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Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Steven Armstrong vs. Alex Louis Armstrong is a What-If? Death Battle created by NEWChristianthepupbot and is his first battle. 



Fullmetal Alchemist VS Metal Gear Two Armstrongs, 12 packs! Let's find out who punches harder! Will Alex reconstruct the senator into death, or can Steven teach Alex the meaning of nanomachines?


(Music: Wiz and Boomstick)

Wiz: Astronauts, Musicians, Athletes-

Boomstick: HUGE FLIPPIN' MILITARY MEN THAT THROW THE MEANEST PUNCHES KNOWN TO MAN. The name Armstrong has one hell of a legacy, but who truly deserves it? 

Wiz: Alex Louis Armstrong, the Strong Arm Alchemist. (Boomstick: I GET IT!)

Boomstick: And Senator Steven Armstrong, the strongest politician ever. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick. 

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armour and skill to find out who would win A DEATH BATTLE. 

Alex Armstrong[]


(Music: The Fullmetal Alchemist) 

Wiz: The year was 1901. Amestris and Ishval's rivalry was almost at its breaking point and tensions were high.  The military was policing the country at a terrifying level. Thankfully, many in the military were against the occupation in the country, siding with the Ishvalans. But just as tensions fell and things seemed to get better, the unthinkable happened...someone shot first. 

Boomstick: A monster taking the form of a soldier had killed an innocent child, and that was the last straw for Ishval, who fought for their freedom. Sadly, this was planned by the monsters so they could use the dead for power. And things went exactly as planned thanks to good old fashion human weapons. 

Wiz: Alchemist soldiers invaded the country with one goal: use the laws of deconstruction and reconstruction to wipe out the Ishvalans one by one. Among these living weapons was one Alex Louis Armstrong. 

Boomstick: See, the Armstrongs had been serving the military for generations, but the whole murdering innocent civilians thing had Armstrong crying. The most powerful was powerless. And even when he tried to be the good guy and save a family...Kimblee happened.  

Wiz: And thus, Alex went home in disgrace, tainted by the horrors of war...

(Music: Crisis in the North) 

Boomstick: The war didn't haunt Alex forever. He was still the heir to the Armstrong house and part of the military, even if his mercy held him back from promotion.  



-Full Name: Alex Louis Armstrong

-Age: Mid 30s to 40s

-Height: 7'3 (212cm)  -Rank: Major

-Nicknamed the Strong-Armed Alchemist 

-Former Future Head of The Armstrong Family

-Surprisingly flamboyant. 



Boomstick: Thank god he has something holding him back! I mean, LOOK AT THE GUY! 

Wiz: Not so surprisingly, Armstrong is a brawler. He apparently uses techniques and strategies from generations of family. One of which is likely his alchemy. The art of alchemy is using the law of equivalent exchange to build and even fight.   

Boomstick: Armstrong found a special way to do it too. While some draw circles and some can even do clappy magic if you lose a loved one, The Armstrong Family's favourite way is PUNCH! 

Wiz: By drawing transmutation circles on his battle gauntlets, Armstrong is capable of doing powerful alchemy fast. Armstrong's personal favourite techniques are using alchemy to either create spikes or turn attacks into statues of...himself. 





-Turning rubble into weapons

-The Armstrong statuary technique


Boomstick: Armstrong can make huge walls in mere seconds and can turn falling rubble into deadly spikes and can do it to the ground as well. When not stabbing you with THE COOL SCIENCE, he's a-ok with boxing you to the ground. His style seems to be using alchemy to get you open and then using strength and speed to get you down. 

Wiz: Though this may keep him open at some points, he can quickly dodge when people go for this strategy, such as when he fought and managed to keep pace with Scar, who could dodge bullets.  

(Music: Amestris Military March)

Boomstick: Scar's been the least of his problems. He's managed to take blows from the homunculus Sloth and sent the guy flying with a punch, whose almost twice his height and build. Jesus Christ, Fullmetal Steroids more like, look at this guy! And Armstrong even managed to stab right through him!

Wiz: Sloth was previously able to casually survive small tank fire and ripped through the flooring of Fort Briggs. By analyzing the hole compared to the men standing next to it, we can determine it was about 240cm cubed in volume and creating a hole like, especially with concrete, that would need about 3.4 tons of TNT. 



-Smashed a small hole in McDougal's ice wall.

-Kept up and almost defeated Scar.

-Took hits from Sloth. 

-Created a wall around 3 times his height in a matter of seconds.

-Transformed a hammer into a statue of Himself in seconds. 

-Managed to overwhelm Sloth with help from his muscle buddy and his wife. 


Boomstick: Armstrong's one of the view characters to beat down on a homunculus, smashed a small portion of an Ice Wall, and is the owner of the manliest handshake in anime history. 

Wiz: Despite this, his alchemy, like all alchemies, has strict limits. Something can come from nothing and all reshaped objects still have the same properties. He's also been prone to show mercy to his own enemies, easily letting his guard down. Plus, while a little crying isn't that bad, he always turns it to 11 any time he can. But all of this pales in comparison to his greatest weakness: His Sister. 

Boomstick: Looks like she's my weakness too. I'd transmute her to dinner if you know what I'm saying. 

Wiz: Boomstick, she could probably kill you with a look...So you should totally try with her. 

Boomstick: Great! The Armstrong family has a new member! Speaking of which, you shouldn't try outsmarting this alchemist or he'll give you a fistful of family history. 


Havoc?: Major, watch what you're doing! We don't wanna destroy the city, do we!? 

Armstrong: What do you mean? Destruction and Creation are two sides of the same coin! You must destroy to create! THAT IS THE LAW OF THE UNIVERSE!

Hawkeye: Did he have to strip?

-Major Alex Louis Armstrong

Steven Armstrong[]


(Music: United States National Anthem).  

Boomstick: Wiz, I hate politics. It's complicated, it's annoying, and it ruins thanksgiving. I mean, I always wanted to shoot Uncle Firearm, but for a fun reason, like he drank my lucky beer or supported my ex-wife's art career. But what I hate the most is that it's all the same. All out of touch old dudes dishing out the same stupid words. 

Wiz: Well, then I have a senator for you. Senator Steven Armstrong, running for president in the 2020 election. 

Boomstick: What's so cool about- 

Clips of Armstrong beating up Jack, absorbing electricity, explosions, play, ending with him looking smug holding a cigar

Boomstick:...Okay, I'm listening. 

(Music: Armstrong 2 - Metal Gear Rising)

Wiz: While his childhood is unclear, some key facts are known. Steven Armstrong was raised in Texas and even joined the University's football team, and was good at it. 



-Full Name: Senator Steven Armstrong

-Age: >35

-Height: 6'7 (200cm)

-Weight: 500 lbs. (226 kg) 

-Born in Texas

-Senator of Colorado 

-Leader of the strongest private military company in the world 

-Secretly a cyborg. 


Boomstick: Of course, instead of trying for a promising career in football, he decided to be patriotic and join the navy...or maybe he had a low credit score, either way, Armstrong eventually ended up back at the USA...infused with a new worldview. 

Wiz: It's extremely likely his time in the military made something snap within him. It can be assumed Steven saw people fighting and giving their life, not for what they wanted, but for the US economy. After arriving home, Armstrong decided that with him in office, war as a business would end.

Boomstick: But before you call him some peace-loving hippie, he only wanted to do this so Americans could fight for whatever the hell they wanted. Complete Anarchy too? This just keeps getting better and better! 

Wiz: Steven's passionate speeches gave him a leg up in the Colorado Elections, and eventually, he made it to the United States senate. Of course, in order to complete his plan, Steven would have to become the president. 

Boomstick: Of course, because he's a Metal Gear villain, simple posters and rallies wouldn't be enough. So he decided to start up the most destructive political campaign ever. Step 1: Lead a powerful private military company. Step 2: Do some war crimes here and there. Step 3: Frame a foreign country for killing Americans. Step 4: Make people so angry they vote for him. Step 5: Destroy America and rebuild it into Super America. 

Wiz: And because this is Japan writing America, to be the most politically powerful man in the US wasn't enough. He decided that to achieve his dream, he would have to become the most physically powerful man too. And to do this, he used-


(Music: Collective Consciousness Instrumental) 

Boomstick: Despite quoting Reagan and...that other guy, Armstrong says YES to drugs. The AWESOME KIND that is. If you try to punch Steven, his own skin will harden, though this does give him the "dipped in tar" look. 



-Harden in response to physical trauma. 

-Absorb energy from other machines. 

-Increase Steven's strength. 

-Magnetic properties. 

-Fast healing. 

-Create explosions. 


Wiz: The Nanomachines seem to provide other powers to Armstrong too. Once, Jetstream Sam managed to cut his arm off, but Steven managed to reattach it moments later. 

Boomstick: Not before improvising via turning his arm into a knife. Must be a pain to recharge these things. I mean, sticking a charger into your skin millions of times a day. 

Wiz: Not exactly. The nanomachines have a strange ability to levitate nearby electronics and absorb their very energy, as well as turn Armstrong into a human magnet. He can use this power to sort of pretend to have telekinesis.  

Boomstick: He can use the power of magnets to throw HELICOPTERS AT YOU! These appear to be medium helicopters that can weigh at least 14000 pounds, and he throws five of them after blowing them up. That's 70 thousand pounds. 

Wiz: The energy he's absorbing also seems to have the side effects of pyrokinesis. He can use this power to generate massive explosions and even fire around his body. And if he's not in the mood to blow you to bits, he's skilled in wrestling, with his main fight strategy to keep his enemies on the ground as long as possible. 

Boomstick: If you don't think this guy's awesome enough, he has the Metal Gear EXCELSUS, only we're not using that. Why? Because he said "fuck this" and decided to fight Raiden himself. The same Raiden who cut the MG like butter and suplexed the damn thing! Armstrong even decided to one-up him by blowing up the thing with his fists alone. 

Wiz: He even managed to catch and break the high-frequency blade, which slices through Metal Gears clean, and could withstand blows from Raiden as well. 



-Destroyed The Metal Gear EXCELSUS.

-Easily blew up numerous helicopters and tanks.

-Defeated Jetstream Sam. 

-Was an equal match for Raiden. 

-Caused civil unrest in the USA. 


Wiz: Senator Armstrong is a planner. He delivers speeches with a passion that could convince many to side with him and is an expert on starting war and chaos. But he's not perfect. Nanomachines can be beaten and overclocked by fast attacks that could outpace their spread and the Murasama is his kryptonite. Plus his goals for "the good" of America can be called into question. 


Armstrong: The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive!


Boomstick: Come on, Wiz. What's so bad about a little legal murder? Sadly, I can't vote for him because Jack in the Robobox ripped his heart out Kano style, which is the core of his nanomachine system. 

Wiz: Well, even after his heart was ripped out and his last breath drew, Senator Armstrong lived on through memes. 

Boomstick: MEMES? 

Wiz: Another can of worms for another day. 

Boomstick: Far enough. Memes or no memes, don't fuck with this senator. 


Raiden: How the hell did you get elected? 

Armstrong: Well, I don't write my own speeches. 

-Senator Steven Armstrong

Arms of the Strong[]

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities. 

Boomstick: But first, you should consider this guide on MAKING THE MOTHER OF ALL OMELETS:

[One add later]

Boomstick: But right now, it's TIME FOR AN ARMSTRONG DEATH BATTLE! 


(Setting: A small-ish town in the middle of nowhere, day). 

Coming into a small town in the middle of nowhere was a man named Alex Louis Armstrong. Following him were other military men sent to investigate various reports of terrorism. One of the men heard a clink from around an alleyway. Following the noise, he ended up at the end of a building to see a tragedy. Several knocked out people with dark skin, white hair, and closed red eyes. He heard something come from behind him. Stomps of a strongman. 

Before he could turn around, two muscular arms grabbed him, covering his screams. 

Steven: Sorry son, but I have ishvalans to frame. 

The neck crunched as he fell to the ground. Armstrong laughed and lit his cigarette. He looked up to the sky but was then in shock. A man covered by darkness was watching him from the top of the building, with hatred in his eyes. 

(Music: Eyes of Heaven - Funny Valentine Theme

He then jumped down, stripped, sparkled, and stuck the landing. He then sparkled more as he posed. 

Alex: You're going to regret that! 

The senator only laughed and raised his foot, stomping the ground. The energy was drawn from around the town and flowed through S. Armstrong. He ripped his shirt off and slammed his fists together. 

Steven: Not nice to spy on people. Guess you'll have to go too! 


The two Armstrongs rushed at each other as the fists collide. The shockwave produced shakes the city as the Armstrongs hold their punching position. Steven is the first to break the pose as he uses his other arm to try to uppercut the Major, but Alex dodges. The Strong Arm Alchemist runs like a boxer over to the senator. He throws two punches and they actually hit, but Steven's skin blackens. 

Alex: What? 

Steven: Haha! Can't hurt me like that, son! 

Steven grabs Louis by the sides and suplexes him. The senator gets up from the attack quickly and tries to punch the alchemist, but the blond Armstrong catches the blow and delivers one of his own. He uses the arm to pull himself up and throws more punches at the Senator's gut. S. Armstrong takes one from A. Armstrong's book and catches both fists. He then swings the bald alchemist and ends it by throwing him through the building they were fighting behind. Believing the fight to be over, he lights a cigar, but something of stone collides with his face.  

The senator looks back at the hole he created. Standing behind the clearing smoke was Alex, using the rubbing to create stone busts of his own head. He threw once again. Steven ran across the hole as he backhanded the oncoming projectiles. He jumps to punch, but Strong Arm hits the ground first, generating a large concrete wall that hits Armstrong.


Alex gets up and wipes his brow as Steven punches through the wall and it collapses. He looks at the rubbled he caused out of Armstrong's creation. 

Steven: What is this? 


(Music: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Battle Scherzo

Steven: Huh, small world for two large men. 

The two tackle each other like wrestlers. 

Steven: You know, my names Armstrong, too. 

The senator picks up the major and throws him to the ground with another suplex. The senator once again gets up and stomps on Alex's chest. 

Steven: Ever since I entered this country, I've heard shit about equivalent exchange and it's BULLSHIT! 

Steven stomped on A. Armstrong's chest harder and harder with more and more force with every bolded word. 

Steven: Men shouldn't just EXPECT whatever they gave to just COME RIGHT BACK TO 'EM! AUGH! People should FIGHT for what they want, not GIVE! It's laziness and WEAKNESS! 

The senator stopped stomping and raised his hand to the fallen major. 

Steven: This war will start it. And soon the Utopia the people desire will come to fruition! You're strong, you should join my "family." I can help you fight for what you believe in...

The major raised his hand...and smashed it to the ground! A large spike came and hit Steven right in the face. Armstrong got up.  

Alex: I've dealt with you BEFORE! 

A. Armstrong punched the ground again. Underneath the concrete slithered something. At a precise point, a stone fist went up, uppercutting the face of Senator Armstrong. He flew as Major Armstrong continued with his pose. 

Alex: Manipulating people into your agenda. Choosing genocide over actual change! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO CALL YOURSELF AN ARMSTRONG! *Sparkle*

He senator got up and spotted a nearby tank coming from the commotion of their fight. He sumo stepped and used the tank's energy for himself. It then started to levitate. 


Alex: You wish to talk about cowardness?

He threw the tank. It rushed towards Alex as he jumped and punched the tank. It snapped in two, except for one part, which turned into a spiked point. The point flew at S. Armstrong, who grabbed it, spun around, and threw again. 


Alex punched it back to Steven. 


The spike was caught once again, but Steven crushed it with one hand. 

Steven: How about it take one from your techniques by turning you into a FUCKING S'MOORE! 

The Senator sumo-stomped again and absorbed all the energy around him. Alex ran to counter-attack, but Steven smashed his fist to the ground, causing a massive explosion. Everything went black.


The surrounding houses and buildings turn to rubble. A fire mess had emerged. Steven Armstrong looked at the mess he'd made as well as the fallen major down before him.  He pulled out a third cigar and left...

...That's when a wall emerged from the ground around the two Armstrongs. 

(Music: Metal Gear Rising - It Has To Be This Way

The wall in front of Steven grew a statuesque face. Alex's face looking down on him. He turned around to see the injured Armstrong getting back up and smashing his fists together.


Steven: Can't a guy smoke in peace?  


Alex punched the ground as spikes emerged. The senator jumped out of the way. Alex spawned another spike line as Steven jumped to the side, but a wall spawned between him and his escape. With him trapped, Alex punched the ground once again and the line of spikes approached Steven. The senator copied the major as he punched the ground. The spikes were interrupted with a huge explosion. Emerging from the beam, Steven ran on the spikes with his arms extended out. 

He grabbed the alchemist and kept running, smashing him against his circular wall. Steven punched Alex in the face against the wall multiple times before Alex broke out by slamming his wall. A transmuted fist appeared and punched away S. Armstrong.  Alex followed his alchemy attack by unleashing a flurry of swings onto the senator. Another punch sent Senator Armstrong a good 5 meters away from Alex but still standing. That changed when the alchemist punched the ground and emerging was a statue of Alex Louis Armstrong flexing. The fist of the statue uppercut Steven as it rose from the ground. 

Steven was once again on the ground, be he quickly got up and punched the ground as hard as he could. The statue shattered as walls of fire exploded from the ground. Alex dodged before it engulfed him. Coming out of the flames was Armstrong once again. He ran and threw a punch, which Alex gave another punch. The fists collided again, making an even bigger shockwave than the first one. 

As the two held their position, Steven noticed his blackened arm acting wonky, with nanomachines moving when they should be solid. He felt pain. 

Alex: Like it? I noticed that your skin turns to metal when it's hit. METAL THAT CAN BE TRANSMUTED! 

Major Alex Louis Armstrong prepared his available fist. 


The fist was ready to hit...but time seemed to stop for the senator. He had a weak point figured out. Steven punched Alex's ribs as hard as he could. The man felt it as his bones bent. He recoiled back. Steven Armstrong rushed over to the injured man's back. Before Alex could turn around, the senator grabbed both of his arms. He pulled them straight, using his foot to distance the major's back. Nanomachines flooded through his legs as kicked the back of Alex Louis. The alchemist's arms were ripped off he was launched by the kick. He collided with the statue of his own face. 


The senator approached the armless Armstrong. 

Steven: Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're not spineless.

Senator Steven Armstrong used his hand to tear through Alex's back. The senator quickly ripped out the major's spine and impaled it through Alex Louis Armstrong's head. The major's armless, spineless corpse hung from the wall. 

Steven Armstrong: But you still have some shit to learn. 

Armstrong grabbed another cigar and used the burning fire to light it, with no one to interrupt him this time. 


(Music: The Hot Wind Blowing Instrumental

Boomstick: I was okay with the whole legal murder things, but Alex was really cool. Dick move, Armstrong. I'm voting third party. 

Wiz: The major was a powerful foe. His alchemy gave him a huge range advantage and he was a much more heroic person. But Steven was in an entire league of his own.  

Boomstick: A. Armstrong keeping up with the bullet-dodging Scar was impressive considers the average pistol fires at 1800 mph, but gunfire is nothing to Raiden, who dodged railgun round before he even got robocopped. That's waaaay faster. And S. Armstrong could counter him in their final fight and even got a few hits in. 

Wiz: With Scar covered, let's talk about the Sloth fight. While his exact weight is unclear, I highly doubt he weighs as much as the five helicopters Armstrong threw. And even if you want to blame that on his magnetic powers, he's pretty comparable to Raiden, who suplexed the Metal Gear EXCELSUS. 

Boomstick (whispers): Psssst, that's probably way more than five helicopters and a 10-foot tall dude. 

Wiz: Of course, injuring and taking blows from Sloth is nothing to sneeze at, especially with his Fort Briggs feats, but then we have Steven destroying his own Metal Gear. Estimating its height and comparing it to the explosion Armstrong caused, the force needed to pull this off would be about 122 kilotons of TNT. That's over 30 thousand times more powerful than Sloth. 

Boomstick: And before you say Alex could pierce and kill Sloth, Steven was completely fine being in the center of that explosion and could break Raiden's sword, which made metal gears look like butter. Hell, the senator could have finished Jack right there if Rush over here didn't toss him the super sword & motivational speech. But there's one more thing. Alex alchemies metal for a living and nanomachines are probably alchemy-able, so couldn't he just stab Steven with his own shield? 

Wiz: Well, maybe there are scenarios where that could happen and the major could take the fight. However, the nanomachines are extremely good at reforming to their original shape, like when Steven reattached his hand. Even if this wasn't the case, there's still some Armstrong in the nanomachines. The only alchemy shown to actually deconstruct human flesh is Scar's, a blend of alchemy and alkashestry, an art designed to heal humans. Completely different from what Alex uses.

Boomstick: Senator Armstrong was faster, tougher, and has matched much more powerful people than Alex. In the end, Steven's Arms were Stronger. 

Wiz: The Winner is Senator Steven Armstrong. 



"Those that tasted the bite of his sword named him...the Doom Slayer."

"Fresh victims for the ever-growing army of the undead."



-This is the first battle by Christianthepupbot under his new account "NEWChristianthepupbot."

-The connections between the two are that they are both muscular men with the surname "Armstrong" and have been involved in the military. Ironically, part of Alex's history is how he wished to stop an unjust war while Steven wished to cause won.  

-The Track name would be called "Stronger Arms." It would be mostly orchestrated with electronic intervals to fit both Fullmetal Alchemist's style and Metal Gear Rising's style, respectively. 
