This is an AidenRulz0828 Production of DEATH BATTLE featuring Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Disney's Phineas and Ferb, Kitty from Netflix's Battle Kitty, New Kid from South Park's The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole, Burrito Bison from Juice Beast's titular series, Diglett from Nintendo's Pokemon, Spongebob Squarepants from Nickelodeon's titular series, Kirby from Nintendo's titular series, Miko Kubota from Nickelodeon/Netfix's Glitch Techs, and Mokey from Sr. Pelo's Mokey's Show.
Disney vs Netflix vs South Park vs Juicy Beast vs Pokemon vs Nickelodeon vs Nintendo vs Glitch Techs vs Sr. Pelo. With Peppino and Suction Cup Man having lost, these guys fought valiant opponents for the first season, but when we pit them all in a fight to the death, we shall see who's truly the winner of them all.