A.A.H.W is the agency of the Madness: Combat series of flash animations.
Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]
MAG Agents Together[]
- MAG Agents Vs Special Infected (Completed)
With Auditor, Tricky & Jebus[]
- A.A.H.W vs. The Toppat Clan
- Grunt vs Zombie (Completed)
Battle Record[]
WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.
Battle Record
- Wins: 1
- Losses: 1
- Draws: 0
Possible opponents[]
Whole Group[]
- The Zombies (Plants Vs Zombies)
- Galactic Empire (Star Wars)
- Goomba (Super Mario Bros.)
- Zombie Foot Soldier (Plants Vs Zombies)
- Agent Smith (The Matrix)
- Agent 47 (Hitman)
- The Spy (Team Fortress 2)
ATP Engineer[]
- Stormtrooper (Star Wars)
- The Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
ATP Soldat[]
- The Clone Drone (Clone Drone in the Danger Zone)
- The Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
MAG Agents[]
- Nemesis (Resident Evil)
- The Thing (Marvel Comics)
- Gargantuar (Plants Vs Zombies)
- The Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
The A.A.H.W is a group that is dedicated to killing Hank J. Wimbleton. It is unknown exactly why, but some possibilities are since he killed the Sheriff, he committed mass murder against several people, or he is just a very high danger target that could stop their plans.
Death Battle Info (Members)[]
There are various soldiers/members of the A.A.H.W.
Grunts are the most common type of soldiers in the A.A.H.W. They are shown to be not very skilled, and expendable, they are also shown to use pretty basic and normal weapons, such as pistols, rifles and SMGs. Some do use more advanced weaponry, but rarely.
- Being cheap means they can be put in large groups, able to overwhelm foes
- Know how to use guns in a basic sense
- Okay at melee combat
- Sometimes they do come out on top
- One grunt once flipped over a table onto its side with one hand
- Pretty weak compared to other members of the A.A.H.W
- Not skilled by any means
- Fail and die nearly all the time
- Most are shown as smokers
- Some of the dumbest members in the A.A.H.W
Agents (L33T Agents)[]
Agents are a step up from the regular Grunt, being more skilled, being able to take more punishment and being overall better. They are shown to use pretty much the same equipment as the Grunt, but more effectively.
- Better than Grunts
- Can use guns and firearms effectively
- Can take more punishment than Grunts
- Shown to be smarter than grunts, taking cover often and thinking better
- Still not the best choice against foes like Hank or superior characters with high speed and strength
- No extra powers
- Only slightly better than the Grunts
A.T.P Engineers[]
A.T.P Engineers are a big step up from Agents, being able to use bigger guns and stronger melee weapons. They are far better trained, have better intelligence, and overall are better for combat. They also have yellow blood. Possibly because of less hemoglobin.
- Better than grunts and agents
- Shown to be pretty smart
- They have tac-bars in Madness: Project Nexus (Classic) and MADNESS: Project Nexus, which allows them to dodge bullets (Reminder: They never dodged bullets in the animations)
- Have bullet proof masks as shown in Madness Combat 9.5 pt 2
- Still been beaten pretty easily by foes like Hank and Jebus
- Though, Jebus has supernatural powers, so it is more understandable why they die easily to him
- Still can be harmed if caught off guard or when overwhelmed
A.T.P Soldats[]
These soldiers are the strongest soldiers in the A.A.H.W out of all the basic ones. They are superior to the others (Duh) and their aim is enhanced by the strange goggle on their head. Like the A.T.P Engineers, they also have yellow blood.
- Best of the basic enemies in the group
- Superior aim
- Can handle weapons easier
- The only non mag troops whose showed to be ressist very few hits from Sanford and Deimos
- Can dodge bullets and even react hits from main characters
- Still died plenty
- Aren't the strongest of all the A.A.H.W
- They are blindly loyal to orders and easy to manipulate; One of the soldats rocket launched bunch of agents and engineers from his agency due to a given order wwithout judging
MAG Agents[]
Mag Agents are agents who are much larger versions of the typical agents and enemies. They have larger weapons, different equipment, better armor and overall are the strongest in the army.
Note: MAG Agents can be more than one, so feats and flaws via the same version but a different character will still apply to the overall Agent them self.
MAG Agent: Torture[]
Agent Torture is the first MAG Agent made. He carries a large shotgun, has red glasses, wears a suit, and his most notable part, two massive nails in his head.
He carries a large shotgun.
- Created a hole on a concrete wall
- Sent Hank fly away a very long distance via hitting him with his giant shotgun
- Effortlessly take down concrete walls (This only happened in Incident 11A, which is not canon to series but still made by Krinkels)
- Murdered several Grunts easily (This only happened in Incident 11A, which is not canon to series but still made by Krinkels)
- Survived multiple point blank shotgun blasts to his head
- Easily carries a giant shotgun
- Doesn't suffer recoil from shooting his shotgun
- Survived his head cut by a chainsaw used by Hank for a short time
- Has died before
- A grunt shot a grenade in his head, which blew his head up
- Not invincible
- Still can be affected by bullets and melee weapons
- Large size makes him easy to hit
MAG Agent: V2[]
Mag V2 is the 2nd version of the MAG Agent. He wears a black suit, carries a large pistol, and also has a face mask covering around his upper face, with teeth at the bottom of it.
He carries a Mossberg 500s.
- Should be similar to other MAG Agents
- Can carry and shoot his large pistol with no problem
- Should be very skilled at shooting
- Fell from a long height an upon landing, made a crater about the width of himself and didn't get any damage from it
- Survived getting stabbed in his face (was in the area his mask doesn't protect) and was pretty much fine
- One survived 3 Colt shots to their torso and 4 Sniper shots to the head from Jebus
- Can lift large metal machinery up easily
- They also threw it down hard enough to embed it in the ground
- Able to throw people around without effort
- Still killable
- Jebus killed 2 of them
- One died by it's own bullet going in their torso
- The other got shot various times in the head by Jebus' Sniper Rifle
- Mask has an open spot that doesn't cover their eyes
- Jebus and Hank were able to stab them in their eye area thanks to the open spot
- One of them overpowered by Hank (This only happened in Incident 1A, which is not canon to series but still made by Krinkels)
Extra Info[]
Their mask has been shown to be very tough, even causing bullets from a rifle to be ineffective. The only weapon shown to damage the mask was Jebus' Sniper Rifle, meaning you need a pretty strong weapon to damage their mask.