6. Please keep all debates civil, both in chat and in comment sections. If you don't agree or find faults with a death battle here or a canon one you're allowed to say so but please do so in detail. As well if you enjoyed the battle then you should say as well. This is so you users will avoid using statements such as "This is so wrong, you're a dumbass" or "I disagree heavily, fight was stupid/utter trash" where they give no reason for why they disagree or dislike the fight.
In debates, please learn to accept others views and take a non-hostile, civil approach to debating. For example, you might use power-scaling but some others do not or you don't agree with another user on a character's destructive capability. In both these examples, do not disrespect one another for having different views at all. Do not use profane/vulgar words meant to make your debating opponent seem like a lesser person (ex. Wanker, fanboy, dumbass, etc). Essentially please be open-minded when debating and try not to come off as a close-minded know it all.
Alright, as you can see; This is Rule 6 of the Death Battle Fanon Rules & Guidelines, it's pretty straight forward and pretty easy to understand with just a bit of Common Sense.
So now you all are probably wondering, what the point of this Thread is and Why am I bringing this Rule to attention? Well the Reason is because Some Users' have not been following this Rule.
Recently; a User by the name of Peep4Life has been receiving tremendous amount of negativity and almost borderline abuse from various Users on the Wikia in regards to What-If? DEATH BATTLEs concerning Mario Character because of his Method of Debate; Peep does not use Power Levels or Scaling like various other Users on the Wikia utilize and instead uses a Different Method of Debating the same Method that Other Users such as MYSELF also utilize in Debates and in their own battles so this Style of Debating should not be anything new to anyone on this Wikia if they've seen me or other users in debates or Read battles written by us.
However instead of Peep being debated with respectfully, he has as I mentioned before received Negativity and Hostility from Various Users because of this Method of Debate in Regards to Mario Characters, I have seen Users try to rally people AGAINST him, I have seen Users disrespect and flatout disregard his Method of Debating, and even not too recently resorted to VANDALIZING his Mario vs Pit Page because Pit Won which resulted in me LOCKING the page in order to prevent people from vandalizing it further.
Quite frankly; This is both sickening and disgusting, especially since it has resulted in Peep saying that he will no longer be using Mario Characters in his Fights.
What makes this even more disgusting is that THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED. People practically tore into SuperSaiyan2Link because of his Mario vs Link, Bowser vs Ganon, and Waluigi vs Jet the Hawk Death Battle's and he has said that he doesn't feel certain that he wants to try using another Mario character because of the backlash he has gotten because of those battles.
Not only that but I MYSELF don't want to use Mario Characters because the repercussions for utilizing them is honestly so ridiculously insane that even if I did do a match with them and had them lose against their opponent for VERY justified reasons that’s backed up by both the Research Presented, The Evidence Provided, and the Levels Presented that I’d still get torn into because of having them lose.
Is this the type of community that people want this Wikia too be? Are we going to discourage users from using these characters because no one can properly accept that the characters in question can actually lose fights when the Evidence, Research, and Levels point towards the fact? And are we really gonna become THAT type of community that becomes hostile and disrespectful of others simply because they write battles that give their OPINION on a certain debate?
What’s worse is this doesn’t just happen with Mario Characters, it happens REPEATEDLY with Dragon Ball Z characters, Sonic Characters, Final Fantasy Characters, and even happened with Undertale Characters at one point; It’s truthfully ridiculous how extreme people have acted in regards to this.
So it’s been decided by the Admins that Rule 6 is going to be enforced more since it’s clear that various Users (They know who they are) disregard this Rule and have repeatedly did various things that go against the Rule, here is the consequences of breaking Rule 6 from now on;
If a User is found to be blatantly and deliberately disrespecting another User for the sole reason of because their method of debate, they will be blocked for 1-3 Days and if they continue this behavior then they will be blocked for 2 Weeks and then a Month and eventually an infinite.
This NEEDS to stop because quite frankly; it’ll eventually end with NO ONE wanting to use any character from any of these franchises because they are discouraged by the negativity and hostility received and this Wikia SUFFERING heavily for it because of that negativity and hostility.