Death Battle Fanon Wiki
East vs West, World War 3!
Season 1
Overall Episode 8
Season Episode 8
Air date 1/31/2024
Written by BigShark81913
Episode guide
Klaymen vs Wayne
Tarn vs Vile

Akatsuki vs Captain America is a What-If? Death Battle written by BigShark81913, featuring Akatsuki from Akatsuki Blitzkampf and Captain America from Marvel.


Akatsuki Blitzkampf vs Marvel! War, no matter how violent, is a key part to our human history. A simple soldier from any war, however, can rise to become a renowned hero. Will Akatsuki be able to defeat the Super Soldier? Or will Captain America strike down the Present Day Thunder God?


(Cue: Wiz and Boomstick)

Wiz: Since the dawn of time, wars have happened. Short or long, bloody or semi-peaceful, there will almost always be conflict between humanity.

Boomstick: For these wars, we need soldiers- brave men willing to die and go through weird chemical experiments for their country! Like Akatsuki, Imperial Japan’s Blitzsoldier.

Wiz: And Captain America, the United States’ Super Soldier.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win...a Death Battle!

Akatsuki is the storm in DEATH BATTLE![]

Akatsuki analysis

(Cue: Awakening)

Wiz: World War 2. A violent span of 6 years filled with bloodshed, separation, untrustworthiness, and overall chaos. Things were not looking good for the world.

Boomstick: Despite all of this tanks and planes mumbo jumbo, Imperial Japan was working very successfully with scientific experiments.

Wiz: A group of scientists formed an organization called Gesellschaft, an alliance between the New Order of Knights Templar and Imperial Japan.

Boomstick: A couple of years later, Gesellschaft discovered a power source oozing from the ancient Agarthan civilization in the Earth’s steamy core.

Wiz: The head scientists experimented with this element, and soon created an extremely powerful engine: the Blitz Motor. This was a gadget used to greatly enhance the bearer’s genetic abilities.

Boomstick: Though, they had one problem: they needed a test subject, and fast!

Wiz: Gesellchraft set up “Operation: Blitzsoldier” to implant the Blitz Motor into a test subject’s genetic makeup. And one man volunteered, a young Imperial technical engineer named Akatsuki.

Boomstick: So, doc and co hooked Akatsuki to a big ass machine and juiced him up! The Blitz Motor was succesfully implanted into his body, and he was ready to rock the Allied forces!

Wiz: His transformation gifted him the codename “Prototyp 1,” and he was deployed for engineering tasks for the benefit of Gesellchraft and the Imperial Army.

Boomstick: For many years, Akatsuki gladly served Gesellchraft, and it was finally time for his good-ol’ retirement. His last mission was to smuggle some Blitz Motors to allied nations. Until, boom! Bombs attack!

Wiz: Akatsuki’s ship was anonymously filled with explosives that detonated in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, seemingly killing him. However, he activated a tool called the Hibernation Control Unit and froze himself underwater to preserve him.

Boomstick: He was frozen longer than expected, and poor old Akatsuki stayed in his popsicle for about 50 whole years! Geez, imagine how hard it’d be to pee in there…

Wiz: Fast forward to the modern days, the ice began to finally crack, and Akatsuki was freed from his hibernation. With his assigned mission still in mind, Prototyp 1 ventured out into an unfamiliar world.

Akatsuki icepop

Boomstick: Unfortunately, what Akatsuki didn’t know was that Gesellchraft was actually a compromised group of nasty terrorists who kept the Blitz Motors Akatsuki was supposed to destroy to themselves!

Wiz: So, Prototyp 1 decided to track each traded Blitz Motor down and destroy them all to complete his quest. This journey landed him in Shangai, where he was attacked by an assassin by the name of Marilyn.

Boomstick: Akatsuki fought back, and absolutely kicked her ass! …though, he didn’t kill her, because of morals and shit.

Wiz: However, Marilyn wasn’t finished, and she called her assistants from the Black Hand mafia to chase Akatsuki down in secret.

Boomstick: He then went all the way back to Japan, and on his way his was confronted by an intelligence operative chick named Kanae, who was tipped off on Akatsuki’s arrival by the same Marilyn bitch and was required to snatch his Blitz Motor. So, what does he do? Beats the shit out of her as well.

Wiz: From this fight, Akatsuki discovered the masterminds behind the entire corporate scheme: his old coworkers, Ernst von Adler and Murakamo, now titled Akatsuki Zero.

Boomstick: So, he hitched onto another flight to Hong Kong, where he formed a weird alliance with a nun with a gun named Merel and a secret agent named Claude. They then went to strike at a secret Gesellchraft base in Tibet. Jeez, how much money is this traveling gonna take out of Akatsuki’s wallet?

Wiz: At Tibet, the trio was met with unlikely allies in the form of Kanae, Marilyn, and the Black Hand.

Boomstick: Y’know, the motherfuckers that tried to kill them before.

Wiz: Yeah, them. They tore through a mass amount of guards, slid throughout vents, and did all they could to find Murakamo, which the trio ended up succeeding in.

Boomstick: And then, another battle happened! Guns fired, swords clashed, and… oh, Akatsuki’s pals got tossed out of the building.

Wiz: This led Akatsuki to attempt his final confrontation with the one behind it all. Unfortunately for him, though, Murakamo was really good at using a sword.

Boomstick: Not just a sword. The old bastard drugged himself up with the stolen Blitz Motors!

Wiz: …yeah, he did. Anyways, Akatsuki eventually was able to destroy Murakamo completely, thus completing his goal of destroying all Blitz Motors and defeating his betraying friend. He then left his fallen foe’s blade in the bloodied ground and vanished, his current whereabouts unknown…

Akat killed a geezer

Boomstick: But that isn’t stopping us from going over his plethora of wild abilities!

Wiz: As we’ve mentioned before, Akatsuki’s powers mostly stem from the Blitz Motor implanted in his chest. The Blitz Motor has a seemingly endless source of energy, as its mechanisms are capable of converting life energy into battery power.

Blitz motah

Boomstick: And, hoo-boy, can this “little engine that could” do a lot. For example, the Blitz Motor is capable of generating magnetic waves, which allows it to straight up rob metal from an opponent like Magneto!

Wiz: It’s also able to shut down technology from a distance, proving many technological abilities useless against Prototyp 1.

Boomstick: Akatsuki can also generate a itty bitty forcefield around himself to protect him from a multitude of attacks. The Blitz Motor can also instantly burn through any possible ice attacks quite easily!

Wiz: He can also create shockwaves through a move called Kanzen Sekai, which generates a small boom of electricity that sends foes flying away.

Boomstick: Akatsuki can also drag energy into his little artificial robot heart and use it in combat, turning it into beams and balls of crackling life juice.

Wiz: Not all of his abilities come from the Blitz Motor, however. He’s incredibly skilled in his own form of martial arts.

Boomstick: His homemade kung fu moves include Kabuto Wari, a powerful overhead axe kick, Agito Wari, a simple uppercut, and Kawara Wari, an airbone fist strike. There’s a  whole lotta Waris here!

Wiz: One of his more “supernatural” moves is the Denkoudan, a purple orb of electricity that moves in a straight line. It can also be fired downwards while airborne, and it can be split into four blasts.

Akatsuki ballz

Boomstick: Akatsuki can also perform a Tekkoukyaku, a series of jumping kicks, Ningen Hakubou, a punch coated with electricty, and Kamikaze, a barrage of punches and kicks powerful enough to blow a foe to kingdom come.

Wiz: Finally, there’s his super move, titled the Õka. In this move, Akatsuki charges towards the foe, and delivers punches fast enough to create four afterimages that also attack the opponent.

Boomstick: Along with these cracked abilities, Akatsuki’s done some pretty wild shit. He’s a war veteran, after all!

Wiz: Prototyp 1 has been able to dodge and counter lightning based attacks from Adler and Elektrosoldat, and although they’re artificial bolts, they’re just as fast.

Boomstick: He’s also pretty damn strong! For instance, Akatsuki fought and defeated Kanae, who flipped a whole tank with her bare hands! He also created an huge landslide with his attacks that was capable of smashing the Hinterland to pieces!

Wiz: Going back to speed, Akatsuki is capable of easily dodging Sai’s blows, which move at subsonic speeds without any amplifications!

Boomstick: A soldier ain’t without faults though. For example, his Blitz Motor in general greatly reduces his lifespans and kinda hurts to use! He also does need to recharge his abilities, and outside of the Denkoudan, he is very shitty in range.

Wiz: Akatsuki went from a pawn in a terrorist scheme to a vigilante superpowered brawler who fights those who are unrighteous. Overall, Akatsuki is a war hero.

Akatsuki: “EX...S...? I fear the power of this device is classified. I cannot disclose that information.”


Captain America can do this all day in DEATH BATTLE![]

Captain America analysis

(Cue: Theme of Captain America)

Wiz: Picture this: The United States of America in the midst of World War 2, part of the Allied Forces globally feuding with the Axis. Soldiers were flocking in to help defeat these villains, no matter their origin.

Boomstick: And lost in the humungous amounts of soldiers was good ol’ Steve Rogers, a little guy from Brooklyn who was all skin and bones.

Wiz: Due to his small size, Steve was rejected from the military, but he never gave up due to the strong sense of hope in his soul. He was soon discovered by Professor Abraham Erskine, a head scientist in the development of a top-secret Super Soldier formula to help America win the war.

Boomstick: Little Stevie agreed to be tested on, and was thrown into a series of brainy shit like radiation and  a specialized serum that gave him history’s biggest glow up.

Wiz: The serum turned him into a muscular and tall strongman with superhuman abilities, proving him to be a formidable fighter for the Allies.

Boomstick: Until a Nazi spy came barging through the secret lab and fullboxed and no-scoped doc Erskine and destroyed all traces of the juggernaut juice, ensuring that Steve would be the last of his kind.

Wiz: Rogers assured that Abraham’s death would not be in vain, and he quickly donned a new persona and began to fight the Nazis as one of the most patriotic men in history: Captain America!

Boomstick: Steve carried on his Nazi-punching career for a while, and he eventually caught the eye of the villainous Red Skull, who, as you probably guessed, was red with anger towards Cap.

Wiz: One fateful day, Captain America and his sidekick Bucky closed in on the mad Nazi scientist Baron Zemo to destroy an experimental war plane that was powerful enough to wipe the Allied Forces out of the war.

Boomstick: As Zemo tried to fly away  in his plane, Cap managed to blow it up midair, plunging him into the Atlantic Ocean and freezing him entirely! The rotten Nazi spy got away, but because his machine was destroyed, the Nazis eventually lost the war.

Cap popsicle

Boomstick: Until one day, the mighty madcaps we know and love, the Avengers, discovered Cappy stuck in the decade-long pickle. They managed to unfreeze him, and Rogers eventually found out that he was real far into the future, and most likely lost everybody he loved.

Wiz: Little did he know, his good pal Bucky was kidnapped by Russian operatives and brainwashed, before being ruthlessly transformed into an agent of death, the Winter Soldier. Though, under his tortured body and wiped brain, there were still memories of his good friend…

Boomstick: Shut it with the sappy shit, Wiz!

Wiz: Geez, sorry.

Boomstick: Anyways, Cap kicked Bucky’s ass and brought him back to his senses. But that wasn’t the end of his troubles, because one more cheeky bastard was still roaming around: Red Skull! Somehow, Red Skull stayed alive for all those years, and when he found out Captain America was back, he was furious. Since then, he has become Rogers’ eternal archnemesis.

Wiz: Overall, Captain America has become one of the most inspirational heroes throughout the Marvel universe over time.

Boomstick: And he couldn’t do so without his cool powers and funky gadgets!

Wiz: Captain America’s easily most famous weapon is his trusty shield. A round weapon made from Vibranium, one of the world’s strongest metals, that works extremely well in both defense and offense.

Boomstick: And it does a whole lotta other things too! Ranging from absorbing and conducting electricity to ricocheting off of practically anything, this tricked-out frisbee is pretty neat. Plus it can straight up absorb straight up fire magic!

Wiz: The Super Serum also gave Rogers superhuman abilities. For instance, his sight and hearing are enhanced far beyond that of an average person, and his strength is greatly amplified by the Serum. It also grants him a mysterious “Sixth Sense,” with which he can react to his enemy’s attacks seconds before they even strike.

Boomstick: Outside of cool juices and a big disc, Cap is capable of really impressive shit through his training alone. He’s considered a genius in both battle tactics and basically everything else, and can master basically any weapon in existence by merely holding it!

Wiz: He’s also a genius when it comes to pressure points, and he could even render the superhuman Viper unconscious with these skills.

Boomstick: He’s also immune to gas attacks and most poisons, and even shit like vampirism!

Wiz: Captain America also isn’t lacking in amazing superhuman feats. For example, while heavily weakened, he easily bodied a full room of armed guards.

Boomstick: Little Steve is also capable of being scaled to other famous Marvel figures, like the time he bodied the Punisher, who beat the absolute shit out of Morbius the vampire and survived being thrown into an armored car!

Wiz: He also survived direct blows from the Abomination, who was capable of tossing entire buildings and surviving strikes from lightning.

Boomstick: Also, Cap fought against our favorite web slinger, Spider-Man, who managed to lift two tanks and smash them into each other!

Wiz: Back to his own feats, Steve, along with Spidey and the Thing, survived an explosion that leveled a minor part of Manhattan point-blank.

Boomstick: Rogers is also strong enough to smash a wall by ramming into it, throw a motorcycle while mid-air, punch a car so hard it stops instantly, and even fight against warriors trained from childhood like Valkyrie!

Wiz: Durability-wise, Rogers is no joke. For instance, he was capable of surviving the explosion of a massive helicopter called the Chimera, and while he was in the center of the core! He also survived being in the epicenter of a burning building with absolutely no injuries.

Boomstick: And now my favorite part, gun-related junk! Cap survived having his brains blown out by a pistol, and even rose from the deathbed with a hole in his head. He has also dodged direct shots from a sniper rifle and hit 3 armed guards with his shield with one throw!

Wiz: Despite his numerous strengths, Cap has some pretty bad weaknesses too. He’s somewhat a pacifist, and he doesn’t kill if it’s not necessary.

Boomstick: He also has a… somewhat disturbing attitude to sacrificing himself, for the greater good at least.

Wiz: As a whole, Captain America is one of the greatest heroes throughout our proud nation, and will never back down from what he thinks needs to he accomplished.

Boomstick: Wait, Wiz! We forgot to talk about the Liberty Lather-

Captain America: "“I'm with you 'til the end of the line.”



AkaMerica intermission

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities.


Death Battle[]

(Cue: Elevator Jam)

Underneath the bustling metropolis of New York City lied the subway station, a quick way to get around the vast area. A train quickly came out of the tunnels, and made a sharp stop in front of the docking area. After a few seconds, the doors opened, and a crowd of citizens stepped out, minding their own business. One of them, however, was extremely special.

A strange man wearing a brown cloak walked slowly out of the train. The figure merely grunted, and went along his way. He reached into the cloak’s pockets and pulled out a strange device, with a glowing red dot. The man then talked to himself.

“So, this is where the Blitz Motor ended up. Let’s look around.”

“Hello, mister Akatsuki.”

The soldier gasped, and turned around, only to see a built man clad with the stars and stripes of the United States. He held a glimmering shield made of strong metal. “I’m here on account of the United States Government to find something called a ‘Blitz Motor,’ and heard that you would know something about it.” The shadows vanished from the man’s face, and it was revealed to be the mighty Captain America.

The former Imperial soldier began to think. “A shield and a search for the Motor. He must be a part of the New Orders.” Akatsuki tossed his cloak off, and got into a fighting stance. “You aren’t getting that Motor, sir.”

Rogers sighed, lifted his shield, and attached it to his arm. “Doesn’t exactly make me happy to take down a fellow soldier.” Akatsuki, now provoked, leaped into the air and delivered a kick, which was blocked by Steve’s shield.

Akatsuki vs Rogers


(Cue: Scarlet Haze)

Cap pushed his shield upwards, knocking Akatsuki off, and he bashed into the Imperial with his weapon. The crowd all gasped at this sudden turn of events, and they all fled.

Akatsuki regained himself, and as Cap tossed his shield towards him, he grabbed it midair and crackled with electricity. “Don’t underestimate me.” He then transferred the electricity to the shield and threw it back, striking Rogers. However, he grabbed his shield and wiped his lip.

Prototyp 1 lifted his arm upwards, and aimed it towards Cap. “Kanzen Sekai!” A beam of electricity blasted towards Cap, but he powered through with his shield and slammed his knee against Akatsuki’s chest before delivering a swift uppercut that sent him flying upwards. The Imperial soldier flipped midair and started delivering the flurry of kicks he called the Tekkoukyaku.

Cap managed to block all but one kick, and it knocked the shield out of his hands and dropped him to the floor. Akatsuki landed and brushed his shoulder.

On the floor, Cap grinned, and he grabbed his shield and swung it around the floor, knocking the Blitzsoldier off his feet. He then leaped back up, and tossed the shield again, which clocked Akatsuki in the face and drew blood.

“Grrrh…” Akatsuki growled, and clenched his fist, before delivering the Kabuto Wari. Rogers was knocked back, and Akatsuki delivered a sweep to his legs, but Cap flipped over it and landed on his feet behind Akatsuki.

“Stay on your feet, soldier.”

Akatsuki laughed at Cap’s remark, and his fist began to sparkle with electricity. The Blitzsoldier delivered a punch towards Cap, who blocked it with his shield but was sent sliding back a few feet. He then threw his fist towards Cap’s face, but he avoided it and headbutted his arm away before shield bashing him straight into a vending machine.

Cap walked slowly towards Akatsuki, who mysteriously placed his hand on the power box of the machine. “Alright, now tell me: where’s the Motor?”

The Blitzsoldier smirked, and his whole body crackled with the energy he absorbed from the machine. He tackled Rogers against the train and delivered a barrage of punches towards his chest. Enduring through the pain, Cap grabbed Akatsuki’s arm and tossed him to the side before pulling himself out of the indent on the train and picking his shield up again.

The power dispersed from Akatsuki, and he got back into his fighting stance, before he saw the shield flying towards him again. He quickly ducked, but the shield bounced off the walls and struck him in the back of the head. Cap grabbed his shield, and rammed into Akatsuki, who dug his feet into the already damaged ground and put them both in a standstill. The Blitzsoldier pounded his chest, and a forcefield surrounded him and pushed Cap backwards.

Rogers began to analyze Akatsuki to find out how to deal with the shield. Meanwhile, Akatsuki began to charge electricity to fire at Cap.

With his idea in mind, Steve began to circle his foe, who sent trails of electricity after him. Rogers acrobatically grabbed onto a sign listing the train arrivals and slammed his shield into Akatsuki’s forcefield, seemingly proving to be no use…

…until the conductive Vibranium of Cap’s shield began to absorb the electricity inside the forcefield, and it instantly disappeared! Akatsuki tried shielding himself from impact with his arms, but Rogers’ sheer strength plus the electricity his shield absorbed proved to be too much and he was sent crashing into a bench.

“I won’t ask nicely again. Where’s the-” Cap was instantly slammed by a massive purple ball of sheer energy. He rolled over, but anchored his shield into the ground and caught himself. “I’m taking it myself!” Akatsuki charged towards the downed Cap and kicked his shield, releasing a shockwave that pushed Rogers farther away from his weapon. Akatsuki lifted his hand, and due to the Blitz Motor’s magnetic properties, the shield flew up and snapped to his arm. “Goodbye.”

Rogers wasn’t ready to relinquish the weapon to this stranger, so he charged towards him and delivered a straight kick to his back. Akatsuki caught himself, and turned around. Cap was standing up and raring to go, so he dropped his shield and it rolled towards his foe. “Take it.”

Steve smirked, picked up his shield, and ran towards Akatsuki. The Blitzsoldier moved out of the way of his punch, and he delivered an Agito Wari before lighting his fist with electricity and throwing a punch towards the descending Avenger. Rogers held his shield out, and it absorbed the electricity before sending it back to Akatsuki and electrocuting him, stunning him.

Prototyp 1’s right hand was still movable, and as Cap threw his fist towards him, he grabbed it with said arm and tossed Rogers to the side before freeing himself from the shock. He delivered a Ningen Hakubou straight to Rogers’ face, singeing his mask and pounding him against the wall. Steve tossed his shield, but the Blitzsoldier easily dodged it and frowned. However, Cap let out a grin.

“Watch your back.”

The shield came back to Cap and slammed Akatsuki in the back, before Rogers picked it up and rammed into Prototyp 1 again. The Imperial swiftly kicked Cap’s shield and bounded into the air before delivering another downwards kick, but Rogers’ blocked it and shoved his shield forward.

While midair, Akatsuki managed to cast another Denkoudan, and it split into five smaller versions. They all quickly blasted towards Cap, who managed to outrun them. One of the encroached on him, and he split it in two with his shield. He then charged at the other four, instantly destroying them and sending smoke to the ceiling of the now abandoned subway. Cap brushed his shoulder and looked around, with no sight of Akatsuki.

Suddenly, his “sixth sense” began to act up. He gasped, and moved to the right, before seeing a massive rush of electricity erupt from the ground in a straight line. He spotted Akatsuki at the other side, and readied his shield. The Blitzsoldier punched the ground again, and another line of glowing electricity rocketed towards Rogers. However, he stuck his shield in front of him and ducked, and the electricity went around his shield.

“I’m ending this.” Akatsuki remarked, before he sent another Denkoudan towards Cap. Rogers managed to avoid it, but it hit the roof above him and it began to crack. A mass amount of concrete fell from above, and Steve was buried underneath. Akatsuki reached into his pocket and pulled out the device from earlier, before walking off.

Suddenly, the concrete began to shake, and in a mighty burst, the rubble blasted in many different directions with Cap standing triumphantly with his shield in hand! Angered, Akatsuki clenched his fist, accidentally crushing the device in his hand. “Just stay the hell down.”

Cap laughed, and put his shield to his chest. “Language!” Trying to gain the upper hand, Akatsuki charged towards Rogers with a fist full of electricity, but the Avenger managed to scoop up the falling concrete and sling it towards the Imperial. In a slow-motion style, Akatsuki smashed each brick of concrete with his fists and dodged the last one, before grabbing it and smashing it on Cap’s face, pushing him on his back. Steve rolled over, and aimed his shield upwards while on his knee. Akatsuki slammed his elbow down on the Vibranium weapon, which created an electrical force that send all the scattered trash in the subway circling around in the newly created winds.

Akatsuki used the small windstorm in the underground area to his advantage, creating electrical currents to fly towards Cap. They all struck his shield and knocked it out of his hands, before the last one electrocuted his legs and partially stunned them. With a charge fist, Prototyp 1 charged towards Cap, ready to strike. “I am the thunder god!” he shouted!

As he closed in on Rogers, the Avenger gained a plan. Akatsuki then threw his punch, but Cap moved his head, then he lifted his arm before karate chopping his neck. Akatsuki yelled out in pain, and Cap grabbed his arm and pushed his elbow down, temporarily disabling it. He then lifted Prototyp 1 over his head and tossed his into the air, hoping to incapacitate his foe.

Akatsuki used his good arm to grab onto a nearby electrical cord and tie it into a lasso of sorts. Rogers picked his shield back up, and they both began to walk in a circle around each other. “Listen, we can just sort things out. Now stay still, and-” Akatsuki then interrupted Cap. “I know your tricks, Templar scum.”

“Templar? What?” Cap was cut short by Akatsuki firing a beam of energy from the implanted Blitz Motor straight towards him, and it cut a gash into his left arm. Though weakened, he was able to catch his shield and use it to deflect it towards his foe, who quickly ran past it and shut it off. Now at a distance, Rogers tossed his shield again, but Akatsuki dodged it and used the electrical cord to tie around the shield. He let go of the rope, and it wrapped around Cap’s leg, dragging him along with the shield that bounced around the room and eventually latched onto the back of the dormant subway train.

Akatsuki hopped off the ledge in front of the track, and walked towards the back where Cap was stuck. He climbed the ladder, and his fist began to sparkle with more electricity. “I’ll make this quick, soldier.”

The sparks flying from the wire went into a hole in the bottom of the train, and it activated the engine! The train, in an instant, blasted off deeper into the tunnel with both fighters still boarded.

The sheer speed alone sent Akatsuki flying to the top of the train, leaving Cap tangled in the back. However, he cut himself free using the edge of his shield and climbed to the top of the speeding vehicle. “Are you ready to quit yet?” Akatsuki remarked, getting back into a fighting stance. Cap readied his shield and smiled.

“I can do this all day.”

The two charged towards each other, and Cap got the first punch to Akatsuki’s chest, before roundhouse kicking him to the ground and slamming his shield to the roof of the train. However, the Blitzsoldier dodged it, and he cracked his knuckles before his hands began to shimmer with electricity again. He delivered a blow straight to the center of Cap’s shield, and it shoved the Avenger backwards and tossed his shield into the air. Almost falling off the train, Cap caught himself, and swung his leg in just the right time to strike the shield and send it towards Akatsuki.

The Blitzsoldier’s eye flickered red, and he swiftly dodged the shield before grabbing it midair and throwing it at Cap, who was knocked back and started dragging against the tunnel’s walls. “Aaarrggghh…” Rogers grunted, before an idea came into his mind. He lifted his shield from the ground and pressed it against the wall, building up kinetic energy and starting a fire on his Vibranium tool. Steve then made a full turn, before releasing his shield.

The metal weapon bounced across the walls, still aflame, and struck Akatsuki in the chest, cutting a gash in his clothes and skin and knocking him over. Cap walked slowly over to his downed foe. “Alright, I’ll walk you in for some questioning.”

Akatsuki wasn’t finished, as he suddenly delivered a swift Agito Wari to Cap’s chin and then started Kamikaze, barraging him in the chest with a flurry of punches and kicks. His fist crackled with electricity, and in one fell swoop, smashed Rogers in the chest with Ningen Hakubou. Blood splattered everywhere, and Captain America rocketed upwards and burst through a concrete overhead. He landed back on the train, and pinned his shield to the ground.

“I didn’t want to have to do this to you, soldier.” Akatsuki said. Roger shakily rose back up and picked up his shield, before wiping the blood off his face. His mask was now gone, and his face was dripping with blood. “I’m never going to give up.”

Rogers let out a mighty battle cry, and he charged towards Akatsuki with his shield in hand. The Imperial clenched his hands and they began to crackle, and he grabbed onto Cap’s shield and began to push. With a mighty yell Cap managed to overpower Akatsuki and toss him aside, but he managed to stay on his legs and put his hand towards Steve.  A white beam erupted from his hand, and it cut a circle around where Cap was standing and he fell into the train. Akatsuki leaped down, and readied himself.

“On your left.”

Akatsuki turned around, and Cap delivered a punch directly to his face. He then kneed the Blitzsoldier in the chest and pinned him against the wall. Prototyp 1 broke free, and he slid to the other side of the train cart. He leaped, and delivered a Tekkoukyaku downwards towards Rogers, who blocked it with his fists and threw his shield back at Akatsuki, who dodged it and landed on his feet. The shield bounced around the room and eventually sliced a handrail in half, and Akatsuki threw a punch towards Steve.

The American hero grabbed the falling handrail and used it to block the punch, before utilizing it as a battering ram and shoving Akatsuki out of the front door of the subway cart. They both landed in another train section, and Akatsuki looked around before he was caught by a swing of Rogers’ handrail and smashed into the hard window.

“I am the storm!” Akatsuki yelled as he crackled with electricity and pushed the handrail off with his back, before summoning another glowing Denkoudan that whirled towards Cap. The Avenger was struck by it, and his uniform was torn even further. He caught himself, however, and managed to catch the rest of the attack with his shield and channel the energy back to Akatsuki. It hit the Blitzsoldier, and he winced in pain.

Cap lifted his shield and rammed into Akatsuki again, pushing them both further through all the doors in the train until they ended up in the last cart before the control panel. Akatsuki leaped over the Avenger’s head after the attack, and he punched the ground again, sending another Kanzen Sekai towards Cap and blasting him against the wall. The wound on his chest starting oozing more blood, but he still wouldn’t give up.

“Y’know why there are no knock knock jokes about America?”

“Why is that?”

“Because freedom RINGS!

Cap delivered a strong uppercut to Akatsuki’s neck, so strong that it fired them both upwards and tore a clean hole through the roof. Cap landed on his feet and raised his shield, while Akatsuki rolled over and landed on his back. He rose, cracked his fingers, and began to sparkle again. “Let’s finish this now!”

Now in the final clash, Captain America charged towards Akatsuki with all his might. The Blitzsoldier crackled with sheer electricity, and he began to stomp his feet and send more Kanzen Sekais towards Rogers, who managed to dodge them all and bound in the air before pressing his shield downwards, and striking Akatsuki across the whole body. The Imperial swiftly kicked the shield out of Cap’s hands, but his foe grabbed the handrail from earlier as a temporary replacement.

Rogers jabbed the beam towards Akatsuki, but he slid under it and grabbed it from below, before pinning it to the speeding walls of the tunnel and letting it go towards Captain America. The superhero bounded over it, and he grabbed his shield from the ground before ramming into Akatsuki and pushing them both on top the front of the train. Rogers swung his shield downwards and struck Akatsuki, pushing him onto the front window. He grabbed onto a small indent of the front and swung himself upwards, delivering a kick to Steve’s face and inching him backwards. The Blitzsoldier pounded his chest once again, and a mysterious aura began to surround him.

“The Blitz Motor is mine, and I will protect my country from all threats.”

Cap smiled, and raised his shield. “We have common goals, I see. How about we finish this?”

Akatsuki smirked, and the aura completely enveloped him. He crossed his arms. Unbeknownst to Cap, he was casting the Õka. In a blinding flash, Akatsuki rushed towards Cap and started pounding him with punches and kicks, before he miraculously split into four afterimages that continued to fight him. Struggling to rise, Cap was swinging punches left and right, trying to hit his foe.

He reached for his shield, and with a lucky shot, hit Akatsuki straight in the chest and he flew upwards. The helpless Blitzsoldier fell down to the front of the train along with the rubble, and in a second, his chest was impaled by a metal spike formed from the concrete destroying the front of the train. The subway still sped on, however.

Rogers, horrified at what he had just done, ran to the edge of the train and held his hand out. “Grab my hand! C’mon!”

Akatsuki struggled, but it proved to be no use. He looked Steve straight in the eyes. “Even if my body dies… my soul will protect my country.”

And with that, the train crashed into the end of the tunnel.

Captain America pulled himself free from the rubble and brushed the dirt off his torn constume. He walked around the burning area and saw Akatsuki’s lifeless and burnt body, bleeding out. Rogers walked towards it and picked it up, before walking off into the distance.

“This is my fault. You will receive a hero’s sendoff.”

The All-American hero walked into the darkness of the tunnel, ready to continue his mission and honor his fallen foe.


  • Ending Screen A: Captain America drives home on his motorcycle with the Blitz Motor in tow, ready to receive full punishment for the accident.
  • Ending Screen B: Akatsuki’s lone grave lies in the middle of a forest, the tombstone reading “He loved his country, more than anything else.”


Boomstick: After almost 100 years, he actually died. Damn.

Wiz: This scuffle of America vs Japan was decently tough to figure out. Let’s start with Akatsuki’s general advantages.

Boomstick: For starters, Prototyp 1 was muuuuch faster than good ol’ Cap. Rogers’ greatest speed feat is dodging sniper rifles, while Akatsuki could straight up dodge direct lightning bolts from Elektrosoldat!

Wiz: Akatsuki also had a much wider array of abilities then Captain America, who’s main weapon is his shield. His magnetic abilities would also allow him to straight up steal Rogers’ shield from his hands, due to Vibranium’s extremely magnetic properties.

Boomstick: He also had generally better feats of lifting strength, with him beating the shit out of somebody who flipped a tank with her bare hands.

Wiz: That’s really where Akatsuki’s advantages end though. Truth be told, Captain America had virtually everything else up his sleeve.

Boomstick: For instance, the Super Serum is basically the Blitz Motor in terms of strength, except with absolutely zero consequences to using it. While Akatsuki experiences lotsa pain while using his weapon, Steve can, as he would say, do this all day!

Wiz: Captain America was also vastly more durable than Akatsuki, who… generally lacks notable feats in durability. Meanwhile, Rogers could tank an exploding airship and being smashed by fists bigger than himself.

Popup: Although Akatsuki had more abilities, Cap’s shield is also an amazing multitasker, along with Rogers’ ability to work with practically any weapon he gets his hands on.

Boomstick: Cap’s shield was also the perfect foil to almost everything Akatsuki could do. As we said before, Vibranium is a great conductor of electricity, which means that Rogers could use Akatsuki’s electricity based attacks against him most of the time.

Wiz: Rogers also had better chances in terms of range. Given that Akatsuki has only two ranged based attacks, Cap essentially had much more range with his shield alone, namely its ability to bounce off walls and come back like a boomerang.

Boomstick: They were almost dead even in combat experience, though Cap takes the cake given that he’s basically got a master’s degree in pressure points while Akatsuki specializes in close up punches and kicks.

Wiz: Plus, Captain America’s overall will to keep fighting is much stronger, taking into example that he was shot directly in the head and prescribed dead, but awoke on his deathbed to catch the crooks who got away.

Boomstick: But that also brings us to the fact that Cap is more likely to hold back than Akatsuki, mainly because he’s much more of a pacifist compared to the Blitzsoldier, who has killed folks quite a lot.

Wiz: In the end, Akatsuki was stronger, more varied, and his powerful magnetic abilities could screw with Cap, but in the end, Rogers had everything else in the bag.

Boomstick: You American’t deny it, because Akatsuki’s Ja-plan was no use.

Wiz: The winner is Captain America.

Cap Am wins
  • Captain America (Winner)
    • + Striking strength
    • + More durable
    • + Shield absorbed Akatsuki’s electricity
    • + More experienced
    • + Better at hand-to-hand
    • - Slower
    • - Akatsuki’s magnetic abilities screwed shield over a bit
    • - Less weapons
  • Akatsuki (Loser)
    • + Faster
    • + Magnetic abilities screwed with Cap’s shield
    • + More abilities
    • - Cap’s shield screwed electricity over
    • - Everything else

Next Time[]


Vile: “I’ll make you understand!”


Vile: “You will know that I am the one who hold the key to the future!”

Episode 9: Tarn vs Vile


  • The connections between Akatsuki and Captain America are that they are both combat experts who fought on opposing sides of WW2, and were eventually given physical enhancements through experimental devices. They were frozen under the seas during the war and re-awoken in the modern day. Both characters have a history of getting involved with a conflict against a shadow organization.