Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


More Stuff Will Be Added. I am saving this for my season finale. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT!

Two other-worldy, childish beings cause trouble to a group of people (The Bat Family/The Mane 6) and cause chaos in their worlds just to test them, always wanting to see them in action. Because of this, they've sometimes doomed the world on accident through their actions. Additionally, in the eyes of the groups, they view themselves as just a secret weapon, and still want those groups to take all the credit for things they perform. They have manipulated their idolized protagonists in multiple ways, before finding it better to just play around with them for fun and games. They have sometimes quite literally ascended above their stories in comics to play around as a result, as well as travelling across the universe. They have also directly helped the protagonists in some way, despite those they helped not being a part of the groups they fascinate so much with their life. But both destructive entities have redeemed themselves and have became much more heroic throughout their stories through their fascination with their idols, however, while Discord required help from the Mane 6 and would never naturally do it on his own, Bat-mite instead redeeming himself through his idolization in itself.


Wiz: Bat-Mite - Batman's fifth-dimensional fanboy.

Boomstick: And Discord - Equestria's Spirit of Chaos.

Wiz: They are chaotic, childish, and can get on the nerves of everyone around them. But when they're powers are used for good, they can be great allies.

Boomstick: Just still not safe to keep your eyes off them.

Bat-Mite Is A Real Pain In The Bat![]

The Spirit of Chaos Has Returned![]


Before Fight[]



See Ya'll in the Future![]


Original Track[]

"Main-Line Chaos"

Navigation (Ctpeyton's completed battles)[]

Mordecai & Rigby vs Red & Blue

Asura vs Adam

Chucky VS Slappy (Halloween matchup)

Judge Claude Frollo vs Judge Holden

Doctor Manhattan VS Richard Nixon

Alastor vs. Black Hat

Princess Peach VS Barbie

Dr. Zomboss vs Dr. Neo Cortex
