Heyyyyyy guys I know I've been radio silent for a while but wouldn't it be funny if I just dropped something hahahahahaha
Wiz: Somewhere in Nevada, in the distant future, there lies a story. A story of improbability, outlaws, and blood.
Boomstick: Like waaaayyy too much blood.
Wiz: After some shenanigans involving a boombox, a local resident named Hank J. Wimbleton had slain thirty men-
Boomstick: Thirty-two! Don’t discriminate against the zombies!
Wiz: -thirty-two men, marking him as public enemy number one.
Boomstick: This guy’s so deadly, they had to make an entire faction just to try and get rid of him! At first it was run by the supposed sheriff…The Sheriff, but he didn’t last too long before Hank got to him.
Wiz: After which a mysterious figure known as The Auditor revealed himself to be the one pulling the strings, and the efforts to kill Wimbleton increased tenfold. Through the journey, Hank had to tussle with several antagonists, but none as prominent as the one we’re discussing today.
Boomstick: Trust us when we say the guy claiming to be Jesus is only the second craziest Hank’s thrown hands with. Starting out as a normal assassin, he botched his job and got his corpse impaled on a marshmallow (don’t ask), which got him brought back to life by a lightning strike like he was Jason goddamn Voorhees!
Wiz: This nevadean was no normal Grunt…he was Tricky the Clown.
Name: Tricky…Hofnarr?
Species: Zed
Occupations: Scientist, clown, assassin, DJ, train conductor, attempted game show host
Screen name: TriKurrDurr
Likes: Hot dogs, violence, the Chicken Dance, Slaughter Time, killing/torturing Hank
Has died 14 times
Might be going bald
Boomstick: He quickly put himself as top dog of Nevada, defecting from Auditor’s orders altogether just because he could!
Wiz: Surprisingly enough, Tricky actually has a lot more history with the place than one might assume. Originally, he was Dr. Hofnarr, a scientist working on “Project Nexus”, which was designed on the outside to be a big improvement to life in Nevada.
Boomstick: Resurrecting the dead, mass cloning, and as Hofnarr was researching, energy that could warp reality itself. Sounds great! So, how’d they mess it up?
Wiz: In reality, the project was a way for the director to gain immortality and become a god, which prompted lead researcher Dr. Christoff to grab a halo and get the project shut down with Hofnarr.
Boomstick: And who knows why he decided to turn around and decide “hmmm, being a genius is boring, today I’m gonna try and assassinate the most dangerous criminal in the whole state!” Is that how you’re gonna turn out, Wiz?!
Wiz: Guess we’ll figure out some day, won’t we, Mr. “I’m outlawed in 27 states?”
Boomstick: Uh, would you look at the time, we’ve gotta go! Tune in next time when we discuss Tricky’s opponent, Gamzee Makara from Homestuck!