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Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Bolt VS WhiteBladeZero
Bolt VS WBZ Fanmade
Season 1, Episode 3
Vital statistics
Air date January 16, 2015
Written by Apro319
Directed by Apro319
Episode guide
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Bolt (SquirrelKidd) VS WhiteBladeZero is a What-If? episode of Death Battle, with my previous episode being Fulgore VS Genesect.


SquirrelKidd VS WhiteBladeZero! Unpopular YouTube channels with awesome shape-sharing and different colored fandom characters will finally duke it out!


Wiz: I kinda feel sorry for the YouTubers with great vids but them being unpopular with 1000's of subs.

Boomstick: So both of these videogame unpopular Sonic fandom YouTubers will be brought into Death Battle to increase their popularity.

Wiz: Bolt. the ninja squirrel trained by a sensei!

Boomstick: And WhiteBladeZero. the Metamorphic Jedi.

Quote comes up onto the screen.

Wiz: Quote? Do you honestly wanna fight WhiteBladeZero with Bolt?

Quote nods.

Wiz: Ok then. You can be in any part you please, but ONLY if you don't join the fight, because in Death Battle, there is no outside help allowed.

Quote: k

Boomstick: Thank god! I'm glad THAT'S over and done with! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills, to find out who would win, a-

Quote makes Wiz's brain say Death Bottle.

Wiz: -a Death Bottle.

Quote: LEL!

Bolt (SquirrelKidd)[]

Boomstick: Bolt used to be a cute litte puppy who got adopted by a cute little girl named Penny. Then something went awfully wrong, so some scientists zapped Bolt with lightning to become-

Wiz: Wrong Bolt Boomstick! *ahem* Bolt is a ninja squirrel trained by a sensei.

Boomstick: Who's real name is... JugemuJugemuGokOnosurikireKaijarisuiggonoSuigyOmatsuUnraimatsuFuraimatsuKuunerutokoroniSumutokoroYaburakOjinoburakOjiPaipopaipopaipoPaiponoshuringanShuringan-noGurindaiGurindaino Ponpokop-InoPonpoKonanoChOkyumeinoChosuke.

Wiz: Yes... this is real.

Boomstick: WHAT THE FUC-

Wiz: Bolt has been thought the Velocity Break Justu, which creates 3 clones of himself.

Boomstick: Alright! I'm so fucking sick and tired of people ripping off Naruto!

Wiz: Bolt also knows the Match 9 Jutsu.

Boomstick: The Match 9 Jutsu slows down time so that Bolt can get the upper hand whenever he wants. And now for his ultimate attack, his finisher.

Wiz: Holy god! how does he do that!? Bolt is really good at attacking and great at knowing when to do so!

Boomstick: Mostly when it comes to kicking people in the air!

Bolt: Looks like you couldn't avoid that one.


Wiz: WhiteBladeZero is a funny guy like most people, but some of his jokes are good, and others... not so good, but it doesn't matter if the joke is good or bad, WhiteBlade can't help himself!


Wiz: Fine, hold it. WhiteBladeZero's ability mostly relies on that of his opponent. WhiteBlade can transform into anyone he pleases, earning their techniques, and powers, but his opponent still doesn't lose its power, and he can only transform into people he has seen in real life, but there are two ways how he can do this.

Boomstick: Option 1: He watches his foes skills, powers, and techniques, studying their every move.

Wiz: And... Option 2: Is a bit more painful than the first one.

Captain Falcon: FALCON PUNCH!

Captain Falcon Falcon Punches WhiteBladeZero, making him fall on the ground. (not dead)

Wiz: Yes, he actually has his opponent attacking him, but he can mimic his opponents strength while using the second option, which isn't really as fun as the first one, but the move has a limit. He can transform into his opponent for 5 minutes, and when over, he can't turn back into his opponent for 10 minutes long.

Boomstick: But that doesn't mean he can't fight in his normal form! he wields his signature weapon, a blue lightsaber!

Wiz: I know what you're probably thinking but WhiteBlade is not a StarWars character, his weapon is actually a beam sword.

Boomstick: God damnit! well at least he can use it to LAUNCH HIS OPPONENT SO FAR BACK, there's quite a chance they can explode!

Wiz: But that isn't all, WhiteBladeZero can use his power to transform into a temporary super self, which calms things down a bit.


Wiz: And he is also great at dodging attacks and knowing when to use them.

Boomstick: Obviously! because this guy has even been tough enough to join Brawl! what a badass!

WhiteBladeZero: Alright, let's kick it up a notch!


(Cues Starship Mario 2)

WhiteBladeZero is having a walk outside until Bolt gets knocked back and hits him.

Music stops playing.

WBZ: Hey!

(Cues Vs. Ridley (SSBB))

Bolt: And what do you think you're doing jacket hedgehog?

WBZ: What do you think your doing randomly hitting me like that?

Bolt: I don't want to argue with you so I just guess I'm gonna finish this fight off.

WBZ: Bring it on Mr. chipmunk voice!

A name tag saying "WBZ" appears over WhiteBlade's head.


Bolt and WBZ at the same time: WHAT!?

Bolt: Just Quote, he plays a ton of tricks and stuff.

WBZ: Alright, got it.

WhiteBlade hits Bolt with a Spin Dash, then jumps up and kicks Bolt from behind.

WBZ gets out his Lightsaber, then charges towards Bolt.

Bolt kicks the Lightsaber out of his hands, then preforms the VELOCITY BREAK JUTSU.

WBZ: A ninja? cool! Ineverknewyouwereaninjabutninjasareawesomenodoub-

WhiteBlade then keeps getting attacked with his own Lightsaber, then Bolt uses his finisher on WhiteBlade.

Just before kicking WhiteBlade in the air, WhiteBlade kicks Bolt down to the floor.

Then WhiteBlade is about to become his super self.

WhiteBlade finishes the transformation just before Bolt got to preform the MATCH 9 JUTSU, Bolt also stopped the move because he was scared.

Bolt then dashes towards WhiteBlade, about to punch him in the face.

WhiteBlade then grabs on to his hand and holds it tight.

WBZ: You found the wrong person to battle buddy... oh, and by the way, I forgot something... SPARTA KICK!

WBZ kicks Bolt so far away, that he hits the moon,


Bolt hits the moon.

WBZ: How about next time you learn how to fight?



Sensei cries over Bolt's death while Quote and WBZ casually walk.

Boomstick: Uuurm... I'm not so sure if Bolt could come back from a blow like that.

Wiz: Indeed! this was kind of a close fight, although Bolt could slow down time, he only ever used the MATCH 9 JUTSU once, due to it's enormous power.

Boomstick: And WhiteBlade can also dodge a Falcon Punch from up close, WHICH IS MADE FROM FIRE!

Wiz: And although Bolt is a ninja, his class only ends so quickly.

Boomstick: It's pretty much training on the same move and learning nothing new, and WhiteBlade also has a fucking Lightsaber! Looks like Bolt just couldn't fly past this fight... until the end that is.

Wiz: The winner is WhiteBladeZero.

Next Time[]

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle!


Complete! Click here to see the next fight!


Wiz: Hey I'm not the only one who's hyped for Gaara VS Toph, because Gaara's analysis is here right now! click here to see it!

Boomstick: And if you have a fight that you want us to complete we might as well do it!

Wiz: See you on the next episode!


  • This is the first What-If? episode to include OC characters.