Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Alien Battle Royale

Alien Battle Royale is a What If? DEATH BATTLE! created by BloodyBloodwork365 and collaborated on with Vector28/Vector29. It features Dark Samus from the Metroid Prime series vs Vrak from the Power Rangers series vs Deoxys from the Pokemon series vs Sinestro from the DC series.


Aliens with magic! They seem like oppisites, but they work quite well. Who will win? Phazon Incarnate, the Armada Prince, The DNA Pokemon, or the Leader of the Sinestro Corps? Let's find out!


Wiz: Ever since Ridley Scott's legendary movie, Alien, it was set in stone. Humanity would become curious about alien life.

Boomstick: Hell, even before that people believed in aliens because the U.S. crashed a hot-air balloon. But early on, aliens only used super-advanced tech.

Wiz: This changed with the age of comic books, starting with Superman and working it's way to today, aliens can now use magic...or psychic power...or whatever energy is used.

Boomstick: Like Dark Samus, the Phazon Queen.

Wiz: Vrak, the Warrior Prince of Mavro's Armada.

Boomstick: Deoxys, the DNA Pokemon.

Wiz: And Sinestro, Leader of the...well...Sinestro Corps.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win...a Death Battle--

Boomstick: ROYALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Samus[]

wiz: somewere in space there is a dark counter part of a well known hero called dark samus.

boomstick: and that is another evil counter part of a villain to have something added to there name.

wiz:after samus has killed metroid prime in a desperate attampt to stay alive the metroid absorbed samuses phazon suit and when samus left the planet  little did she know she left behind a new enemy.

boomstick: the covnent.. i mean dark samus.

wiz:so anyways dark samus is able to contest real samus in speed and strength. 

boomstick: she has survived a planetary explosion.

wiz: she also taught the space pirates how to improve there ship even though dark samus has never seen a actual space pirate ship.

boomstick: dark samus is the best at manipulating phazon wich is a deadly poison wich any contact with it can equal in death.

wiz: dark samus has the power to drain power and d.n.a. 

boomstick:and of course you can not be a counter part of samus without her trademark arm canon.

wiz:she also has a sharpnel beam wich fires sarpnels full of phazon.

boomstick: jeez what is it with dark samus and phazon does it double as a drug or something?

wiz: well anyways she also has a phazon beam.

boomstick: she also has a charge beam that doesnt have phazon in it finnaly a weapon that doesnt have phazon in it.

wiz: she also has phazon missiles.

boomstick: oh come on! 

wiz: and she also has chare combos wich is a powerful combination between lasers and missiles.

boomstick: and she has... super phazon missiles?

wiz:she has phazon ice spreaders.

boomstick: and she has a phazon boost ball.

wiz: wich is samuses ball attack but it goes into the air and crashes down at alarming speeds.

boomstick:but dark samus still has weaknesses.

wiz: like dark samus can be severley damaged if she is overloaded with phazon.

boomstick: and she can be beaten by people who are in her simialar class.

wiz: but dark samus is a alien counter part who will stop at nothing until samus is dead.

space pirates log about dark samus: horrific as it may sound there are two of them now.


Wiz: In one of the split universes of Power Rangers Mega Force there was a recurring villain named Vrak.

Boomstick: well vrak wasnt the main villain because of the other guy and emporer mavero but he is dangerous non the less.

Wiz: He has the ability to mannipulate matter, energy manipulation, shape shifting, telepathy, teleportation, telekinisis, pyrokenesis, electrokenisis, is very smart, and is very powerful when there is a solar eclipse.

Boomstick: And if that wasnt enough he has several other forms!

Wiz: He has an Earth form which is durable enough to tank hits from the Wild Sword and he has Wolverine claws.

Boomstick: Hey wiz.

Wiz: What boomstick?

Boomstick: Is Vrak the BEST AT WHAT HE DOES?!

Wiz:*sighs* So anyways he also has an Insectoid form that gives him a electro staff and he is immune to sound based attacks in this form and he has Zombats which enlargen what ever he wants.

Boomstick: So basicly, the Power Rangers version of steroroids.

Wiz: Well.........actualy that is pretty true.

Boomstick: So, he also has a cyborg form, which he has energy boomerangs, is mostly bionic, and has whips and missiles.

Wiz: And then his strongest form, his Original form. In this form he has soul manipulation he has crushed the Power Rangers Final Strike in his hand while taking no damage. He has wings that can blast energy, and he has a sword.

Boomstick: His feats are being able to petrify all of the Rangers in the past with one single spell, which is impressive because some of these Power Rangers have killed gods like Dark Specter, Queen Bansheera and The Master.

Wiz: He destroyed the robo knight and his own base with one blast.

Boomstick: He survived the events of Power Rangers Mega Force.

Wiz: And he is cabable of building weapons that can whipe out the entire planet!

Boomstick: And he is the only power rangers villain to not die by exploding! Just think about that for one moment.

Wiz: But vrak also has his downsides.

Boomstick: Like, he is very arrogant and cocky.

Wiz: And as smart as he is, he can be outsmarted and suprised.

Boomstick: And he has not returned for any future series unlike every other Power Rangers villain.

Wiz: But Vrak is a dangerous prince who will stop at nothing until he destroys the Earth.

Vrak: The only way to destroy the drills is to defeat me, and as we've seen, you're powerless!


Wiz: A few years ago, a meteor started to head towards Earth. When it got there--

Boomstick: It shattered into a million pieces and a purple gem inside it turned into this guy called 'Deoxys'.

Wiz: From there, Deoxys would battle Rayquaza numerous times. It also abducted an entire city of people to save them from a malfuncitoning A.I. and destroyed an extinction class meteor exploding to save Team Ash and Team Rocket.

Boomstick: And possessed Meowth, 'cuz a Psychic Type Pokemon can't use telepathy. Genius, am I right--

Wiz: I think they get it, Boomstick. Anyways, Deoxys would also make a few more cameo appearances...before disappearing from the series entirely, for some reason.

Boomstick: Because GAME FREAK. are morons and love taking away our favorite things about Pokemon.

Wiz: Anyways, Deoxys is an incredibly powerful Pokemon in its own rights. First off, a non Pokemon move or Pokemon ability...power is regeneraton. Basically, as long as Deoxys' diamond-hard core isn't destroyed...its fine.

Boomstick: Wiz, can't we call it a 'he'? It has a male voice when it takes control of Meowth and looks like a dude.

Wiz: A the games say Deoxys is genderless. B Pokemon are referred to as 'it. C...Deoxys is a space alien.

Boomstick: I'm still callin' Deoxys a 'he' and you can't stop me!

Wiz: (Sighs) Fine. Anyways, Deoxys' special ability is Pressure, which forves the opponent to use twice as much energy in their attacks, whether that's PP, physical energy, or otherwise. This isn't the most useful ability in Pokemon--

Boomstick: *Cough Cough*Trace*Cough Cough*!

Wiz: --but it is great to exploit other opponents' especially those who rely on energy to survive or use attacks at all.

Boomstick: Deoxys has Psycho Boost, but he also has Psychic, Telekinesis, Light Screen, Reflect, Teleport, Zap Cannon, Superpower, Night Shade, Dark Pulse, Psybeam, and Shattered Psyche. Though that last one requires a Z Crystal to use.

Wiz: Night Shade makes an opponent take damage equivulant to their level, from 1 to 100. Psybeam can cause confusion. Telekinesis forces an opponent to be hittable, and both Light Screen and Reflect reduce the damage Deoxys takes. Deoxys can use Recover to regain stamina and with Miracle Eye, Deoxys is infinitely accurate and can hit Dark Type Pokemon.

Boomstick: Yeah...not the most useful power, given how none of the opponents he's fighting are Pokemon. Anyways, Deoxys can also change his form to be better suited for his opponent. Attack Forme, my favorite, has epic Attack and Special Atk., while also having RIDICULOUSLY low Defense and Special Def.. Seriously! A Pelliper just one-shotted him!

Wiz: Defense Forme greatly increases Deoxys' Defense and Special Def., while lowering its Attack and Special Atk.. Speed Forme is THE fastest of all Pokemon, while having pretty well-rounded stats otherwise, making it...technically the best choice?

Boomstick: Normal Forme balances everything, but if Speed Forme is just that only also able to blitz opponents...damn...this is an OP Pokemon!

Wiz: That's not to say that Deoxys is invincible, far from it. Unless in Attack Form, its worst stat is HP, meaning that it actually has almost the least amount of stamina out of all Pokemon. Deoxys can also be killed by destroying its core, and it's not like Deoxys can regenerate its entire body overnight, rendering such a resurrection useless. Deoxys also cannot see people in distorted electromagnetic fields.

Boomstick: Deoxys is also...a wimp. Serously! His weaknesses are Bug, Ghost and Dark! Those are things people are afraid of, but people aren't killed by them!

Wiz: ...Sure. Anyways, despite these weaknesses, Deoxys is still a formidable Mythical Pokemon.

Max: You saved us!

Deoxys: Of course I did, you're my friends.


Wiz: Thaal Sinestro was born to the planet of Korugar, and chosen to join the Green Lantern Corps.

Boomstick: You know, the guys who use Willpower as a weapon. Ah, Azelf would be proud.

Wiz: Okay. Anyways, Sinestro would be corrupted by his power and leave the Green Lantern Corps to impose his own order and control and...fear to the universe...or the multiverse. DC is complicated.

Boomstick: And he named his empire that would help him do this...The Sinestro Corp! Because...arrogance. Anyway, he then traded in his Green Lantern ring for a Yellow one. This one uses Fear instead. Ooh...spooky.

Wiz: Not...that kind of fear, per say. Or else Sinestro would be an R rated character, and he's not. Anyways, Sinestro is a powerhouse in his own rights. With the Yellow Lantern Ring, Sinestro can do essentially anything The Green Lantern can do.

Boomstick: Basically energy contructs which can be...really anything the wielder knows how to use. Wiz, why are we explaining this?

Wiz: It's our job, Boomstick. Anyways, Sinestro tends to make his energy constructs take the appearance of things people fear. Swords, spikes, spider legs, et cetera. The constructs are strong enough to throw meteors, and fast enough to...well...they're energy. They can travel at lightspeed.

Boomstick: They can take a beating, too. Sinestro scales pretty consistently to Green Lantern, who took a PLANET exploding in his face, once!

Wiz: Sinestro is a brilliant tactitian and can learn and understand the fears of others, while holding almost no fears himself.

Boomstick: The Ring does more than just summon energy constructs, though. Sinestro can also fly, create forcefields, read and control minds, control fear, is superhuman, manipulate energy, understand any language, and summon a power battery from anywhere using his nifty portal.

Wiz: Sinestro can also fight in hand-to-hand combat pretty well, so he isn't completely useless without his ring. SInestro also once fought Green Lantern with an attack that bended reality! I'm serious!

Boomstick: Sinestro is pretty OP in a lot of ways. Remember Ion, the embodiment of Willpower? Yeah, he straight up told Sinestro that he had THE strongest will in DC. Damn! No wonder he was chosen as a Green Lantern.

Wiz: This isn't to say Sinestro is infailable. He is EXTREMELY arrogant, to the point that Lex Luthor, one of the most arrogant characters in comic history, would say Sinestro is arrogant.

Boomstick: He also needs to be mentally healthy, have energy, and have his opponents be afraid of him to properly use his ring. Oh yeah, without the ring he isn't superhuman. I could beat him without that ring!

Wiz: Don't get any ideas, Boomstick. Regardless of these flaws, Sinestro is still one of DC's deadliest villains, and a true archnemesis to The Green Lantern.

Sinestro: You will know true fear.

Pre-Death Battle Royale[]

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. We've run the data through all possibilities. Let's end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE ROYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wiz: Did you have to say it like that?

Death Battle Royale[]



"Vrak! Your presence is required!" Admiral Malkor's voice rumbles.

A black and blue, wasp-like humanoid being with silver armor and glowing blue eyes walks into the room. "Yes, Admiral?" Vrak asks. "It appears that a yellow alien is in the quarry, the one known as Thaal Sinestro, wielder of the Yellow Lantern Ring and Master of Fear and Leader of the Sinestro Corp." Malkor answers. "I'll take care of him myself."

Vrak walks to his space pod and flies down to the quarry Sinestro is in.


A blue and red humanoid figure with a purple gem in its chest is sitting on a moon rock. It is reading the future for any possible threats, suddenly... senses three.

One blue and silver, one black and blue, one black and yellow, all of them holding malicious intent. "Who are they...?" Deoxys demands to itself, trying to gain an answer. It then senses something happen not too far from the Earth's natural satellite.

"It seems I'm going to have company." Deoxys remarks.

Dark Samus[]

Aboard what looks like an expedition vessel, human scientists are dissecting a navy blue creature with light blue veins and a light blue visor for a face. The creatre remains motionless.

"What is it?" One of the scientists asks. "It's a 'she', biologically. I can't tell what much of else beyond tha--"

The alarm starts blaring.

"Sir! These radiation levels are off the charts--" One of the scientists starts.


All of the scientists are staring at Dark Samus, who is slightly levitating and glowing blue, now surrounded by a blue aura.

"̮̣͕̠͉͖̺̼̳͙̮̈́ͯ͌̔͌ͯͭ͐̈ͭ̎̊ͭ͟͝͞ͅͅ ̷́҉.̸̪̱͇̣͍̳̞̯̲͈͓̰̩͇ͅ ͮ̀ͭ͆͛̔ͣ.̶̖̖̭͈̼̝̟̩̦ͨ̏̍̎̆̏̐̇ͥ͢ ̶̧͒̄͢.ͯ͏͈͠ ̡̛͕̹͉͉͕̙̘̗̺̐ͣ̈́͒͆ͥ͌̋̽͞W̛ͭͪͬ̑͟͡ ̐̓̽̓͌ͨ̃ͦ̓̐̉̅ͭͣͩh̼̜̙͚̫̻̻̩̻̟̜̘͓̕͜͟ ̺̘̹̗̟̳̊ͩͯͪ̊̽A̲̗̻͈̤͕̺̖̱̫̩͎̅̌̈͒̔̿ͧͤͯ̂̿̚͢ ́ͣt̄ͨ̅ͯͥ ̨͙͎͙̙̩̦̖̺̗̬͍ͅ ͔̤̻͙ͧ̓ͧ̍͠W̢͍͍̽ͣ ȏ̜ ̛̐̈̇͂̆ͦ́͜R̵͖̦͢ ̷̺͇͎͍̩͔͂ͤ̏̈́͒͛t̸͉̼̣͎̞̟͙̝͔̤͉͉̣̤ͫ̎͒̐͒̆̇ͣ̽̿ͤ͊̂̚͜ ͋̓́H͖̠̪̤̰͔̪͖̝͎̫͇ͥͫ͒ͦͭ̆͒̀̽̄ͧ̄͜ ͠l̉̍͊̒ͨ̾́͛̑ ͦ͒ͯͨ͝͏̵̼̜̼̬E͑̈́ͦ̒̌̋̽ ͪ͑͋̌̇͊͂̓͑̃ͣͣͤ̊ͣs̡̩̮͍̱̼͑̄̔͋ͤ ̮̫̘̫̹̠͔͍̅ͭͬ͂͆͒͆̓S̑̍ͮ͋͒̊ͥ̈́͑̎̇̇͞͏̪̦͙̼͖͚͇͓͕̝̟̱ ̶̛ͨ̀ͨ̎̎̐̚ ̲̫̭̼̫c̥͔̫̙̫͒͌ͬ̀̑ ̷͐̋̊̃ͥ͛̑́̄͏̜̙̲̫̬͕̜̥͍R̠̭̮̙̟̳̬͓͇̠ͅ ̴̘̮͍̜̮ͅe̥͓͙̳͙͖͓̥̓ͫ͑̔ͧ̌̈̚ ̥̺͖͇͕̔̅ͬ͐̄A̠̲͐́̚͟ ̼̱̬̫̈́̂̍̆t̫̻ͫ͑ ̥̖̤͙̮̦͎̼͉͍͉̦̯̻̰͑̆ͤ͋̃͑͌̐̾̇̅ͮ̄̑ͧÚ̗̩̤̖͎͇̤̹͋̾̋͑̎̊͊̅ͅ ͈ͦr͉̟͕̺͕͕̥͉̟̜̓͗̈́ͤ́̋ͤ̆̓͗ ̬E҉ ͇͙̳̹̫͙͖̙̙͍̳̱͆̂̓ͯ̂ͧ͒̄͆ͨ̂̓ṣ̱̞̯̰͖̰̼̃ͯ̃̎̄̂ͨ̿ ̸ͦ́̆͂͗̄͐ͧ̋ͮ̆́.̘̹̦̰̙̗̞͚̯͑ͮ̄̉̾̾͛ͧ̄ ͇̟͕͚̲̺̝̙̳̻͖̣̳͗̾̾̀͗͗̓͊̇͂ͤͧ͐ͬͅ.͚̼̟͉̙̯͗̂͋̏̄͊ ̟̯̙̠̗̰͚͔͓̼̇̀͊͂͆̒̌͑̀͑͋ͅ.̹̝̘̹̝̼̩̦̘̤͕͙̥̘ͅ ̱̙̘̳̤͍͕͓̖͍͇̠͖̤̭͛̾̓̇̍̏̑̄̏́͊̈͆ͤ͛͡͝͡"̣̫͙̰̗͔͓ͥ̑͒̎̈́̒͛ Dark Samus remarks before turning her right arm into a cannon and taking aim at the scientists gathered there. When she fires, it destroys the ship and kills everyone on it, except for Dark Samus herself.

Then, she flies to the moon and sees Deoxys sitting there, glowering at her.

"And you must be the beast responsible for the torment I am witnessing in the future." Deoxys says angrily. Dark Samus laughs. "҉͏̻̖̮͕̬̼͖͎̪ ̡̆ͦͩͦ̓̓̃̑ͫ̒ͣ̄͊̇̒͠͞.̙̯͉̲̥̺̱̙͎͇̞̂͗͗̍̒̃̎ͤͩ͐ͮ̚͡ͅ ͚̣̦̼̠̹̖̼̳̖̺̜̱̳.̧͒ͭ̊͐̎ͭ̌ͣ̀̔̂͂̀҉ ̊ͦ͊̄̈́.̵ͮͮͯ̈́̂ ̷͎̪̮͍̼̳̗̟Y͊̌̈ͥͦ̋͋̚ ͦ͋͋́̓̓̾͊̇o̤̝̗͓͙͕̣͙̹͎̕ ̀U̸̫̮̯̩͇͈̟̕͡ ̾͑̆́͢͝ ́͗͗̀ͪa̶ͫ̎́͂ͣ͑͡ ̢̽̈́ͯ͛̈͛̅ͩͥ͑̍̔̎̾̋͘Rͅ ̎ͮ͐̏ȩ̵̬̐ ̺̟̘̼̓ͦ̐̔ ̵̧̭̦͕͈͇͚̼̼̠̪̕W̡ ̵͏̵̦̯̣͖̻̱̥̻̞̰̺̤ͅi̴̶͒́̌͌̇͐ͧͦ̾ ͠͠S̢͘ ̪͉͚̠͓̤͕̟ͅͅe̡̜͎͇͉̻͌ͤͧͤ̀ ͙̼͇̙͎̯͎͖̻̮̖̲̠̳͖ͫ̒̿ͬͩͪ̇ͩ̍̆ͬ̉ͪ̆̊ ͬ̅̈ͯͪ̇̈́̆ͦ̄̑̍ͮ̃T̶̆̈̄͒̎̔̀̚ ̲̬̪͓͓̋̃̏̔̿͟ö̩̜͕̥̣̲̯͙͇͙͕̞̻͐̅̀̀ͯͭ̑͋͛̒̔̿ ̹̪̪̠̹͕̿̂̃͊͐͑́͘ ̤ͅRͤ̾ͪ̔ͮ͒̒̚͞͏̧ ͕͎̪̙̬̦̭̭͇̥̫͗͛ͥ̄́ͥ̈̀ͯ̔ͥu͎͢͠ Nͬͣ̋̄̅̒͛͗ͥ̓ͯ̎̅ͬ҉̨̰̺̭͍͎̞͉̦͈̦̺̼͎ͅ ̸̜̠ͨ͂̚͜͡ͅ, ͖́͝ ṁ̪̮͉͎̞̭͓̦̝̦͇̼̻̰̓̓̊́̃͊͋̈͛̈́̎ͯͤ ͖̜̤̰̱̟̠̬͉̬̕͝I̵̸͓̫̿ͫ͜ ͥͫ̐͒s̡̫̲̯̩̼̲͝ ̶̛G̢̛͑́͑̅̍̉̈́̿͌̾̎̽́̕ ̴̥̝͉̞͖͎ͧ͌̈́̉̓̓͟ṵ̮̩̭̙̟ͤ́̋ͥ̉̉ ͚͔̰̫͕͈͖̜͂ͩ̐̎ͪ̔̈́I ͔̫͈̩̘͈̞̾͑̓͑̈ͨͩd̡͕̯̝̥̜̮̩̼̗̋ͤ̔̉͂̍͐̃͐͢͢ ̴͉̮͖̾͊̂̀Ẹ͓̳ͬ̾̍ ̶d̡͘͡ ̳͙̤͈̭̘ͥ̓ͨͭ͑͒͞ ͧͥͪͬ͆͗̒̽ͥ̀D̶̰͚͖͚̭̠̯̮͇͈̤̥̻͉ͅ ̴e͚̼̩͎̝̜̥̫͈͎̗̜͈̼ͤ̅̃̆̎ͨ̆̇ͫͮ͋ͧ̏̚ ̷̵̮͙͉͈̳͓̤̫̰̔ͩ̓̆ͩ̃̓̈́͆F̦̫̘̼̖͖̦̠̘̺̪̰͚͕͇ ̵̛͘ẹ̡̖͎͖̗́̊̅̓̂ ̰̼͇̗̠̪̰̪̞̘͎̼̬̞N̤̥͖̺̣͕̹͎̠͉͔͆̃̐ͧ̆͐̾ͤ̄̽̉ ̲̻̥̮̯͙̩̭͍̖̼̣̠̤̫͘͞d̷͙͖̣̰̳̣̹͔̱̲̼̰̖̙̆ͫ̅ͨͭͧͨͦͣ͑̀ͣ̅͑͜ ̷͖̻̝̗̤͍̥͓ͮ̇̅ͩ̐ͧͥ̿E̮͚̱̩̬̦̳̗̱͚̜̗̼ͪ̿ͥͫͦ͌͂͂̈͑̅ͦ̌ ͦͪͥͩ̊̅͛ͯͩͯ̊҉̷̩͓̮͍̹̯̪͖̭͖̖͡r͋̿̈́͆ͣ̐̊̋̃ͩͨ͐̔ͮ ͑ͨ̊̏ͪͫ̆̑͌̏͌͒͋͏̷̸̹̯̦͚̰̱̫̤͉̮̯̺͇.̧̅͛ͭ͂͛̾͂͡҉̰̩̰̠̰͚̣ ̛̞͚͙͑̿̍. ͖̻̪͞.̏̈̂͋ͦ͋ͬ͌̍̍ͨ͘ ̧̝͈̼̂̊͂͠"̏͆ͮ̎ͫ̏̓͒̌́͋̆̀ Dark Samus replies coldly.

Deoxys responds by floating upwards and balling its hands into fists. "I'm not running." It replies at Dark Samus, angered.


Thaal Sinestro is seen walking through the quarry, staring smugly around at the slaves he has working here. He was searching for something fabled--a Philosopher's Stone. He believed it was a natural resource on this world.

Suddenly, an alien travel pod, somewhat regal in nature, lands in the quarry. Sinestro turns to face it, and sees Vrak walking out of the pod, staring at Sinestro.

"Thaal Sinestro, Malkor sent me here to deal with you, in case you become a future enemy of the Warstar Insectoids." Vrak declares. Sinestro raises one eyebrow and pulls his Yellow Lantern Ring out of his battery, turning on his powers. "Then show me what you are capable of, Prince Vrak." Sinestro replies with a smug grin.

They were both ready to fight.

No, they all are.

This would be epic.


Mutated Psychics[]

Dark Samus vs Deoxys

Dark Samus proceeeds to shoot Deoxys, each shot heading towards Deoxys' eyes. Each Phazon shot stops in mid air just before hitting Deoxys. Deoxys then sends both of the shots back at Dark Samus. Dark Samus absorbs the phazon blast and curls up into a balls and jumps into the air. Dark Samus then slams on Deoxys' head, sending it into the ground.

Deoxys then stands up, looking pretty fine.

"̒̒̾̽͒ͭͭ ͇̞͇͖̜͎̰̖͓͙̙̥ͭͧ̉͛ͫ̓̑̿͗̅ͯ̋.ͯ̉͆̊̈́̈́̓̊̎̿̚҉̦̭̳̬͉̺͙̹̱̬̼ ̧̊ͭͣ͐̽̑ͯ̒̊ͬ̿͟͝.̠͈̘ͪ̍ͬ ̸̡͕̹̺̲̗͈̤̤̬͔̮̋̐̅ͪ̄̽͂͆ͮͧ̍͝.̝͕̍͐̊ͅ ̤̮͔̰̤̩̝͈W̳̩̻̦͕͖͇̮͍̼͓͔̝̅̋̔ͦͯ̉̀̀̉ͨͭ̈ͭ h̞̬͍̩͇̙̩͐ͧ͗̃͐̅͑ ̢̧̨͉̙̣̝͍͓͚Ḁ̯͍̦͍͎̺̖̟̠̫̰͆ͯͭ̂̅̽̒ͫ͗̇̍͑ ̢̤t̴̢̀ͪ̀ͮ͋͒̏̊͐̐ͮ͐͝ ͖͔̦̖̬͖̦͕̹ͅͅ.͘ ̭̟̤̞͈̰̞̜ͪ͐ͥ̑ͮ̋̎̓̚͜͠ͅ.͏͘͝ ̣͚͍͖̖̞̭̺̩̰̝̈́̃ͬ̒̏̆ͦͩ͑͒̍.̞̖̙̼͚̞͉̩̝̯͎̖̭͔̀̕͝ͅ ̪͓̦̦̉̆̉̍?̌ͤ̓͐ͧ͆̈́̓ͤ ͈̠̼̺͓̦͉͇̘̪̹͉̈̈̍͆̉ͧ̉̂̃͗́ͭ ̏̇ͮHͥ͋̒́͘ ̨̓̒̔ͣ͗ͤͧ̎o̴̕ ̵̛͇̝̬͎̱͖̼̳̗̗̯̙͙͖̾̏͛͒̉ͤ̈́ͪ͑ͦͧ̓̽ͪ͞W̤̼̣̤̱̲̠͓̰͙͖̠̪͍ͥͩ̅̒̑̐ͫͮ̒̏̃̂ͤ̚ ̼͓̌̈́.͓͕̣̰̳̥ ̫̠̋̌͝.̟̫̲̘̏͒ͣ̅ ̸̴͙͇͍̖̟̭͚̺̏͌ͤ̎ͩ̽̆͗̕.͋́̍̋͂̈́͢҉ ̄̑̐͐͗̚?͐ͩͭͮ̀́ͭ̇͒̀̚͘͠ ̊̇͋͏̷̷͉̝͔"̺̭̘̝͎̦̞̣̾ͭ͊̓ͥͪ̌̓  Dark Samus demands. "I'm not that easy to kill, beast." Deoxys answers before regeneratiing its head.

Deoxys then teleports behind Sark Samus and uses Dark Pulse on her. Dark Samus is sent flying across the moon and eventually lands on a astroid. Dark Samus charges her Phazon beam. Deoxys then uses Zap Cannon and fires it at Dark Samus, blowing up the entire astroid, but Dark Samus finishes loading the phazon cannon and shoots it at Deoxys.

Deoxys uses Light Screen and sends the attack right back at Dark Samus.

"̝ͨ ̤̼̱͎̼͈͖.̷̡͜ ̵̽̿̒͟.ͨ͗ͣ̂ͮ̉͜҉ ̷̶͗̄.͓͍̟͍̦ ̢̪̠̠̟͕̪̟̰̥̘͚ͨ̊̋̿̏ͨ͑̄ͩ̿̚I̸̶̛ ̲͈͙͇̬̣͇͙̩͜n̵̗̘̫͉̻̼͜ ̶̻̠͍͍͉̣̹̗̭̼̔̇ͬͤ͐͊͑̍̾̔͘͜Ṭ̭̰̠͈͉̦̖̮̫̰̭̕͠ ̜ͧr̷̾̉͒̂͊ͫ̈́ͪ̏̌ͮͮ͆̀̚͜ ̈̓ͪͪ̀ͤ̇̏͊̆̚I̲̖͓̣͈͚̭͕͔̱̙̯̹͉ͯ̈̓͆̒͊ͮ̍͊ͬ͒͆ͩ̈́ ͍̱̳̫̫͖̠̫͓̤̆̆̍̑̾͛̆ͨͪ̃gͥ̓̆͛҉̭͕̣͍ ͕̱̞̫̮͙̫̻͉̙͍̲̺̔̽̓͐̔̃̂̀̃̀̑́ͤǓ̵̠̲̙͈̺̯̠̺̝͙̹̳̓͂̊͆̎͑̏̎͐̓ͬ͝ ͔̯͙̻̦̣̮͕͎͕̒ͯ̈́̾ͣͮ̌ͬͫ̚i̵ ̞͈̥͈̗̬̥̯̲̪͍̳̜͇ͦ̄ͧͯ̐͐̎̍͆̇̈͌̐̚Nͤͦ̎͆̿̇́̓̈̇ͥ͟͏̧̳̗̞̫͖̺̝̜͚̟ͅ ̨̬̙̱̙͑̋ͤͧ͞g̷͓̗̱͕̳̠͇̬̍́ͥ̽ͧ͒ͧ͋ ̧̲͆͝.̶͉̼͈̞̃́̒͗͝ ̿̅̂ͧ̉.̫͋ ̅͒̒ͯ̓̏ͫ͂̓̎.̴̖̪̖ ̖͙̝ͪͫ͌͜" Dark Samus remarks. Dark Samus absorbs the entire Phazon blast and proceeds to shoot Phazon shrapnel at Deoxys. Deoxys once again stops all of the attacks in mid air and sends them all back at Dark Samus. Dark Samus once again absorbs all of the shrapnel. Deoxys then uses dark pulse on dark samus, sending her into another astroid.

Deoxys again uses Zap Cannon on the astroid, blowing it up with Dark Samus on it. Dark Samus is then sent flying onto a bigger astroid. Deoxys floats towards Dark Samus, who fires Phazon missiles at the DNA Pokemon. Deoxys doesn't stop them in time and there is a explosion were Deoxys was at.

When the dust clears...Deoxys isnt there.

"̢̤͚̲̲ͪ́̇͋ ҉̡̤̫͓̹͙͝ͅ. ̰͉̩̗̻.͐̽̋ ̡͔̙̮̘͚̼̿̄̆̅̌͋ͬͅ.̡͝ ̻͓͎̦̖̟̮̺͚̲̯̠̮ͦ͛̿̎ͫ͗́͂̊ͤ̒̂̚H͘͢ ̖̺̼ͪ̄̔e̟̩͎̙ͪͬ͒̿ Ḩ̄̌̃̍ͣ̇ͪ̽́̀ ̹̍e̠̩̹͉̒̄̊͑ ̢̤̺̲̤͖͉̳͘H͒̓ͧͬ͛͆̐͠ ̼̲̩̘͇̥̫̦ͦ͊̿̐ͦ͊̂̈́͢e̳̘̻ͣ͑̚ ̟̽H̨̯͖̙̿̐͒ ̢̋͂̒͋e ̠̮̦H̭̙̣̬̳̦̪̩͓͚̑̆̂̿ͫͩͬ̿̄̾ ̬̐é̵̞̬̥̗̤̬͔̗̲̓ͤ̑̓̈ͨ͂̓ ̫̱̝̖̤̹̠̞̺̤͓̣̲͈ͮ̈̂ͧͪ̊ͭ͒ͭ́ͪ̾̈̈͛ͅH͉̭̹̙̟͠ .̧͗̑ͣ̓̅̾̂̓̔͛̄̌ ̭͔͎̯ͮ̋̔ͥ.̵̷ ͘̕.͇͙̼̙̠̝̝̘̠̹͐̾͊ͪͯ͛ͫ̏͆̂ ̨͡͞H̷̼̞͈̭̮̟̝̙̹̣͍̦̼̪ͩͨ́̔́ͨ͆ͧ͛ͨ͗̓͐̃̒́͢ͅ ̊̉̆̆͒̉͊̆͂̆ͪ̂ạ͈͔̳̞̹͔̮̈́ͣͯͤ̈̆͆ͧ̕͟ H̗̗͎̝̭͕̳̲̰͇̬̩̱̜ͅ à̪͇̤ͪ͆͝ ̫̺̟̬͇͍̉̏̓̓̈ͪ͝Ḥ͙̫͉͚͕͔̲̖̰͍͍̲̘͖̎ͤͭ̒̽ͣͨ͑̅͊̾́̃̈́̎ ̗͇͎̯̙͖a̖͇͖͎̠̳̻͓͈̬̕͜ ̡ͥͭ̐̆ͩ̐̆̉H̡̦͙̼̼̹̊͂͊ͫ͂͟͞a̶̛͎̗̘̦̜̰͇̒ͩ̽̌͗ͮ́̕ ̠͓̰͔͖̗̺͎H̸̸̡ ̭͈͚̱͓̗̝̼͇͖̾̆̓̈̅ͧ̉̿́͛͘a̸̕ .͎̬͉͉̤̹̙̜̭̬ͬ̆̊͂̃͛ͭͮͨ̐ .̷̨҉ ̷̬̼̗̲̪̣̮̠̋ͫͯ̐̓̽͂̀͡.͕̠͓̘̉̋̒̚ ̤̮̳̠̞͉̗̘̗̰̹̣̘͖̌̿̃́̽ͪ́̾̒ͮ͑͛̏ͨH͙̼̥̦̤̳͉̦͙͚̝͕̍̆ͭͫ̓̉ͮͮ͒̓͋̓͢͡ ̦̭̞͂̓̑Ă͛ͣ̽̔̓̄ͬͤ̍̈̏̀҉̙͕̥͙̗̞̭̯̩͕̠ͅ H̸̩̭͔̜̘̗͎̠̠̗͙̫͒̊ͣ̋̾ͥ̀ͥ̃ͯ͌ͮ͟ ̦̞̲̣͋ͭ̌̇͝͝À̰͍͚̻̼̳̥̭̏̎͐͌̓̿͒ ͙͋H͜ ͖̜̖̰̿̑͌̚A͚̝͕͔̭͖ ̶̧͢H̱̠̪̟̺̩̱̘͎̣́̎͗͌̇ͧ̿̒͆̚ ̫͉̯̭͉̫ͭ͒ͪ́͋͒A̭̼̲͓̼̝ͥ͆̐̎ͥ̈ ̷͓̩̆̔Ḩ̸̹͈̜̔̾̀̚ ̠̹̮͖̫͇̯̻̪̩̲̣͎ͥ̋̔͐̀ͮ́̈ͣ̆́̇́̚͘A͔̫̗̼̣̹͗͐̂ͫͦͯ͜ ̯͙̺͈̝̭̣̭̘͑͌̿͋̔͗͌̉̚͠!͝҉̪̮͖͉͕͕̲̠̳ ̢̲̱̞͕̰̟̩̺̖̳̦͉̦͓ͥ̾͆ͩͪ͌̎͐̽̔̌̾̀͛̀͘!͒́̿̆̒ ͣ̊ͮ̈ͤ͊̀̆ͧͤ̚! ́!̡͖̟̹̦͙̺̼̦̫̬͈̳̬̫͒̃̄͋͆ͩͥ̓̋ͫ̂̐̓ͣ͠ ̶̡̭͇͘!̷̵̷̹̜̭͋ͮ́ ̝̣̟͉͖!̩̥̫̲̍̋͋̚ ̈́ͭ́̊̎̎ͦ̈́ͤ̊̐̿́͞!̷̍ͩ̿̂͗͌̾ !̡̨̹͗̕ ͓͙ͭͩ͢!ͭͨ̿ͩ̒̅͆̍ ̤̲̙̱̪̩̞̲͉̻͖̿́͆̒͛̑̍ͤ̀͗ͮ.̤̻̦̞̦̮͝ ̗̪̜̻̖̼̙̣̖͎̬̲͓.̢̟̠͎ͭ̀̋͘ ̨̻͇̲̦̭̥̦̫͍̞̤͓̆ͫ͊̊̌͑͐ͨ̔̒̌̽̒͟͠ͅ.̾͆ͪͩ̓͌̌͒ͯ͐ͨͣ͗̚͏́ ̛͞"͊̂̆̈́̓̑̔̿̓͗͡҉

Dark Samus then triumphantly stands there. But then, Deoxys teleports behind Dark Samus and uses Zap Cannon. Dark Samus is sent flying forwards and falls on her face. Dark Samus then uses more Phazon missiles. Deoxys uses Reflect and sends the Phazon missiles back at Dark Samus, who absorbs each blast. Deoxys then uses Psybeam on Dark Samus, who counters the Psybeam with a charge beam. Deoxys' psybeam overwelms Dark Samus' beam and the beam hits her in the face, cracking her visor.

Dark Samus angrily growls and shoots a bunch of Phazon missiles and shoots several Phazon beams at Deoxys, who stops every last attack and sends it back at Dark Samus. Dark Samus absorbs each blast but then starts to feel some severe pain because she aborbed too much Phazon.

"̷̺̩̬̞͚̦̭̥͙͍̲͓̘̗̈́̔ͪ̆̌͋ͯ͑͛ͨ̏̉̀̿̕͝ ̶̹̺̯̣N̳͖̮̗̝̱͓̓͑͒̌̉ͩ͒͝ ̦͌̕͜O͇̩̮͖̼̟̩̰̮ͧ̓̇̏̈͋͒̉̚ ̃̓͒!̦͉͔̙̻͕̙̒̉̒̆̆̄ͪ ͍̀ ͖͓̹̖̫͍͎̻͍̩̤͓̩̣̰͐̄ͬͮ̐̀̔͒ͥͨ̎̚̚̚̚͘Ȉ̓̏͊ͩ̈́ ̬̻̖̆͊̈T̩̲̺̠ͩͥ̆͆ ̫̖̭̮͌̔ͯ̾͝'̰̙̩̰̬̞̬̱̼̯̙̰̥͖̆̐̊̊ͣ͌͐̄ͣ̌ͥ̃ͯ̋ ̭̙͉̣̘̮̻͔͖̲̠̭̓ͤͧ͌̀͒̅ͦ̓̒͛̾͞S̝̲̬͈̙̳̩̳̝͚̮̗̒͆ͧ̈́ͬ̉͒͒̔͒̓̽͐ͅ ̹̳̠̜̝̟̦̰̠̪͋̆̔̉͐̎̐͌̅ͭ ͐ͭ͐͂T̔̽ͩ̑̍ͫ̽̔̒͟ ̛͑̂̀͌̏ͧͪͧͬO̫̯̺̟̯͇̭̻̪̜͇͚̬̯̰ͯ͋̿̌̍ͨ̌ͤ̓̋͑̑̑̍̒͜͟͡ ̡̲̼̜̝͟O̡͑̊̉̉͂̊̎̅̚̚͘҉̝̩͕͉̮̰͚̰̰͔ ̿ͬ͆ͨͮͯ̑̉͏͜҉̺͓̲̠̲͉̪̳ ̳̘̬̤͕̗ͅM̿ͩ̊̈́͂͋̾ͧ̈ͯ͒̿͛̚ ̫̘̝͍͇̫̪U̞͍͙̪͚͙͓̤̳̜͔͓̻̥̔́̿̇̍̾ͯ̂ͧ̀̃ͨ̌̚ ̓ͬ̏͒́C̀͏́ ̬̫̫͔̩̖͖͡H̶̢̋ͬͫͣͩ̋ͩ͐͑̔̌͝ !͗ ͧ͊ͯ͋͛͊͊̇̌͐̉̃̑͠҉̡̠͔̪͖̼͇͔̪͎̦̲̩͔"̹̭̬̪̪̟͍ͭ̃ͩͥ̑ͩ͑ Dark Samus screams. "Goodbye, beast." Deoxys says, before useing Psybeam on Dark Samus. The pPsybeam goes straight through Dark Samus' face, beginning to break her mind. As the Phazon Entity floats through space, she sees Deoxys floating to face her, angry. Then, Deoxys preforms Shattered Psyche, which does exactly what it says it does. Dark Samus feels her mind being torn to shreds...before nothing. Phazon Incarnate was no more.


Deoxys then sends Dark Samus' body into the sun and floats away.

"Corruption is not today." Deoxys says.

Magic Leaders[]

Vrak vs Sinestro

Vrak holds out his hand and sends a fireball at Sinestro, who creates a forcefield to block and sends yellow lasers at Vrak. Vrak twirls his electrostaff around to stop the lasers and leaps to engage Sinestro in close-quarters-combat. Sinestro creates a lance out of fear energy and fights with Vrak. Both fighters seem equally matched...until Vrak erupts lightning from the staff and forces Sinestro to leap back, allowing Vrak to whack him into a mountain.

" are annoying, I'll give you that!" Sinestro growls before creating multiple spider legs below Vrak and having them attack him. Vrak morphs into his Earth Form to slash at the spider legs before teleporting behind Sinestro and stabbing him through the stomach. Sinestro growls in anger and blasts Vrak back. "'re impressive, for one of your kind." Vrak remarks coldly.

Vrak then uses his magic to become a cyborg and sends his Cyberrangs at Sinestro, who counters with kunai and then turns them into guns before firing at Vrak, who uses missiles to somewhat parry. Vrak then coils metal ropes around Sinestro before filling them up with lightning, electrocuting the Sinestro Corp's Leader. Sinestro roars in fury and throws two asteroids into Vrak, who reverts to his Original Form and cleaves them both in half. Vrak then sends a beam of electric fire at Sinestro, who blocks with a forcefield and prepares to fire another, massive laser at Vrak, who fires energy from his wings at the same time that the solar eclipse starts.

The beams clash. Neither saide seems victorious. "Now, let's see who is better, the power of Fear or the power of Vrak!" Sinestro smirks. "I'm not even using half my power, Vrak." Sinestro thne decides to charge all of his power into his strongest attack, overpowering Vrak and destroying his wings. "NO!" Vrak screams as his armor begins to vaporize, followed by much of his body. When SInestro runs out of charge, Vrak, barely alive, crumples to the ground. Sinestro then stabs Vrak with his own sword, killing him.


"This was fun. Now to recharge..." Sinestro remarks before placing his ring inside the battery.


Sinestro vs Deoxys

A few minutes later, Sinestro has been fully charged, and feels a new presence. "Hello, DNA Pokemon. Are you here to assassinate me, too?" Sinestro mocks. "You are a threat to the Earth who must be eliminated." Deoxys replies. Sinestro chuckles and stands up. "Well, let's have it then. You..."

Sinestro turns around to face Deoxys.

"...versus the mighty Sinestro." Sinestro finishes, smiling evilly.


Let's get this started!-Part 1 (Vector 29)[]

sinistero starts to fire lasers at deoxys. one of the lasers go through doexys chest but not hitting the crystal

the hole in deoxys chest regenerates

sinistero: WHAT?!?!

doexys: perish villain

doexys then uses zap cannon on sinistero

sinistero freezes the attack in mid air and crushes

deoxys: so you will be more of a challenge the other one

sinistero: and you will be tougher then the other guy

sinistero then shoots lasers at deoxys

doexys uses light screan and reflects the lasers sending back at sinistero

sinistero bocks each one of theme with a sheild

sinistero then generates a sword and starts to slash deoxys

sinistero slices deoxys head off

deoxys head regenerates

sinistero slashes at deoxys again

deoxys dodges and teleports behind him and shoots a psy beam at sinistero

sinistero covers both of his ears and screams in pain

sinistero looks behind him and spots deoxys

sinistero then rapidly fires lasers at deoxys

deoxys teleports behind sinistero and uses zap canon sending him flying forward

sinistero: GRAAHH!!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!

sinistero then proceeds to shoots a bunch of lazers at deoxys

deoxys uses light screan sending them all back at sinistero who stops all of them

sinistero then turns each laser into a missile and sends all of them back at deoxys

doexys then stops all of them with telekenesis and blows each one of them up

sinistero then dashes at deoxys with a sword

deoxys shoots sinistero in the face with a zap canon sending him back

blood leaks out of sinisteros nose

sinistero then howls in anger and rapidly shoots lasers at deoxys 

doexys dodges each laser and uses zap canon on sinistero

sinistero catches the zap canon and sends it back at doexys

deoxys is hit in the face and sent flying back

sinistero then grabs a near by rock and throws it at deoxys

doexys teleports away from the rock and teleports behind sinistero

sinistero then punches deoxys in the face

he then shoots lasers at deoxys

deoxys stops all of them in mid air and sends all of them back

doexys then uses another psy beam

sinistero screams in pain

sinistero then grabs the rock and slams it on deoxys

he then sends a bunch of missiles at the rock blowing the entire rock up

when the smoke clears deoxys is not there

sinistero sighs in relife

Can't take the stakes!-Part 2 (BloodyBloodwork365)[]

"This ends now, Sinestro." Deoxys' voice thunders behind him. Sinestro turns around and sees Deoxys, now in Attack Forme, charging up Psycho Boost. Deoxys fires the blast at Sinestro, who erects a forcefield to block. The forcefield is destroyed, but the Psycho Boost was successfully nullified.

Sinestro laughs and materializes a cannon out of thin-air before firing plasma shots at Deoxys, who uses Psychic to freeze them in mid-air and turn them on Sinestro, who sends them back at Deoxys, who uses Light Screen to halve the damage taken before using Recover to heal completely. "You will not enslave this world." Deoxys says before using Superpower on Sinestro, who blocks with a shield before stabbing Doexys with a sword.

Deoxys stumbles back and heals before changing into Defense Forme. Sinestro fires again, but Deoxys uses Cosmic Power to raise its Defense and Special Def. before using Hyper Beam on Sinestro, blasting him into a mountain. "Argh!" Sinestro growls before throwing rocks at Deoxys, who uses Reflect to halve the damage again. Deoxys then uses Psychic to slam Sinestro into the ground. Sinestro roars in anger and blasts yellow fear energy everywhere, blasting Deoxys into Vrak's pod.

Deoxys gets back up and turns into Speed Forme before using Night Shade on Sinestro, damaging him. Sinestro growls in anger and fires more and more blasts at the DNA Pokemon, who uses Zap Cannon to destroy the blasts and then uses Giga Impact to ram Sinestro into Vrak's pod, destroying it.

Sinestro gets back up and lowers his forcefield before sending more and more lasers at Deoxys, who redirects and nullifies them with certain moves. Sinestro roars and erupts a spider leg below Deoxys, cutting off its leg, which regenerates. Deoxys growls in anger before firing another Psycho Boost at Sinestro, who blocks with his shield and smashes Deoxys with a hammer.

Deoxys regens and uses Psychic to throw Sinestro into the ISS. Sinestro rights himself and creates an oxygen bubble around the space station before tearing it apart and throwing pieces of it at the approacing Deoxys, who uses Teleport to get behind Sinestro and use Psycho Cut to slash him. Sinestro parries with a sword and creates another to stab Deoxys, who grabs it with one tentacle and uses the remaining two to jab Sinestro in the kidneys. Sinestro roars in agony and fury before blasting Deoxys back and slamming two meteors into the alien Pokemon.

Deoxys had used Protect to block and then uses Dark Pulse to attack Sinestro, who, for the first time in this fight, seems unaffected. Sinestro laughs as he then slashes Deoxys horizontally in half with a sword. Deoxys regenerates from this and fires a Hyper Beam at Sinestro, who blocks and roundhouse kicks Deoxys into a full cell, exploding it.

Deoxys flies out of the debris and uses Superpower on Sinestro again before following up with Psycho Boost and Hyper Beam. Deoxys then uses Cosmic Power and Clear Mind before using Headbutt on Sinestro, who roars in anger at this crude attack. Sinestro then punches Deoxys in the face, sending it to the Asteroid Belt.

Deoxys lands on Ceres and sees Sinestro about to punch it. Deoxys uses Psychic to slow Sinestro down before using Teleport to get behind him and using Superpower to kick the Sinestro Corp's Leader into the Dwarf Planet, cracking it in half.

"How are you this powerful?" Sinestro demands. "I am the DNA Pokemon, and I will not allow you to harm the Earth." Deoxys replies before using both Miracle Eye and Telekinesis to hold Sinestro there and fires multiple Zap Cannons and Hyper Beams at Thaal, who growls and redirects them back at Deoxys, vaporizing everything except the core.

Deoxys regens again and uses Speed Forme to gain speed, Defense Forme to brace itself, and Attack Form to use Giga Impact on Sinestro, sending a shockwave that destroys multiple asteroids. Sinestro roars in indomitable fury before blasting Deoxys into a rather small asteroid, vaporizing the space rock. Deoxys regenerates again and uses Thunderbolt on Sinestro, who blocks with a shield and growls at Deoxys.

"How long do you want to drag this out?" Sinestro demands. "You can't beat me." "Perhaps," Deoxys says. "But that doesn't mean I won't try." Deoxys then prepares to use Shattered Psyche on Sinestro, who raises an eyebrow. When Deoxys uses the attack...


...Nothing happens. Sinestro looks fine, apart from a slightly pulsing temple. "Was that your plan?" Sinestro asks, bored. Sinestro then blasts Deoxys into Mars and continues firing, beginning to destroy the planet. Deoxys screams in agony as its entire body is disintegrating. When only the core is left, it begins to regen--until Sinestro stomps on it with all his might, draining him completely and shattering his leg...and the core.


"Ugh...shelter." Sinestro mumbles, collapsing on the dusty red ground with a wicked smile on his face. He knew that he had won.


Boomstick: Hold up! I thought Deoxys or Vrak had this in the bag! What happened?

Wiz: We'll get there, Boomstick. I promise. Anyways, this shouldn't come as...too much of a surprise to anyone reading this. First of, Dark Samus was...completely screwed, to put it gently.

Boomstick: Yeah, all three could destroy her consciousness and/or soul in some way and all three could resist Corruption to some extent. Vrak would embrace it, Deoxys heals too fast, and Sinestro is protected by the Yellow Lantern Ring. Also, Dark Samus was only smarter than Deoxys, and even that's debatable.

Wiz: Dark Samus was a lot more powerful than Deoxys, but Deoxys is so versatile that it hardly matters. It could lower Dark Samus' stats and/or raise its own with just a few simple moves, making it so that Dark Samus' base stat difference irrelevant. Next is Vrak vs Sinestro.

Boomstick: Explain this one to me, then.

Wiz: Simply put, Vrak was outclassed in every way. Sinestro is smarter, more versatile, and a LOT more powerul than Vrak. The strongest villain the Power Rangers have ever defeated was Dark Spectre, who is around Galaxy Level. Sinestro, on the other hand, is not only comperable to Green Lantern, who is Universe Level, but has also manipulated and defeated multiple gods, himself. Not to mention that Vrak's petrification has never shown to work on beings strong than himself. Even if we give Vrak the 1,000 times multiplier, one thousand galaxies is still not a universe. A galactic cluster, but not even CLOSE to a universe.

Boomstick: Then we have Deoxys vs Vrak. Okay, explain this one, Wiz.

Wiz: Deoxys. Vrak could be considered Large-Multi-Galaxy Level+ with the solar eclipse, but Deoxys can just...blow up the moon, or even just chip a big enough piece off that a small vestige of the sun's light shines through, and Vrak's power drops to around Galaxy Level+. Is this still stronger than Deoxys, yes. Does it

Boomstick: Lemme guess. Stat drops for opponent and stat raises for self?

Wiz: Yep. Let's put this into perspective. Normal Forme Deoxys tanked a hit from Rayquaza, who can be considered to be moon to planetary level. Deoxys can raise its stats using its moves, and change Formes to raise said stats even further. Deoxys could be considered Solar System Level by extending all this, more than enough to compete with Vrak long enough to land a fatal blow with...any of Deoxys' Psychic Type attacks, namely Shattered Psyche. Also, Night Shift would deal damage to Vrak equivalant to his level, which is Galaxy Level AP.

Boomstick: And now for the big one, Deoxys vs Sinestro! So...HOW THE ****ING HELL DID DEOXYS LOSE?!?!

Wiz: Well, It's simple. Sinestro is just...too powerful. Deoxys at its peak, is Solar System Level. There are 400,000,000,000 solar systems in one galaxy, of which there are an estimated 100-200,000,000,000. The stat gap at this point is just too massive. Also, Sinestro would be more than capable of resisting Shattered Psyche with his indominatable will, and while Night Shade could do serious damage to Sinestro, he has a canon level max, one hundred. That is embarrassing compared to his actual power level.

Boomstick: Yeah, I guess that's true. But at least Deoxys is more versatile?

Wiz: Nope. The Yellow Lantern Ring can create and use ANYTHING the user knows about and knows how to use. Deoxys is not more versatile here, either. Honestly, should this come as a surprise to anybody? DC Characters like Sinestro are normally incredibly powerful, far more so than a lot of other characters. Dark Samus and Vrak were completely outclassed here. Deoxys had the regeneration, but Sinestro's power, versatility, and indominatable will won him the day. And in case you ask, yes, Sinestro more than likely can destroy Deoxys' core based on sheer power alone.

Boomstick: What a Corrupted battle. Deoxys was lost to a Sinister Armada of power!

Wiz: The winner is Thaal Sinestro.
