"Anakin Skywalker VS Sunset Shimmer"is a what-if episode of Death Battle between Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars vs Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony.
Star Wars vs My Little Pony! Which of these original Chosen Ones who were former students under the training of their mentors (Obi-Wan Kenobi and Princess Celestia) but grew impatient and wanted to rise to greater ranks (Anakin wanting to be a Jedi Master and Sunset wanting to be a Princess) which would then lead to their path to darkness (Anakin becoming Darth Vader and Sunset becoming her demon form) but were eventually redeemed by their mentor's successors (Luke Skywalker and Twilight Sparkle). But only one of these redeemed Chosen Ones will leave standing.
Wiz:Anakin Skywalker,the first Skywalker and the original Chosen One of the Star Wars franchise.
Boomstick:And Sunset Shimmer,the element of Empathy and Princess Celestia's original student.
Wiz:These two prodigies have been shown to have great potential and were destined to do great things,so much so they were taken in to be trained to harness it.
Boomstick:Buuuuuuuuuuuuut,they let their anger and belief that they deserved to received a higher title than what got consume them to the point where they kiiiiinda went insane and let the darkness consume them.
Wiz:However,they managed to redeem themselves in the end through by their mentor's successors and brought balance back to their worlds once more.
Boomstick:And now we get to see them fight to the death in order to see who's the strongest at their full potential! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz:And it's our job to analyze their weapons,armor,and skill to find out who would win...a Death Battle.
Anakin Skywalker[]
Wiz:Feared by many throughout the galaxy and acting as the Emperor's enforcer for many years and his connection to the Dark Side of the Force only being rivaled by his master,Darth Vader is one of the most powerful Sith Lords known throughout the stars.
Boomstick:But before he was put on life support thanks to the OPness of the High Ground and nearly being burnt to death on Mustafar,he was formerly known as Anakin Skywalker.
Wiz:Born as a slave on Tatooine to his mother Shmi Skywalker,Anakin grew up to be rather clever child. At the age of nine,he was able to create a podracer along with an advance droid and won a Podrace against other adults.
Boomstick:Oh! So that's why he doesn't like sand. Yeah,I feel him. I don't like sand either. It's course,it's rough,and it gets everywhere.
Wiz:Founded by Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Anakin was freed and brought to the Jedi Order to be trained under his tutelage in the ways of the Force after Qui-Gon Jinn found out Anakin was believed to be the Chosen One,destined to bring balance to the Force once and for all.
Boomstick:However,after Qui-Gon Jinn met his demise at the hands of Darth Maul,Anakin's training was continued under the Jedi Master of trolling,Obi-Wan Kenobi instead. While he hadn't reached the rank of master under Obi-Wan's training,he was the master of getting caught.
Wiz:Although he never managed to reach the level of Jedi Master,Anakin eventually was able to reach the rank of Jedi Knight through his expierence and encounters he's had to face as a Jedi and he's demonstrated multiple skills and abilities through his connection to the Force.
•Force Barrier
•Force Choke
•Force Deflection
•Mind Trick
•Beast Control
•Force Healing
•Force Scream
•Force Stun
•Force Rage
•Force Vision
•Force Sense
•Force Speed
•Force Jump
•Mind Manipulation resistance
•Transmutation resistance
•Vehicular Mastery
•Lightsaber Skills
°Form I
°Form IV
°Form V
°Form VI
Boomstick:With the Force,Anakin is able to create Force Barriers that allow him to create a barrier of energy for defense and to protect himself,Tutaminis that he can use to absorb,redirect,or reflect energy attacks coming towards him,and even heal himself a bit with the force to the point where he can heal himself from fatal injuries such as damaged organs,broken bones and flesh wounds.
Wiz:Anakin can also move things around with his mind with the Force to the point where he can toss around his foes,as well as move objects and disarm his enemies. His prowess is so great that Anakin can even atomize his enemies if he really wishes to do so.
Boomstick:Anakin is also capable of controlling other people's minds by using the Jedi Mind Trick,which Jedi can use whether it be for deception,manipulation,or even casting illusions. And his ability to manipulate minds isn't limited to people either as Anakin can also use Beast Control,which lets him control the minds of animals.
Wiz:With Force Vision and Force Sense,Anakin can sense visions of the past and the future,along with ripples in the Force or nearby danger coming his path. Anakin can paralyze and stun his foes with Force Stun,burn them with his Pyrokinesis,and unleash a powerful Force Scream enhanced by the Dark Side.
Boomstick:But a double-edged ability he has at his disposal is his anger. When Anakin channels his full anger,he becomes far stronger and quicker than he usually is,allowing him to overwhelm his opponents...most of the time. Such as when he overpowered Count Dooku when he began insulting Anakin.
Wiz:And given other Jedi have shown to be resilient to Jedi Mind Tricked before in the past and have resisted the effects that the Muur Talisman can do,like transforming others into Rakghouls,Anakin should be no less resistant to powers such as mind manipulation or transmutation.
Boomstick:Ani's also been stated to be the best star pilot in the galaxy and has access to a Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor which he can pilot at tens of thousands of light-years at its peak,putting it at massively faster than light speeds! It also comes equipped with two laser cannons and two ion cannons as well.
Wiz:But besides the Force and like all Jedi and Sith alike,one of his greatest weapons is undoubtedly his lightsabers,which are basically plasma swords capable of cutting through most objects like butter. It's expands up to 91 cm and has shown and demonstrated to be skilled in five lightsaber martial arts such as Form I,Form IV,Form V,Form VI,and Jar'Kai. However,Anakin's most prominant one is Form V,also known as Djem So with his blade.
Boomstick:And being the Chosen One,Anakin has been been stated in the novels to be a contender for the most powerful Jedi in his generation. This means Anakin should likely upscale from other Jedi like Yareel Poof,who could hold together Coruscant while the latter was wounded in the process.
Wiz:Measuring the kinetic energy of Coruscant and comparing it to the density of an actual planet along with density and escape velocity,Yareel Poof must've exerted at least around 82.42 Zettatons!
Popup:Word of God has also stated Anakin to be superior to his master,Obi-Wan Kenobi with Anakin only losing to him on Mustafar due to his anger and arrogance.
Boomstick:Anakin's power has also been stated to increase to the point where he's been said to be comparable to the likes of high ranking force boomers Grandmaster Yoda and Darth Sidious. Sidious in particular was powerful enough to shake entire stars with his Force powers after he killed Darth Plagueis.
Wiz:But that's even casual compared to what Anakin can pull off when his full potential is unleashed,such as when he managed to overwhelm both the Son and the Daughter,embodiments of both the Dark Side of the Force and the Light Side of the Force. Both of whom have been stated by the Father to be capable of tearing apart the fabric of the universe!
Boomstick:Damn! But wait,if Anakin is that powerful,then why didn't the Jedi Council deny him the rank of Jedi Master if he can defeat literal deities?!
Wiz:To be fair,the Jedi Order wasn't exactly perfect or flawless when it came to deciding who deserved to be at what rank or seat in the council but that's another can of worms in it of itself.
Boomstick:Anakin's also shown to be pretty darn quick too,capable of reacting to blaster bolts and defeat MagneGuards,all of whom have been stated to be around near lightspeed!
Wiz:And given at his peak,he's overwhelmed them,he should be around the Son and Daughter's speed,who the Son in particular can travel across the galaxy at speeds much faster than light as well as scale to the likes of Sidious,who's spirit traveled from the Moon of Endor to all the way to Byss in under the span of one entire year! Considering the distance and light years Palpatine must've traveled to reach from Endor to Byss,Sidious must've been moving at least 34,292 times masively faster than light!
Boomstick:And although Anakin is a little headstrong admittedly,he doesn't always rush into battle without a plan. In fact,Anakin is regarded as an unorthodox but intelligent and tactical strategist who's known to be a technical and mechanical genius when the situation calls for it. And has shown to be able to best people who have much more combat expierence than he does such as Count Dooku.
Wiz:However,despite his greatest accomplishments and achievements,Anakin is anything but perfect. His emotions sometimes get the better of him more often than not,making him somewhat impulsive as a result.
Boomstick:Anakin can also be rather reckless as well sometimes even overconfident in his abilities in the Force,which has bite him in the ass more often than not. His fear and paranoia for the lives of his loved ones has also been used against him such as when Palpatine manipulated him into believing he could save his wife,Padmé. Hense how he became Darth Vader in the first place. That and the High Ground.
Wiz:And although lightsabers are very strong and can cut through most material with no effort,despite contrary belief,lightsabers can't cut through everything as there have been lightsaber resistant materials made in the Star Wars universe that a lightsaber can't break,such as Cortosis and Deskar.
Boomstick:Still,despite his downfall and becoming the Emperor's bitch for so long,there was still a bit good inside that armor Vader wore. And ultimately,Anakin had fulfilled the prophecy and brought balance to the Force by finally overthrowing the Chancellor...literally!
Wiz:Although Anakin had died once Darth Vader was born,that good his son hoped for,Luke Skywalker believed was resurrected once more and through his son,he was finally able to and Darth Sidious' tyranny once and for all.
Anakin:You're reckless, little one, you never would've made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan,but you might make it as mine.
Sunset Shimmer[]
Wiz:Reprensenting the Element of Magic itself,Twilight Sparkle was initally hesitant and wasn't particularly interested in learning about the true meaning of friendship.
Boomstick:Eventually,Twilight embraces the bonds she's developed and the friendship she had made along the way and would go onto save Equestria time and time again.
Wiz:Recognizing her heroic deeds and progress,Twilight would then be elevated and transformed into an Alicorn princess by Princess Celestia herself and eventually after she and her sister retired,Twilight would later take the role of ruling Equestria herself in the future along with a student of her own.
Boomstick:But Twilight wasn't the only student under Princess Celestia's guidance and mentorship as Celestia revealed and told her there was another magical prodigy just like Twilight. Her name was Sunset Shimmer.
Wiz:Like Twilight,she was initally hesitant with the idea of friendship and was more interested in her studies rather than making friends.Unlike Twilight,Sunset was rather arrogant and would always belittle those she saw inferior to herself,considering being the best in life was all that matter to her despite Celestia's lessons to her about the importance of humility.
Boomstick:After Princess Celestia took Sunset to show her what she saw through the Crystal Mirror, this would spark Sunset Shimmer's dream of becoming an Alicorn princess that would rule all of Equestria. Yeah,real good idea feeding into one of your more impatient students desires by showing them how powerful they would be if they ruled your kingdom.
Wiz:Feeling like Celestia was holding back her true potential,Sunset began doing research behind her mentor's back about the mirror but was soon caught by Celestia. Sunset would then continue to tell off the princess for hiding lessons about magic and demanded that she deserved to be an Alicorn princess alongside her teacher.
Boomstick:But when Sunset Shimmer's temper tantrum backfired and Celestia told her being a princess is something that must be earned,Celestia also then proceeded to remove Sunset Shimmer from her position as her student,and had her guards escort her out of Canterlot.
Wiz:However,Sunset somehow was able to knock out the guards and escape to the alternate world where she became a human instead and would attend Canterlot High School.
Boomstick:Throughout her time at Canterlot High School,she ruled the entire campus with an iron fist like any mean girl her age would:bullying and teasing others she thought that were beneath her.
Wiz:However,her mean streak would then ultimately be put to a stop,once and for all. After stealing Twilight Sparkle's element of magic and becoming a rampaging demon in the process and proceeding to mind controlling almost all of Canterlot High and planning on invading Equestria with her army of teenagers...
Boomstick:Wait...was that really her plan after she became an evil she-demon?
Wiz:I could not make this up even if I wanted to,Boomstick. Anyways,after Twilight and the human counterparts of her friends were able to revert the damage Sunset had done through the Elements of Harmony,she would then instantly regretting all the terrible things she had done and the people she had hurt through her outrage and ultimately turned over a new leaf in the process.
Boomstick:It wasn't easy at first for Sunset to walk the path of compassion and friendship her mentor Princess Celestia believed she had lacked,but through time,she eventually was able to befriend and make amends with the human counterparts of Twilight's friends and together they formed a band called the Rainbooms,with her as the main singer.
Wiz:Although Sunset herself is no longer a student of Princess Celestia,that doesn't mean she can't defend herself when push comes to shove. And Sunset has a wide assortment of spells and magic she has demonstrated,both as a human and a unicorn.
Popup:While not as brilliant as Twilight Sparkle,given Sunset was still a former student of Princess Celestia,she should still be capable of casting similar spells Twilight Sparkle has done so in the past and other basic magic unicorns can use.
°Energy Projection
°Mind Manipulation
°Forcefield Creation
°Light Manipulation
°Fire Manipulation
°Heat Manipulation
°Earth Manipulation
°Electricity Manipulation
°Energy Manipulation
°Plant Manipulation
°Magic Geode
°Mind Manipulation resistance
•Sunset Satan
°Dark Magic
°Mind Control
°Energy Manipulation
•Pony-Up Form
°Energy Projection via Geode Necklace
°Power Nullification
°Forcefield Creation
•Daydream Shimmer
°Spatial Manipulation
°Energy Manipulation
•Crystal Guardian
°Energy Manipulation
°Magic neutralization
Boomstick:As a unicorn,Sunset Shimmer can fire powerful energy attacks from her horn,which can range from pew pew lasers to full on energy beams if needed extra fire power.Create magic forcefields,teleportation,telekinesis,elemental magic,mind manipulation,flight,plant manipulation,transmutation,petrification,flight...(breathing heavily) Basically the standard magic kit that most unicorns in Equestria usually have.
Wiz:Believe it or not,that's still only scratching the fraction of what Sunset Shimmer can do as she can access her other forms to use her strongest magic when absolutely needed and-
Boomstick:Aaaand so Hasbro can make a toy out of it so can make a profit off of their merchandise! Come on,you know it's true.
Wiz:Well...yes but actually no. But getting back on topic. Her demon form,which is commonly referred to as "Sunset Satan",greatly enhances her magic and allows to her fly. Sunset can also transform others by turning them into demons like herself to be her personal minions along with having the ability to mind control on a scale capable of controlling multiple students at once,enhanced telekinesis,and can shoot powerful blasts of dark magic at anyone within her vicinity.
Boomstick:Again,mind controlled students invading Equestria is still a dumb idea but energy blasts of dark magic and telekinesis does sound pretty cool in my book. Except turning into a demon,I swear. That thing had to at least give a couple children watching that movie a few nightmares.
Popup:While Sunset Shimmer's demon form is powered by the Element of Magic,due to being completely separated from the other Elements of Harmony,it can't be compared to their actual power.
Wiz:With the exception of her demon form,the rest of Sunset Shimmer's forms seem to mostly stem from Sunset embracing the bonds she's made with the people closest to her,that being her friends.
Boomstick:By embracing who she truly is or by using music,Sunset can undergo a transformation known as a Pony-up. Along with some magic clip-on pony ears and a ponytail,Sunset has a magic geode that allows her to project energy and gives her the ability to read minds.
Wiz:She can also nullify mind control, has the ability to fly,create forcefields,shoot energy blasts and use magic from the palm of her hands and even summon a powerful spirit to aid her if necessar-
Wiz covers his ears before going back to discussing.
Wiz:Anyways...if even embracing her true self and realizing who she is still not enough to get her through the toughest of trials that come her way,she can become her ultimate form:Daydream Shimmer.
Boomstick:Oh,I get it! You replace the "Sunset" from Sunset Shimmer and put "Daydream" instead. You sure she's not a Pokémon?
Wiz:Daydream Shimmer has all the other abilities her previous transformations possess like flight,energy beams,magic,all the nine yards. But Sunset also gains the ability to purify and erase the negative energy from another individual. Like in her battle against Midnight Sparkle,the darkness that came from the human counterpart of Twilight Sparkle.
Boomstick:And Midnight Sparkle is capable of destroying her own reality along with the pony world's reality,two seperate worlds/universes. While Sunset only managed to stop Midnight through the power of puppy eyes distracting her,she was still capable of repairing the holes in reality across the two dimensions regardless.
Wiz:Besides her magic capabilities,Sunset is no slouch when it comes to her physical stats. Given how unicorns and alicorns are generally considered to be above the likes of standard Earth ponies and pegasi in Equestria,it's reasonable to say Sunset should be no different,given she is a unicorn.
Boomstick:And Pegasi like Rainbow Dash have been shown capable of making large explosions with her Sonic Rainboom and clearing the skies of two entire cities!
Wiz:Assuming the clouds are directing and going to the horizon,they would have to be 20 km in radius and 40 km in width. This means the type of clouds moving would most likely classify as nimbostratus clouds,which is as thick as 2 kms. Which would mean Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom must have the force equivalent to 5.47565244 teratons of energy!
Boomstick:And given Shimmer's been trained under Celestia's wing for a period of time,it wouldn't be that difficult to assume she wouldn't be around or even above Rainbow Dash in terms of power.
Wiz:Sunset is also pretty fast as well. She's comparable to the speeds of other unicorns,who's magic can shoot directly at the moon and light it up at 480,590,352 miles a second! Reaching up to speeds faster than light!
Boomstick:Did you know there aren't only just 6 Elements of Harmony? Turns out there was a seventh element all along and Sunset is actually supposed to be the Element of Empathy! You know,the more you think about,the Elements of Harmony are basically just the Chaos Emeralds from Sonic the Hedgehog. 7 jewels necessary for a group of individuals to achieve godlike power-
Wiz:Getting back on topic. Given Sunset has some sort of connection or empowerment from the Elements of Harmony,she should be superior to likes of the power of the Storm King's staff,which is as strong as four alicorns and the Storm King's speed himself,who can rotate the entire Sun at 6.71428571 miles a second!
Boomstick:And while she's not as smart or as brainy as Twilight Sparkle is,Sunset Shimmer still has a level of intelligence,as shown in the human world,she's good when it comes to developing various applications for computers.
Wiz:Sunset has also been stated to be one of Princess Celestia's better students and being her former student,she has knowledge on subjects such as science and magic.
Boomstick:Still,Sunset Shimmer is hardly without her flaws despite all the magic spells and abilities she's capable of preforming.
Wiz:Even after Sunset was reformed,she still carried a bit of a temper to the point where if she felt she was on the spot,she would explode and lash out.
Boomstick:Sunset's best feats and accomplishments are also not by herself most of the time and usually require the help of her other friends,making her more of a team player.
Wiz:Even so,while Sunset may have not became the Alicorn princess of Equestria she initially desired to be,she realized the real treasure she had received all along was the friends she made along the way and fully embraced the sincerity and compassion her mentor thought she never had and eventually made amends with her in the end.
Sunset:Take my hand, Twilight. Let me show you there's another way... just like someone once did for me.
In the unnatural environment of Everfree Forest,a light amber unicorn with a red and yellowmane and tail, and a cutie mark of that depicts a red and yellow shimmering sun was seen reading a book on top of a tree. This was none other than the Element of Empathy,Sunset Shimmer.
Sunset:Glad I could find a good setting to relax and enjoy some simple literature.
However,Sunset's peace and quiet was only brief and put to a halt when she heard the sound of plants being cut down rapidly by a blade that emitted plasma and felt the tree was sitting on beginning to fall,which was also cut down by the plasma emitting blade.
Sunset then fell down onto the ground and put her book to the side when she noticed a figure holding a blue lightsaber on his hand,which seemed to be the thing admitting noise and cutting down plants in its path. This was Anakin Skywalker,the Jedi Knight and student of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Anakin:What is this planet's environment? These plants are just as irritating as the abundance of sand they seem to have. It's get everywhere!
Sunset:Then what brings you to these woods in the first place,outsider?
The Unicorn asked,slightly annoyed that this stranger appeared out of nowhere and ruined her peaceful evening by cutting down the tree she was using to read.
Anakin:That's none of your concern.
Anakin said,rudely to Sunset Shimmer. This animal didn't need to know about what he was doing or why he came to these woods. He and his master were split up after they were surronded by a swarm of droids on this world and Anakin was trying to reunite with his teacher.
Sunset Shimmer then frowned at Anakin's rather impolite response and began thinking of why the Chosen One would want to roam around in this forest until she realized that she heard the Tree of Harmony was stated to be far into these woods and began shooting an energy beam at Anakin's path,who reacted by moving his head to the side.
Sunset:Another intruder trying to conquer our world and steal the Elements?! Well,that's not going to happen on my watch,thief!
Anakin:You misunderstand my intentions,young one. I did not come here to seek more power.
The Element of Empathy was reluctant at first,thinking Anakin was probably telling the truth and was in this woodland for an entirely different reason altogether. On the other hand,it seemed rather suspicious that someone was in the Everfree Forest for any other reason.
Sunset:I'd like to believe your story but I also find it beyond belief that you wouldn't be here if it weren't here to steal the Elements of Harmony,like countless others have done so in the past. That and you have some kinda of laser sword...anyways,I'm taking you out before you pose anymore threat to Equestria!
Sunset Shimmer then fired another blast of energy from her horn again at the young Jedi and he rolled out of the way and pushed the Unicorn back a bit with a Force Push before holding both of his hands on his Lightsaber handle and got into a fighting stance with his blade.
Anakin:(Sighs) You will try.
Anakin began deflecting multiple energy shots coming towards his direction by using Form I with his lightsaber,causing Sunset's attacks to be cancelled out before running towards Sunset's path to slash at her before the Unicorn teleported out of the way.
Anakin:What's the matter? Too afraid to finish what you started-
Anakin's Force Sense then began to alert him of a dangerous prescence in the woods for some reason despite Sunset being out of his his sight.
Sunset:Not a chance!
Sunset then began flying towards Anakin via a flight spell and started sending multiple boulders at the Jedi Knight's direction with telekinesis,who began reacting and jumping on the giant rocks as stepping stones to try and reach Sunset with another giant boulder being thrown his direction but quickly cut in half by Anakin's lightsaber before and Anakin dashed towards Sunset mid-air to try and slash her with his lightsaber but Sunset quickly set up a forcefield,blocking Anakin's attack before using her telekinesis to control Anakin and move him around different directions before slamming the Chosen One into the ground with her telekinesis,creating a crater in the process.
Anakin then got back up from the crater,albeit he was a little roughed up and dirtied,but still capable of fighting nonetheless and frowned at the damage he received.
Sunset:Please yield. I don't think you'll be able to go at this rate.
Sunset said,with a bit concern at Anakin's current state but also as a warning,given she didn't want the Jedi causing anymore trouble for the people of her world at the same time. Anakin then proceed to heal himself by using Force Healing,restoring himself from any damage he might've taken against Sunset's telekinetic assault.
Anakin:Your concerns are unnecessary! If I were you,I would worry more about yourself.
Anakin warned before putting his Lightsaber away and began using the Force to move several pointy trees at Sunset's path,who began charging forward and dodging any trees that might hit her before several more were incoming.
However,Sunset then began to shoot a stream of fire from her horn,causing the trees to be be burnt to ash.
Sunset:Okay,mister hotshot! Let's see how long you handle under high intensity!
She then began to generate a large amount of heat towards Obi-Wan's student but Anakin used Force Deflection to prevent himself from getting overwhelmed by Celestia's student and redirected the thermal energy before using Force Choke,causing Sunset to begin suffocating and her face to turn blue and Anakin began pulling the Unicorn with Force Pull while turning his lightsaber back on to finish the prodigy horse.
Anakin:Your tactics pale in comparison to the power of the Force. That is why you meet your end!
Sunset:Not...if...I...have...anything...to say about it!
Sunset's horn glowed again and she began to generate a crystal spell,trapping Anakin in a giant crystal block before falling on the ground,coughing and being able to breath again before running deeper into the forest.
Sunset:That was close! He's a bigger threat than I thought. I need to lure him away to somewhere and keep a good distance
The crystal that encased Anakin began to crack until the power of the Force managed to completely destroy it and Anakin looked left and right.
Anakin:Where did that annoying animal go?!
Anakin said,anger in his voice due to how much of a pain in the ass Sunset was being to him with her magical capabilities and spells. He then saw his Jedi Starfighter flying in the air and landed in the middle of the forest and began to pilot it before starting the engine and began piloting.
Sunset then began running around on her hooves around the forest ground,thinking she lost Anakin on her trail before a laser blast struck the ground,which she barely avoided until the second one managed to hit her from behind,knocking her into a tree.
Sunset then held her head in mild discomfort when she saw the Jedi Starfighter coming from the sky,with Anakin being the one to pilot it and continue to unleash several more blasts from it's lasers cannons at Sunset's path,who began to quickly fly past them
Anakin:This is where the fun begins.
Anakin continue to give Sunset no mercy and was still flying behind her,continuously shooting at her path until one laser managed to strike her back,causing her to fall into the branches of a tree. The laser itself did some damage in the form of dirtying Sunset but nothing too fatal or seriously.
Suddenly,vines began to direct themselves towards Anakin's Starfighter as he saw Sunset preforming a spell involving plants. She was trying to dismantle Anakin's vehicle by bringing it down but Anakin wouldn't budge and the vines that managed to restrain it were momentarily at best and were shaken off before trying into Sunset,who was shocked that her spell did almost nothing before teleporting on top of the space vehicle.
Anakin then felt Sunset's prescence once more with the Force,even though she was out of his sight,which baffled Skywalker.
Anakin:Where is she now?
The Jedi Starfighter was then beginning to lose control as Sunset was shown shooting electricity from her horn,in an attempt to try and short circuit Anakin's method of transportation.
Sunset:Hope you don't mind a little reboot!
Anakin then began to preform a roll with his Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor to try and get Sunset off of him but she held on tight to prevent herself from falling and didn't falter as she continued her electric spell,weakening the Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor before a giant portal opened up out of nowhere and sent both her and Anakin inside.
The Jedi Starfighter crashed deep into the ground of the alternate dimension Anakin stubbled across and Anakin got out of his vehicle and checked to see where that unwanted guest who crashed his ride was.
Sunset was briefly knocked out before she woke up from her crash and noticed Anakin was looking,presumably searching for her whereabouts and noticed she hid for cover until she realized she was outside of Canterlot High and was a human.
Sunset:Uhh...please tell me I have anything I can use!
Sunset then began to dig through her pockets to see what she might have to counter against Anakin and quickly pulled out her Geode. She had a plan.
Sunset:Hey,space guy! I'm over here!
Anakin then turned to see Sunset Shimmer,now as a human instead of her unicorn form she initally had in Equestria,which surprised Anakin and caused him to smirk with overconfidence,unaware of Sunset's idea.
Anakin:Sometimes it's just too easy.
Anakin then began to approach her direction quickly,lightsaber in hand and ready to cut Sunset until Sunset fired a slight energy beam at Anakin's direction,who simply blocked the attack with his lightsaber before the beam was ultimately canceled out and Anakin charged forward and swung his lightsaber only for Sunset to dodge it barely,causing a piece of her hair to fall off in slow motion before putting a shoulder on Anakin and kicking his lightsaber out of his hand.
Anakin:Was that all you had to...wait what are you doing-
Anakin asked,rather disappointed until Sunset's eyes began to glow and she started to look into Anakin's mind with her psychometry.
Inside of Anakin's mind,Sunset discovered the young Jedi Knight fighting against his master and Jedi brother,Obi-Wan Kenobi on some environment that appeared to have lava.
Anakin:I hate you,Obi-Wan!
Obi-Wan:Careful,Anakin. Anger leads to hate and hate leads to-
Sunset's psychometry had ended and her eyes reverted back to normal before Anakin shoved Sunset down on the ground.
Anakin:Did you just intrude into my mind?! You'll regret ever facing me!
Anakin then used Force Push to slam Sunset into a wall and then proceeded to use Force Stun to paralyze Sunset and prevent her movements,however Sunset was still struggling to fight through Anakin's attacks.
Sunset:No,Anakin. You'll regret facing me!
Sunset then placed the Element of Magic on top of her head,as a sudden surge of power coming from of Celestia's student pushed Obi-Wan's student back as Sunset began to transform,skin turning red along with gaining claws,wings,and a tail along with fiery red and yellow hair. This was Sunset Satan and she began to let out a sinister laugh while Anakin stood there,unphased at Sunset's dark transformation as the wind was blowing from Sunset' menacing prescence alone.
Sunset (demon):Now you'll expierence what true power looks like!
Anakin brought back his lightsaber using the Force and draws it out again,remaining calm despite the now she-demon's threat and wasn't worried in the slightest.
Anakin:I've seen worse.
Sunset then began flapping her giant demon wings and took flight,charging towards Anakin with her sharp claws but Anakin sidestepped rather casually from seemed to be Sunset recklessly charging.
Anakin:Really? That was your plan of attack-
However,Anakin's sentence was interrupted when it was revealed Sunset Satan had fired a powerful blast of dark magic from behind the young Jedi Knight,sending him flying hard into the dirt of where he stood up,injured and battle damaged a bit.
Sunset then grinned mischievously as she had arms crossed,while still floating in the air,basically mocking the young Jedi for not being able to predict her.
Sunset (demon):Oh,can you? The torment rush doesn't stop yet!
Sunset then used her telekinesis to throw Anakin's buried Jedi Starfighter from beneath the ground towards his path but Anakin jumped into the air and sliced it in half only for the she-demon to charge up another dark energy blast of magic towards Anakin,who dodged mid-air and slashed at Celestia' pupil,who could only teleport last second.
Sunset then held her bloodied shoulder in pain as Anakin managed to cut her,leaving a lightsaber wound that was very painful while Anakin landed safetly and smirked,confidently.
Anakin:Seems like I crashed your rush.
Sunset gritted her teeth at Anakin's smug remark,add on the Crown's influence making her more violent didn't help. She then began to cauterize her wound with a small energy beam to prevent any more bleeding.
Sunset (demon):You'll...pay for that. NOW!
The unicorn,now she-demon fired a blast of blue energy at Anakin's path,and began trying to change Anakin into her minion through her transmutation magic.
Sunset (demon):Hahahaha! Now you'll obey me.
Shimmer laughed,believing she had managed to transform Anakin and make him obedient,under the influence of the Element of Magic however the smoke revealed,Anakin remained unaffected and rubbed some dirt he got off his clothes,which suprised the unicorn.
Anakin then began to use the surronding trees in the area with the Force and began forming the wood into multiple stakes and threw them at Sunset Satan,who created a forcefield to block this attempt while caught off guard,which actually was struggling to hold up and began cracking.
The menancing personality and form of Sunset then had an idea on how she could counter Anakin's ambush and began teleporting from the stakes and behind Anakin,who was restrained by her telekinesis,creating a cyan outline that held the Chosen One,who faced the she-demon close up.
Anakin:Unhand me this instant!
Anakin demanded before Sunset began trying to hypnotize the young Jedi,her eyes becoming hypnotic more and more,with Anakin's eyes becoming blue in the process briefly but him being more resilient than an average Canterlot student,Sunset actually had to put effort in controlling him,causing Anakin to be in some sort of white space.
Anakin:Where am I?
However,Anakin's surrondings began to turn dark before he saw an illusion of his master,Obi-Wan Kenobi but with a rather dissatisfied expression on his face.
Anakin walked up to him but Obi-Wan pushed him to the ground,which confused Skywalker.
Obi-Wan:How could you,Anakin?! You were the Chosen One! You were my brother!!
Anakin was then pushed across the floor again once he got up except it was through a telekinetic assault,causing Anakin to cough before being slammed into a wall. This was the High General of the Republic,Mace Windu.
Windu:I sense great confusion in you,young Skywalker! Are you afraid?!
Both afraid and frustrated at the same time,Anakin was going to charge at this figment in his imagination until Anakin felt a familiar hand on his shoulder that was closest to his heart and turned to see his wife,Padme.
Padme:Ani,please stop! You're breaking my heart! You're going down a path I can't follow!
Anakin:No,wait! I can explain-
Suddenly,the ground beneath Anakin started to turn into the very thing he disliked the most:sand. Anakin began trying to get himself out of the sand pit that was burrying him and sinking him down below,with the three figures and voices in his mind getting louder and louder.
Anakin:Please! Forgive my actions!
A final voice spoke up and was more clear than the others. It was the voice of his close friend (who unbeknownst to Anakin) was actually controlling him like a puppet,Sheev Palpatine.
Palpatine:I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. Makes you stronger. Use it!
The dark robe-wearing secret Sith Lord extended his hand for Anakin to grab to escape,and Anakin seeing as there was no way to get out of this situation,grabbed it and freed himself from this nightmare,causing Sunset Shimmer's mind trick to lose its' effectiveness.
Sunset (demon):What?!
Anakin let out a powerful Force Scream,destroying all the windows in Canterlot High and in the surronding area,knocking Sunset Satan far into the building,causing it to collapse.
The rubble showed the now broken Element of Magic to the side before a pillar of golden energy erupted from what was left of Canterlot High and it was Sunset Shimmer,who had Pony-Uped and had gained pony attributes.
Sunset:You're gonna pay for that! Both figuratively and literally!
Sunset stated,angered that her high school was reduced to pieces by Anakin and that her principal would probably give her a mouthful for the campus getting destroyed and all the property damage both her and Anakin had caused by but Anakin didn't care and ran at 7th Element,his anger driving him.
Sunset then began flying and shooting energy constructs from her palms to try and restrict the bloodlusted Chosen One but his rage allowed him to be more concentrated and destroy all of them with his lightsaber before using Force Jump to try and reach Sunset and charged towards and slammed her by her head,sending them both to the ground and causing Anakin to stab into her head...or it seemed.
All Anakin really managed to stab was the ground with his lightsaber and Sunset then teleported again however Anakin's Force Sense alerted the Skywalker of Sunset's attempted energy attack through her guitar.
Anakin(thoughts):I knew she would do that again! Not this time!
Anakin began to block the energy attack through using a Force Barrier,causing a massive clash between Sunset's power of rock and roll and Anakin's Force Protection to create a giant smoke cloud,revealing both fighters still standing.
Anakin then began moving his hand and attempted to try and control Sunset's mind with a Jedi Mind Trick,causing the Element of Empathy's surrondings to go pitch black and she looked around.
She then heard the sounds of holes in reality ripping in her mind as Midnight Sparkle was revealed,causing all the destruction while flying before grinning evilly and shooting a giant blast of energy towards Sunset,who began to close her eyes and fought through the mental attack with a blast of fire from her hands,overwhelming the Midnight Sparkle illusion and breaking out.
Sunset:I've overcame who I used to be. Through the power of those who were willing to give me a second chance. My friends are my strength...and through them...I WILL DEFEAT YOU!
Suddenly,five seperate colored lights began to surrond in Sunset's palm and she began to hover in the air through her transformation and an aura of magical energy surronded her until she sprouted golden wings and a white energy horn. This was Daydream Shimmer.
Anakin was going to charge at her until he heard a voice in his head that advise him that anger alone would not help him in this battle against the Element of Empathy.
Obi-Wan:Anakin! The planet is the Force. Use it!
Anakin's red pupils then faded back to normal once he had relinquished his hate that was fueling him but closed his eyes and focused on the power of Force:both aspect and began channeling both the Dark Side and Light Side of the it and tapped into his full power,causing the tides to turn harsher and the sky to begin turning dark and the stars to spin.
Anakin:You're not the only person who fights to save their loved ones!
Concentrating,he unleashed a barrade of asteroids from the sky towards Sunset's direction,who flew past them with her flight before shooting fire from both of her hands at Anakin,who countered with a powerful blast of fire from his hands by using his pyrokinesis,causing a massive clash between the powerful fire streams until they eventually canceled each other out,pushing both the Chosen One and the Element of Empathy back due to the intensity of their flame attacks.
Sunset then began to alter polarity using a gravity spell with her hands,causing the area she and Anakin were fighting to turn to the side,sending Anakin towards a building only for Anakin to propel himself forward using his pyrokinesis to reach Sunset,only for her to teleport and shoot an energy beam of magic towards Skywalker,only for Anakin to detect her with Force Sense and began absorbing her energy attack through Tutuminis and redirected the attack towards Sunset,who flew past it narrowly.
Sunset:Haven't you had enough?
Anakin:I am a slow learner.
Anakin then began to use the Force to restore the polarity back to normal before using Force Speed to increase his...speed and pulled out two lightsabers and started implenting Jar'Kai into his battle style,who started shooting electricity but Anakin spinned in a clothesline formation with his two plasma swords,causing the lightning to scatter.
Sunset then began to also amplify her speed,causing her to appear like a blur to Anakin while she was moving at rapid speed,shooting rapid shots of fire at the Jedi,who blocked it with a Force Barrier.
Sunset dashed behind Anakin and kicked him in the back and sent him in the air and started overwhelming him with airborne strikes from left and right,blitzing the Chosen One.
Sunset:I agree,you are pretty slow.
Sunset then spiked Anakin downward with both of her hands,sending him hard into the ground and creating a massive meteor effect below,causing the Jedi Knight however to get back up but bleeding heavily. He then used the Force once more to accelerate his body's healing process and replenished some of his health back.
Anakin then angrily threw one of his lightsabers towards Sunset Shimmer,who easily moved her head to the side to avoid the lightsaber thrown at her before she felt her organs being crushed,as she began coughing blood and falling to the ground.
Sunset tried standing up but a lightsaber returned and struck her from behind,causing her back to be stabbed and bleed out even more,not helping was Anakin using Force Stun to keep Sunset down.
Anakin:ON. YOUR. KNEES!!
Anakin then brought his lightsaber back to him and crossed his two lightsabers together at Celestia's former student,cutting her head off in the process and leaving her corpse to pool out blood. Anakin then let out a heavy breath as he was exhausted from that entire battle. However,Sunset's seemingly dead body began to disappear into smoke.
Anakin then looked to see a giant shadow blocking his view,as it was revealed to be a giant spiritual alicorn summoned by the real Sunset Shimmer,who was still alive.
Sunset:Enough,Anakin! I admit you're a skilled fighter but even you are not a match for the Elements of Harmony!
Anakin:You underestimate my power!
The spiritual alicorn fired a powerful rainbow blast at Anakin's path,who still stood his ground and focused all of the Force into a giant blast of fire from both of his hands and a Force Scream,screeching from the top of his lungs,creating a deadly and fiery shout that caused a struggle between the two.
Ultimately,the Magic of Friendship managed to beat the Force as Anakin screams in pain as he began turning into stone before being completely petrified and then disintegrated,killing the Chosen One.
One of Anakin's lightsabers falls to the ground,broken in half as Sunset Shimmer's alicorn then faded away as she then reverted back to normal and landed on the ground before a portal opened up behind her.
Sunset then walked into the portal that lead back to Equestria,ashamed she had taken a life,even if it was a life or death situation.
Boomstick:You think Palpatine's got enough resources to bring someone back from being turned into a statue? If not,I think we have a time paradox on our case.
Wiz:Both fighters were incredibly skilled and unorthodox,being able to regularly stand up to enemies that could range from destroying worlds to literal gods capable of shaping universes. However,Sunset more often than not,had the necessary advantages to make quick work of the original Skywalker.
Boomstick:Comparing their casual strength,Anakin was stronger at first. Yeah,Rainbow Dash creating a rainbow nuke capable of clearing the skies of two seperate cities is nothing to laugh at,which would require 5.47565244 teratons of energy but Sith Lords like Darth Sidious have been able to rearrange whole constellations and shake stars!
Wiz:However,once we factored Anakin's full potential and Sunset's numerous transformations,it was a lot more clear cut who had the greater output of power. While Anakin was capable of defeating the Son and the Daughter,both the embodiments of the Dark Side and Light Side,beings capable of tearing the fabric of a universe,Midnight Sparkle was capable of tearing apart two universes,both hers and the main Equestria universe.
Popup:While Daydream Shimmer was depicted as weaker than Midnight Sparkle,she still ultimately managed to repair the tears she caused to both the real and pony worlds,meaning she would still scale nevertheless.
Boomstick:Anakin was also outclassed when it came to speed. While Jedi have consistently blocked and deflected blasterbolts,which are near lightspeed,along with Anakin being comparable to Sidious,who's spirit can travel from Endor to Byss,which would reach around 34,292 times massively faster than light. However,Sunset upscales to the Storm King,who was capable of rotating the sun around the planet,which would put her above roughly 22395.883 times massively faster than light!
Popup:Given how the Elements of Harmony have been shown to be above the likes of Discord and Sunset has some connection to them,it's possible Sunset is even faster given Discord can travel through time via sheer speed,which would be immeasurable!
Wiz:And although Anakin was equipped with lightsabers and a Jedi Starfighter packed to the teeth with laser cannons,Sunset had much more versatility and variety with the multitude of magic spells at her disposal.
Boomstick:Anakin had telekinesis? So did Sunset. Anakin could create Force Barriers? Sunset could create forcefields. Anakin could fly through the use of a starfighter? Sunset could fly through her magic or the numerous forms she had in her arsenal naturally. Anakin had pyrokinesis? So did Sunset and then some.
Popup:While both had resistances to each other's mind manipulation tactics and Jedi can resist the effects of the Muur Talisman transforming them into Rakghouls,there was nothing suggesting they were outright immune from being transmutated into inanimate objects,meaning Sunset could still likely transmutate Anakin into a plant,fruit,or any other harmless object.
Wiz:To be fair,Anakin wasn't completely outclassed as he was still the smarter of the two and well known for being tactician,so it was possible he could come up with a strategy that could aid him in victory,along with being more skilled and more expierenced when it came to combat,having been trained in numerous lightsaber skills.
Boomstick:Unfortunately,Anakin's better skills in close quarters was rendered somewhat moot given Sunset had a multitude of long ranged attacks and spells that would make it near impossible for him to even land any meaningful damage on in the very place,especially since Sunset can overwhelm him with energy beams and keep herself safe with teleportation.
Popup:While Anakin could possibly absorb Sunset's energy attacks through the use of Tutaminis,there was nothing indicating it was capable of absorbing magic attacks.
Wiz:While it was arguable Anakin could defeat Sunset in her base form,whether it be her human or unicron form,Sunset's superior strength with her transformations,tenacity,speed,and varied array of spells and magic that could vaporize,petrify,and banish Anakin were just too much for the Jedi Knight to overcome.
Boomstick:Sorry,Anakin. At least you tried it.
Wiz:The winner is Sunset Shimmer.
Battle Track[]
Credit and special thanks to cheesypickles564