Boba Fett VS The Terminator | |
Season | 6 |
Overall Episode | 66 |
Season Episode | 1 (Season Premiere) |
Air date | March 21st, 2021 |
Written by | Shadow7615 |
Episode guide | |
Previous Dracule Mihawk vs. Kenpachi Zaraki (Season 5 Bonus Episode) |
Next Deoxys vs. Samus Aran |
“ | Star Wars VS Terminator! Celebrating 10 years of DEATH BATTLE! The galactic bounty hunter faces off against the time-travelling metal assassin! | „ |
Boba Fett vs. The Terminator is the 66th episode and Season 6 Premiere of DEATH BATTLE! by Shadow7615, featuring Boba Fett from the Star Wars series and The Terminator from the series of the same name in a battle between iconic sci-fi movie antagonists.
Wiz: Whether a long, long time ago, or in the dystopian future, few are as deadly as those who know all about the kill.
Boomstick: Not only were these two created to be the best of the best, but they keep coming back no matter what. But not today! Time to find out who isn't escaping death's clutches.
Wiz: Boba Fett, the most feared Bounty hunter in the galaxy.
Boomstick: And The Terminator, Skynet's deadly assassin. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Wiz: The galaxy has seen its fair share of legendary Bounty hunters, Cad Bane, IG-88, Din Djarin, many have become known throughout the galaxy for better or worse. But the most famous and dangerous of them all is Boba Fett.
Boomstick: Boba is a natural when it comes to bounty hunting, it’s quite literally in his genes. Jango Fett got hired by the Sith to be the template for an army of Clone Troopers. Jango agreed on the terms that the first clone would be completely unchanged, and would be raised by him. Man, maybe I should do that.
Wiz: Boba spent the first ten years of his life learning as much as he could from his Bounty hunting father until Jango's untimely demise at the hands of Mace Windu, which not only fuelled Boba's desire for revenge but convinced him to stay on the bounty hunting path for decades to come.
Boomstick: Luckily for Boba, being Jango's clone meant that he was practically destined to become the best Bounty hunter out there, not even Space Sam Jackson could stop him. The entire reason the Sith hired Jango to be the groundwork for the Clones was that Mandalorians and Jedi are historic enemies. It's like the Samurai and Ninjas if you get what I mean.
Popup: Boba's status as a Mandalorian differs between Canon and Legends. In Canon, only Jango is a Mandalorian, while Boba prefers to be unaffiliated with any group. In Legends, Boba is a Mandalorian Protector, who were formed under the inspiration of the True Mandalorians, to which Jango belonged, and ruled for a time.
Wiz: In particular, the Sith recognized Jango’s capability to hunt and kill Force-sensitives, and since Boba was genetically identical to his father, he would inherit those same capabilities, so to speak. So when the time came for Boba to take his father’s place, he became the number one Bounty hunter in the galaxy, taking jobs from the Hutts, the Empire, and so forth. Fett's name became something to fear.
Boomstick: His arsenal certainly helps. Especially his Mandalorian armor, made of duraplast. This stuff is tough enough to resist lightsaber blows and even withstand explosions from thermal detonators. While it doesn’t cover his entire body, Boba has plenty of gear covering the rest, his wrist gauntlets alone have plenty of remarkable weapons, from a flamethrower to a fibercord whip with a distance of 20 meters. Perfect for capturing bounties alive.
Wiz: Conversely, his flamethrower is a lethal surprise, he can easily end his victim's lives with his wrist lasers, which are comparable to standard blaster rifles. If that's not enough, Fett also carries a target blaster rifle, a disruptor rifle, a grenade launcher, and smaller tools such as the sonic detonators and detonation packs.
Boomstick: Something a little more uncommon is the rocket dart launchers on his knee pads. Surprised me the first time I saw 'em, but while Fett is armed to the teeth with weapons, my favourite thing in Boba's arsenal is his awesome jetpack. It's so cool because it does more than let him fly around, it's got an anti-vehicle missile, perfect for taking down a spaceship before it gets away.
Popup: In Canon, Fett is proficient with the Gaderffii, better known as the Gaffi stick, the weapon of choice for Tusken Raiders. During the years following the Galactic Civil War, this became Fett's primary weapon until Din Djarin returned Fett's armor and weaponry to him. Temuera Morrison, the actor behind Jango and Boba, specifically requested Boba have a Gaffi stick, as it most appropriately drew on the actor's Māori traditions.
Wiz: Fett's jetpack naturally grants him flight, though only for a while. But it can be applied in several ways. He can have a full minute in the air, two 30-second flights, or twenty 3-second flights. Though the most iconic part of his armor is his helmet. With its targeting rangefinder and heads-up display, Fett can do many complex computing tasks without needing to use any kind of computer. Heck, he can even buy real estate and trade on the stock market. It's so much more than just a helmet.
Boomstick: Able to hear distant sounds, have complete 360-degree vision, it can even protect Fett if poison or other harmful elements get too close. But it's important to watch out for what Fett is using to shoot you because nothing beats the EE-3 Carbine Rifle. Which fires in short bursts for effective takedowns. It's got a scope for sniper shots and is overall superior to the standard blaster rifles carried by Stormtroopers.
Wiz: While Fett's arsenal is certainly dangerous, nothing comes close to rivalling his lightsabers. Yes, more than one. Although Fett's grudge with the Jedi started and stopped with Mace Windu, a fair number of Fett's bounties during the Age of the Empire included surviving Jedi from the Purge, so Fett carries and uses Lightsabers on the rare occasion.
Boomstick: Though to be clear, Fett's no Jedi, and he doesn't have the Force, so he's a basic duelist when it comes to actual lightsaber duelling. But lucky for him, he only needs to draw his lightsaber and his bounties get scared shitless. Though Fett has gotten good with using a lightsaber.
Popup: As shown in Star Wars Tales #11, Fett briefly duelled Darth Vader. However, this particular battle is not considered Legends, though Fett has battled Vader in Legends on Maryx Minor. Jango once killed 7 Jedi Knights with his bare hands, and Boba did damage Vader's armor, but it is clear that Vader was not using the extent of his powers.
Wiz: Enough to the point that he was able to train a Jedi to fight the next Dark Lord of the Sith, which was certainly unusual since Mandalorians and Jedi had been ancient enemies. But Fett is no ordinary man, and he has accomplished many, many feats. Even as a boy, Fett was able to shoot the blaster out of his opponent's hand. And throughout his years, he's claimed almost every bounty he's ever taken.
Boomstick: Fett's dodged blaster fire on multiple occasions, so his reaction times are likely faster than light. And although the Jedi weren't fighting at their best, Fett's proven himself against Jedi time and time again. Thanks in no small part to Jango. Though perhaps Fett's greatest accomplishment of all was when he became the ruler of Mandalore. Just in time for Fett to lead his people against an army of aliens from a whole different galaxy that even the Jedi had difficulty dealing with.
Wiz: While Fett might seem like a ruthless and mysterious mercenary, his commitment to Mandalorian culture has instilled within him a strong code of honor. He will never do anything that he feels betrays his sense of morality, or his view of justice, even if he was offered the highest paying bounty of all time, Fett would only agree to it if it agreed with him, no shortcuts with a Fett.
Boomstick: Makes you wonder what the heck happened to him while he was in that sandpit for so long. But thank god he got out of that thing. Can you imagine being this awesome badass who appears on screen for no more than 5 minutes, have minimal dialogue and has an epic design, just to end up being dropped into a pit by a blind guy hitting your jetpack! Jesus Christ...
Popup: Fett's escape from the Sarlacc Pit, despite being handled differently in Canon and Legends, has resulted in him becoming more honourable and willing to help others. Something he rarely did beforehand. While in Legends it is known Fett escaped the Sarlacc two times, in Canon, it is strongly implied that Fett's escape is attributed to a Krayt Dragon consuming the Sarlacc before it could digest Fett.
Wiz: Fett's relationship with the Sarlacc has certainly made him appear a lot less awesome than he truly is, but don't let his accidental hiccup fool you, he's so much more than that. And his expanded legacy has done more good for him than anything else. And through it all, he never abandoned the one thing Jango regarded above all else. Legacy.
Boomstick: Yeah, Fett carried on the family name, except this time he got himself a woman. My man! Talk about getting the right target. And if that's not enough, he even became a grandfather! All this while being the ruler of Mandalore's people. Gotta say he turned out pretty great for a guy who was made in a lab. Though to be fair, Fett isn't perfect.
Wiz: His armor doesn't cover his legs, making them an easy target. His flight is limited, which means any advantage he gains because it is ultimately short-lived, and while he can use a lightsaber, he has no extensive discipline in any of the seven forms of lightsaber combat. But all of these things are just small dents. No bounty, or a giant hole in the ground, will ever be able to put a stop to this legendary and feared Bounty hunter.
Boomstick: Deadly might as well have a new definition in the dictionary, the name of Boba Fett.
Boba: I'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me.
Boomstick: As a species, humanity has come a long way. But oh boy we can still fuck up every now and then. You'd think we'd have learned by now that we shouldn't mess with technology, but nope! We're just fucking stupid.
Wiz: And in this series, humanity were the architects of their own destruction, with the creation of Skynet. As the world's nuclear arsenal was turned against them, Judgment Day was the reckoning that plunged humanity into the dystopian future.
Boomstick: After losing billions of people, humanity realized that A.I. Overlords were bad and they finally incited a resistance to take it down. But Skynet fought back and developed many, many enforcers to eradicate the rest of 'em once and for all. While they had a lot of them, none were as deadly as the Terminators, and in the year 2029 these guys reigned terror across the world.
Wiz: In addition to being a deadly enforcer, they were also the first of Skynet's creations to have living tissue around their exoskeleton, making them a deadly infiltrator on top of being an already effective soldier and assassin. Skynet wasted no time putting that to the test by spending the Model 101 T-800 back in time to kill John Connor, leader of the human resistance.
Popup: Due to the constant use of time travel by both humanity and Skynet, there are numerous timelines in the Terminator franchise. The first three films were their own timeline until the events of Genisys prevented that timeline from occurring, and the Dark Fate timeline similarly affected prior films.
Boomstick: My head hurts having to think about all this timeline bullshit. But to try and simplify it for you, the Schwarzenegger Terminator is usually the one going back in time, but is either killing John Connor, protecting John Connor, or preventing other Terminators from doing the same job. Whoever decided to base the Terminator's look on Schwarzenegger deserves some kind of raise, or whatever the A.I. Overlord version of a raise is.
Wiz: The Model 101 Terminator specifically. For our primary source, we are looking at the T-850, as it's the most advanced version of the Model 101, but we'll look at the Model 101 when it was a T-800 for additional information. The source of the T-850 is its twin hydrogen fuel cells, which can last 120 years before running out, which only shows that Skynet was really committed to ensuring they’d win the war in the future.
Boomstick: But it's way more fun to see those fuel cells go kaboom! The explosion of which is comparable to a small hydrogen bomb. But he doesn't require both of the fuel cells to operate, so he can always ditch one if he knows it's gonna explode in his face. But there's more to the T-850, it's got some wicked programming, which includes the data from the T-800s. And since Skynet was able to become a big memory bank, it granted the Terminator the knowledge of all the guns and firearms ever made in human history.
Wiz: I can see you having a field trip with that kind of information, Boomstick. But in saying that, while the Terminator is theoretically capable of wielding any weapon he finds, he has demonstrated the weapons he most prefers using. Including, but not limited to, the AMT Hardballer, the SPAS-12 Shotgun, and for heavy-duty battles, the M79 Grenade Launcher and the Handheld GE M134 Minigun.
Popup: Neither the T-800 nor T-850 were developed with the ability to store a Plasma Rifle in its torso. While they were designed specifically for infiltration and assassination, this did not include the ability to store a weapon inside its torso, and so the Plasma Rifle has been omitted due to its exclusivity of being used in the future.
Boomstick: No Space Rifle, no problem! The Terminator isn't just some machine designed to fire guns, it has learning systems that allow it to adapt to opponents through simply watching and using logic to figure out what the best options are. It’s actually kind of scary they developed a Terminator who could do that. I never thought the day would come when machines could think.
Wiz: Beyond that, it can learn to feel genuine human emotion, so given enough time a Terminator could truly blend in with normal humans and be completely incognito. However, the programming inside puts Terminators far beyond humans. Being a master marksman, the Terminator can make precise shots, even accounting for things like wind resistance and the distance the ammunition needs to travel to strike an opponent's weak spot.
Boomstick: But don't think getting rid of its weapons makes it defenceless, The Terminator can punch cleanly through the human body like nothing. It can flip cars, stop a bus from falling and even hold back a blast door from closing. Suffice to say, Terminators are pretty fuckin' strong, I wouldn't wanna get into an arm wrestle with one of those things, I already have to deal with a co-host with a robotic arm as it is.
Wiz: The Model 101 has proven time and time again it's one of the best Terminators out there. It makes a mockery of T-600s and has defeated a lot of its successors. The T-900s, the T-1000, the T-X, the T-3000 and even Rev-9. While he obviously didn't defeat all of those successors on his own, he did still contend with beings that were objectively greater than him in every conceivable way.
Popup: T-800s are also superior to the T-600s in regards to speed, they were capable of speeds around 75 kilometers per hour, so the T-850 would be faster than that.
Boomstick: I know this is a tired joke by this point, but the Model 101 is like the Nokia of Terminators! And it helps especially that Skynet gave the T-850 an endoskeleton made out of coltan, which can withstand 3000-degree temperatures. He's one tough son of a bitch. And he's also pretty quick. He can move so fast that he can catch a bullet with his teeth... when fired at point-blank range!
Wiz: The Terminator can take a lot of punishment and keep going. A massive semi-truck explosion only burned away the living tissue, leaving the machine practically unaffected. With its incredibly durable body, the Terminator has withstood both plasma rounds and real-world gunfire. And perhaps most notably, The Terminator was dragged through entire buildings and an ambulance, and that still didn't put him down.
Boomstick: While Terminators aren't invincible, they sure are tough sons of bitches to take down. Heck, The Terminator even showed up in WWE at one point. Even using a pipe bomb to blow one up did nothing more than disable one of its leg joints. They're stupidly persistent, even when they literally get hit with explosions to the face.
Wiz: This is potentially one of the Terminator's biggest weaknesses, it will do everything in its power to complete its mission, even if it is forced to crawl on its arms. This is how it was left wide open to get crushed by a hydraulic press. Don't get me wrong, Terminators are incredibly resilient, but they are susceptible, even to themselves.
Popup: The Terminator has died more often due to voluntarily sacrificing itself to ensure the destruction of another Terminator. This is primarily due to the fact the Terminator cannot defeat his successors without relying on external influences, such as the environment or the assistance of allies.
Boomstick: The T-850s fuel cells are powerful enough that they can wipe out both itself and the T-X with just one of the fuel cells. And if it wasn't obvious by now, Terminators can't swim, so if you can drown a Terminator, they're done for. On top of that, the T-800s belong to such a specific time in production, that Skynet didn't really put their best foot forward.
Wiz: To elaborate, the T-800s were mass-produced for easy deployment in the war. In doing so, Skynet overlooked the fact that humans, if they could figure it out, could hack into and reprogram a Terminator, turning their deadliest weapons against them. That's why The Terminator we all know goes from deadly killer to deadly bodyguard. But this applies both ways, when Judgment Day fell in 2004, the T-850 was reprogrammed multiple times, constantly altering its mission.
Boomstick: I'm no programming guy, but that's just bad. And probably explains why they keep making Terminators. But unfortunately, they made the mistake of assuming the classics were outdated and bad, and the T-850 proves time and time again, no matter what timeline, that you don't mess with the best of the best.
Wiz: Neither Humans nor Terminators are safe from the lethality of the Model 101, just pray to God that he's on your side come Judgment Day.
Terminator: I'll be back.
It is a lawless period, as the shifting galactic powers cause the galaxy to rapidly change, every day is a new experience. Many struggle to find their place in the galaxy, all except a select few. The turmoil enthralling the galaxy has given rise to Bounty Hunters, who are sought after now more than ever. With their skills undaunted, few can hope to stop the emergence of these dangerous players on the galactic stage….
On a planet under the jurisdiction of a vile gangster crime lord, most people go about their business without drawing attention to themselves or anyone else for that matter. But work never fails to arise for those seeking a good payday. Inside a comfortable palace, many shady figures hang around, just waiting to see if an opportunity presents itself.
And in due time, the sound of quick footsteps drew the attention of a few people, as they gazed their eyes upon what was causing the noise. A man rushed into the room, holding several items in his hands, he looked rushed, and desperate to find a place to put his items down. A few seconds later, a couple of people moved, catching onto the situation, and a spare table revealed itself.
The man hurried to the table and laid his items on it, what he had been carrying was a bunch of small holoprojectors. Immediately, a group gathered around the table as the man enabled the holoprojectors, all of them displayed individuals alongside a significant amount of credits attributed to them.
The mark of a bounty had been placed on these individuals, and now the time had come to decide who would take up which bounty. Chatter arose from the group as they observed the identities and rewards that came with their options. After a short while, the group released a collective gasp, which drew the attention of a few people, including some of the more conservative bounty hunters.
One bounty hunter took notice of what was going on and approached the table, his presence alerting the whole group as they shuffled around to let him approach. The bounty hunter looked down at one holoprojector that had been enabled, it showed a rather physically intimidating human, he observed the price on this target’s head to notice it had an abundantly large bounty. However, what truly caught his attention was that the target had been specifically wanted dead.
“You don’t see that every day.” the bounty hunter remarked as he grabbed the holoprojector and left the table. The rest of the bounty hunters watched on in shock, they couldn’t believe he was taking up such a bounty without a second thought. As the bounty hunter departed the palace, the other patrons momentarily glanced at him, seeing him move wasn’t a common sight. To many, he was brave and intrepid.
Not far outside the palace was an attack craft laying dormant, as the man approached it, a door lifted, allowing him to board his vessel. A few moments later, the attack craft lifted off the ground and flew off into the stars above. With his craft now soaring the stars, the bounty hunter observed the holoprojector to his side and plotted a course to the planet where his bounty was most recently reported on.
Meanwhile, a tall, muscular man dressed in dark clothing walks over a battle-torn area, shattered glass, numerous bodies dead on the floor, and nothing but fire and smoke as far as the eye could see, it was a grim sight for any to behold. It was the middle of the day, yet the clouds above covered the sun, leaving the scene to look even more desolate than it already had been. The man approached a nearby vehicle, and pulled the door open with one hand, ripping it off its hinges and tossed it to the side.
Inside was a group of weapons that had been prepared for use, the man ascertained the weaponry was likely intended for use against him. But with none to oppose him, he grabbed the weapons and housed all of them on his person in some fashion. Just then, the man heard the sound of an aircraft flying overhead, he listened carefully to try and recognize the sound, it did not sound like a helicopter, which was among the things that had come to destroy him.
As he glanced up, he saw the aircraft fly overhead. He looked perplexed, as it did not resemble anything he had ever seen before. But that did not deter him, as he carefully monitored the aircraft and where it was going to land. Shortly thereafter, the aircraft lands on the roof of a nearby building. Prepared for what may come, the man reloaded the weapon in his hand and cautiously waited to see events unfold.
As he watched from a fair distance, he saw a man exit the aircraft, and inspect his surroundings. He felt pretty safe, as the distance between them was a few kilometers between them. But suddenly, the man he was inspecting fired upon him, a burst of shots very nearly struck him, and he hurried from his current location to avoid further blasts. As he ran to find cover, he heard the sound of a jet igniting, and he heard it get closer and closer to him.
The man who had fired upon him, Boba Fett, landed on the ground, seeing that it had been freshly renewed as a battlefield. Although he was behind some of the wreckage he had created, The Terminator acted quickly, drawing his firearms and taking aim at Fett, Fett responded in kind, drawing his own firearms. The two aimed their weaponry at the other but stopped due to seeing their opponent up close for the first time.
Recalling the bounty and the holoprojector, Fett identified The Terminator as his target, every last detail had been accurately described in his bounty. "Found you." Fett silently added. At the same time, The Terminator's scanning and information databases analyzed Fett and his appearance, a lot of details quickly appeared across his heads up display, revealing that a lot of Fett's weapons was not man-made and that the protective equipment he was wearing was not composed by any element or material that existed on Earth.
But his information did display that Fett's armor did not cover his entire body and that his legs from the knee down were completely exposed. "What do you want?" Terminator asked, seeing that Fett displayed no allegiance to either humanity or Skynet, he was a walking mystery that his programming couldn't answer. "There's a price on your head, and they don't want you alive" Fett explained, seeing that what he said wouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
"I was not designed to fear termination" Terminator retorted, displaying zero fear or concern for his life. His programming had already revealed to him what Fett's weaknesses were, and he only needed to take the advantage to guarantee his mission would be complete. "That makes you braver than most. I'd prefer to take you alive, but a job is a job". With his EE-3 Carbine Rifle armed, Fett aimed at his bounty, whilst The Terminator readied his AMT Hardballer. Both took one last look at their opponent, prepared for their encounter.
(Cue I'll Be Back - Terminator 2: Judgment Day)
The Mandalorian and The Terminator opened fire on each other, in the fleeting moments of the rounds travelling across the battlefield, Fett gained the upper hand, and sprinted to the side, avoiding the bullets fired by the Hardballer. But with his aim still sharply focused on his foe, Fett fired a second burst shot of his Carbine Rifle, which successfully struck the Terminator, damaging his clothing, but remained unfazed by it.
As he managed to reach the corner, Fett realized that his blaster bolts did not damage him, and he quickly deduced he must be using armor, which meant he had to time his shots more carefully. But he also noticed the weaponry the Terminator used was completely unlike those he had seen in his travels. But in those moments of gathering his thoughts, Fett had forgotten about the Terminator, who fired his SPAS-12 shotgun at the wall Fett had situated himself behind, exposing his position.
Immediately, Fett retaliated, using his wrist-mounted blaster to strike the Terminator, again proving his opponent's impressive defences. The Terminator, however, looked for the ideal target area, Fett's legs, but he did not create the window for that opportunity, and so he found it difficult to land a crucial blow on Fett but persevered. His heads up display revealed that Fett's weapons had not damaged him enough, and they were somewhat comparable to the rifles used by his kind in the future.
But the Terminator had already concluded Fett was a human, he was able to detect the presence of human organs. The Terminator knew well and truly that humans could not wield the weaponry made by Terminators due to the immense weight, so it perplexed him if newer technology had been developed. Nevertheless, it did not stop him from carrying out his mission, defeating Boba Fett.
After using his gauntlet to blast the Terminator enough times, Fett decided to get closer, seeing that long-range attacks weren't damaging the Terminator much at all. Activating his jetpack, Fett used the three seconds allotted to him to approach Terminator from above. The Terminator's close-range weaponry, while ideal for the situation, were robbed of their opportunity to fire, as Fett kicked the weapon out of the Terminator's hands.
Disarmed, but still very much effective, the Terminator responded to this by launching a physical assault against Fett, striking the bounty hunter with a solid punch, which was stronger than Fett had expected, and reminded me of the cybernetically enhanced strikes he had received from Vader. The strikes were undaunted and had no sign of relent, the Terminator repeatedly struck Fett's helmet, and although Fett struggled for a little while, the blows against his helmet did not damage it.
Instead, the wall behind Fett's head cracked and broke apart under repeated bashing, seeing that he was in a difficult predicament, Fett knew exactly how to get himself out of this situation. Once again, Fett activated his jetpack, launching himself into the air for three seconds, the Terminator latched onto Fett's leg, trying to persist. Fett saw a nearby building that was much taller and used the precious time he had to ascend the building's rooftop and land. While he landed without fail, the Terminator hit the ground harder.
Arming himself once again, Fett got in an early shot against his foe, and the Terminator got up whilst being shot at, but the shots did not stagger him or even make him flinch. Instead, the Terminator used his Hardballer and aimed right at Fett's left leg, looking to make future landings more difficult for the bounty hunter. But the reaction speeds of the Mandalorian let him easily avoid the bullets, he performed an athletic flip, allowing him to successfully avoid the bullets.
Fett quickly countered with another round of blaster bolts from his wrist gauntlet. But this time he played the situation more carefully and knew he could easily turn this situation in his favour. The Terminator continued to attack, but as he did his programming informed him that Fett was too agile and wouldn't let his weakness be made vulnerable so easily and that the only way to guarantee it would be to physically exhaust humans, and he recalled the methods in which he could induce Fett to lose stamina.
Although he could not understand the bounty hunter's equipment, underneath it all was still just a man, and that was something the Terminator would use to his advantage. So instead of aiming at the legs again, The Terminator took aim at Fett's chest, and while the Mandalorian dodged them, he noticed this time that the bullets weren't aimed at his legs, and that made Fett think about what was going on.
"So, you're the one who killed all those people." Fett connected the dots in his head, seeing that the sudden change in aim was clearly indicative of skill, and seeing those numerous bodies on the ground beneath the building they stood on was all Fett needed to be certain of his target.
"I am a Terminator, my mission is to protect those who would threaten the life of John Connor" he responded, making his intentions clear as day. Fett momentarily thought about his past, but soon anchored himself back to reality. "I can see why someone would want you removed, Terminator. A shame someone of your skill ended up on a bounty hunter's radar" Fett continued. With the knowledge being presented to him, the Terminator had more to say.
"I do not feel pity, or remorse, or fear. I won't stop until those who stand in the way of my mission are dead" the Terminator retaliated, making clear that no amount of words could psychologically threaten him. "Better to die than to fear dying" Fett added, agreeing with the Terminator's impressive mental fortitude. A brief moment later, the two once again drew their weapons and pulled the trigger, both Fett and Terminator stonewalling their opponent's rounds, neither could make any lasting damage.
Seeing that their situation was developing into a stalemate, Fett knew he needed to do something to break through and gain the advantage, he once again activated his jetpack and took off into the skies, where the Terminator observed his flight path, but constantly watching out for Fett's blasts.
Knowing the sun was blocked by the clouds, he could not blind his opponent, so instead, he decided to take the direct approach. As the Terminator used his targeting systems to line up a perfect shot on the bounty hunter, he suddenly saw something different come right for him, and it wasn't a blaster bolt. It landed right next to Terminator, who quickly realized it was a grenade, he desperately moved to avoid the blast radius, but it exploded before enough distance could be achieved.
Having fired his Concussion grenade launcher, Fett carefully considered the time it would take to explode and how long to reach the ground, thus preventing the Terminator from being able to avoid the abrupt detonation. The side of the rooftop collapsed, and the Terminator fell along with it. Staying in the air by using a slightly longer burst of his jetpack, Fett landed back on the ground, knowing he had just used a fair amount of his fuel and had to be more conservative with it going forward.
He approached the destruction he had caused, and looked down, seeing that at least the three lower floors had also been damaged. He glanced at the ground below but did not see the Terminator down there. Fett quickly surmised that the Terminator must have been able to land safely inside the building and might attack when Fett lets his guard down.
Carefully following the wreckage, Fett anchored himself to the second floor from the rooftop. As he touched down, he observed his surroundings, noticing the room was darker than usual, there were few windows and even fewer that were opened. Light barely reached this floor, aside from the obvious entry point. Observing the room and looking for even the slightest hint of the enemy, Fett kept his guard up.
After a few moments, Fett confirmed the Terminator was nowhere in this room and proceeded to the hallway to continue his investigation. Just as he entered, The Terminator walked forward, beginning to approach Fett, in doing so he primed his shotgun and fired it at Boba. The altered environment had altered Fett's ability to dodge as easily, and this time he found himself caught in the Terminator's attack, launching him back into the room he just came from.
Taken aback by the blast he endured, Fett knew he wasn't harmed, but that weapon certainly had a lot of knockback. The Terminator continued approaching Fett, with not even a single ounce of hesitation in his steps. Seeing that he found himself in a difficult situation, Fett thought of something clever. As the Terminator reloaded his shotgun rounds, Fett adjusted his knees to launch the rocket darts at the Terminator.
(Cue Capture the Flag - The Mandalorian)
A successful strike knocked back the Terminator slightly, interrupting the reload, which gave Fett ample time to get back onto his feet, he then attempted to land physical strikes against the Terminator, though he proved incredibly sturdy. Now recovering, the Terminator glanced at Fett, his sunglasses damaged, revealing one of his eyes, the iris of which appeared red in color. "Fuck you asshole" the Terminator commented.
Grabbing Fett with his bare hands, the Terminator looks ready to crush him without changing a shade, but Fett wasn't panicked by the situation. Instead, he kept his cool and made sure he'd look for an opportunity. "Talk all you want, it won't help" Fett commented, seeing that although he was disadvantaged, nothing had truly caused him damage, and that wasn't likely to change. Seeing that the bounty hunter did not understand things, the Terminator used his upper body strength to throw Fett towards a nearby support beam which kept the ceiling in place.
Breaking it apart entirely, Fett's collision caused the ceiling to begin caving in, and soon it promptly fell on Fett, burying him beneath the rubble. Eyeing the perfect opportunity, the Terminator reached for his M79 Grenade Launcher and loaded one of the grenades into the barrel of the weapon. "You are terminated" he declared, as he fired the grenade launcher at the rubble where Fett lay buried. The explosion rocked the building once again, further damaging the structural integrity, it wasn't likely to last much longer at this rate.
Instead of turning away, the Terminator approached the rubble and looked for Fett's body, it was imperative to his programming that he knew whether or not his kill was absolute. He moved rubble to the side and saw Fett's body laying on the ground, as he went to grab the bounty hunter's body, suddenly the Terminator was struck by an explosion, which launched him several meters, sending him right back down to the ground where their encounter had started.
Emerging from the rubble, Fett looked ruffled, but his armor hadn't declined in its integrity, he also had the rubble to think for not directly exposing him to the impact of the grenade launcher, but now that he had used up his anti-vehicle missile, he had depleted one of his strongest weapons. But he had bought himself ample time, he climbed to his feet and made his way to the makeshift exit he had created earlier.
Using his jetpack, Fett soared across the city until he landed on the ground near where the Terminator had landed. He touched down and waited for the Terminator to get back up. However, the truth could no longer be hidden from the bounty hunter, as the Terminator rose from the damage he endured, it broke away part of his living tissue on the endoskeleton, revealing what lay beneath. Fett noticed this and recalled that cybernetic replacements weren't uncommon, even other bounty hunters had cybernetic replacements.
Although the truth wasn't much of a concern to Fett, it had certainly driven the Terminator to not hold back. He gazed upon his exposed arm, seeing that his exoskeleton couldn't handle a blast at such a close distance. He knew that things had to get serious, so he grabbed behind him and reached for the M134 Minigun, and opened fire on Fett, who immediately activated his jetpack to avoid being shot.
The rate of fire on the minigun was faster than almost anything Fett had seen before, he'd seen fast quickdraws, but this kind of weapon was dangerous, and he knew getting hit by it wouldn't end well for him. Using his flight to his advantage, Fett managed to land on a nearby rooftop, but the minigun didn't stop firing. It attempted to simply crumble the sides of the building in hopes of exposing Fett once again.
But the time it would take to do that was enough time for Fett to figure his way out of this situation. He slowly approached the edge of the rooftop and took a quick look at the environment before the Terminator quickly adjusted his fire to target Fett. But the bounty hunter managed to avoid the bullets with ease. But he had what he needed, and reached to his holster and retrieved a sonic detonator.
Readying the detonation, Fett jumped off the rooftop, reactivating his Jetpack, and headed right toward the Terminator, the minigun fire followed him, but Fett stayed out of firing range. With his opportunity ripe, Fett tossed the sonic detonator toward the Terminator, who had become focused on targeting Fett that it had momentarily disregarded its surroundings. The detonator landed close to the Terminator, who gazed down at the device just to witness it directly explode in his face.
The screeching sounds emitted from the detonator broke the Terminator's concentration, and although it was brief, it allowed Fett to approach without being shot at. And the bounty hunter wasted no time, using the speed from his jetpack to enhance the momentum of his punch, this time it knocked the Terminator off his feet and onto the ground. Fett wasted no time and drew the EE-3 Carbine Rifle on the Terminator, and pulled the trigger.
The burst shots of the rifle damaged the Terminator's living tissue, but not enough to induce a killing blow. The amount of effort put into this was ultimately for naught, and the Terminator made sure to emphasize that point. "I'm not that easy to kill", he adamantly declared as he pulls himself off the ground and completely ignores the damage he just endured. Fett activates his jetpack to put some distance between them, but the Terminator intervenes and pulls Fett back to the ground, halting his escape.
Keeping his advantage where it belongs, the Terminator throws Fett towards a nearby vehicle, hitting it so hard the vehicle tipped over, Fett's impact thereafter softened his touchdown, but he definitely felt the weight of that throw. He took a moment to gather himself before he looked over his shoulder and realized his jetpack had become damaged. Another moment passed and Fett made a decision, "Haven't survived this long by being sloppy" and removed his jetpack, tossing it to the side.
Seeing the item leave Fett's person, the Terminator observed it, looking for information. But that was interrupted as Fett sprinted toward the Terminator, which prevented it from having the shotgun ready to fire. Initially trying to outmuscle the Terminator, Fett repeatedly struck his opponent, but he proved difficult to overwhelm, as the Terminator used its targeting systems to locate Fett's beating heart, the quickest way to end his life.
Clenching his fist, the Terminator viciously attempts to pry into Fett's body, but the duraplast successfully manages to shield Fett from harm. And that moment allowed Fett the opportunity to kick the Terminator away from him. He quickly followed up by activating his fibercord whip and wrapping around the Terminator from shoulder to ankle, binding him, even if momentarily. Noting the incredible accuracy displayed by the Terminator, it had such uncanny skill, aiming for the non-armored areas of his body, and knowing precisely where to strike a human's most vital organ.
With the small, precious moments of time Fett had to him, he reached for the Carbine Rifle and fired in bursts to damage the Terminator further. But just moments later, the Terminator exerted a great amount of power, trying to break himself out of the fibercord whip. Fett grabbed his wrist, where the whip had launched from, and applied pressure to hopefully prevent the Terminator from breaking out.
Desperate to maintain things as they are, Fett again armed himself with the Carbine Rifle and fired on the Terminator, who refused to budge, simply standing there as though nothing was affecting him at all. The shots were proving less effective, and Fett knew he needed to do something, or else they'd just keep going in circles. And after a few more moments, the Terminator exerted his strength, easily breaking the whip.
He grabbed his shotgun and fired a round at Fett who dodged it successfully, but the Terminator had loaded a second weapon, his Hardballer, and used it to again make Fett evade. He approached with a cold look on his face as his dual-wielding constantly challenged Fett, who was unable to escape. And with a well-timed strike, the Terminator knocked Fett to the ground.
"You cannot win, surrender" the Terminator coldly demanded. Fett glanced at the Terminator, "They said you were pretty decent, this is shaping up to be quite the payday". Almost stunned by Fett's sheer lack of concern, the Terminator attempted a punch to the face, but Fett easily sidestepped it, and swiftly approached the Terminator, attaching something to his back.
He had learned his lesson, and Fett struck his jetpack, activating it. The Terminator suddenly took off and flew around uncontrollably, having no experience with technology like this. Fett grabbed his Carbine Rifle and carefully followed the Terminator's trajectory and precisely shot the jetpack, almost forcing the Terminator into a complete nosedive. And before he could even act, the Terminator collided with a gasoline truck, hitting it so hard that it ruptured the truck, exposing the gasoline.
Wrapping things up, Fett aimed the Carbine rifle at his jetpack and pulled the trigger, causing his jetpack to explode, and that ignited the gasoline, causing the entire truck to explode as well. There was nothing but smoke and fire, nothing remained. Fett, a safe distance away from the explosion, observed the wreckage, deducing that the Terminator had been destroyed. He prepared to depart for his ship, the Slave I, when he heard the sound of metal hitting the ground.
(Cue Death by Fire - The Terminator)
Drawing his Carbine Rifle, he watched a tall, metallic exoskeleton of the T-850 emerge from the fire and flames, its eyes crimson red. "A droid..." he thought to himself, seeing the true appearance of the T-850. It certainly reminded him of the bounty hunter droids he had encountered throughout his life. His expert targeting skill made a great deal more sense, as well as that impressive strength.
Firing a burst of his Carbine Rifle, the Terminator, no longer concerned about living tissue, simply stonewalled the blasts. With it even more apparent that conventional blasters were going to prove difficult, Fett made a far more direct approach, rushing toward the Terminator, who again engaged Fett in a physical bout. But that wasn't the bounty hunter's intention.
As the Terminator tossed out a punch, intended for Fett's heart, it was very effectively evaded by Fett, who quickly activated the gauntlet on his opposite wrist, triggering his flamethrower, and aiming it directly at the Terminator's head. The stream of flame easily set the Terminator alight, and Fett momentarily thought he had secured an advantage, but the flames proved insufficient at harming the coltan alloy that composed his exoskeleton.
Stunned by that, Fett was caught off guard. The Terminator grabbed hold of Fett and tossed him to the ground. He then went over and grabbed the shotgun, loading it and taking aim at Fett. But the bounty hunter performed a swift kick, disarming the Terminator. Fett quickly sprung to his feet and retrieved another weapon. The sound of ignition attracted the Terminator's attention. What lay in Fett's hand was one of his most prized possessions, a lightsaber.
The green hue blade shined brightly, and Fett stood tall. The Terminator rushed to his shotgun and aimed at the bounty hunter. But before he could pull the trigger, Fett swung his lightsaber, slicing off the barrel, rendering it unable to fire, which forced the Terminator to resort to physicality once again, but Fett retaliated by swinging his lightsaber, slicing off the Terminator's right arm. Put onto his back foot, the Terminator tried to put distance between himself and the bounty hunter, but it was meaningless. "Bad luck, friend. Your time's up" Fett remarked.
Approaching with his lightsaber at the ready, Fett swung his blade, slicing off the Terminator's opposing hand before converting that momentum into a decapitating strike, the green lightsaber severed the Terminator's head. Watching the pieces hit the ground, Fett seemed all but adamant this was the Terminator was dead.
But the red eyes of the Terminator were still active, where his disembodied head responded on its own. "I am not dead yet. I will be back" the Terminator remarked, undaunted by even a decapitation. Suddenly, Fett heard a beeping sound from the Terminator's body, "Self-destruct." he quickly realized. Without his jetpack, escape wasn't a guarantee, so Fett deactivated his lightsaber and sprinted as far away from the Terminator as possible.
Seeing the bounty hunter flee, the head of the Terminator simply watched on before the hydrogen fuel cell exploded, triggering a massive explosion, one that narrowly managed to catch Fett, knocking him forward. The small mushroom cloud was all that could be seen, as the fire from the gasoline simply continued to burn, the area had been completely decimated. A short time later, Fett was able to get back up, tired and worn from battle.
He limped his way towards the rooftop where the Slave I was waiting for him, unaffected by all the destruction caused below. Fett took a glance at the battlefield and saw no trace of the Terminator, and at this point, he was just glad it was over. "Not coming back from that" he thought to himself. The Slave I soon lifted off and ascended high into the atmosphere, leaving Earth behind.
There wasn't much left on the battlefield, no weapons and no vehicles. In time, the fire and smoke eventually went out. All that remained of the Terminator was a piece of his head, but nothing could be salvaged. Systems failed and he finally shut down.
(Cue Departure of Boba Fett - Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back)
Boomstick: Man... Science Fiction is fucking awesome!
Wiz: A hard fought battle from start to finish. Both the clone and the machine were created because they were effective at killing. Especially the Terminator, and while there were advantages on both sides, the Terminator didn't have enough of them to come back from the jaws of defeat.
Boomstick: Arnie was an absolute champ, and had the programming and information of the entirety of Earth's history. He can literally use any weapon he finds, that's versatility that Fett didn't really have. But this is also the Terminator's biggest problem. None of Fett's weapons are from Earth, so that made the Terminator's job a lot harder, and that's just the beginning.
Popup: Despite having basic lightsaber training, Fett was proficient enough that he was chosen by Jaina Solo to be her instructor in lightsaber combat. Though not frequently, Fett would use a lightsaber in combat as a last resort, typically against Force-sensitives.
Wiz: Although Fett had never seen weapons like those created on Earth, it was much less of a hindrance to him, since Fett had a major speed advantage over the Terminator. When looking beyond the films, blaster bolts move at speeds much, much faster than the standard bullet. So Fett had little trouble avoiding all the different weaponry in the Terminator's arsenal. Having the speed advantage also meant the Terminator couldn't use his targeting systems as effectively, since they were his only chance at exploiting Fett's weaknesses.
Boomstick: Their arsenals are also pretty important. While the Terminator had a beautiful inventory, it didn't even compare to the versatility of Fett's arsenal. The jetpack by itself gives Fett complete control over the battlefield, and easily lets him avoid Arnie's weapons, even with the limited fuel. Not to mention his Mandalorian armor, which was more than capable of withstanding the Terminator's attacks.
Wiz: One of Fett's greatest advantages, however, was his ability to devise strategies and tactics that the Terminator's programming couldn't understand at first. Consider this on top of the fact the Terminator has no information on Fett's equipment, and it becomes incredibly difficult for the Terminator to realistically develop an effective strategy that leads to his victory.
Popup: Theoretically, the Terminator could have destroyed himself and Fett with one of his hydrogen fuel cells similarly how to he defeated the T-X, which would result in the Terminator's victory, but Fett's advantages made this unlikely.
Boomstick: Now, that doesn't like a big disadvantage at first. After all, he's fought plenty of superior Terminators before. But those victories were rarely because of his own abilities. The T-1000 only died because Arnie used a grenade launcher, making him fall into molten steel. And this had come after several attempts to kill the T-1000 with stuff like liquid nitrogen.
Wiz: Essentially, the Terminator had to rely more on external factors to defeat superior opponents. Which was something he couldn't do here. On an even playing field, Fett's greater speed, durability, and the more versatile and deadly arsenal were able to bring him his bountiful payday.
Boomstick: In the end, Boba had the better Judgment and used his skills and arsenal to ensure that the Terminator would not be back.
Wiz: The winner is Boba Fett.
Original Track[]
An Original Track for this fight would be titled "Terminal Disintegration".
- The connections between Boba Fett and The Terminator are that they are iconic antagonists from science fiction film series (Star Wars and Terminator) with an incredibly recognizable armor/physical appearance and are expert assassins. They are revealed to be among the first of near-identical mass-produced lethal enforcers (Clone Troopers and Terminators) whose existence is a byproduct of an antagonist force (Sith and Skynet) looking to use the mass-produced enforcers to exterminate their intended victims (Jedi and Humanity).