Just curious because I already saw the MU but I have a vastly different version.
So uhhhh anyways Mewtwo's analysis is done so feel free to check it out lmfaooooo
27 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
I've come across something on my daily travels through the Sonic Wiki Zone, and thought it was interesting enough to talk about.
There may be (emphasis on "may be"; you'll hear why in a second*) more truth behind universal Sonic than I realised.
Long story short, there's this little known story called "Otherworld Comedy", where various pieces of Sonic Channel artwork portray the cast in rather out-of-character scenarios (Shadow and Infinite being a J-Pop duo, the Avatar being in a high school sweetheart relationship with an Egg Pawn and Silver and Elise being a Soleannan figure skating duo).
As it turns out, there's a plot behind this where, using the power of the Phantom Ruby prototype he created in Sonic Forces, Dr. Eggman creates various alternate realities separate from the main timeline.
This ultimately culminates in a final battle between Super Sonic and Dr. Eggman who, as you can see below, uses the prototype to mimic the power of a Super form.
As Sonic was able to contend with Infinite - who was powered by a prototype of his own - in base form, this has serious ramifications for base cast scaling in the game continuity.
*I think the fact that Sonic had to turn Super in order to challenge Dr. Eggman's own Super form does hurt the "base = universal through Otherworld Comedy" idea quite a bit, but it's certainly something to think about.
33 Votes in Poll
I feel as though I could've done a lot better with this one, especially as I probably went into too much detail regarding the Chaos Force for a matchup that, truth be told, likely doesn't even need for me to cover it in such extensive detail.
However, I'm still happy enough with it to upload it, so here it is.
This is looking likely to be my first completed matchup of the year. I had intended to be up to my fourth battle by now, but hey. Better late than never.
26 Votes in Poll
MU: Shadow the Hedgehog vs Zero
OST: Lifeform Zero
Credit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Parking_External_182/?sort=top
21 Votes in Poll
The one(s): Batman (DC) [Personally], Adam Warlock (Marvel) [As Archie Shadow]
Good Alts: Shadow (Capcom) *Interchangeable*, Mewtwo (Pokemon), Luigi (Nintendo), Ryuko (Kill-La-Kill), Homura (Madoka Magica)
Fine: Vegeta (DBZ), Sauske Uchiha (Naruto), Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy), Buttercup (PPGZ), Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
Eh: Neera Li (Freedom Planet), Punisher (Marvel), Vergil (Devil May Cry), Darkarai (Pokemon) *Unsure*
No Thanks: Doomsday (DC), Wario (Nintendo), Batman (DC) [Generally], Everyone Else
31 Votes in Poll
(I was bored, so i made this)
16 Votes in Poll
12 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll