15 Votes in Poll
Given on one of my recent Polls, Ghostface is currently winning, when using him, should it be a duo, or just a single Ghostface?
I'd assume if they face an opponent that is also a duo, there is 100% allowed to be two, but I don't know if regardless of if it is a single or two opponents there should be two Ghostface.
Also, would all Ghostface scale to each other, or does it have to be specific Ghostface(s)?
Since one of them wore a bulletproof vest, but others did not.
I'd assume if composite is allowed, Dead By Daylight is allowed to be used (Composite means ALL Media I'm pretty sure), but I don't know how that would work, like aside from the typical feats (breaking pallets, catching up to athletes), what perks would count, since when Myers and Jason fought in Death Battle, they did mention Myers had some stuff from DBD that affected healing, but it didn't really matter as Jason's healing was too good.
Sorry this is a long thing, but I really do not want to mess up doing my new battles I'm going to do.
5 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
The one: The Fisherman (I know what you did last summer)
Good Alts: The Impostor (Among Us), Fliqpy (HTF) *Guilty Pleasure*, Chica (FNAF)
Ok: Michael Myers (Halloween), Ticci Toby, The Observer, Dollface (Twisted Metal)
Meh: Forgot his name (Heathers), Forgot her name, Jacket (Hotline Miami), Legion (Dead By Daylight), Roy Burns (Friday The 13th), Yuuya Kizami (Corpse Party) *Unsure*
Uhhh: Forgot their names
No, Absolutely Not: Hit-Girl (Kickass)
11 Votes in Poll
3 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll