No just no
^^ it’s Dz silver he’ll always come back
^ he’s called people racial slurs, slandered several users including myself on external sites like Reddit, he’s heavily biased towards the DC and Mortal kombat franchises and biased against several franchises including marvel,mario and crash bandicoot and cause unnecessary arguments over the dumbest of stuff including getting into an argument with someone for saying they don’t like Batman that much also he’s still salty about death battles that happened 10 years ago (Batman vs spider man) and wrote a rematch that was essentially just a spite fight that had both atrociously out of character and only excited to spite spidey
^ stop wanking franchises I like please
^ he has swag (if he’s in his classic attire) but aside from that yeah he’s kinda fucked
^ TF do you mean by that
King dedede because Kirby scaling goes brr
Very aggressive comment:
Except Vader blitzes and one shots Flagg before he does any of that
^ oh damn didn’t know that
^ I checked arion’s page he did go through the Mary Sue test
Especially not with a ball of webbing
^^^^^^ Anos destroys the reason a year and a second are not comparable in length then fights Batman who only got a seconds worth of prep time
Or allow a kid to die or wear sunglasses or put on those sunglasses as he watches that kid die
^^^^you had both horribly out of character only made the fight because you where salty over a death battle that happened ten years ago and have since gone on to say multiple spiteful about spider man and wank any character he goes up against just so he can lose because he beat Batman in a death battle 10 years ago
^^^ anger doesn’t excuse badmouthing people just cause you got blocked and it especially doesn’t excuse using the N-word
^^ he is a dick we thought we where done with him and then he came back oh and he also used a racial slur against Y3p on Reddit
^^^ he’s slandered multiple users on the DB Reddit,viciously spited many characters from marvel,mario and crash bandicoot is very biased towards mortal kombat and DC,often causes long arguments over the dumbest stuff (he once caused an argument with a dude because he said he didn’t like Batman that much) and in general is just a very unlikable person in debates