Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki




Wiz: The Batman Who Laughs, DC's Jokerized Caped Crusader.

Boomstick: And Saber Alter, Fate's Saber-class Servant corrupted by All the World's Evil.

Wiz: Both of them used to be heroic guardians of the light, now turned servants of Darkness.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

The Batman Who Laughs[]

Wiz: Worlds will live... worlds will die... but imagine if your every fear, each bad decision, gave birth to a malformed world of nightmares. A world that shouldn't exist. And desperate as it fights to survive in the light of the true Multiverse far above... these worlds are doomed to rot apart and die, because they are wrong at their core.

Boomstick: Say hello to the Dark Multiverse, home to worlds and universes that should never exist.

Wiz: However, one of these universes was the most cruel and darkest of them all: Earth -22.

Boomstick: And you may be wondering, "What makes this universe so cruel and dark?" Well, it's home to the most diabolical and sadistic villain that literally comes straight out of your nightmares: The Batman Who Laughs!

Wiz: Starting out like the normal Batman we all know, this Batman created a secret code to not kill. Until the Joker took things too far, like blowing up Gotham City, killing off Batman's entire Rogues Gallery, and--

Boomstick: Killing families and turning their kids into mini-Jokers. Jesus! And I thought my neighbors were bad enough

Wiz: All of this caused Bruce to snap and literally snap Joker's neck, killing him, and breaking his No-Kill rule. With his last breath, the Joker infected Batman with a new strain of Joker Venom which would not only change Bruce's mind, but the history of the Multiverse forever.

Boomstick: The thing about this is that Joker literally exhaled the Joker Venom as a gas right in Bruce's face, just for Bruce to straight up inhale it. And even worse, there's no cure for this goddamn thing!

Wiz: As time passed, Bruce's slowly became paranoid and homicidal, and tried to train up the Bat Family in the hopes that they could stop them. But it turns out that the entire thing was a trap, as Bruce shoots the entire Bat Family dead, with the exception of his son, Damian, and becomes... The Batman Who Laughs!

(Cue the eerie laugh of The Batman Who Laughs echoing)

More To Be Added

Saber Alter[]


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!




Original Track[]

The Dark Knights Of The Round Table

The track for this fight is "The Dark Knights of the Round Table" by Therewolf Media. It is a dark and suspenseful metal piece mainly focused on the electric guitar, but once it reaches the end, it switches to the electric piano with the same dark track to it, meant to represent the nature of The Batman Who Laughs. Somewhere in the middle of the track, the music changes to one that sounds similar to the FGO: First Order OST "The Alter King", one of Saber Alter's theme songs, though the notes of the track still remain the same despite the music changing.

The track's cover art shows Earth in the centre, falling apart and about to explode, a nod to the fate of every universe within the Dark Multiverse. Above and below the falling apart Earth are the visors of both The Batman Who Laughs and Saber Alter. And to the left and right of the shattering Earth are Excalibur Morgan (Saber Alter's main weapon) and The Batman Who Laughs' Death Metal Scythe (here).

The title refers to The Batman Who Laughs' team of evil and corrupt Batmen/Batwomen (The Dark Knights), and the team of Knights initially lead by Saber's male equivalent Arthur (The Knights of the Round Table)


The connections between The Batman Who Laughs and Saber Alter are:

  • Both of them used to be heroes who fought for the safety of humanity, but were corrupted by their arch enemies and turned into the very things they defied. (Bruce Wayne of Earth -22 being infected by Joker's "Joker Venom” and Saber being corrupted by All the World’s Evil)
  • They initially led a group of heroic warriors who also wanted to protect the world (The Justice League and The Knights of the Round Table)
  • After they were corrupted, they served dark masters who were both hellbent on destroying all of existence (Barbatos and Corrupted Sakura)