Anthony'sbackbaby!·7/23/2023in Questions and AnswersWhat is your preferred MU for Naruto?Naruto Uzumaki
Marvelfan966·7/16/2023in Polls and DebatingThe Courage to BelieveNarutoLinkVote21 Votes in PollLinkNaruto Uzumaki
371841-DD·10/10/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW? (Random 3 vs 3)Justice, Akuma, & Kid Goku (King Piccolo saga)Dracule Mihawk, Tatsumaki, & NarutoVote11 Votes in Poll(Edited by 371841-DD)Son GokuNaruto UzumakiAkumaTatsumakiJustice (Afro Samurai)Dracule Mihawk
350657 ALPHA·10/9/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW? (3 vs 3 vs 3)Naruto, Boruto, & Minato (Team Uzimaki)Jack, Afro, & Silver Samurai (Team Samurai)Cuphead, Mugman, & Chalice (Team Cup)Vote17 Votes in PollCupheadNaruto UzumakiMugmanAfro SamuraiSilver SamuraiSamurai JackBoruto UzumakiMinato Namikaze
371841-DD·9/27/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW? (Random 3 vs 3 vs 3)Icon of Sin, Hit, & BayonettaKratos, Zod, & SaitamaApocalypse, Naruto, & ZeldaVote15 Votes in Poll(Edited by 371841-DD)SaitamaHitKratosNaruto UzumakiPrincess ZeldaBayonettaGeneral ZodApocalypse
350657 ALPHA·9/5/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW? (Random 3 vs 3)Nappa, Naruto, & DoomsdayRonan the Accuser, Spawn, & Lord BorosVote18 Votes in Poll(Edited by 350657 ALPHA)SpawnNaruto UzumakiDoomsdayLord BorosNappaRonan the Accuser
Smaggle·9/3/2022in GeneralNEXT TIME, ON, ERM...DEATH SMAGGLE..?!"Believe it!""Get you're game on!"(Edited by Smaggle)Naruto UzumakiJaden YukiNaruto Uzumaki Vs Jaden Yuki
350646 X·8/26/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW?Raiden (Mortal Kombat)Naruto (Naruto)Iron Man (MCU)Kai (Kung Fu Panda)Turbo Mecha Sonic (Super Mario Bros Z)Akuma (Street Fighter)Vote18 Votes in PollIron ManRaiden (Mortal Kombat)Turbo Mecha SonicNaruto UzumakiAkumaKai the Collector
350657 ALPHA·8/21/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW? (Teams)Ganondorf, Voldemort, & Saruman (Team Dark Wizard)Naruto, Greninja, & Kai (Team Ninja)Shredder, Silver Samurai, & Jack (Team Samurai)Vote15 Votes in Poll(Edited by 350657 ALPHA)GanondorfNaruto UzumakiShredderVoldemortGreninjaSilver Samurai
151443A·5/10/2022in Polls and DebatingWWW? (Randomized 3 vs 3)Overhaul, Kars (w/ ULF), NezukoIchigo, Naruto, AangVote13 Votes in PollOverhaulNezuko KamadoNaruto UzumakiKarsAangIchigo Kurosaki
Alexanderdavidlocarno·12/7/2021in Generalvarios errores,varias cosas,varias mas,y lo hare como yo quiera,porque mañana es mi cumpleaños 15triger-verse y todo esta conectadoustedes no saben analisar este anime bien(ttgl)naruto es multiversal y ustedes cortan cosasrandom(porque queria)Vote13 Votes in PollNaruto UzumakiTengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Kenshi 71·7/24/2021in Polls and DebatingWho wins Luke Skywalker Naruto Uzumaki I don’t know Meme button Vote35 Votes in PollNaruto UzumakiLuke Skywalker
Lord JJJ·7/24/2021in Polls and DebatingLord JJJ tournament round 1 match 6 : somethingNaruto UzumakiFriskVote24 Votes in PollFriskNaruto Uzumaki