up and leaps out of the way as it came crashing down. Now behind it, the Brachydios runs up to its tail and bites down on it, causing the Bazelgeuse to roar in pain as it tried yanking its tail away. As it does, several scales on its tail detach and land near the Brachydios as it stomps around trying to drag the Bazelgeuse. It stomped near its scales, rupturing them and causing them to glow orange, before they detonated all at once creating a large explosion. While uninjured, this still surprised the Brachydios, which forced it to let go of the Bazelgeuse’s tail. After it let go, the Bazelgeuse smacked it in the face with its tail, stunning the Brute Wyvern. While it was stunned, the Bazelgeuse turned to face it, planting its wings onto the ground and lunging through the air, ramming into the Brachydios and forcing it to the ground again with its weight. While it was down, the Bazelgeuse raised its head up, ready to crush the downed monster, but as it did, the slime on its face and body began to glow a volatile red, as it too detonated right in its face, also not doing damage but still surprising it, causing it to stagger back away from the Brachydios as it got back up.
Now that both were made aware of their explosive abilities, they prepare to attack again. The Bazelgeuse swings its head through the air, flinging several scales towards the Brachydios who backs away in response. But it sees the Bazelgeuse charging in, nearing it and disrupting its scales around the Brachydios. It quickly sidesteps, avoiding the charging Bazelgeuse and its explosions before punching it in the face as it turned to face it. The Bazelgeuse slightly reeled, but ignored the attack and bit down near the Brachydios’ shoulder. This did nothing, however, giving the Brachydios the opportunity to clamp its much stronger jaw around the Bazelgeuse’s head. The armored scales protected it, but the Bazelgeuse still roared in pain from the bite. It starts to flap its wings, lifting itself off the ground and pulling the Brachydios up with it as it refused to let go.
While they were in the air, several scales detach from the Bazelgeuse and fall past the Brachydios and onto the ground beneath them. After gaining enough height, the Brachydios starts punching the Bazelgeuse’s underside, trying to knock it out of the air. In response, the Bazelgeuse stops flapping and starts falling straight to the ground while the Brachydios was helplessly underneath it. They both fall onto the scales waiting below them, causing them to detonate as the Bazelgeuse crashed on top of the Brachydios, earning a pained roar from the Brute Wyvern.
While the Brachydios was down, the Bazelgeuse takes flight, circling around high in the air and gaining speed to divebomb the creature. The Brachydios looked up at the Bazelgeuse circling overhead and struggled to get up, trying to push itself off the ground but failing to recover. After a few seconds of struggling, the Bazelgeuse made a beeline straight for the Brachydios, causing it to panic and writhe around trying to pick itself up. Right as the Bazelgeuse neared the Brachydios, the slime on it detonated near its head, blinding it and causing it to go slightly off course as the Brachydios managed to get up and leap out of the way. The Bazelgeuse slams into the ground and slides face first into the side of a cliff, causing several massive rocks to fall and slam down onto it, being smashed to pieces on contact and making the Bazelgeuse grunt in pain.
As the Bazelgeuse recovered, the Brachydios rushed in with a pounder raised and slammed it into the Bazelgeuse’s head, knocking its face into the side of the cliff. It kept punching its side as it was pinned against the cliff, leaving more and more slime on the Flying Wyvern’s body. As it raised its horn to slam down on the Bazelgeuse, it retaliated by swinging its tail right as the Brachydios attacked, connecting with its face and sending it reeling slightly. Right as the Brachydios turned to continue attacking, the Bazelgeuse rushed at it, charging its head into the underside of the Brachydios, raising its head up and lifting it over its body, flinging it over itself and sending the Brute Wyvern crashing into the cliff behind them. As it got back up, the Brachydios was met by the Bazelgeuse swinging its head into the Brachydios, knocking it into the side of the cliff before hip-checking it further in, dropping more scales with each attack and shaking the cliff once again, causing more debris to fall.
The Bazelgeuse saw this and took to the skies, narrowly avoiding several large rocks falling onto it. The Brachydios tried to move out of the way, but stepped on some scales, causing them to detonate right at its feet and distracting it as several large rocks came careening down onto it. They smash into the Brachydios, shattering on impact and nearly knocking it to the ground. The ones that miss land near more scales, causing them to explode around the Brachydios, leaving it in a bombardment of debris and explosions. Suddenly, smoke starts emitting from the Brachydios’ mouth as it starts to get angry, letting out a roar of frustration and getting ready to punch the falling debris.
As the debris nears closer, the Brachydios reels its arm back, readying its pounder to strike. Before the boulder could hit it, it launches its arm forward, shattering it instantly. It starts moving forward, slamming its pounders into any pieces of rubble that got close and stepping out of the way of any others, slowly punching its way away from the cliff. It unknowingly stomps on another scale, causing another explosion, but it ignores it and looks down at the ground, noticing dozens of scales scattered around the place. Several rocks fall near them and causes a chain reaction, littering the area in explosions. The Brachydios, however, decides to rush forward, punching away two rocks before slamming its pounders on the ground over and over, forcing the scales around it to explode as it moves forward powering through the explosions. This creates a massive cloud of dust and smoke which engulfs the Brachydios, obscuring it from view as the sounds of crashing and explosions die down. But the Brachydios leaps through the smoke, completely unharmed and more irritated than hurt.
The Bazelgeuse soars overhead seeing the Brachydios was fine and was looking up to try and spot it. It was facing the opposite direction, and the Bazelgeuse decided to take advantage of this, swooping in behind it and barreling straight towards the unsuspecting Brute. But before the Flying Wyvern could collide, the Brachydios suddenly turns around and spots it, dodging a split second before it got hit and stepping out of the way, delivering a punch to the Bazelgeuse's head as it passed by before it skidded across the ground past the Brachydios, which quickly ran after it in pursuit. As the Bazelgeuse came to a halt, it goes to turn back around as its head was suddenly forced back by a brutal punch. After stunning it, the Brachydios delivers an uppercut to the Bazelgeuse sending its head upward and covering it in more slime, before the Brachydios hip-checked it and knocked it back, sending it to the ground upside down. It flailed in place trying to correct itself as the Brachydios walked up to it, raising a pounder and slamming it into its underside, causing the Flying Wyvern to roar in pain.
The Brachydios punched it again and again, each time causing pained roars and leaving more slime on its body. The Bazelgeuse writhed in agony as the Brachydios slowed its punching before raising its pounder one more time, as the slime on it began glowing a volatile yellow and steam began coming off of it. The Brachydios roared as it slammed its pounder down onto the Bazelgeuse, creating an explosion which triggered the slime resting on the Bazelgeuse's head and body, causing it to blow up in an even bigger explosion. However, what the Brachydios didn't expect was for this to trigger the scales on its underside, causing them to glow orange. A split second after the slime detonated, all of the scales on the Bazelgeuse's body detonated, adding to the size of the explosion and making it so big that even the Brachydios got pushed back by the blast, engulfing both monsters. The Brachydios came tumbling out of the explosion, skidding across the ground before stopping and getting to its feet dazed. It looked to the massive plume of smoke, seeing the silhouette of the Bazelgeuse in the center, unmoving. The Brachydios, thinking it won, began walking towards the corpse of the Flying Wyvern.
But then it stopped. It looked closer into the cloud, thinking it saw some sort of movement and getting on guard, and it was right. From the smoke, on the silhouette of the creature, a dangerous glow began spreading across its body. Orange shone between its scales, going all across its body from head to tail. The wing of the creature rose up and planted itself on the ground as the Wyvern slowly got back up, gazing at the Brachydios through the smoke. It then suddenly took to the air, flapping its massive wings and pushing away all of the smoke, giving the Brachydios a better look. There the Bazelgeuse flew in place, staring the Brute down with its scales already replaced with a new set, each one glowing and ready to explode. The Bazelgeuse was enraged, steam emitting its entire body as it reared its head back and roared down at the Brachydios.
Bazelgeuse: *Groooooaaahhhh!!!!*
Now enraged, the Bazelgeuse soared over the Brachydios, shaking off its scales and dropping them down in a bombing run. As soon as the orange scales hit the Brachydios and the ground around it, they immediately detonated, bombarding it with explosions. The Brachydios stumbles around the explosions, taking heavy damage as the Bazelgeuse made its rounds and dropped more scales around it. The Brachydios tried evading the bombs, but it would only stumble into more scales, triggering another explosion in this minefield and getting knocked around. The Bazelgeuse made one last pass, seeing the Brachydios trying to avoid the explosions as smoke surrounded it, giving it the opportunity to dive headfirst into the unsuspecting monster. As the Brachydios was hit by the last of the bombs, it staggered back, recovering from the onslaught. It turned its head too late to realize the Bazelgeuse about to dive-bomb it. With no time to react, the Bazelgeuse crashed into the Brachydios’ side, immediately plowing it into the ground in an explosion and dragging it across the scorched earth, the Brachydios roaring in pain the whole way through. The Bazelgeuse slams it into a large rock sticking out of the ground, smashing it to pieces and sending the Brachydios tumbling across the ground as the Bazelgeuse halted.
The Brachydios writhed around on the ground in agony, dazed and confused from how hard it was hit. The Bazelgeuse lumbered forward as it got back up and started making its way towards the Brachydios. Once it regained its sense of direction, the Brachydios looked up from the ground and saw the Bazelgeuse stomping towards it menacingly, causing it to panic and attempt to get up. The Bazelgeuse saw this and started charging straight at it. The Brachydios finally got back up, but was still hit by the Bazelgeuse’s charge, pushing it back more and sending it sliding into the side of another cliff. The Brachydios staggeringly got back up again and looks up the cliff it was against. Hearing the grunt of the Bazelgeuse, it saw it was about to charge again, and quickly the Brachydios started licking its pounders, creating more slime as the Bazelgeuse began charging. Before it could ram into the Brute Wyvern again, the Brachydios unexpectedly started climbing the cliff, getting just high enough to avoid the charge attack, forcing the Bazelgeuse to crash head first into the side of the cliff. Unfazed, it looks up at the Brachydios to see it quickly scaling the side of the cliff, making its way to the top by using the slime on its pounders to stick to the wall. Not about to let its prey leave, the Bazelgeuse turned away from the cliff and took flight, going up until it was on the same level as the climbing Brachydios.
As the Brachydios hurriedly made its way to the top of the cliff, it took a moment to look around and check if it was about to be attacked. It turned just in time to see the Bazelgeuse flying right at it, forcing it to leap to the side, leaving two green puddles on the cliff where it once was as the Bazelgeuse crashed into it, missing the Brachydios. It continues to climb up as the Bazelgeuse recovered and flew up to it. It attempts to use its talons, clawing into the Brachydios’ back and trying to pull it off the cliff. The Brachydios resisted, shaking around and trying to get the Bazelgeuse off it before it fell off. It shot its head back, head-butting the Bazelgeuse and forcing it to let go before swinging its tail into its underside, knocking the wind out of the Bazelgeuse and giving the Brachydios more time to climb. It was nearing the top of the cliff before hearing another roar below it. It took a moment to look down and saw the Bazelgeuse flying straight up along the side of the cliff, coming straight for the Brachydios. The Brachydios quickened its pace, crawling up to the edge of the cliff panicked as the Bazelgeuse got closer. It reached the top and quickly scrambled up over the edge before leaping forward, barely avoiding the Bazelgeuse as it shot past the cliff, crashing straight through the top and destroying a small chunk of the cliff.
The Brachydios looks away from the cliff to see a massive volcano ahead of him, and that it was at the foot of it. Looking back to the sky, it saw the orange glow of the Bazelgeuse soaring overhead, before turning and running up the mountain. What was once a battle became a full on chase as the enraged Bazelgeuse flew after the fleeing Brachydios. The Bazelgeuse flew over the Brachydios and started to rain bombs down onto it, littering the path around the Brachydios in explosions. The Brachydios dodged to the best of its ability, taking several explosions head on as it raced to the top of the volcano. The Bazelgeuse then swoops down and gains speed, headed straight for the Brachydios. The Brachydios turned to see the Bazelgeuse flying right at it and quickly hops to the side avoiding the dive-bomb as the Bazelgeuse slid ahead of the Brachydios. It got back up and turned to look down at the Brachydios from the higher part of the slope they were on. It ran down charging at the Brachydios, which dodged to the side and punched the Bazelgeuse in the head. It took the hit and pushed the Brachydios off, causing it to stagger back as the Bazelgeuse moved in. It swung its bulk around trying to hit the Brachydios, which kept dodging around and landing multiple hits of its own when it could. The Bazelgeuse raised its head high, dropping scales beneath it and tried to slam down on the Brachydios, but it was too slow and ended up missing, creating an explosion and giving the Brachydios a large opening. As the Bazelgeuse lifted its head, the Brachydios raised its own head and slammed its horn down onto the Bazelgeuse’s head, forcing it into the ground. However, the Bazelgeuse got up and pushed the Brachydios back, charging into it and lifting it into the air with its head before flinging it to the side slightly down the volcano. The Bazelgeuse once again looked down on the Brachydios from the high ground and got ready to charge back in while it was down, but the slime that covered it from the attacks was growing hotter and emitting more steam, soon combusting around the Bazelgeuse as it roared in pain and gets engulfed in smoke.
The Brachydios got back up, looking on at the smoke cloud as the glow of the Bazelgeuse shone through. Suddenly the Bazelgeuse lunged out of the smoke through the air straight at the Brachydios, but the Brachydios quickly ran forward, rushing underneath it as the Bazelgeuse flew over it, hitting the ground behind the Brute Wyvern. Wasting no time, the Brachydios rushed down towards the Bazelgeuse as it got back up, quickly uppercutting it as it turned around sending it staggering back before the Brachydios shoved it back, sending it to the ground and tumbling down the volcano as the Brachydios continued to run to the top of the volcano. The Brachydios got a considerable distance away and close to the top before the Bazelgeuse managed to stop itself from rolling any further down the volcano, looking up at the Brachydios nearing the top and running after it. The Brachydios finally reached the top of the volcano and got to flat ground, seeing the smoking entrance to a pool of lava awaiting within the volcano. It looks back down the volcano to see the Bazelgeuse charging up after it, unintentionally dropping orange scales which explode behind it, creating a path of destruction in its wake.
The Brachydios looks around and sees several large boulders, rushing to them and punching them down the volcano one after the other, sending them careening towards the Bazelgeuse. As the Bazelgeuse ran up and saw the boulders coming down, it kept charging head on. As they neared it, the Bazelgeuse bulldozed right through the boulders that came into contact with it, shattering them into pieces. Many of the rocks rolled past the Bazelgeuse as it kept running while the Brachydios kept chucking rocks down the volcano indiscriminately. After enough collisions, the Bazelgeuse was starting to noticeably slow down, getting slightly dazed as it took more hits, getting slammed by boulder after boulder. The Brachydios noticed this and went to throw some more large rocks down, but it failed to notice that it had ran out of rocks to knock down at the Bazelgeuse and exhausted it’s supply. As the last of the boulders tumbled past the dizzy Bazelgeuse, it slowly regained itself, realizing that the assault had stopped, looking up to the top of the volcano and glaring at the Brachydios. It resumed rushing after the Brute Wyvern, now with no more objects to throw and letting the Flying Wyvern charge up unimpeded.
Seeing the boulders had failed to halt the angry Flying Wyvern, the Brachydios took several steps back, licking its pounders as the slime on its pounders and horn began glowing yellow, radiating steam. Once it prepped its pounders, it leaned down and leapt high into the air near the edge of the volcano, slamming all three of its pounders on the ground and causing a massive explosion. The resulting impact shook the side of the volcano as the Brachydios backed away from the edge, avoiding getting caught in the ensuing avalanche it caused. A large amount of ground broke apart from the volcano and began sliding down towards the Bazelgeuse, crashing towards it as it continued running. As the avalanche drew near, the Bazelgeuse started flapping its wings, taking flight and going up as fast as it could, flying over it and narrowly avoiding the avalanche as it barreled past it. The Brachydios saw the Bazelgeuse ascend over the avalanche, soon flying right at the Brachydios once it flew high enough. The Brachydios started running in the opposite direction near the entrance to the volcano, staying close to the edge. As the Bazelgeuse came in to crash into the Brachydios, the Brachydios suddenly hops to the side in an attempt to dodge it, but right before the Bazelgeuse landed, it suddenly backs off, soaring back around behind the Brachydios facing the entrance to the volcano. The Brachydios looks around confused, expecting the Bazelgeuse to crash into the ground and slide past it, not noticing the Bazelgeuse dive-bombing into it from behind until it was too late. The Brachydios turned just in time to see the Bazelgeuse ram into it, sending it over the edge of the volcano. Before it fell too far, however, it bit onto the Bazelgeuse’s wing, latching onto it in an attempt to not fall and pulling its wing down with it. The Bazelgeuse attempted to fly out, but flapping with one wing would get it nowhere, causing the two monsters to fall into the lava below.
The two monsters crash into the volcano, both getting submerged in the boiling lava with a massive splash of molten rock. The Bazelgeuse quickly resurfaces, standing up and looking around in the pool of lava, noticing the jagged edges of the inside of the volcano and several boiling spots where lava was seeping out through the sides. It heard bubbling behind it and quickly looked back, trying to see what made the noise. Suddenly in a massive burst of lava, the Brachydios resurfaces to the Bazelgeuse’s side, punching it in the face and creating an immediate explosion, sending the Bazelgeuse reeling back.
After recovering from the surprise attack, the Bazelgeuse looks over to the now very enraged Brachydios. Steam was emitting from its mouth while the slime on its pounders were glowing a deadly yellow, ready to burst at the slightest touch. The Brachydios glared at the Bazelgeuse, ready to pound its face in while the Bazelgeuse waited in anticipation. Finally, the Brachydios roared and ran at the Bazelgeuse.
Brachydios: *Cheeeeuuuuuhhhh!!!*
The Brachydios went to swing at the Bazelgeuse, but it ducked the first hit and charges at the Brute Wyvern. The Brachydios easily dodges the charge and punches the Bazelgeuse in the face, instantly creating an explosion and stunning it, landing several more explosive punches which makes the Bazelgeuse stumble back. The Bazelgeuse flings several scales at the Brachydios which explode around it midair, but it powers through the explosions and tackles the Bazelgeuse, pushing up on it and making it topple backwards onto its back. The Brachydios punches the downed Flying Wyvern as it flailed around trying to get up, earning pained roars from it before it rolls back over and evades the last punch, quickly hip checking the Brachydios and making it stagger out of the lava and onto some solid ground in the volcano.
The Bazelgeuse lumbers out of the lava and onto the solid ground, planting its wings onto the ground before lunging through the air at the Brachydios and hitting it head on. The Brachydios rolls back but quickly recovers, running back in and punching the Bazelgeuse in the face, knocking its face to the side. The Bazelgeuse looks back and goes to bite the Brachydios, but the Brachydios punches it right in the mouth, creating an explosion which severely damages it. The Bazelgeuse woozily stumbled back trying to stay upright as the Brachydios pressed the attack, rushing in and jamming its horn into the ground and creating a point blank explosion right in its face, blinding the Bazelgeuse. The Brachydios hopped to its side while it was blinded and began whailing on the Bazelgeuse's body, causing it tremendous pain and chipping away a few of the armored plates on the top of its body. While the Brachydios attacked, the Bazelgeuse swung its tail and smacked the Brachydios in the face, dropping scales around it which blew up in its face, making it stagger back.
As the Brachydios looks back up, it saw the Bazelgeuse immediately charging at it, ramming into it and pushing it back. The Brachydios dug the claws on its feet into the ground and tried to push back, biting down on the Bazelgeuse's head and slowing it down tremendously. However, steam started to spout from the Bazelgeuse's mouth as it became more enraged, digging its wings into the ground and literally pulling itself forward, effortlessly shoving the Brachydios with little resistance. The Brachydios looks back and sees that it was about to crash into a wall, so right before they reached it the Brachydios suddenly leaps up onto the Bazelgeuse's back, getting out of the way just in time as the Bazelgeuse crashed head first into the wall. The Bazelgeuse quickly realizes the Barchydios was on its back and began to shake violently in an attempt to get it off of its back. The Brachydios stayed on to the best of its ability, landing several explosive punches on it when it could. This made the Bazelgeuse begin to slam itself into several large rocks and the walls of the volcano, making the Brachydios nearly fall off several times as the Bazelgeuse rammed into everything.
The Bazelgeuse took this a step further and started flapping its wings, flying through the air and shaking even more violently. The Brachydios clinged for dear life as the bombing Wyvern tried its hardest to get it to let go before the Bazelgeuse flew straight up nearing the entrance to the volcano. Soon after flying to a certain height, the Bazeleguse started to dive, gaining a massive amount of speed and aiming itself to hit the wall of the volcano. As the Bazelgeuse neared the wall, the Brachydios quickly bit onto the Bazelgeuse's wing, pulling back on it and making the Bazelgeuse spiral out of control and instead fly towards a small crack in the side of the volcano where lava was seeping out. The two monsters clawed at each other in the air, the Bazelgeuse trying to push away with its talons while the Brachydios held onto its wing with its mouth. The two monsters quickly came into contact with the wall, the Bazelgeuse smashing into it and taking the brunt of the impact while the Brachydios had its impact softened by the Bazelgeuse. The wall easily smashes to pieces, forcing the two monsters to crash out of the other side of the volcano ending up outside of it as a river of lava poured out of the massive hole in the volcano.
As the lava flowed down the volcano, the Brachydios pulls itself out of the lava and onto the sidelines out of the way of the river of lava. Soon after, the Bazelgeuse also comes out of the lava further down the volcano, panting heavily and bleeding from some parts on its back. Despite these injuries, it took quick notice of the Brachydios and began to charge back in to fight. The Brachydios regains its composure but is immediately met with the Bazelgeuse slamming itself into its side. The Brachydios stumbles back, but quickly gets ready to continue fighting the Bazelgeuse. Before the Bazelgeuse could rush it down again, the Brachydios runs in and slams its horn into the Bazelgeuse. The Bazelgeuse ignores the hit and shoves it back, but the Brachydios doesn't relent and tries to shove back as well. The Brachydios had the advantage as it was on higher ground, pushing the Bazelgeuse harder and threatening to send it to the ground, but the Bazelgeuse's mouth started to emit small flames before a ball of fire was unleahed, blowing up right in the Brachydios' face and stunning it. The Bazelgeuse then shook off some scales from its tail and went to bite down on the Brachydios' neck, dragging it back and throwing it onto the glowing scales behind it, causing them to blow up as the Brachydios landed on them, making it roar in pain. The Bazelgeuse got ready to charge back in, but the Brachydios saw this and quickly dug its horn into the ground, creating dozens of pools of glowing slime around it and the Bazelgeuse. The Bazelgeuse stopped and looked around confused, before the slime quickly turned red and detonated all at once, collapsing the ground beneath them and causing another avalance, with both the Brachydios and the Bazelgeuse caught in the landslide.
The landslide quickly reached the bottom of the volcano, finally dropping the two terrifying explosive monsters far away from the face of a cliff. The two got back up, barely able to stand on their legs and heavily injured. The Brachydios' shell was chipped and cracked in several places including on its left pounder while the Bazelgeuse was bleeding from the mouth and was missing several plated scales across its body. However, that didn't stop the fact that they were still both very enraged, and once they saw each other still alive, they didn't hesitate to continue their battle.
The Brachydios raised its pounder and dragged it through the ground, creating a chain of explosive slime aimed at the Bazelgeuse. As it blew up, the Bazelgeuse evaded it and began running forward, taking flight and gliding close to the ground. The Brachydios ran towards the Bazelgeuse with a pounder raised, but the Bazelgeuse flew up at the last moment, causing the Brachydios to miss as the Bazelgeuse flew back around behind it and attempt to dive-bomb it. The Brachydios saw this coming and side stepped out of the way as the Bazelgeuse missed its target, sliding past the Brachydios as it rushed after it. Once the Bazelgeuse stopped it turned to see the Brachydios running after it with a pounder raised, so the Bazelgeuse swung its tail right as it was about to reach it, slapping the Brachydios in the face, but the Brachydios quickly recovered and bit down on the Bazelegeuse's tail, causing it to roar in pain. The Bazelgeuse tried to fly up, but the Brachydios dug its claws into the ground, making the Bazelgeuse stay close to the ground. The Bazelgeuse saw the cliff up ahead and attempted to fly towards it to drop the Brachydios over it and get it to let go of its tail, dragging the Brachydios across the ground. As they slowly covered the distance to the edge of the cliff, the Brachydios planted its pounders into the ground and pulled back with all its might, trying to bring the Bazelgeuse to the ground. But what happened instead was the Bazelgeuse to flap its wings harder, putting too much strain on its tail which resulted in the Brachydios ripping its tail right off, making the Bazelgeuse fly through the air and crash into the ground, still a ways away from the cliff.
The Bazelgeuse shakily got back up, looking at what was left of its tail as blood dripped from the wound. The Brachydios bit down on the severed tail, letting the blood coming from it drip into its mouth, but it was unaware that the tail still had scales on it, which started to glow in the Brachydios' mouth. It realized too late what was going to happen as the tail blew up in its face, lighting up its mouth and sending it reeling in agony. Its mouth bled heavily and its tongue was mangled, all of which the Bazelgeuse saw, giving it time to rush to the cliff ahead. Once the Brachydios finished writhing, it set its sights back on the fleeing Bazelgeuse, rushing after it angrier than ever. It was catching up to the Bazelgeuse at a rapid rate, so the Bazelgeuse attempted to fly up to get to the cliff quicker, but it was currently in too much pain to take flight for very long and instead ended up falling back to the ground, making a not so graceful landing and tumbling to the floor. The Brachydios took no time rushing in to take advantage of this, immediately raising its right pounder which glowed yellow and sped towards the Bazelgeuse. As soon as it got back up, the Bazelgeuse was struck in its side with an explosive impact, making it slightly buckle in pain. The Brachydios punched it a few more times with only its right pounder creating explosions before the Bazelgeuse swung its head trying to hit the Brachydios. The Brachydios dodged and the Bazelgeuse attempted to charge at it, but the Brachydios hopped on top of it as it approached, quickly hopping back off onto the Bazelgeuse's side. The Bazelgeuse stopped and turned to look at the Brachydios, resulting in it getting socked in the face several times, each punch sending blood flying from the Bazelgeuse's mouth. The Brachydios finished with an uppercut which sent the Bazelgeuse back a bit, leading into the stun by trying to slam its horn into the Bazelgeuse, but it dodged the attack, leaving the Brachydios stuck with its horn in the ground. As soon as the Brachydios got stuck, the Bazelgeuse ran up and hip checked it, hitting its head and knocking it from the ground. However, the Brachydios quickly recovered and moved back in immediately, swinging its head up and slamming it into the Bazelgeuse's head, knocking it back and stunning it heavily.
The Bazelgeuse tried to flee again, but it didn't get far as the Brachydios bit down on its wing, dragging it back in before striking its face again and again with its left pounder. The Brachydios goes for one last punch, but the Bazelgeuse catches it in its mouth, knocking out some teeth, but it kept its grip on its pounder as hard as it could. The Brachydios tried yanking its arm out of its mouth, but it wouldn't budge. Eventually, it was biting down on the cracked shell of its left pounder so hard that it began to crack more and more. Soon enough, the Bazelgeuse's teeth were sinking into the Brachydios' flesh underneath and drawing blood. The Brachydios roared in pain, starting to punch the Bazelgeuse with its other pounder as scales dropped from the Bazelgeuse, creating explosions at their feet. Over and over again, the explosions of its right pounder got progressively weaker, but the Bazelgeuse was also losing its grip with its jaw. The Brachydios noticed that its explosions were getting smaller, so it stopped and stuck its pounder in its mouth, causing the slime on it to go into a frenzy. One it pulled its pounder out of its mouth, it glowed a violent red color, redder than it's ever been before to the point that it was turning white. With one last pull, the Brachydios yanked its left pounder as hard as it could, successfully tearing it out of the Bazelgeuse's mouth, ripping off shards of its shell and chunks of flesh before it roared mightily, raising its glowing pounder in rage and slamming it directly into the Bazelgeuse's face as hard as it could, creating a massive explosion so powerful that not even the Bazelgeuse could withstand it. The Bazelgeuse reeled its head back in agony from the force of the attack, its face a bloody mess and several armored scales flung from its head, leaving its neck exposed for the Brachydios, and it took no time running up and chomping down on its neck.
The Bazelgeuse flailed around in a panic as the Brachydios was intent on ripping its throat out. The Bazelgeuse tried to pull away, but the Brachydios kept its head in the air as all the Bazelgeuse could do was stomp back as the Brachydios gored down on it. Multiple scales dropped from it, exploding around their feet and cracking the Brachydios' shell even more, but it still persisted, eventually biting down on the Bazelgeuse's hide hard enough to draw blood. The Bazelgeuse could only roar in anguish as the Brachydios started to yank back on its throat, trying to rip it out. Soon the Bazelgeuse was throwing out its death blows, shaking violently, flapping its wings to try and pull away, but nothing worked. The Brachydios just wouldn't let go, and these attempts only earned it some punches to its underside. With each punch from the Brachydios, the Bazelgeuse got progressively weaker, over and over, forcing blood to fly from its mouth. With one last blow, the Brachydios created an explosion which would finish off the invading tyrant once and for all...
Or so it thought.
In that moment, with that last attack something inside the Bazelgeuse snapped. It had become so furious, so unimaginably angry, its body started to grow hotter with its rage. Steam poured from its body and its pupils dilated within its bloodshot eyes. In this moment, it let out a shrill roar in pure, unfiltered rage, deafening the Brachydios.
Several of its scales detonated without even detaching, blowing up directly in the Brachydios' face. The combination of the ear-piercing roar and the sudden point-blank explosions was enough to force the Brachydios to release its grip on its neck, causing it to also reel back in pain. The Bazelgeuse then decides to return the favor. With what little teeth it had left, it lunged at the Brachydios' exposed neck and bit down on it. The Brachydios began punching the Bazelgeuse with both pounders despite the pain it received from using its injured left one. This did nothing in stopping the Bazelgeuse, however, and instead it charged a fire blast set right for the Brachydios' neck while it was still biting it. It unleashed the fire right on its throat, creating a blast that sent the Brachydios staggering backwards in agony from its seared throat. The Bazelgeuse, ignoring all pain took to the skies, immediately shaking off more scales and flinging them down at the Brachydios, littering it with explosions. It continued flying overhead, dropping more and more scales around the landscape, knocking the Brachydios around with no openings to dodge. The constant explosions had created a thick cloud of smoke around the battered and bloodied Brachydios, leaving it confused as it looked around wondering where the Bazelgeuse was. It was in the dark about its wherabouts and could only look around on guard, but the Bazelgeuse could clearly see the Brachydios and flew as high as it could, before swooping down at high speeds behind it. The Brachydios still looked around confused, until it turned and saw a faint glow through the smoke. That glow grew brighter and brighter, before the Bazelgeuse came barreling through the wall of smoke, leaving the Brachydios no time to react as it gets bulldozed helplessly. The Bazelgeuse dragged the Brachydios across the ground, carving out a ditch in the rock and seemingly not slowing down as it quickly approached the cliff. The Brachydios could do nothing as it got thrown over the cliff, sending it roaring down to its demise flailing in the air. The Bazelgeuse kept up its momentum, looping back around and flying upside down, dropping several scales above the falling Brachydios. It followed and dove straight down, catching up to its own scales as they blew up around it, setting the Bazelgeuse on fire careening towards the Brachydios as a flaming projectile with all of the scales on its body ready to burst. The Brachydios quickly approached the bottom and as soon as the Brachydios connected to the ground, the Bazelgeuse crashed into it, creating a gargantuan explosion which rocked the earth.
As the smoke cleared, a massive crater in the ground could be seen, and in its center lay two bodies. The Bazelgeuse and a dead Brachydios. The battle scarred Bazelgeuse picked itself back up and planted a foot on the dead Brute Wyvern, letting out a well deserved triumphant roar into the air.
Boomstick: ...So, uh, I think I'm starting to reconsider hunting monsters like these. I'll stick with squirrels for now.
Wiz: As these monsters were both serious heavy hitters in their series, deciding who would win certainly wasn't as easy as one would think. Both have shown terrifying displays of power and durability, but in the end the Bazelgeuse had what it took to win this turf war.
Boomstick: To be fair, we couldn't just look at their threat levels to decide who's deadlier. We've seen monsters on a lower tier keep up with more powerful monsters before like Odogaron fighting Val Hazak, and we've also seen monsters on the same level completely destroy each other without a challenge like Rathalos fighting Glavenus, so using in game classifications wouldn't exactly work. But even then, Brachydios came up short in a bunch of ways.
Wiz: For starters, the Bazelgeuse was much more experienced than the Brachydios. It may seem impossible to tell the exact combat experience of a wild animal, however the nature of each monster tells us that the average Bazelgeuse has been in far more fights. Due to their nomadic nature and their tendency to home in on the closest monster's roar, they would be in many more fights than a Brachydios. While a Brachydios would certainly have gone through a few scuffles throughout its life, it wouldn't nearly be to the extent of a monster known for driving off apexes.
Boomstick: So a Bazelgeuse would definitely be more used to fighting. When it came to the actual fight though, the Brachydios definitely had the advantage on the ground. Being much more agile means it would have no problem outmaneuvering the way bulkier Bazelgeuse and could definitely land some powerful attacks, but that's the thing, it only had that advantage if the Bazelgeuse was on the ground, and Bazelgeuse are anything but ground fighters.
Wiz: Though it was quicker on foot, the Brachydios was completely outmatched by the Bazelgeuse's ability to fly, and at the speed of sound at that. With no true way to attack from afar, it would essentially be helpless so long as the Bazelgeuse stayed in the air, and as they are a nomadic species, it would be able to stay in the air for potentially the entire battle.
Boomstick: Plus the Bazelgeuse being able to drop explosive scales from above meant it didn't even have to touch the ground if it wanted to deal damage. Nothing was really stopping it from just bombarding the Brachydios from above where it can't reach.
Wiz: Speaking of its scales, they were far more potent than the Brachydios' slime mold. Not only did it replenish much faster, but they exploded much quicker and easier as well, and they could be scattered across the entire zone, effectively giving the Brachydios little room to work with lest it sets off a literal mine field. The slime did stick to whatever the Brachydios punches, but if it couldn't hit the Bazelgeuse it was kind of pointless, and given the Bazelgeuse's flight, it wasn't going to be too useful.
Boomstick: But none of that mattered if they couldn't actually hurt each other, which became kind of difficult when you realize two big things. They are both designed to take explosions to the face, and they both use explosives to attack. How the hell are you supposed to do anything when your main offensive option is the thing your opponent is immune to? Sounds like a stalemate, right?
Wiz: At first glance, yes, however once we delved into how their resistances to explosives worked, we found out just which one was enough to pull through. A Brachydios' toughness is based around their tough obsidian shell, meaning it was based around how hard its armor was, while the Bazelgeuse was based on its pure toughness. While the Brachydios' shell is extremely tough, it's not exactly "immune" to explosions. Even the far more powerful Raging Brachydios was vulnerable to a powerful enough blast, so a regular version would be far more susceptible.
Boomstick: That only mattered if the Bazelgeuse could hit hard enough to overpower its shell, but since its main attacks are regular explosions, it looks like it wouldn't be enough. At first glance that might be the case, but explosions aren't the only things they're good at, and once again its mighty thiccness pushes it ahead in the end!
Wiz: *Groan* Yes, the Bazelgeuse's dive-bombing paired with its immense weight would yield absolutely devestating results on even a Brachydios' tough shell. It's able to completely overpower the vicious Tigrex, a monster heavily known for its immense physical prowess, stronger than even the Brachydios. With enough speed a well placed dive-bomb could definitely break through that shell.
Boomstick: It also didn't help that Bazelgeuse are huge! Brachydios are on the smaller size of Brute Wyverns while Bazelgeuse are some of the largest species of Flying Wyverns to ever exist. That much of a size and speed difference definitely spell out which one was deadlier. So we know the Bazelgeuse could bypass the Brachydios' defenses, but could the Brachydios do the same to the Bazelgeuse?
Wiz: Comparing the Bazelgeuse's natural toughness to the Brachydios' attack power was a very clear cut difference. A Brachydios' punch may be powerful, but only with its explosive slime, explosions that the Bazelgeuse constantly subdugate themseves to. Their shock absorbing bodies would render basically any attack a Brachydios had useless, not to mention they've taken far more powerful hits.
Boomstick: We're talking about a monster so tough that it could stay in the air after getting tackled by one of the most powerful Elder Dragons ever and casually shrugs off bites from the Deviljho, the most powerful Brute Wyvern of all time. It's literally able to suplex a Diablos like nothing! A Brachydios isn't anything impressive next to monsters like those.
Wiz: And if you think about it, a Bazelgeuse's nature means it's constantly battling against monsters just as powerful as the Brachydios and almost never has the scars to tell the tale, a testament to their durability. Brachydios are among some of the most powerful Brute Wyverns out there, but against a Bazelgeuse's flight, shock absorbing body, and powerful dive-bombing, there was nothing it could do to stop the invading tyrant.
Boomstick: Some people might have thought this fight would 'bomb', but I thought it was a 'blast'.
Wiz: The winner is Bazelgeuse.
Next Time[]
Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle!
???: Life Fiber synchronize! Kamui Senketsu!
A figure could be seen slicing through what appeared to be sentient clothing with a massive pair of scissors. They were wearing a skimpy outfit that also seemed to be alive.
???2: You will go to hell! You mortals!
Another figure could be seen with a demonic visage, tearing through several other demonic creatures as fire surrounded it.