This is the 6th What-If Death Battle in Season 2 by GetSkadooshed
Description []
Twisted Metal vs Cars! A Death Battle between two rednecks that use tow trucks for battle.
Wiz: Tow trucks are used to move disabled, improperly parked, impounded, or indisposed vehicles.
Boomstick: Considering they are also called a wrecker, a breakdown truck, or a breakdown lorry. It would make sense for someone to use them in vehicular combat! Like Billy Ray Stillwell, the once innocent farmer now a serial killer.
Wiz: And Tow Mater, best friend of the famous race car Lightning McQueen. He's Boomstick and I'm Wiz, and we are going to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win
Boomstick: In a Death Battle!!
Billy Ray Stillwell[]
(Cue Twisted Metal Black Main Menu Theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmMu02B5Tn8)
Wiz: The Twisted Metal tournament brings together some of the most insane and psychotic people on the planet. Each contestant is required to bring their own vehicle and then battle it out until there is only one person remaining.
Boomstick: I wouldn't blame them to be honest, I mean you get a free wish for anything you desire!
Wiz: Unless the creator of the tournament, Calypso, some how finds a way to stab you in the back.
Boomstick: One of these competitors is a crazy redneck named Billy Ray Stillwell.
Wiz: Billy Ray Stillwell was once an innocent farmer that lived with his wife Annie. Then one day, two weeks from harvest, Billy Ray decided to head into the fields to check on the crops. He all of a sudden heard a strange noise above him in the air. He looked up to see a plane, which confused him as there wasn't suppose to be a dusting schedule that afternoon. The plane kept coming and was pouring strange smoke over the crop fields.
Boomstick: Billy Ray yelled at the pilot to stop and it never did, thus Billy Ray was caught in the smoke, which suffocated him and made him unconscious for hours.
Wiz: When he eventually awoke, he found his entire corn field dead and his face horribly disfigured. Billy Ray stumbled back home to get help from Annie, who he said was very smart. However, after he returned to his house, he finds her kissing another man. Overhearing their conversation, it was revealed that the man was the pilot of the plane from earlier. Apparently the two attempted to poison Billy Ray to death and collect the life insurance.
Boomstick: Of course Billy Ray was not happy. He grabbed the nearest object which was a garden hoe, and ambushed Annie and the pilot. The pilot managed to escape, but Annie? Oh boy. Billy Ray thrashed at her body until she was unrecognizable.
Wiz: Afterwards, Billy Ray was sent to Blackfield Asylum where he had constant nightmares about the pilot. His life would soon change as he was visited by Calypso, creator of the Twisted Metal tournament. Calypso asked Billy Ray to join the tournament, and if he won he could get the one thing his heart desired: Revenge against the pilot. He eagerly accepted.
Boomstick: It is true what Joker says, "All it takes is one bad day." In the contest Billy Ray drives the tow truck named Junkyard Dog.
Wiz: Specifically a Dodge Power Wagon, it can drive at 60/125 mph. It has average control and a pretty high durability.
Boomstick: The tow truck has two gatling guns located on its left and right side. It can also fire freeze missiles, homing missiles, power missiles that do a lot of damage, fire missiles that burn through vehicles, a ricochet weapon that bounces off surfaces, a gas can to set ablaze a small area, a missile swarm, land mines, an oil spill, satellite missiles that fall from the sky, a force field that lasts for a short amount of time, a turbo boost, and can turn invisible. However, its main weapon is the tow arm on the back of the vehicle.
Wiz: Utilizing the tow arm, Junkyard Dog can hurl many different objects such as flaming spike balls which explode on contact.
Boomstick: He can also hurl a homing taxi, which will follow and even catch up to speeding vehicles! There's the taxi bomb which is dropped from behind like a mine and will explode when hit, the detonation taxi which unleashes a large shockwave and launches fireballs in every direction upon detonation, and the health taxi which repairs the truck. Huh, you know Billy Ray has some weird obsession on taxis.
Wiz: A taxi weighs about 1-2 tons, and Junkyard Dog is strong enough to throw these cars far distances with relative ease. Junkyard Dog is also durable enough to take hits from missiles, drive through houses, and can still function after colliding full speed against other vehicles.
Boomstick: Billy Ray has fast reaction speeds, capable of driving Junkyard Dog to dodge missiles and bullets.
Wiz: Billy Ray has killed many Twisted Metal competitors, he has defeated Minion who was the previous Twisted Metal champion, and killed Warhawk, a giant police helicopter armed to the brim with missiles. After Billy Ray won the contest, he managed to finally get his hands on the pilot and brutally murder him.
Boomstick: But this was only the beginning. After murdering the pilot he slowly gained satisfaction from killing. As a result, he embarked on a journey to outdo Sweet Tooth as Midtown's most notorious serial killer. Sounds fun!
Wiz: However, he hasn't killed someone in 10 years since that vow...
Billy Ray: "I respect the law. But I can't let the cops get in the way of me gettin' my revenge!"
Tow Mater[]
(Cue Radiator Springs theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQWDWFaOZUw)
Wiz: Famous race car, Lightning Mcqueen was on his way to the Los Angeles International Speedway to win the DINOCO sponsorship. Desperate to win, Mcqueen forced Mack, who is responsible for transporting Lightning McQueen to all his races, to drive him throughout the entire night without sleeping.
Boomstick: This isn't going to backfire at all...
Wiz: You are correct Boomstick! This majorly backfired because Mack did fall asleep, Mcqueen's trailer accidently opened, and Mcqueen fell out. Mcqueen found himself in the middle of nowhere and started to panic. He eventually crashed in a small town named Radiator Springs and was arrested by the town's sherrif.
Boomstick: When Lightning McQueen woke up after the trouble he caused, he is greeted by a tow truck named Mater.

Wiz: The two quickly become friends. They go tractor tripping, talk about their lives, and even teach each other new lessons. When Mcqueen is good enough to race once more, his new friends including Mater cheer him on to the end.
Boomstick: He's a pretty hilarious side character if you ask me.
Wiz: In the sequel, Mater actually becomes the main protagonist. Mater becomes the proprietor of Tow Mater Towing and Salvage, storyteller, and the heart and soul of the now popular tourist destination Radiator Springs. However, he is mostly known as the best friend to Lightning Mcqueen.
Boomstick: During a race in Tokyo, Mater is blamed by McQueen for accidentally messing up his moves and causing him to lose the first race.
Wiz: Dissapointed with himself, Mater drives away and accidentally stumbles across a duo of British car spies and an evil mastermind named Professor Zündapp's. Being a witness of both sides, Professor Zündapp tries to kill Mater while the spies bring Mater in as a new member.
Boomstick: So a rusty hillbilly tow truck not only becomes a good friend of a famous race car, but also a secret spy!
Wiz: Basically yes. Mater receives spy training and even gets his hands, or wheels, on advance tech and weapons. Mater resembles an old 1950s tow truck. His model is a Haulital Hook'em that also looks like a 1951 International Harvester L-170 "boom" truck with a mix of some mid-1950s Chevrolet parts. He has a horsepower of 200 and his fastest speed is 90 mph.
Boomstick: Mater carries two deployable machine guns on his left and right side, he has twin rockets that increase his speed, a parachute that he can combine with his rockets to fly, a deployable holographic disguise emitter...
Wiz: Let's just call it DHDE for short. This device enables Mater to change into different forms and disguises.
Cars 2 Part 16-1
Mater's machine guns and parachute
CARS 2 - Mater in disguise - Disney Pixar - Available on Digital HD, Blu-ray and DVD Now
Changing disguise
Boomstick: Then there's the Heads-up Display, which is placed over Mater's eyes and allows him to identify targets.
Wiz: As for his other weapons: Missiles, Troika Missiles (Fires three), the skate jack which is a remote-controlled car jack that will launch enemies into the air when placed underneath, a landmine that explodes on impact, a bomb that explodes immediately when dropped, a small oil slick that will make enemies slip, a satellite laser that fires from the sky towards an opponent to blow them into bits, an electric charge that bounces around, but soon stops snd remains in place to stun opponents, and lastly, the nullifier which immediately destroys every weapon of an opponent.
Boomstick: Mater is also skilled in martial arts as he took out several bodyguards on his own, and is an expert in backwards driving.
Wiz: Mater has been shown to be durable enough to take a hit from speeding trains, smash through concrete statues, rammed by a bulldozer and then buried underground, and was perfectly fine in re-entry from space.
Boomstick: He has effortlessly spun a crane using his tow hook, dragged other cars around like they were made of paper, and flipped a goddamn wrestling ring with a Frankenstein like monster truck asserting his dominance on it!
Mater's Tall Tales S02E03 Monster Truck Mater - takel's sterke verhallen
Mater vs the Frankenstein monster truck
Wiz: From my research, this has been estimated to weigh 6,561.18 kilograms.
Boomstick: He is fast enough to react and dodge bullets, missiles, and three full speeding bulldozers.
Wiz: Mater does have several weaknesses: He is extremely rusty so bolts and pieces tend to fall off when he drives at fast speeds, he can be easily tricked, and is extremely nice.
Boomstick: But this is a Death Battle and all of a character's morals are taken out. However, seeing Mater attempt to kill someone with no remorse would be pretty weird...
Mater: "My name's Mater."
Lightning McQueen: "Mater?"
Mater: "Yeah, like "tuh-mater," but without the "tuh"."
Billy Ray: I won the contest, and now, it was my time to collect.
Billy Ray drives Junkyard Dog to an abandoned warehouse. He parks Junkyard Dog outside and enters the building, where Calpyso can be seen sitting on top of a throne made out of car parts. Calypso grins at his guest.
Billy Ray: I did what you asked for! I killed all the otha contestants!
Calypso: All except for one. If you defeat him, you get your prize.
Billy Ray: One more? Bring me to him!
Calypso: As you wish...
Calypso snaps his finger and a bright flash blinds Billy Ray.
Calypso: Oh, I forgot to tell you. He's a tow truck just like you.
When his vision clears Billy Ray finds himself back inside the driver seat of Junkyard Dog and in the middle of some small town. Billy Ray looks at a close sign that say "Welcome to Radiator Springs!" Written on it.
Billy Ray: What in tarnation is that!?
In front of Billy Ray is a rusty tow truck, but what was even weirder to him was that it had eyes and a mouth. Mater notices Bill Ray inside of his vehicle and also gets a confused look on his face.
Mater: Why hello there strange, looking tourist...
Billy Ray: What you!? Some sort of robot?
Mater: I don't think so... But have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Where are your eyes and mouth! What is that weird creature inside of you? Umm, I think you have a parasite.
Billy Ray: Uhhh....Forget about this I'm getting my prize!
Junkyard Dog's gatling guns begin to rotate.
(Cue Twisted Metal Black: Junkyard theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gu3J6PRXWI)
Junkyard Dog open fires while Mater takes cover behind some buildings. Mater then activates his own machine guns. The two shoot at each other with the bullets only hitting one another. Junkyard Dog speeds up and attempts to ram into Mater, but Mater dodges out of the way and hooks onto the back of Junkyard Dog. Mater spins and swings Junkyard Dog into Flo's V8 Cafe.
Mater: Oops, my bad.
Junkyard Dog reverses out of the building and uses its windshield wipers to clean off some rubble.
Billy Ray: You're tough, but you're no different than any of the previous contestants I've already defeated.
A compartment opens up on Junkyard Dog and a fire missile flies out towards Mater. Mater quickly counters the missile with one of his own. The two missiles collide, the explosion knocks Mater onto his side and violently shakes Junkyard Dog. Billy Ray aims at Mater again and fires a homing missile.
Mater: That doesn't look good!
Mater flips back onto his feet and drives away with the homing missile tailing behind. Mater and the homing missile go behind a building and an explosion occurs.
Billy Ray: Gotch ya.
Billy Ray drives Junkyard Dog to investigate the aftermath of the explosion. There was a crater in the ground but Mater was nowhere to be seen. Billy Ray assumes Mater was blown to bits and heads off. However, as he was driving down the road he notices a strange looking taco truck with the shape of a mouth and closed eyes. Billy Ray prepares to shoot, when the taco truck suddenly opens his eyes.
Mater: Do you like my disguise?
Billy Ray tries to shoot Mater but misses as he spin kicks Junkyard Dog with one of his wheels, disrupting his aim. Junkyard Dog then rams into the front of Mater and drives him through the walls of several buildings. Mater stops this by activating his rocket boosters to push Junkyard Dog in the opposite direction, then uses his skate jack to launch Junkyard Dog into the Racing Museum.
Mater: Um, you're not suppose to be in there.
Billy Ray drives out of the museum with an angry facial expression on his face.
Billy Ray: You shut up! I ain't letting some mutant vehicle get in the way of me gettin' my revenge!
A spike ball appears on Junkyard Dog's tow arm. The tow truck swings and slaps Mater with the spike ball, causing his headlight to shatter. Mater spits out some oil.
Mater: All right, time to act serious.
Mater drives backwards out of the town to lure Billy Ray away to some cliffs. In hot pursuit, Billy Ray fires a missile swarm but they are destroyed after they come into contact with a bomb dropped by Mater. Then Billy Ray uses a turbo boost to catch up. When he is close enough to Mater he throws a homing taxi, which collides and knocks Mater onto his side. Mater calls down a satellite laser, which falls down from the sky towards Junkyard Dog. The laser hits Junkyard Dog and explodes. Mater laughs and gets onto his feet.
Mater: Wow, I did it!
Mater was wrong as Junkyard Dog drives through the flames of the explosion in perfect condition. Surrounding the vehicle was a glowing force field.
Billy Ray: Time to send you to the junkyard!
A freeze missile fires out of a compartment in Junkyard Dog. Mater dodges it but his front wheels get frozen. Billy Ray drives full speed towards Mater. However, Mater fires an electric charge that stuns Billy Ray in place. This gives him enough time to break free from the ice. Mater then hooks onto Junkyard Dog and swings him near the cliff edge. The stun wears off and Billy Ray takes out his strongest weapon, the detonation taxi.
Billy Ray: This'll finish the job.
Mater: I don't think so!
Mater activates his nullifier weapon, it destroys the detonation taxi which confuses Billy Ray. Mater then slams into Junkyard Dog and sends him falling off the cliff.
Mater: I could use a nice drink of gasoline right about now.
As Mater turns around to head back home, he is hooked in the back by Junkyard Dog's tow arm.
Mater: Oh no...
Mater is then dragged off the cliff.
Billy Ray: I'm taking you down with me!
Mater: Activate parachute!
As the two are falling, Mater deploys his parachute. Next, he activates his machine guns and shoots the hook off.
Billy Ray: NOOOOooo!
Junkyard Dog continues to descend down the cliff, and a small explosion erupts.
Mater: Whewww. That was a close one.
Mater activates his rocket boosters and glides back home.
Boomstick: Awwww, what about Billy Ray's prize?
Wiz: Surprise or not, Mater should actually take the win in this fight. He has the weapons and gadgets to counter all of Billy Ray Stillwell's own weapons.
Boomstick: Junkyard Dog is equipped with gatling guns, missiles, bombs, satellite air strike, and etc. Meanwhile, Mater has gatling guns, missiles, bombs, his own type of sattelite firepower... you get the idea.
Wiz: Mater also has the nullifier which can destroy all of Junkyard Dog's weapons. Next, Mater should also be a better and more expereinced driver. Considering the fact that he is capable of winning his own races, great in driving backwards, and he is literally been a vehicle his entire life.
Boomstick: Mater is stronger as shown when he swings other cars around like they are nothing, and can flip an entire wrestling ring with an abomination monster truck on top. He should be able to swing Junkyard Dog around like a ragdoll. In the end, Billy Ray Stillwell was sent to the ummm, junkyard...
Wiz: Mater is the winner!
Next Time[]
???: "I am Devo the Cursed. And my Stand represents "The Devil" of the Major Arcana... It symbolizes confusion and misfortune."