Ever wanted to make a thumbnail just for fun but realize that you are all alone? (Probably because you smell bad) Well this thread is just the solution
How it Works:
The first person posts their side of the thumbnail already completed, effects, backgrounds, renders, the whole shebang, while the other person has to find the render of a random character to match up with it with a render to match up the other side (it doesn’t have to be perfect, for example…
Dude #1 posts their side of the thumbnail already completed side (example below):
The next person who comes across it finishes the thumbnail by adding their side as well, another example below (there’s no limit to how many people can complete a side though, that’s the point of a mix and match!)
(Optional: you can find a way to alert the user of its completion, so basically through message wall, discord, or whatever.)
Anyways, have fun! And follow the wiki rules! Oh and I’ll start off first.