Bunny Cat4·9/18/2023in Polls and DebatingEarly Horror Video Game Battle RoyaleJason Voorhees (NES)Homicidal Maniac (Halloween Atari 2600)Leatherface (Atari)Vote20 Votes in PollJason VoorheesMichael MyersLeatherface
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FNAFpro52·1/17/2022in Self-PromotionHannibal Lecter vs Leatherface COMPLETEDhttps://deathbattlefanon.fandom.com/wiki/Hannibal_Lecter_vs_LeatherfaceHannibal Lecter vs LeatherfaceDeath Battle Fanon WikiSheesh, that took awhile.-???: Are you having fun?Vs???: Sheep. Sheep. Sheep. It's time for sleep.LeatherfaceHannibal Lecter vs LeatherfaceHannibal Lecter
350646 X·11/13/2021in Polls and DebatingWWW?Taki (Fnf Mods)Leatherface (Texas chainsaw massacre)Vote12 Votes in PollLeatherface