The Big One: Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Great Alts: Mario Mario (Nintendo), Felix The Cat (Dreamworks), Popeye (Thimble Theatre)
Mid: Cat In The Hat (Dr. Seuss), Spongebob Squarepants (Nickelodeon), Superman (DC/Guilty Pleasure), Woody Woodpecker (Universal), Chuck E Cheese
Unsure: Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid), Kermit the frog (Muppets)
Not My Thing: Oswald (Universal/Disney), Cuphead (HDMR Studios), Garfield (Viac- Viacom?)
No.: Meta Knight (Kirby), Yoda (Star Wars), Shantae (Wayforward), Goku (DBZ), Ryuko (Kill La Kill), everyone else