Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Boyfriend vs Puff Puff is an off-season battle by Cheesypickles564 featuring Boyfriend from FNF and Puff Puff from Your Favorite Martian in a battle of swag rappers.

Yes, Puff Puff does have feats.


Puppy: Ahh, music is one of humanity’s best inventions. How I love to listen to the classics of Bethoveen!

Kitty: Pfft, nobody listens to that nerd music anymore! Today we have rap stars!

Puppy: Stars such as Boyfriend, the blue-haired singer of Friday Night Funkin.

Kitty: And Puff Puff Humbert, the red-clad rapper who want to whip your kids! He’s Puppy and I’m Kitty!

Puppy: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Puff Puff[]


