Akame vs Samurai Jack is a What-If? Death Battle by AksisTheArchonPriest.
Previous Death Battle: Caboose vs Yang
Vote who you think will win/want to win here.
Akame ga Kill vs Samurai Jack! Two lethal katana wielding warriors go head-to-head! Will the assassin of Night Raid end this in one slice, or will the samurai lost in time walk away unscathed?
Wiz: Lands plagued by corruption. Societies dominated by lies and deception. Worlds ruled by evil. People will band together to overthrow the leaders controlling them, but ultimately one person will be the one to end it, and these two are perfect examples of those warriors.
Boomstick: Akame, the assassin of Night Raid that only needs one good hit to end a fight.
Wiz: And Samurai Jack, the time traveling warrior destined to destroy Aku.
Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.
Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Wiz: The Imperial Empire. A place of wealth and prosperity where people can live and flourish happily. At first glance this heavily fortified kingdom would seem like a safe haven for all.
Boomstick: Buuuuut since this is anime there’s bound to be some messed up shit hiding around every corner, and dear God is there. The wealthy people that live there are some of the biggest scumbags you could ever know exist, like I’d rather become friends with Nazis than these assholes... n-not that I'd ever want anything to do with Nazis, that- that's the whole point I'm trying to make.
Wiz: Yes, we can see that, Boomstick. Even the military there is no exception, and unfortunately many innocents have become victims of their abuse of power. One such individual was a small girl named Akame. When she was young, her parents sold her and her sister Kurome to the Empire as participants of a cruel test. They threw unprepared children in the middle of a beast infested forest to fend for themselves and took the survivors to train them to become vicious killing machines. Akame and Kurome miraculously survived but were separated to make sure they couldn’t rely on each other.
Boomstick: Jesus. Yeah, these guys are definitely worse than Nazis. She was trained in combat by a guy named Gozuki and was added to an assassin squad called the Seven. Not to be mistaken for the hero group that are equal douchebags to the Empire. Armed with a sword that could make unhealable wounds, she was the best in the group, made very clear by the many times they needed to replace someone in it.
Wiz: As many of her ‘comrades’ came and went, she began to despise the Empire more and more, until during one mission she had a chance meeting with her target, General Najenda, who convinced her to join her side to fight for a better cause. Thus, she joined the assassin group known as Night Raid. Now with a new goal and a new team she could fight alongside, she was a key role in their fight against the Imperial Empire and proved herself to be one of the greatest assassins in the group, not because she was particularly strong or powerful, but because of her frightening lethality.
Boomstick: Her time in the Empire, the Seven, and Night Raid let her hone her skills in stealth, combat, and assassination. She’s really skilled with a katana and can chop down tons of foes in the blink of an eye, even going up against other skilled fighters and finishing the fight unscathed. Being an assassin, she naturally goes for the throat to finish opponents off as efficiently as possible, but she’s not afraid to chop them down to size if she needs to, which is hardly ever mostly thanks to her new weapon.
Wiz: After her original Teigu was shattered, she was equipped with an even deadlier katana that would further her death dealing potential tremendously. The “one hit killer”, Murasame, a sword so deadly that the slightest cut could end your life. The second the blade pierces your skin, a poison like curse spreads throughout your body from the wound, and once it fully takes effect, the victim dies. If held by someone incompatible with the Teigu, it will harshly reject the wielder with the many burdens the blade carries. It’s so dangerous to wield that Akame needs to wear gloves in order to clean it so she doesn’t accidentally kill herself.
Boomstick: Meh, who needs to wear gloves when you clean your weapon? I don’t when I work on my guns and I’ve come out completely fine. I’m plenty careful.
Wiz: Boomstick, just yesterday you almost shot your arm off trying to clean your shotgun leg... twice.
Boomstick: Yeah, key word, “almost”. Your point?
Wiz: Ugh, anyway. As deadly and potent as this curse is, most of the time the curse isn’t even what kills her targets. Her skill and precision with a blade is often all she needs to finish her opponent, all made even more lethal with her speed. She’s blindingly fast, quick enough to move faster than the eye can track and slice up her victims before they can even register what’s happening.
Boomstick: Hell, she was quick enough to outpace Zank the Headhunter, who had a Teigu that let him see and predict his opponents' movements before they even started moving, kind of like Taskmaster but psychotic. She’s not too reliant on the sword’s curse, but it comes in pretty handy against tougher fighters.
Wiz: Well, most of the time it does, but the curse can be stopped by severing the wound it starts from... or even just removing the limb it’s on altogether, which a few people in this anime are crazy enough to do. But moving faster than the eye can track is far from her limits. According to Wave, she is capable of running at Mach speeds, and her other feats support this. She’s avoided automatic fire, ran fast enough to create afterimages, and when she was fighting against Esdeath, she was fast enough to avoid a bolt of lightning fired by Budo, meaning she can react to speeds over Mach 280. Over 220 thousand miles per hour!
Boomstick: But of course, she makes use of her assassin training on a lot of her missions. She’s a master of stealth, using her environment and the shadows to stay out of sight. She can even conceal her aura so that others can’t sense her, giving her all the time she needs to get in close and finish them off. But occasionally, more skilled opponents can give her a bit of trouble. Luckily if that ever happens, she’s got a failsafe to get the upper hand, her Trump Card.
Wiz: Many of the Teigu in her world have special powers the user can activate or passively start, ranging from a wide variety for each one, and Akame’s is a super mode called “Little War Horn”.
Boomstick: ’Sigh’ Welp, time to add that to the long list of stupid names for awesome stuff. But as dumb as it sounds, the power up is well worth cutting herself with a curse inflicting sword that could very well kill her to activate it.
Wiz: By accepting responsibility for her actions and trying her hardest to somehow resist the curse’s effects, she activates a mode that increases her physical prowess tremendously.
Boomstick: It enhances just about everything there is to offer. Stronger, faster, and a whole lot more endurance, anyone who goes up against her when she’s like this is just cannon fodder.
Wiz: This is usually only ever used as a last resort if need be. However, she hardly ever needs to given her already impressive abilities. While nowhere near as strong as most of her allies, she’s exceptionally strong. She's strong enough to slice people's limps clean off, the average force required to do so being over 150,000 Newtons, is able to chop up multiple people so thoroughly that they become nothing but splatters of blood, slice through a stone pillar, and with her Trump Card activated is capable of breaking through large amounts of ice in her final fight with Esdeath.
Boomstick: She could fight on par with highly skilled fighters like Esdeath and her younger sister Kurome, jump super high, move fast enough that Esdeath, who could also react to lightning, couldn’t keep track of her, cut up an entire hallway full of people in the blink of an eye, and could even move so fast that her afterimage stayed in place after Esdeath stopped time??? How in the hell?
Wiz: Her abilities make her one of the most well-rounded assassins in both Night Raid and the Imperial Empire, but nobody is invincible... this series kinda hammers that concept into you. She is particularly fragile compared to her other teammates and is lacking when it comes to durability.
Boomstick: Yeah, she’s not too tough. Kinda the reason why she relies on her speed, stealth, and skill in a fight. Plus, she’s got a kryptonite that’s almost as bad as Wonder Woman’s, you know, the one that makes her vulnerable to just about any and all piercing weapons? While she’s super fast and skilled, strong armor and tough enough opponents make her one-hit-kill sword practically useless. If she can’t pierce her opponent’s flesh, the curse can’t take effect.
Wiz: But at the very end of the day, Akame ultimately defeated Esdeath, one of the biggest obstacles standing between them and tearing down the Empire, reunited with her sister, and voyaged off on her own to do one thing. Survive until she finally finds a new path to follow.
Boomstick: So when you see her staring you down with her blade out, you best hope that you aren’t her target, 'cause if you are, you’re as good as dead.
Akame is seen shattering Zank’s blades before reeling her sword back preparing to strike.
Akame: Eliminate.
Akame strikes forward, cutting through Zank’s throat as blood flies from his neck and mouth as he falls to the floor bleeding out.
Samurai Jack[]
Wiz: Long ago in the vastness of space, a vile entity of destruction threatened the universe, a threat so great that three almighty gods stepped in to vanquish it. Unfortunately, a small piece of this being escaped and crash landed on Earth. There it laid, slowly growing and corrupting the land around it for centuries, until one day, a Japanese emperor ventured into its domain and shot it with an arrow doused in magic oil in an attempt to destroy it.
Boomstick: But instead of killing it, it transformed the weird black goop and created the powerful shape shifting master of darkness, Aku. Who also sounds like Uncle Iroh. Kind of 'Iroh'nic since they’re, like, complete opposites. He swatted away the emperor and went on a rampage, until the gods that tried destroying Aku before decided to help the emperor out, and with their help, he sealed Aku away forever... just kidding! He eventually broke out years later just like every other big bad that gets locked away.
Wiz: His return brought mass destruction in his wake, and the emperor and his armies were easily wiped out. The last remaining hope for Aku’s destruction would lay in the hands of the emperor’s son, who would come to be known as Jack.
Boomstick: Watchout!
Wiz: After this harrowing experience, young Jack ventured the world to train in preparation to finish what his father was unable to, and he wouldn’t stop until he was fully prepared.
Boomstick: He spent years training in a bunch of different combat from tons of skilled fighters, like gladiators, Shaolin Monks, a Russian boyar, and even Robin Hood, teaching him skills like wrestling, archery, Kung Fu, ninjutsu, and a whole bunch of other fighting styles. After he finished his training, he was ready to fight Aku. All he needed was the one weapon that would let him do it.
Wiz: As Aku cannot be harmed by conventional means, in order for his father to seal him away the first time, the gods forged a nigh indestructible blade capable of harming pure evil. This katana is capable of many things your average sword is not, such as redirecting energy and fire. Now with his training finished and his weapon in hand, he was finally ready to go up against the evil sorcerer. However, he was unaware of one glaring issue.
Boomstick: Aku... was a little bitch. Yeah, instead of fighting Jack man-to-man, he created a portal to the future and threw him inside of it so he could just avoid fighting him altogether.
Wiz: There he decided to go under the alias of Jack and found himself with a new mission.
Boomstick: (Singing) Gotta get back. Back to the past. Samurai Jack.
Wiz: Now lost in an unfamiliar land ruled by the evil sorcerer, he ventured forth to seek him and return to his own timeline. Luckily thanks to his training, he was fully capable of accomplishing this.
Boomstick: He’d need it too, cause Aku painted a giant target on his back once he found out he was in the future by making him a high value bounty, which caught a lot of attention. Bounty hunters, robots, bounty hunter robots, ninjas, a clone of himself, and even a robot assassin that plays musical instruments. Name it and he probably fought some form of it.
Wiz: And he has the endurance to take them down. He can go up against hordes of robotic forces, occasionally for extended periods of time without much issue, and he’s tough enough to tank most hits launched his way. He once went up against the Scotsman and fought him for more than an entire day before tiring, but after taking a break for less than a minute, they were both ready for action. Plus, he’s remarkably tough for someone that doesn’t usually wear armor. He’s survived several missiles blowing up at point blank range with the Scotsman and they were both completely unscathed.
Boomstick: Hey, that guy’s got a machine gun for a leg! You know, that’s not a bad idea. I got one in my shack, now where’s that chainsaw?
Wiz: Boomstick, no. I’m not letting you saw off your leg again. Do you know how hard it is for me to reattach your leg and make it functional again?
Boomstick: Actually, I don’t know, matter o-factly, because I passed out from blood loss the other times... oh... right.
Wiz: Besides, how would you even walk with a shotgun and machine gun for legs?
Boomstick: ’Grunt’ Stop using logic to ruin my ideas. Anyway, back on topic, Jack has also survived some other ridiculous stuff, like being crushed by a sumo wrestler somehow weighing over 700 tons! That’s like having three and a half blue whales falling on top of him, and he even survived a fall from orbit.
Wiz: As he started his fall from the Karman line, an explosion sent him blazing toward the Earth in a short timeframe of 7 seconds. Upon hitting the ground, his crash created a massive explosion, and the impact force as he hit the ground at that speed would have to be at least 19 megatons!
Boomstick: And he was totally fine! Cool guys don’t look at explosions? Try walking out of one. With that kind of durability, you’d think that blades and bullets would just bounce off of him.
Wiz: Well, he is not impenetrable, however when it comes to his own blade, he is completely impervious to it. As the blade can only truly be used for good, it cannot harm an innocent. In someone else’s hands, the blade is incapable of leaving any damage on Jack, which was pretty useful when Aku eventually had him pinned and tried to stab him with it, only for the blade to bounce right off of him.
Boomstick: Wiz, hold up, I gotta stop you there. Most of that has to be Jack. I mean look at him! He’s built like a brick wall laced with steel!
Wiz: Uh... well speaking of which, Jack isn’t just incredibly tough, but his physical prowess is second to none. He built his strength drastically by, and I quote, strapping a nearly 40 ton boulder to his back by a man and some baboons and forcing himself to leap around a forest in order to “jump good”. Afterward he was capable of effortlessly clearing trees over 100 feet tall even with the boulder attached to him. He’s pushed over a pillar weighing several hundred tons, sliced through other swords, and is capable of effortlessly slicing through huge metal robots, even when they’re made of adamantium.
Boomstick: WHAT!?!
Wiz: N-not the Marvel metal, although it is stronger than steel. In his fight with his evil clone, their strikes were powerful enough to create sparks strong enough to light whole trees on fire, and if he ever has trouble with another sword wielding opponent, he has a move that can end the fight in an instant. The Tremendous Horse Cut technique, a move specifically designed to shatter other blades.
Boomstick: What did horses ever do to the guy that named that move? Well, while the move can end a fight pretty quickly, so can Jack. He’s ridiculously fast, enough to outrun automatic fire, kick the shit out of a bunch of bounty hunters before a drop of water could hit the floor, keep up with an evil version of himself, and even dodge beams of sunlight! He probably could’ve gone faster if he wasn’t lugging around a huge gauntlet.
Wiz: He faced many obstacles on his quest to return to the present, many of which forced him to adapt in new ways to bypass them. When confronted with the Three Blind Archers, he needed to rely on his senses other than sight, using his hearing to detect and avoid the arrows fired at him. His use of his other senses has helped him in many situations, such as when he fought a ninja in nearly complete darkness and fought off against the Daughters of Aku. He had more than enough time to solidify his skills, so much in fact that he was driven to near insanity.
Boonstick: The guy’s been trapped in the future for 50 years, and because time travel is really weird, he stopped aging for some reason.
Wiz: His time spent on his journey wasn’t always beneficial. He would have to fight back against many mental images of himself urging him to commit suicide and would drive him further into insanity, and this mental weakness has been taken advantage of before as he is prone to hypnosis. However, after many years of being hunted down, saving lives, and cleaving through many deadly forces, Jack finally made his way back to the past, putting a stop to Aku’s reign before that dark future could come to be, but at the cost of losing a loved one.
Boomstick: Yeah, he fell for one of Aku’s daughters, but since Aku was stopped before they were born, she technically didn’t exist and vanished from reality. Man, that’s sad and confusing.
Wiz: But the risks were too great to go unchanged, and Jack would have to do the right thing to save the timeline from Aku’s reign. Thanks to him, the world was saved from Aku’s wrath, and any spawn of evil that dared to challenge the legendary Samurai Jack would be foolish in doing so. His home and its inhabitants would be safe knowing that he was watching over them.
Both Jack and the Scotsman are seen confronting each other on a wooden bridge, with Scotsman shouting in Jack’s face while Jack keeps a stoic expression.
Scotsman: Now are you a man, or a worthless bleat like I know you are? ... I’m calling you a coward!!!
Jack: I fear no man.
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!
Death Battle[]
In the dead of night in the middle of a forest in the mountains, Night Raid’s base could be seen. Its members were all out on different missions for assassination, all except for one. Akame wandered the halls of the base with a candle in her hand while she awaited for her teammates return. As she was the only one there, she had her sword on her in its sheathe and kept her guard up, preparing for an ambush in case someone decided to take advantage of the others absence. She stared on out the window checking to see if anybody was attempting to sneak in while also attempting to sense anyone’s nearby murderous aura.
Akame: (Thinking) Hmm... nothing.
She continued down the hall, still prepared for an ambush. She passes by the meeting room, but she suddenly stops when she hears a strange noise coming from the room. She cautiously opens the door to the room and sees something odd. What appears to be a black and white wormhole on the ceiling of the room.
Akame: (Thinking) Is that an Imperial Arms?
Soon after her question, a figure falls out of the portal and the strange anomaly disappears. The figure stands up clutching his head, revealing himself to be Samurai Jack. He looks at his new surroundings wondering where he ended up. As he does, he sees the glow of a candle shining through the door of the room and notices Akame looking through. Akame, realizing that she was spotted by the intruder, quickly leaves with the candle's light fading away.
Jack: Wait!
Jack quickly chases her out of the room hoping to figure out where and when he was, but as he exits the room, she seemingly vanished. Jack slowly walks down the hallway, slightly confused, but stops when his foot hits something. He looks down and sees a candle on the floor that looks like it had just been put out. He looks at it questionably for a moment, until he quickly pieces two and two together. His eyes widen and he quickly unsheathes his sword and slices behind him, clashing blades with Akame, who used the candle to distract him while she attempted to assassinate him. The two push each other away and take defensive stances.
Jack: Please, I mean you no harm. I simply want to know where I am. If I am not welcome here, I will leave.
Akame: No. You aren’t welcome here, but now that you are here, you cannot leave with knowledge of this base's whereabouts. I won’t let you escape alive.
Jack: I don’t want to fight you. If you let me leave, I promise I won’t tell anybody about this.
Akame: That is not a risk I’m willing to take.
Jack closes his eyes, before taking a stance, knowing that there’s only one way out of this.
Jack: ...Then so be it.
The two lunge at each other and clash their blades, getting into a power struggle that results in Jack winning. He sends Akame back and goes in for a slash, but Akame backflips over the attack and reaches the ceiling, pushing herself off of it and striking at Jack who blocks the attack, but gets pushed back from the strike. Akame presses onward and begins her assault, rapidly slashing at Jack who was blocking her strikes. He parried one of her attacks and spins around, using the opening to land a big hit on her which she tries blocking, but the hit knocks her blade out of her hands. She jumps forward and kicks Jack who guards against it, only for Akame to kick off of him and into the air to catch her blade. Jack jumps after her and they strike at each other midair, pushing each other back. Jack lands on the ground and looks up, but once again Akame had vanished.
Jack cautiously walked down the hallway and turned the corner to try and find Akame. As he continued walking down the hallway, he felt a presence behind him and slashed behind him, but found his sword hitting nothing but air, quickly following it up by holding his blade over his head, resulting in an impact hitting over it. He spins around and forced Akame back.
Jack: (thinking) What? I could have sworn she was behind me.
The two charge in and begin swinging at each other. Akame lunges and slashes past him, doing so multiple times as Jack guards the attacks. He sees a pattern and jumps in her way, blocking her attack, stopping her momentum and forcing her back. She rebounds and pushes against the wall behind her and jumps forward. Jack dodged but Akame keeps the pressure going and continues to propel off the walls and slash at him. She stops and jumps up behind him, spinning around for an overhead slash while Jack takes a stance. As Akame nears Jack, he quickly forced his blade outward and deflected her strike, the force sending her back several feet. As she landed, she sees Jack rush in to begin his assault and begins rapidly slashing at her. She attempts to block but his strength broke through several times, landing a few small cuts on Akame. She avoids a slash and attempts to sweep Jack’s feet as he jumps over her attempt, but she quickly follows up with a wide slash that Jack can only block since he was still midair, sending him flying backward higher in the air. Akame quickly follows like a blur, jumping up after him at blinding speeds, pushing herself off the ceiling and down toward Jack, striking at him as he blocks, but launching him down toward the ground. He slams into it dazed and gets up clutching his head, but quickly rolls out of the way as Akame tries stabbing into him.
Akame: I’m impressed you’ve been able to keep up this long. Not many have been able to.
Jack: ’gets up’ I can see why. Your speed is exceptional, as is your skill.
Akame: Thank you, but do not expect flattery to save you from this, intruder.
The two rush back in, slashing at each other at a rapid pace. Akame shifts the momentum from one of Jack’s swings and causes him to hit the floor. She tries to slash at his neck only for him to lean back as the blade just barely misses his face. He pries his sword from the floor and strikes in an upward motion, hitting Akame’s blade and leaving her wide open. He attempts to stab her in the gut but she sidesteps out of the way and leads in with a kick which knocks the air out of him. She goes in while he’s recovering to slash him, but he just barely manages to block the attack, knocking his sword out of his hands and making him drop his sword behind him.
Akame rushes forward to slice Jack’s throat open, but he ducks under the blade and kicks it into the air. He quickly gets up and delivers a palm strike to Akame’s face and a spear hand to her throat, dazing her and throwing her into a coughing fit before elbow striking her gut sending her back. Jack holds his hand up and catches Akame’s sword right as it falls, but is quickly met with immense dread and regret as he shouts and drops the sword immediately. He looks at his shaking hand shocked and confused, and Akame notices. She rushes up and grabs her sword back and swings at Jack who narrowly avoids the attack, but is met with a kick to the gut that sends him sliding back to his own sword.
Jack: Your sword... It is no ordinary blade. It has taken many lives, hasn’t it?
Akame: I carry the burden of every life this sword takes.
Jack: Then I will ensure it claims no more.
Akame: Or you’ll merely become another one of its victims.
Jack speeds forward and lunges his sword at Akame’s head, to which she tilts it to the side and avoids it before Jack turns his sword on its side and slashes to the side as Akame leans beneath it. She spins and draws her blade slashing at Jack who blocks it, causing him to spin around and lead in with an overhead slash as Akame pushes against the blade of her sword as Jack’s comes down, blocking it and putting them in a power struggle.
Jack: We shall see.
Jack drags his sword down Akame’s breaking the power struggle and using Akame’s momentum to send her forward and past Jack. They both turn around and slash at each other multiple times, their swords creating sparks with each strike. As they fight down the halls, they leave windows smashed, large cuts in the cement walls and curtains torn to shreds, before eventually returning back at the door to the meeting room. Akame begins swinging her sword faster in an attempt to get at least one cut in, but Jack continually blocks and parries her assault. He guards against a wide swing and forces the attack to go over his head as he spins around and drags his sword across the ground, slashing up at Akame, creating a dust cloud that temporarily blinds her. Jack quickly leaps over to a wall and pushes off of it, launching him into the dazed assassin and landing a kick on her abdomen, sending her into the door to the meeting room and knocking it off its hinges. Jack proceeds into the room as Akame gets back up.
With blinding speed, Akame darts around the room faster than the eye can track. Jack tries hitting her multiple times but continuously misses. He tries predicting her positioning and slashes behind him, but all he hits is her afterimage as she appears behind him and kicks his back, forcing him into the center if the room. The chandelier and candles lit inside the room were swiftly put out from the wind pressure, causing the room to get darker and darker as Jack struggles against Akame’s speed more and more. Eventually, every light is put out leaving the room in almost complete darkness with the only visible light being the moon shining upon Jack through the windows. Akame suddenly stops her assault and hides in the shadows. Jack listens as her footsteps approach from his left and guards accordingly, but only barely, the strike he defends against sending him into the darkness.
She patiently waits for Jack to walk back into the moonlight, but he doesn’t appear. She advances to where Jack landed slowly, but upon reaching him, she saw he was gone. She cautiously searches in the shadows to find Jack, her hand on her blade ready to strike at the first chance. She slowly backs near the moonlight as stealthily as possible, but is soon met with a jab to her side coming from a moonlit area, sending her reeling back. She slices at the area the attack came from, but hit nothing. She is met with another hit to her back and turns around to see the aggressor, but, again, finds nothing. She hears footsteps and immediately slashes behind her, but is once again met with nothing until she is struck in the face, knocking her too the floor.
She looks up and focuses on where she was hit, noticing that there was in fact someone there. Upon closer inspection, she saw Jack with his gi inside out covering most of his body with cloths tied around his arms, legs, and face. He backs into the moonlight once again, vanishing from Akame’s sight. She gets up as well and falls back into the darkness, blending in with the shadows.
Akame: You may use the light as I use the shadows, but how long do you think you can make it last?
Both Akame and Jack noticed the moon was continuously ascending, its light shifting through the windows. Eventually, it would shine right over the base, leaving Jack in the darkness and Akame in her domain.
Jack: ...Long enough.
In the room, nothing but the moonlight and shadows could be seen. Suddenly, blades striking each other could be heard and sparks light up for a split second. Then again in another part of the room. This repeated several times with the sparks barely giving view to Akame and Jack as they fought. Jack backs into the shadows, his white silhouette made apparent in the darkness as he fought off against Akame, who could not be seen. The fighting continued as they moved into the light, this time with Jack disappearing and Akame’s black silhouette becoming visible as she pressed on. They kept fighting about the room, moving through the shadows and light as Jack struck forward in the shadows, but hit nothing as Akame had jumped and prepared to strike him down. Jack sidesteps out of the way and hops into the light as Akame chased after him. She stabs at him right as he gets into the light and also hits nothing, before Jack kicks her blade into the air after he crouched beneath it. Akame kicks his face and catches her blade midair. The two continued, but as the fight went on, they noticed that the moonlit areas were fading away as the moon rose higher into the sky.
Jack would continually struggle more and more as the moon rose, its light moving away from the room and leaving Jack in the open darkness. Akame noticed that Jack was becoming easier to see as his advantage was fading. She began to overwhelm him moving through the expanding darkness and trying to land a hit on Jack. He kept his guard up and defended as he used what little moonlight he had to keep pace. This would only last for so long and Akame rushed up to Jack and drew her sword from its sheathe and struck Jack’s blade with a powerful strike which knocked him into a wall. Right as she did, the moon reached its apex and shone above the base, leaving no light for Jack to hide in. Jack prepared for another assault, but was met with nothing. Akame had ceased her attacks at the moment. Akame watched him from the shadows as he slowly walked around the room on edge. He had turned away from Akame and she immediately took advantage of this she silently rushed at him and went to cut him down, but Jack sliced behind him as she reached him. But he had missed as Akame predicted his attack and leapt over him. Now she was behind him, her sword in hand but she stopped. She looked down and saw Jack’s sword stabbing through the side of her torso. Jack had also predicted where she was going to move after he attacked and stabbed behind him.
Jack: You utilize the shadows well, but I am familiar with your type.
Akame looks down at the sword in her torso, but she powered through the pain and lifted her blade over her head. Jack pulls his blade out of her as blood falls to the floor and quickly blocks her attack.
Akame: If you bested a warrior of stealth, then I can assure you they were not like me. You cannot overcome me in the shadows.
Akame pushed harder on her blade, before Jack shifted its momentum and drove it into the floor. Akame swings it at Jack’s neck, but he listens for it and leans his head back, the blade centimeters from his face. He jumps up and kicks at her but she blocks it with her sword and pushes Jack to a window in the room.
Jack: Then I believe a change in scenery is in order.
Jack smashes the window and jumps off as Akame rushes over and looks out the window. She pulls her head back as Jack jumps unbelievably high and shoots past the window, toward the roof of the Night Raid base. Akame follows suite and hops out of the window and starts running up the wall. Jack reaches the top and looks over the edge. He sees Akame rushing up the side of the base after him, so he moves back from the edge. Akame reaches the top and has her hand on her blade, but sees the bright light of the moon shining down on the top of the base. Akame knows Jack is in there, so she reluctantly walks into the light. She searches the area and tries to spot him to no avail. She hears footsteps behind her, then to her left, then in front of her. She listens carefully as the footsteps move around her. They get faster and faster making it difficult for her to pinpoint where they are coming from. The sounds close in on her and as they do, Akame draws her sword and spins around, slicing all around her. She hits nothing, leaving her confused, until her eyes widen and she turns around and blocks above her just in time to deflect Jack’s attack from above. He retreats into the light and out of Akame’s sight once more. Akame had to be on edge as she listened carefully, well aware Jack held the advantage. She hears something rush past her and tries slicing it, only to get cut across her back. She turns to face the aggressor but is met with a slice on her side before she can fully turn around. She goes on the defensive and blocks to the best of her ability, defending against the bigger swings but still getting lacerations across her body. Blood was staining the ground around her as the assault continued. Akame panted as it became more difficult to defend with each hit she took, until he suddenly stopped.
Jack: Please, I implore you. You are in no condition to fight anymore. Do you yield?
Akame couldn’t see him, but she heard where he was. He was letting his guard down and Akame wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass by.
Akame: ...No.
She darts toward Jack to try and finish him off, but is met with a blade being driven through her chest and coming out of her back.
Jack: Then you leave me no choice.
He pulls his blade out of Akame as she staggers weakly before collapsing to the floor, blood seeping from her wounds. Jack unties the cloths attached to him and puts his gi back on properly, having no need to use the stealth as the moon moves past its apex and no longer shines on them.
Jack: I’m sorry.
Jack walks away from Akame’s body and towards the edge of the Night Raid base. He looks off into this unfamiliar setting and prepared to find a way back to his own time.
Akame: ...No...
Jack turns around to his surprise to see Akame was still alive. She shakily got up using her sword to keep her balance as she stands up straight despite the blood loss.
Jack: How?
Akame: I... refuse... to die!... HERE!!!!
Akame forces herself up and raises her sword to her hand. She sliced it against the tip of her finger before falling to her knees. Curse marks begin to travel throughout her body as she lets out pained noises that start to turn demonic. A dark aura began flowing around her and her eyes start changing color. Jack becomes worried at the sight, but calms himself down in preparation as the curse marks on Akame fade away and the dark aura around her disappears. In its stead were new red marks that formed across Akame’s body and she opened her eyes revealing black eyes with red centers as curse marks circled her pupils. She had activated her trump card, “Little War Horn”.
She lifts her sword as the dark aura returns, then disappeared in a burst of speed. Jack looks surprised looking around for a few seconds before Akame reappears in front of him and strikes. Jack barely evades the attack and moves around her to get away from the edge of the base, but Akame immediately appears in front of him again. Jack blocks her strike but it hit noticeably harder than before and leaves Jack open. He leaps over Akame and she follows, quickly jumping after him. The two clash blades midair and Jack is sent soaring to the center of the roof. Jack tumbles across the ground and recovers just in time for Akame to appear next to him. He goes to block but she vanished and appears behind him. He ducks beneath the slash before slicing up at Akame, who vanishes before Jack can finish striking. She continues to dart around the area trying to outpace and overwhelm Jack who was continuously trying to track her movements. She bursts toward Jack as he got ready to strike, but she once again vanished as the wind pressure that followed behind her reached him. He covers his eyes with his arm and tries to see through the dust the wind picked up. He sees the glint of a sword to his right and struck at it, clashing blades with Akame, but was overpowered and sent skidding to the edge of the base. He looks at his sword which was still vibrating from the hit and tried to hold it steady.
Akame appears in front of Jack and strikes, hitting his blade and sending him over the edge of the base. She jumps down in pursuit and rushes him, slashing at him as they fell before they hit a lower part of the base. Jack was against the ground struggling as Akame pushed down on him, before he kicks her away. He rebounds and begins his assault, trying to land a hit on Akame who effortlessly evaded his attacks. She stabs forward and is blocked, but follows it up by forcing Jack’s sword aside and going for a wide slash. Jack leans back as the sword approaches his face, as it just barely misses his eye with it being followed up by Akame slashing it over her head and down onto Jack. He claps and catches the blade in his hands, the ground cracking beneath them before Jack forces the blade into the ground. He rushes to his blade and picks it up off the ground, turning around to face his opponent to find she wasn’t there anymore and neither was her sword. He sees a blur rushing toward him and drags his sword across the ground before slicing up as the blur reaches him, hitting Akame’s sword and forcing it upward creating powerful sparks. She grabs her sword with both hands and spins around landing a heavy blow on Jack’s sword, pushing him back in the struggle, but he pushes back and breaks the struggle in one move, sending Akame soaring into the side of the base. Akame sheathes her blade and pushes off the wall she was on toward Jack, whom also sheathed his blade and leapt straight toward her. The two unsheathe their katanas and collide midair, gusts of wind created from the force of their strikes. Jack was ultimately overpowered and Akame forces through, launching Jack off the base and rocketing into the forest below, crashing through several trees on the way down.
Jack’s momentum finally halted as a path of broken trees and carved out dirt outlined his crash. He shakily got back up with blood coming from his forehead and a jagged piece of wood piercing his arm. He gripped it and tore it from his arm leaving a bloody gash he covers up with a cloth. He sees a shine in the sky and realizes that Akame was rocketing toward him from above and quickly rolls beneath her, both of them ending up behind each other. Both were dripping with blood and Jack was panting from exhaustion, but he steeled himself and returned to a fighting stance. Jack was looking much worse for wear compared to Akame despite her injuries, but continued fighting nonetheless. He struck forward and is blocked by Akame who deflects the strike and lunges forward. She once again goes for Jack’s neck but he narrowly avoids it by leaning back. After she had gone past him, Jack strikes at her legs but is effortlessly avoided with a backflip into a tree. She begins leaping from tree to tree moving deeper into the forest they were in with Jack following and keeping an eye on her. He eventually gets ahead of her and predicts which tree she will land on next, cleaving it down in one strike. He expects her to land in front of him from missing her landing spot and prepares to attack, but meets nothing but the foggy air. She had led him deeper into the forest and into the darkness, her domain. She was stalking him from the thicket of the trees, concealing her aura and sneaking around. Jack patiently waits and is careful of his surroundings all around him, prepared for anything she could do. He hears a slash, and then the sound of a tree falling over. He turns and was quick to dodge a tree that was about to fall on him, but hears something land behind him. Akame went to attack him from behind, only to be met by Jack spinning around and guarding the attack. His guard was easily broken, leaving him open and Akame goes to stab him. He sidesteps the attack and pushes it to the side, careful not to cut himself in the blade. Spinning around, he slices Akame directly in half, or so he thought, but he was proven wrong as her afterimage swiftly faded away. Akame was bolting all around him, making it difficult for Jack to track her, before she attacks.
She starts blitzing him as fast as possible, her sheer speed making it seem like she was attacking at all angles. Jack was being forced to push his limits as he blocked, parried, countered and dodged every slash he possibly could. This new form was giving her a performance boost Jack was having trouble keeping up with. Blood was seeping from his wounds more the more he moved, but he couldn’t let up against Akame’s onslaught. She continued to speed around him and attack at speeds which could only be compared to lightning, and she noticed she was slowly overwhelming Jack. She came closer to landing a cut on him with each strike, he began missing some guards and was losing track of her at a dangerous rate. Several cuts would land on his gi, evidence of her speed breaking through his defenses. Once again, she suddenly stopped, but only for a split second as she got a running start and quickly closed the distance between her and Jack, intending to finish him off in his fatigued state. He barely manages to block her heavy attack, but she put more force behind this strike, trying to overpower him, but despite his exhaustion, he didn’t relent and shouted, resisting the pressure from the attack. She eventually pushes him away realizing she wasn’t breaking through his guard and launches him backward and into a boulder. Jack slams into it, the resulting impact dislocating his shoulder, causing him to yell out in pain. Before he can deal with it, he falls out of the way of a strike from Akame, which split the entire boulder straight in two. Jack gets up, puts his katana in his mouth and relocates his shoulder back in place, creating a sickening crack and making him grunt in pain. He weakly gets up, still willing to fight, while Akame sheathes her blade and rushes back into the darkness.
She moves around the forest, circling Jack and confusing him as to where she could be. He knew this wasn’t working, he could only defend for so long in her territory before becoming too worn out to fight, but then he gets an idea and uses one last trick up his sleeves.
Akame continues to stalk him, looking for a good angle to attack from, until she witnesses her opponent do something completely unexpected. In an act that looks like he is giving up, Jack closes his eyes and keeps them shut.
Akame: (thinking) So, you choose to accept death willingly? Well, if that is what you wish...
She lunges at him from the side, preparing to decapitate him.
Akame: (thinking) Then I shall grant you that wish!
As Akame closed in on Jack, she gets a close look at his face, seeing that it looked like he was focusing. But before she could even extend her blade fully, Jack instantly slashed at it and knocked her back without even looking. It was then that she realized what he was doing. He wasn’t giving up, but was using his other senses to detect her rather than using sight. As her feet touched the ground, Jack rushed in and attacked her without hesitation. Akame was forced to go on the defensive before rushing back into the darkness. She attempted to attack at a different angle, but Jack once again detected her and attacked her before she could even reach him. Despite her trying her hardest to stay silent and concealing her aura, Jack continued to counter every move she made. She grew frustrated and went back to blitzing around the area and attacking him rapid fire. Jack focused on only what he heard, not what he felt or saw, and was blocking every hit that came his way. Sparks flew, trees fell, and Akame was becoming more and more frustrated and exhausted. Her trump card was taking a toll on her and would dissipate eventually, leaving her open. She began pushing her limits as well, moving much faster than before and striking harder as well. Jack heard all of Akame’s movements and waited for her to slip up at least once. The sparks that flew landed on the trees, setting them ablaze and catching their surroundings on fire, but it didn’t stop either of them. Akame continued to put the pressure on Jack, but he unexpectedly decided to finally make a move. She leapt at him once more, but he moved directly in her path. Their blades scraped past each other, Akame’s missing Jack’s face, before he sliced all the way down her sword and chopped off her hand, earning a scream of pain from Akame.
She is sent tumbling across the ground and slams face first into a burning tree, scorching one side of her face. Jack’s eyes finally shoot open and looks over to Akame. She got back up and held her sword with one hand, her dark aura whirling around her as she shot forward. Jack leaps high into the air and brings his katana over his head and shouts, using the Tremendous Horse Cut. The two reach each other, their blades slamming into each other creating a blinding light, before they move past each other and stop in their tracks. Everything was quiet, even the fire burning around them, until the sound of a blade shattering could be heard. Pieces of broken metal fall to the floor, and Akame looks shocked as her sword is now nothing more than a dagger. Her shocked expression soon turns to that of fear, as her body is split directly in half in a bloody splatter. The two halves fall to the floor alongside her shattered blade as it starts raining, putting out the fire around them.
Jack: You fought admirably. I am sorry it had to be this way.
Jack walks away from her body and into the new unfamiliar world he was in, his original task now his main priority. Get back to the past.
Boomstick: Wait, what!? Seriously!?! I was sure that Akame had this! There’s just no way.
Wiz: Well, actually there is, as you can clearly see. While it is true that Akame while armed with Murasame was far more lethal than Jack, that alone wasn’t enough to get her the win, though it was no cakewalk for Jack.
Boomstick: How though? It’s the one hit killer. One measly cut from that thing would have killed Jack on the spot. She could definitely land a hit with it, right?
Wiz: Oh for sure. Running this fight over several times, a good chunk of them would see Akame landing that fatal blow. Unfortunately for her though, she was just sorely outclassed in nearly every category that mattered. First off it’s important to note that while Akame was an incredibly skilled assassin who was trained to use the shadows since childhood, Jack held far more knowledge in a variety of different fighting styles and was also trained since he was a child. In fact, Jack’s skills in ninjutsu and his use of his other senses were both hard counters against Akame’s stealth training. Considering he’s fought a ninja in the darkness before, it’s safe to assume he could do the same to Akame, and that’s not even going into his other advantages.
Boomstick: *sigh* Yeah, truth be told, Akame wasn’t anywhere near the same level of strength and toughness as Jack. Nothing she’s taken stacks up to Jack’s fall from orbit and she hasn’t shown any strength even close to the time Jack knocked over that massive pillar and jumped around with that 40 ton boulder. He was way more physically capable compared to Akame. Proof of this is how Akame’s always had a hard time cutting through tougher material, while Jack can slice straight through robots tougher than steel. Trading blows with Jack wasn’t gonna go in her favor. But that durability difference didn’t matter though, right? Again, one good hit would have killed him, and it’s not like he’s wearing any armor to protect against it.
Wiz: Well, the main question was if she could land that hit, which was heavily dependent on her speed. It was established that both Akame and Esdeath could react to Budo’s lightning, which would be moving at over 220 thousand miles per hour. Later on when Akame activated her trump card, she could move so fast that even Esdeath couldn’t keep up with her, meaning her top speed while in “Little War Horn” could possibly be even faster than lightning. Absolutely nothing Jack has done could compare to that kind of speed... at least when it came to their movements. However, Jack’s reactions were his ace in the hole. Remember, he could react fast enough to evade consecutive beams of sunlight being fired at him, multiple of which he evaded after they were fired, meaning he can react to projectiles moving over 670 million miles per hour, over 3 thousand times faster than the leader of a lightning bolt.
Boomstick: Basically meaning that even at her best, Akame was moving in slow motion in Jack’s eyes. Yeesh. Plus, his 50+ years stuck in the future meant he had WAY more experience under his belt than Akame. She could fight really skilled opponents with tons of experience, but nowhere on that level.
Wiz: And on top of that, Jack has fought people like Akame several times before, some with the same or even greater levels of skill. The best examples being the daughters of Aku. Like Akame, they were trained, specifically to kill Jack, from childhood, but unlike Akame, they continued this training up until adulthood, dedicating their entire lives to combat. They were designed to be the ultimate killing machines who weren’t a match for anyone...
Boomstick: But when the time came for them to actually fight Jack, he murdered the shit out of all of them! Each and every one of them even without that magic sword... well, you know... ‘cept the one. But that’s not the only reason he won, right?
Wiz: Right. Another big factor was their weapons in particular. While Akame’s was certainly deadlier since it only needs one good hit to kill an opponent, it was obvious that Jack’s was far superior. Teigus aren’t indestructible, including Akame’s sword. Esdeath proved this firsthand when she froze and shattered her blade in their last fight. Meanwhile, Jack’s was forged by the gods and is stated to be indestructible, tough enough to, once again, slice through steel. Pair his tougher blade, much greater strength, and superior speed and reactions, all in combination with a move specifically designed to destroy an opponent’s sword, it’s certainly plausible to say he could simply shatter her own sword with a well placed strike, leaving her defenseless and essentially determining the victor right then and there.
Boomstick: So even though she could move faster, there was just too much stacked against her to earn a solid win. Damn.
Wiz: Akame’s deadlier blade and much greater maneuverability meant Jack would be kept on his toes, but he just had the tougher weapon, greater skill, better strength, decades of experience and light speed reactions to ensure a clean victory... well, somewhat clean.
Boomstick: You could even say that her luck was ‘Jack’ed from the very start.
Wiz: The winner is Samurai Jack.
Next Time[]
Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle!
An unknown monster was attacking a city, destroying multiple buildings with energy blasts, until it was suddenly torn apart by a green cyclone. A girl with green hair was seen floating overhead with her arms crossed.
???: How about another 300-million-year nap?
Another city is shown, where suddenly crystals sprout from the ground, morphing the land around it, before a massive figure descends from the sky and crashes onto the ground.