37 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
All right the votes are in and you want me to talk about Broken Strings.
So, let's talk!
"Sesame Street, a once wonderous place for kids and their families alike. Now turned into a wasteland with nothing but carnage and havoc among the entire realm.
3 stand against the ruler of the broken street. 3 stands against the corrupted fleet. With time growing smaller by the minute, and the darkness growing with it, can they win, or will they fall LIKE, A̴͛͘L̷͑͐Ĺ̴̊ ̴̈́̂T̶̈́͛Ȟ̸̀E̸͝ REST?"
Broken Strings is a FNF Pibby mod own by Vanimations and The Duck Himself. As said before, the mod has the Darkness taken over media, but this time, it has invaded media involving puppets, costumes, animatronics, stop motion, prop, and, for some reason, the Muppets.
Before we start, the mod was originally souly focus on Don't Hug Me I'm Scared with everything else (except Big & Small) was going to be in Freeplay before a change in owners change that.
Anyhoo, the series reveal so far are the Muppets, Sesame Street, DHMIS, Barney & Friends, Big & Small, In The Night Garden, Yo Gabba Gabba, Teletubbies, Pico Vs. Bear/Bear In The Big Blue House, Welcome Home, Wallace & Gromit, Pingu, Moral Orel, Thomas & Friends, Chuck E. Cheese, The Banana Splits, Five Nights at Freddy's, Showbiz Pizza, and Willy's Wonderland.
Toy Story is a YT exclusive and the devs shown their distant for Poppy Playtime and said the Smiling Critters aren't going to be in the mod. They say that video games aren't going to be added, tho they made a poll on My Friemdly Neighborhood & Slendytubbies and the FNaF is based on the movie (tho they let a song based on FNaF World in, something about how cool it is)
Now let's get to the lore. The Darkness is on steroids.
Let me explain
The way the Darkness works in the mod is that they have to get complete control over the show, by beginning to play an episode on all public stations. It will progressively get more creepier and then the main character (Ex. Elmo) attempts to corrupt the people watching until all stations pull the episode off. Afterwards, the show will be seperated from the real world. When the show succeeded of corrupting the audience, they would be killed or have no memories of it.
Now this goop is fucked us since they can make these characters kill/corrupt others, like Telly ripping Rosita's head off or Cookie Monster killing little kids in a nursery. Yeah, you read that right, folks. The Cookie Monster went to a nursery, went to the kids, and attack them like Doomguy attacking the demons of hell.
Spoilers, the people I remember dying in this mod are Oscar (& Slimey), Cookie Monster, Rosita, Zoe, Barney, Twiba, Bear/Big Brown Bary, Chuck E., and Boyfriend. Yep, Boyfriend is killed off here.
Let's get back to the lore.
So, Walter (not Walter White you dum-dums) is stuck in the real world, when Kermit got partially corrupted he learn of the Darkness' plans, Abby Cadabby is patient 0 of Sesame Street, BF dies in DHMIS, Cookie Monster kill/corrupt Oscar (and Slimey when he tried to save him), Elmo was once made a fucking God before being changed to being a hard to save corrupted, DJ Lance is the only live-action human so far to be corrupted, and that's all I got :p
Anyway, either laziness or that's all I got for the mod, I'm done here folks. Hope you enjoy the post!
15 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
I was bored and decided to do this:
We open at a pizzeria. As we see many pizzas and party hats around. As we saw a sea next to it and came out was Superfriends Aquaman, who walk in the pizzeria.
"Batman told me this place is full of disappearing children. I gotta go find them and take them home!" Say Superfriends Aquaman. as he's walk around to check around places.
"Where are those kids anyway?" Say Superfriends Aquaman in confusing.
Superfriends Aquaman kept on looking to the missing children. As he's was near the pirates cove. Foxy came out of it and tried to swung his hook at Superfriends Aquaman, Who dodged it.
"Woah! Hey! Who Are You!" Say Superfriends Aquaman in anger
"I Be Foxy the pirates fox! I be here to killed you!" Say Foxy
"Oh Really? Well... Bring it on!" Say Superfriends Aquaman.
Both fighters get ready to killed each other to see who the most powerful. Suddenly. Both Fighters charges at each other.
Foxy Swung his Hook and swings it at Superfriends Aquaman but Aquaman dodges it and swiped his hand on Foxy's face. As Foxy fell down on the ground. As they both charging at each other again.
"Heh! Go Die!" Screamed Foxy and swing his hook at Superfriends Aquaman's head. But instead of hitting him, Superfriends Aquaman punched Foxy's stomach. As he hit his stomach hard to make it burst. And Foxy fell down on the ground unable to move.
"Wow! That was amazing!" Said Superfriends Aquaman as he's going to see if there are any more missing children.
"Not Today Fishy!" Say Foxy as he get back up before leaping toward Superfriends Aquaman
Both crashes into a wall and fell down into the sea. As they both struggling to not drown.
"You're no match for me fishy!" Says Foxy as he's about to kill Superfriends Aquaman with his hook.
But suddenly. A huge tidal wave appeared and crashed against both fighters. As both of them start to sink.
"Aww... Drowning..." Say Foxy as he's holding his breath underwater.
Suddenly. A other huge tidal wave appeared and crashes against both fighters before throwing them back into the land. As both Fighters get back up and ready to fight again.
Superfriends Aquaman than charged at Foxy with his trident while Foxy charge at him swinging his hook. As they both crashing together and pushed them away from each other.
"I'll beat you fishy! I swear!" Screamed Foxy and swung his hook at Superfriends Aquaman's head but he dodged it and swipes his hands on Foxy's torso.
As he hit his torso hard making him fly into the air. And as he landed on the ground he fall unconscious.
"That's enough now!" Say Superfriends Aquaman as he's lifting up Foxy onto his shoulders.
"You won't defeat me Fishy!" Screams Foxy.
"I don't know what you want to do with that boy but if you hurt him I will never forgive you! Never! So please don't do anything to him!" Yells Superfriends Aquaman
"I don't care" Say Foxy
"Just let him go!" Shouts Superfriends Aquaman
"No!" Scream Foxy before slamming Superfriends Aquaman into the building causing it to collapse.
Superfriends Aquaman goes flying through the sky and lands in a forest. Then he walks towards some child who's hiding behind the trees.
"Are you okay little guy?" Ask Superfriends Aquaman
The child opens its eyes and look at Superfriends Aquaman, then nod.
"Don't think i'm forgetting about you Fishy!" Say Foxy before running toward Superfriends Aquaman As he tried to swing his hook at Superfriends Aquaman.
But Superfriends Aquaman managed to dodge it and punch Foxy in his gut making him fly into the air.
"Ha! Got ya!" Screams Foxy as he's aiming his hooks to Superfriends Aquaman's head.
But Superfriends Aquaman quickly dodge it and hits Foxy on his stomach.
"Ngh! Ow!" Screams Foxy as he falls down on the ground.
"I have something else in mind for you!" Says Superfriends Aquaman before charging at Foxy with his trident.
Foxy tried to block Superfriends Aquaman trident but soon was knocked out.
"Geez you're really strong." Says Foxy as he's getting back up again.
"Time to end this!" Say Superfriends Aquaman
Both fighters charged at each other.
Foxy swung his hook at Superfriends Aquaman, But Superfriends Aquaman manage to dodge it.
"What? Fishy said he's going to kick my ass!" Screams Foxy
Superfriends Aquaman punched Foxy's stomach, making Foxy flew into the air.
"Ha! You won't touch me like that again!" Screams Foxy
Then he landed on the ground.
Superfriends Aquaman ran to Foxy and tried to punch him again but Foxy blocked it with his hook.
"Hah! No way!" Screams Foxy as he swung his hook at Superfriends Aquaman's head.
But Superfriends Aquaman dodged it by swiping his hand before hitting Foxy Hook, making it fall out of Foxy's hands.
"Stop it! Stop it!" Yells Superfriends Aquaman
"You're no match for me!" Screams Foxy
"I'm gonna destroy you!" Screams Superfriends Aquaman
Superfriends Aquaman throw his trident straight into Foxy, as Foxy couldn't react before getting hit directly.
And as Foxy got hit he starts to scream as blood is coming out of his mouth.
"You killed me..." Screams Foxy as he's laying down on the ground.
Soon after Superfriends Aquaman runs toward The child to see how he's doing and started to cry while hugging him.
"It's ok!" Says Superfriends Aquaman "I'm here for you..."
So After That Night Where The ANIMATRONICS Are Trying Killed Them, They Went Back To The Office. But Than.
The Power Went Off, As They Went To The Generator. Something Was Following Them. As They Went There Before Seeing A Fox And Bear Right Behind Them And In An Another Room. A Music Box Their Have To Keep Winding.
Anyway Their Other Thing...
Nights 2 Guides:
If You Move Away From The Generator While Flashing At Foxy Nor Winding The Music Box. The Generator Power Will Drain Power.
Uses The Flashlight At Foxy To Make Him Go Away
If The Flashlight Dies. You Have To Find A Battery In One Of The Many Drawers
Need To Keep Winding The Music Box Or Else The Puppet...
If You Heard Freddy Laughing. You Have To Hide In The Open Large Box. Closet Or Hide Under The Table.
Way To Survived:
Is Very Fast To Checked One Of The Drawers To Find The Battery
Quick Enough To Get Through The Another Room To Wind The Music Box
Is Very Quick While Doing Something And Get Back To Refill The Generator
Could Never Drain The Flashlight Battery
Is Very Stealthy Enough To Hide From Freddy
Is Small Enough To Hide Inside Of The Things
Way To Die:
Is Not Hurry Enough To Checked One Of The Drawer
Slow Enough To Not Get Through The Music Box
Can't Do Two Thing At Once
Really Drain The Flashlight Battery
Not Very Stealthy To Hide From Freddy
If Their Big. Can't Hide In One Of The Things From Freddy
Anyway Let's Go
Flower (BFDI) [Flowerguy1] {Survived}
Eda Clawthore (The Owl House) [Flowerguy1]
Lord X (Sonic PC Port) [Flowerguy1] {Survived}
Dimentio (Paper Mario) [Flowerguy1]
Captain Kirk [Cheesypickles564]
Dimitri [Cheesypickles564]
Jake (Subway Surfers) [Cheesypickles564]
Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) [Smaggle] {Survived}
Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) [Smaggle] {Survived}
Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom (Marvel) [Smaggle] {Survived}
Big Boss (Metal Gear) [Smaggle] {Survived}
Bubsy (...) [Bunny Cat4]
Krillin (Dragon Ball) [BigShark81913] {Survived}
Scotsman (Samurai Jack) [BigShark81913] {Survived}
Engineer (TF2) [BigShark81913] {Survived}
Mewtwo (Pokemon) [Thelaserman20] {Survived}
Metal Sonic (Sonic) [Thelaserman20] {Survived}
The Second Coming (AVA) [Thelaserman20] {Survived}
Joseph Joestar (Jojo) [371841-DD] {Survived}
Yamcha (Dragon Ball) [371841-DD] {Survived}
Morbius (Marvel) [371841-DD] {Survived}
Plague Knight (Shovel Knight) [350657 ALPHA]
Devo (Jojo) [350657 ALPHA]
Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC) [PowerfulEevee]
Cell (Dragon Ball Abridged)
Jetstream Sam (Metal Gear) {Survived}
15 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
No, i'm not makeing Joseph vs Foxy. But still, what are your opinions of this?
I'm still working on Zero vs. Foxy. I know it's taking a while, but I'm sort of unfamiliar with Mega Man X. Still, I'm working hard to make this battle the best it can be. I hope you're all red-y for a robo-fight!
Well, it was a difficult task, but I finally found an opponent for Zero from Mega Man X. He'll be fighting Foxy from Five Nights At Freddy's. It's a battle between popular red robots! And, yes, Foxy will be using his abilities from FNAF World to make this a fair fight. Will Dr. Wily's Maverick Hunter prevail? Or will the Pirate Fox slash his way to victory? Find out soon! Zero vs. Foxy coming soon!
17 Votes in Poll
Just continue it, period.
I made The Wattersons vs The Animatronics and I had the Animatronics win. I just believe they would win. I even put a poll on it, and the Wattersons has 2 votes, while the Animatronics have only 1 vote. Let me analyze them:
The Animatronics:
Have superior weaponry (Foxy has a hook, Freddy Fazbear has a microphone and Bonnie has a guitar)
Have better intelligence (Over Richard, that is)
Have more experience in killing
Some are based on animals who could kill the Wattersons
Have harder skin
Teeth can easily penetrate the Watterson's skin
The Wattersons
Have lower intelligence (Richard, that is)
Smaller (Anais, Darwin and Gumball)
They are animals who could be killed by the animals some of the Animatronics are based on
High anger issues could be a weakness (Nicole)
I believe the Animatronics will win because of their advantages. So how can the Wattersons beat them?