Two magical heroes with the power of magic and friendship who were taught by divine beings to use their power for good; and with both leading a group to save the universe from the darkness, who will win in Death Battle!
Lumine: Bloom, the fairy of the Dragon’s Flames.
Paimon: And Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Equestria.
Lumine: While these two female heroes don’t look like they would be powerful, they’re one of the strongest fighter in their universe with the power of friendship… But also the power to destroy the entire universe.
Paimon: Guess friendship is very important when beating up the bad guys.
Lumine: It certainly is. With the help from Devine beings to let them control their powers that they gain new forms, they will lead their group to victory.
Paimon: And today we will find out which friendship is more powerful.
Lumine: And with friendship in the air, what person with the biggest smile and cheerful personality to join the fun that the Idol from Mondstadt than Barbara! ( Both claps when Barbara enter the stage.)
Barbara: Tada! *giggles* Barbara is here! To bring joy and laughter to the viewers.
Paimon: Yay. It’s Barbara!
Barbara: Wow. There is so much giant Kameras and strange machines. But that won’t stop me from this great performance.
Paimon: She is Barbara, that the taverler, and I’m Paimon.
Lumine: And today we will find out who will win in Death Battle.
Lumine: Before time and space, image a place of full darkness with no light or warmth as far you can’t see. But out from the darkness, a wise dragon with unlimited power use his powers for good by creating Dragon’s flames that would create the magical universe.
Paimon: The magic would bring life once to a barren multiverse; however with the dark Phoenix who want to absorb the the energy and the dragon being very weak from using the magic, it would have it final rest in Domino.
Lumine: But even with his final rest, the Dragon’s flames lives on as it would protect the magical creatures from the darkness by inheriting to a family and to use the powers for good. The guardian of the Dragon’s flames would form ancient order called Nymphs of Magix, organization that would protect against the darkness wile the eight members would be the guardians of their own home worlds.
Barbara: Wow. Ancient dragons that created the universe as he grant a person a power to defend the universe against the darkness, a evil lord who want to absorb all power for himself, and a hero who started out as normal person. It sound like a story that would be told in Mondstadt.
Paimon: It sure does sound good story.
Lumine: As the years pass as new heroes take the role as guardian of the Dragon’s Flames, there would be a girl who would inherit the powers. But I’m the shadows, Lord Darkar would send his minions and even his son to kidnap her for the Dragon’s fire. The battle for the girl cause great losses for both sides until finally the parents and the people of the kingdom would be trapped in dimension called Obsidian. Only the sister would be able to send her sister with the dragon’s flames to earth making sure that they won’t take away the powers even knowing they would kill her in the end
Paimon: Believing that the Dragon’s flame is destroy, the girl would land on the planet earth where she would be adopted by Mike and Vanessa who would take care of her. What they don’t know that their daughter would be the key to save the world with her friends. And her name is Bloom, the princess of Domino and user of the Dragon’s flames.
Bloom: I am Bloom! I'm a princess! I'm the keeper of the Dragon Fire, and nobody's gonna take it from me!
Lumine: Not knowing about her origins or her powers, she would live ordinary live from having a pet rabbit name Kiko, being rival with a girl, and even dating a boy name Andy who play the guitar.
Paimon: But her life would be flip upside down when she spot a fairy fighting against a giant ogre where bloom risking her live would activate her powers to turn the table against the evil monster.
Barbara: Oh my, just images you’re walking down the forest just to learn that there fairies from another world, you being also a fairy, and you can join a school where it teach fairies how to use magic. That would spin my head.
Lumine: That certainly would confuse many people. So wanting to know how to use her powers and where she come from, she would have permission from her parents to go to school called Alfea School for Fairies.
Paimon: A place where fairies learn all sort of magic from spells, potions, and most importantly manners. After all, many people would definitely need manners with all the mean people we meant in our journey.
Lumine: During school, where would make different friends, would have to defend her powers against different threats from Trix, lord Darken, and the rest of the dark forces.
Barbara: Forming a team with her friends. She will close her eyes and open her heart as she and her friends will believe in her to save the day.
Paimon: With each one controlling different type of magic from magical flowers, digital powers, rhythm and tunes, the sun and moon, and her fiery passion.
Lumine: With each season, she would learn about her past as a princess to how to unlock her powers.
Paimon: I can see why, with just a transformation. She can control the flames from creating a flame wall, throwing fireballs, and even a fire dragon. And we’re just getting started.
Barbara: Really, a fire dragon with her powers. Image me summoning a water dragon to save all my friends.
Paimon: You be so powerful that not a single Fatui would ever think about doing evil things in the shadow.
Lumine: As a fairy, she is able to use many spells in battle, from shooting ice to lifting items with her telekinesis powers.
Paimon: Teleportation, being able to create portals, control the wills of human souls, can create items from thin air, transmute items into different ones, and even create illusions.
Lumine: And just like many heroes, she have a dark form to show her edgy side with darker clothes and an evil personality with some dark powers. You know she evil with all those sparkles.
Barbara: But don’t worry, her friends were able to set things rights by the power of friendship.
Lumine: Now only if a certain fan stalker would also change his goals.
Barbara: What again?
Lumine: It nothing, but what we should talk about her most powerful moves. As she can create kill plants with a single spell, created entire magical dimension, reduce anything into magic particles, and a will that will never stop fighting. With an infinite amount of energy, it would mean it could be an infinite battle.
Barbara: But are you sure she have infinite powers? Surly she have a limit right?
Paimon: You think so, but actually no. With the magical universe still expanding as the Primal Fairies fill up the void to even blowing up the Realm of Obsidian with it carrying all the resources for the eternal darkness. Did I mention a series called Fate Winx Saga, a live action of the series was destroy by the main character.
Barbara: So you’re saying that Bloom; the main character, destroy a universe that carry one of her shows?
Paimon: Yeah. That very strange for a kid show made in Italy.
Lumine: With speed to travel across the planets or 20,000 times faster than the speed of light, she have resisted from being erase from existence reality warpers, and even fought the demon king. That right, she fought demons.
Paimon: However, there is a problem with Lord Darken who is the Dark Phoenix who always rise from his death. So she must wield a powerful magic that can even kill her, and that is water stars. A neutral magical force where both side can use it as it can drench any fire magic, even for herself. Meaning any magic who can over power can kill her.
Lumine: Even knowing the risk of the dangerous magic, she still use it to end his terror once it for all.
Barbara: With that and her friends, she was able to rise to her role as the keeper of the Dragon’s flames to protect the universes not with fear by with love.
Bloom: We all have a great strength inside ourselves. We just need to have the guts to find it and show it. The real magic is the trust and courage we always need to have in ours selfs.
Twilight Sparkle[]
Lumine: Image a world where instead of people living in the lands but instead herds of magical ponies who live just like us from having jobs, homes to live, and schools to learn magic.
Paimon: And in the lands of Equestria, a giant kingdom where all sort of magical creatures live from griffins, to dragons, and even beavers. With the rulers of princess Celestia and Luna watching over the lands, it’s a place full of friendship and rainbows.
Barbara: Wow. That sound so magical, if only it was peaceful like Equestia, then people wouldn’t have to worry.
Lumine: However; out from the dark shadows are the villains, wether you be talking about Cosmos who spread malice or Lord Tirek with a plan to absorb all the magic from the lands.
Barbara: But have no fear, there a herds of magical ponies ready to defend the lands with the power of friendship. Wether it be the goofy Pinkie Pie with the power to break the forth wall, Rainbow dash for her speed, or Fluttershy ability to take care of different animals. Everyone have a role in the herd.
Paimon: So when you need a hero to save the day with the power of friendship, there is one pony with her magic; and her name is twilight sparkle. Ruler of Equestria.
Twilight Sparkle: We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!
Lumine: Being born in the capital city of Canterlot, with her parents name being Twilight velvet and Night Light, she would be inspired by the Princess Celestia during the Summer Sun celebration.
Paimon: Seeing that Princess Celestia have the power to move the sun every day, I can see why she would be inspired.
Lumine: After the celebration, Twilight Sparkle would put hard work to become a student of Princess Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns with her magic. With the only thing stopping her from her dreams is one entrance exam where you must hatch an egg; and add a magic boost from the rainbow boom by Rainbow Dash, and she would be able to hatch the egg who would be Spike the Dragon.
Paimon: Even when accidentally turning the judges and even her the ponies around her into potted plants, she would pass the exams that she would become the protege for Princess Celstia. Imaging that, that would be like if Noelle would be taught by the Grandmaster Varka himself.
Lumine: Now at the school for gifted unicorns, she would finally received her very own Cutie Mark with the shape of a star.
Paimon: Wait a minute, what is even is a Cutie Mark?
Barbara: Let me explain this, a Cutie Mark is a special mark that are the symbol of your personality or talent of the pony.
Lumine: Watch out Paimon, or she would take your job.
Paimon: Oh yeah. Well the things I do know is that she would spend her times to learn as much magic types as she could that she was able to read entire library full of magic spells. With great knowledge come with great responsibility, but also to shoot energy blast to shaping the magic into any items she may need in battle. How can the heroes from little children cartoon are so powerful?
Barbara: Guess with high imagination, comes with even more powerful spells.
Lumine: She can transform any objects into different things from her parents into pots of plants, apple into a carriage, or mice into hybrids between a horse.
Paimon: I would ask how they would know about horses, but she can also manipulate the person mind to force to need a certain item like a ragged doll or the power to travel back in time.
Lumine: And guess what, she even got more.
Paimon: Wait, she even got more? How much does she need?
Lumine: She can teleport out from dangers, create force fields, freeze living creatures in mid air, bring objects to live, and even more.
Barbara: To think she would learn that much magic to help her friends, she would go many fun adventures from traveling into dimension where King Sombra is good to another one where she is transformed into a human. Hold on, did you went to universe full of talking animals traveler?
Lumine: Not really. Much of the worlds I traveler either have people living on the planets, but one did have cockroach who take over the world. The same place where I accidentally kill the ruler by stepping on him and being banned from the planet.
Paimon: Ewww… A planet full of bugs sound so gross. It’s better that you got banned from there.
Lumine: With all the training. She would achieve her Alicorn form.
Paimon: A what?
Lumine: To keep things simple, Alicorn are ponies who gain Pegasus’s wings while also gaining new powers. I mean, she gain the power to control the flames, jump inside of books, create illusions, and can absorb magic.
Paimon: Include that she can pull your mind into the imagination-scape where she can control it while her opponent can not do anything since their -over are disabled,
Barbara: And finally her power of friendship, a spell so powerful that it can banish any villains no matter what. Seeing characters like celestia who is able to warp the nightmare back to dreams as each one having infinite futures means she won’t losing any energy in a fight.
Paimon: Next is speed when compare to Storm King with the Sacanas who is able to move the sun at the speed of 22395 times faster than speed of light. Guess with magic, you can break the laws of physics as much of you want.
Lumine: Being the intelligent member of her team, she have stress when dealing with strange things she never met and the fear of ladybugs.
Barbara: Even with her fears a doubt, she always can depend on her friends to bring her back up and to challenge anyone showing that the power of friendship can be the most powerful them all.
Twilight sparkle: Together we worked to bring harmony to Equestria! But there will always be more to do! Which is why we teach others about the Magic of Friendship! Others who will continue our mission after we are gone! Now I truly understand! The Elements were just symbols! The real magic has always been right here! And the more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be! Together!
Pre-Death Battle[]
Lumine: We have seen what they can do in a fight.
Barbara: But which power of friendship is more powerful?
Paimon: Guess let’s find out in death battle!
Death Battle[]
Good day my friends, today the story will begin in a small fair near the city as many of the ponies are having fun with the rides. Wether it be riding the high thrilling roller coasters, the peaceful Ferris wheel, or watch the fun circus. And during the fun day, you can see a herd of ponies surrounding a podium with Princess Celestia on top.
Celestia: Welcome my dear subjects, and welcome to our national scavenger hunt where you must find certain items on your list before sunset to earn the golden trophy and title of greatest Scavenger for this year.
You can see many of the ponies and the rest of the mythical creatures who were excited for the great scavenger hunt.
Celestia: But remember the rules. You may form a team of only two, second rule you must complete the list that are given to you, the time limit will last one hour, and you must find the item. Mean no using any type of magic to make the item.
As Discord was making a red balloon as Fluttershy looking at it very nervous, she give him a glare when he try to hide it behind his back while whistling. ( Balloon is still visible and everyone can see it.)
Celestia: Anyway. I wish you luck on your adventure and may the best scavenger hunter win!
Fireworks are set behind her as much of the characters start searching for the hidden items with Rainbow dash pass many ponies while grabbing any items that are related to her list, Discord with Fluttershy looking in the clouds, Pinkie Pie trying to put a dollar into a vending machine every time it reject it, and finally Twilight with her brother spike who are walking across the fair.
Spike: Look like it going to be a tough competition; but when we combine together, there is nothing we can’t do!
Twilight: You’re correct about that, so let see what we must find… ( She pull out a list with her telekinesis powers as she start to read the list.) Five Cripps Pink apples
Spike: ( Appear out from an apple basket while holding onto apples.) Check!
Twilight: A giant alligator.
Spike: (Appear with a giant alligator.) Check… ( Falls to the ground)
Twilight: A stuff bear.
Spike: ( Throw a baseball knocking down three blocks earning a price.) Got it. I told it going to be easy.
Twilight: And finally the last three item. Wait a minute, we have to find small blue sweater with stripes and red hearts? How we supposed to find that.
Pinkie Pie: ( Twilight Sparkle accidentally knock into her.) Lucky. One of the item I must find is a red medical robot with jet booster. But it doesn’t I won’t try. ( Pull out a snorkel and jump into a popcorn machine.) Good luck. ( she take a breath as she take a dive into it.)
Spike: Great. It will take forever to find one like that. How we supposed to one a sweater like that one? ( He think very hard.) I got it, how about we use your magic to find it.
Twilight:But isn’t it against the rules?
Spike: She said that it against the rule to create the item. Beside, I’m sure she would want you to use all the knowledge and talent to win.
Twilight: Well… As long we’re not breaking a rule, I don’t see why not.
Spike: Great. Now to find that sweater!
Twilight: ( Remembering a certain spell to find the object, she was able to use magic to spot a blue sweater in a dark place.) Found it. It must be a lost and found.
Spike: Then why we’re here, let’s go!
She create a portal into the dark room as both enter it, the room was extremely dark as they look for anything to turn on the lights.
Spike: Wow. There is so much clothes, you wonder how people lose this much on a single day.
Twilight: Hey. I found it. ( She use telekinesis to lift the sweater.)
Spike: Hooray. We did it!
However, the doors open to reveal to be Bloom who was shock that a pony and a purple dragon was in her closet.
Bloom: Hey. What are you doing here? This is my closet, you better put that sweater down!
Spike: A closet? I thought we’re at the lost and found with this much clothes?
Twilight: ( Thoughts) Have I create a portal to the next dimension?
Bloom: Hey. I don’t judge you for what you wear. Give my sweater back!
Spike got so nervous that he run into the portal.
Twilight: Sorry. But we really need this. How about I give you some bits and we call it a day. ( She was about to use a spell but with dust falling onto her nose, she sneeze causing the house to grow chicken legs and run away as the house start to shake.) Opps! Wrong spell.
Bloom: Wait a minute, you can use magic. You must be here for my powers.
Twilight: Wait… you have powers too. Guess I never thought a monkey could learn magic.
Bloom: Monkey!
Twilight: ( Cover her mouth.) Opps!
Bloom: Seeing that you’re not denying the accusations. It must means that you’re here for my powers, I warn you. I more powerful that you think!
Twilight: ( Taking a breath, she must defend herself.) The same here.
The battle starts with Bloom shooting out a powerful fire beam while Twilight was able to block the strike with a force field, but it was powerful enough the it launch her into the air. In the sky, Twilight Sparkle use her wings to fly above when she watch as Bloom use her fairy wings to look at Twilight at equal heights.
Twilight: Wait a minute. Question, do you know any Breezies?
Bloom: What is a Breezies?
Twilight: Was worth a shot.
Being confuse, she continue her assault by throwing many fireballs with Twilight Sparkle countering with her own magic blast. It look like a stale mate until Twilight was able to come up with a plan by teleporting behind her.
Twilight: Got you!
She use her powers of levitation to lift a car from the ground to crush the fairy, but she lift the car to see that Bloom have disappear.
Twilight: What just happen? Where did you go!
She look behind her trying to find bloom as she start to sweat; however, Bloom teleport a front her for a sneak attack.
Bloom: You’re not the only one who can teleport.
Grabbing her by the neck, Bloom use her strength to throw the purple Alicorn into a portal where she crash through many aisle fill of food from cereal and can of soups. Cover in boxes of oatmeal, Twilight poke her head out from the many boxes to see that Bloom was a front of her. Bloom raise her hands to use the power of telekinesis to lift many of the selves launching each one at her opponent, so Twilight using her wits to affect gravity to cause the items to act like boomerangs and turn around that Bloom quickly use her powers to blast each one. As the items distracted her, Twilight in mere seconds kick a giant bag of flour with her might that Bloom use her flames to destroy it, but the flames make the flour explode knocking her to the floor making her very daze as she shook her head. The second she open her eyes she was shallow by a giant glass jar.
Twilight: Look like I just catch a fairy… do I have to rub the bottle or…
Bloom: I’m not a… ( She explode the bottle as shards of glass fly everywhere.) a genie!
Twilight take cover behind her shield, but she was able to nullify the magic as she throw magic blast just as Twilight barley able to teleport out of danger with the magic turning an apple to a mouse. As they watch the mouse scurry away. They know what will happen next, and they start blasting each other transform many of items into many things from a box of animal crackers into their real counterparts or a toy boat into a real one. As everything goes into chaos, Twilight was able to create a magical portal to teleporting next to Bloom for a mighty kick that send her into a dark mine full of crystals. Bloom look around just as she barley avoid a crystal popping out from the ground nearly spiking her, and looking up she watch as Twilight pull out many crystals from the walls launching them like a machine gun. Knowing there are too much crystals to dodge, she channel enough magical energy into her palms to reduce all of the crystal into magical particles.
Bloom: You shouldn’t have teleport me here you purple pony with wings. Where will you go when things get hot!
Twilight: Actually I’m more of a Alicorn. The main difference is that….
Bloom didn’t let her finish when she summon a giant fire dragon completely scaring Twilight that she start to fly in the mines as she try to avoid being munch by the fire dragon. She start to create many portals into a comic theme universe, black and white universe, and even a toy universe until she was able to teleport above a world cover in oceans.
Twilight: You look thirsty. How about a sip of water!
Using her powers, she launch hundred galloons of water to cancel out the fire dragon that she was able to catch her breath for a few seconds. This was a mistake as Bloom was behind her who spike the princess of friendship into another dimension, and Twilight look around to find herself inside of a forest.
Bloom: That’s enough! ( She release a huge amount of flames that cover the entire forest with the flames.) I have face many villains who want my powers for evil.
Twilight try to fight back, but Bloom use the flames around her to keep the pressure very high that she can only use shield to teleporting out from danger from all around her.]
Bloom: But I have my friends who believe me. I can’t let them down, so I will strike you down to save everyone. My family, my friends, and everyone in the end!
Using her powers, she channel all the flames into a single attack directly hitting Twilight Sparkle as you can hear her scream, but using her strength, Twilight Sparkle use her power to cancel the flames out as she fly above bloom.
Twilight: Sorry to say this fairy girl, but let this Alicorn school you on the true magic of friendship.
Now extremely angry, she about to use her powers when all of the sudden Twilight was able to freeze her entire body. Even before she could do anything, Twilight create a giant boxing glove made of magic to punch her into the final portal where she was inside of imagination-scape. Now she is the one scare, she try to use her magic, but she can’t as Twilight appear above her with a smile on her face.
Bloom: What happening. I have the dragon’s flames! You can’t do this to me!
Twilight: You may unlimited magic of the dragon flames. But it can’t compare to the real magic of friendship. With them by my sides no matter what, anything is possible!
Ending the fight, she ends the fight with a magic blast that is so powerful that it completely destroy bloom, and falling to the ground in pain from using that much magic. She create a portal to her world with a face plant. Spike was munching on a Carmel apple with the sweater.
Twilight: Did we… win…
Spike: We did!
Twilight: Good….
Pinkie pie jump into the screen.
Pinkie Pie: Hooray for the magic of friendship!
Pinkie Pie and Spike jump to celebrate her victory as she take a nap as confetti blast in the background.
Lumine: Hey Paimon. Do you feel any déjà vu about this one.
Paimon: What you mean?
Barbara: Yeah. Do you feel like there a episode like this one.
Lumine: I feel like there a death battle with a verdict like this one. Where a purple combatant was able to defeat one with the power of flames as both are the master of magic with the purple one being the recurring character from the later seasons. ( Show clips of Raven vs Phoenix in the background while Lumine is thinking.) Nevermind.
Paimon: Well in the end, both have the powers to destroy the infinite universe with both also being equally experience when facing dangerous villains with their powers. Also include Bloom infinite magic, she could win in some scenarios in the fight to both equaling fast.
Lumine: But we look at the bigger picture, and that artwork shows that Twilight would most likely win most often. While both sides have ways to end the fight with Bloom and destroy her by the molecular level, Twilight have powers to fight back.
Barbara: She can seal her away, transform into into a cookie, can remove her magical power for a certain time, and send her into the imagination-scape. A place where it can nullify the foe magic to be an easy target. And seeing that her magic can be nullified with water star. We can certainly that twilight sparkle magic can stop Bloom magic.
Lumine: Next is that Twilight have way more type of magic than Bloom could handle. To be able to jump into books, create illusions, control the mind or feelings, control more elements, and many more. And finally that she was clearly the smarter one by being able to build a draining magic machine to being able to mapped out 1,000 year imprisonment. Showing that she can come up with a plan to nullify the magic for a clean victory.
Paimon: Look like Bloom victory and been snuffed out by the bright future of Twilight Sparkle.
Lumine: The winner is Twilight Sparkle.